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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cercospora zeae-maydis: esporulação, diversidade morfo-genética e reação de linhagens de milho. / Cercospora zeae-maydis: sporulation, morfological-genetic diversity, and reaction in maize lines.

Brunelli, Kátia Regiane 13 October 2004 (has links)
A incidência e severidade da mancha de cercospora, causada por Cercospora zeae-maydis Tehon & Daniels, aumentou significativamente em território brasileiro a partir do ano 2000, sendo hoje considerada uma das principais doenças foliares da cultura do milho. Mesmo assim, poucos estudos com este patossistema foram realizados no Brasil. Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar meio de cultura e regime luminoso para adequada esporulação de C. zeae-maydis, estudar a reação de um grupo de 118 linhagens endogâmicas de milho quanto a resistência ao patógeno em dois ambientes distintos (Indianópolis-MG e Jardinópolis-SP), observar aspectos microscópicos da esporulação, germinação e penetração em hospedeira suscetível e avaliar diferenças morfológicas, genéticas e de agressividade entre isolados coletados na região centro-sul do país. Os resultados indicaram que a melhor esporulação do fungo foi obtida em meio V8 e suco de tomate temperado quando submetidos a fotoperíodo 12/12h (luz/escuro). Quanto a reação das linhagens à doença, foi possível verificar interação diferencial significativa entre genótipo de milho e os dois ambientes, indicando que fatores ambientais ou patogênicos, distintos entre os locais, podem ter contribuído para os discrepantes comportamentos de alguns genótipos. Também foi possível verificar elevado nível de resistência em 12 linhagens em ambos locais, demonstrando a existência de genótipos mais estáveis para resistência com possibilidade de uso em programas de melhoramento da cultura. Através da análise do padrão de restrição gerado pela digestão da região ITS-5.8S do rDNA, de 104 locos AFLP e de mensurações morfométricas dos conídios, foi possível verificar a existência de dois grupos geneticamente distintos de C. zeae-maydis em território brasileiro. Estes são relatados na literatura como grupos I e II ou espécies afins (siblings species). Estes grupos foram detectados em todos os locais de coleta do território brasileiro, com exceção de Goiás, onde o grupo I não foi observado. Quanto aos aspectos microscópicos deste patógeno, foi possível verificar que sob condições ambientais adequadas a germinação dos esporos ocorre 13 horas após o contato do esporo com a hospedeira, e a penetração, via estômato, tem início 16 horas após a inoculação. Também foi observado o fenômeno da conidiação microcíclica nos isolados brasileiros. Vinte e seis por cento daqueles pertencentes ao grupo I produziram microconídios, enquanto nenhum do grupo II apresentou esta característica. Deste modo, este é o primeiro relato da existência deste fenômeno no grupo I e ausência no grupo II. Estes estudos demonstram que a população brasileira de C. zeae-maydis se assemelha àquelas existentes nos Estados Unidos e na África, com a prevalência dos dois grupos genéticos. / The incidence and severity of cercospora leaf spot, caused by Cercospora zeae-maydis Tehon & Daniels, increased significantly in Brazil in 2000, being considered today one of the major leaf disease of the crop. Despite this, few researches about the pathosystem come being carried in Brazil. The aims of this work were to identify the suitable culture media and light conditions for sporulation of C. zeae-maydis; to study the reaction of 118 mayze genotypes to pathogen in two different locations (Indianópolis - Minas gerais State and Jardinópolis - São Paulo State); to observe some microscopical aspects of esporulation, germination and penetration in a susceptible maize genotype; and finally to assess morphological and genetic differences among a group of isolates collected in center-south Brazil. The results showed that the better culture media for esporulation was the V8 media and tomato juice, under 12-hours photoperiod. Concerning to genotype reaction to disease, it was possible to verify significant interaction between genotypes and environment, indicanting that environmental or pathogenic factors, distinct between locations, may have influenced the reactions of some genotypes. It was possible to identify highly level of resistance in 12 lines in both places, evidencing the existence of stable genotypes that can be used in breeding programs. Analysis of restriction fragments from ITS-5.8S of rDNA, 104 AFLP loci, and conidial measurements, showed the existence of two genetically divergent groups of C. zeae-maydis in Brazil. These groups are similar to the ones reported previously reported as I and II groups or siblings species. Both groups were detected in all sampled regions, except Goiás State where no isolates from group I were detected. Concerning to microscopic traits, it was possible to verify that the brazilian isolates of this pathogen have the ability for production of microconidia. Twenty six percent of the isolates of the group I produced microconidia, while none of the group II showed this trait. Thus, this is the first report with presence of MC in the group I but absence in the group II. The results showed that Brazilian isolates are very similar to isolates from USA and Africa, occurring both genetic groups.

