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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

結構型商品之評價與分析-11倍利差連動債券與Fortune Accumulator

于書婷, Yu, Shu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文分別評價了美元交換利率連結之結構型商品及在香港發行的一檔股權結構型商品,並針對其風險、報酬及條款設計進行分析與建議。文中所評價的利率結構型商品為「11倍利差連動債券」,在對數常態遠期LIBOR模型(LFM)的假設下,我們先利用市場報價的Swaption求出期初的殖利率,再以殖利率求算期初的遠期利率。而交換利率可由一連串的遠期LIBOR利率計算出來,模擬之前我們還需先校準模型的波動度函數及相關係數函數,再使用最小平方法蒙地卡羅模擬利率路徑,以處理此商品的提前贖回條件。另一個股權結構型商品為「Fortune Accumulator」,假設股價變動皆符合幾何布朗運動(Geometric Brownian Motion),並且在風險中立的條件下,其動態過程可經由Ito’s Process轉換出其股價路徑,再利用蒙地卡羅模擬來求算其合理價格。


熊紹強, Hsiung, Shao Chiang Unknown Date (has links)


鄭昭佑, Cheng, Chao You Unknown Date (has links)


張世民 Unknown Date (has links)
日前由於金融海嘯的發生,導致全球金融市場對於結構債此種收益較高的商品存在眾多疑點,然而究其原因乃投資人無法正確地了解到自身的風險屬性,盲目地追求高收益率,反而造成投資結果不盡理想。本文將應用模型來推導商品的理論價格,並深入分析結構債可能帶來的風險與報酬。 本文兩個案商品之連動標的分別為利率與股權。第一個個案商品為英國勞埃德TSB銀行所發行之十年期累積計息利率連動債,在評價上將採用LIBOR市場模型,利用市場上既有的資料校準模型所需參數與期初遠期利率;此外由於本商品具有提前贖回特性,故將應用最小平方法蒙地卡羅來找出該商品發行之期初價格,並分別就發行機構探討其避險策略及投資人應注意的風險作深入分析。 第二個個案商品為摩根大通公司所發行之附部分保本之股權連結式自動贖回債券,利用對數常態股價模型及蒙地卡羅法評價出其理論價格,並針對發行機構可能面對之風險與避險策略作完整探討,最後就投資人之報酬及風險層面作詳盡地剖析。

企業生命週期與股價關聯性之研究 / The Association Between Earnings and Stock Prices--A Test of The Business Life Cycle Hypothesis

侯運神, Hou, Yun Shen Unknown Date (has links)
會計的主要目的在提供有用的資訊,以幫助使用者制定相關決策。由於一般公認會計原則採用應計基礎,重視收益實現原則及配合原則,因此盈餘資訊一直相當受到重視。自Ball & Brown及Beaver從事有關盈餘與股票報酬的研究開始,許多實證研究的結果均支持盈餘具有資訊內涵。國內有關這方面的研究亦不在少數,但所得的結論並不一致,有些支持盈餘有用,有些則否。基於這個原因,本研究乃由企業生命週期的觀點來探討盈餘與股價的關聯性,以了解盈餘對股票報酬是否具有解釋能力。   本研究所欲檢定的假說如下:   一、假說一:相同的盈餘,在成長期股價的反應大於成熟期   二、假說二:相同的盈餘,在成熟期股價的反應大於衰退期   三、假說三:相同的盈餘,在成長期股價的反應大於衰退期   四、假說四:假說一至假說三中之三種盈餘與股價的關係,不因公司規模的大小而有差異   五、假說五:假說一至假說三中之三種盈餘與股價的關係,不因行業的不同而有差異   根據實證的結果,本研究達成下列結論:   一、本研究所使用的四個企業生命週期指標變數--營收成長率、營業利益率、股利支付率及企業年齡,除了股利支付率外,其餘三者之變動與預期相符,應為適當之分類指標。   二、對於相同的盈餘,在不同的企業生命週期階段中,股價的反應趨勢雖支持研究假說,但因各階段的係數間並未有顯著的差異,因此假說一、假說二及假說三無法獲得證實。   三、以不同期間進行分析時,所獲結果並無重大改善,因此仍無法證實上述三個假說的真實性。   四、在規模別的分析中,小公司之分析結果與正常時期之分析結果大致相同,但大公司在營收成長率、營業利益率及股利支付率三種指標中其成長期股價的反應顯著大於成熟期,此時假說一獲得證實。因小公司與大公司在各階段股價的反應並不相同,因此假說四無法獲得證實。   五、在行業別的分析中,只有塑膠業較符合本研究的預期,其他行業則否,因此假說五亦無法獲得證實。   六、造成上述結果的可能原因有三:    (一)台灣股市規模尚小,且機構投資者在市場交易所占比例不高,加上證券法規未徹底執行、投資人較不重視基本分析,造成股市投機性高,因此盈餘資訊與股價間的關係不易偵測。    (二)台灣上市公司大多擁有許多關係企業,或為關係企業之成員,受關係企業之影響頗深,在股價的反應上自不單純以個別公司情況作考量,因此應考慮整個企業集團的情況。    (三)企業在衰退後可能因策略上的改變,如多角化經營,而進入另一個生命週期,再次成長。依本研究的理論模型,此時股價會對此有所反應,因而導致成熟期與衰退期股價對盈餘的反應與成長期無蘋著的差異。

