Spelling suggestions: "subject:"medina"" "subject:"jedina""
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Sportovní národnost ve světle práva Evropské unie / Sporting nationality in the light of European Union lawExner, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Sporting nationality in the light of European Union law Jan Exner Abstract The aim of this master's thesis is to answer the question of how to grasp and categorize the concept of sporting nationality in the EU. Its goal is to consider compliance of the rules set up by international sporting governing bodies determining athletes' eligibility in national teams with the concrete provisions of EU law. The provisions under scrutiny are mostly those laying down the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality in the fields of EU citizenship, internal market freedoms and competition. The master's thesis simultaneously aims at suggesting concrete recommendations to international sporting governing bodies in order to better adapt their rules to EU law requirements. The authors of this master's thesis first claims that rules governing athletes' eligibility in national teams fall within the scope of EU law since they have economic impact and effect. Secondly, it is submitted that these rules limit athletes' rights under EU law and constitute therefore a restriction to respective provisions of the EU legal order. That is why the question whether such a restriction to EU law may be justified is examined. In this respect, the Court of Justice provided sporting world with a useful manual on how to pass EU law...
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The sacred history of early Islamic Medina : the prophet, caliphs, scholars and the town's ḤaramMunt, Thomas H. R. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the emergence of Medina in the Ḥijāz as a widely-venerated holy city over the first three Islamic centuries (seventh to ninth centuries CE) within the appropriate historical context, with special attention paid to the town’s ḥaram. It focuses in particular upon the roles played by the Prophet Muḥammad, Umayyad and Abbasid caliphs, and early Islamic legal scholars in this development. It shows that Medina’s emergence as a widely-venerated holy city alongside Mecca was a gradual and contested process, and one that was intimately linked with several important developments concerning legitimate political, religious, and legal authority in the Islamic world. The most important sources for this study have been Medina’s local histories, and Chapter One investigates the development of a tradition of local history-writing there. The Prophet Muḥammad first created a form of sacred space, a ḥaram, at Medina, and Chapter Two seeks to provide the context for this by investigating some forms of sacred and protected space found in the pre-Islamic Arabian Peninsula. Chapter Three then examines a rare early document preserved in the later Islamic sources, which deals in part with Muḥammad’s creation of Medina’s ḥaram, the so-called “Constitution of Medina”, and investigates why and how Muḥammad created that particular form of sacred space at Medina. The remaining two chapters deal with the history of Muḥammad’s ḥaram at Medina after his death as its original raison d’être disappeared. Chapter Four analyses some aspects of Muslim legal scholars’ discussions concerning Medina’s ḥaram, and demonstrates that certain groups disputed its existence. Chapter Five then seeks to understand why caliphs and other scholars invested so heavily in actively promoting its widespread veneration and Medina’s status as a holy city. It concludes that caliphs from the late first/early eighth century patronised Medina to associate themselves with legitimate political authority inherited from Muḥammad, and that from the late second/eighth century certain legal scholars argued for the continued existence of Medina’s ḥaram because of its association with the Prophet and his Companions who had come to be for them the ultimate source of legal authority.
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The Wine Jars Speak : A text studyWahlberg, Eva-Lena January 2012 (has links)
The Wine Jars Speak: A text study. Reworked and translated from a Swedish MA thesis, Vinkärlsetiketterna berättar: En textstudie from 2008 in Egyptology, Uppsala University. This paper examines the texts written on shards from wine jars found at El-Amarna, Tutankhamun’s tomb (KV 62) and Deir el-Medina. Information concerning the administration of wine and its production, found in these texts, is examined. Wine was an important element in Egyptian society and a common iconographic motif in tombs at Thebes during New Kingdom. A survey on previous research on the subject is presented. This is followed by analysis of the different reoccurring elements found in the texts. A definition of the standard formulation of the wine jar label texts is given and the minimal level of information needed for the administration of wine production and distribution is identified. The chapter of the analysis deals with the various types of information given in the label texts, such as date, wine classification, and function. The next chapter presents the words associated with the vineyard, the names of the institutions involved in the production and use of wine, and the place names that identify where wine production took place. The following chapter deals with the titles and personal names of the officials involved in wine production. This study shows that these small texts contribute to an understanding of wine production. They also display continuity in form that bridges the turbulence of the Amarna Period. The earlier examples of these texts do not have an ideological component. It is first with the Ramesside Period, and the more intrusive inclusion of the name of the King, that some ideological intent can be identified.
