Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amedical anthropology."" "subject:"amedical nthropology.""
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Serviços de saúde e seus usuários : comunicação entre culturas em uma unidade de saúde comunitáriaOliveira, Francisco Jorge Arsego Quadros de January 1998 (has links)
Este trabalho é fruto de uma investigação que buscou elucidar a relação estabelecida entre os serviços de saúde e os seus usuários. Com esse objetivo, utilizou-se uma abordagem antropológica que teve como referência a experiência empírica ligada à Unidade Conceição do Serviço de Saúde Comunitária do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição, em Porto Alegre, RS. Funcionando nas dependências do Hospital Nossa Senhora Conceição, a Unidade Conceição é um posto de saúde vinculado ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) em que médicos gerais comunitários e outros profissionais vêm prestando atendimento de saúde, há cerca de 15 anos, aos moradores da sua vizinhança, calculados atualmente em mais de 20 mil pessoas. Tendo como pano de fundo as influências da cultura no comportamento humano e na prestação de atendimento de saúde, os desdobramentos principais da relação entre a Unidade e os seus usuários foram analisados sob diversos eixos: a história da Unidade, seus conflitos com a instituição e outras especialidades médicas; a relação da Unidade com a área geográfica sob sua responsabilidade; a questão da participação popular nos serviços de saúde, mais especificamente a experiência do seu Conselho Gestor Local; e, por fim, a avaliação dos serviços de saúde, principalmente no que concerne à perspectiva dos pacientes. Sempre que possível, a análise feita procurou fazer uma ligação com as mudanças ocorridas no sistema de saúde brasileiro nos últimos anos. Resgatar os aspectos culturais como elemento essencial para o estabelecimento de uma comunicação efetiva entre os indivíduos e os serviços formais de saúde mostrou-se fundamental para permitir o aprofundamento desse tipo de análise e para qualificar as ações desenvolvidas pelos serviços de saúde. / This dissertation is the result of a research that aimed at clarifying the relationship between health services and their users under an anthropological point of view. The research was based on the practical experience carried out at Unidade Conceição do Serviço de Saúde Comunitária do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição, in Porto Alegre, RS. This Unit, a health care center associated to Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), has been developing its activities inside Hospital Nossa Senhora Conceição for the last 15 years, counting on family doctors and other professionals to provide health attention to around twenty thousand people living in this neighborhood. Having culture influences on human behavior as well as on health care practice as background, the main aspects of the relationship between health center and its users were analyzed under different lines of thought: Unit history, Unit conflicts related to the institution and other medical specialties; the relationship between the Unit and the geographical area under its responsibility; popular participation on health services, more specifically the experience of the Unit health council; and, finally, the evaluation of health care, mainly related to the patient’s perspective. Whenever possible, this analysis was referred to changes occurred in the Brazilian health system in the last few years. Reclaiming cultural aspects as an essential element to establish effective communication between formal health services and their users showed to be of utmost importance to deepen this kind of analysis and to qualify the health care practice.
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Aborto vivido, aborto pensado : aborto punido? : as (inter)faces entre as esferas pública e privada em casos de aborto no BrasilTussi, Fernanda Pivato January 2010 (has links)
A questão do aborto provocado no Brasil envolve discursos de diversas ordens, definindo um contexto marcado por disputas políticas em debates polêmicos. Por um lado, a problemática do aborto pressupõe um recorte de gênero específico, pois remete imediatamente ao corpo da mulher. Por outro, refere-se a um conjunto de relações mais amplas, centrado especialmente no(s) sentido(s) de família, como dimensão fundamental a ser investigada com vistas ao entendimento dos contextos de gravidez. A partir de uma metodologia qualitativa de orientação etnográfica foi desenvolvido trabalho de campo com dois grupos. Em um deles, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com treze mulheres da região de Porto Alegre/ RS que interromperam a gestação em condições ilegais. No outro, foram feitas entrevistas com diversas pessoas que estiveram envolvidas em um caso de indiciamento judicial de uma Clínica de Planejamento Familiar em Campo Grande/MS. Também foram analisados materiais veiculados na mídia sobre os debates que envolvem a prática de aborto. Foi possível perceber que o caso do indiciamento abrange aspectos sociais e políticos, que não a restrita punição das mulheres que interromperam a gestação. Além disso, procurou-se demonstrar a rede familiar e o contexto na qual a gravidez não planejada está inserida, além das formas de punição corporificadas para as mulheres que abortam. O conjunto de dados mostra, tanto a desconexão dos discursos legais, dos movimentos sociais e da realidade das pesquisadas, como a interpenetração das esferas públicas e privadas no corpo das mulheres. