Spelling suggestions: "subject:"masonry."" "subject:"mansonry.""
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Desempenho estrutural de paredes de alvenaria de blocos de concreto de agregados reciclados de rejeitos de construção e demolição / The structure performance of walls of masonry by concrete blocks of recycled aggregates and building and demolition rejectsFábio Braga da Fonseca 20 December 2002 (has links)
Os rejeitos de construção e demolição representam, atualmente, grande volume de material desperdiçado no canteiro de obra e fábricas de pré-moldados de concreto. A necessidade da reciclagem para o desenvolvimento auto-sustentável, de materiais produzidos a partir dos rejeitos de construção, é de grande importância sob o impacto ambiental, além de proporcionar economia aos construtores e produtores de artefatos de cimento. Ensaios de concretos e argamassas, utilizando agregado reciclado, resultam bom desempenho mecânico e são relativamente mais leves quando comparados aos respectivos materiais utilizando agregados naturais. A fabricação de blocos de concreto com função estrutural, produzido com agregados reciclados de fração entre 2,4 mm e 9,5 mm, combinada à fração miúda de agregados naturais, possibilitam a execução de edifícios de pequena altura. A utilização da fração miúda reciclada, na preparação de argamassas de assentamento e revestimento, apresenta comportamento eficiente ao conjunto alvenaria-argamassa. A caracterização dos agregados, o estudo de traço, a análise do desempenho físico e mecânico dos blocos, prismas e paredes de alvenaria estrutural, bem como correlações de eficiência e análise da influência da argamassa de assentamento e de revestimento em relação à resistência de aderência à tração, é uma necessidade para o conhecimento e utilização deste material / The building and demolition rejects represent, nowadays, a great amount of wasted material in buildings and plants of pre-molded of concrete. The necessity of recycling for the self-supporting development of materials produced from the building rejects, is of great importance under the enviromental impact, and besides it provides savings for the builers and producers of concrete goods. Tests with concrete and mortar, utilizing recycled aggregate, show a good mechanical performance and they are lighter when compared to the respective materials using natural aggregate. The fabrication of concrete blocks with structural function, produced with recycled aggregate of fraction between 2,4 mm and 9,5 mm, combined to the small fraction of natural aggregate, make possible the construction of low height buildings. The application of the recycled small fraction, in the preparation of foundation and revetment mortar, shows efficient employed with the set masonry-mortar. The aggregate characterization, the study of the proportion of ingredients for concrete, the analysis of the physical and mechanical performance of the blocks, prisms and walls of structural masonry, as well the correlations of efficiency and analysis of the influence of foundation and revetment mortar, relating to the resistence of adherence to traction, are necessities for the knowledge and utilization of this material
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Numerical Investigation of Masonry Infilled RC Frames Subjected to Seismic LoadingManju, M A January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Reinforced concrete frames, infilled with brick/concrete block masonry, are the most common type of structures found in multi-storeyed constructions, especially in developing countries. Usually, the infill walls are considered as non-structural elements even though they alter the lateral stiffness and strength of the frame significantly. Approximately 80% of the structural cost from earthquakes is attributable to damage of infill walls and to consequent damages of doors, windows and other installations. Despite the broad application and economical significance, the infill walls are not included in the analysis because of the design complexity and lack of suitable theory. But in seismic areas, ignoring the infill-frame interaction is not safe because the change in the stiffness and the consequent change in seismic demand of the composite structural system is not negligible. The relevant experimental findings shows a considerable reduction in the response of infilled frames under reverse cyclic loading. This behaviour is caused by the rapid degradation of stiffness, strength, and low energy dissipation capacity resulting from the brittle and sudden damage of the unreinforced masonry infill walls. Though various national/international codes of practice have incorporated some of the research outcomes as design guidelines, there is a need and scope for further refinement.
In the initial part of this work, a numerical modelling and linear elastic analysis of masonry infilled RC frames has been done. A multi-storey multi-bay frame infilled with masonry panels, is considered for the study. Both macro modelling and micro modelling strategies are adopted. Seismic loading is considered and an equivalent static analysis as suggested in IS 1893, 2002 is done. The results show that the stiffness of the composite structure is increased due to the obvious confinement effects of infill panels on the bounding frame. A parametric study is conducted to investigate the influence of size and location of openings, presence/absence of infill panels in a particular storey and elevation irregularity in terms of floor height. The results show that the interaction of infill panel changes the seismic response of the composite structure significantly. Presence of openings further changes the seismic behaviour. Increase in openings increases the natural period and introduce newer failure mechanisms. Absence of infill in a particular storey (an elevation irregularity) makes it drift more compared to adjacent storeys. Since the structural irregularities influence the seismic behaviour of a building considerably, we should be cautious while construction and renovation of such buildings in order to take the advantage of increased strength and stiffness obtained by the presence of infill walls.
