Spelling suggestions: "subject:"masochism"" "subject:"masochisme""
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Spalovač mrtvol: Fetiš jako popření života a adorace smrti / The Cremator: The Fetish as The Denial of Life and The Adoration of DeathNěmcová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The Cremator: The Fetish as The Denial of Life and The Adoration of Death Summary The object of interest in the semiotic analysis of the literary work "The Cremator" by the Czech writer Ladislav Fuks are primarily the motifs of fetishism and the cult of death. This framework is examined in the relation to the specific "new" language of masochism and in the relation to the aphasic language disorder related to metonymy. The utterance of the main character Karl Kopfrkingel intermingles with the way he thinks and consequently acts, as he duplicates through his language a fictional world and obscures it with the fetishized descriptions adoring the death. In this case, the masochism is not manifested in a sexuality (as in the case with Masoch), but on the ethno-social level related to the personal myth crisis and the subsequent transformation of Kopfringel and the related environment of the fictional world. These aspects become to a murdering urges in the context of ethnic affiliation, which has become to an obstacle and the settlement with it demands the establishment of a new order. Keywords Ladislav Fuks, The Cremator, aphasia, metonymy, metaphor, fetishism, fiction worlds, identity, masochism, sadism
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[pt] Nesta dissertação o conceito freudiano de pulsão é articulado com a teoria econômico-sexual de Reich. Sob a ótica deste autor a pulsão ganha uma nova leitura que permite rediscutir este conceito sob um viés orgânico-energético. Assim, Reich desenvolve a teoria da libido de Freud, buscando demonstrar que a libido frustrada em sua finalidade (estase libidinal) constitui a fonte de energia que alimenta as neuroses. Em relação à pulsão de morte, Reich argumenta contra a ideia de haver no ser vivo um impulso à morte e, por conseguinte, contra a noção de um masoquismo erógeno, uma autodestruição primária. Dessa forma, ao desconsiderar a primazia da pulsão de morte, o dualismo pulsional, na visão reichiana, também não se sustentaria. / [en] In this thesis the Freudian concept of drive is linked to Reich s sex-economy theory. From the perspective of this author the concept of drive (Trieb) acquires a new interpretation that allows to revisit this concept in an organic-energy view. Reich developed Freud s libido theory, seeking to demonstrate that a frustrated libido (libidinal stasis) is the source of energy supplying the neurosis. Regarding the death drive, Reich argues against the idea of a natural impetus to death and therefore against the notion of an erogenous masochism, a primary self-destruction. Thus, the Reichian vision disregards the primacy of the death drive and rejects the instinctual dualism.
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The Specter of Masochistic Mourning in Charlotte Brontë's Tales of Angria, The Professor, and VilletteRothhaas, Anne Hayley 11 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Bite Me: Sadomasochistic Gender Relations in Contemporary Vampire LiteratureNathanson, Shelby 01 May 2014 (has links)
While the term sadomasochism might conjure cursory images of whips, chains, and leather-clad fetishists, this thesis delves deeper into sadomasochistic theory to analyze dynamics of power and powerlessness represented by a chosen sample of literary relationships. Using two contemporary works of vampire literature—Anne Rice's novel Interview with the Vampire and Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series—I examine how power is structured by and between male and female characters (and vampires and humans), and particularly emphasize the patriarchal messages these works' regressive sexual politics engender. Psychoanalysis and feminist theory are employed to support my overarching argument following the gendered dynamics of male sadism and female masochism (and vampire sadism and human masochism), as this dyad reflects men's and women's "normalized" roles of power and powerlessness, respectively, in today's society. Sadomasochistic relationships as depicted in this literature are created through mutual contracts or, what I refer to as, sociocultural sadomasochism to reflect the gendered power imbalances inherent in patriarchy. By concluding with readers' responses to these franchises, this thesis further attempts to determine why such unequal and oppressive relationships are desirable. Since vampires as Gothic figures embody what specific cultures dread yet desire, this literature possesses frightening implications—gender roles are conservative and masculinity is privileged in fiction and, by extension, in twenty-first-century American culture.
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The aesthetics of sadism and masochism in Italian renaissance painting /Taylor, Chloë January 2002 (has links)
This thesis analyses selected paintings and aspects of life of the Italian Renaissance in terms of the aesthetic properties of sadistic and masochistic symptomatologies and creative production, as these have been explored by philosophers such as Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, Marcel Henaff, and Gilles Deleuze. One question which arises from this analysis, and is considered in this thesis, is of the relation between sexual perversion and history, and in particular between experiences of violence, (dis)pleasure and desire, and historically specific forms of discourse and power, such as legislation on rape; myths and practices concerning marriage alliance; the depiction of such myths and practices in art; religion; and family structures. A second question which this thesis explores is the manners in which sadistic and masochistic artistic production function politically, to bolster pre-existing gender ideologies or to subvert them. Finally, this thesis considers the relation between sadism and masochism and visuality, both by bringing literary models of perversion to an interpretation of paintings, and by exploring the amenability of different genres of visual art to sadism and masochism respectively.