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de uma abordagem que assuma como central a experiência das mulheres, já que a questão do aborto é encoberta por ambivalências próprias do âmbito legal e moral. / The issue of indeced abortion in Brazil is comprised by multiple discourses, creating a context of political disputes and polemic debates. On the one hand, the problem of abortion presupposes targeting one specific gender, centering on the women's body. On the other hand, abortion is related to a wide set of relationships with an emphasis on the meaning of family, as a central dimension to be investigated in order to illuminate the contexts of pregnancy. The ethnographic work was conducted with two different social groups. Semistructured interviews were collected with 13 women from Porto Alegre/RS, who performed illegal abortion. The other case that I discuss is the indictment of a Family Planning clinic in Campo Grande/MS. In other to analyze the case, I use qualitative data gathered from newspapers and the Internet. The case of the Family Planning clinic involves social and political aspects, given that it was not restricted to the women who performed abortion. Moreover, I intent to demonstrate the kinship networks and the context in which pregnancy took place. The analysis of data demonstrates, beyond the disconnect of legal, political and the experiential discourses concerning abortion, the intertwining of the private and public spheres. The results point to the necessity of a women's experience-centered approach, because the problem of abortion is often covered by ambiguities that are recurrent in the legal and moral spheres.
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Intergenerational Variation in Cultural Models of Body Size in Puerto RicoJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: Culture informs ideas about healthy and acceptable body types. Through globalization the U.S.-European body model has become increasingly significant in local contexts, influencing local body models. While Puerto Ricans have historically valued plump bodies - a biocultural legacy of a historically food scarce environment - this dissertation investigated shifts in these ideals across generations to a stronger preference for thinness. A sample of 23 intergenerational family triads of women, and one close male relative or friend per woman, were administered quantitative questionnaires. Ethnographic interviews were conducted with a sub-sample of women from 16 triads and 1 quintet. Questions about weight history and body sizes were used to address cultural changes in body models. Findings indicate the general trend for all generations has been a reduction in the spectrum of acceptable bodies to an almost singular idealized thin body. Female weight gain during puberty and influence of media produced varied responses across age groups. Overall, Puerto Ricans find it acceptable to gain weight with ageing, during a divorce, and postpartum. Thin bodies are associated with beauty and health, but healthy women that do not resemble the thin ideal, submit themselves to dangerous weight loss practices to achieve self and social acceptance. Further research and direct interventions need to be conducted to alter perceptions that conflate beauty with health in order to address the `normative discontent' women of all ages experience. Weight discrimination and concern with being overweight were evident in Puerto Rican everyday life, indicated by the role of media and acculturation in this study. Anti-fat attitudes were stronger for individuals that identified closely with United States culture. Exposure to drama and personal transformation television programs are associated with increased body image dissatisfaction, and increased exposure to variety shows and celebrity news shows is associated with increased anti-fat attitudes and body dissatisfaction. In sum, the positive valuation of fat in the Puerto Rican cultural body size model in the 1970s has shifted toward a negative valuation of fat and a preference for thin body size. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Social Science and Health 2013
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Remediar, comer, exercitar: etnografia do gerenciamento do diabetes tipo 2 em grupos hiperdia / Remedy, eat, and exercise: ethnography of management type 2 diabetes in health education groupsLucas Pereira de Melo 19 November 2013 (has links)