A nonlinear dynamic analysis of masonry infilled RC frames is presented next. Material non linearity is considered for the finite element modelling of both masonry and concrete. Concrete damage plasticity model is employed to capture the degradation in stiffness under reverse cyclic loading. A parametric study by varying the same parameters as considered in the linear analysis is conducted. It is seen that the fundamental period calculation of infilled frames by conventional empirical formulae needs to be revisited for a better understanding of the real seismic behaviour of the infilled frames. Enhancement in the lateral stiffness due to the presence of infill panel attracts larger force and causes damage to the composite system during seismic loading. Elevation irregularities included absence of infill panels in a particular storey. Soft storey shows a tendency for the adjacent columns to fail in shear, due to the large drift compared to other storeys. The interstorey drift ratios of soft storeys are found to be larger than the limiting values. However this model could not capture the separation at the interfaces and related failure mechanisms.
To improve the nonlinear model, a contact surface at the interface is considered for a qualitative analysis. A one bay one storey infilled frame is selected. The material characteristics were kept the same as those used in the nonlinear model. Contact surface at the interface was given hard contact property with pressure-overclosure relations and suitable values of friction at the interface. This model could simulate the compressive diagonal strut formation and the switching of this compressive strut to the opposite diagonal under reverse cyclic loading. It showed an indication of corner crushing and diagonal cracking failure modes. The frame with central opening showed stress accumulation near the corners of opening.
Next, the micro modelling strategy for masonry suggested by Lourenco is studied. This interface element can be used at the masonry panel-concrete frame interface as well as at the expanded masonry block to block interface. Cap plasticity model (modified Drucker – Prager model for geological materials) can be used to describe the behaviour of masonry (in terms of interface cracking, slipping, shearing) under earthquake loading. The blocks can be defined as elastic material with a potential crack at the centre. However, further experimental investigation is needed to calibrate this model.
It is required to make use of the beneficial effects and improve upon the ill-effects of the presence of infills. To conclude, infill panels are inevitable for functional aspects such as division of space and envelope for the building. Using the lateral stiffness, strength contribution and energy dissipation capacity, use of infill panels is proposed to be a wiser solution for reducing the seismic vulnerability of multi-storey buildings.
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Contribution à l'étude de murs maçonnés renforcés par matériaux composites (FRP et TRC) : application aux sollicitations dans le plan / Contribution to the study of masonry walls renforced by composite materials (FRP et TRC) under to in-plane loading conditionsBui, Thi Loan 20 June 2014 (has links)
Les présents travaux, à caractère numérico-expérimental, visent à approfondir la connaissance relative au comportement de murs maçonnés, principalement ceux renforcés par matériaux composites vis-à-vis de sollicitations dans leur plan (flexion composée). Ils s'inscrivent dans le cadre de la réhabilitation du patrimoine bâti vis-à-vis du risque sismique notamment du fait de la reconsidération du zonage en France rendu depuis peu plus exigeant. Aussi, d'un point de vue technologique, cette thèse vise à apprécier, évaluer et hiérarchiser l'intérêt et les potentialités de solutions de renforcement mobilisant des matériaux composites, à base polymère ainsi que des composites textile-mortier de nouvelle génération, couplés à des ancrages mécaniques ayant vocation à mieux valoriser ce type d'options. Deux échelles d'analyse ont été retenues dans le cadre de la partie expérimentale. A l'échelle du matériau, dans le but de caractériser finement les matériaux constitutifs de la maçonnerie de briques de béton creux et de générer des jeux de données aussi pertinents que fiables, notamment en prévision de la modélisation numérique, des essais de compression uni-axiale et de push-out à l'échelle « réduite » ont été conduits et ont permis de souligner, en accord avec la littérature, la nécessité de tenir compte de l'interaction brique-mortier, de consolider la compréhension des mécanismes d'endommagement et de rupture des éléments de maçonnerie tout en mettant en lumière l'importance relative des dispersions obtenues. A l'échelle du composant de structure, une campagne expérimentale de flexion composée portant sur six murs, dont un mur témoin, a été conduite sous sollicitations de flexion composée dans le plan des murs avec pour impératif la nécessité de restituer les conditions limites et de sollicitations sous séisme, tout en limitant le champ de l'étude au volet statique monotone en vue d'éprouver les solutions valorisées (matériaux composites et ancrage).Cette partie a permis, audelà de la mise en avant des bonnes dispositions en termes de capacité portante, d'une part, de caractériser comparativement le comportement de ces éléments tant