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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Contribution à létude fonctionnelle des dipeptidyl peptidases et de la métalloprotéase MEP3 sécrétées par Microsporum canis »

Vermout, Sandy 19 September 2007 (has links)
Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences Vétérinaires Résumé Orientation: Médecine Vétérinaire Titre de la thèse en français: Contribution à létude fonctionnelle des dipeptidyl peptidases et de la métalloprotéase MEP3 sécrétées par Microsporum canis » Titre de la thèse en anglais: Contribution to the functional study of dipeptidyl peptidases and MEP3 metalloprotease secreted by Microsporum canis Candidat: Sandy Vermout Promoteur: Dr Bernard Mignon Co-promoteur: Prof. Bertrand Losson Département et Service: Département des Maladies Infectieuses et Parasitaires, service de Parasitologie et de Pathologie des Maladies Parasitaires Date de la défense publique: Composition du Jury: Description du sujet de recherche abordé: Les dermatophytes sont des champignons filamenteux responsables de mycoses superficielles contagieuses, souvent appelées « teignes », et couramment rencontrées tant en dermatologie humaine que vétérinaire. Parmi eux, Microsporum canis est lagent isolé dans la majorité des cas de dermatophytose chez le chat et le chien. Le chat peut être considéré comme le réservoir de cette infection, quil transmet à différentes espèces animales mais aussi à lhomme. La relation hôte-parasite caractérisant les dermatophytoses est particulière. Les dermatophytes se nourrissent aux dépens même de la barrière kératinisée destinée à la protection de lorganisme contre les agressions extérieures. Ils y restent confinés et sont généralement incapables de provoquer des infections profondes. Les dermatophytes sont des parasites obligatoires, qui affectent des hôtes immunocompétents. Par ailleurs, lexpression clinique des dermatophytoses est très variable selon lhôte et lespèce fongique impliqués : linfection peut être aiguë et rapidement éliminée, ou au contraire persistante et accompagnée de symptômes ténus. Par exemple, les lésions causées par M. canis sont généralement plus inflammatoires chez lhomme que chez le chat, son hôte naturel, et certains chats développent des teignes chroniques peu apparentes, jouant un rôle important dans la transmission de linfection. Les mécanismes qui président à ces divers aspects de la pathogenèse des dermatophytoses, et en particulier de linfection par M. canis, restent très mal connus. La majeure partie des recherches effectuées jusquà ce jour concernent les nombreuses protéases sécrétées par les dermatophytes et potentiellement impliquées dans le dégradation de la kératine, si bien quun grand nombre dentre elles ont été caractérisées dun point de vue moléculaire et enzymatique. Chez M. canis, deux familles de gènes, codant respectivement pour des subtilases (SUBs) et des métalloprotéases (MEPs), ont été isolées (Brouta et al., 2002 ; Descamps et al., 2002 ; Jousson et al., 2004). Parmi leurs membres, SUB3 et MEP3 sont considérées comme de probables facteurs de virulence ; en effet, elles sont induites sur un milieu à base de poils de chats, exprimées in vivo, fortement kératinolytiques, et également immunogènes (Descamps et al., 2003a ; Brouta et al., 2003). Le premier objectif de ce travail est dévaluer limmunogénicité et le pouvoir protecteur de MEP3 sous forme recombinante, dans le cadre dun essai de vaccination chez le cobaye. Le second est didentifier et de caractériser chez M. canis une autre classe de protéases, les dipeptidyl peptidases (DPPs). Les gènes correspondants seront isolés et séquencés, ce qui permettra létude de leur expression in vivo et sur différents milieux in vitro. Les protéines encodées seront produites sous forme recombinante, afin de pouvoir entamer lanalyse de leurs propriétés enzymatiques et immunologiques. Enfin, étant donné que chaque facteur étudié ne peut être formellement impliqué dans la virulence du champignon quen passant par la construction de souches déficientes, le troisième but de ce doctorat est de mettre au point chez M. canis une technique dinactivation génique par lintermédiaire dARNs en épingle à cheveux, en utilisant comme cibles des gènes codant pour des protéases sécrétées. Résultats: Un vaccin expérimental anti-M. canis a été préparé en associant MEP3, obtenue sous forme recombinante dans la levure Pichia pastoris (rMEP3), à ladjuvant de Freund. Le vaccin a été administré à des cobayes, par voie sous-cutanée, trois fois à 15 jours dintervalle. La vaccination a induit une forte réponse en anticorps spécifiques, ainsi quune réponse lymphoproliférative envers MEP3. Toutefois, cette dernière est apparue comme transitoire, puisquelle nétait plus significative au moment de lépreuve dinfection. Celle-ci a eu lieu 7 semaines après la dernière vaccination. Lévolution clinique de linfection, ainsi que la persistance du champignon, ont été suivies de façon régulière et exprimées sous forme de scores clinique et mycologique attribués à chaque animal. Aucune différence significative na pu être mise en évidence entre les scores des animaux vaccinés et non vaccinés. La réponse en anticorps induite par linfection chez les animaux non vaccinés sest révélée nettement plus faible que celle induite par la vaccination ; la réponse lymphoproliférative observée après linfection était dintensité comparable entre animaux vaccinés et non vaccinés. Le vaccin à base de rMEP3 na donc pas été protecteur, malgré linduction dune importante réponse humorale et le recrutement de cellules T spécifiques. Dans le but didentifier de nouveaux immunogènes potentiels, et de compléter dans le même temps les connaissances relatives aux protéases sécrétées par M. canis, les gènes codant pour des dipeptidyl peptidases ont été isolés. Il sagit dexoprotéases libérant des dipeptides au niveau de lextrémité N-terminale des protéines et réparties en différentes classes suivant la nature de ce dipeptide et suivant leur localisation cellulaire. Deux gènes uniques, codant respectivement pour une DPPIV et une DPPV, ont pu être isolés, séquencés et caractérisés. Ils encodent des protéases de la famille S9 de protéases à sérine, possédant un peptide signal de sécrétion mais pas de séquence pro-, et possédant des sites de glycosylation. Les deux protéases sont à 90% identiques à leurs paralogues isolés chez Trichophyton rubrum (Monod et al., 2005), un dermatophyte fréquemment isolé lors de dermatophytose humaine. Elles sont également homologues aux DPPs dAspergillus fumigatus, qui ont été proposées comme facteurs de virulence potentiels (Beauvais et al., 1997a,b). La DPPIV de M. canis présente également un degré dhomologie élevé avec la DPPIV de la bactérie pathogène Porphyromonas gingivalis, qui est un facteur de virulence avéré (Kumagai et al., 2003), ainsi quavec le marqueur mammalien CD26, qui est une molécule multifonctionnelle participant à de nombreux processus biologiques et immunologiques (Boonacker et Van Noorden, 2003). Grâce à une technique de RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription-PCR) en