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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanisms triggering the recruitment of mast cell progenitors to the lung and regulation of mast cell degranulation

Zarnegar, Behdad January 2016 (has links)
Mast cells stem from the bone marrow and migrate via the blood as mast cell progenitors. Upon arrival in peripheral tissues, they develop into mast cells. These rare immune cells have numerous granules that contain large amounts of pro-inflammatory mediators. Mast cells accumulate at certain sites in the asthmatic lung, and once activated they release mediators that are thought to induce symptoms. In mouse models of allergic airway inflammation, the increase in lung mast cells in asthma can be mimicked and is mainly caused by the recruitment of mast cell progenitors to the lung. However, whether other types of lung inflammation stimulate the recruitment of mast cell progenitors to the lung was unknown until now. Here, using a murine model of influenza A virus infection, this type of virus was demonstrated to trigger an extensive recruitment of mast cell progenitors to the lung, most likely through the induction of VCAM-1 expression in the lung endothelium. Thereafter, some influenza-induced mast cell progenitors developed into an intermediate mast cell stage before they matured into mast cells. However, upon the resolution of inflammation, the mast cells that accumulated in the lung upon influenza infection were gradually lost. Because the recruitment of mast cell progenitors started early after influenza infection, the role of innate immune signals in inducing the recruitment of mast cell progenitors was addressed. The intranasal administration of either Poly I:C or IL-33 was sufficient to induce an increase in lung mast cell progenitors in a TLR3- or ST2-dependent fashion. However, the influenza-induced recruitment of mast cell progenitors to the lung occurred independently of TLR3 and ST2. VAAT/SLC10A4 is a member of the solute carrier family of proteins that is expressed in nerve cells and mast cells. In this study, murine VAAT was localized to mast cell granules and regulated the IgE/antigen-mediated release of granule-associated mediators and ATP. However, the absence of VAAT did not affect IgE/antigen-mediated de novo synthesis of cytokines and lipid mediators. Additionally, mice lacking VAAT had attenuated passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reactions and scratched less frequently in response to compound 48/80 injections, suggesting that VAAT regulates reactions for which mast cells are implicated in vivo.

Incremento de Linfocitos Intraepiteliales en pacientes con Síndrome de Intestino Irritable

Arévalo, F., Aragon, V., Montes, P., Guzmán, E., Monge, E. 11 August 2014 (has links)
Diversos trabajos reportan aumento en el número de linfocitos intraepiteliales (LIE), mastocitos y células enterocromafines en pacientes con Sindrome de Intestino Irritable (SII). Muchos de estos hallazgos se basan en el uso de inmunohistoquímica que son de poca disponibilidad en hospitales generales. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar los hallazgos histológicos en la biopsia de colon sólo con histoquimica en pacientes con SII comparándolos con un grupo sin SII. Fueron incluidos 25 pacientes: 16 (64%), con criterios diagnósticos de SII y 9 (36%), sin SII. Se encontró un mayor número de LIE en el grupo de SII (p=0,002). Un grupo de pacientes con criterios Roma III (41,9%) presentó LIE en el rango de Colitis Linfocitica por lo que fueron excluidos de este estudio. No se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el número de mastocitos, células enterocromafines y eosinofilos. / Several studies have shown increased numbers of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL), mast cells, enterochromaffin cells in colonic mucosa of patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Many of these findings are based is based on immunohistochemistry results, which is not available in general hospitals. Our objective is to study the histological findings observed in colon biopsies from patients with IBS compared with a group without IBS, using only histochemistry. Twenty five (25) patients were included: 16 with IBS and 9 without IBS. We found increased numbers of IEL in patients with IBS (p=0,002). A group of patients with IBS (41.9%) who fulfilled histological criteria for lymphocytic colitis were excluded. There was no significant difference in mast cells, enterochromaffin cells or eosinophils.

Pathogenetische Untersuchungen zur Ausbildung unterschiedlicher Phänotypen und zur Vermehrung humaner Mastzellen bei Wundheilung und Urtikaria

