Spelling suggestions: "subject:"metropolis"" "subject:"petropolis""
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Descontinuidades paulistanas: o conceito de estrutura nos modelos de interpretação de São Paulo / Discontinuities of São Paulo: the concept of structure in the interpretation models of the cityFigueiredo, Georgia Novis de 30 April 2008 (has links)
A noção de Estrutura, como conceito, é estudada nas diversas interpretações de modelos atribuídas a São Paulo na segunda metade do século XX. Nesse período o conceito é adotado nas ciências urbanas de duas maneiras: como forma de entender o meio sistematizando-o, e como forma de intervenção: ora com uma estrutura nova, reorganizando o espaço, ora elegendo os elementos que seriam capazes de regenerá-lo. A problemática consiste na elaboração de modelos inequívocos que se mostram excludentes e extremamente simplificados a ponto de não identificarem a cidade, ou seja, o método elimina o processo de produção do espaço na medida em que aprisiona seus elementos, resume suas relações e presume seus efeitos. Por outro lado, se mostra extremamente eficiente na investigação do espaço, enquanto junta as pistas para a obtenção do modelo de modo que a análise de sua evolução compõe um processo de se pensar a cidade. Assim procura se discutir até que ponto o conceito estrutura um conceito que interfere na produção do espaço, em diferentes épocas. / The Idea of Structure as a concept, is studied in diverse interpretations of urban models identified or outlined for São Paulo in the second half of the XX century. In this period that concept is adopted in urban sciences in two situations: to understand the space of the city trying to systemize it and as one way to deal with this city: some times as a new structure, re-organizing the space, in others by choosing the elements that would be able to regenerate it. The problem is the fact that this way of working with spaces use to elaborate unequivocal models that uses to show extremely simplified and exculpatory systems that wont identify the city if it is reapplied, in other words, these methods eliminate the process of production of the space, because it arrests its elements, it summarizes its relationships and it presumes its effects. On the other hand, the concept of structure is so efficient in the inquiry of the space, while it gets informations to choose elements to built the model in this way, the study of structures composes a process of \"thinking the city\". So, it studies how the concept of structure works in the production of the spaces, at different times in history.
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Obati: Oleoduto Barueri-Utinga : estudos e alternativas de re-ordenação de sua faixa lindeira / Obati : Barueri - Utinga pipeline : studies and alternatives for the rearrangement of its right-of-wayPestana, Katia Bomfim 14 May 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa pretende aprofundar os estudos empreendidos no âmbito do Projeto Convivência e Parceria, realizado pelas organizações não-governamentais Instituto Ecoar e Instituto Crescer, por solicitação da Petrobrás em novembro de 2001, ao longo da faixa dominial do OBATI poliduto da Petrobrás que liga o Terminal de Barueri ao de Utinga, em São Caetano do Sul, passando subterrâneo por uma faixa de 50 km pelas regiões Oeste, Sul e Sudeste da Grande São Paulo. A instalação dessas redes de infraestrutura, levando-se em conta somente seus aspectos funcionais e de segurança, gera uma sequência de espaços residuais que muitas vezes acabam por aumentar os riscos por não estarem inseridas no contexto urbano onde estão instaladas. O OBATI é tratado de maneira exemplar, como uma das diversas redes de infraestrutura instaladas na malha urbana da cidade de São Paulo. O trabalho se desenvolve a partir de dados coletados anteriormente para, então, analisar as políticas urbanas que hoje fomentam as discussões sobre o futuro das metrópoles contemporâneas, especialmente a de São Paulo. Ainda, procura evidenciar onde e como essas redes de infraestrutura estão instaladas e as relações existentes entre o tecido urbano e os vazios deixados por elas. Propõem, também, alguns caminhos visando a integração do espaço gerado pelo oleoduto e a cidade, em suas diversas escalas: a metropolitana, a regional e a local. / This research intends to deepen the studies encompassed within the Projeto Convivência e Parceria, established by the non-governmental organizations Ecoar Institute and Crescer Institute, by appointment from Petrobrás in November 2001, along the strip domain of OBATI Petrobrás pipeline which joins the Barueri Terminal to Utinga in São Caetano do Sul, passing underground through a 50-kilometer strip, in the West, South and Southeast regions of the Greater São Paulo area. The establishment of these infrastructural nets, taking into account only their functional and safety aspects, generate a sequence of residual space which often contributes to increased risk factors since they are not inserted within the urban context of their locations. The OBATI is treated in an exemplary manner, as one the city of São Paulos various infrastructural networks within its urban grid. The research is built on previously collected data and analyzes the current urban policies which promote discussions regarding the future of contemporary metropolises, especially, São Paulo. In addition, it aims to point out where and how these infrastructural nets are laid and the existing relationship between the local urban spaces and the emptiness left by them. This project also suggests several ways in which this space, created by the pipeline, can be integrated into the citys various scales: metropolitan, regional and local.