à l'échelle globale (déplacement, capacité de déformation et de dissipation d'énergie, etc.) qu'à l'échelle locale (endommagement, déformations localisées, etc.) via une instrumentation judicieuse, et d'autre part de cerner l'importance des ancrages mécaniques vis-à-vis des sollicitations étudiées. L'approche numérique, de type éléments finis, a été mise à profit dans un deuxième temps pour tenter de restituer le comportement des murs (à l'échelle locale et globale). Sur la base d'une lecture bibliographique critique c'est l'approche micromécanique qui a eu nos faveurs. La modélisation a été conduite en trois dimensions (3D) à l'aide du logiciel ANSYS. Ainsi, les briques et le mortier sont modélisés indépendamment mais liés parfaitement. Deux variantes ont été proposées pour la modélisation de la maçonnerie saine et leur adéquation a été évaluée. Le premier modèle s'appuie sur un couplage entre le modèle de béton d'Ansys en traction et un comportement multilinéaire en compression pour modéliser le mortier, les briques sont supposées pourvues d'un comportement élasto-plastique bilinéaire pour lequel la résistance en compression de la brique est le seuil de la phase élastique. Dans le deuxième modèle, plus en phase avec les constats expérimentaux, seul le comportement des briques est modifié en introduisant un comportement post-pic adoucissant. En ce qui concerne la modélisation des murs renforcés par matériaux composites, ces derniers (FRP et TRC) ont été considérés comme parfaitement liés au substrat de maçonnerie. Toutefois, si le renfort de type FRP est modélisé par un comportement homogène orthotrope, le TRC, rarement modélisé jusqu'à lors, est simulé via deux approches (homogène et hétérogène) dans le but d'apprécier leur pertinence... / This study, using both experimental and numerical approaches, will help to better understand the behaviour of masonry walls. It especially focuses on walls reinforced with composite materials under in-plane loading conditions. In France, more stringent seismic design requirements for building structures have taken effect. So, this research has been initiated in an effort to define reliable strengthening techniques. The selected reinforcement materials are (1) – fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) strips using E-glass and carbon fabrics and (2) – an emerging cementbased matrix grid (CMG) system. The composite strips are mechanically anchored into the foundations of the walls to improve their efficiency. The experimental program involves different levels of analysis. Small-scale models of block masonry structures, carried out with less than ten bricks, are tested. The objective is to obtain a coherent set of data, characterizing the elementary components (hollow bricks and mortar) and their interface, in order to provide realistic values of the parameters required in the foreseen modelling. Shear bond strength has been obtained from triplets and 7-uplets and compressive masonry strength from running bond prisms. These experimental results improve the knowledge of the main damage mechanisms and failure modes of masonry but they suffer from high scattering. At laboratory (large) scale, six walls have been submitted to shear-compression tests - five of them are reinforced and the last one acts as a reference. All the walls share the same boundary and compressive loading conditions, which are chosen to ensure a representative simulation of a seismic solicitation. Nevertheless, masonry walls performances and anchor efficiency are only evaluated under monotonic lateral loadings. A comparative study on global behavior (displacements, deformation capacity, energy dissipation,…) as well as on local mechanisms (local strains, damage,…) is carried out and highlights in particular that strengthened walls exhibit a high increase in shear resistance. Moreover, a 3D finite-element analysis using ANSYS has been performed to help understand the behaviour of unreinforced and strengthened walls. A micro-mechanical approach is adopted: bricks and mortar are modelled separately and linked together by a perfect bond. The Ansys concrete model, capable of cracking, is coupled with a multi-linear plasticity model in compression to describe mortar joints. In a first attempt, bricks exhibit a bilinear behavior law where the brick compressive strength is the elastic threshold; but this model fails to reproduce the resistances of the strengthened walls. To compensate for these overestimations and capture the experimental resistances, a post-pic softening behaviour is preferred for the bricks. To model strengthened walls, all composite strips are supposed to be perfectly linked with the masonry and a linear elastic law is used for the FRP reinforcements. TRC strips are either described by means of a linear law or represented using a heterogeneous approach where matrix and textile grids are modelled separately. In this case, grids are represented using a smeared approach and are embedded within the matrix mesh. So, displacement compatibility is totally satisfied between the textile and the cementitious matrix. The proposed numerical model tends to underestimate walls capacity deformation but ultimate loads and failure modes are in coherence with experimental results. Finally, existing analytical methods have been applied to assess unreinforced and strengthened walls performances. The results are then compared with the experimental data and a critical review is proposed. Existing models could be refined by taking into account more realistic behaviour laws and by relying on energy approaches to better reproduce dissipative mechanisms of TRC materials