temps réel, une importante augmentation de lexpression des deux DPPs de M. canis a été mise en évidence lorsque le champignon est cultivé sur des milieux constitués de protéines de matrice extracellulaire, parmi lesquelles la kératine. Lexpression des DPPs a également été détectée in vivo, chez le chat et le cobaye, par RT-PCR nichée. Les deux protéases ont été produites sous forme recombinante dans la levure P. pastoris, et y sont enzymatiquement actives. Les DPPs recombinantes apparaissent sous forme dune bande à 83 kDa (DPPV) et dun doublet à 95 et 98 kDa (DPPIV), dont respectivement 5 kDa et 9 ou 12 kDa de glycosylation. Elles clivent les substrats préférentiels de leurs sous-familles enzymatiques, ce qui correspond dans le cas de la DPPIV aux liens de type Proline-X ; cette spécificité est très rarement rencontrée parmi les protéases. Alors quaucune des deux DPPs de M. canis nest à elle seule kératinolytique, limplication de la DPPIV dans la digestion du réseau de kératine a été testée en utilisant le substrat Keratin Azure (Sigma) et des surnageants de cultures de M. canis montrant une forte activité kératinolytique. La préincubation de ces surnageants avec un inhibiteur spécifique de DPPIV na eu aucun effet sur le niveau de solubilisation du substrat kératinisé. Ce résultat indique que lintervention potentielle de la DPPIV dans cette digestion a lieu uniquement en aval de la digestion par les endoprotéases. Ensuite, dans le but dévaluer la capacité de la DPPV dinduire une réponse cutanée de type DTH (Delayed Type Hypersensitivity), sa forme recombinante a été utilisée dans le cadre de tests dintradermoréaction chez des cobayes précédemment infectés par M. canis. La réaction sest avérée négative, contrairement à ce qui a été observé dans le cas de la DPPV de Trichophyton tonsurans chez lhomme. Toutefois, cette dernière a été utilisée sous sa forme native. Enfin, une technique dinactivation génique via lARN a été mise au point chez M. canis, en utilisant comme cibles les gènes codant pour SUB3 et DPPIV. Il sagit de la première mise en uvre de cette méthodologie chez les dermatophytes. La technique employée dérive du phénomène d « interférence à lARN » (RNA interference, RNAi), qui a lieu à proprement parler dans les cellules animales, mais équivaut à des voies similaires chez les autres types dorganismes, y compris les champignons (Nakayashiki, 2005). Linterférence à lARN a pour élément déclencheur un ARN double brin, qui entraîne la destruction enzymatique des ARN messagers de séquence identique. Chez les champignons filamenteux, cette voie est activée efficacement par un ARN en épingle à cheveux dune taille de 500 à 1000 bp. Nous avons donc conçu deux constructions codant pour de telles épingles à cheveux, dont les séquences correspondent respectivement à un fragment des gènes SUB3 et DPPIV. M. canis a ensuite été transformé, séparément, par chacune de ces constructions. Pour chaque gène cible, les souches fongiques générées ont présenté des degrés dinhibition variables, évalués par RT-PCR en temps réel et par mesure de lactivité enzymatique des protéines cibles dans les surnageants de culture des transformants. Les taux dactivité enzymatique résiduelle et dARN messager obtenus étaient respectivement de 3,3% et 2% pour SUB3, et de 45,6% et 1,5% pour DPPIV. La distribution des taux dinhibition génique entre 0% et plus de 95% est compatible avec les résultats détudes similaires chez dautres champignons filamenteux. En outre, dans le cas de latténuation de lexpression de SUB3, une analyse par électrophorèse SDS-PAGE du surnageant de culture dune souche fortement inhibée montre la disparition de la bande correspondant à SUB3, mais aussi de celle correspondant à SUB4, ce qui indique que le seul fragment interférant utilisé est potentiellement capable dinhiber plusieurs gènes de la même famille. Conclusions et perspectives: Aucune atténuation des symptômes de linfection par M. canis, ni de linvasion par le champignon, nest obtenue en vaccinant des cobayes avec rMEP3 associée à ladjuvant de Freund selon le protocole utilisé. Des résultats similaires ont été obtenus avec deux autres protéases recombinantes, SUB3 chez M. canis (Descamps et al., 2003b) et la hsp60 de T. rubrum (Raska et al., 2004). Or, le succès dun vaccin résulte à la fois des propriétés intrinsèques du ou des immunogènes quil contient, et de la stimulation sélective par son adjuvant des acteurs efficaces de la réponse immune. Deux options sont donc offertes pour de nouvelles recherches dans le domaine de la vaccination anti-M. canis et anti-dermatophytes. La première consiste à poursuivre la dissection de la réponse immune spécifique en étudiant les propriétés immunogènes de composants particuliers. Même si lélimination naturelle dune infection fongique relève généralement dune réponse effectrice cellulaire de type Th1, cette perspective va bien au-delà de la recherche dun facteur activant des lymphocytes Th1, ou rappelant une réponse de type DTH au niveau cutané. En effet, il est actuellement démontré que des anticorps de spécificité bien choisie peuvent être totalement protecteurs contre une infection fongique (Casadevall et al., 2002 ; Cassone, 2007). En outre, il ne faut pas perdre de vue que lélément fongique de base déterminant une réponse immune adéquate est lépitope (Woodfolk et al., 2000). Le répertoire dépitopes générés à partir dune protéase recombinante peut dailleurs être modifié par rapport à son homologue native (Engelhard et al., 2006), comme cela est suspecté pour rDPPV chez M. canis. Ce phénomène peut engendrer une altération des propriétés immunogènes natives, mais a contrario, une protéase recombinante ainsi modifiée peut devenir un outil pour identifier des motifs antigéniques dintérêt. La seconde voie possible vers lélaboration dun vaccin sûr et pleinement efficace est lutilisation de nouveaux adjuvants orientant la réponse immune de la même façon quune infection naturelle protectrice. Chez A. fumigatus, des oligonucléotides CpG associés à une protéine recombinante ont permis de protéger des souris contre une aspergillose invasive, en stimulant plusieurs composants de la réponse cellulaire de type Th1 (Bozza et al., 2002). La vaccination à base de cellules dendritiques polarisées par un contact avec A. fumigatus sest également montrée prometteuse dans un modèle murin daspergillose invasive (Bozza et al., 2004), cette technique pouvant être assimilée à lemploi dun adjuvant de nouvelle génération. Il est bien entendu que ces deux voies de recherche ne sexcluent pas mutuellement, et quun travail mené dans les deux directions sera sans doute nécessaire pour atteindre le but recherché. Les DPPIV et V de M. canis ont été caractérisées au niveau moléculaire, et exprimées sous forme recombinante active. Leurs propriétés ainsi que celles de différentes protéases homologues laissent supposer quelles jouent un rôle universel dans la digestion de substrats protéiques complexes, y compris les structures kératinisées, mais quelles pourraient en plus avoir acquis une ou plusieurs fonctions spécialisées dans le cadre de la relation hôte-parasite. Lune