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La representación de la(s) masculinidad(es) en la industria cultural colombiana. Las políticas de género en SoHo y sus escritoresGarcia Leon, David Leonardo 01 June 2018 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation examines the social representation of masculinities in the contemporary Colombian cultural industry. The corpus of the study is composed by the novels of four Colombian writers (Santiago Gamboa, Alonso Sánchez Baute, John Better, and Efraím Medina) and their contributions to SoHo, a magazine for heterosexual men that is considered the Colombian version of Playboy. The research proves that gay and trans male bodies and subjectivities are commodified, spectacularized, and appropriated in order to include them in the late-capitalist logic that Colombia adopted at the beginning of the 90s. This dissertation relies on an interdisciplinary approach that combines Literary, Cultural and Gender Studies, and Queer Linguistics. In the first chapter, I argue that SoHo is a site of hybridization where local, regional, global, as well as hegemonic and counterhegemonic discourses about male Colombian sexuality concur. The second chapter focuses on the representation of gay and trans masculinities in Locas de felicidad (2009) by John Better and Al diablo la maldita primavera (2007) by Alonso Sánchez Baute, and shows how these Colombian authors question the neoliberal policies implemented in their country by constructing the male gay body as a commodity. Such construction reveals that LGBTQ subjects can only be fully considered citizens if they are useful to the imperatives of a liberal market economy. In chapter three, I explore the connection between Colombia's armed conflict, neoliberal policies, and masculinities in the novel Plegarias nocturnas (2012) by Santiago Gamboa. In this analysis I demonstrate that a violent, protectionist, and liberal masculine figure was erected in Colombia's national discourse as one of the means to cope with the longstanding military conflict in the country. Plegarias nocturnas contests this figure by emphasizing queer ways of living. The final chapter deals with Sexualidad de la Pantera Rosa (2004) by Efraím Medina and shows that although the subaltern protagonist of the novel presents himself as a critic of patriarchy, the power of his criticism is concealed through the use of an ironic and ambiguous discourse that, in the end, leads to the conservation of his heterosexual dominance. This research project is the first to analyze contemporary Colombian masculinities. The study of the rhetorical strategies employed by several writers to portray late capitalist masculinities enriches our knowledge of 20th and 21st-century Latin American literature demonstrating how it reflects the sociopolitical and economic changes of this period. In addition, by looking at how Colombian masculinities intertwine with regional and global gender politics, this research contributes to the current debates about sexual minorities and their role in maintaining neoliberal normative ways of living. Therefore, this study proposes innovative discussions regarding how the South reproduces and/or contests hegemonic discourses.
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Vinkärlsetiketterna berättar : En textstudie / The Wine-jar labels tell a story : A study of the textsWahlberg, Eva-Lena January 2008 (has links)
This paper examines the texts written on shards from wine-jars found at El-Amarna, Tutankhamuns tomb (KV 62) and Deir el-Medina. Information concerning the administration of wine and its production, found in these texts, is examined. Wine was an important element in Egyptian society and a common iconographic motif in tombs at Thebes during New Kingdom. A survey on previous research on the subject is presented. This is followed by analysis of the different reoccurring elements found in the texts. A definition of the standard formulation of the wine jar label texts is given and the minimal level of information needed for the administration of wine production and distribution is identified. The chapter of the analysis deals with the various types of information given in the label texts, such as date, wine classification, and function. The next chapter presents the words associated with the vineyard, the names of the institutions involved in the production and use of wine, and the place names that identify where wine production took place. The following chapter deals with the titles and personal names of the officials involved in wine production. This study shows that these small texts contribute to an understanding of wine production. They also display continuity in form that bridges the turbulence of the Amarna Period. The earlier examples of these texts do not have an ideological component. It is first with the Ramessid Period, and the more intrusive inclusion of the name of the King, that some ideological intent can be identified.