在BGM 模型下固定交換利率商品之效率避險與評價 / An efficient valuation and hedging of constant maturity swap products under BGM model

蔡宏彬 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上在 LIBOR市場模型架構下,評價固定交換商品一般是透過模地卡羅模擬。在本文中,吾人在此模型架構下推導出一個遠期交換利率的近似動態,並在一因子的架構下提供一個固定交換利差選擇權與固定交換輪棘選擇權的近似評價公式。數值結果顯示這兩者之相對誤差甚小。此外對於這兩個產品,吾人亦提供一個有效率的避險方法。 / The derivatives of the constant maturity swap (CMS) are evaluated by the LIBOR market model (LMM) implemented by Monte Carlo methods in the previous researches. In this paper, we derive an approximated dynamic process of the forward-swap rate (FSR) under LMM. Based on the approximated dynamics for the FSR under one factor model, CMS spread options and CMS ratchet options are valued by the no-arbitrage method in approximated analytic formulas. In the numerical analysis, the relative errors between the Monte Carlo simulations and the approximated closed form formulas are very small for CMS spread options and CMS ratchet options and we also provide an efficient hedging method for these products under one factor LMM.

Semi-Markov Processes In Dynamic Games And Finance

Goswami, Anindya 02 1900 (has links)
Two different sets of problems are addressed in this thesis. The first one is on partially observed semi-Markov Games (POSMG) and the second one is on semi-Markov modulated financial market model. In this thesis we study a partially observable semi-Markov game in the infinite time horizon. The study of a partially observable game (POG) involves three major steps: (i) construct an equivalent completely observable game (COG), (ii) establish the equivalence between POG and COG by showing that if COG admits an equilibrium, POG does so, (iii) study the equilibrium of COG and find the corresponding equilibrium of original partially observable problem. In case of infinite time horizon game problem there are two different payoff criteria. These are discounted payoff criterion and average payoff criterion. At first a partially observable semi-Markov decision process on general state space with discounted cost criterion is studied. An optimal policy is shown to exist by considering a Shapley’s equation for the corresponding completely observable model. Next the discounted payoff problem is studied for two-person zero-sum case. A saddle point equilibrium is shown to exist for this case. Then the variable sum game is investigated. For this case the Nash equilibrium strategy is obtained in Markov class under suitable assumption. Next the POSMG problem on countable state space is addressed for average payoff criterion. It is well known that under this criterion the game problem do not have a solution in general. To ensure a solution one needs some kind of ergodicity of the transition kernel. We find an appropriate ergodicity of partially observed model which in turn induces a geometric ergodicity to the equivalent model. Using this we establish a solution of the corresponding average payoff optimality equation (APOE). Thus the value and a saddle point equilibrium is obtained for the original partially observable model. A value iteration scheme is also developed to find out the average value of the game. Next we study the financial market model whose key parameters are modulated by semi-Markov processes. Two different problems are addressed under this market assumption. In the first one we show that this market is incomplete. In such an incomplete market we find the locally risk minimizing prices of exotic options in the Follmer Schweizer framework. In this model the stock prices are no more Markov. Generally stock price process is modeled as Markov process because otherwise one may not get a pde representation of price of a contingent claim. To overcome this difficulty we find an appropriate Markov process which includes the stock price as a component and then find its infinitesimal generator. Using Feynman-Kac formula we obtain a system of non-local partial differential equations satisfied by the option price functions in the mildsense. .Next this system is shown to have a classical solution for given initial or boundary conditions. Then this solution is used to have a F¨ollmer Schweizer decomposition of option price. Thus we obtain the locally risk minimizing prices of different options. Furthermore we obtain an integral equation satisfied by the unique solution of this system. This enable us to compute the price of a contingent claim and find the risk minimizing hedging strategy numerically. Further we develop an efficient and stable numerical method to compute the prices. Beside this work on derivative pricing, the portfolio optimization problem in semi-Markov modulated market is also studied in the thesis. We find the optimal portfolio selections by optimizing expected utility of terminal wealth. We also obtain the optimal portfolio selections under risk sensitive criterion for both finite and infinite time horizon.