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Um americano na metrópole [latino-americana]. Richard Morse e a história cultural urbana de São Paulo, 1947-1970 / An american in the metropolis [Latin America]. Richard Morse and the urban cultural history of São Paulo, 1947-1970Castro, Ana Claudia Veiga de 15 May 2013 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a obra do historiador norte-americano Richard Morse (1922-2001) sobre a história de São Paulo. Publicado pela primeira vez em 1954 nas comemorações do IV Centenário de São Paulo como De comunidade a metrópole: biografia de São Paulo, o trabalho é fonte importante dos estudos históricos urbanos sobre São Paulo ainda hoje. Editado em inglês em 1958 nos Estados Unidos, foi republicado no Brasil em 1970 - com algumas diferenças importantes - com o título Formação histórica de São Paulo: de comunidade à metrópole. Essa obra é examinada aqui por três perspectivas - como história urbana, como uma história cultural e como parte do debate sobre a urbanização das cidades na América Latina. Inserindo-a no campo dos estudos históricos urbanos norte-americano e brasileiro, no momento de sua constituição, pretende-se contribuir para o campo da história urbana preenchendo certas lacunas da historiografia da cidade de São Paulo. Ao retraçar os vínculos entre cidade, história e literatura que a obra parece conter, a tese contribui para a discussão de uma história cultural urbana de São Paulo. Reconhecendo o autor como personagem chave na constituição do debate sobre a cidade latino-americana entre as décadas de 1940 e 1970 - justamente o período em que se realizam as três edições -, o exame da obra permite ainda lançar luz em décadas fundamentais da urbanização latino-americana, retomando temas e questões sobre a metropolização em curso na cidade de São Paulo e no continente latino-americano. / This thesis analyzes the work of the American historian Richard Morse (1922-2001) on the history of São Paulo (Brazil). First published in 1954 in celebration of the fourth centenary of São Paulo, under the title of De Comunidade a Metrópole: Biografia de São Paulo, until today the work is an impor6 tant source of urban historical studies of São Paulo. Published in English in 1958 in the United States, was republished in Brazil in 1970 as Formação Histórica de São Paulo: de Comunidade à Metrópole, with some important differences. This work is examined here from three different perspectives - urban history, cultural history and as part of the urbanization of Latin American cities discussion. Entering on the urban historical studies in the U.S. and Brazil, at the time of its constitution, the thesis aims at contributing to the urban history field in order to fill certain gaps in the historiography of the city of São Paulo. By retracing the links between city, history and literature that seems to contain the work, the thesis contributes to the discussion of an urban cultural history of São Paulo. Recognizing the author as a key person in the establishment of the debate on the Latin American city between the 1940s and 1970s - precisely the period in which are held the three editions - it also allows the examination of the work and shed light on fundamental decades of urbanization in Latin America, taking up issues and questions about the ongoing metropolisation in the city of São Paulo and in the Latin American continent.