de ces fonctions pourrait être la modulation de la réponse immune, par exemple via le clivage de cytokines ou de chémokines, étant donné notamment sa similitude avec la DPPIV mammalienne ou CD26. Parallèlement, les DPPs sont peut-être aussi des immunogènes importants. Enfin, la DPPIV sécrétée par M. canis pourrait intervenir dans ladhérence aux protéines de matrice extracellulaire, ou encore dans la dégradation des tissus via lactivation de protéases de lhôte, comme cela a été démontré chez P. gingivalis (Kumagai et al., 2005). Plusieurs perspectives sont donc ouvertes quant à linvestigation de la fonction des DPPs des dermatophytes, et certaines pourront êtres rencontrées grâce aux formes recombinantes de ces protéines. Cependant, pour elles comme pour tous les autres facteurs fongiques susceptibles de contribuer à la pathogenèse des dermatophytoses, la construction de souches déficientes est un passage obligé vers la démonstration formelle de cette contribution. Ceci est maintenant réalisable rapidement, au moyen de constructions exprimant des ARN double brin interférants, même si de nombreuses améliorations peuvent sans doute être apportées à cette technique. Les souches déficientes au niveau de SUB3 et potentiellement des autres SUBs, ainsi que celles déficientes au niveau de DPPIV, seront prochainement évaluées quant à leur comportement dans un modèle dépiderme félin reconstitué mis au point dans notre laboratoire (Tabart et al., sous presse). Références: BEAUVAIS A., MONOD M., DEBEAUPUIS J.-P., DIAQUIN M., KOBAYASHI H., LATGE J.-P. Biochemical and antigenic characterization of a new dipeptidyl-peptidase isolated from Aspergillus fumigatus. J. Biol. Chem., 1997a, 272, 6238-44. BEAUVAIS A., MONOD M., WYNIGER J., DEBEAUPUIS J.-P., GROUZMANN E., BRAKCH N., SVAB J., HOVANESSIAN A.G., LATGE J.-P. Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV secreted by Aspergillus fumigatus, a fungus pathogenic to humans. Infect. Immun., 1997b, 65, 3042-7. BOONACKER E., VAN NOORDEN C.J. The multifunctional or moonlighting protein CD26/DPPIV. Eur. J. Cell Biol., 2003, 82, 53-73. BOZZA S., GAZIANO R., LIPFORD G.B., MONTAGNOLI C., BACCI A., DI FRANCESCO P., KURUP V.P., WAGNER H., ROMANI L. Vaccination of mice against invasive aspergillosis with recombinant Aspergillus proteins and CpG oligodeoxynucleotides as adjuvants. Microbes Infect., 2002, 4, 1281-90. BOZZA S., MONTAGNOLI C., GAZIANO R., ROSSI G., NKWANYUO G., BELLOCCHIO S., ROMANI L. Dendritic cell-based vaccination against opportunistic fungi. Vaccine, 2004, 22, 857-64. BROUTA F., DESCAMPS F., MONOD M., VERMOUT S., LOSSON B., MIGNON B. Secreted metalloprotease gene family of Microsporum canis. Infect. Immun., 2002, 70, 5676-83. BROUTA F., DESCAMPS F., VERMOUT S., MONOD M., LOSSON B., MIGNON B. Humoral and cellular immune response to a Microsporum canis recombinant keratinolytic metalloprotease (r-MEP3) in experimentally infected guinea pigs. Med. Mycol., 2003, 41, 495-501. CASADEVALL A., FELDMESSER M., PIROFSKI L.A. Induced humoral immunity and vaccination against major human fungal pathogens. Curr. Opin. Microbiol., 2002, 5, 386-91. CASSONE A. Fungal vaccines and vaccination : problems and perspectives. In : Brown G.D., Netea M.G. (Eds), Immunology of fungal infections. Springer: Heidelberg, 2007, 465-485. DESCAMPS F., BROUTA F., MONOD M., ZAUGG C., BAAR D., LOSSON B., MIGNON B. Isolation of a Microsporum canis gene family encoding three subtilisin-like proteases expressed in vivo. J. Invest. Dermatol., 2002, 119, 830-5. DESCAMPS F., BROUTA F., VERMOUT S., MONOD M., LOSSON B., MIGNON B. Recombinant expression and antigenic properties of a 31.5-kDa keratinolytic subtilisin-like serine protease from Microsporum canis. FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol., 2003a, 38, 29-34. DESCAMPS F.F., BROUTA F., VERMOUT S.M., WILLAME C., LOSSON B.J., MIGNON B.R. A recombinant 31.5 kDa keratinase and a crude exo-antigen from Microsporum canis fail to protect against a homologous experimental infection in guinea pigs. Vet. Dermatol., 2003b, 14, 305-12. ENGELHARD V.H., ALTRICH-VANLITH M., OSTANKOVITCH M., ZARLING A.L. Post-translational modifications of naturally processed MHC-binding epitopes. Curr. Opin. Immunol., 2006, 18, 92-7. JOUSSON O., LÉCHENNE B., BONTEMS O., CAPOCCIA S., MIGNON B., BARBLAN J., QUADRONI M., MONOD M. Multiplication of an ancestral gene encoding secreted fungalysin preceded species differentiation in the dermatophytes Trichophyton and Microsporum. Microbiology, 2004, 150, 301-10. KUMAGAI Y., YAJIMA A., KONISHI K. Peptidase activity of dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV produced by Porphyromonas gingivalis is important but not sufficient for virulence. Microbiol. Immunol., 2003, 47, 735-43. KUMAGAI Y., YAGISHITA H., YAJIMA A., OKAMOTO T., KONISHI K. Molecular mechanism for connective tissue destruction by dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV produced by the periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis. Infect. Immun., 2005, 73, 2655-64. MONOD M., LÉCHENNE B., JOUSSON O., GRAND D., ZAUGG C., STÖCKLIN R., GROUZMANN E. Aminopeptidases and dipeptidyl-peptidases secreted by the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum. Microbiology, 2005, 151, 145-55. NAKAYASHIKI H. RNA silencing in fungi: mechanisms and applications. FEBS Lett., 2005, 579, 5950-7. RASKA M., RYBNIKAR A., CHUMELA J., BELAKOVA J., WEIGL E. Recombinant protein and DNA vaccines derived from hsp60 Trichophyton mentagrophytes control the clinical course of trichophytosis in bovine species and guinea-pigs. Mycoses, 2004, 47, 407-417. TABART J., BALDO A., VERMOUT S., NUSGENS B., LAPIERE C., LOSSON B., MIGNON B. Reconstructed interfollicular feline epidermis as a model for Microsporum canis dermatophytosis. J. Med. Microbiol., sous presse. WOODFOLK J.A., SUNG S.S., BENJAMIN D.C., LEE J.K., PLATTS-MILLS T.A.. Distinct human T cell repertoires mediate immediate and delayed-type hypersensitivity to the Trichophyton antigen, Tri r 2. J. Immunol., 2000, 165, 4379-87. Publications issues du travail de thèse: VERMOUT S., DENIS M., LOSSON B., MIGNON B. Choix d'un adjuvant lors d'essais de vaccination. Ann. Med. Vet., 2003, 147, 393- 40. VERMOUT S.M., BROUTA F.D., DESCAMPS F.F., LOSSON B.J., MIGNON B.R. Evaluation of immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a Microsporum canis metalloprotease subunit vaccine in guinea pigs. FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol., 2004, 40, 75-80. VERMOUT S., TABART J., BALDO A., MONOD M., LOSSON B., MIGNON B. RNA silencing in the dermatophyte Microsporum canis. FEMS Microbiol. Lett., sous presse. VERMOUT S., TABART J., BALDO A., LOSSON B., MIGNON B. Pathogenesis of dermatophytoses. Mycopathologia, soumis pour publication. VERMOUT S., BALDO A., TABART J., LOSSON B., MIGNON B. Secreted dipeptidyl peptidases as potential virulence factors for Microsporum canis. Soumis pour publication. Remerciements: Fonds pour la formation à la Recherche dans lIndustrie et lAgriculture (F.R.I.A.) Fonds pour la Recherche Scientifique et Médicale (F.R.S.M.) Patrimoine de lUniversité de Liège

