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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robotic Guidance: Velocity Profile Symmetry and Online Feedback Use during Manual Aiming

Srubiski, Shirley Luba 27 November 2012 (has links)
The current study evaluated whether robotic guidance can influence movement planning and/or the use of online proprioceptive feedback. Participants were divided into three groups wherein they practiced an aiming task unassisted or via a robotic device that led them through a trajectory with an asymmetric or symmetric velocity profile. Baseline performance was measured prior to training and a post-test included control and tendon vibration trials. Temporal, spatial, and kinematic variables were used to assess planning and online control mechanisms. Results indicated that tendon vibration altered the way individuals planned their movements and used online sensory feedback. Robotic-guided groups appeared to use online feedback to a lesser extent than the unassisted group during tendon vibration trials, based on kinematic data. Individuals may become less inclined to use erroneous proprioceptive feedback following robotic guidance, supporting the potential benefit of robotics in neuro-motor rehabilitation for those with proprioceptive deficits.

Lateralidad manual en chimpancés (Género "Pan") y orangutanes ("Pongo pygmaeus")

Colell Mimó, Montserrat 06 April 1992 (has links)
El objeto de nuestra investigación ha sido el estudio de la posible lateralidad manual (grado y direccionalidad de la misma) de los sujetos de una muestra integrada por 31 chimpancés comunes ("Pan troglodytes"), 2 chimpancés pigmeos o bonobos ("Pan paniscus") y 3 orangutanes ("Pongo pygmaeus"), todos ellos en condiciones de cautividad.Se ha observado a los individuos mientras llevaban a cabo la acción de recoger comida (y llevársela a la boca), considerando todos aquellos factores circunstanciales que pudieran incidir sobre la elección preferente de una u otra extremidad. Así, el tamaño del ítem de alimento suministrado, la posición de dicha comida respecto del sujeto, la postura adoptada por el individuo mientras realizaba la acción indicada, el lugar donde se encontraba el alimento al ser recogido y, finalmente, las condiciones de la mano no empleada para recoger comida.En algunos casos, también se han registrado otras conductas espontáneas, tales como: lanzar objetos dirigidos a un blanco, beber agua con la mano y provocar corrientes en la superficie del agua para obtener un objeto flotante sobre la misma.Asimismo, se han propuesto unas pruebas manipulativas especificas a una submuestra de sujetos (formada por 24 chimpancés comunes y 2 orangutanes), consistentes en cuatro aparatos diseñados al efecto, cuya resolución exigía el empleo de una o ambas manos en acciones secuenciales y/o simultáneas, al objeto de obtener una recompensa (un ítem de comida).Además de las preferencias manuales exhibidas por los sujetos en cada una de las acciones de resolución de los aparatos y las estrategias utilizadas para resolverlos, se contemplaba también la postura adoptada por los individuos al manipularlos, controlado la posición del sujeto respecto del aparato y la libertad de la mano no empleada en la acción.Asimismo, al evaluar los resultados obtenidos por los sujetos, se consideraron los siguientes factores: el grado de dificultad cognitivo-atencional y la componente visuoespacial de cada uno de los 4 aparatos, el control motor requerido por las diversas acciones, el número de orden de cada acción en la secuencia de resolución y la coordinación bimanual exigida.El análisis de los datos muestra que el 81 % de los 36 individuos estudiados exhibe una preferencia manual significativa diestra (17 chimpancés y 2 orangutanes) o zurda (10 chimpancés) en la acción de recoger comida.Esta preferencia manual se mantiene estable en el tiempo en los sujetos adultos -mayores de 7 años-, y es consistente en direccionalidad con las preferencias manuales mostradas por cada individuo en las restantes conductas espontáneas consideradas.También podernos hablar de patrones de lateralidad manual individuales en 25 de los 26 sujetos que resolvieron, al menos, un aparato, en función de la preferencia manual exhibida y la consistencia inter-acciones en la direccionalidad de dicha preferencia. En los chimpancés: 8 diestros, 5 diestros mixtos, 1 zurdo mixto y 9 zurdos; en los orangutanes: 1 diestro y 1 diestro mixto. Estos patrones individuales coinciden, en la mayoría de los casos, con las preferencias manuales exhibidas en las conductas