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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


VIVIAN ALVES DE ASSIS 10 January 2009 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação analisa o postulado da pureza metodológica como princípio da Teoria Pura do Direito de Hans Kelsen em sua perpetuação no senso comum teórico dos juristas, revelando as suas dimensões míticas. A releitura de Kelsen é realizada à luz das críticas à pureza metodológica desenvolvidas por Luis Alberto Warat principalmente em sua obra A Pureza do Poder. O estudo inclui referências conceituais de Roland Barthes, Gaston Bachelard e Antonio Negri, vinculadas a propostas de sistemas ilusórios criativos, como a modernidade imanente e o transurrealismo. O referido postulado é contextualizado no arcabouço paradigmático moderno como obstáculo epistemológico para a produção de um saber crítico que construa novos objetos de conhecimento no campo jurídico. / [en] This dissertation examines the premise of methodological purity as a principle of Hans Kelsen´s Pure Theory of Law, in this perpetuation of the theoretical juristic common sense, revealing its mythic dimensions. A rereading of Kelsen is realized in the light of criticism of methodological purity developed by Luis Alberto Warat, principally in his work The Purity of Power. The study includes conceptual references of Roland Barthes, Gaston Bachelard and Antonio Negri, related to the proposals of creative illusory systems, such as immanent modernity and the transurrealism. That premise is contextualized in the modern paradigms as epistemological obstacles for the production of a critical wisdom which builds new objects of knowledge in the juridic field.

Lieux de rumeurs, lieux de co-mémorations : vers la reconstruction d'un passé : le cas de l'explosion de l'usine AZF / Places of rumors, places of commemorations : towards the reconstruction of a past : the AZF case

Demoures, Amélie 12 June 2015 (has links)
Dans une perspective psychosociale, l’objectif de cette thèse est de saisir l’aspect dynamique de la rumeur inter et intragroupe et son rôle dans la reconstruction des mémoires collectives dans des contextes spatio-temporels précis. A partir d’une étude monographique, sur la catastrophe de l’usine AZF survenue le 21 septembre à Toulouse, notre travail de thèse vise à expliquer ce qui est en jeu pour les groupes en présence, d’adhérer à et de faire perdurer ou non, telle ou telle « version ». En prenant en compte l'espace en tant que cadre social de la mémoire, nous nous intéressons à l'inscription spatiale de la rumeur, notamment au travers des pratiques commémoratives, comme une manière de s'approprier les lieux détruits par cette catastrophe. Notre recherche s’ancre dans le champ de la pensée sociale interrogeant les savoirs du sens commun et les manières de penser en contexte en fonction des insertions sociales des individus. Dans cette perspective nous adoptons le regard ternaire propre à la psychologie sociale pour interroger la rumeur dans une visée compréhensive du phénomène. Pour cela, nous avons mis en place une triangulation méthodologique (entretiens semi-directifs, observations, analyse de presse et questionnaires) afin de saisir la dynamique de la rumeur dans ses différentes temporalités, au travers de plusieurs groupes plus ou moins impliqués. L’analyse de l’ensemble des résultats confirme alors l’existence d’un phénomène rumoral à Toulouse plus de 10 ans après la catastrophe autour des origines de l’explosion au sein des différents lieux et groupes enquêtés. Le niveau d’implication des sujets et le degré des émotions négatives ressenties suite à l’événement sont alors des facteurs saillants expliquant d’une part, l’adhésion à une rumeur et, d’autre part, sa persistance. Toutefois, nos résultats mettent en évidence des variations de contenu du message de la rumeur selon les groupes en fonction de leur insertion et position sociales ainsi que du lien qui les rattachait à l’usine AZF. Notre recherche souligne ainsi combien le processus de la rumeur et les fonctions qu’elle remplit ne sont pas simplement animés par une mécanique cognitive de la pensée mais davantage motivés par des enjeux identitaires et mémoriels, selon les intérêts du moment pour le groupe. La permanence de la rumeur dans le temps et des lieux précis, témoigne alors de son rôle dans la transmission d’une mémoire collective, de sorte qu’elle soit valorisante pour les groupes. / In a psychosocial perspective, the aim of this research is to capture the dynamic aspect of inter and intragroup rumor and its role in the reconstruction of collective memories in specific spatiotemporal contexts. Based on a monographic study relative to the explosion of the AZF factory that occurred September 21th, 2001, in Toulouse, our PhD work aims to explain what is at stake for the groups involved, and why would they adopt and perpetuate or not a « version » of the story or another. Taking into account space as a social framework of memory, we will focus on the spatial inscription of the rumor, particularly through commemorative practices, considered as a way to re-appropriate places destroyed by the catastrophe. Our research belongs to the field of social thought, which question common sense knowledge and ways of thinking in specific contexts, depending on individuals’ social insertion. In this perspective, we adopt a « ternary » interpretation of facts, inherent to social psychology, to investigate rumor in a comprehensive approach. To fulfill this goal, we applied methodological triangulation in our research (semi-structured interviews, observations, press analyses and questionnaires), in order to seize the dynamic of rumor in its different temporalities, through several groups more or less involved. The analysis of all results confirm the existence of a rumor phenomenon in Toulouse over 10 years after the disaster and related to the origins of the explosion, in the different investigated places and groups. The level of implication and the level of negative emotions felt after the event are salient factors to explain both the adhesion to a rumor and its persistence. However, our results highlight variations in the message content for different groups depending on their social insertion and position as well as the bond that relationship that bonded them to the AZF factory. Our research affirm that the rumor process and functions are not simply animated by a cognitive mechanisms of though but rather motivated by identity and memory issues, depending on the group’s present interest. The persistence of rumor in specific times and places demonstrate its role in the transmission of a collective memory, in a gratifying way for the involved groups.