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The city will follow you: Tunis, Tunisia, and the MediterraneanBond, David M. 16 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Ana de Silva y Mendoza (VIIe duchesse de Medina Sidonia). Rôle et pouvoir d’une femme de la haute noblesse espagnole / Ana de Silva y Mendoza (VIIth duchess of Medina Sidonia). Role and influence of a Spanish female nobiliary figureLéandre, Adeline 02 June 2018 (has links)
Les « Recherches sur la femme et son rôle au sein de la haute noblesse espagnole (XVIe-XVIIe siècles). L’exemple d’Ana de Silva y Mendoza, VIIe duchesse de Medina Sidonia » s’insèrent dans le cadre de l’histoire générique et visent à récupérer la mémoire de ces femmes qui, à l’époque moderne en Espagne, quels qu’aient été leur position dans la hiérarchie sociale et leur statut familial, demeurent oubliées. C’est le cas des femmes titulaires de Medina Sidonia et de Niebla dont l’histoire n’a pas même retenu les noms. La VIIe duchesse consort de Medina Sidonia, doña Ana de Silva y de Mendoza (1560-1610), fille ainée des princes d’Eboli, est pourtant l’archétype remarquable d’une aristocrate puissante, forte et consciente de son rang en Basse Andalousie aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Grâce à une étude prosopographique menée autour d'elle et de trois générations féminines du clan des Medina Sidonia : la IXe comtesse de Niebla, les VIIe et VIIIe duchesses de Medina Sidonia, on s’attachera à décrire le statut juridique, social, économique et politique d’aristocrates à valeur d’exemples. Celui, en particulier, de l’épouse du VIIe duc, don Alonso Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, responsable de l’Invincible Armada, permettra d’appréhender les sphères d’influence dévolues à ces femmes ainsi que leur vie quotidienne sur les terres de leurs époux. A travers l’étude de la correspondance de ces femmes mais également, d’actes notariés, de livres de comptes et de quelques documents iconographiques issus de différents centres d’archives espagnols (Archivo General de la Fundación Casa Medina Sidonia principalement mais également Archivo General de Simancas, Archivo de Protocolos de Madrid ou Archivo Histórico Nacional sección Nobleza) on participera à la connaissance de l’histoire des femmes à l’époque moderne. On sera alors en mesure de comprendre les stratégies entourant le mécénat artistique et religieux d’une aristocrate, son implication dans la vie économique locale et son rôle essentiel à la fois dans la gestion de la Maison aristocratique et dans l’établissement de liens diplomatiques au sein de l’espace curial de Philippe II et Philippe III. La vie de femmes de la plus haute noblesse espagnole à Séville et surtout à Sanlúcar de Barrameda, chef lieu des territoires ducaux, permettra d’apporter une vision novatrice de la culture andalouse moderne et du dynamisme économique du port de Sanlúcar de Barrameda, longtemps sous-estimé et pourtant véritable porte d’accès de l’Amérique. / Ana de Silva y Mendoza (1561-1610), the oldest daughter of prince of Éboli Ruy Gómez de Silva and Ana de Mendoza y de la Cerda, marries at a very young age, the VIIth duke of Medina Sidonia, Alonso Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno. The active and influential female nobiliary figure in Lower Andalusia, is the subject of this case study. The analysis of her different roles within the Guzmán, the family, the domestic economy in the Sanlúcar’s palace and the duchy, makes possible the comprehension of the real autonomy of a Castilian woman. Different issues that take into account social, economic and politic aspects are examined in this study of a prestigious union of marriage during the reigns of Philip II and Philip III. This example reveals how the wife of one of the most important nobles of Castile takes part in the expression of the lineage’s power by her politic and social actions.