espontáneas.De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, tanto la edad como la especie parecen ser aspectos relevantes al considerar la lateralidad manual de los sujetos.Así, en los sujetos jóvenes se observa la utilización de la boca en acciones manipulativas simples, una inestabilidad temporal de las preferencias manuales y una cierta dificultad de comprensión y ejecución de las tareas que requieren una coordinación bimanual simultánea. En los adultos, en cambio, se observa una consistencia en el tiempo de las preferencias manuales exhibidas y una direccionalidad diestra de las mismas en la mayoría de los individuos.Las características morfo-conductuales de la especie influyen decisivamente en la realización de la tarea e indirectamente pueden afectar a los patrones de coordinación y lateralidad manual de los sujetos. Así, los orangutanes utilizan, de forma coordinada y eficiente, manos, pies y boca en algunas de las acciones de resolución de los aparatos y exhiben prensiones de precisión digital que no incluyen el empleo del pulgar.Asimismo, se comprueba que hay una serie de factores en las conductas observadas y/o en las tareas propuestas, que facilitarían la expresión de la lateralidad manual, mientras otros tenderían a dificultarla.Entre los primeros cabe destacar: el alto grado de control motor, especialmente la realización de prensiones digitales de precisión; el uso simultáneo y coordinado de ambas manos en acciones con exigencias motoras diversas y, finalmente, la adopción de posturas que implican una reorientación de todo el cuerpo hacia el objetivo final de la acción.En cuanto a los segundos, hay que considerar: la novedad de la tarea y la presencia de una componente visuo-espacial importante -que interfiere en la expresión de la lateralidad manual de los sujetos, especialmente entre aquellos que presentan una preferencia manual diestra- y la complejidad cognitiva de la tarea -particularmente si se traba ja con individuos jóvenes-.A la luz de los resultados obtenidos, creemos posible afirmar que el estudio de la lateralidad manual de los chimpancés y de los orangutanes, nos proporciona modelos homólogos muy válidos para intentar comprender el origen y desarrollo de esta especialización conductual.Ninguno de los datos aportados por nuestro trabajo nos indica una ruptura de orden cualitativa entre las preferencias manuales de los póngidos estudiados y las de los seres humanos. La mayoría de los sujetos de nuestra muestra están manualmente lateralizados y se observa una ligera tendencia hacia el dextrismo -significativa entre los adultos-. / A study on possible manual laterality was carried out on a sample, comprising 31 common chimpanzees ("Pan trogldyytes"), 2 pygmy chimpanzees ("Pan paniscus"), and orang-utans ("Pongo pygmaeus"), all under conditions of captivity.The individuals were observed while engaged in food-reaching activity. In addition, specific manipulative tests were set up for a subsample of subjects (comprising 24 common chimpanzees and orang-utans), consisting of four apparatus whose solution demanded the use of one or both hands in sequential and/or simultaneous actions for the purpose of obtaining a reward (a food item).Analysis of the data shows that the majority of the individuals studied (81%) displayed a significant manual preference in food-reaching activity.Individual manual laterality patterns may also be spoken of in 25 of the 26 subjects completing at least one apparatus (9 left-handed, 1 mixed left-handed, 6 mixed right-handed, and 9 right-handed). The left/right direction of these preferences coincides, in 96% of the individuals, to that shown in their spontaneous behaviour.Both age and the morpho-behavioural characteristics of the species would seem to be significant aspects when considering the manual laterality of the subjects. It was also shown that there are some factors in the behaviour observed and/or the tasks set up that tend to facilitate the expression of the subjects' manual laterality whereas others tend to inhibit it.In the light of the results obtained, it can be stated that the study of manual laterality in chimpanzees and orang-utans provides homologous models that are valid for understanding the origin and development of that behavioural specialization. None of the data obtained points to a qualitative break between the manual preferences of the apes studied and those of human beings. Most of the subjects in the sample are manually lateralized, and there is a slight tendency towards right-handedness - one which becomes significant in the case of adults.