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Retentissements psychiques du cancer gynécologique pelvien sur la sexualité féminine / Psychic impacts of the pelvic gynaecological cancer on feminine sexualityVenturini, Elisa 27 November 2014 (has links)
Le cancer gynécologique pelvien est une pathologie qui se loge dans les organes génitaux internes de la femme : vagin, utérus, col de l'utérus et ovaires. Ces organes malades sont traités chez les patientes de l'étude par hystérectomie plus ou moins élargie (ablation des organes génitaux), chimiothérapie, radiothérapie et curiethérapie. C'est donc une castration que ces femmes subissent dans la réalité d'un corps qui souffre. Cancer et traitements sont autant d'effractions corporelles qui réitèrent une représentation psychique de la pénétration comme de l’accueil passif de l'autre en soi. Cette figure de l'étranger à l’intérieur du moi convoque des fantasmes, affects et représentations pénétrantes qui endommagent l'image du corps, génère des images de passivité et ravive des expériences de passivation. De plus, cette effraction s'opère spécifiquement sur le lieu intime du sexe, là où s'incarne le devenir femme puis le devenir mère, convoquant le féminin de la femme dans sa pluralité, mais aussi dans ses rapports à la féminité. Après avoir dégagé, dans un référentiel littéraire très large, les rares travaux qui mettent en perspective l'effraction d'un cancer gynécologique et ses traitements avec la sexualité des femmes, nous avons situé notre propre recherche dans une approche de psychopathologie psychanalytique et dans ses rapports avec la psychosomatique. S'ensuit un repérage de la théorie psychanalytique conséquent des deux grands champs sollicités par le sujet de l'étude : la sexualité féminine et le corps dans la maladie. La méthodologie originale mise en place s'inscrit dans une démarche exploratoire étayée de la passation de deux tests projectifs : le Rorschach et le TAT, ainsi que d'entretiens cliniques de recherche. Il s'agit d'une méthodologie longitudinale sur trois temps choisis du parcours thérapeutique de ces femmes. Les résultats, traités dans un premier temps dans la dimension singulière de l'étude de cas, sont regroupé ensuite en fonction des hypothèses pour faire apparaître des aménagements communs chez ces patientes. L'analogie entre la situation de l'infans et celle de ces femmes sous contraintes de passivité accompagne la description des trois temps de l'étude. Celle-ci répond à l'hypothèse d'une mobilisation de modalités psychiques spécifiques du traitement de l'effraction corporelle qui convoquent, malmènent, blessent et suppriment les organes génitaux internes. L'étude révèle l'actualisation d'angoisses primitives spécifiquement féminines, telle que l'angoisse de pénétration, traitées par des modalités limites, narcissiques et anales autour d'un fantasme de corps troué et d'une intériorité dangereuse. En définitive, l'étude explore l'ensemble du jeu pulsionnel pour en décrypter les mouvements d’intrication et de désintrication sous-tendant le désinvestissement érotique du génital, convoquant le féminin dans ses potentialités passives et accompagnant l'infléchissement de la relation d'objet sous l'influence de la pulsion de mort. / Pelvic gynaecological cancer is a disease that fits into internal reproductive organs of women : vagina, uterus, cervix and ovaries. These cancers are treated in patients of the study by hysterectomy, extended or not (removal of genitals), chemotherapy, radiotherapy and brachytherapy. It is a castration that these women experience in the reality of a body that suffers. Cancer and treatments are corporal effractions that reiterate a psychic representation of the penetration as the passive reception of the other in oneself. This figure of the foreigner inside the ego summons fantasies, affects and penetrating representations that damage body image, generates passivity images and rekindles passivation experiences. Moreover, this effraction takes place specifically on the intimate sex place, where the growing into a woman and then into a mother incarnates itself, summoning the feminine of the woman in his plurality but also in his connections to feminity. After clearing, in a very broad literary repository, the few studies that put into perspective the effraction of the gynaecological cancer and its treatments with feminine sexuality, we set our own research in the approach of psychoanalytic psychopathology in its relations with psychosomatics. A consistent identification of psychoanalytic theory of the two major fields requested by the subject of the study ensues : feminine sexuality and body in the disease. The original methodology implemented fits into an exploratory process supported by the administration of two projective tests : Rorschach and TAT, along with clinical research interviews. This is a longitudinal methodology at three selected steps of the therapeutic course of these women. The results, treated initially in the singular dimension of the case study are then grouped according to the hypotheses to show the shared adjustments in these patients. The analogy between the situation of the infans and the women under passivity constraints accompanies the description of the three steps of the study. It responds to the hypothesis of a mobilization of psychic modalities specific to corporal effraction treating process which summon, mistreat, wound and remove internal genitalia. The study reveals specifically feminine primitive anxiety such as penetration anxiety, treated by limit modalities, narcissistic and anal around a holed body fantasy and a dangerous interiority. Finally, the study explores the entire set of drives in order to figure out fusion and defusion movements subtending the erotic decathexis of the genital, summoning the feminine in its passive potentialities and accompanying the reorientation of the object-relation under the death drive influence.