Responsabilidade social corporativa gerando valor para a marca: mito ou realidade?

Pavin, Francisco Duarte 30 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:40:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 30 / Nenhuma / Este trabalho tem como finalidade a busca de uma maior compreensão sobre o tema responsabilidade social corporativa e sua aplicação no contexto estratégico das empresas. Neste ambiente, foram analisadas as características da responsabilidade social corporativa e sua relação com valor de marca, imagem empresarial e performance financeira. Foram definidos três objetivos para este estudo: (a) identificar que atividades sociais os consumidores praticam e em que níveis se consideram socialmente responsáveis; (b) identificar qual o relacionamento entre as atividades de responsabilidade social corporativa praticadas pelas empresas e as percepções dos consumidores em relação a estas práticas; e (c) identificar as percepções dos consumidores em relação ao consumo socialmente responsável e suas implicações para a valorização da marca e da imagem das empresas. Estas inquietudes foram respondidas a partir de uma revisão da literatura e de uma pesquisa quantitativa realizada com consumidores da cidade de Porto Alegre, sen / The present study has the purpose of reaching a higher understanding over the subject corporative social responsibility and its practice in companies’ strategic context. In this environment the characteristics of corporative social responsibility were analyzed and its involvement with brand mark value, company image and financial performance. Three goals were defined for this study: (a) to identify how corporative social responsibility brings value and contributes to company’s image; (b) to identify the results obtained by the companies in the accomplishment of corporative social responsibility activities and what benefits they produce to the society; and (c) to identify the perceptions of the consumers regarding social responsibility and the consumption of socially responsible products. These questions were answered based on a review of existing literature and a quantitative research with customers from Porto Alegre, upon which analysis were conducted, correlating the research variables, offering theoretical

Análise de desempenho das maiores administradoras de fundos de investimentos de renda fixa no Brasil

Braga, Alexandre Xavier Vieira 21 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T19:11:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 21 / Nenhuma / A indústria de fundos de investimento no Brasil está concentrada no segmento de renda fixa. Dos cerca de R$ 220 bilhões depositados em fundos, hoje, R$ 200 bilhões aproximadamente estão nesse segmento e R$ 20 bilhões em carteiras de renda variável. Observou-se que no primeiro semestre de 2002, os fundos de investimento em geral tiveram alguns problemas que diminuíram bastante os seus retornos. A mudança da métrica de avaliação dos fundos, da chamada Curva de Juros para a Marcação a Mercado, provocou profundas transformações em termos de mensuração de valor dos fundos de renda fixa. Neste contexto, verificou-se a performance das 17 maiores administradoras de fundos no período 1997-2003 com dados diários. O método empregado foi a Análise de Dados em Painel. A hipótese de que as administradoras de fundos nacionais privadas obtêm igual relação risco-retorno em suas carteiras do que as administradoras de fundos nacionais estatais e as administradoras de fundos estrangeiras não foi comprovada. As administradoras es / The industry of investment fund in Brazil is concentrated in the segment of fixed income. About R$ 220 billion are deposited in funds nowadays, from which R$ 200 billion approximately are in the fixed income segment and R$ 20 billion in variable income portfolios. In the first semester of 2002 it was observed that investment funds in general had substantially reduced their returns. In the wake of the change of the evaluation metrics of funds from yield curves to mark-to-market, caused profound transformation in the value of fixed income funds. In this context, the performance of the 17 biggest asset management firms in the period 1997-2000 in a daily basis has been assessed. The hypothesis that private Brazilian asset management firms have a similar risk-return performance in their portfolios as state and foreign firms has been rejected. Foreign asset management firms had a superior performance with respect to Brazilian private firms, while private firms sustained a superior performance vis-à-vis state firms