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Renforcement des structures historiques en maçonnerie par matériaux composites : application aux murs en pierres calcaires / Strengthening of historic masonry structures with composite materials : application to the walls of limestoneGharib, Turath 06 July 2015 (has links)
Ce travail concerne l’étude du renforcement de structures en pierres par matériaux composites. Deux techniques de renforcement sont utilisées. L’un s’agit de renforcement par matrice cimentaire renforcé avec de textile de fibre de verre TRC. L’autre est renforcement par barres de fibre de verre de FRP suivant la technique de NSM (near-surface mounted). La première phase consiste en la caractérisation des matériaux et l’analyse des comportements mécaniques en compression en cisaillement et en traction de petits éléments de maçonnerie composées d’un assemblage de pierre et mortier bâtard. Les valeurs caractéristiques du comportement mécanique de la maçonnerie sont comparées avec les différents modèles dans la littérature qui calculent les paramètres caractéristiques avec une bonne approximation avec les résultats expérimentales. En plus, le comportement de matériaux de renforcement sont testés en traction ainsi que le comportement de l’adhésion entre le renfort et la maçonnerie est étudié. La deuxième phase se concentre sur le renforcement de murs de maçonnerie soumis sur deux types de chargement. L’un s’agit de cisaillement dans le plan des murs effectué avec l’essai de compression diagonale. Le deuxième représente des charges de flexion à 3 points hors plan des murs accompagné par des forces de compression axiale qui provoque une contrainte de compression de 0.2 MPa. L’essai de cisaillement s’est réalisé sur des murs carrés de cinq rangées de pierres avec mortier. Le renforcement par deux barres verticales de NSM FRP améliore significativement la ductilité et le module de cisaillement des murs, ainsi que le renforcement avec deux couches orthogonales de TRC améliore la résistance au cisaillement. Enfin l’application de modèles analytiques a permet de comparer les résultats expérimentaux aux résultats donnés avec les modèles. En plus, l’essai de flexion à 3 points est effectué sur des murs composés de douze rangées de pierres avec mortier. Le renforcement avec deux barres verticales et deux barres transversales a plus augmenté la rigidité élastique. En revanche, le renforcement avec TRC composé d’une seule couche de textile accompagné avec une barre verticale de FRP n’augmente pas la résistance de mur par rapport à la résistance du mur renforcé avec une seule couche de textile ou avec une barre verticale seule / This work concerns the study of the reinforcement of stone structures with composite materials. Two reinforcing techniques are used. One is reinforcement by cement matrix reinforced with textile TRC of glass fiber. The other is by reinforcing FRP fiberglass rods according to NSM technique (near-surface mounted). The first phase consists of materials characterization and analysis of mechanical behavior in compression shear and tensile of small masonry specimens made of stone and mortar. The characteristic values of the mechanical behavior of the masonry are compared with the different models in the literature which calculate the characteristic parameters and give a good approximation with the experimental results. In addition, the behavior of reinforced materials is tested in tension and the behavior of the adhesion between the reinforcement and the masonry is studied. The second phase focuses on strengthening masonry walls subjected to two types of loading. One is in-plane shear of walls made with the diagonal compression test. Represents the second bending loads to 3 points out of plane walls accompanied by axial compression forces which cause a compressive stress of 0.2 MPa. The shear test was performed on square walls of five rows of stones with mortar. Strengthening by two vertical bars NSM FRP significantly improves the ductility and shear modulus of the walls and the reinforcement with two orthogonal layers TRC improves shear strength. Finally the application of analytical models used to compare the experimental results with the results given by the models. In addition, the bending test with 3-point is carried out on walls composed of twelve rows of stones with mortar. The reinforcement with two vertical bars and two crossbars increased more elastic stiffness. However, the reinforcement with TRC composed of a single layer of textile accompanied with a vertical bar FRP does not increase the resistance of the wall relative to the resistance of the reinforced wall with a single layer of textile or with a simple vertical bar
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The current civil building use several kinds of materials for fencing as solid or
hollow bricks or closure function and structural like the structural masonry. The codes
and national laws of fire protection define a minimum period of fire resistance for
walls and sealing elements. However, the great majority of the codes offer few
alternatives of materials and thicknesses to define the minimum capacity for fire.