An ontology of space : methodological recursiveness and the diagram

Cachao, Rita January 2015 (has links)
Current debates on space reveal a dichotomy between two apparently conflicting understandings of space: on the one hand, space is understood as a physical, tangible entity that has an impact on how we perceive, feel and emotionally inhabit the world, and on the other hand, space is conceived as an abstract entity, suggesting that space has no active role (a productivity) within everyday life, being solely a conceptual product of intellectual reasoning. As a result, the commonly used word: ‘space’, will be discussed as an ontologically paradoxical, ambiguous and elusive concept; a concept that cannot be captured within a single definition. This thesis consequently researches the ontology of space by informing a framework that embraces the complexity of space as an ambiguous and unrepresentable entity. It aims to reconcile the multiple understandings of space, liberating it from the binary thinking that opposes the abstract to the physical, disclosing its potential productivity. This thesis thus proposes a methodology departing from a transdisciplinary approach that addresses the variability, multiplicity, paradoxicality and ambiguity of space through a ‘bastard’ epistemology that defies binary logic by considering what falls out of order and norm. To research an ontology through a bastard epistemology is to work outside of (but in combination with) the intelligible and sensible realms, through a framework that is non-representational, but instead enactive and performative, driven by experience, affect and aesthetics; thus allowing access to an entity that is both ambiguous and also unrepresentable. In doing so, this thesis argues that space is diversely implicated in the constitution of research methodologies through its interactions with order and structures, as well as agential in the constitution of understandings of human interactions with the world; and therefore, it will be argued, space has methodological purchase. The consequence of this methodological purchase is that space can reveal itself if a research strategy is implemented that works through the multiple dimensions of space. Within this context the diagram will be introduced as a productive path because enables a bastard epistemology to work through the multiplicity of space, since the diagram, is a performed, materialised outcome of multiple experiences of the making of order through the interaction between physical and conceptual dimensions. In synthesis, the diagram is used to recursively research an ontology of space, showing the main contribution of this thesis: of how without negating its complexity and multiplicity, space can be useful, constructive and productive within contemporary contexts of research methodologies.

Spor o význam teorie racionální volby / Dispute over the plausibility of rational choice theory

Rak, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Many critics of rational choice theory aim at unrealistic psychological assumption of this theory. To what extent is this kind of critic relevant? If we analyze the formalized scheme of choice than we will find difficult to interpret this scheme as psychological theory that develops intentional explanations. We should rather understand this theory as a theory developing causal explanations that are generated by the structure of surrounding. Intencionality in this theory is only a auxiliary tool and the explanation is made in terms of structure, not in terms of mental states. From this perspective most of the critic aim at wrong target.