Hermes, Barbara 04 December 2001 (has links)
Bei der Wundheilung und fibrosierenden Prozessen sowie bei der Urtikaria ist eine Mastzellvermehrung bekannt. Mastzellen (MZ) üben bei der Urtikaria eine Schlüsselfunktion aus und scheinen auch zum Bindegewebsumbau beizutragen. In humanem Narbengewebe (5-369 Tage alt) wurden MZ-Zahlen und MZ-Subpopulationen mittels Enzym- und Immunhistochemie im Vergleich zu normaler Haut untersucht. Außerdem wurden in Gewebsextrakten Aktivität und mRNA-Expression der MZ-Proteasen und in vitro ihre mitogene Wirkung auf Fibroblasten und Keratinozyten bestimmt. Zur Klärung von Mechanismen, die zur MZ-Vermehrung beitragen könnten, analysierten wir die Expression von MZ-Chemoattraktoren und MZ-Wachstumsfaktoren sowie ihrer Rezeptoren in humanem Narbengewebe (a), läsionaler und nicht-läsionaler Urtikariahaut (b) und in normaler Haut (c): SCF, c-Kit, NGF-R TrkA, NGF-R p75, GM-CSF, GM-CSF-R (a, b, c); NGF, TGF-(, TGF-(-R I, TGF-(-R II (a,c) mittels Immunhistochemie (a, b, c) und RT-PCR (a, c). Zusätzlich wurde die Expression der proentzündlichen Zytokine IL-3, -8, TNF-( untersucht (b, c). Tryptase und Chymase enthaltende MZ waren in Narben gegenüber normaler Haut signifikant vermindert ebenso wie Chymaseaktivität und -mRNA-Expression in Narbengewebsextrakten. Die Anzahl Tryptase-haltiger MZ war unverändert, obwohl Tryptaseaktivität und -mRNA in Narben vermehrt waren. Beide Proteasen erhöhten in vitro die mitogene Antwort von Fibroblasten, jedoch nicht von Keratinozyten. c-Kit+-MZ fanden sich in der mittleren und tiefen Dermis von Narben signifikant vermehrt. SCF, TGF-(, TGF-(-R I und II, NGF-R p75 und TrkA zeigten sich sowohl immunhistochemisch als auch in der RT-PCR in Narbengewebe hochreguliert im Vergleich zu normaler Haut, wohingegen NGF, GM-CSF und GM-CSF-R nur schwach exprimiert waren ohne Unterschied zwischen beiden Geweben. Mittels FACS-Analyse wurde erstmalig die Expression von TGF-(-R I und II auf isolierten Haut-MZ nachgewiesen. Im Gegensatz zu diesen Befunden waren in Urtikariagewebe SCF- und NGF-R p75-exprimierende Zellen vermindert im Vergleich zu normaler Haut. Die Zahl von c-Kit+-, NGF-R TrkA+-, GM-CSF+- und GM-CSF-R+ -Zellen zeigte sich unverändert. Hingegen war die Expression von IL-3 und TNF-( auf Endothelzellen in läsionaler und nicht-läsionaler Urtikariahaut signifikant hochreguliert. Die dargestellten Ergebnisse mit signifikanter Verminderung von Chymase- und Tryptase-haltigen MZ in humanem kutanen Narbengewebe sprechen für MZ-Degranulation nach Trauma. Nachfolgend findet sich in Narbengewebe eine Chymase--, Avidin--, Tryptase+-, c-Kit+-MZ-Subpopulation, am ehesten Folge einer Einwanderung und Proliferation von unreifen MZ oder MZ-Vorläufern, die von den vermehrt exprimierten Wachstumsfaktoren SCF und TGF-(, eventuell auch von NGF über seine vermehrt exprimierten Rezeptoren, induziert werden könnten. Neben NGF und TGF-( scheint auch SCF eine Rolle bei der Wundheilung zu spielen. Bei entzündlichen Hautkrankheiten unterschiedlicher Prägung wie Wundheilung und Urtikaria liegen offenbar verschiedenartige Regulationsmuster der MZ-Proliferation und -Differenzierung vor. Unsere Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass bei Trauma Feedbackmechanismen über Wachstumsfaktoren wie SCF, TGF-( und NGF und ihre Rezeptoren auf MZ ablaufen, bei der Urtikaria unter Mitberücksichtigung bereits bekannter Daten aus der Literatur vorzugsweise über eine Interaktion von Mast- und Endothelzellen. / In wound healing and fibrosing processes as well as in urticaria an increase of mast cells (MC) has been observed. MC are key-players in urticaria, and might also contribute to tissue repair. In human cutaneous scar tissue (5-369 days old) and normal skin MC dynamics and MC subtypes were analysed by enzyme- and immunohistochemistry. Moreover, the activity of the MC proteases in extracts of both tissues and their in vitro effect on the mitogenesis of fibroblasts and keratinocytes were assessed. To elucidate mechanisms involved in mast cell accumulation, expression of MC chemotaxins, MC growth factors and their receptors was evaluated comparing cutaneous scar tissue (a), lesional and non-lesional skin of urticaria (b) and normal skin (c): SCF, c-Kit, NGF-R TrkA, NGF-R p75, GM-CSF, GM-CSF-R (a, b, c); NGF, TGF-(, TGF-(-R I, TGF-(-R II (a,c) by immunohistochemistry (a, b, c) and by RT-PCR (a, c). Additionally, expression of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-3, -8, TNF-() was studied (b, c). Tryptase and chymase containing MC were markedly decreased in scars as well as chymase activity and mRNA expression, whereas overall numbers of tryptase containing MC did not differ from those in normal skin, although tryptase activity and mRNA expression were increased in scar extracts. Both proteases induced a dose-dependent mitogenic response in 3T3-fibroblasts, but not in HaCaT-keratinocytes. Numbers of c-Kit+ MC were significantly increased in the mid and lower dermis of scars. Furthermore, SCF, TGF-(, its receptors I and II, the NGF-R p75 and TrkA were shown to be upregulated in scars both by immunohistochemistry and by RT-PCR, while NGF, GM-CSF and the GM-CSF-R were only weakly expressed without differences between scar and normal tissue. In addition, expression of TGF-(-R I and II could be shown on isolated human skin MC by FACS-analysis. In contrast to these findings, SCF- and NGF-R p75-expressing cells in urticaria tissue were downregulated compared to normal skin. Numbers of c-Kit+, NGF-R TrkA+, GM-CSF+ and GM-CSF-R+ cells remained unchanged. However, IL-3 and TNF-( expression was upregulated on endothelial cells in lesional and non-lesional skin of urticaria. These data show that numbers of resident MCTC are very low in human cutaneous scars suggesting massive mediator release from these cells after wounding. Instead, scar tissue is populated by a chymase-, avidin-, tryptase+, c-Kit+ MC subpopulation that is reflecting most probably an immigration and / or proliferation of immature MC and their precursors which might be promoted by SCF and TGF-beta, possibly also NGF via its receptors. Next to TGF-( and NGF, also SCF seems to play a role in wound healing. Our findings suggest different regulation patterns of MC increase in inflammatory conditions of the skin. After wounding, feedback mechanisms via growth factors (SCF, TGF-(, possibly NGF) and their receptors on MC could be operative, while in urticaria in accordance with data from the literature interactions between MC and endothelial cells appear to be essential.