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Finding Butehamun : Scribe of Deir el-MedinaWood, George January 2016 (has links)
Butehamun was one of the most famous scribes involved in the building of the royal tombs of the Valley of the Kings, and a member of the most illustrious family of scribes there. Butehamun presided over the closure of the Valley and the workers’ village of Deir elMedina, and the move from building new tombs to the preserving and moving (some would say plundering) of the mummies left behind, marking the transition from the New Kingdom to the Third Intermediate Period, as Egypt splintered into what were essentially two realms. By studying the primary sources associated with Butehamun, including letters, reburial ‘dockets’, graffiti, the apparently unique decorations on Butehamun’s coffin, and the finds at his excavated house in Medinet Habu, this paper investigates what can be learned about Butehamun and the reburial project. Some of the sources seem to indicate he experienced some kind of religious crisis, which may have been brought on by feelings of guilt over his treatment of the royal mummies, two of whom were worshipped as gods in Deir el-Medina. / Butehamon var en av de mest kända av de skrivare som deltog i byggandet av de kungliga gravarna i Konungarnas dal. Han tillhörde en av de mest framstående skrivaresläkterna där. Butehamon övervakade stängningen av dalen och arbetarnas by Deir el-Medinah. Det var han som ansvarade för arbetet när man övergick från att bygga nya gravar till att flytta (vissa skulle säga plundra) de mumier som lämnades kvar till nya förvaringsplatser. Detta skede markerar övergången från det Nya Riket till den Tredje Mellanperioden, då Egypten sönderföll i två separata stater. Genom att studera de primära källor som rör Butehamon, bland annat brev, etiketter på mumier, graffiti, bilder och de högst ovanliga dekorationerna på Butehamons kista samt fynd från utgrävningarna av hans hus i Medinet Habu, undersöker denna uppsats vad man kan lära sig om Butehamon och projektet att flytta mumierna. Några av dessa källor tycks tyda på att han upplevde någon form av religiös kris, som kan ha utlösts av på skuldkänslor över hur han lät behandla de kungliga mumierna. Två av dessa kungligheter dyrkades som gudar i Deir el-Medinah och bilder på dem och delar av deras familj återfinns på Butehamons egen kista.
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Traits d’interprétations paysagères d’une ville touristique en mutation et évocation d’un tourisme de luxe applicable à une structure hôtelière implantée à la banlieue Nord de Tunis / Landscape interpretations' features of a toutist city and evocation of a luxury tourism applicable to a hotel structure located in the northern coast of TunisEssouaid, Dhia Elhak 20 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail essaye de détecter les réelles potentialités apparentes et latentes d’un tourisme renouvelé dans deux sites remarquables de la Tunisie, d’une part, la chaine hôtelière de la ville de Sousse, en rapport avec la Médina, et d’autre part, le projet de restructuration convoitée pour une hôtellerie de luxe sis à la banlieue Nord de Tunis. Notons que, cette recherche soulève une démarche urgente pour répondre aux nouvelles exigences de développement et de durabilité des paysages touristiques. En l’occurrence, la Tunisie est un terrain d’application favori et annonciateur des horizons modernes plausibles pour des échelles spatiales différentielles, mais ils disposent tous les deux des ressources de richesses naturelles, patrimoniales, identitaires et socioéconomiques. Il a été question de saisir les différentes évolutions structurelles et institutionnelles du tourisme tunisien, ses atouts et ses contraintes, notamment, après la période du printemps arabe qualifiée d’une période « d’hésitation ». D’ores et déjà, il s’avère le rôle simpliste de l’Etat en s’articulant sur les relatives règles du contrôle et de l’assistance partielle pour le déroulement de cette ressource économique. Le secteur privé n’a pas révélé encore de réelles capacités de redressement et de reprise ; leurs actions restent globalement chimériques. C’est dans ce cadre que s’insère notre travail de recherche qui vise à mettre en place un nouveau modèle de tourisme de luxe qui renforce l’attraction de ces hôtels et leur permet d’attribuer un caractère culturel et patrimonial à travers un choix judicieux des sites d’étude. Au niveau de la ville de Sousse : la méthodologie suivie, se base sur une classification des hôtels qui ont vécu une démolition totale et reconstruction ; des hôtels qui ont eu une rénovation partielle ou intérieure en conservant