FRMD8 is a novel regulator of iRhom-dependent ADAM17 activity

Künzel, Ulrike January 2017 (has links)
A disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM) 17 cleaves and releases membrane-tethered pro-forms of several signalling molecules from the plasma membrane, including the inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and ligands of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Due to the important functions of its substrates, ADAM17 activity has to be tightly controlled, and its misregulation has implications for inflammation and cancer. The multi-pass membrane proteins iRhom1 and iRhom2 are members of the conserved rhomboid-like superfamily and control ADAM17 activity by several mechanisms throughout the secretory pathway. First, iRhoms facilitate trafficking of the catalytically inactive proenzyme form of ADAM17 from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus, where the inhibitory pro-domain of ADAM17 is removed. Subsequently, iRhoms exert a different form of control of ADAM17 at the plasma membrane, this time on stimulus-induced ADAM17 activity, its substrate specificity, and its stability. iRhoms ultimately regulate the release of ADAM17 substrates, and are consequently key players in TNFα and EGFR signalling. However, it remains unclear how iRhom function itself is regulated posttranslationally, and whether iRhoms require co-factors to exert their roles as ADAM17 regulators. The goal of my project was to shed light into these questions by identifying new iRhom interaction partners. I developed a mass spectrometry-based screen to identify new binding partners of human iRhoms using co-immunoprecipitation. The top hit of the screen was the poorly characterised FERM domain-containing protein 8 (FRMD8), which binds to both iRhom1 and iRhom2. FRMD8 was found to play a crucial role in the iRhom/ADAM17 pathway because FRMD8 knockdown and knockout in HEK293T cells significantly reduced the levels of mature ADAM17 and the release of ADAM17 substrates. The closely related metalloprotease ADAM10 was not affected by the loss of FRMD8, implying that FRMD8 is not a general regulator of ADAM metalloproteases. Interaction studies revealed that FRMD8 binds to the cytosolic N-terminus of iRhom2 throughout the entire secretory pathway. FRMD8 loss does not affect the ER-to-Golgi trafficking of iRhom2 but plays a role in stabilising iRhom2 at the plasma membrane by preventing the lysosomal degradation of both iRhom2 and mature ADAM17. Using human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived macrophages, I showed that FRMD8 regulates mature ADAM17 levels and the ADAM17-dependent release of TNFα in human macrophages. Studies in FRMD8 knockout (KO) mice confirmed the reduced mature ADAM17 levels in all mouse tissues tested, further supporting the conclusion that FRMD8 is a novel regulator of the iRhom/ADAM17 pathway with physiological relevance in mammals. Finally, I showed that the interaction of FRMD8 and iRhom, which are both conserved from Drosophila to human, is also conserved. Furthermore, loss of the FRMD8 orthologue in flies, Bili, leads to motility defects and shows similarity to the loss of iRhom in flies. These results suggest that FRMD8 is a novel regulator of iRhom function in mammals and Drosophila.

Estudos estruturais de DM43: Um inibidor de metaloprotease de veneno de serpente extraído do soro do gambá Didelphis marsupialis. / Structural studies of DM43: a snake venom metalloprotease inhibitor extracted from Didelphis marsupialis opossum serum.