Mise en évidence de nouvelles lignées mastocytaires humaines exprimant un récepteur aux IgE fonctionnel et différents types de récepteurs KIT, utilisées comme modèles d'étude de l'allergie et des mastocytoses / Establishment of stable human mast cell lines bearing or not a mutation of KIT and expressing the high affinity receptor for IgE, and their use as models for the study of allergy and mastocytosis

Saleh, Rosine 21 March 2013 (has links)
Les mastocytes (MCs) sont issus des cellules hématopoïétiques multipotentes non engagées, CD34+, et jouent un rôle important dans l’initiation de la réponse immunitaire innée et adaptative, ainsi que dans les réactions allergiques IgE-dépendantes. Les mastocytoses sont des néoplasies myéloïdes caractérisées par une accumulation anormale et l'activation fréquente de mastocytes dans divers organes. Les organes généralement atteints sont la moelle osseuse, la peau, le foie et le tractus gastro-intestinal. Elles sont caractérisées dans l’immense majorité des cas par la présence de mutations acquises de la structure du récepteur KIT (plus particulièrement KIT D816V) qui induisent l’activation constitutive de ce récepteur à activité tyrosine kinase intrinsèque. Le traitement actuel de ces pathologies est décevant car la mutation KIT D816V résiste à la plupart des inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinases (ITKs).Dès le début de ma thèse, nous avons pu établir, à partir de cellules souches hématopoïétiques de sang de cordon humain normal cultivées à long terme en présence de stem cell factor (SCF), une nouvelle lignée mastocytaire humaine stable, dénommée ROSA KIT WT, restant strictement dépendante pour sa survie et sa prolifération du SCF, exprimant le récepteur de haute affinité aux IgE (FcεRI), et présentant un récepteur KIT de structure normale. Cette lignée, facile à cultiver en grandes quantités, permet d’envisager l’étude approfondie des évènements intracellulaires menant à l’activation mastocytaire IgE-dépendante et la mise au point de tests de criblage à haut débit dans le domaine de la thérapeutique anti-allergique et/ou anti-inflammatoire.Par ailleurs, afin de pouvoir étudier le rôle transformant des mutants de KIT retrouvés au cours des mastocytoses, nous avons transfecté les cellules ROSA KIT WT par des vecteurs lentiviraux apportant une construction codant pour le KIT muté en D816V ou le KIT muté Delta 417-419 insY. Nous avons ainsi obtenu deux nouvelles lignées mastocytaires humaines SCF-indépendantes, ROSA KIT D816V et ROSA KIT Delta 417-419 insY, pour lesquelles nous avons montré qu’il existe une activation constitutive de KIT, mais aussi de STAT5 et d’AKT. Ces deux lignées de pourront être utilisées soit pour étudier l’impact des mutations de KIT sur la signalisation intracellulaire, soit pour le criblage molécules à activité antiproliférative potentielle dirigées soit contre KIT muté, soit contre l'une ou l’autre des molécules intracellulaires impliquées dans la transduction du signal KIT muté / Mast cells are cells with ubiquitous tissue distribution, derived from CD34 + multipotent hematopoietic cells. These cells play a fundamental role in the initiation of innate and adaptive immune response and in IgE-dependent allergic reactions or in various inflammatory reactions.Mastocytosis is defined as a myeloproliferative neoplastic disorder, caused by an abnormal accumulation of mast cells in one or more organ systems. Mastocytosis presents in cutaneous and systemic forms. In patients with systemic mastocytosis, the most frequent point mutation is KIT D816V, whereas in pediatric patients, where the disease is usually restricted to the skin, different KIT defects have been detected, mostly in the extracellular portion of KIT.In a primary culture of mast cells made from precursors of one cord blood, we have successfully isolated a new human mast cell line called ROSA KIT WT with a phenotype and reactivity comparable to those of normal mast cells. This cell line is dependent on SCF for growth and expresses the KIT receptor wild. It is easy to grow in large quantities, to freeze and to activate by IgE-anti IgE couple or a couple of allergen and corresponding specific IgE. This cell line can be used to study pathophysiologic mechanisms of allergy and to develop and use high-throughput screening tests of molecules in search of anti-allergic properties.In addition, we transfected these cells by lentiviral vectors providing constructs encoding the mutated KIT D816V or the mutated KIT Delta 417-419 insY, two KIT abnormalities encountered in the course of mastocytosis. This allowed us to establish two new cell lines independent of SCF for proliferation, ROSA KIT D816V and ROSA KIT Delta417-419 insY, which are particularly easy to grow in large quantities, and whose phenotype is similar to that of abnormal mast cells during mastocytosis. These two cell lines can be used for pathophysiologic studies on mastocytosis and for high throughput screening of molecules in search of antiproliferative effects specifically directed against the mutated KIT or against one or other of the intracellular molecules involved in signal transduction induced by mutant KIT.