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The aesthetics of sadism and masochism in Italian renaissance painting /Taylor, Chloë January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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“If Someone Finds Out You're a Perv:” The Experience and Management of Stigma in the BDSM SubcultureBrown, Toni O.L. 22 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A tese apresenta um estudo sobre as toxicomanias pelo viés psicanalítico.
O ponto de vista que preside o trabalho é o de que o sujeito toxicômano dirige um
apelo ao Outro através do uso da droga para que a função paterna se faça presente.
Sob essa perspectiva, o uso da droga comporta uma mensagem dirigida ao Outro
para que um corte seja operado na relação sem limites construída com a droga.
Não trataremos dos efeitos orgânicos produzidos pelo uso da substância, mas da
função sempre singular que a droga pode ocupar um sujeito. No primeiro capítulo,
a introdução, será circunscrito o objeto de nosso trabalho: as toxicomanias. Já no
segundo capítulo examinaremos o fenômeno das drogas na perversão, na neurose
e na psicose. No terceiro capítulo, lançaremos um olhar sobre o uso da droga
através dos conceitos de supereu, satisfação pulsional, ideal do eu e pulsão de
morte. No quarto capítulo estudaremos o significante na dialética do desejo a fim
de localizar o lugar da droga para o sujeito. Trabalharemos também a construção
das relações de dependência que antecedem a dependência à droga em si e como o
uso da mesma pode servir como um apelo ao pai. Em seguida, partindo da
hipótese de que a fragilidade ou inoperância da função paterna propicia a
compulsão ao objeto droga como um modo de dar conta da angústia provocada
pelos efeitos da castração, investigaremos a problemática da droga a partir do
significante Nome-do-Pai e da Metáfora paterna. / [en] The thesis presents a study of addictions through the psychoanalytic point
of view. The view that presides the study is that the fellow addict runs an appeal
to the Other through the use of the drug to make the paternal function present.
From this perspective, the drug contains a message addressed to another so that a
cut should be operated in the relationship without limits built with the drug. It
will not treat the organic effects produced by the use of the substance, but the
unique function that the drug might occupy a person. In the first chapter, the
introduction, the object of the work will be circumscribed: the addictions. In the
second chapter it will examine the phenomenon of drugs in perversion, in neurosis
and psychosis. In the third chapter, it will launch a glimpse into the drug through
the concepts of superego, drive satisfaction, ego ideal and the death drive. In the
fourth chapter it will present the construction of dependence relations in
addictions and how drug use can serve as a call to a father. We will also study the
signifier in the dialectic of the desire in order to locate the place of the drug to the
addict. Then, assuming that the weakness or ineffectiveness of the paternal
function provides the compulsion to object drug as a way to solve the anguish
caused by the effects of castration, it will investigate the drug problem from the
significant Name of the Father and the paternal metaphor.
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Hierarchie a chování člověka. BDSM jako alternativní sexuální chování. / Hierarchy and human behavior. BDSM as an alternative sexual behaviour.Jozífková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Preferences for sexual arousal by overstated dominance and submission in sex is categorized as F65.5, sadomasochism, according to ICD, but this behaviour is called BDSM among the general public. The ground of these preferences could be ultimately biological. These preferences reflect behavioural strategy which enables to gain higher reproductive success. Men and women who were sexually aroused by a submissive partner had more male relatives than men and women with other preferences. Contrary to the women, the dominant men reported themselves as more attractive. Women who were aroused by a higher-ranking partner considered themselves more attractive. Sons of couples in which was hierarchical disparity had more siblings than sons of "equal" couples or couples with no hierarchical disparity. Daughters of hierarchically disparate couples had more brothers than daughters of "both dominant" partners. Concurrently, number and gender of offspring as well as self- reported attractiveness are likely to be criteria of the reproductive success in humans. It is also interesting that hierarchically disparate couples, without regard to gender of higher-ranking partner, reached higher reproductive success than "equal" couples. Individuals who preferred higher- or lower-ranking partner were also aroused by...
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