A produção do conhecimento da pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Sergipe : realidade e possibilidades epistemológicas

Araujo, Maria Gorete Bezerra de 14 June 2014 (has links)
This research report has the theme |Knowledge Production Analysis of Graduate Studies in Education of the Federal University of Sergipe, in 2009-2011.| The methodological theory behind this work is the dialectical historical materialism, because we understand that this theory presents a categorical complex that allows radically grasp our problem under study. Our empirical field is the Graduate of the Federal University of Sergipe Center where are the empirical sources that are the dissertations of 2009-2011. To characterize this research is adopted the documentary research, trying to discuss the problem of production of knowledge regarding the methodological theories; this scientific production meets the needs and interests of the working class in favor of a quality education. This study shows how problematic the following question: |How do you have the epistemological trends in the production of knowledge of NPGED / UFS, in line Educator Training from 2009 to 2011?| Faced with this question, share the understanding that science is built by formulating hypotheses that may or may not be proven with the completion of studies. So, we set hypothesis, that there is a significant quantity of dissertations in NPGED / UFS, from 2009 to 2011 in line Educator Training: with knowledge and skills that link to the phenomenological hermeneutics trend. Within the above, were traced the objectives of this work based on the issue and in the event that previously listed are: General Objective: To analyze as epistemologically present the production of knowledge, Postgraduate Diploma in Education, UFS, on Line Training educators in the period 2009-2011. The instrument used to collect and analyze the data was the paradigmatic matrix developed by Prof. ° Gamboa. Then the data were analyzed from the methodological categories, and all contradiction and categories of content, design of science, man and education. The research result shows that the Knowledge Production of the Graduate Center NPGED / UFS, from 2009 to 2011, mostly is grounded by the phenomenological trend - hermeneutics. To this trend, the interpretation and understanding are essential in the need that men have to communicate. So the cognitive interest that guides the phenomenological hermeneuticalinvestigations is communication. / O presente relatório de pesquisa tem como tema Análise da Produção do Conhecimento da Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, no período de 2009-2011. A teoria metodológica que fundamenta esse trabalho é o materialismo histórico dialético, pois se entende que essa teoria apresenta um complexo categorial que permite apreender radicalmente a nossa problemática em estudo. O nosso campo empírico é o Núcleo de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal de Sergipe no qual se encontram as fontes empíricas que são as dissertações do período de 2009-2011. Para caracterizar esta investigação adota-se a pesquisa documental, procurando discutir a problemática da produção do conhecimento em relação as teorias metodológicas; esta produção científica atende aos interesses e necessidades da classe trabalhadora em prol de uma formação de qualidade. Este estudo apresenta como problemática a seguinte indagação: Como se apresentam as tendências epistemológicas na produção do conhecimento do NPGED/UFS, na linha Formação de Educadores no período de 2009 a 2011? Diante desta indagação, partilhamos da compreensão de que a ciência é construída através da formulação de hipóteses que podem ou não ser comprovadas com a finalização de estudos. Assim, indicamos como hipótese, que existe um quantitativo significativo de dissertações no NPGED/UFS, no período de 2009 a 2011 na Linha Formação de Educadores: com saberes e competências que apontam para a tendência fenomenológica hermenêutica. Dentro do exposto, foram traçados os objetivos deste trabalho com base na problemática e na hipótese anteriormente elencadas que são: Objetivo Geral: Analisar como se apresentam epistemologicamente a produção do conhecimento, da Pós-Graduação em Educação, da UFS, na Linha Formação de educadores, no período de 2009-2011. O instrumento utilizado para coletar e analisar os dados foi a matriz paradigmática elaborada pelo Prof° Gamboa. Em seguida, os dados foram analisados a partir das categorias metodológicas, totalidade e contradição e das categorias de conteúdo, concepção de ciência, homem e educação. O resultado da pesquisa aponta que a Produção do Conhecimento do Núcleo de Pós-Graduação NPGED/UFS, no período de 2009 a 2011, em sua maioria é embasada pela tendência fenomenológica - hermenêutica. Para essa tendência, a interpretação e a compreensão são indispensáveis dentro da necessidade que os homens têm de se comunicar. Portanto o interesse cognitivo que orienta as investigações fenomenológica-hermenêuticas é o da comunicação.