O papel funcional da enzima fosfolipase D2 (PLD2) nas células da linhagem de mastócitos RBL-2H3 / The role of phospholipase D2 (PLD2) enzyme in mast cell line RBL-2H3

Marchini, Claudia Maria Meirelles 11 November 2008 (has links)
Os mastócitos participam do sistema imunológico liberando mediadores farmacologicamente ativos. A principal via de ativação dos mastócitos é através do receptor de alta afinidade para a imunoglobulina E (FcRI). A ativação dos mastócitos via FcRI culmina com a liberação de mediadores. A enzima PLD atua sobre fosfolipídios hidrolisando a fosfatidilcolina em ácido fosfatídico e colina. A PLD é ativada após o estímulo via FcRI e possui um papel importante na transdução do sinal em mastócitos. Existem duas isoformas da enzima PLD, a PLD1 e a PLD2 que são expressas, diferentemente, de acordo com o tipo celular. Ambas as isoformas podem estar expressas numa mesma célula, apenas uma ou nenhuma. Neste estudo foram utilizadas células RBL-2H3 transfectadas para a super expressão PLD2 nas formas catalítica ativa (CA) e inativa (CI). O papel da PLD2 foi examinado nestas células com o objetivo de elucidar sua atuação no processo de secreção incluindo o aparelho de Golgi e os grânulos secretores. As células CA e CI possuem maior atividavidade de -hexosaminidase total, porém quando estimuladas mostram uma deficiência na liberação desta enzima, quando comparadas com as células selvagens. A PLD2 nas células CA, CI, VET e RBL-2H3 está localizada no citosol, sendo abundante na região justanuclear, principalmente nas células CI, sugerindo uma associação com o aparelho de Golgi. A dupla marcação com o mAb AA4, que imunomarca gangliosídeos derivados do GD1b da membrana plasmática e com anti-PLD2, mostrou que esta enzima não se localiza na membrana plasmática. A dupla marcação com anti-PLD2 e anti-GM130 mostrou que as áreas de maior concentração da PLD2 se co-localizam com o aparelho de Golgi, especialmente nas células CI. A marcação com anti-GM130 e os experimentos com microscopia eletrônica de transmissão mostraram que o aparelho de Golgi está organizado nas células CA e desorganizado nas células CI, onde se encontra disperso no citoplasma. Ainda, as células CI expressam menos GM130 em comparação com as demais linhagens celulares. Quando a produção de PA pela PLD está inibida pelo 1-Butanol, as células CA apresentam as mesmas características fenotípicas das células CI. A incubação das CI com PA resulta na reestruturação do aparelho de Golgi. A manutenção estrutural do aparelho de Golgi, também está relacionada com os microtúbulos. Nas células CI o centro organizador de microtúbulos é dificilmente identificado. Os microtúbulos nas células CI são desordenados em comparação com as demais linhagens celulares. Estes resultados mostram que a produção de PA pela PLD2 é importante na organização de microtúbulos e na manutenção da estrutura do aparelho de Golgi. As alterações celulares relacionadas com os microtúbulos e o aparelho de Golgi afetam o processo secretor nestas células e, provavelmente, em outros tipos de células secretoras. Estes achados poderão levar a novas estratégias terapêuticas para controlar a liberação de mediadores durante processos alérgicos e inflamatórios. / Mast cells are components of the immune system that liberate a wide variety of pharmacologically active mediators. The principle method of activating mast cells is through the high affinity receptor for IgE (FcRI). This activation then culminates with the release of mediators. Phospholipase D (PLD) acts on phospholipids, hydrolyzing phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidic acid (PA) and choline. PLD is activated following stimulation via FcRI and plays an important role in signal transduction in mast cells. PLD has two isoforms, PLD1 and PLD2, which are differentially expressed depending on the cell type where none, one or both may be expressed. RBL-2H3 cells, a mast cell line, transfected to super express catalytically active (CA) and inactive (CI) forms of PLD2 were used in the present study. The role of PLD2 was examined in these cells in order to clarify the action of PLD2 in the secretory process. Although the CA and CI cells posses a greater total -hexosaminidase activity, when stimulated these cells release less -hexosaminidase than cells transfected with empty vector or wild type RBL-2H3 cells. In all cell lines, PLD2 was dispersed throughout the cytoplasm with a concentration in the juxtanuclear region suggesting an association of PLD2 with the Golgi apparatus. Double labeling with anti-PLD2 and mAb AA4, which recognizes gangliosides derived from GD1b on the plasma membrane, showed that PLD2 was not associated with the plasma membrane. When the cells were double labeled with anti-PLD2 and anti-GM130, which labels the cis-Golgi saccules, PLD2 does colocalize with the Golgi apparatus, especially in CI cells. Labeling with anti-GM130 alone as well as experiments employing transmission electron microscopy revealed that the Golgi apparatus is well organized in the CA cells, but is disorganized and dispersed in the cytoplasm in the CI cells. By Western Blotting, the CI cells also expressed less GM130 than the other cell lines. When the production of PA by PLD2 was inhibited by 1-Butanol, the Golgi apparatus of the CA cells presented the same phenotypic characteristics as that of the CI cells. Conversely, incubation of the CI cells with PA resulted in the reorganization of the Golgi apparatus. The structural maintenance of the Golgi apparatus is also related to microtubules. In the CI cells, the microtubule organizing center was difficult to identify and the microtubules were disorganized in the cytoplasm as compared to the other cell lines. These results show that the production of PA by PLD2 is important in the arrangement of the microtubules and in maintaining the structure of the Golgi apparatus. Alterations in the distribution of the microtubules and the structure of the Golgi apparatus in the CI cells affect the secretory process in these cells, and such alterations may affect the secretory process in other cell types as well. The findings presented here may lead to new therapeutic strategies to control the production and release of mediators during allergic and inflammatory processes.