Os grupos de educação em saúde têm sido considerados espaços nos quais se produz intervenções educativas, cujo objetivo último é a aderência ao tratamento. Isto se faz por meio da valorização do saber médico e da assunção da ignorância do sujeito que adoece. No Brasil, há poucos estudos antropológicos de grupos de diabéticos que se realizem dentro de serviços oficiais de saúde. Esse tipo de abordagem tem-se mostrado pertinente, uma vez que a experiência com a doença crônica está intimamente entrelaçada com os tipos de serviços e de profissionais de saúde que eles encontram no sistema oficial de saúde. Este estudo partiu do pressuposto de que em tais grupos é possível analisar as formas de operação do modelo terapêutico para diabetes tipo 2. Buscou-se apreender os grupos como instâncias produtoras de sentidos e de significados relativos ao processo de adoecimento. Portanto, teve-se como objetivo compreender os aspectos discursivos, estruturais e simbólicos que compõem os modos de operação do modelo terapêutico para gerenciamento do diabetes tipo 2 em grupos de educação em saúde na atenção básica. O trabalho de campo foi conduzido entre os meses de agosto/2011 e setembro/2012 num centro de saúde em Campinas-SP. Participaram do estudo 58 indivíduos, entre usuários, profissionais e gestores. Desse total, 33 foram entrevistados individualmente ou nos grupos de discussão. Nesse contexto, o gerenciamento do diabetes tipo 2 dá-se por meio de tecnologias e ética do autocuidado que exigem dos indivíduos autocontrole, automonitoramento e disciplina. Destaca-se o seguinte: os itinerários dos pacientes até o ingresso nos grupos; os ditos e cochichos nas reuniões; as negociações no acompanhamento clínico; os significados atribuídos aos grupos que, em alguma medida, se contrapõem e se retroalimentam; os usos sociais dos grupos; os sistemas de privilégios e gradações existentes entre os participantes; os compartilhamentos e trocas de experiências e saberes socializados na lida diária com a enfermidade crônica; as críticas e sugestões que os informantes fazem ao modo de funcionamento dos grupos, apesar de tímidas ou intimidadas; o papel do vínculo e das relações como elementos que conferem eficácia simbólica ao ato médico e à educação em saúde. Diante disso, observa-se a existência de uma crise no modelo de educação em saúde vigente. Além disso, chama-se a atenção para a lógica cultural que opera nesses grupos, o que evidencia as diferenças e complementaridades entre as dimensões técnica e relacional do cuidado, como reflexos dos referentes culturais e valores sociais da sociedade brasileira mais ampla. / Health education Groups have been considered spaces where produces educational interventions, whose ultimate objective is adherence to treatment. This is done through the enhancement of medical knowledge and the assumption of ignorance of the people who gets sick. In Brazil, there are few anthropological studies about these groups that take place within the official health services. This approach has shown relevant, since the experience with chronic illness is closely intertwined with the types of services and health professionals they encounter in the public health system. This study was based on the assumption that such groups can examine ways of operating the therapeutic model for type 2 diabetes. It tried to apprehend these groups as instances of producing senses and meanings related to the disease process. So we had as objective to understand the discursive, structural, and symbolic aspects that make up the operating modes of the therapeutic model for management type 2 diabetes into health education groups in primary health care center. Fieldwork was conducted between the months of August/2011 September/2012 in Southeast Brazil. The study included 58 individuals (patients, professionals and managers). Of this total, 33 were interviewed individually or in focus groups. In this context, the management of type 2 diabetes occurs by means of technology and ethics of self-care of individuals requiring self-control, self-monitoring and discipline. It highlighted the following: the itineraries of patients until entry in groups; the \"uncertain\" and \"whispers\" in meetings; negotiations clinical follow; meanings assigned to groups, to some extent, oppose and feed back; the social uses of the groups; systems of privileges and gradations between participants; shares and the exchange of experiences and knowledge in deals with chronic illness; criticism and suggestions that informants make the workings of groups, despite the \"shy\" or \"intimidated\", the role of the bond and relationships as elements that confer symbolic efficacy to the medical act and health education. Thus, we observe the existence of a crisis in the health education model. It demonstrates the differences and complementarities between the technical and cultural/relational dimensions of care reflecting the cultural reference points and social values of the broader Brazilian society.