李映瑾 Unknown Date (has links)
目前全球的金融衍生性商品市場中,利率衍生性商品占了全球衍生性商品交易量的一半以上,其次為匯率衍生性商品。市場上的結構型商品,有的連結數個標的,有的報酬型態複雜,不易為一般投資人所了解,且投資人容易被商品條款上的高配息或最高報酬率吸引,而忽略了對投資人不利的條款。 本文針對目前金融市場上已發行的利率及匯率連結金融商品,進行個案評價與分析,希望能讓一般投資人更了解市面上結構型商品的報酬型態,以及潛在的投資風險,並站在發行商的角度,進行商品利潤分析及發行策略的探討。 本文所評價的兩個商品為英國勞埃德銀行(Lloyds TSB Bank Plc.)所發行的「每日計息雙區間可贖回債券」和中國農民銀行所發行的「觸及失效匯率連結債券」,分別以LIBOR Market Model (Brace, Gatarek and Musiela,1997,也稱為BGM模型)和三元樹模型(Ritchken,1995)對其進行評價。最後針對評價結果分析發行商的發行策略以及投資人需注意的投資陷阱。

金融拆款市場與中央銀行貨幣政策 -台灣之實證研究 / Financial Interbank Market and the Central Bank's Monetary Policy - An Empirical Research of Taiwan

朱凱頤, Chu, Kai I Unknown Date (has links)
由於銀行準備金比率為受貨幣政策機制影響的重要變數之一,但目前並無針對台灣進行的實證研究,因此本文的研究重點著重於探討台灣的銀行準備金比率受不同變數因子的影響。本研究採用的解釋變數有央行的重貼現利率、製造業的工業生產指數、加權法定準備率、壞帳比率、存放款利差、3年期政府公債殖利率、落後一期拆款利率及代表拆款市場重大變革時點的虛擬變數。樣本主要採用由中央銀行統計資料庫及 TEJ 資料庫所蒐集之月資料,採用期間為 1995 年 6 月至 2014 年 7 月,並且使用 OLS 模型進行實證分析。實證結果發現,製造業的工業生產指數及落後一期拆款利率為負向顯著,而 1995年8月的虛擬變數為正向顯著。 / The purpose of the study was focused on the impact of Taiwan banks' reserve ratio by different variable factors, since the banks' reserve ratio was one of the important variables affected by monetary policy mechanism, however, there was no empirical research carried out for Taiwan currently. The explanatory variables used in the study has the discount rate, the index of industrial production of the manufacturing sector, the weighted statutory reserve ratio, the ratio of bad debts, deposit and loan spreads, 3-year government bond yields, the call rate that one year lags and the dummy variables of representatives major changes in interbank call loan market. This study obtained monthly samples from the central bank's statistical databases and TEJ database mainly, the period was during June 1995 to July 2014, and then OLS model was used to analyze. The results revealed that the index of industrial production of the manufacturing sector and the call rate that one year lags has a negative and significant effect on banks' reserve ratio, while the dummy variables of August 1995 has a positive and significant effect.

可違約互換率之匯率連動選擇權的評價 / Valuation of Quanto Options on Defaultable Swap Rates

陳宏銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討可違約互換率之匯率連動選擇權的評價,外國以及本國違約交 換率的動態是建立在LIBOR 市場模型的框架。為了簡化推導過程,我們將 原本本國以及外國交換率的雙動態轉為單一動態, 因此違約以及履約價將轉 換為一個固定的常數比率來評價可違約互換率之匯率連動選擇權。由於商品 本身是考量違約的情況,因此使用遠期的存活測度來評價可違約互換率之匯 率連動選擇權。最後在數值分析的部分我們使用蒙地卡羅來模擬可違約互換 率之匯率連動選擇權,理論值與模擬值的結果接近。 / This study prices quanto options on defaultable swap rates (QODSR) in which domestic and foreign defaultable swap rates are considered in the LIBOR market model. We use two fixed ratios to price the QODSR with the default and strike rate property. The forward default-swap measure provides a simple method for valuing the QODSR. Numerical analysis is performed and compared with the Monte Carlo method to investigate the effects of volatility and default on the QODSR.

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