Débora Lika Makino 26 June 2000 (has links)
A resistência natural do gambá Didelphis marsupialis ao veneno de serpentes se deve a fatores antibiotrópicos presentes em seu soro, do qual DM43 é um dos responsáveis pela inibição da atividade hemorrágica. Com o objetivo de entender melhor o mecanismo de ação desta proteína contra a metaloprotease contida no veneno pretendeu-se, neste trabalho, otimizar as condições de cristalização de DM43, na tentativa de determinar sua estrutura por difração de raios-X. Ensaios de cristalização revelaram que o sulfato de amônio é o precipitante mais eficiente na produção de cristais de DM43. A visualização e indexação dos padrões de difração destes cristais permitiram apenas a determinação dos parâmetros de sua cela unitária, devido a baixa qualidade dos mesmos. Deste modo, os seguintes parâmetros de cela unitária foram encontrados: a = b = 117.34 (0.03) Å, c = 193.39 (0.02)Å, ?=?=90° e ? = 120°, correspondentes ao sistema cristalino trigonal ou hexagonal. A recente determinação da sequência de aminoácidos de DM43, possibilitou modelar sua estrutura tridimensional por homologia utilizando o método de satisfação das restrições espaciais. Os três domínios tipo imunoglobulina de DM43 foram modelados em duas partes a partir da estrutura de referência KIR2DL1(1nkr) homóloga a dois domínios C-terminais de DM43, com apenas 27.72% de identidade. O domínio N-terminal denominado D0, foi modelado separadamente contra o domínio C-terminal de KIR2DL1 com um grau de identidade igual a 28.89%. A partir do programa GRASP e PATCHES, foram detectadas as prováveis regiões de ligação entre as duas partes da molécula e uma possível região responsável pela dimerização no domínio D2 de DM43. Interessantemente, resíduos polares em KIR2DLs que foram substituídos por hidrofóbicos em DM43, concentrando-se em uma face do domínio D2 ausente de sítios de glicosilação, o que coincide com as observações de dimerização do receptor do hormônio de crescimento. Um motivo estrutural característico de receptores hematopoiéticos identificados como WSXWS box, foi encontrado em todos os domínios de DM43, especialmente no domínio D2. Supõe-se que a sua existência esteja relacionada com a orientação relativa dos domínios por manter o primeiro triptofano do motivo posicionado exatamente na interface entre os domínios. Surge ainda uma fita extra (F´), no domínio D2, não pertencente ao enovelamento imunoglobulina devido a presença da Pro273, muito bem conservada, a três resíduos do motivo WSXWS. Esta fita parece desempenhar um papel importante na orientação do motivo pois além de formar ligações de hidrogênio com a fita G do domínio anterior, posiciona corretamente o primeiro triptofano do motivo na interface. Somando-se a isto, a presença de resíduos hidrofóbicos na interface dos domínios D1 e D2pode estar contribuindo para a orientação angular relativa menor que 90° entre os dois domínios. Uma interpretação análoga a de hormônios de crescimento sugere que, os loops entre as fitas AB, CC´ e EF do domínio 1, BC e FG do domínio 2 e o linker entre estes dois domínios, estejam envolvidos na interação da metaloprotease com DM43. / The natural resistance of the opossum, Didelphis marsupialis, towards snake venom is due to antibothropic factors present in the blood serum, of which DM43 is one. It is responsible for the inhibition of the hemorrhagic activity of the venom. With a view to better understanding the mechanism of action of this protein against venom metalloproteases, one of the aims of the present work was to optimize the crystallization conditions of DM43 in order to determine its three-dimensional structure by X-ray diffraction. Crystallization trials revealed that ammonium sulphate was the best precipitant. Visualization and indexing of the diffraction patterns from such crystals only allowed for the determination of the unit cell parameters due to their inherently low quality. The values obtained were a = b = 117.34 (0.03) \'ANGSTRON\', c = 193.39 (0.02) Å, ?=?= 90° e ? = 120°, corresponding to the trigonal or hexagonal crystal systems. The recent determination of the amino acid sequence of DM43 permitted the homology modelling of its three-dimensional structure by satisfaction of spatial restraints. The three immunoglobulin-like domains of DM43 were modelled in two separate parts from the reference structure KIR2DL1 (1nkr), homologous to the two C-terminal domains of DM43, with which its shares 27.72% sequence identity. The N-terminal domain, denominated D0, was separately modelled based on the C-terminal domain of KIR2DL1, with which it shares 28.89% identity. The programs PATCHES and GRASP were used to detect the probable interface region between the two separate parts of the molecule as well as a region probably responsible for dimerisation. Polar residues in KIR2DL1 which had been substituted by hydrophobic residues in DM43 are observed concentrated on one face of the molecule devoid of glycosilation sites (D2) coinciding with the dimerisation interface observed in the growth hormone receptor. A structural motif characteristic of the haematopoetic receptor family, identified as the WSXWS box, was observed to some extent in all three domains of DM43 and most evident in domain D2. It is speculated that the existence of this motif is related to the relative orientation of the domains, by maintaining the first tryptophan of the motif positioned at the domain interface. An additional ?-strand (F) in D2, which is not characteristic of the immunoglobulin fold, is observed due to the presence of the conserved Pro273, three-residues prior to the WSXWS box. This strand appears to play an important role in correctly positioning the motif as it forms hydrogen bonds with strand G of the previous domain thus orientating the first tryptophan of the motif at the interface. The presence of hydrophobic residues at the interdomain interface, may also contribute to stabilizing the acute angular relationship between D1 and D2. An analogous interpretation to that given for the growth hormone receptor, suggests that the loops between ?-strands AB, CC\' and EF of domain D1 and between strands BC and FG do domain D2 plus the linker region, are involved in the binding of metalloproteinase by DM43.

Caracterização funcional e estrutural de uma metaloprotease hemorrágica isolada da peçonha de \'Bothrops jararacussu\'. / Functional and structural characterization of a hemorrhagic metalloprotease isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom