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A experiência do homem com câncer de próstata na perspectiva da antropologia das masculinidades / The experience of men with prostrate cancer from the perspective of the anthropology of masculinitiesJeferson Santos Araújo 22 July 2016 (has links)
O câncer de próstata (CP) é a neoplasia maligna mais incidente entre os homens brasileiros, principalmente na região sudeste do país, depois do câncer de pele não melanoma. Os sinais, sintomas e tratamentos da doença afetam o adoecido gerando momentos de sofrimentos, medos e incertezas diante do seu prognóstico. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo interpretar os significados atribuídos à experiência dos homens adoecidos com o CP, seus tratamentos e complicações com base na concepção antropológica de masculinidades. Para atingir este propósito um estudo qualitativo foi realizado e adotado o método da etnografia narrativa e o referencial teórico da Antropologia Médica e das Masculinidades. Participaram do estudo 17 homens diagnosticados com CP em seguimento terapêutico em um hospital universitário localizado no interior do estado de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi realizada de forma individualizada com cada participante por meio de entrevistas em profundidade e observação do contexto de pesquisa , sendo estas registradas em diário de campo, realizada nas dependências do complexo hospitalar e nos lugares em que os participantes julgavam propícios para conversar sobre sua experiência. A captação dos dados ocorreu entre o período de março de 2013 a março de 2016. Foram construídas sínteses narrativas individuais e em seguida sínteses narrativas coletivas para melhor compreender as experiências narradas. Em seguida, os enredos foram submetidos a análise temática indutiva e os aspectos semelhantes e particulares das narrativas foram integrados e apresentados sob forma de duas sínteses narrativas temáticas, denominadas: Enredos corporificados do câncer de próstata: normas, conflitos e descobertas, onde são apresentadas crenças, costumes e valores atribuídos ao corpo do homem na sociedade e em sua cultura, as normas hegemônicas que regem à sua forma de lidar com o seu itinerário terapêutico, transformando o seu corpo um lócus de agência e objeto de sentidos durante o adoecimento, os quais nos permitiram atribuir a esta síntese o significado de corporeidade; e Masculinidades resignadas em tempos de crise: como nos vemos, enfrentamos e seguimos no nosso mundo social que aborda as transformações ocorridas sob o corpo social e biológico apresentados pelo homem por meio da perda da identidade masculina hegemônica e adoção de outras masculinas, onde o homem que era forte, potente e viril deu lugar para o homem dependente, fraco e isolado que lida com as adversidades da doença e com o seu agenciamento por meio da resignação do seu corpo e de suas práticas. Assim, esta síntese narrativa temática teve por significado a transição de identidade. Os sentidos destas experiências foram discutidos com o auxílio de conceitos da antropologia e suas interpretações que nos permitiram explicar compreensivamente que a cultura influencia diretamente na forma como o homem lida com o CP e suas masculinidades durante o adoecimento. Destacamos a importância do enfermeiro apreender a experiência do adoecido, numa perspectiva ampla que relaciona o homem, suas masculinidades, sua cultura e seus significados / After non-melanoma skin cancer, prostate cancer (PC) is the most malignant neoplasms incident among Brazilian men, mainly in the South-East region of Brazil. The signs, symptoms and disease treatment affect the patients generating moments of suffering, fear and doubt about his prognosis. The aim of this research was to interpret the meaning attributed to experience of the patients (men) with PC, their treatments and complications based on anthropological perspective of masculinities. To achieve research objectives it was used qualitative study supported by method of the ethnographic narrative and Medical Anthropology and Masculinities Theories. This study had the participation of 17 men diagnosed with PC under therapeutic follow-up in the university hospital located on the countryside of São Paulo state. The data collection was individual with each participant through deep interviews and observations of the research context. The information was registered in a field diary in the hospital and others appropriate locals suggested by participants to talk about their experience. The data were obtained in the period from March 2013 to March 2016. Both individual narratives syntheses and in the sequence collective narratives syntheses were built to achieve the best comprehension of the experience told by patients. After this step the stories were analyzed under inductive thematic and similar and specific aspects were integrated and presented by two thematic narrative syntheses denominated: Embodied narrative of the prostate cancer: rules, conflicts and discovery which present beliefs, custom and values attributed to man´s body in the society and his culture as well as hegemonic rules that guide his way to handle with therapeutic itinerary, turning his body into a locus of agency and object of sense during the process of the disease that allowed us to attribute to this synthesis the meaning of embodiment; Masculinities resigned in the crisis period: how see ourselves, how to face and act in our social world that approaches the transformation occurred in the body in social and biological terms presented by man through of his loss of the hegemonic masculinity identity and adoption of others masculinities; the change from strong, potent and virile man to dependent, weak and alone one that deals with disease adversity and its agency through his resignation with the body and practices. Thus, this thematic narrative synthesis had as meaning the transition of identity. The senses of these experiences were discussed under concepts of the anthropology and its interpretations that allowed us to explain comprehensively that the culture influences directly the manner that the man handles with PC and his masculinity during the process of disease. We underline the importance of the nurses apprehend experience of the patients under wide perspective that include the man, his masculinities, culture and its meanings
