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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Diversity of TLR4-triggered Responses in Mouse Microglia / Die Diversität TLR4-getriggerter Reaktionen in Mikroglia der Maus

Regen, Tommy 06 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Analyse der Rolle des Purin-Rezeptors P2X4 in der Pathophysiologie der Amyotrophen Lateralsklerose durch vergleichende Untersuchung seiner Expression im ALS-Mausmodell und humanen Gewebe / expression-analysis of the purinergic receptor P2X4 in the pathophysiology in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by comparing its regulation in the ALS-mousemodel and human tissue

Ostertag, Karoline Dorothea 16 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Neue Behandlungsansätze für neuropsychiatrische Erkrankungen basierend auf der Identifizierung molekularer Krankheitsdeterminanten / Novel treatment approaches based on identification of molecular determinants in neuropsychiatric diseases

Sargin, Derya 22 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.

"Eine neue Rolle für Myelin-assoziierte Inhibitoren für die Mobilität von Mikroglia" / "A novel role for myelin-associated inhibitors in modulating microglial motility"

Orfaniotou, Foteini 08 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Die Funktion der inflammatorischen CCR2+ Monozyten bei der postnatalen Mikrogliaentwicklung und bakteriellen Meningitis / The function of inflammatory CCR2+ monocytes in the postnatal microglia development and bacterial meningitis

Mildner, Alexander 23 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Morphologie der Mikroglia in Assoziation zu Amyloidablagerungen und Tau-Pathologien im caninen Gehirn