les façades ; des hôtels qui ont gardé l’état initial et des hôtels qui ont changé d’activité principale. Le dysfonctionnement partiel observable de l’activité touristique exige des éléments de réponses urgentes quant aux aspirations et au développement des relations entre les structures hôtelières et les autres composantes de la ville, notamment, sa Médina. Le projet de réhabilitation de la Médina est un exemple peut offrir une autre image d’un paysage et d’une animation multi culturelle. De nos jours, la diversification des produits et des services touristiques est une nécessité et ce, pour esquiver au modèle uni fonctionnel basé sur un tourisme balnéaire de masse. Ce dernier doit être révisé tout en adoptant des stratégies de multifonctionnalité et de valorisation territoriale. Les enquêtes entreprises directement de la grille SERVQUAL, ont montré que l’effort déployé reste encore en dessous des normes, on enregistre des indicateurs significatifs. Pour la banlieue Nord de Tunis : Actuellement, le monde du tourisme est en évolution, ce qui nous a conduit à choisir une structure hôtelière en voie de reconversion en « hôtel de luxe ». Des déterminants ont été identifiés pour définir les composantes de conception et de création de ce nouveau tropisme touristique. Un essai de référentiel multi échelle est ainsi proposé pour qu’il soit un schéma d’aide à la décision pour tout programme de rénovation en « hôtellerie de luxe » en Tunisie. Une tentative de labélisation a été envisagée « nTulux » afin de prescrire des recommandations et des nouveaux repères à l’industrie du tourisme tunisien. / This work tries to detect the real apparent and latent potentialities of a renewed tourism in two remarkable sites of Tunisia. On the one hand, the hotel chain of the city of Sousse, in connection with the Medina, and on the other hand, the coveted restructuring project for a luxury hotel located in the northern cost of Tunis. It should be noted that this research raises an urgent approach to meet the new requirements for the development and sustainability of tourist landscapes. In this case, Tunisia is a favorite field of application and a predictor of plausible modern horizons for differential spatial scales. Both sites have resources of natural, patrimonial, identity and socio-economic wealth. It has been a question of grasping the various structural and institutional developments of Tunisian tourism, its strengths and its constraints, especially after the period of the Arab spring termed a period of "hesitation". Already, it turns out the simplistic role of the state by articulating the relative rules of control and partial assistance for the development of this economic resource. The private sector has not yet revealed real recovery and recovery capabilities; their actions remain globally chimerical. It is in this context that our research work, which aims to set up a new model of luxury tourism, reinforces the attraction of these hotels and allows them to attribute a cultural and heritage character through a choice of two judicious sites. At the level of the city of Sousse: the methodology followed, is based on a classification of the hotels which lived a total demolition and reconstruction; hotels that have had a partial or interior renovation while preserving the facades; hotels that have kept the original state and hotels that have changed main business. The partial observable dysfunction of the tourist activity requires elements of urgent answers regarding the aspirations and the development of the relations between the hotel structures and the other components of the city, in particular, its Medina. The Medina Rehabilitation Project is an example that can offer another image of a multi-cultural landscape and animation. Today, the diversification of tourism products and services is a necessity, to avoid the uni-functional model based on mass seaside tourism. The latter must be revised while adopting strategies of multifunctionality and territorial valorisation. Surveys undertaken directly from the SERVQUAL grid, have shown that the effort deployed remains below the norms, we record significant indicators. For the northern cost of Tunis: currently, the world of tourism is changing, which has led us to choose a hotel structure being converted into a "luxury hotel". Determinants have been identified to define the design and creation components of this new tourist tropism. A multi-scale benchmark test is proposed so that it is a decision-making scheme for a renovation program in "luxury hotels" in Tunisia. An attempt at labeling was considered "nTulux" to prescribe recommendations and new benchmarks to the Tunisian tourism industry.