Maurício Ventura Mazzi 19 August 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho descrevemos o isolamento, a caracterização funcional e estrutural de uma metaloprotease hemorrágica, denominada BjussuMP-I. A proteína foi isolada da peçonha de Bothrops jararacussu por combinação de dois passos cromatográficos, utilizando filtração molecular em Sephacryl S-200, equilibrada em tampão Tris-HCl (0,01 M, pH 7,0) seguida de cromatografia de interação hidrofóbica em Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B, equilibrada em tampão Tris-HCl (0,01 M, pH 7,6 mais NaCl 4 M) e eluída com gradiente de NaCl (4-0 M) a 25°C no mesmo tampão. BjussuMP-I é uma proteína com massa molecular de 60 kDa e pI 5,6, a qual induziu hemorragia após injeção intradérmica em camundongos, com uma dose hemorrágica mínima (DHM) de 4,5 g. A atividade hemorrágica da BjussuMP-I foi totalmente inibida após incubação com um agente quelante (EDTA), confirmando a dependência de metal da enzima para esse efeito. BjussuMP-I possui atividade proteolítica sobre a caseína e fibrinogênio e nenhum efeito sobre a gelatina. Por outro lado, demonstrou alta especificidade pela cadeia do fibrinogênio enquanto que a cadeia somente foi hidrolisada na presença de altas concentrações da metaloprotease. A protease foi ativa sobre o fibrinogênio em pH neutro e alcalino e inativada a 75 °C. A dependência de metal da enzima foi demonstrada pela inibição exercida por EDTA, EGTA e 1,10 fenantrolina. Verificou-se uma inibição parcial pelo ?-mercaptoetanol e PMSF, enquanto que leupeptina e aprotinina não afetaram a atividade fibrinogenolítica. A enzima foi ativada na presença de íons Ca++ e Mg++, sendo inibida por Mn++, Fe++, Zn++, Co++ e Ni++. Além disso, baixas concentrações da enzima produziram lise no coágulo de fibrina. BjussuMP-I também demonstrou inibição da agregação plaquetária induzida por colágeno e ADP e atividade bactericida sobre Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus. Verificou-se que as atividades hemorrágica e proteolítica da BjussuMP-I foram neutralizadas pelo diterpenóide clerodane (Bt-CD) de Bacharis trimera. Também se observou uma inibição total do efeito hemorrágico, utilizando o extrato aquoso de Pentaclethra macroloba (EPema). A enzima foi reconhecida por anticorpos antineuwiedase, com uma reação de identidade imunológica parcial. A seqüência completa do cDNA da BjussuMP-I com 1540 pb codificou para uma proteína de 547 resíduos de aminoácidos, que conservou os domínios comuns a metaloproteases hemorrágicas de alto peso molecular da classe PIII: (i) pré-pró-peptideo, (ii) metaloprotease, (iii) disintegrina-símile e (iv) domínio rico em cisteína. / In this study the isolation, functional and structural characterization of a hemorrhagic metalloprotease, named BjussuMP-I is reported. The protein was isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom by a combination of two chromatographic steps, using gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 (0.01 M Tris-HCl, pH7.6 buffer) and Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B chromatography (0.01 M Tris-HCl plus 4 M NaCl, pH7.6 buffer) followed by a concentration gradient from 4 to 0 M NaCl at 25°C in the same buffer. BjussuMP-I is a 60 kDa protein with a pI 5.6, which induced hemorrhage after intradermal injection in mice with a minimum hemorrhagic dose (MHD) of 4.5 g. The hemorrhagic activity of BjussuMP-I was totally abolished after incubation with a chelating agent (EDTA), corroborating the metal-dependence of this effect. BjussuMP-I shows proteolytic activity on casein, collagen and fibrinogen, although no effect on gelatin was observed. In addition, it presented a high specificity toward the -chain of fibrinogen, while the -chain was only hydrolyzed at high concentrations of the metalloprotease. The protease was active against fibrinogen in neutral and alkaline pH and was inactivated at 75°C. The metal dependence of the enzyme was confirmed through inhibition by EDTA, EGTA and 1,10 phenantroline. A partial inhibition was observed with -mercaptoetanol and PMSF, while leupeptin and aprotinin did not inhibit the fibrinogenolytic activity. The enzyme was active in the presence of Ca++ and Mg++ and it was inhibited by Mn++, Fe++, Zn++, Co++ and Ni++. In addition, low concentrations of the enzyme presented lyses in fibrin plate after 12 h of incubation. BjussuMP-I also displayed inhibitory effect on collagen- and ADP-stimulated platelet aggregation, as well as bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. It was reported that both hemorrhagic and proteolytic activities of BjussuMP-I were neutralized by the clerodane diterpenoide (Bt-CD) from Bacharis trimera. Full inhibition of hemorrhage was also observed by using aqueous extract from Pentaclethra macroloba (EPema). The enzyme was recognized by anti-neuwiedase antibodies in a reaction of partial immunologic identity. The complete cDNA sequence of BjussuMP-I with 1540 pb encoded open reading frames of 547 amino acid residues which conserved the common domains of P-III high molecular weight hemorrhagic metalloproteases: (i) pre-pro-peptide, (ii) metalloprotease, (iii) disintegrin-like and (iv) rich cysteine domain.

Minimização da estrutura da DisBa-01, uma desintegrina com potenciais atividades anti-trombótica e anti-metastática / Mutantsof disba-01, a disintegrinwith potential antithrombotic and antimetastic activities

Daniele Fernanda Chiarelli Gonçalves 27 March 2008 (has links)
A DisBa-01, uma desintegrina RGD recombinante ainda não isolada do veneno de Bothrops alternatus, exibe alta afinidade pela integrina aIIbB3, contribuindo para inibição da agregação plaquetária (RAMOS, 2005). DisBa-01 possui também atividades anti-trombótica e anti-metastática comprovadas in vivo (Ramos, 2005). A fim de obter moléculas menores mantendo as atividades da DisBa-01, dois mutantes estão em estudo. Moléculas chamadas DisBa (1-32) e DisBa (1-36) apresentam 32 e 36 resíduos a menos que a DisBa-01, respectivamente, na região N-terminal. Oligonucleotídeos foram construídos e os DNAs foram amplificados por PCR utilizando o plasmídeo pET28a-DisBa-01 como o molde. Os produtos de PCR foram clonados no vetor de expressão pET32a. Análises das seqüências revelaram que os genes e sua fase de leitura estavam completamente corretos. Os plasmídeos recombinantes foram introduzidos em linhagem de E.coli BL21 (DE3). Os plasmídeos recombinantes foram induzidos com IPTG para expressar as proteínas em fusão com a tiorredoxina. As proteínas foram expressas na forma solúvel e com massa molecular coincidente com a previsão. As proteínas de fusão foram purificadas por cromatografia de afinidade em resina de níquel e clivadas com a enzima enteroquinase. As amostras clivadas foram purificadas por cromatografia de filtração a gel. Os passos de purificação e clivagem foram analisados por SDS-PAGE e reação de immunoblotting utilizando o anticorpo anti-Echistatin. Testes de inibição da adesão celular, usando células de melanoma de camundongo B16F10 ricas em integrina avb3, mostraram que a DisBa (1-32) e a DisBa (1-36) são capazes de inibir, aproximadamente, 70% da adesão celular, um resultado semelhante ao encontrado para a molécula de DisBa-01. Portanto, as duas moléculas mutantes da DisBa-01 obtidas apresentaram atividades que podem ser exploradas no desenho de novos medicamentos contra câncer. / DisBa-01, a recombinant RGD-disintegrin still not isolated from B. alternatus venom exhibits high affinity for aIIbB3 integrin, contributing for the inhibition of platelet aggregation (Ramos, 2005). DisBa-01 possesses also antithrombotic and antimetatatic activities in vivo (Ramos, 2005). In order to obtain shorter molecules maintaining activities of DisBa-01 two mutants were studied. Molecules called DisBa (1-32) and DisBa (1-36) have 32 and 36 residues unless DisBa-01, respectively, in the N-terminal region. Oligonucleotides were constructed and the DNAs were amplified by PCR using pET28a-DisBa-01 vector as the template. PCR products were cloned into expression vector pET32a. Sequence analysis showed that reading frames were completely correct. The recombinant plasmids were introduced in BL21(DE3) E.coli strain. The recombinant plasmids were induced with IPTG to express the proteins in fusion with thioredoxin. Proteins were expressed in a soluble form and with molecular mass coincident with prediction. Fusion proteins were purified by affinity chromatography in nickel resin and cleaved with enterokinase enzyme. Samples of cleavage were purified by the gel filtration chromatography. Purification and cleavage steps were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting reaction using anti-Echistatin antibody. Tests inhibition of cell adhesion, using cells from mice B16F10 melanoma rich in integrin avb3, showed that DisBa (1-32) and DisBa (1-36) are able to inhibit approximately 70% of cell adhesion. Therefore the two mutants molecules of the DisBa-01 obtained in this work present activities that can be explored in the design of new medicines against cancer.