Schmidt, Franziska 20 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Altersassoziiert entwickeln Hunde eine Erkrankung, die in vielen Aspekten der Alzheimer-Krankheit des Menschen ähnelt. Das canine kognitive Dysfunktionssyndrom äußert sich klinisch u.a. durch Desorientierung in vertrauter Umgebung, Vergessen von Kommandos und einen gestörten Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus. Aus der Literatur ist bekannt, dass in den Gehirnen von alten Hunden regelmäßig Aβ- und selten Tauablagerungen zu beobachten sind. Allerdings erfolgte bisher kein Nachweis des hochgradig zytotoxischen und modifizierten pE3Aβ. Auch Veränderungen der mikroglialen Morphologie wurden bisher nicht beschrieben. Insgesamt lagen in dieser Studie 24 euthanasierte Rasse- und Mischlingshunde verschiedenen Alters vor. Fünf dieser Tiere besaßen ein durchschnittliches Alter von 2,1 Jahren und dienten als Kontrollgruppe. Die anderen 19 Hunde waren 8 bis 19 Jahre alt und wurden entsprechend ihrer Größe und des Gewichts in die drei Kategorien kleine (≤ 10 kg), mittelgroße (10 – 25 kg) und große Hunde (> 25 kg) unterteilt. Die Gehirne wurden aus den Schädeln präpariert und in 4 % Paraformaldehyd fixiert. Anschließend erfolgte die Präparation des frontalen und entorhinalen Kortex sowie der Hippokampusformation, die in 30%iger Saccharoselösung vitrifiziert und mittels Methylbutan bei -80 °C eingefroren wurden. Von den Regionen wurden Kryoschnitte mit einer Dicke von 40 µm angefertigt und diese anhand immunhistologischer Färbungen auf das Vorhandensein von Ablagerungen, bestehend aus den Amyloidsubtypen Aβ8-17 und pE3Aβ, sowie aus hyperphosphorylierten Tau, untersucht. Die Morphologie und das Aktivitätsstadium der Mikroglia wurden mit Antikörpern gegen Iba1 und TAL.1B5 analysiert. Zusätzlich erfolgte eine Untersuchung anhand des Filament Tracer. Stereologische Analysemethoden wurden zur Quantifizierung der Aβ-Ablagerungen und der Mikroglia angewandt. Disseminierte Plaques fanden sich bereits ab 9 Jahren. In den untersuchten Gehirnregionen von alten Hunden zeichnete sich ein progressiver Verlauf der Ablagerungen ab. Da insbesondere kleinere Hunde ein höheres Alter erreichten als mittelgroße und große Hunde konnten in dieser Kategorie vermehrt Plaques beobachtet werden. Den alten Tieren gemein war, dass in den untersuchten Gehirnregionen pE3Aβ-Plaques häufiger vorlagen als Plaques, die aus Aβ8-17 bestanden. Kleinere parenchymale und meningeale Gefäße des frontalen Kortex schienen besonders anfällig gegenüber pE3Aβ-Ablagerungen zu sein. Im entorhinalen Kortex von kleinen Hunden war die Menge an gefäßassoziierten Aβ8-17- und pE3Aβ-Ablagerungen annähernd gleich. Bei mittelgroßen und großen Hunden dominierte im entorhinalen Kortex und ventralen Hippokampus die Anzahl an gefäßassoziierten Aβ8-17-Ablagerungen. Bei kleinen Hunden existierten im ventralen Hippokampus signifikant mehr gefäßassoziierte Aβ8-17- als pE3Aβ-Ablagerungen. Hyperphosphoryliertes Tau fand sich in der Hippokampusformation von drei Hunden im Alter von 11 bzw. 15 Jahren. Der Schweregrad war unterschiedlich ausgeprägt, sodass nur ein Hund eine hochgradige Pathologie mit NFTs und neuritischen Plaques aufwies. Einhergehend mit dem Alter und einer assoziierten Proteinpathologie fanden sich Veränderungen der mikroglialen Morphologie. Neben ramifizierten Mikroglia lagen in den untersuchten Gehirnregionen aktivierte Mikroglia vor. Einige Mikroglia wiesen Zeichen einer Seneszenz auf und waren insbesondere in den Gehirnen von Hunden mit einer hochgradigen Aβ- bzw. Tau-Pathologie vorhanden. Zusammenfassend ist festzustellen, dass mit dieser Studie eine nähere Charakterisierung des caninen kognitiven Dysfunktionssyndroms erfolgte. Die