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L'habitat traditionnel en Tunisie : spécificités, usages et devenir : le cas de la ville de Kairouan / Traditional housing in Tunisia : specificities, uses and future : the case of the city of KairouanSassi Hajjej, Ons 15 December 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale soulève la problématique de conservation et d’intégration de l’habitat traditionnel en Tunisie et sur Kairouan. Il s’agit de mettre en valeur les spécificités de ce patrimoine mondial en péril, d’explorer les facteurs qui ont induit sa dégradation, et de s’interroger sur son avenir face aux enjeux du développement, aux changements des modes de vie et face à la modernisation. En effet, la préservation des valeurs culturelles, sociales, économiques et historiques ainsi que l’adaptation de cet héritage patrimonial, exposé à un haut risque de dégradation, aux exigences de la vie moderne, constituent aujourd’hui un défi majeur. La situation de l’habitat traditionnel kairouanais, est ainsi explorée à travers l’élaboration d’un corpus diversifié, jugé nécessaire pour mener à bien cette recherche à savoir le diagnostic, l'analyse AFOM, l’état des lieux ainsi que l’enquête de terrain (questionnaires et entretiens) auprès des habitants, responsables et experts de la gestion de l’habitat traditionnel en Tunisie. Une lecture croisée de ces outils méthodologiques, permet, entre autres, de mettre en lumière l’état de ce bâti, et de réfléchir sur les conditions qu'il conviendrait de réunir pour faire en sorte que les décideurs, acteurs locaux et habitants s'intéressent à ce patrimoine et le prennent en main dans un cadre d'accompagnement politique, économique, social et financier. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est donc d’étudier l’habitat traditionnel de la ville de Kairouan, dans tous ses aspects (urbain, architectural et social, etc.), de comprendre les causes de sa dégradation et de proposer, dans un contexte national et local spécifique, les conditions et les outils stratégiques à mettre en place afin de garantir une meilleure gestion de cet habitat, dans une approche intégrée et participative, afin d’aider à une fixation des habitants dans leur milieu de référence. Ce travail de recherche ainsi que les potentialités et les perspectives qu’il envisage, se veut une contribution à une meilleure connaissance de l’espace médinal oublié et marginalisé de la ville de Kairouan, notamment l’habitat traditionnel, un appel à un vrai débat et une véritable concertation entre tous les acteurs du patrimoine en Tunisie et
une vraie mobilisation de toutes les catégories de la société pour se doter des moyens et des instruments nécessaires à sa sauvegarde. Par ailleurs, cette recherche vise à mettre en place une méthode d'analyse et d'action ayant pour objectif de contribuer à améliorer la situation de ce patrimoine et ce, à travers l’élaboration d’une grille d'analyse spécifique au contexte et aux enjeux locaux qui servira par la suite aux acteurs pour agir dans la bonne direction et de prendre en charge ce patrimoine, toute en revitalisant l’habitat traditionnel, en tant que patrimoine évolutif, pour l’adapter aux enjeux du développement durable. / This PhD research raises the issue of conservation and integration of traditional housing in Tunisia and Kairouan.It showcases the specificities of this world heritage currently in danger, exploring the factors that have led to its degradation, wondering about its future in front of the development issues, lifestyle changes and modernization.Indeed, the preservation of cultural, social, economic and historical values and the adaptation of this heritage legacy, exposed to a high risk of degradation, the demands of modern life, constitute today a major challenge.The situation of traditional housing in Kairouan, thus explored through the elaboration of a diversified corpus, considered necessary to carry out this research such as the diagnosis, the SWOT analysis, the site investigation (surveys and interviews) with locals, officials and experts.A cross-reading of these methodological tools allows to highlight the state of this build and reflect upon the conditions it should meet to ensure that policy makers, local actors and peoples interest in this heritage and take it in hand, in a political, economic, social and financial support framework.The objective of this thesis is to study the traditional housing of the city of Kairouan in all its aspects (urban, architectural and social, etc.) to understand its degradation causes and to propose in a specific national and local context the conditions and strategic tools to ensure better housing management in an integrated and participatory approach, in order to encourage the population to settle down in their reference environment.This research, in view of the potentialities and prospects it offers, is a contribution to a better knowledge of the forgotten and marginalised medinal area of the city of Kairouan, including the traditional housing, a call for a real debate and a genuine collaboration between all heritage actors in Tunisia to increase mobilization of all sections of society in order to provide the necessary means and tools for its conservation.Furthermore, this research aims to establish a method of analysis and action devised to improve this current heritage situation, through the development of an analysis grid, specific to the local context issues which will be used later for actors in order to proceed in the right direction and preserve this heritage, while revitalizing the traditional housing, as evolutive heritage, to be adapted to the sustainable development challenges.
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