Avaliação da quimiosensibilidade de mastocitomas caninos graus I, II e III ao ácido retinóico todo-trans / Evaluation of the chemosensibility of canine mast cell tumor grades I, II and III to the all trans retinoic acid

Pinello, Katia Cristina 08 December 2006 (has links)
O mastocitoma é o tumor cutâneo mais comum dos cães, representando 7% a 21% dos tumores da pele e tecidos moles, 11% a 27% dos tumores malignos cutâneos nessa espécie. Eles possuem uma grande variedade de aparência e comportamento, o qual o torna um desafio seu tratamento. Os retinóides são uma promessa na luta contra o câncer. Entretanto, há poucos estudos sobre os efeitos dos retinóides em neoplasias caninas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a cultura primária de mastocitomas caninos assim como investigar a quimiosensibilidade deste tumor ao ácido retinóico todo-trans (ATRA). A cultura primária de mastocitomas caninos foi realizada em co-cultivo com fibroblastos, que demonstrou uma interação favorável entre mastócitos e fibroblastos, com uma sobrevida média de 30 dias. A quimiosensibilidade dos mastocitomas caninos ao ATRA não mostrou diferenças entre os graus de mastocitomas, ou seja, tanto um mastocitoma grau II ou III respondem igualmente ao ATRA nas doses estudadas. Foi constatado também que o mastocitoma é mais sensível na concentração 10-4M de ATRA (p < 0,002). Existe também um efeito já nas primeiras 24h, mas esse não se altera em 48h, entretanto se intensifica após 72h. Podemos inferir, então, que a maior quimiosensibilidade de mastocitomas caninos ao ATRA se dá após 72h de exposição na dose de 10-4M. Podemos concluir que o ATRA apresenta efeitos sobre as células de mastocitomas caninos e pode ser usado como potencial adjuvante no tratamento desta neoplasia. / Mast cell tumor (MCT) is one of the most frequent neoplasms that affect the skin and soft tissue of the dog, representing about 7% a 21% of all skin tumors and 11% a 27% of malignant skin tumors in this specie. They present a great variety of appearance and behavior, which becomes a challenge to the treatment. The retinoids are well recognized as promising antitumor agents. However, there have only been a few reports about the effect of retinoids in canine cancers. The aim of this study was to characterize the primary mast cell tumor culture and to investigate the chemosensitivity of this tumor to all trans retinoic acid (ATRA). The primary cell culture of MCT was performed as co-cultive with fibroblasts, showing a positive interaction between mast cells and fibroblasts, with a lifetime of 30 days. The chemosensitivity of MCT to ATRA showed no difference between grade II or III, thus either a MCT grade II or grade III has the same response with ATRA at the doses studied. It has been shown that the MCT is more sensible at the dose 10-4M (p < 0,002). There is also an effect on first 24h untill 48h, changing after 72h. According to these results, it is possible to state that the great chemosensitivity of MCT to ATRA is after 72h of exposition at 10-4M. We can conclude that ATRA may be a potential adjunctive chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of canine mast cell tumor.