Prisoners of Style: Slavery, Ethics, and the Lives of American Literary Characters

Parra, Jamie Luis January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation reconsiders the relationship between fiction and slavery in American literary culture. “Prisoners of Style” shows how writers from the middle of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century, including Hannah Crafts, Mark Twain, Charles Chesnutt, and William Faulkner, wrestled with enslavement. They found it not only a subject to be written about, but also a problem of characterization. Slavery and the ontological sorcery through which it produced a new kind of individual—the individual who is also a thing—led these authors to rethink basic formal assumptions about realist fiction, especially about what constitutes a literary character. The writers I discuss did not set out to argue for the slave’s humanity or to render her interiority, but instead sought to represent the systematic unmaking of black personhood perpetrated by the laws and institutions that governed chattel slavery in the US. They set out to reveal the ideological violence perpetrated against enslaved blacks, and they did so by writing characters who embodied the categorical uncertainty of the slave, characters who were not allegories for real, full people. The tradition of writing I describe does not represent the fullness of enslaved “persons”; instead it renders something far more abstract: the epistemology that undergirded enslavement—those patterns of thought that preconditioned slavery itself. The authors I study understood fictionality as a thorny ethical, epistemological, and political problem. In my chapter on Crafts, for example, I look at The Bondwoman’s Narrative alongside a set of non-fiction texts about Jane Johnson, the slave who preceded her in John Hill Wheeler’s household. Reading the novel against legal documents, pamphlets, and histories about Johnson and her escape from Wheeler, the chapter explores what fiction could do that these other modes of writing could not. In moments of sleep, amnesia, and daydreaming, Crafts resists the normative logic of subjecthood and individual rights that underpins the representations of Johnson. In the second half of the project, I demonstrate the significance of fictionality to American literary realism’s evolution into modernism. The final chapter, on Faulkner, places two of his Yoknapatawpha novels within the context of his interest in modernist painting and sculpture. Work by Picasso, Matisse, and other visual artists inspired his concern with surfaces and flatness, leading to a meditation on artifice that runs throughout his major novels. I argue that his flatness—his insistence on the non-referential quality of fiction—is crucial for understanding his characterization and philosophy of history history, in particular the history of Southern plantation slavery.

La Vie de Porphyre de Gaza par Marc le Diacre (BHG³ 1570) : Édition critique, traduction, commentaire / The Life of Porphyry of Gaza by Mark the Deacon (BHG³ 1570) : critical edition, french translation, commentary

Lampadaridi, Anna 11 June 2011 (has links)
La Vie de Porphyre de Gaza (BHG³ 1570) se présente comme un texte hagiographique de l’époque protobyzantine écrit par Marc le Diacre. Ce personnage se désigne lui-même comme le disciple du saint qui raconte la vie de son maître après sa mort en 420. Pourtant, à cause d’un emprunt à l’Histoire Philothée de Théodoret de Cyr, la Vie dans son état actuel est certainement postérieure à l’année 444 et ne peut pas provenir de la plume de Marc, qui n’est que le narrateur. Selon l’hypothèse des éditeurs Grégoire et Kugener, la Vie actuelle est le fruit du remaniement d’un texte plus ancien. Le texte nous offre un témoignage unique sur l’histoire du paganisme et du christianisme à Gaza à la fin du IVe et au début du Ve s. Ordonné évêque de Gaza en 395, Porphyre contribue activement à la christianisation de la ville, qui était alors majoritairement païenne. Le point culminant de son activité est la démolition du Marneion et la fondation sur ses débris de la « Grande Église » de Gaza. Cependant, outre les problèmes concernant l’identité de son auteur et sa datation, la Vie s’est trouvée dès l’époque de Tillemont au centre d’un grand débat concernant sa valeur historique, à cause des anachronismes qui ont été relevés. Dans le cadre de notre thèse, nous avons entrepris une nouvelle édition critique du texte, accompagnée d’une traduction française. La brève étude littéraire du texte est suivie par un commentaire historique guidé par le problème d’authenticité que pose la Vie. L’édition critique est précédée d’un examen de la tradition directe et indirecte du texte. Finalement, les notes de la traduction visent à faire ressortir sa valeur documentaire. / The Life of Porphyry of Gaza (BHG³ 1570) is a hagiographical text of the protobyzantine period written by Mark the Deacon. He introduces himself as the saint’s loyal disciple, who narrates his master’s life after his death in 420. However, due to the plagiarism of Theodoret of Cyrrhus’s Philotheos History, the current form of the Vita dates certainly later than 444 and cannot have been written by Mark, who is just the narrator. According to the hypothesis of the editors Grégoire and Kugener, the current form of the Vita is the result of the revision of an older text. The text provides us with a unique account of the history of paganism and christianism in Gaza at the end of the 4th and the beginnings of the 5th century. Appointed bishop of Gaza in 395, Porphyry contributes actively to the christianisation of the city, which was largely pagan. The peak of his activity is the demolition of the Marneion and the erection of the “Great Church” of Gaza on the site of the former temple. However, in addition to the problems concerning its authorship and its datation, the Vita was found in the centre of a great debate concerning its historical value since the time of Tillemont. In the frame of our PhD thesis, we undertook a new critical edition, accompanied by a french translation. The brief literary study of the text is followed by a historical commentary guided by the problem of the Vita’s authenticity. The critical edition is preceded by an examination of the direct and the indirect text tradition. Finally, the notes of the translation aim to reveal its documentary value.