Befunde sind von hoher translationaler Bedeutung und fördern die Etablierung des Hundes als natürliches Modelltier zur Untersuchung von Alterungsprozessen des Gehirns und für die Erforschung des initialen Stadiums der Alzheimer-Krankheit. / Dogs develop an age-associated cognitive dysfunction syndrome with several aspects resembling Alzheimer\\\'s disease. Affected animals show signs of dis-orientation in their familiar surroundings, dementia, and a disturbed circadian rhythm. The underlying neurodegenerative disease is associated with patho-logic changes in the brain including regularly deposition of β-pleated amyloid and rarely hyperphosphorylated tau accumulation. However, there have been no reports of the highly cytotoxic and modified pE3Aβ in the canine brain. Equally, altered microglial morphology has not been documented so far. For this study 24 euthanized thoroughbred dogs and mongrels of different ages were available. Five of these animals had an average age of 2.1 years and served as control group. The remaining 19 dogs were 8 to 19 years old. Accor-ding to their height and weight these dogs were divided into 3 different categories including small (≤ 10 kg), medium (11 - 25 kg) and large dogs (> 25 kg). Brains were dissected from the skulls and fixed in 4 % paraformaldehyde. Afterwards the frontal and entorhinal cortex as well as the hippocampal for-mation were isolated, vitrificated in 30 % sucrose solution and frozen to -80 °C by methylbutane. These regions were sliced into 40 µm thick sections and subsequently stained by immunohistology in order to detect deposits of Aβ8-17, pE3Aβ and hyperphosphorylated tau, respectively. Antibodies against Iba1 and TAL.1B5 were used to analyze microglial morphology and activation status. Additionally further investigations were made with the Filament Tracer of Imaris software. Stereological analysis methods served for the quantification of Aβ depositions and microglia. Disseminated Aβ plaques were detected in dogs from 9 years on. Within the examined brain regions of elderly dogs a progressive course of Aβ depositions was observed. Especially small dogs had a longer lifespan than medium and large dogs with the result that more plaques were deposited in the brains of small dogs. Elderly dogs had in common that pE3Aβ-plaques where more often located in the examined brain regions than plaques containing Aβ8-17. Minor parenchymal and meningeal vessels seemed to be susceptible especially to pE3Aβ depositions. The amount of vessel-associated Aβ8-17 and pE3Aβ in the entorhinal cortex of small dogs was almost equal. Within the entorhinal cortex of medium and large dogs the amount of vessel-associated Aβ8-17 predominated. The ventral hippocampus of small dogs showed significantly more vessel-associated Aβ8-17 than pE3Aβ depositions. Hyperphosphorylated tau was present in the hippocampal formations of 3 dogs with an age of 11 and 15 years, respectively. The degree of severity varied with the result that only one dog showed a high-grade pathology with development of NFTs and neuritic plaques. Accompanied by age and associated protein pathology altered microglial morphology was detected. Alongside with ramified microglia, activated cells were identified in the examined brain regions. Several microglia showed signs of senescence and were present in the brains of dogs with severe Aβ and tau pathology. Summarizing, this study facilitated a further characterization of the canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome. The results are of highly translational importance and encourage the establishment of the dog as a natural animal model for studying age-associated processes and the initial stage of Alzheimer’s disease.