Avaliação da quimiosensibilidade de mastocitomas caninos graus I, II e III ao ácido retinóico todo-trans / Evaluation of the chemosensibility of canine mast cell tumor grades I, II and III to the all trans retinoic acid

Katia Cristina Pinello 08 December 2006 (has links)
O mastocitoma é o tumor cutâneo mais comum dos cães, representando 7% a 21% dos tumores da pele e tecidos moles, 11% a 27% dos tumores malignos cutâneos nessa espécie. Eles possuem uma grande variedade de aparência e comportamento, o qual o torna um desafio seu tratamento. Os retinóides são uma promessa na luta contra o câncer. Entretanto, há poucos estudos sobre os efeitos dos retinóides em neoplasias caninas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a cultura primária de mastocitomas caninos assim como investigar a quimiosensibilidade deste tumor ao ácido retinóico todo-trans (ATRA). A cultura primária de mastocitomas caninos foi realizada em co-cultivo com fibroblastos, que demonstrou uma interação favorável entre mastócitos e fibroblastos, com uma sobrevida média de 30 dias. A quimiosensibilidade dos mastocitomas caninos ao ATRA não mostrou diferenças entre os graus de mastocitomas, ou seja, tanto um mastocitoma grau II ou III respondem igualmente ao ATRA nas doses estudadas. Foi constatado também que o mastocitoma é mais sensível na concentração 10-4M de ATRA (p < 0,002). Existe também um efeito já nas primeiras 24h, mas esse não se altera em 48h, entretanto se intensifica após 72h. Podemos inferir, então, que a maior quimiosensibilidade de mastocitomas caninos ao ATRA se dá após 72h de exposição na dose de 10-4M. Podemos concluir que o ATRA apresenta efeitos sobre as células de mastocitomas caninos e pode ser usado como potencial adjuvante no tratamento desta neoplasia. / Mast cell tumor (MCT) is one of the most frequent neoplasms that affect the skin and soft tissue of the dog, representing about 7% a 21% of all skin tumors and 11% a 27% of malignant skin tumors in this specie. They present a great variety of appearance and behavior, which becomes a challenge to the treatment. The retinoids are well recognized as promising antitumor agents. However, there have only been a few reports about the effect of retinoids in canine cancers. The aim of this study was to characterize the primary mast cell tumor culture and to investigate the chemosensitivity of this tumor to all trans retinoic acid (ATRA). The primary cell culture of MCT was performed as co-cultive with fibroblasts, showing a positive interaction between mast cells and fibroblasts, with a lifetime of 30 days. The chemosensitivity of MCT to ATRA showed no difference between grade II or III, thus either a MCT grade II or grade III has the same response with ATRA at the doses studied. It has been shown that the MCT is more sensible at the dose 10-4M (p < 0,002). There is also an effect on first 24h untill 48h, changing after 72h. According to these results, it is possible to state that the great chemosensitivity of MCT to ATRA is after 72h of exposition at 10-4M. We can conclude that ATRA may be a potential adjunctive chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of canine mast cell tumor.

Estabelecimento e caracterização de modelo xenotransplantável de mastocitoma canino para estudo de antineoplásicos / Establishment and characterization of xenotransplantable model of canine mast cell tumor for study of antineoplastic agents

