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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mobili informavimo sistema / Mobile information system

Paršonis, Aurimas 16 January 2005 (has links)
“Mobile information system” is designed for Kaunas University of Technology. This system operation is based on internet technologies and allows to use it form any remote computer. Also there is drafted reporting to concerned persons using various ways. This system is made with PHP and MySQl web application. The system allows teachers to display their calendar to others, send SMS and e-mail to other teachers and students.

Mobilios programos transformavimas iš vienos platformos į kitą / Transforming Mobile app Source Code from One Platform to the Other One

Bagatavičius, Evaldas 26 August 2013 (has links)
Mobilių technologijų populiarėjimas tarp vartotojų ir jų platformų įvairovė skatina mobilių programėlių kūrėjus užimti vis didesnę rinkos dalį. Kiekviena mobili platforma turi savo specifiką, todėl kūrėjams reikia vis daugiau žinių arba specialistų kuriant mobilias aplikacijas, tam reikalinga papildomų resursų, apmokymų,kaštų ir laiko. Vienas iš galimų problemos sprendimų, sukurti tam tikrus įrankius, kurie mobilių programėlių projektavimo ir kūrimo bei testavimo etape, leistų automatiškai suprojektuoti, suprogramuoti mobilias aplikacijas, nepriklausomai kokiai platformai išlaikant tos programėlės logiką. Tam pakaktų mobilių programų kūrėjams turėti vienai mobiliai platformai aprašytą modelį arba programėlę, ir iš jų remiantis MDA (Model Dirven Architecture) metodologijomis arba aprašytais karkasais atliktų transformacijas į reikiamą platformą. Šiame darbe pateikimas MDA principais paremtos sukurtos priemonės , kurios, atlieka programų transformacijas iš Android į Windows Phone. Įrodant transformacijų svarbą, atliktas transformavimo priemonių tyrimas, įvedant tam tikras metrikas ir jų palyginimą tarp atskirai realizuotų programų, šių priemonių transformuotų programų ir naudojant universalias priemones kaip JavaScript arba žiniatinklio principu veikiančių programų. / There is growth of mobile technologies and platforms providing for users so and developers of mobile applications need to take a larger market. There is some specificity of platforms, therefore developer needs a more knowledge or experts of mobile application developing where require a more resources, training, costs and it takes a time. One of the possible solutions to the problem, to make the tools which allow design and create mobile applications independent by platform keep the logic in design and development or testing phase. This is sufficient for developers to design or creates one mobile applications and using methods of Mobile Driven Architecture (MDA) and frameworks create transformations more applications many platforms. In this research paper representing the tools developed based MDA to carry out transformations from Android to Windows Phone. To prove the importance of transformations performed research of transformation tools with certain comparison of metrics between the programs of separated implementation, these tools transformed programs and used universal tools like JavaScript or web-based software implementation.

UAB „Elektronikos komponentai“ vadybininko mobili darbo vieta / Place for the Manager in Private Limited Liability Company “Elektronikos komponentai”

Bukauskas, Nerijus 06 June 2005 (has links)
N. Bukauskas. Mobile Work Place for the Manager in Private Limited Liability Company “Elektronikos komponentai” Master’s thesis (advisor prof. G. Kulvietis – Šiauliai, Šiauliai University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Department of Computer Science, 2005, 32 pages). In a theoretical chapter of the Master thesis, the conception of mobility and mobile work place is analysed, equipment and software for equipping the mobile work place are discussed as well as mobile solutions introduced by Lithuanian companies are reviewed. Aim of the practical chapter is to equip the mobile work place (places) in Private Limited Liability Company “Elektronikos komponentai”. In order to achieve this goal, work analysis for the employees in every unit has been performed. The general aim of the analysis is to understand and assimilate the problem prior to its realisation. Upon analysis of the work in the sales unit, it was noticed that the largest amount of “manual” work is in this unit, because it is in particular its employees, who due to their work type, spend most of the time not inside the company, but outside its limits. Namely due to these reasons, the sales unit was selected for equipping the mobile work place. After the work analysis of the sales unit, a model of the mobile work place for the manager was created. In order to realise this model, most suitable is a laptop and mobile telephone with General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). According to the requirements set for this task... [to full text]