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Centros de Atenção Psicossocial : do modelo institucional a experiencia social da doença / Psycho social Treatment Centers : from institucional model to desease experienceDias, Marcelo Kimati 19 October 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Luiz dos Santos / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T06:42:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dias_MarceloKimati_D.pdf: 3287178 bytes, checksum: e693a5cc96924592eccbebedfc775c29 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Não informado. / Abstract: Not informed. / Doutorado / Doutor em Ciências Sociais
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A experiência do câncer peniano e seus tratamentos na perspectiva dos adoecidos / The experience of penile cancer and treatment from the perspective of patientsVander Monteiro da Conceição 02 February 2017 (has links)
O câncer de pênis é uma doença de baixa incidência e sua manifestação está associada a fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos, e sua principal forma de tratamento é a penectomia. Devido à doença ocorrer no órgão genital masculino busquei conhecer como os homens adoecidos lidam com suas masculinidades na situação do adoecimento. Dessa forma, propus a tese de que a cultura influencia na forma como os homens sobreviventes do câncer de pênis lidam com suas masculinidades. Elaborei o objetivo de interpretar os significados atribuídos à experiência com o câncer de pênis e seus tratamentos pelos homens adoecidos. O referencial teórico adotado foi o da antropologia médica e das masculinidades, pois ambas consideram a cultura como um elemento importante no mundo social. Para conhecer a cultura do outro é necessário vivenciá-la de perto, por este motivo optei por desenvolver a etnografia narrativa. Esse método propõe ao pesquisador o uso de técnicas como a observação participante, múltiplas entrevistas, uso do diário de campo, análise temática e a apresentação dos resultados na estrutura de narrativas que contenham a estória das vivências dos participantes. Ressalto que a narrativa tem como principal objetivo mostrar as transformações vividas pelos depoentes, considerando os aspectos comuns e divergentes dos entrevistados. Foram selecionados 18 homens com o diagnóstico de câncer de pênis no ambulatório de uro- oncologia de um hospital do interior paulista. As características sociais e clínicas dos entrevistados são semelhantes aos dados nacionais e internacionais em relação à baixa incidência da doença, faixa etária e os tratamentos empregados. Diante do processo de análise foi possível construir oito sínteses temáticas: O câncer de pênis e seu itinerário; O corpo após a doença e seus tratamentos; O câncer e suas repercussões sociais: o trabalho, o lazer e as relações sociais; Por trás do visível: a confidencialidade da doença; A sexualidade pós- tratamento; Um homem inteiro ou meio homem: a ressignificação das masculinidades; Recursos de apoio social; O hoje e as expectativas para o futuro. Por meio das sínteses narrativas é possível conhecer os sentidos que os homens empregaram ao adoecimento e como a doença afetou sua masculinidade. Estes achados permitiram alcançar o significado de ser homem sobrevivente do câncer de pênis e seus tratamentos, que pode ser compreendido pela expressão \"ser meio homem\". Desde o início do diagnóstico até a vida no pós- tratamento, os homens negociam suas masculinidades com o mundo social, e percebem que algumas características adquiridas durante o adoecimento os tornam diferente dos demais homens, tais como se assumir doente, a extirpação total ou parcial do pênis, redução da força física, impossibilidade de trabalhar e alterações na prática sexual. Comprovo, então, que a cultura tem influência na forma que os homens lidam com suas masculinidades, uma vez que os adoecidos constantemente revisitam seus padrões culturais de masculinidade para obedecê- lo ou ressignificá-lo. Os enfermeiros podem utilizar os achados deste estudo para refletir sua prática de cuidado aos homens com câncer e para desenvolverem outras pesquisas que o complementem / Penile cancer is a disease of low incidence, and its manifestation is associated with intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and its main form of treatment is the penectomy. Due to the fact that the disease occurs in the male genital organ, I sought to know how the ill men deal with their masculinities in the disease situation. Thus, I proposed the thesis that culture influences in the way as the penile cancer survivors deal with their masculinities. The aim of this study is to interpret the meanings attributed to the experience with penile cancer and its treatments by the ill men. The theoretical framework adopted was medical anthropology and masculinities, since both considered culture as an important element in the social world. In order to understand the culture of the other people is necessary to experience it closely, for this reason I chose to develop the narrative ethnography. This method proposes to the researcher the use of techniques such as participant observation, mult iple interviews, the use of field diary, thematic analysis and the presentation