Mikroglia fördert die Invasivität von Karzinomzellen / Microglia promotes invasiveness of carcinoma cells

Abenstein, Anne Kathrin 23 March 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Plaque deposition and microglia response under the influence of hypoxia in a murine model of Alzheimer\'s disease

Viehweger, Adrian 10 January 2013 (has links)
Clinical findings have linked multiple risk factors and associated pathologies to Alzheimer\''s disease (AD). Amongst them are vascular risk factors such as hypertension and pathologies such as stroke. Coexistence of AD and these associated pathologies worsenes dementia, the clinical hallmark of the disease, as compared to pure AD. One general common denominator of these associated pathologies is the presence of hypoxic tissue conditions. It was asked the question, whether there exists a mutual, causal interaction between hypoxia and AD pathology, that could explain the clinical observations. Alternatively, the worsened clinical state of multiple brain pathologies could \"simply\" be the consequence of multimorbidity, i.e. accumulated disease load, without any causal interaction between the constituents. To approach this question whether hypoxia influences AD progression, use was made of a murine animal model of AD (transgenic mice: APPswe, PSEN1dE). Animals of two ages (8 and 14 months, \"young\" and \"old\" respectively) and two genotypes (transgenic and wild- type) were either treated under hypoxia or normoxia, corresponding to 8% and 21% oxygen, for 20 consecutive days. The resulting changes in the brain were assessed with a variety of techniques, namely by histology, ELISA, dot and Western blotting. Additional experiments in primary cell cultures were performed. Animals exposed to hypoxia showed an increased hematocrit (HCT), weight loss, reactive angiogenesis, but no infarctions. This illustrates that our hypoxic treatment put significant stress on the animals, without causing major pathologies. A large number of variables exists that could potentially be measured to assess the effect of hypoxia on AD. The focus was put on three of them: First, there is the Abeta1-42- protein, known to be the Abeta- isoform associated with the most detrimental disease progression. In AD, the self-combinatory Amyloid- beta peptide (Abeta) accumulates in the brain in so- called plaques, which is a main histologic finding of the disease. Its quantity was determined through histology and ELISA. Secondly, it was attempted to estimate the structural quality of the Abeta- protein by assessing the amount of A!- oligomers present. Abeta- protein does self- accumulate in various grades of complexity, i.e. as monomer, oligomer or fibril. Since oligomers are known to be the most neurotoxic \"species\" of the Abeta- protein, it was hypothesized that under hypoxic treatment their quantity could increase. And third, the organism\''s response to the Abeta- protein stimulus was investigated. Microglial cells have been described as the first cells to encounter the Abeta- protein \"threat\" in the shape of plaques, i.e. Abeta- protein aggregates. They then try to encapsulate and subsequently degrade them. Therefore, the attention was put on this cellular population. It was asked whether hypoxia could change the Abeta- protein quantity in the brain. This was assessed in two ways: First histologically, by staining for Abeta- protein depositions and quantifying them. Second, an ELISA was performed. Our findings state that hypoxic treatment does not alter the Abeta1-42 protein load in the brain, neither in young nor old animals, as assessed by histology and by total ELISA quantification of Abeta1-42 protein. Since hypoxia did not alter the quantity of the Abeta- protein, it was asked whether it influenced it qualitatively? If hypoxia increased oligomer formation, this change in the spectrum of the Abeta- species could, without any change in total Abeta- protein load, lead to increased neurotoxicity in animals under hypoxia. Initial experiments showed that oligomer formation in the brain seems to increase. However, this was not statistically significant and future experiments are necessary to evaluate this hypothesis further. It was then asked, whether hypoxia alters the cellular response to the protein. The total number of microglia in the hippocampal dentate gyrus, our structure of interest for practical purposes, and, it can be argued, by extension the brain, changes dynamically with various factors. First, transgenic animals present an increase in microglia. Second, microglia increase with age. Third, microglia decrease under hypoxia, but only do so significantly in old animals. Next, a parameter called \"plaque occupancy\" was coined to assess the microglia function to confront Abeta- plaques. Plaque occupancy is defined as the number of microglia in spatial proximity to one square millimeter of Abeta- plaque. This means, that microglia restricting one plaque are counted, and then normalized to this plaque\''s area. It was hypothesized that hypoxia would decrease plaque occupancy. Indeed, plaque occupancy roughly halved under hypoxia. Summarizing, our results demonstrate that long- term exposure to hypoxia significantly reduces the number of microglia. The reduced number results in significantly reduced plaque occupancy and compromizes the function of microglia to confront Abeta- plaques. The Abeta1-42 load, however, is not affected. On the other hand, Abeta shows an increased trend towards oligomer formation. A variety of possible explanations to these phenomena have been presented, that in our opinion deserve further investigation.