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O grande ABC paulista: o fetichismo da região / The great ABC of Sao Paulo: the region´s fetishismAlmeida, Cecília Cardoso Teixeira de 18 November 2008 (has links)
O tema desse trabalho se refere à definição do intitulado Grande ABC Paulista à luz do debate da teoria da região e regionalização, desenvolvida a partir das escolas de geografia introduzidas no Brasil, sobretudo a de influência francesa. Resgatamos tal noção através das contribuições de maior expressão quanto à discussão regional demonstrando as formas como foram incorporadas ao pensamento geográfico brasileiro e ao aparato técnico-operativo relacionado ao Estado. A partir disso, nos voltamos à formação territorial e aos desdobramentos municipais que atualmente constituem o ABC, ou seja, as transformações quanto ao papel que desempenhou ao longo do processo de desenvolvimento paulista, a fim de avaliar a pertinência dessa denominação como unidade regional tomada e usada pela impressa e autoridades políticas locais. Para tanto, averiguamos o contexto em que surgiu no cenário brasileiro e as razões que induziram sua disseminação e utilização a partir dos anos 50. / The theme of this work concerns the definition of \"Greater ABC Paulista\" in the light of discussions of the theory of the region and regionalization, developed from schools of geography made in Brazil, especially that of French influence. We redeem this concept through the contributions of more words about the regional discussion demonstrating the ways in which they were built into the thinking and the geographic Brazilian technical device-related operating the state. From there, we turn to the training area and the developments that currently constitute the local ABC, or the changes on the role it played during the development process Paulista, to assess the relevance of this designation as a regional unit making and printed and used by local political authorities. To do so, investigate the context discovered in the
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Fortaleza (CE) vai continuar andando para o leste: suburbanização, ideologia e cotidiano / Fortaleza (CE) will keep moving to Eastern side: suburbanization, ideology and everyday lifeLopes, Francisco Clébio Rodrigues 17 January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese buscou desvendar os mecanismos de suburbanização do capital na metrópole de Fortaleza a partir da incorporação de porções territoriais situadas ao longo da avenida Washington Soares/CE 040, cerca de vinte quilômetros do centro. Os promotores imobiliários as nominaram de Região da Água Fria, contudo a utilização do velho conceito geográfico não serve apenas para delimitar uma área de forte produção imobiliária visto que é uma representação de um modo de viver, isto é, um estilo de vida suburbano privado das camadas médias. O fenômeno se manifestou como crescimento da construção de superfícies comerciais (shopping centers, supermercados e torres de escritório) e residenciais (condomínios residenciais horizontais e verticais), todavia refletir sobre essa temática exigiu conceder uma centralidade ao consumo produtivo do espaço. O local de reprodução da vida encontra-se esvaziado das suas dimensões qualitativas, alienado e estranhado do homem, portanto na condição de pura lógica. Nessa situação, possui um equivalente em mercadoria e atende as suas próprias necessidades, o que retroalimenta a urbanização capitalista que se move a nível mundial e se sustenta em estratégias, reunindo capitais nacionais e internacionais, portanto a acumulação articula diferentes escalas. Desse modo, o andar para o leste significou o deslocamento do valor em busca da sua reprodução, ainda que fictícia, em todos os níveis e recolocou a dialética entre centro (riqueza) e periferia (penúria) na ordem do dia. / This dissertation has sought to unravel the mechanisms of suburbanization of capital in the metropolis of Fortaleza through the incorporation of land portions located along Washington Soares Avenue/CE 040, about twenty kilometers from downtown. Though developers have named the area Região da Água Fria, the use of the traditional geographical concept serves not only to identify an area of strong real estate investment, but also to shape representations of a way of living, that is, the privatized suburban way of living of the middle classes. The phenomenon emerged with the growth in the construction of commercial (shopping malls, supermarkets and offices) and residential (high-rise condos and gated communities) spaces, but reflecting on this issue demanded that we give a central place to the notion of productive consumption of space. The site of the reproduction of daily life is deprived of its qualitative dimensions, alienated and estranged from man, and thus in the condition of pure logic. In these circumstances, it amounts to a commodity that attends its own needs, which reinforces capitalist urbanization, a process that moves on a global level and that relies on strategies that bring together domestic and international capitals in such a way that accumulation produces an articulation of different scales. Thus, the move towards the east amounts to a shift of capital that seeks its own reproduction, even if fictitious, in different levels, and this process has brought the dialectic between center (wealth) and periphery (deprivation) back on the agenda.