of results in the structure of narratives that contain the story of participants\' experiences. I emphasize that the narrative has as main objective to show the transformations lived by the deponents, considering the common and divergent aspects of the interviewees. We selected 18 men with the diagnosis of penile cancer in the uro-oncology clinic of a hospital in the interior of São Paulo. The social and clinical characteristics of the interviewees are similar to the national and international data regarding the low incidence of the disease, age group and the treatments used. From the process of analysis it was possible to construct eight thematic syntheses: Penile cancer and its itinerary; The body after disease and its treatments; Cancer and its social repercussions: work, leisure and social relations; Behind the visible: the confidentiality of the disease; The sexuality post-treatment; The whole man or half man: resignification of masculinities; Social support resources; The today and expectations for the future. Through narrative syntheses it was possible to comprehend the meaning attributed by the patients, what they assigned to illness and how that disease affected their masculinity. These findings allowed us to achieve the meaning of being a man penile cancer survivor and its treatments, which can be understood by the expression \"being half man\". From the onset of diagnosis up to life post-treatment, men negotiate their masculinities with the social world, and realize that some characteristics acquired during illness make them different from other men, such as, to assume themselves as sickness, the fact that they have total or partial penile extirpation, reduction of physical strength, impossibility of working and changes in sexual practice. I then show that culture influences the way men deal with their masculinities, since the ill men are constantly revisiting their cultural patterns of masculinity to obey or re-signify it. Nurses can use the findings of this study to reflect their practice of caring for men with cancer and to develop further researches that complements this one
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The Blurred Lines of HPV and Cervical Cancer Knowledge: Exploring the Social and Cultural Factors of Identity, Gender, and Sexuality in Caribbean Immigrant WomenStandifer, Maisha 11 July 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores how the sociocultural experiences of migration and acquisition of health knowledge influence the beliefs and behaviors related to human papillomavirus (HPV) risks and cervical cancer prevention among women who have emigrated from English-speaking Caribbean nations and now live in the Tampa Bay metropolitan area. Genital human papillomavirus is very common, and cervical cancer is the most common HPV-associated cancer. Additionally, all cervical cancers are caused by the HPV infection. More women of color, including Black and Hispanic women, are diagnosed with cervical cancer and at a later stage of the disease than women of other races or ethnicities. Black women have lower levels of knowledge and awareness of HPV and related preventive measures compared to Whites. The incidence of cervical cancer is higher among African American/Black women and Latina women than among White women. Globally, Caribbean countries have some of the highest incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer. It is unclear how knowledge, perceptions and behaviors surrounding HPV risks and cervical cancer influence prevention practices among immigrant women from English-speaking Caribbean countries residing in the United States. Existing literature highlights factors which influence cervical cancer prevention behaviors and HPV knowledge among immigrants in the United States, including educational barriers, HPV tests and vaccine costs, duration of time within the United States, in addition to the beliefs, myths and stigma surrounding cervical cancer originating in the birth country. But there is a dearth of information on immigrant women from the Caribbean.
Ethnographic methods were employed in this study, including participant observation, key-informant interviewing, focus groups, and semi-structured in-depth interviewing to assess attitudes, available knowledge, culturally specific perceptions, and behavioral practices of the study participants. This dissertation develops a modified approach in the Critical Medical Anthropology (CMA) genre that links political economy with an interpretive approach. It also utilizes the theoretical approaches of transnationalism and embodiment to analyze the phenomena under consideration. Some key outcomes of this research are as follows: Many women were very aware of HPV, and most women were familiar with cervical cancer. However, the majority of women were not confident regarding how HPV and cervical cancer were connected. They did not know how a virus causes a chronic disease. Even with some of the study participants having the HPV vaccine, they were still not aware of the link between the two. This lead the researcher to inquire what HPV or a sexually transmitted disease meant to the women, resulting in a mixture of responses ranging from never thinking about HPV or acquiring an infection to placing blame on being “loose” or “promiscuous” as a woman. Their narratives provided insights into how their childhood and familial experiences as young Caribbean women contributed to how they act upon knowledge about being sick, having an infection, or living a healthy lifestyle since migrating to the United States. This research contributes to works applying anthropological perspectives and ethnographic methodology to narrow the gap in available literature relevant to migration, Black Caribbean immigrant health and cancer health disparities.