Die Beeinflussung der β-Amyloid-Belastung in einem transgenen Mausmodell des Morbus Alzheimer durch Borna-Disease-Virus (BDV)-induzierte Inflammation

Reimers, Christine 17 June 2008 (has links)
Bei der Alzheimerschen Erkrankung handelt es sich um eine progressiv verlaufende, neurodegenerative Erkrankung, die die häufigste Form altersbedingter, kognitiver Dysfunktionen des Menschen darstellt. Sie ist pathomorphologisch durch eine fortschreitende Formation von amorphen und kompakten extrazellulären Amyloid-Ablagerungen (Plaques) sowie durch die Ausbildung intrazellulärer neurofibrillärer Bündel charakterisiert. Die Oligomerisierung und die Aggregation von β-Amyloid1-42-Peptiden zu fibrillären Plaques und davon ausgehende neurodegenerative Veränderungen führen zu einer unspezifischen Aktivierung von Mikrogliazellen und zu Entzündungsprozessen im ZNS. Diese Antigen-unspezifische Form der Mikroglia-Aktivierung ist neurotoxisch und fördert daher die Neurodegeneration im Verlauf der Alzheimerschen Erkrankung. Mikroglia-Aktivierung ist allerdings nicht generell neurotoxisch, da es verschiedene, in der vorliegenden Arbeit diskutierte Arten von mikroglialer Aktivierung mit jeweils unterschiedlichen – neurotoxischen bis hin zu neuroprotektiven - Auswirkungen gibt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die mikrogliale Aktivierung in einem Mausmodell des Morbus Alzheimer zu modulieren und die resultierenden Effekte zu charakterisieren. Für die Modulation der mikroglialen Aktivierung wurde die subklinische Infektion mit dem neurotropen Borna Disease Virus (BDV) genutzt. Um den Einfluss der veränderten mikroglialen Aktivierung auf die zerebrale β-Amyloid-Belastung zu untersuchen, wurden swAPP-transgene Mäuse der Linie Tg2576 verwendet, die die schwedische Mutationsvariante des humanen app überexprimieren. Diese Mäuse produzieren humane β-Amyloid-Peptide, die sich mit zunehmendem Alter zu Plaques formieren. Transgene Mäuse wurden in drei Altersgruppen (11, 13,5 und 18 Monate) BDV-infiziert. Vier Wochen später wurden im Gehirn der Mäuse immunhistochemisch Lymphozyteninfiltration, Astroglia- und Mikroglia-Aktivierung untersucht. Die zerebrale βA-Belastung dieser BDV-infizierten Mäuse wurde mittels βA1-42-Immunhistochemie und Thioflavin-S-Markierung histometrisch quantifiziert und mit nicht infizierten, transgenen Kontrollmäusen verglichen. Auch eine biochemische Analyse der βA1-40- und βA1-42-Peptide mittels ELISA wurde vorgenommen. Zu keinem Zeitpunkt wurde eine klinisch manifeste BDV-Erkrankung registriert; die BDV-infizierten Mäuse blieben klinisch unauffällig. βA-Ablagerungen allein waren nur bei massiver Formation in der Lage, einzelne Mikroglia-zellen zu aktivieren. Erst die intrazerebrale BDV-Infektion induzierte vorrangig CD4-T-lymphozytäre Infiltrationen sowie eine deutliche BDV-spezifische Aktivierung der Mikroglia-zellen, die vier Wochen p.i. maximal ausgeprägt waren. Es lag eine positive lokale und graduelle Korrelation zwischen CD4-T-Lymphozyteninfiltrationen und Mikroglia-Aktivierung in den Gehirnen BDV-infizierter Mäuse vor. Bis auf eine Untersuchungsgruppe wurde keine nachweisbare Reaktion der Astroglia - weder auf die BDV-Infektion, noch auf die βA-Ablagerungen - registriert. In allen untersuchten Altersgruppen wurde ein tendenziell reduzierter βA-Gehalt in den Gehirnen der BDV-infizierten Tiere gegenüber den nicht infizierten Kontrolltieren registriert. Diese βA-Reduktion nach BDV-Infektion war in der Altersgruppe 13,5 Monate am deutlichsten ausgeprägt, wo die βA-Belastung der BDV-infizierten Tiere in vielen untersuchten Arealen signifikant geringer war als die der Kontrolltiere. Eine lokale Korrelation zwischen Mikroglia-Aktivierung und βA-Reduktion wurde nicht nachgewiesen. In zahlreichen untersuchten Hirnarealen aller drei Altersgruppen war der Anteil von vaskulär lokalisiertem β-Amyloid in den Gehirnen der BDV-infizierten Mäuse gegenüber den nicht infizierten Kontrollmäusen signifikant erhöht. Schlussfolgerungen: 1) In unserem Mausmodell führt die BDV-Infektion zu einer Modulation der Mikroglia-Aktivierung. 2) Die Korrelation der Mikroglia-Aktivierung mit viral bedingter T-Zellinfiltration und erhöhter Zytokinexpression deutet auf adaptive, T-Zell-vermittelte Modulation als Induktor dieser Aktivierung. 3) Die BDV-induzierte Mikroglia-Aktivierung führt zu einer: a) β-Amyloid-Reduktion, an der vermutlich von spezifisch aktivierten Mikrogliazellen ausgehende Clearance-Mechanismen beteiligt sind. b) β-Amyloid-Umverteilung vom Parenchym zu den Gefäßen, vermutlich, um den βA-Abtransport über das Gefäßsystem zu realisieren, wobei Amyloid-Einlagerungen in die Gefäßwände möglich sind. 4) Die viral induzierte Mikroglia-Aktivierung hängt sowohl vom Alter als auch von möglicher Voraktivierung der Zellen ab; altersbedingte Dysfunktionalität der Mikroglia ist eine potentielle Ursache der geringeren β-Amyloid-Clearance in der Altersgruppe 18 Monate. 5) Die Modulation der Mikroglia-Aktivierung ist prinzipiell möglich und führt zu potentiell positiven Effekten. 