Normally in the suggested alternatives, when tested, the materials exhibit superior
performance. The alternative to a proper definition of time of fire resistance is testing
a prototype of the wall in real scale, usually being expensive test. The purpose of this
paper is to study the behavior of structural masonry walls and its components against
high temperatures using furnances adapted to this end. It was studied the level of
degradation of the materials singly and within the set, the increasing of load in small
walls due to the temperature rising, besides the residual strength of the masonry and
its constituents after exposure the high temperatures. The rate of heating of the oven
did not follow Standard Curve, even so, it was possible to verify which the laws are
conservative in relation to the performance against high temperatures of the
materials. The walls obtained good performance against high temperatures, showing
low cracking level and maintaining the structural stability. It was tested mortars with
various resistances to temperature of 900ºC, seeing that this temperature was
sufficient to promote the complete deterioration of materials. Mortars of 4 MPa were
heated to 400ºC, noting that remained intact, showing residual strength. It was
observed that the type of aggregate used in mortars affect the weight loss and
stability of the material when subject to high temperatures. It was molded ceramics
prisms with mortar of 4 MPa to verify the residual strength after heating to 400º and
900ºC, noting that the strength these was higher than average for the same strength
of mortars subjected to the same heating. In addition, failure stress of the small wall
exposed the high temperatures was very close to the average of the ceramic prisms
subjected to the same heating rate. / A construção civil atual utiliza diversos tipos de materiais para vedação como
tijolos cerâmicos vazados ou maciços ou com função de fechamento e estrutural
como a alvenaria estrutural. Os códigos e legislações nacionais de proteção contra
incêndio definem um tempo mínimo de resistência ao fogo para paredes e
elementos de vedação. Entretanto, a maioria desses códigos oferece poucas
alternativas de materiais e espessuras mínimas para definir a capacidade de
resistência ao fogo. Normalmente nas alternativas sugeridas, quando ensaiados, os
materiais apresentam desempenho superior. A alternativa para a definição
adequada do tempo de resistência ao fogo é ensaiar um protótipo da parede em
escala real, sendo um ensaio geralmente dispendioso. A proposta deste trabalho é
efetuar o estudo do comportamento de paredes de alvenaria estrutural e seus
componentes frente a altas temperaturas, utilizando fornos adaptados para essa
finalidade. Foi estudado o nível de degradação dos materiais isoladamente e no
conjunto, o aumento de carga em pequenas paredes devido à elevação da
temperatura, além da resistência residual da alvenaria e seus constituintes após
exposição às altas temperaturas. A taxa de aquecimento do forno não seguiu a
Curva Padrão de norma, mesmo assim, foi possível verificar que as legislações são
conservadoras em relação ao desempenho frente ao fogo dos materiais. As paredes
obtiveram bom desempenho frente às altas temperaturas, apresentando nível de
fissuração baixo e mantendo a estabilidade estrutural. Foram ensaiadas argamassas
de diversas resistências à temperatura de 900ºC, constatando que esta temperatura
foi suficiente para promover a completa deterioração dos materiais. Argamassas de
4 MPa foram aquecidas a 400ºC, observando que mantiveram-se íntegras,
apresentando resistência residual. Foi constatado que o tipo de agregado usado nas
argamassas tem influência na perda de massa e estabilidade do material quando
submetido a altas temperaturas. Foram moldados prismas cerâmicos com
argamassa de 4 MPa para verificar a resistência residual após o aquecimento a 400º
e 900ºC, constatando que a resistência desses foi superior a resistência média para
as argamassas de mesma resistência submetidas ao mesmo aquecimento. Além
disso, a tensão de ruptura da pequena parede exposta às altas temperaturas ficou
bem próxima à média dos prismas cerâmicos submetidos à mesma taxa de
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This work has as main objective to analyze the influence of the ceramic block
geometry in the mechanical performance of the structural masonry, under centered
compression, when mortars with resistance varied are used. Two types of ceramic
blocks geometries are studied: one with drained walls (BPV) and the other with solid
walls (BPM), possessing approximate resistances of 30MPa, in relation to their liquid
area; also four mortar lines with resistances between 4MPa and 17Mpa were used.
The experimental program includes the following compression essays: units, prisms
and small walls, in which five prisms of two and three overlapping rows and four
small walls of two and half blocks were made by 4 height rows. Also, the module of
elasticity, so much for the mortars, blocks and prisms, as for the small walls was
obtained. Among the several essayed combinations, the variance analysis of the
samples submitted to the compression was made. Based on the analysis of the
results, it may be concluded that the BPM block, is more efficient for the use in
structural masonry than the BPV one, when an increment in the resistance of the
masonry is needed, increasing the mortar resistance; that efficiency may be defined
in the relation of the prisms resistance (two and three blocks) and of the small walls
by the block. The small walls built with BPM blocks present a significant capacity to
absorb strains, when high resistance mortar is used (the one used in this work); as
for the BPV block, that difference was not so expressive. Therefore, the use of
placement mortar with those resistances may potentiate the ceramic blocks masonry,
depending on the geometry and the mechanical properties of the adopted blocks. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar a influência da geometria do bloco
cerâmico no desempenho mecânico da alvenaria estrutural, sob compressão
centrada, quando utilizadas argamassas com resistências variadas. Estudam-se dois
tipos de geometrias de blocos cerâmicos: uma de paredes vazadas (BPV) e outra
com paredes maciças (BPM), possuindo resistências aproximadas de 30MPa em
relação a área líquida dos mesmos; também foram utilizados quatro traços de
argamassa com resistências entre 4MPa e 17MPa. O programa experimental
abrange os seguintes ensaios de compressão: unidades, prismas e pequenas
paredes. Foram confeccionados cinco prismas de duas e três fiadas sobrepostas e
quatro pequenas paredes de dois blocos e meio por quatro fiadas de altura.