Márcia Kazumi Nagamine 18 March 2011 (has links)
O mastocitoma é um dos mais freqüentes neoplasmas que acometem a pele do cão, e novas modalidades terapêuticas vêm sendo buscadas visando seu controle. O presente trabalho descreve o estabelecimento e caracterização do modelo xenotransplantável de mastocitoma canino para testes de substâncias com potencial antineoplásico in vitro e in vivo. O animal doador da amostra tumoral apresentava um mastocitoma grau 3. O mastocitoma canino foi estabelecido com sucesso nos camundongos atímicos BALB/c nu/nu. O tumor apresenta as mesmas características histológicas do fragmento tumoral daquele do animal doador ao longo das passagens. Em média, 7 dias a 3 semanas são necessários para o aparecimento do nódulo palpável e cerca de 60 dias para o volume tumoral alcançar mais de 500 mm3. O cultivo celular das células de mastocitoma canino se mantém por aproximadamente 1 mês, às vezes mais, mas o tempo de cultivo é limitado. Há perda progressiva das características iniciais de cultivo como perda de granulação, aumento de adesão e diminuição de células em suspensão. A seguir, foram realizados testes in vitro e in vivo neste modelo com as substâncias de origem natural epigalocatequina-3-galato (EGCG, principal composto do chá-verde), tricostatina A (TSA, produto metabólico da bactéria Streptomyces sp) e resíduo butanólico da Pfaffia paniculata (RBPP) (Ginseng brasileiro). Nas doses utilizadas, a EGCG mostrou efeito estimulatório, não tendo sido testada in vivo. A TSA e o RBPP apresentaram efeitos inibitórios sobre as células de mastocitoma canino in vitro com diminuição da viabilidade celular detectada com o corante vital Azul de Tripan e diminuição do crescimento celular avaliada com o ensaio do MTT. A avaliação morfológica das células pela coloração Laranja de Acridina/Brometo de Etídio mostrou vários debris celulares e células apoptóticas no tratamento com TSA, e alterações morfológicas como vacuolização nas células tratadas com RBPP, incluindo células apoptóticas. A avaliação do ciclo celular avaliada por citometria de fluxo mostrou aumento das células em fase sub-G1 nas células tratadas com TSA, e diminuição nas fases G1 e G2, e aumento nas fases sub-G1 e S no tratamento com RBPP. As substâncias foram então testadas no modelo xenotransplantável de mastocitoma canino. Apesar do marcante efeito inibitório da TSA nos ensaios in vitro, o mesmo não aconteceu in vivo com as doses investigadas, não demonstrando diferença em relação ao controle. Já o RBPP mostrou efeito inibitório com a dosagem de 1,5 mg/animal com tratamento intratumoral no modelo in vivo. Estes dados mostram que o modelo estabelecido é estável e viável e a importância da complementação com os ensaios in vivo para a confirmação dos efeitos observados in vitro. / The mast cell tumor is one of the most common neoplasms that involve the skin of the dog, and new treatment modalities have been searched for its control. This paper describes the establishment and characterization of a xenotransplantable canine mast cell tumor model for testing substances with anticancer potential in vitro and in vivo. The tumor sample was original from a donor animal that showed a grade 3 mast cell tumor. The canine mast cell tumor was successfully established in athymic mice BALB/c nu/nu. The tumor has same histological characteristics retained during their passages in culture. On average, 7 days to 3 weeks are needed for the appearance of a palpable mass and about 60 days for tumor volume reaching more than 500 mm3. Cell cultivation of canine mast cell tumor is maintained for approximately one month, sometimes more, but the cultivation time is limited. There is progressive loss of the initial features of culture such as loss of granulation, increased adhesion and decreased cell suspensions. The following tests were performed in vitro and in vivo in this model, by using the naturally occurring substance epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, the major compound of green tea), trichostatin A (TSA, metabolic product of the fungus Streptomyces sp) and butanolic residue of the Pfaffia paniculata (RBPP) (Brazilian ginseng). At the used doses, EGCG showed stimulatory effect in vitro, but has not been tested in vivo. The TSA and RBPP showed inhibitory effects on the canine mastocytoma cells in vitro with a decrease in cell viability detected with the vital dye Trypan blue and a decrease in cell growth assessed by the MTT assay. The morphological evaluation of cells stained by Acridine Orange/Ethidium Bromide showed several cellular debris and apoptotic cells in the treatment with TSA, and morphological changes such as vacuolization in cells treated with RBPP, including apoptotic cells. The evaluation of the cell cycle measured by flow cytometry showed an increase of cells in sub-G1 phase in cells treated with TSA, and a decrease in both G1 and G2 phases and increased sub-G1 and S in the treatment RBPP. The substances were then tested in the xenotransplantable model of canine mast cell tumor. Despite the remarkable inhibitory effect of TSA in vitro, it did not happen in vivo with the doses studied, showing no difference compared to control. RBPP already had an inhibitory effect with the dosage of 1.5 mg/animal treatment with intratumoral in vivo model. These data show that the established model of murine xenotransplantable mastocytoma is stable and viable and has importance as a complement in vivo of the tests with antineoplastic drugs performed in vitro.

Estabelecimento e caracterização de modelo xenotransplantável de mastocitoma canino para estudo de antineoplásicos / Establishment and characterization of xenotransplantable model of canine mast cell tumor for study of antineoplastic agents