Optimal decisions in illiquid hedge funds

Ramirez Jaime, Hugo January 2016 (has links)
During the work of this research project we were interested in mathematical techniques that give us an insight to the following questions: How do we understand the trading decisions made by a manager of a hedge fund and what influences these decisions? In what way does an illiquid market affect these decisions and the performance of the fund? And how does the payment scheme affect the investor's decisions? Based on existing work on hedge fund management, we start with a fund that can be modelled with one risky investment and one riskless investment. Next, subject to the hedge fund special reward scheme we maximise the expected utility of wealth of the manager, by controlling the percentage invested in the risky investment, namely the portfolio. We use stochastic control techniques to derive a partial differential equation (PDE) and numerically obtain its corresponding viscosity solution, which provides a weak notion of solutions to these PDEs. This is then taken to a liquidity constrained scenario, to compare the behaviour of the two scenarios. Using the same approach as before we notice that due to the liquidity restriction we cannot use a simple model to combine the risky and riskless investments as a total amount, and hence the PDE is one order higher than before. We then model an investor who is investing in the hedge fund subject to the manager's optimal portfolio decisions, with similar mathematical tools as before. Comparisons between the investor's expected utility of wealth and the utility of having the money invested in the risk-free investment suggests that, in some cases, the investor is paying more to the manager than the return he is receiving for having invested in the hedge fund, compared to a risk-free investment. For that reason we propose a strategic game where the manager's action is to allocate the money between the two assets and the investor's action is to add money to the fund when he expects profit. The result is that the investor profits from the option to reinvest in the fund, although in some extreme cases the actions of the manager make the investor receive a negative value for having the option.