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Cidades latinoamericanas: convergência ou diversidade no processo de produção contemporânea do espaço. / Latin American cities: convergence or diversity in the contemporary process of the space production.Matzkin, Karin Ianina 29 March 2006 (has links)
A pesquisa aborda a produção do espaço urbano das regiões metropolitanas de São Paulo, Buenos Aires e Cidade do México. Inicialmente examina-se a formação histórica dos seus padrões de urbanização, a partir das respectivas dinâmicas socioeconômicas, histórico-políticas e territoriais dominantes ao longo do século XX, e em seguida analisam-se comparativamente as transformações desses padrões no marco da reestruturação econômica global dos últimos anos. Os resultados da análise histórico-comparativa apontam considerável diversidade nos processos históricos de produção do espaço urbano e tendências diferentes nas transformações recentes dos padrões de urbanização: em suma, Buenos Aires experimentou profundas rupturas, São Paulo manteve seu padrão histórico de urbanização e a Cidade do México registrou mudanças de menor porte. Dessa forma, as conclusões do estudo põem em questão os diagnósticos acerca da convergência de processos ou tendências urbanas globais, tal como insistentemente afirmada na literatura urbanística contemporânea. / This study examines the production of the urban space in the metropolitan regions of São Paulo, Buenos Aires and Mexico City: Firstly, it observes the historical formation of urban space patterns from the socioeconomic, historical, political and territorial dynamics which were dominant through the 20th century; secondly, with the help of cross-metropolitan comparisons, the transformation of these urbanization patterns are analyzed within the context of the global economic reorganization. The findings of this historical-comparative analysis are twofold. They show considerable diversity in the historical processes of the production of urban space, and different trends in recent transformations of urbanization patterns as well. On the one hand, Buenos Aires shows a deep break with the past, but, on the other, São Paulo has preserved its historical urbanization patterns, while Mexico City has registered changes of lesser importance. Thus, the common wisdom about a world wide convergence of global urban trends is criticized.
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La participation des agriculteurs à une politique alimentaire territoriale : le cas de Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. / The farmers'participation to a local food policy : the case of Montpellier, France.Hasnaoui Amri, Nabil 07 December 2018 (has links)
Depuis la Révolution verte des années 1960, l’agriculture se déterritorialise. Elle s’organise plus par filières régionalisées qu’en fonction des demandes alimentaires locales. Mais ces dernières années des consommateurs et des collectivités portent un mouvement alimentaire qui revendique un retour du local. Ce mouvement se traduit en France par des actions publiques menées à échelle locale par des collectivités territoriales dans le champ de la protection du foncier agricole ou de la restauration scolaire. Cette thèse a pour objectif de documenter l’hypothèse d’un décalage entre acteurs agricoles et urbains face à cette demande nouvelle d’une alimentation issue d’une agriculture écologique et de proximité.L’approche retenue s’appuie sur une étude de cas. La région de Montpellier, au sud de la France, se caractérise par une spécialisation historique en viticulture et une dynamique forte d’urbanisation récente. Le territoire est abordé à la fois comme support de l’activité agricole et comme espace de projet politique local. La méthode proposée combine une géographie du fait agricole, mobilisée pour saisir la diversité agricole autour de la ville, avec une géographie du fait politique, axée sur la dimension prescrite des actions constituant la politique agroécologique et alimentaire locale. La méthode consiste à recueillir et croiser les regards d’agriculteurs, d’élus et d’agents de développement sur ce territoire agri-alimentaire urbain en construction.Une première partie analyse la trajectoire de la collectivité, de façon à comprendre comment a pu émerger un projet axé sur la recherche d’une alimentation « relocalisée » à cette échelle d’action. Nous mettons en évidence la superposition de référentiels d’action publique territoriale axés sur l’aménagement, la protection de l’environnement puis l’amélioration de la qualité alimentaire. Dans un second temps, l’analyse de la diversité agricole périurbaine révèle des signaux faibles de diversification et renouveau agraire basés à la fois sur le système viticole hérité et sur l’installation de nouveaux systèmes agricoles fondés sur des modèles alternatifs.La fabrique de nouvelle action publique dans le champ agri-alimentaire par le territoire implique d’articuler cadre légal, volontés politiques et dynamiques agricoles locales. Cette difficile articulation est illustrée par une troisième section qui analyse la participation agricole à des dispositifs d’allocation de foncier public dans une optique de redéploiement agraire. Nous identifions et confrontons trois modalités de participation agricole. Les viticulteurs sont au centre du système agraire. Ils contrôlent la gestion du foncier et des filières dans un registre de participation « sectoriel et néo-corporatiste ». Les micro-fermes maraîchères diversifiées, attendues pour nourrir la ville, émergent timidement dans les interstices de