Também foi obtido o módulo de elasticidade, tanto para as argamassas, blocos e
prismas, quanto para as pequenas paredes. Entre as várias combinações
ensaiadas, foi feito a análise de variância das amostras submetida à compressão.
Com base na análise dos resultados, pode-se concluir que o bloco BPM é mais
eficiente para o uso em alvenaria estrutural do que o BPV, quando se necessita um
acréscimo na resistência da alvenaria, aumenta-se a resistência da argamassa, essa
eficiência pode ser definida na relação da resistência dos prismas (dois e três
blocos) e das pequenas paredes pela do bloco. As pequenas paredes construídas
com blocos BPM apresentam uma significativa capacidade de absorver esforços,
quando utilizada argamassa com resistência elevada (adotada nesse trabalho);
quanto ao bloco BPV, essa diferença não foi tão expressiva. Sendo assim, a
utilização de argamassa de assentamento com essas resistências pode potencializar
a alvenaria de blocos cerâmicos, dependendo da geometria e das propriedades
mecânicas dos blocos adotados.
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Accidents géotechniques des tunnels et des ouvrages souterrains - Méthodes analytiques pour le retour d'expérience et la modélisation numérique / Tunnels and underground constructions geotechnical accidents - Analytical methods for experience feedback and numerical modellingIdris, Jamal 23 October 2007 (has links)
L'instabilité des ouvrages souterrains est une cause importante d'accidents tant pendant leur réalisation que pendant leur exploitation. La rétro-analyse d'accidents passés est l'une des méthodes permettant d'améliorer la prévention de tels accidents ainsi que la conception et le dimensionnement des nouveaux projets. Une recherche bibliographique a permis d'établir une base de données de cas d'accidents rencontrés dans les ouvrages souterrains à travers le monde. Ces cas, actuellement au nombre de 230, concernent les phases de construction et d'exploitation d’ouvrages, chaque cas étant caractérisé par plusieurs variables associées aux phénomènes d'instabilité et aux caractéristiques géométriques et géomécaniques de l’ouvrage. Les causes et les conséquences d’instabilités ont été également analysées dont celles liées au contexte géologique et en particulier aux caractéristiques géotechniques des terrains traversés. Cette base de données a permis d’effectuer plusieurs analyses sur les instabilités des ouvrages dont la plus importante est une analyse factorielle de correspondances qui a éclairé les liaisons entres les phénomènes d’instabilités et les différentes modalités de ses variables explicatives. Cette étude propose deux modèles numériques représentatifs des tunnels maçonnés, appuyant sur la modélisation numérique et la technique des plans d’expériences elle porte également sur l’analyse du comportement mécanique de la structure du soutènement en maçonnerie et son évolution en fonction de temps où l’influence des certains paramètres mécaniques du soutènement en maçonnerie a été quantifiée et évaluée par différentes méthodes d’analyses dont l’analyse de la variance et la modélisation par régression multiple / The instability of the underground works is an important cause of many accidents during their construction and exploitation. Experience feedback of previous accidents is one of used methods that allows improving the prevention of such accidents during the design and the construction of new underground works projects. A bibliographical search enabled us to establish a database of tunnels and underground constructions accidents in the world. These database contains currently 230 case related to the two phases of construction and exploitation of underground constructions, each case was characterized by several variables associated to instability phenomena, to geometrical and géomechanicals characteristics of the concerned underground construction. The causes and the consequences of instabilities phenomena were also analysed especially those related to the particular geological context and the géotechnical characteristics of the surrounding ground. The established database enabled us to carry out several analyses on instabilities phenomena like as a factorial correspondence analysis, which aims to discover the relations between instabilities phenomena and their explanatory variables. This study proposes two representative numerical models of vaulted tunnels supported by masonry structure. Biased on the numerical simulation and the experimental design technique, it also relates to the analysis of the mechanical behaviour of the masonry structure support and its evolution in the time, where the influence of certain mechanical parameters of masonry structure was quantified and evaluated by various analyses methods such as multivariate variance analysis and the linear modelling by multiple regression
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Vulnérabilité des ouvrages en maçonnerie à des mouvements de terrain : méthodologie d'analyse par méthodes statistiques et par plans d'expériences numériques sur les données de la ville de Joeuf / Vulnerability of masonry structures to ground movement : methodology of analysis by statistical methods and numerical experimental designs applied on Joeuf city dataAbdallah, Mouhammed 06 May 2009 (has links)