A fonética e o ensino-aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras: teorias e práticas / The phonetics in second language teaching : teories and activities

Daniela Akie Hirakawa 06 March 2008 (has links)
A fonética, estudo dos sons de uma língua, tem um papel fundamental na aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras, principalmente na aquisição das competências orais. No entanto, a transposição didática desta disciplina não é sempre evidente para o professor de línguas estrangeiras. Por um lado, ele tem que enfrentar um assunto considerado excessivamente técnico e inacessível aos não-iniciados, e por outro, são poucas as obras escritas para este fim. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo discutir o lugar da fonética no ensino/aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras e propor procedimentos metodológicos para o trabalho da fonética em sala de aula. Para isto apresentaremos no primeiro capítulo um percurso histórico das diferentes metodologias, mostrando como a pronúncia foi tratada em cada uma delas. Isto nos permitirá determinar, no capítulo II, os princípios a serem levados em conta na elaboração de um programa e das atividades de fonética. No último capítulo descreveremos as três experiências realizadas em duas instituições de ensino de francês língua estrangeira na Universidade de São Paulo. Graças a esta pesquisa poderemos não só avaliar a importância da fonética para o ensino/aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras como também sugerir atividades lúdicas que ajudem o professor a motivar seus alunos no aprimoramento da pronúncia. / Phonetics is the study of speech sounds. Even though it plays an important role in the second language acquisition, specially of the oral skills, its didactic transposition is not always evident for the language teacher. On the one hand he has to face a discipline considered too technical and unavailable to the non-initiated, on the other hand, there are very few works on the subject. The objective of this paper is to discuss the place of phonetics in second language teaching and to propose methodological procedures for its learning. For that, we will present in the first chapter an historical view of second language methods, showing how pronunciation was treated in each one of them. In chapter II we will determine the principles that should be taken into account when elaborating a phonetics program or activities. In the last chapter we will describe three experiences achieved in two different language institute at São Paulo University. Due to this research we will be able to evaluate the importance of phonetics in the second language acquisition and suggest fun activities to help teachers to motivate their students in pronunciation classes.

The Progress of Tobacco Control Research in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Past 50 Years: A Systematic Review of the Design and Methods of the Studies

Mamudu, Hadii M., Subedi, Pooja, Alamin, Ali E., Veeranki, Sreenivas P., Owusu, Daniel, Poole, Amy, Mbulo, Lazarous, Ogwell Ouma, A. E., Oke, Adekunle 01 December 2018 (has links)
Over one billion of the world’s population are smokers, with increasing tobacco use in low-and middle-income countries. However, information about the methodology of studies on tobacco control is limited. We conducted a literature search to examine and evaluate the methodological designs of published tobacco research in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) over the past 50 years. The first phase was completed in 2015 using PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. An additional search was completed in February 2017 using PubMed. Only tobacco/smoking research in SSA countries with human subjects and published in English was selected. Out of 1796 articles, 447 met the inclusion criteria and were from 26 countries, 11 of which had one study each. Over half of the publications were from South Africa and Nigeria. The earliest publication was in 1968 and the highest number of publications was in 2014 (n = 46). The majority of publications used quantitative methods (91.28%) and were cross-sectional (80.98%). The commonest data collection methods were self-administered questionnaires (38.53%), interviews (32.57%), and observation (20.41%). Around half of the studies were among adults and in urban settings. We conclud that SSA remains a “research desert” and needs more investment in tobacco control research and training.