Chlorine Transport in a Small Catchment

Svensson, Teresia January 2006 (has links)
De senaste decenniernas forskning har påvisat att en omfattande bildning och nedbrytning av klororganiska föreningar sker i mark. Bildning av sådana föreningar sker genom att klorid binds in i organiskt material. Denna naturliga bildning har rönt uppmärksamhet dels för att många klorerade ämnen är giftiga och dels för man tidigare trott att alla klororganiska ämnen uteslutande kommer från mänsklig verksamhet. Huvudmålet för föreliggande avhandling var att (i) uppskatta transporten av klorerade föreningar i nederbörd och avrinningsvatten, (ii) diskutera de klorerade föreningarnas ursprung med utgångspunkt från hur deras förekomst varierar i avrinningsvatten, (iii) undersöka hur transporten av klorid (salt) påverkas av olika faktorer och (iv) studera hur frisättningen av flyktiga klorerade föreningar från mark påverkas av kväve. Avhandlingen bygger på en klorbudget som konstruerats utifrån fältstudier som genomförts i ett litet skogsbeklätt avrinningsområde i sydöstra Sverige. Dessutom har laboratoriestudier genomförts med jord som inhämtats från samma område. Resultaten visar att lagret av klor i marken är betydligt större än flödena och att det främst består av organiska ämnen medan flödet domineras av klorid (salt). Detta tyder på att en stor del av kloriden deltar i en biogeokemisk cykel vilket strider mot gängse uppfattning att klorid rör sig opåverkat genom mark. Hypotesen är att de översta marklagren fungerar som en sänka för klorid genom att omvandlas till organiskt bundet klor. De djupare jordlagren fungerar däremot som en kloridkälla genom att det klorerade organiska materialet transporterats med regnvatten från de ytligare till de djupare liggande lagren för att så småningom brytas ner, varvid klorid frisätts. Ovan beskrivna hypotes stöds av laboratoriestudierna där man kunnat notera att det sker såväl en fastläggning som en frisättning av klorid i mark. Resultaten från avhandlingen tillsammans med resultat från tidigare studier tyder på att en stor del av den klorid som finns i avrinningsvatten kommer från förmultnande organiskt material och att klorid med andra ord inte följer regnvattnets väg genom marken, vilket man tidigare trott. Studierna tyder alltså på att klorid till viss del ”gör en omväg” med en tidsfördröjning på troligen åtskilliga upp till hundratals år. Vidare tyder studierna på att flyktiga klorerade föreningar som kloroform och tetraklormetan bildas i mark och att tillsats av kväve orsakar en minskning av kloroform och en ökning av tetraklormetan. Avhandlingen visar tydligt att det är nödvändigt att rikta uppmärksamhet mot klors biogeokemi i mark och då inte minst mot de processer som påverkar transporten av klor från de övre marklagren till grundvatten och ytvatten om vi ska öka förståelsen av hur klorerade ämnen som tillförts naturen genom mänskliga aktiviteter beter sig. / It is generally known that chlorine compounds are ubiquitous in the environment. In recent years, researchers have concluded that chlorine is part of a biogeochemical cycle in soil involving an interaction between chloride (Clin) and organic-matter-bound chlorine (Clorg). Even though there is indisputable evidence that Clorg is formed naturally, there are actually few simultaneous field measurements of Clorg and Clin. Previously stipulated conclusions with respect to underlying processes and transport estimates have thus been deduced from rather few concentration measurements. It is well known that the chemical composition in soil and runoff water varies widely over time and in space. The main objective of the thesis is to investigate the on-site variation of Clin, Clorg and VOCls in runoff water in order to (i) construct a chlorine budget on a catchment scale to visualize the relative contribution of Clin, Clorg, and VOCls; (ii) more reliably estimate how and why the concentrations of Clin, Clorg, and VOCls in runoff water vary; and (iii) analyze the influence of various environmental variables on the transport. The present thesis highlights the on-site variation and fluxes of Clin, Clorg, and VOCls in a small forested catchment in southeast Sweden. Field flux data collected during a twoyear period and a constructed overall chlorine budget were evaluated. The results show that the storage is dominated by Clorg whereas the transport is dominated by Clin and that the storage is far much larger than the transport. Still, input and output is nearly in balance for all investigated chlorine species. It is interesting to note that these observations resemble observations made for carbon, nitrogen and sulphur; i.e. a large storage, small transport, complex biogeochemical cycling processes at hand but still close to steady state conditions with respect to output-input balances. It appears as if topsoil acts as a sink for Clin, while deeper soil acts as a source of Clin. In addition, the results of the thesis suggest that on-site variation depend on seasonal variations. These variations are to some extent caused by water discharge, but also by water residence time, internal chlorination/dechlorination of organic matter, and different soil water origins. Furthermore, both a net retention and a net release of Clin were observed in laboratory studies. The study indicates that simultaneous retention and release of Clin takes place in soil, which probably has an impact on the Clin import and export fluxes. Finally, the results show for the first time that tetrachloromethane can be emitted from laboratory incubated soil, and that soil nitrogen concentrations has quite different effects on the emission rates of chloroform and tetrachloromethane. The results of the thesis, considered together with results of previous research, suggest that the turnover of chlorine in soils is extensive and potentially important for chlorine cycling in general, which must be taken into account if one wishes to increase the understanding of the cycling of anthropogenic chlorine compounds in the environment. / <p>On the day of the public defence the status of article IV was: Accepted.</p>