Le contexte de l’étude est celui des mouvements de terrain susceptibles de se produire à la suite d’un affaissement minier caractéristique de Lorraine et de leurs conséquences sur les habitations en maçonnerie traditionnelle. Quand de tels affaissements se produisent, ces habitations subissent en effet des désordres qui résultent des efforts engendrés dans la structure par les mouvements du terrain. La réponse qui caractérise alors l’état global de la structure dépend des caractéristiques géométriques, physiques et mécaniques. Or, la nature discontinue des maçonneries et la complexité des interactions entre blocs dans ces maçonneries rend complexe et difficile la détermination de cette réponse. Il en est de même de l’interaction sol-structure. L’objectif de la recherche consiste donc à étudier, par modélisation numérique avec la méthode des éléments distincts et par la technique des plans d’expérience et des surfaces de réponse, le comportement d’ouvrages en maçonnerie soumis à un affaissement minier caractéristique et à dégager de cette étude des critères permettant d’estimer, à l’échelle d’une ville entière, la vulnérabilité de tous ses bâtiments en maçonnerie. Une première analyse simplifiée expose le principe de la démarche mise en œuvre à l’échelle de la ville de Joeuf, utilisée comme site pilote. Elle repose sur l’analyse de la longueur cumulée des joints ouverts, assimilés à la formation de fissures dans la structure. Ensuite, une analyse typologique permet de distinguer 4 groupes de maisons aux caractéristiques proches. Sur chacun de ces groupes, la démarche est ensuite appliquée de manière systématique. Elle prend en considération des caractéristiques géométriques des façades et aboutit à la formulation de fonctions de vulnérabilité qui font appel à la technique de régression orthogonale / The context of our study concerns ground movements that may occur in Lorraine as a result of mining subsidence events and their impact on traditional masonry houses. When such an event occurs, houses suffer disorders resulting from efforts in the structure caused by the movement of the ground. The response that characterizes the state of the structure depends on the geometrical, physical and mechanical characteristics. However, the discontinuous nature of the masonry and the interactions complexity between masonry blocks makes it difficult to determine that response. The same is true about the soil-structure interaction. The purpose of this research is to study, by numerical modelling with the distinct element method, experimental design planning and response surfaces, the behaviour of masonry structures subjected to a typical mining subsidence event and to define from this study some criteria making possible the estimation of the vulnerability of all the buildings of a city. A first simplified analysis describes the principle of the used methodology which is then applied to the study of all houses of the city of Joeuf, used as a pilot site. This methodology is based on an analysis of the total length of the opened joints, which are considered as similar to cracks in the structure. Then, a typology analysis helps first to distinguish 4 groups (types) of houses which have similar characteristics. On each of these groups, the methodology is applied consistently, based on the geometrical characteristics of the houses facades and then leads to the formulation of vulnerability functions that use the technique of orthogonal regression
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Micromechanical modeling of imperfect interfaces and applicationsRaffa, Maria Letizia 27 November 2015 (has links)
Le rôle crucial des interfaces solides dans les problèmes de structures dans de nombreux domaines de l'Ingénierie est désormais bien connue et c'est certainement un sujet de grand intérêt scientifique. Aujourd'hui, la modélisation analytique et numérique des interfaces structurelles représentent un défi du fait desphénomènes physiques très complexes qu'il faut prendre en compte (tels que adhésion, contact non-conforme,microfissuration, frottement, contact unilatéral) autant que le besoin d'avoir des méthodes numériques qui soient capables de traiter à la fois la faible épaisseur des zones d'interface et les sauts dans les champs physiques concernés. Cette thèse vise à développer un outil analytique cohérent et général qui soit capable de dépasser les limitations des stratégies existantes et concernant la modélisation des interfaces emph{soft} et emph{hard} caractérisées par une microfissuration évolutive. Une nouvelle approche, appelée emph{Imperfect Interface Approach} (IIA), est proposée. Elle couple de manière cohérente arguments de théorie asymptotique et techniques d'homogénéisation pour les milieux microfissurés dans le cadre de la emph{Non-Interacting Approximation} (NIA). Dans le cadre de l'élasticité linéaire, l'IIA est employée avec succès pour obtenir un ensemble de modèles d'interfaces imparfaites.En généralisant la méthode de développement asymptotique à la théorie élastique des déformations finies, un modèle d'interface soft non-linéaire a été dérivé. Comme une nouvelle application, l'IIA est appliquée afin de formuler un modèle de contact non-conforme à raideurs equivalents. Simulations numériques appliquées à la maçonnerie ont été effectuées. / The crucial role of solid interfaces in structural problems in several engineering fields is well-established and they represent certainly a scientific topic of great interest. Nowadays, analytical and numerical modeling of structural interfaces are challenging tasks, due to the complex physical phenomena to take into account (such as adhesion, non-conforming contact, microcracking, friction, unilateral contact), as well as to the need of numerical methods suitable for treating small thickness of the interface zones and jumps in the physically relevant fields.Present PhD thesis aims to develop a consistent and general analytical tool able to overcome some modeling shortcomings of available modeling strategies accounting for soft and hard interfaces, and characterized by evolving microcracking. A novel approach, referred to as emph{Imperfect Interface Approach} (IIA), is proposed. It consistently couples asymptotic arguments and homogenization techniques for microcracked media in the framework of the Non-Interacting Approximation (NIA). In the context of linear elasticity, the IIA is successfully employed to derive a set of imperfect interface. By generalizing the matched asymptotic expansion method to finite strains, a nonlinear soft interface model has been derived. As a new general application, the IIA is applied to formulate a spring-type model for non-conforming contact. Finally, numerical simulations applying the soft interface models obtained in both linear and nonlinear cases to masonry structures, are carried out, showing effectiveness and soundness of the proposed formulation.