Evaluating Methodological Considerations and Quality Standards in People Analytics: A Scoping Review and Bibliographic Analysis

Pescador Dahlén, Xandee, Schewzow, Luise January 2023 (has links)
People analytics (PA) has experienced significant growth in recent years due to the increasing availability of employee data and the impact of digitalization on organizations. This data-driven approach utilizes inductive methods to predict various outcomes in the field of human resources. Nevertheless, concerns have emerged regarding the availability and reliability of the data used in PA. Surprisingly, the quality standards of these data-driven methods have not been evaluated in the PA literature, despite their widespread adoption. To address these gaps, nine research questions covering expertise areas, psychological constructs, patterns/trends, study types, data sources, reliability reporting, data-driven frameworks, prediction accuracy, and open science practices in PA were reviewed. A scoping review was conducted to extract relevant information from each piece of literature, while bibliometric analysis provides a structured analysis of trends, themes, and key contributors. A total of 3,103 records were identified from the Scopus (n = 449) and APA PsycINFO (n = 2,700) databases, with nine studies included in the review. Findings indicated a lack of consideration given to quality, reliability aspects, and open science practices within PA literature. The predominant emphasis of the research was on the evaluation of variables, particularly turnover intention. This study contributes to advancing the understanding of PA by emphasizing the importance of incorporating quality standards and open science practices to enhance the reliability and credibility of research findings. The classification of the PA literature and recommendations for future research directions are provided, highlighting the need for a hierarchy of knowledge in the field. / Scoping Review of People Analytics

Mapping the field of international comparative research in school social work

Beck, Kathrin Franziska, Hämäläinen, Juha 25 April 2023 (has links)
This article maps the field of international comparative research in school social work. For this purpose, a systematic literature review was conducted and subjected to a narrative synthesis. The review reveals 11 publications that are predominantly non-empirical, take mainly Asian, European, North American countries and Australia and New Zealand into account, and are focused on profession-related and sociopolitical aspects of school social work. A synthesis of school social work practice themes transcending national boundaries emerged from the findings, covering child-, family-, school-, and community-related issues. Accordingly, children are predominantly confronted with similar issues, irrespective of the place where they live, such as violence toward themselves, at home, in school, and in their community. Bearing in mind methodological challenges when carrying out comparative studies, recommendations include the conduct of practice-focused studies that generate new stimuli to improve already well-developed practices in a culturally appropriate way and enable mutual learning among school social workers.

Introductory methodological support for cross-sectoral municipal and regional strategic work for sustainability

Wälitalo, Lisa January 2020 (has links)
Municipal and regional actors, and in particular their respective governments, have key roles to play for society’s transition to sustainability, and many good efforts have been made. However, co-creating sustainable visions and effective governance towards such visions is a complex challenge and an overarching systems perspective is often lacking in the decision making. This is an often-forgotten piece in the sustainability discourse, which risks leading to ’solutions’ in one area that cause problems in another area. This, in turn, risks leading to unnecessary goal-conflicts, sub-optimizations, and slow progress. Despite good insights and actions on sub-parts of the sustainability challenge, capacity to coordinate efforts across sectors is generally missing. The overarching aim of this work was therefore to explore how practitioners, not the least leaders, in municipalities and regions can be sufficiently supported in their missions to enhance cross-sectoral strategic work for sustainability. The overall pursuit of this aim was undertaken through an action research approach with seven Swedish municipalities, two Swedish regions and one Finnish region. Initially, practitioners’ perspectives of what hinders effective sustainability transitions in their municipalities or regions were investigated through focus group discussions. In addition to many specific, context dependent barriers, a prevailing blindness to barriers that are directly linked to a lack of a sufficiently large systems perspective was found. Most of the action research was about testing an existing preliminary implementation model for multi-stakeholder co-creation and co-learning for strategic sustainable development. The model was evaluated in terms of strengths, weaknesses, barriers and enablers through observations, dialogues, round table discussions and a survey. The preliminary implementation model was generally appreciated by practitioners and was generally considered to fill its purpose. However, a need for additional support was pointed out, to assist continued work with the model in the absence of external expert facilitators. A key element of the asked-for support was ways to involve and engage top leaders into active participation already upfront. An approach to achieve this was explored in one of the participating municipalities. This included an initial assessment of current work and existing steering systems and their alignment with the preliminary implementation model, followed by a focus group discussion with political and administrative leaders. In combination with a comprehensive understanding of barriers to effective sustainability transitions, the result from the testing of the preliminary implementation model and the approach to engaging leaders have laid a foundation for methodological support for cross-sectoral municipal and regional strategic work for sustainability.

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