l’espace agri-urbain. Ces maraîchers déploient un registre de participation « affinitaire ». Les éleveurs sont également attendus, mais plutôt comme partenaires dans la mise en œuvre de plans de gestion d’espaces naturels aux portes de la ville, comme les garrigues ou les zones humides. Le registre de participation qui les caractérise est qualifié de « transactionnel ».Cette thèse débouche sur des propositions pour construire, à partir de la connaissance de la diversité des figures et dynamiques agricoles périurbaines, une géographie de la participation agricole. Cette géographie permet d’envisager sous un nouvel angle la mise en œuvre d’une gouvernance participative de la politique alimentaire territoriale. / Since the Green Revolution of the 1960s, agriculture has been deterritorialized. It has been organized more by regionalized sectors than according to local food demands. But in recent years, consumers and local governments are carrying a food movement that claims a return of the local. This movement is reflected in France by public actions carried out at local level by local authorities in the field of protection of agricultural land or school catering. This thesis aims to document the hypothesis of a gap between agricultural and urban actoirs in facing these new demands for ecological and local food.The approach adopted is based on a case study. The region of Montpellier, in the south of France, is characterized by a historical specialization in viticulture and a strong dynamic of recent urbanization. The territory is approached both as a support for agricultural activity and as a local political project space. The proposed method combines a geography of the agricultural fact, mobilized to capture agricultural diversity around the city, with a geography of the political fact, focused on the prescribed dimension of the actions constituting the agroecological and local food policy. The method consists of collecting and crossing the viewpoints - of farmers, elected representatives and development agents - on this agri-urban food territory under construction.A first part reviews the trajectory of the local community, in order to understand how could emerge a project focused on the search for a "relocated" food on this scale of action. We highlight the overlaying of territorial public action baselines focusing on planning, the protection of the environment and the improvement of food quality.In a second step, the analysis of peri-urban agricultural diversity reveals weak signals of diversification and agrarian renewal based on both the inherited viticultural system and on the installation of new agricultural systems based on alternative models.The making-of a new public action in the agri-food field by the territory implies to articulate legal framework, political will and local agricultural dynamics. This difficult articulation is illustrated by a third section that analyses farmers’participation in public land allocation schemes aiming farmland redeployment. We identify and confront three modalities of agricultural participation. Wine growers are at the center of the agrarian system. They control the management of land and sectors in a "sectoral and neo-corporatist" participation register. The diversified vegetable farms, expected to feed the city, emerge timidly in the interstices of the agri-urban space. These organic market-gardeners deploy a register of "affinity" participation. Breeders are also expected, but rather as partners in the implementation of management plans for natural spaces at the gates of the city, such as scrublands or wetlands. The participation register that characterizes them is described as "transactional".On the basis of the knowledge of the diversity of periurban agricultural figures and dynamics, this thesis leads to proposals to construct a geography of agricultural participation. This geography makes it possible to envisage in a new angle the implementation of a participative governance of the territorial food policy.
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Bayesian Logistic Regression Model with Integrated Multivariate Normal Approximation for Big DataFu, Shuting 28 April 2016 (has links)
The analysis of big data is of great interest today, and this comes with challenges of improving precision and efficiency in estimation and prediction. We study binary data with covariates from numerous small areas, where direct estimation is not reliable, and there is a need to borrow strength from the ensemble. This is generally done using Bayesian logistic regression, but because there are numerous small areas, the exact computation for the logistic regression model becomes challenging. Therefore, we develop an integrated multivariate normal approximation (IMNA) method for binary data with covariates within the Bayesian paradigm, and this procedure is assisted by the empirical logistic transform. Our main goal is to provide the theory of IMNA and to show that it is many times faster than the exact logistic regression method with almost the same accuracy. We apply the IMNA method to the health status binary data (excellent health or otherwise) from the Nepal Living Standards Survey with more than 60,000 households (small areas). We estimate the proportion of Nepalese in excellent health condition for each household. For these data IMNA gives estimates of the household proportions as precise as those from the logistic regression model and it is more than fifty times faster (20 seconds versus 1,066 seconds), and clearly this gain is transferable to bigger data problems.