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Étude de la vulnérabilité des bâtiments en maçonnerie soumis à des mouvements de terrains et élaboration de critères d’évolution de leur rigidité / Study of the vulnerability of masonry buildings subjected to ground movements and elaboration of their stiffness evolution criteriaSerhal, Jamil 13 April 2016 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette recherche est l’étude du dommage des bâtiments en maçonnerie subissant des tassements différentiels. Cette contribution, en s’appuyant sur la modélisation numérique, les méthodes analytiques et sur l’expérimentation, vise à une meilleure compréhension du comportement des structures en maçonnerie. Ce problème trouve diverses applications en ingénierie avec par exemple les maisons situées dans des zones de creusement de tunnels, ou des zones subissant des affaissements de terrains. L’étude bibliographique met en évidence la diversité des méthodes permettant de catégoriser le dommage des bâtiments subissant des tassements. La cohérence de ces méthodes est étudiée. En particulier, le travail porte sur l’étude de l’influence des propriétés mécaniques des bâtiments sur les valeurs seuils proposées pour catégoriser le dommage. Une étude de sensibilité est mise en œuvre afin de proposer des intervalles de seuils dépendant des propriétés des bâtiments. Cette incertitude est alors formalisée par le développement de courbes de fragilité permettant de quantifier en terme de probabilité la sévérité du dommage pour différents types de bâtiments. En addition, la rigidité des bâtiments subissant des mouvements de terrains est un paramètre important pour étudier les phénomènes d’interaction sol-structure et évaluer les tassements différentiels transmis par le terrain aux structures. L’évolution de cette rigidité en fonction du dommage associé aux tassements n’est pas étudiée dans la littérature. Une méthodologie d’étude de la variation de la rigidité des bâtiments en maçonnerie en fonction du tassement transmis a été développée au moyen de modélisations numérique (logiciel UDEC). Des formulations analytiques sont alors proposées pour relier la réduction de la rigidité des bâtiments en fonction du tassement subis et de leurs propriétés. Une procédure expérimentale est mise en place afin de valider la méthodologique numérique. En conclusion, les deux principales contributions de cette thèse sont 1) une amélioration de l’évaluation du dommage des bâtiments en fonction de leurs propriétés, au moyen des courbes de fragilité et 2) le développement d’une méthodologie numérique permettant d’évaluer l’évolution de la rigidité des bâtiments en maçonnerie en fonction du tassement qu’ils subissent et en fonction de leurs propriétés / The main purpose of this research is the assessment of the damage of masonry buildings undergoing differential settlements. This contribution, which is based on numerical modeling, analytical methods and experimentation, aims for a better understanding of the behavior of masonry structures. The treated issue may be applied in different engineering fields, as for example the case of buildings located in tunneling areas or in areas suffering land subsidence. The bibliography survey presents a diversity of methods to categorize the damage of buildings undergoing settlement. This variety of methods, parameters and thresholds used to qualify the severity of the damage, prompted us to study the consistency of these methods, and the effect of the properties of masonry buildings - undergoing ground movements - on proposed threshold values. A sensitivity analysis on building properties is implemented in order to propose thresholds values intervals that depend on buildings properties. This uncertainty is then taken into account with the development of fragility curves that aim quantifying the damage in terms of probability according to a typology of buildings. In addition, the stiffness of buildings undergoing ground movements plays a very important role in studying the phenomenon of soil-structure interaction. However, the evolution of the stiffness of the damaged building due to settlements is not investigated in the literature. Numerical modeling (UDEC) is used to develop a methodology for the study of the stiffness variation of masonry buildings in relation to he settlement suffered by the structure. Analytical formulations are proposed to relate the reduction of the stiffness of the buildings with regard to the suffered settlement, and depending on the buildings properties. Some experimental tests are performed to validate the numerical methodology. Finally, the two mains results are 1) improvement in the assessment of buildings damage with the drawn of fragility curves and 2) the numerical methodology to formulate the changes in the stiffness of masonry buildings according to the suffered settlement, and according to their properties
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