Skriv lätt om teknik : en studie i hur manualer kan instruera i klarspråk

Lagerkvist, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Det här examensarbetet har gått ut på att undersöka hur en manual kan utformas för att instruera i att skriva klarspråk om teknisk information. Jag har arbetat utifrån principerna läsligt, läsbarhet och läsvärde samt läst studier i hur en skribent kan förenkla en text. Jag har också utfört en textanalys, gruppintervju och användartest för att skapa en manual som kan vara anpassad utifrån målgruppens behov.  I mitt arbete har jag använt mig av principer för att skriva klarspråk. Det är att målgruppsanpassa, använda bekanta ord, skriva en logisk meningsbyggnad och att -strukturera texten på rätt sätt. Manualen blev kortfattad för att passa målgruppen. Den innehåller många exempel för att skapa förståelse och läsvärde. / Abstract The purpose of this report was to investigate how a users manual could be designed to instruct in writing simplified swedish when describing technical information.  To produce the manual, I have read studies of writing simplicity and clarity. I have based the work on the principles of readibility, legibility and reading value. In order to get to know the target group, I analyzed some of their previous writing, held an -interview and tested the user manual in the end of the process.  There are a guidelines which could help in writing with clarity. Those guidelines suggest that you write with the reader in mind, use familiar terms and structure the sentences and paragraphs in a logical way. With only four pages the user manual was designed to fit the target group. It contains examples, written to fit the preferences of the target group, to help the readers to understand the principles of writing clarity.

The effectiveness of a manual handling workplace risk assessment team in reducing the rate and severity of occupational injury.

Carrivick, Philip J.W. January 2002 (has links)
Globally, there is an increasing tendency for occupational legislation and practice to require that employers actively involve their employees in the process of identifying, assessing and addressing the risk of injury in the workplace. Despite this, there is a paucity of research evaluating the effectiveness of participatory ergonomics in reducing occupational injury outcomes. In particular, a review of the literature fails to identify research that reports a change in the risk of injury at the level of the individual worker. The objectives of this study were to determine whether a participatory ergonomics approach to the control of workplace hazards and manual hazards in particular, could reduce the occurrence and severity of injury among a working population at risk.The research design was that of a longitudinal pre-post intervention study, with one intervention and three comparison groups. The observational period between 1 July 1988 and the 31 October 1995, comprised a 4.3 year pre-intervention period and a 3- year post-intervention period. The Intervention Group was a population of hospital cleaners at a high risk of injury. Three comparison groups were used, namely orderlies from the same hospital, cleaners from a similar hospital, and all the cleaners in the State of Western Australia. The primary outcome measure of occurrence was that of a lost- time injury (LTI).To obtain parameters of injury severity, each LTI was measured in terms of the associated CP1-adjusted workers' compensation claim cost and the number of hours lost from work (duration). The data were obtained three years after the observational period, to improve the likelihood that the claims had been finalised. Aggregate level LTI data were obtained for all four groups. Individual-level data were also obtained for the Intervention Group and the Orderly Services Group, whether injured or not. These ++ / data included the age, gender, hours worked and work experience of the subjects. Also, where there was an LTI, it was determined whether or not the mechanism of injury was from manual handling. Using these data, two analytical approaches were then undertaken. Study 1 assessed the aggregate-level LTI data of the four groups. Study 2 evaluated individual-level data for the Intervention Group and the Orderly Services Group.The results demonstrate statistically significant post-intervention reductions In all measures of LTI occurrence for the Intervention Group. In particular, after allowance for age, gender and work experience, there was a two thirds reduction in the rate of LTI per hour worked. No reduction in injury occurrence was observed for any of the comparison groups. The severity of each injury, as measured by claim cost and duration, did not change after the intervention for the Intervention Group.This study indicates that a small group of unskilled workers, with the facilitation of an ergonomist, can successfully undertake an iterative process of identifying and assessing hazards and make recommendations for their control. In doing so, even where the primary focus is on manual handling hazards, a reduction in the risk of injury from both manual handling and non-manual handling mechanisms can be achieved. Participatory ergonomics, by investing hazard management skills within employees, increases the likelihood that solutions to problems will be accepted, and should release ergonomists to consult to a greater number of workplaces than if they work independently of employee participation. The evaluation of interventions in a variety of workplace settings is recommended, to confirm participatory ergonomics as an effective tool for the reduction of the global burden of occupational injury.