Estudos bioquímicos e biofísicos de metaloproteinases/desintegrinas de venenos de serpentes / Biochemical and biophysical studies of metalloproteinases/disintegrins from snake venom

Ana Letícia Gori Lusa 03 April 2008 (has links)
Metaloproteases/desintegrinas (MD) isoladas de venenos de serpentes são potentes inibidores de agregação plaquetária e de adesão celular, processos envolvidos em doenças como trombose e câncer. As MD pertencem a classe PIII das SVMPs (´snake venom metalloproteinases´) que são constituídas por três domínios: metaloprotease (M), tipo-desintegrina (D) e rico em cisteína (C). A função dos três domínios nas atividades das moléculas ainda não é totalmente conhecida, e estudos com o objetivo de esclarecer suas funções são importantes para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos. Algumas proteínas da classe PIII apresentam elevada atividade auto-proteolítica (liberando peptídeo constituído dos domínios D e C) enquanto que em outras PIII esta atividade não é menos evidente. Neste trabalho nós estudamos MD isoladas de veneno de Bothrops jararaca (bothropasina) e Bothrops alternatus (alternagina) em relação aos seus processos de autólise. Alternagina e bothropasina apresentaram diferentes comportamentos em relação à auto-proteólise, apesar do elevado grau de identidade entre as duas moléculas. Nesse trabalho, caracterizamos a estabilidade química e o comportamento de desenovelamento da proteína alternagina nativa pela guanídina HCl usando emissão de fluorescência intrínseca em combinação com espectroscopia de dicroísmo circular ´far´-UV. As amostras de alternagina, purificadas do veneno liofilizado, foram monitoradas por dicroísmo em comprimento de onda de 220nm e os resultados mostraram estruturas intermediárias no processo de desnaturação da proteína. Estudos semelhantes foram feitos com a bothropasina, com o objetivo de relacionar seus diferentes comportamentos auto-proteolíticos com os processos de desnaturação. Nas duas proteínas ocorreu uma alta correlação entre os estudos de auto-proteolise e de desnaturação. As MD isoladas de B. jararaca, jararagina e bothropasina, são isoformas descritas na literatura como isoláveis através de diferentes cromatografias. Neste trabalho, utilizamos os diferentes protocolos descritos para verificar a porção da isoforma majoritária no veneno. As amostras de proteína serão analisadas por espectrometria de massas, uma vez que a região N-terminal das proteínas está bloqueada. / Metalloproteinases/disintegrin (MD) isolated from snake venom are potent inhibitors of platelet aggregation and cell adhesion, processes involved in illnesses as cancer and thrombosis. MD belong to the PIII class of the metalloproteinase/disintegrin gene family and they are constituted by three domains: the catalytic domain, metalloprotease; disintegrin-like (D) and cysteine-rich (R). Some MD proteins are rapidly processed (producing the disintegrin-like/ cysteine-rich domains), while others MD are processed slowly. In this work, we studied the autolysis process of the MD isolated from the venom of Bothrops jararaca (bothropasin) and Bothrops alternatus (alternagin). Despite high sequence identity, alternagin and bothropasin showed different autolysis processes. The processing of the alternagin produces an intermediate with molecular mass of 43kDa whereas in the processing of the bothropasin this intermediate is almost not observable. In this work we studied alternagin and bothropasin under the viewpoint of chemical stability and the unfolding process to guanidine hydrochloride (Gnd-HCl) using dichroism circular and fluorescence spectrometry. The CD spectra (220nm) of the alternagin purified from the lyophilized venom showed an intermediate structure in the unfolding process. These studies were performed on bothropasin with the goal to relate the autolysis and unfolding process. These studies revealed a high correlation between both proteins . The MD isolated from B. jararaca, jararagin and bothropasin, are isophorms purified from different chromatograph processes reported in the literature. In this work, different purification processes were used to check the major isophorm. Due to the blocked N-terminal region, these proteins will be assessed by mass spectrometry.

Papel do polimorfismo genético na expressão das metaloproteases na tendinopatia primária do tendão tibial posterior / Role of genetic polymorphism of the genes that express the metalloprotease in tendinopathy primary posterior tibial tendon

Alexandre Leme Godoy dos Santos 23 February 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a influência de polimorfismos na região promotora do gene das metaloproteases 1, 3 e 8 na fisiopatogenia da insuficiência primária do tendão tibial posterior. A amostra de 150 pacientes selecionados é dividida em grupo-teste: 50 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e anatomopatológico de tendinopatia do tendão tibial posterior e grupo-controle: 100 pacientes com tendão tibial posterior íntegro. O DNA dos voluntários é obtido a partir de células epiteliais da mucosa bucal mediante a extração com acetato de amônia. As técnicas de PCR e RFLP são utilizadas para análise dos genótipos. A análise estatística dos resultados é realizada pelo teste do qui-quadrado com nível de significância de 5%. Os resultados mostram que os polimorfismos -1607 da MMP-1 e -799 da MMP-8 estão relacionados com risco maior para tendinopatia primária do tendão tibial posterior, enquanto o polimorfismo -1612 da MMP-3 parece não influenciar essa tendinopatia / The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of polymorphisms in the promoter region of the gene of metalloproteinases 1, 3 and 8 in physiopatology of primary posterior tibial tendon insufficiency. The sample of 150 selected patients was divided into test group: 50 patients undergoing surgical procedures and pathological diagnosis of degenerative lesions of the posterior tibial tendon, and control group: 100 patients with posterior tibial tendon intact and no signs of degeneration. The DNA of the volunteers was obtained from oral mucosa epithelial cells, by extraction with ammonium acetate. PCR and RFLP were used for analysis of genotypes. Statistical analysis of results was performed by Chi-squared test with significance level of 5%. The results show that polymorphisms -1607 of MMP-1 and -799 of the MMP-8 are associated with increased risk for primary tendinopathy of the posterior tibial tendon, while the -1612 polymorphism of MMP-3 does not influence this tendinopathy