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Seeking health: the hierarchy of resort in utilisation patterns of traditional and western medicine in multi-cultural Katutura, NamibiaLeBeau, Debie January 1999 (has links)
This thesis examines health care choices patients make when illness and misfortune occur. Research on health seeking behaviour was conducted in Katutura (the African township outside of Windhoek in Namibia) during 1996 and 1997. Due to the availability of a wide range of health care options from both the western and the traditional medical systems, utilisation of traditional medicine represents a conscious choice by patients and is not due to a lack of other alternatives. The use of traditional medicine can therefore be attributed to social, cultural, and personal factors rather than access, cost, and distance to modern health care facilities. A set of theoretical postulates is constructed to explain health seeking behaviour, including western and African concepts of ill health, which integrates both macro and micro-level analysis. Through macro-level analysis, this model postulates that western and traditional medical systems are able to exist within a single society due to the presence of co-existing ideologies (Medical Systems Theory). This model further postulates that social change is a significant attribute of post-colonial Namibian society (Post-colonial Theory). Rapid social change causes social disequilibrium leading to insecurities within the population which increase traditional health care utilisation, especially due to witchcraft accusation. Thus, macro-level theories are used to explain the existence and form of health care alternatives in Katutura; while micro-level analysis is used to examine how people make rational health care choices based on individualised variables within the enabling and constraining umbrella of Namibia's social structure. These variables include the individual's means, goals, desires, and environment of physical and social objects. Health seeking behaviour is influenced by the individual's previous experiences (history), personal constraints, and access to information. Based on data from the 1996 Tradition and Health Survey administered as part of the research for this dissertation, a model for health seeking behaviour is developed to guide the analysis of qualitative data. This model postulates that different patterns of utilisation depend on perceived causes, reasons and origins (aetiology) as well as manifestations of illness. Some illnesses are perceived of as clearly African and some are seen to be clearly western (both of these perceptions result in a single utilisation pattern). Some illnesses have a social/spiritual aetiology but universally recognised manifestations (resulting in a simultaneous utilisation pattern), and some illnesses are of indeterminate aetiology until treatment begins (resulting in a multi-faceted utilisation pattern). In addition to a utilisation pattern based on the aetiology and manifestation of illness, previous health seeking experiences influence, to a certain extent, subsequent health care choices; whereby the failure of one medical system to produce satisfactory results can cause health seekers to shift to another treatment regimen. In Katutura choices patients make are also influenced, to a certain extent, by the urban nature of the health seeking environment. Urban patients seek traditional medicine for a range of social/spiritual aetiologies, due to rapid social change and the experience of new and threatening situations. Urban patients also have more knowledge and experience with the western concept of contagious transmission as opposed to the traditional concept of social/spiritual contamination. In addition, health seeking patterns vary slightly between the different ethnic groups in Katutura. Traditional aetiological beliefs of the different ethnic groups in Katutura are reflected in current cultural beliefs about the cause of illness.
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Malaria Entangled: Ribeirinhos, Plants, Mosquitoes, and Public Health Interventions in the Brazilian AmazonMachado Freitas de Souza, Luciane January 2017 (has links)
This ethnographic study was conducted among the riverine people, also known as Ribeirinhos, in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, during four months of field research. The study focused on learning from Ribeirinhos’ experiences and practices of malaria. In this thesis, I argue that paying attention to Ribeirinhos’ experiences and diagnostic, treatment, and control practices of malaria can provide useful insights into blind spots in the current interventions to control the disease in Brazil. As this is a thesis by publications, the findings are presented in three manuscripts. The first manuscript focuses on how malaria is experienced by Ribeirinhos. It explores the embodiment of malaria, empirical strategies to distinguish it from other febrile sicknesses, misalignment between bodies and current biomedical diagnosis methods, “becomings” of bodies and experiences, and the vicissitudes of having the disease. The second manuscript examines experiences and treatment practices for vivax malaria highlighting the uses of pharmaceuticals, side effects of antimalarial drugs, and traditional treatments for malaria. The third manuscript describes Ribeirinhos’ perceptions of malaria-carrying mosquitoes, their everyday practices to manage these beings, and their experiences with control interventions, such as time monitoring recommendations (TMR), indoor residual spraying (IRS), and insecticide-treated nets (ITN). The three manuscripts clearly show that Ribeirinhos' lives are thoroughly entangled with Amazonian rivers and forests; malaria also takes part in these entanglements. Learning from their experiences and practices of malaria has provided information about the nuances, improvisations, and continuous negotiations required to coexist with the parasite and disease vectors.
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