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Entre conservatisme et modernité de l'appareil commercial : en territoires périurbains et ruraux à l'ombre d'une ville moyenne - Saint-Brieuc / Between conservatism and modernity as coucern the commercial system : in peri-urban and rural areas dominated by a medium city : Saint-BrieucLe Clec'h, Iwan 06 November 2018 (has links)
Le développement de l’hypermobilité dans les territoires périurbains et ruraux situés à l’ombre des villes moyennes bretonnes génère de nouveaux besoins de la part des consommateurs en matière de réalisations d’achats. Les commerçants, en premier lieu la grande distribution qui se développe dans ces espaces, vont donc essayer d’apporter une réponse à ces demandes. La tendance y est donc à la transformation des supermarchés en petits hypermarchés dans les périphéries des principales localités et à la diffusion des drives aux principaux carrefours. Cet essor du commerce de transit favorisé par les politiques des communes et de leurs intercommunalités en matière de créations de zones commerciales périphériques contribue à fragiliser encore plus les magasins des centres des petites villes et des bourgs déjà pénalisés par leurs positions géographiques et le manque d’innovation de leurs gérants. Les pouvoirs publics vont donc être confrontés à des problématiques de désertification commerciale. Dans les petites villes les réponses s’effectueront par la mise en place de politiques contractuelles entre la Municipalité, l’intercommunalité, la Région voire, dans des cas plus exceptionnels, l’Etat. Confrontés au mille-feuilles administratif, les autres communes ne bénéficieront bien souvent d’aucune aide lors de la réalisation de leurs actions. Ainsi, dans les gros bourgs, ce sont des opérations menées en régie qui permettent, dans les couronnes les plus rurales, de maintenir un appareil commercial composé du trinôme café – boulangerie – supérette, ou à proximité du pôle urbain de le développer en y permettant l’implantation de nouveaux magasins. Dans les communes les plus rurales, plus isolées mais aussi moins peuplées, les Muncipalités, parfois aidées de citoyens – consommateurs vont œuvrer pour la sauvegarde du dernier bar du bourg grâce à la création de multiservices communaux. / Periurban territories are subject twice to the decline of rural territories and to a metropolitan area spatial growth in connection with the development of mobility. Consequently they are experiencing a significant change in their purchasing practices and in their commercial equipment. Historical shopping centers are disappeared in favor of new stores more urbans and more connected. Among them the drive in shops who set themselves up along the main roads and their intersections. Nevertheless institutional or alternative dynamics are also at the origin of the creation of new more “traditional” stores.
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Cidade dos motoboys: apropriação de espaços na metrópole paulistanaIto, Roberto Shinji 08 November 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-11-08 / This paper focuses on the young motorcycle couriers motoboys - from São Paulo and their relations with the metropolis spaces, the uses of traffic routes and the reserved parking spaces for motorcycles, among other forms of appropriation of the city. As a methodological option, with an emphasis on the field survey and ethnographic work, some data collection instruments were privileged, such as: participating observation, in-depth interviews and the analysis of the audio-visual production from the group that is responsible for Canal Motoboy. From this choice comes a protocol of analysis that is able to answer through the incorporation of the motoboys own narratives some questions related to the conflicts and disputes that are inherent to this way of insertion on everyday life in the city, especially when it comes to conflicts for space in traffic, which is a central element of tensions. From the theoretical and conceptual point of view, the reflection privileges, among others, the concepts of space and metropolis, highlighting the emergence of these new subjects motoboys -, inhabitants of a city that grew disorderly and needs agility in the traffic flow to keep up with the speed of its communication and information; however, it did not respond well in that which concerns the road system. In this mismatch arises, therefore, a hybridization process between the professional motorcyclists and the arcaic road system / Este trabalho tem como foco o motoboy paulistano jovem em sua relação com os espaços da metrópole, os usos que faz das vias de trânsito e das vagas específicas para motocicletas, entre outras formas de apropriação da cidade. Como opção metodológica, com ênfase para a pesquisa de campo e para o trabalho etnográfico, foram privilegiados alguns instrumentos de coleta de dados, tais como: observação participante, entrevistas em profundidade e análise da produção áudio-visual do grupo responsável pelo Canal Motoboy. Desta escolha resulta um protocolo de análise capaz de responder pela incorporação das narrativas dos próprios motoboys , a algumas questões relacionadas aos conflitos e disputas inerentes a este modo de inserção na vida cotidiana da cidade, em particular, conflitos por espaços no trânsito, elemento central das tensões. Do ponto de vista teórico e conceitual, a reflexão privilegia, entre outras, as concepções de espaço e metrópole, com destaque para o surgimento desses novos sujeitos motoboys , habitantes de uma cidade que cresceu desordenadamente e necessita de agilidade nos fluxos para acompanhar a velocidade da comunicação e da informação; entretanto, não respondeu à altura no que diz respeito à malha viária. Nesse descompasso surge, então, um processo de hibridação entre os emergentes motociclistas profissionais e o tradicional e arcaico sistema viário
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