John Bulwer's Chirologia ... Chironomia a facsimile edition with introduction and notes /

J. B. Cleary, James W. January 1956 (has links)
Editor's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1956. / Verifax reproduction of the 1644 ed. in the University of Wisconsin Library, with typescript introduction and notes. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (v. 1, leaves 132-135).

Kinetic analysis of manual wheelchair propulsion under different environmental conditions between experienced and new manual wheelchair users with spinal cord injury

Singla, Manu. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Alberta, 2009. / A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science - Physical Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Title from pdf file main screen (viewed on October 23, 2009). Includes bibliographical references.

Pharmacotherapy and placebo response in dysthymia /

Kotsopoulos, Jason, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Carleton University, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available in electronic format on the Internet.

Representação da ambigüidade em manuais de redação

Cunha, Glória Cristina January 2003 (has links)
Nosso objetivo, nessa Dissertação, consiste em analisar, a partir dos pressupostos teóricos da escola francesa de Análise do Discurso, o tratamento recebido pelo fenômeno da ambigüidade em manuais de redação, ou seja, através desses pressupostos teóricos questionamos a maneira pela qual a ambigüidade aparece representada no discurso dos manuais de redação os quais, por sua vez, têm seus saberes avalizados por saberes que circulam em gramáticas normativas, pedagógicas, em compêndios gramaticais e em determinadas teorias lingüísticas. Tais saberes, ao pregarem o expurgo da ambigüidade da língua, exigem dela univocidade e clareza, assim como possibilitam que se instaure a evidência do sujeito e dos sentidos e a suposta autonomia desse sujeito sobre o funcionamento da linguagem. Identificamos esta postura como uma das posições-sujeito que participam da formação discursiva docente que pretende regular os saberes sobre a língua. Para efetivar essa pesquisa examinamos manuais de redação que se encontram em uso, hoje, em escolas de Porto Alegre, alguns compêndios gramaticais publicados a partir de 1930, e gramáticas normativas, expositivas e pedagógicas de Língua Portuguesa.

A medida da leiturabilidade como ferramenta de apoio no processo de investigação ergonômica das dificuldades de leitura e compreensão de textos /

Araújo, Carlos Manta Pinto de January 1998 (has links)
Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-17T04:45:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0Bitstream added on 2016-01-08T23:08:51Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 143911.pdf: 5410278 bytes, checksum: 2dbb36204ec416a8ac68993e1d6c6914 (MD5)

Ornamentation In Eighteenth-Century Guitar Music: An Examination Of Instruction Manuals From 1750-1800

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Profound alterations to instruments that take place over short periods of time are fascinating, and the changes undergone by the guitar during the late eighteenth century make for an intriguing transition in the instrument's history. The guitar that existed before 1750 is most commonly referred to as the 'Baroque guitar' and is vastly different from the guitar of today. It was considerably smaller than the guitars that followed, pitched higher, and used primarily for accompaniment through chord strumming. From roughly 1750 to 1800 the guitar underwent a transformation that eventually led to the design and performance practices that have continued through to this day; larger, with lower-pitched courses (and sometimes single stringing), and used increasingly more in punteado (plucked) style. By defining the instrument as it existed prior to 1750, and the changes that it underwent after 1750, we can ensure that the instrument discussed is the one that has directly led to the instrument we use today. Because instrument design and performance practice inevitably influence each other, a thorough examination of ornamentation practices from 1750-1800 can lead to a greater understanding of the instrument as it changed, and the instrument it eventually turned into. Since the early nineteenth century was one of the more productive time periods for the guitar, having a better understanding of the ornamentation performance practices that preceded it may provide insight to how the players and composers of this fertile time (Sor, Aguado, Giuliani, etc.) approached their instrument. Although there was not much music printed or copied for guitar during the latter half of the eighteenth century, a substantial number of guitars were built, along with instruction manuals featuring the guitar. Instruction manuals were examined, along with works for solo guitar and guitar in ensemble with other instruments, to explore ornamentation practices from 1750-1800. Through examination of the guitar instruction manuals of the late eighteenth century, an increased understanding is gained regarding the techniques that eventually became cornerstones of nineteenth-century guitar performance practice. / Dissertation/Thesis / D.M.A. Music 2012

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