6) Dieses Modell ist zur Untersuchung der Modulation mikroglialer Aktivierung über adaptive Mechanismen geeignet. / Alzheimer´s Disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder and the most common form of age-related cognitive failure in humans. Pathomorphologically, it is characterized by a progressive accumulation of amorphous and compact extracellular amyloid-β deposits (plaques) as well as intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. Oligomerization and aggregation of amyloid-β1-42, its formation of fibrillary deposits as well as associated neurodegenerative changes lead to an unspecific activation of microglial cells and to inflammatory processes in the CNS. This unspecific form of microglial activation is neurotoxic and enhances neurodegeneration in the course of Alzheimer´s Disease. However, microglial activation is not neurotoxic per se, since there are various types of microglial activation that are being discussed in this study; the different activation types have varying effects reaching from neurotoxic to neuroprotective. The aim of the study was to modify microglial activation in a mouse model of Morbus Alzheimer and to characterize the resulting effects. For the modulation of microglial activation, we used the subclinic infection with the neurotropic Borna Disease Virus (BDV). In order to study the impact of the modulated microglial activation on the cerebral amount of beta-amyloid material, we used swAPP-transgenic Tg2576 mice, which overexpress the Swedish mutation variant of the human APP. These mice produce human amyloid β peptides that form amyloid plaques upon aging. We infected transgenic mice intracerebrally with BDV at different ages (11, 13,5 and 18 months old) and investigated brain-sections of these mice four weeks later by means of immunohistochemistry with regard to lymphocytic infiltrations, astroglial and microglial activation. The amount of amyloid β in the brains of BDV-infected mice was compared to that of non-infected, transgenic mice. The investigation of the cerebral amyloid β load was realized immunohistochemically by using an anti-Aβ1-42-antibody as well as by means of Thioflavin-S fluorescence technique followed by histometric quantification. Additionally, a biochemical analysis of Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42 peptides was done using an ELISA-kit. A clinically apparent BDV-disorder could not be seen at any stage; BDV-infected mice remained free of BDV symptoms. Only massive amyloid-β deposits were able to independently induce activation of single microglial cells. Intracerebral BDV-infection caused marked infiltrations of primarily CD4-T-lymphocytes as well as a prominent specific microglial activation, which reached maximum levels four weeks p.i. A positive local and gradual correlation of CD4-T-lymphocytes and microglial activation was registrated in the brains of BDV-infected mice. Except one age group, neither BDV-infection nor amyloid-β deposits induced a detectable reaction of astrocytes. In all investigated age groups, a reduced amount of amyloid-β could be measured in the brains of BDV-infected mice compared to non-infected control mice. This Aβ reduction after BDV-infection was most prominent in the age group 13,5 months, where Aβ-load of BDV-infected mice was significantly decreased in many brain areas compared to that of control mice. A local correlation of microglial activation and Aβ reduction could not be observed. Several brain areas in all three age groups showed a significantly higher amount of vascular amyloid-β in the brains of BDV-infected mice compared to those of non-infected controls. Conclusions: 1) In our mouse model, BDV-infection leads to a modulation of microglial activation. 2) The correlation of microglial activation with viral-induced infiltrations of T cells and with upregulated cytokine expression suggests an adaptive, T cell-induced modulation as trigger of this acivation. 3) BDV-specific microglial activation leads to: a) Reduced cerebal amyloid-β load, possibly realized by clearance mechanisms of activated microglial cells. b) Redistribution of amyloid-β from the parenchyma to the vessels, possibly in order to clear the amyloidogenic material via the vasculature. During these processes, amyloid deposition in the walls of the cerebral blood vessels is possible. 4) Viral-induced microglial activation depends on the cell´s age and possible pre-activation; dysfunctional changes in microglia might be a cause for the less effective Aβ-clearance observed in the age group 18 months. 5) In principle, modulation of microglial activation is possible and leads to potential beneficial effects. 6) This study displays a proper model for investigations of the modulation of microglial activation via adaptive mechanisms.

Harnessing retinal phagocytes to combat pathological neovascularization in ischemic retinopathies?

Klotzsche‑von Ameln, Anne, Sprott, David 02 February 2024 (has links)
Ischemic retinopathies (IR) are vision-threatening diseases that affect a substantial amount of people across all age groups worldwide. The current treatment options of photocoagulation and anti-VEGF therapy have side effects and are occasionally unable to prevent disease progression. It is therefore worthwhile to consider other molecular targets for the development of novel treatment strategies that could be safer and more efficient. During the manifestation of IR, the retina, normally an immune privileged tissue, encounters enhanced levels of cellular stress and inflammation that attract mononuclear phagocytes (MPs) from the blood stream and activate resident MPs (microglia). Activated MPs have a multitude of effects within the retinal tissue and have the potential to both counter and exacerbate the harmful tissue microenvironment. The present review discusses the current knowledge about the role of inflammation and activated retinal MPs in the major IRs: retinopathy of prematurity and diabetic retinopathy. We focus particularly on MPs and their secreted factors and cell–cell-based interactions between MPs and endothelial cells. We conclude that activated MPs play a major role in the manifestation and progression of IRs and could therefore become a promising new target for novel pharmacological intervention strategies in these diseases.

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