Nagamine, Márcia Kazumi 18 March 2011 (has links)
O mastocitoma é um dos mais freqüentes neoplasmas que acometem a pele do cão, e novas modalidades terapêuticas vêm sendo buscadas visando seu controle. O presente trabalho descreve o estabelecimento e caracterização do modelo xenotransplantável de mastocitoma canino para testes de substâncias com potencial antineoplásico in vitro e in vivo. O animal doador da amostra tumoral apresentava um mastocitoma grau 3. O mastocitoma canino foi estabelecido com sucesso nos camundongos atímicos BALB/c nu/nu. O tumor apresenta as mesmas características histológicas do fragmento tumoral daquele do animal doador ao longo das passagens. Em média, 7 dias a 3 semanas são necessários para o aparecimento do nódulo palpável e cerca de 60 dias para o volume tumoral alcançar mais de 500 mm3. O cultivo celular das células de mastocitoma canino se mantém por aproximadamente 1 mês, às vezes mais, mas o tempo de cultivo é limitado. Há perda progressiva das características iniciais de cultivo como perda de granulação, aumento de adesão e diminuição de células em suspensão. A seguir, foram realizados testes in vitro e in vivo neste modelo com as substâncias de origem natural epigalocatequina-3-galato (EGCG, principal composto do chá-verde), tricostatina A (TSA, produto metabólico da bactéria Streptomyces sp) e resíduo butanólico da Pfaffia paniculata (RBPP) (Ginseng brasileiro). Nas doses utilizadas, a EGCG mostrou efeito estimulatório, não tendo sido testada in vivo. A TSA e o RBPP apresentaram efeitos inibitórios sobre as células de mastocitoma canino in vitro com diminuição da viabilidade celular detectada com o corante vital Azul de Tripan e diminuição do crescimento celular avaliada com o ensaio do MTT. A avaliação morfológica das células pela coloração Laranja de Acridina/Brometo de Etídio mostrou vários debris celulares e células apoptóticas no tratamento com TSA, e alterações morfológicas como vacuolização nas células tratadas com RBPP, incluindo células apoptóticas. A avaliação do ciclo celular avaliada por citometria de fluxo mostrou aumento das células em fase sub-G1 nas células tratadas com TSA, e diminuição nas fases G1 e G2, e aumento nas fases sub-G1 e S no tratamento com RBPP. As substâncias foram então testadas no modelo xenotransplantável de mastocitoma canino. Apesar do marcante efeito inibitório da TSA nos ensaios in vitro, o mesmo não aconteceu in vivo com as doses investigadas, não demonstrando diferença em relação ao controle. Já o RBPP mostrou efeito inibitório com a dosagem de 1,5 mg/animal com tratamento intratumoral no modelo in vivo. Estes dados mostram que o modelo estabelecido é estável e viável e a importância da complementação com os ensaios in vivo para a confirmação dos efeitos observados in vitro. / The mast cell tumor is one of the most common neoplasms that involve the skin of the dog, and new treatment modalities have been searched for its control. This paper describes the establishment and characterization of a xenotransplantable canine mast cell tumor model for testing substances with anticancer potential in vitro and in vivo. The tumor sample was original from a donor animal that showed a grade 3 mast cell tumor. The canine mast cell tumor was successfully established in athymic mice BALB/c nu/nu. The tumor has same histological characteristics retained during their passages in culture. On average, 7 days to 3 weeks are needed for the appearance of a palpable mass and about 60 days for tumor volume reaching more than 500 mm3. Cell cultivation of canine mast cell tumor is maintained for approximately one month, sometimes more, but the cultivation time is limited. There is progressive loss of the initial features of culture such as loss of granulation, increased adhesion and decreased cell suspensions. The following tests were performed in vitro and in vivo in this model, by using the naturally occurring substance epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, the major compound of green tea), trichostatin A (TSA, metabolic product of the fungus Streptomyces sp) and butanolic residue of the Pfaffia paniculata (RBPP) (Brazilian ginseng). At the used doses, EGCG showed stimulatory effect in vitro, but has not been tested in vivo. The TSA and RBPP showed inhibitory effects on the canine mastocytoma cells in vitro with a decrease in cell viability detected with the vital dye Trypan blue and a decrease in cell growth assessed by the MTT assay. The morphological evaluation of cells stained by Acridine Orange/Ethidium Bromide showed several cellular debris and apoptotic cells in the treatment with TSA, and morphological changes such as vacuolization in cells treated with RBPP, including apoptotic cells. The evaluation of the cell cycle measured by flow cytometry showed an increase of cells in sub-G1 phase in cells treated with TSA, and a decrease in both G1 and G2 phases and increased sub-G1 and S in the treatment RBPP. The substances were then tested in the xenotransplantable model of canine mast cell tumor. Despite the remarkable inhibitory effect of TSA in vitro, it did not happen in vivo with the doses studied, showing no difference compared to control. RBPP already had an inhibitory effect with the dosage of 1.5 mg/animal treatment with intratumoral in vivo model. These data show that the established model of murine xenotransplantable mastocytoma is stable and viable and has importance as a complement in vivo of the tests with antineoplastic drugs performed in vitro.

Regulation of Mast Cell Survival

Möller, Christine January 2004 (has links)
<p>Mast cells are long-lived effector cells of importance for both acute and chronic inflammations. Mast cells can be activated in many different ways, leading to the release of inflammatory mediators. In contrast to most other inflammatory cells, activated mast cells have the capacity to recover, regranulate and thereby be activated again. </p><p>In this thesis I have investigated the mechanisms involved in regulating activation-induced mast cell survival. We have found that cross-linking of FcεRI-bound IgE with an antigen (IgER-CL) induces a survival program in mast cells. Upon IgER-CL, mouse and human mast cells upregulate the pro-survival Bcl-2 family gene A1/Bfl-1. A1<sup>-/-</sup> mast cells degranulate upon FcεRI activation but they cannot recover most likely due to the lack of A1. Sensitized and provoked A1<sup>-/-</sup> mice exhibit lower amounts of mast cells compared to littermate controls. In contrast to mast cells, no Bfl-1 expression or survival promotion can be detected in basophils after IgER-CL. Another mast cell secretagogue, an adenosine receptor agonist, neither promoted upregulation of A1 nor survival.</p><p>Although it is well established that mast cell survival is dependent on stem cell factor (SCF), it has not been described how this process is regulated. We have found that SCF promotes survival through Akt-mediated inhibition of the forkhead transcription factor FOXO3a and its transcriptional target Bim, a BH3-only pro-apoptotic protein. SCF-treatment prevents upregulation of Bim protein expression and leads to an upregulation of Bim phosphorylation through PI3-kinase and MEK-dependent pathways. Overexpression of FOXO3a causes an upregulation of Bim and induces mast cell apoptosis, even in the presence of SCF. </p><p>Taken together, the work in this thesis demonstrates that A1/Bfl-1 and Bim play key roles in mast cell survival. These findings might be of importance in understanding the mechanisms of mast cell longevity and hence for possible new therapeutics used for mast cell-associated inflammations.</p>

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