Xenopus ADAM13 and ADAM19 are Important for Proper Convergence and Extension of the Notochord

Neuner, Russell David 01 February 2011 (has links)
Gastrulation is a fundamental process that reorganizes the primary germ layers to shape the internal and external features of an early embryo. Morphogenetic movements underlying this process can be classified into a variety of different types of cellular movements. I will focus on investigating in this thesis two types of cell movements in the dorsal mesoderm; mediolateral cell intercalation and convergence and extension. During gastrulation, mesoderm cells send protrusions to gain traction on neighboring cells and the surrounding extracellular matrix; a process called mediolateral cell intercalation. Mesoderm cells use this type of cell movement to converge and extend the dorsal mesoderm tissue during gastrulation; a process called convergence and extension. These morphogenetic movements are essential to form the early embryo and are important for later development. There are a number of different proteins involved in regulating the morphogenetic movements during gastrulation. The Planar Cell Polarity Signaling Pathway helps establish individual cell polarity and is activated in dorsal mesoderm cells undergoing convergence and extension. In addition, dorsal mesoderm cells migrate by using integrin receptors and the surrounding extracellular matrix to correctly position the mesoderm in the embryo. I will focus my efforts on analyzing the function of ADAM proteins during Xenopus laevis gastrulation. The ADAM family of metalloproteases is important for a variety of biological processes. ADAM proteins function as ectodomain sheddases by cleaving membrane bound proteins involved in signal transduction, cell-cell adhesion, and cell-extracellular matrix adhesion. I will focus on investigating the roles of two ADAM family members; ADAM13 and ADAM19 during gastrulation. Both ADAM13 and ADAM19 are expressed in the dorsal mesoderm during gastrulation. Throughout early embryonic development, ADAM13 is expressed in the somitic mesoderm and cranial neural crest cells. ADAM19 is expressed in dorsal, neural and mesodermal derived structures such as the neural tube, notochord, the somitic mesoderm, and cranial neural crest cells. Since ADAM13 and ADAM19 are expressed in similar tissues, I investigated if both proteins functionally interacted. I show that a loss of ADAM13 protein in the embryo reduces the level of ADAM19 protein by 50%. In the opposite experiment, a loss of ADAM19 protein in the embryo reduces the level of ADAM13 protein by 50%. This suggests that both ADAM13 and ADAM19 are required to maintain proper protein levels in the embryo. This might be explained through their physical interaction in a cell. The ADAM19 Proform binds to the ADAM13 Proform in cultured cells. Through domain analysis, I show that ADAM19 binds specifically to the cysteine-rich domain of ADAM13. When co-overexpressed in a cell, the level of Mature ADAM13 (compared to the Proform) is reduced suggesting a complex form of regulation. I propose a few hypothetical models that discuss how ADAM19 may function as a chaperone to stabilize and regulate the further processing of ADAM13 protein. Some of the unpublished work discussed in this thesis focuses on the roles of ADAM13 and ADAM19 in the dorsal mesoderm during gastrulation. Specific emphasis is made on investigating the axial mesoderm during notochord formation. I show that ADAM19 affects gene expression important for the A-P polarity of the notochord while ADAM13 does not. The changes in gene expression can be partially rescued by the EGF ligand Neuregulin1β, a known substrate for ADAM19 in the mouse. ADAM13 and ADAM19 are important for convergence and extension movements of the axial mesoderm during gastrulation. Specifically, a loss of ADAM13 or ADAM19 causes a delay in mediolateral cell intercalation resulting in a significantly wider notochord compared to control embryos. These defects occur without affecting dishevelled intracellular localization or the activation of the PCP signaling pathway. However, a loss of ADAM13 or ADAM19 reduces dorsal mesoderm cell spreading on a fibronectin substrate through α5β1 integrin. To conclude, the work presented in this thesis focuses on the similarities and differences of ADAM13 and ADAM19 in the early embryo. Although ADAM13 and ADAM19 are required for normal morphogenetic movements during gastrulation, my data suggests they have different functions. ADAM13 appears to function in regulating cell movements while ADAM19 appears to function in regulating cell signaling. I propose a few hypothetical models that discuss how each ADAM metalloprotease may function in the dorsal mesoderm and contribute to convergence and extension movements during gastrulation.>

Polydimethylsiloxane Releasing Matrix Metalloprotease Inhibitors, as Model Intraocular Lens Materials, for Mitigating Posterior Capsule Opacification

Morarescu, Diana 09 1900 (has links)
<p>Improved materials for implantation as intraocular lens (IOL) devices are needed to minimize the occurrence of posterior capsule opacification (PCO). In this work, novel polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) loaded with matrix metalloprotease inhibitors (MMPI) were developed as model IOL materials.</p> <p>PDMS was chosen as silicones are currently used successfully as IOLs. Inhibitor release rates and amount of initial burst of drug-loaded PDMS could be controlled by changing solvent when loading into elastomer base, as well as drug loading method, and release buffer.</p> <p>Two lens epithelial cell lines were characterized for in vitro tests: FHL124 and HLE B3. These cell lines produce different combinations of extracellular matrix proteins when grown on various biomaterial surfaces. Significant differences between the two cell lines were observed both in collagen VIII and α-smooth muscle actin levels, both when cells were unstimulated, and as a result of epithelial to mesenchymal transition induced by treatment with transforming growth factor β2. FHL124 cells were selected in further tests due to their consistent expression of extracellular matrix components when exposed to different materials.</p> <p>Solutions of synthetic MMPI GM6001 and MMP 2/9 Inhibitor II, known to mitigate anterior subcataract formation, were released from PDMS and found to protect in a modest but significant way against protein profile changes and to delay migration. Due to the Zn²⁺ dependence of MMPs, chelators, including EDTA, TPEN and 1-10 phenanthroline were examined as alternative inhibitors. Only the latter was found to have a significant effect on cell migration rates in vitro. Sulfadiazine, due to its chemical resemblance to synthetic MMPI was determined to be the most efficient at reducing migration rates as well as to have the lowest toxicity.</p> <p>Overall, sulfadiazine was determined in this work to be a potentially effective solution to mitigating PCO. These results indicate that releasing MMPI molecules from PDMS as a model IOL is a promising way to mitigate aspects of PCO.</p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Effects of Red Diamondback Rattlesnake Venom on Keloid Dermal Fibroblasts <i>In Vitro</i>

Newman, Mackenzie Shelby January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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