Políticas agrícolas de certificação e sistema agropecuário de produção integrada (SAPI) / Agricultural policies and the agricultural system of certification of integrated production (SAPI)

ARAUJO, Ionnara Vieira de 25 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:25:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dis Ionnara Vieira de Araujo direito.pdf: 1311323 bytes, checksum: 56095dad735d1773f9f599e0d0ac7df1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-25 / The model of mechanized agricultural development, highly dependent on fertilizers and pesticides, does not answer the current demands of the international market especially for quality and food safety. Considering this, the Brazilian government has created agricultural programs of certification, one of them, the Integrated Agricultural Production System (SAPI) is the object of this paper. This system has its focus on new sanitary rules, technological, environmental and social impacts of a consumer market conscious and concerned about the health and environment. The certification mark gives this legal system contribution to the agricultural policies of certification and labeling programs by trying to ensure healthy food, free from hormones and pesticides, through a rigid system of traceability and monitoring process. The comparative method of historical analysis was used in the research. As theoretic reference, this research was based on the ideas of the Brazilian jurist Eros Roberto Grau, who studies law in motion, constantly changing, as it does in reality, a perspective in which the law, as a public policy instrument, is used to amend the social contradictions. In addition to this author, as a theoretic reference, the theories of sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos will be used, specially the ones developed in the book Producing to Live: the ways of non-capitalis production. / O modelo de desenvolvimento agrícola mecanizado e altamente dependente de insumos agrícolas não responde as demandas atuais, especialmente do mercado internacional, por qualidade e segurança alimentar. Em face disto, o Governo brasileiro criou políticas agrícolas de certificação, dentre elas, o Sistema Agropecuário de Produção Integrada (SAPI) objeto de estudo deste trabalho. Este sistema atenta para novas exigências sanitárias, tecnológicas, ambientais e sociais de um mercado consumidor consciente e preocupado com sua saúde e com o meio ambiente. A marca de Certificação dá a este sistema aporte jurídico para as políticas agrícolas de certificação e os programas de rotulagem buscando garantir na agricultura alimentos sadios e isentos de resíduos de hormônios e agroquímicos, por meio de um rígido sistema de rastreabilidade e pelo monitoramento do processo. Utilizou-se na pesquisa o método comparativo e histórico de análise. Como referencial teórico, esta pesquisa se fundou nas idéias do jurista brasileiro Eros Roberto Grau, que estuda o direito em movimento, em constante modificação, como ocorre na realidade concreta, numa visão prospectiva na qual o direito enquanto política pública é instrumento de modificação das contradições sociais. Além deste autor, como referencial teórico, serão utilizadas as teorias do sociólogo Boaventura de Sousa Santos, expressas na obra Produzir para Viver: os caminhos da produção não capitalista.

Litteratur för seklets barn : En studie av bearbetningen av Mark Twains The Prince and the Pauper (1881) till Barnbiblioteket Sagas Prinsen och Tiggargossen (1912)

Wallin, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Mark Twain and Eliza R. Snow: The Innocents Abroad

Meeks, Kathryn Marie 01 June 2018 (has links)
This thesis will examine the surprising and delightful similarities between Mark Twain's The Innocents Abroad (1869) and Eliza R. Snow's letters to the Woman's Exponent published in a book titled Correspondence of Palestine Tourists (1875). Snow traveled abroad from 1872-1873, five years after Twain went abroad in 1867 and three years after The Innocents Abroad was published. She clearly states in her early letters that she was reading Twain and his influence is apparent in her letters. A careful look at her letters will also show that they are not merely an imitation of Twain. Snow takes on a Twainian style to write for her audience, the Latter-day Saint women readers of the Woman's Exponent in Salt Lake City.Reading Snow's letters alongside Twain's The Innocents Abroad is beneficial in understanding the power and influence a popular text can have not only on other texts, but also on how writers describe their personal experiences. Marielle Maco states: 'Works take their place in ordinary life, leaving their marks and exerting a lasting power' 'Ways of Reading, Modes of Being,' 213). The lasting power of Twain's work is clearly shown here in Snow's letters.

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