Mobilios lauko kavinės projektas / Mobile outside coffe project

Maraška, Arūnas 07 September 2010 (has links)
Šią kavinę projektavau iš sunkvežimio priekabos, kurios šonai atsilenkia ir suformuoja pakylą. Ant vidurinės platformos dalies suprojektavau barą su sandėliu, o aplinkui išdėsčiau staliukus su kėdėmis. Visa tai dengia brezentinis stogas kurio išskleidimo mechanizmas sumontuotas priekabos stogo dalyje. Taip pat, esant poreikiui, bus sudarytos sąlygos aplink šią kavinę sustatyti papildomus stalus ir kėdes. / Šią kavinę projektavau iš sunkvežimio priekabos, kurios šonai atsilenkia ir suformuoja pakylą. Ant vidurinės platformos dalies suprojektavau barą su sandėliu, o aplinkui išdėsčiau staliukus su kėdėmis. Visa tai dengia brezentinis stogas kurio išskleidimo mechanizmas sumontuotas priekabos stogo dalyje. Taip pat, esant poreikiui, bus sudarytos sąlygos aplink šią kavinę sustatyti papildomus stalus ir kėdes.

Security concerns and trust in the adoption of m-commerce / Saugumo klausimai ir pasitikėjimas įsisavinant mobilią komerciją

Vasileiadis, Alexios 13 January 2014 (has links)
This work is of theoretical and practical importance, that is, generation of new knowledge associated with mobile commerce adoption in terms of security concerns and trust which will help not only future researchers but also e-businesses. Despite the fact researchers have examined the adoption of m-commerce in a holistic way, the author found there was no research focusing solely and in-depth on the determinants of trust and perceived risk. The problem was to examine how the above determinants affect the intention to adopt m-commerce. The objects are mobile commerce, security concerns and trust. The purpose of this study is twofold, namely, empirical and explanatory. As for the objectives, it was necessary to review the literature, propose a research model, analyze the results, and verify or reject the proposed hypotheses. When it comes to the hypotheses, there was a test on whether trust, perceived risk, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use negatively or positively affect the constructs of the proposed model. The author used theoretical and empirical collection methods. As for the theoretical ones, analogy, generalization and modeling methods were used. Concerning the empirical ones, due to the fact that quantitative approach was chosen, a survey instrument, that is, questionnaire was used. After the results had been collected, SPSS 22 was used to perform descriptive data analysis of Likert summative scales. At last, the results along with the research limitations... [to full text] / Šio darbo teorinė ir praktinė svarba yra naujų žinių, susijusių su saugumo ir pasitikėjimo problemų sprendimais mobilios komercijos kontekste, kūrimas kuris pasitarnaus ne tik mokslinei bendruomenei, bet ir e-verslui. Nepaisant to, jog mobilios komercijos įsisavinimas plačiai analizuotas holistiniu požiūriu, magistrinio darbo autorius nerado atliktų išsamių tyrimų išsamiau aptariančių pasitikėjimo ir saugumo veiksnių poveikio mobilios komercijos kontekste. Darbo problema formuluojama, kaip patikimumo ir saugumo veiksniai daro įtaką mobilios komercijos įsisavinimui. Tiriamieji objektai yra mobili komercija, saugumas ir patikimumas. Šio tyrimo tikslas yra dvejopas: empirinis ir aiškinamasis. Siekiant tyrimo tikslo, buvo išstudijuota literatūra, pasiūlytas mokslinio tyrimo modelis, išanalizuoti rezultatai ir įvertintos suformuluotos hipotezės. Mokslinio tyrimo eigoje autorius panaudojo teorinius ir empirinius duomenų analizės ir rinkimo metodus. Teorinėje dalyje buvo panaudoti panašumo, apibendrinimo ir modeliavimo metodai. Empirinėje dalyje įgyvendintas kiekybinis tyrimas, duomenys renkami apklausos būdu struktūruoto klausimyno pagalba. Surinkti duomenys apdoroti SPSS aplinkoje atliekant aprašomųjų duomenų analizę pagal Likerto suminių vertinimo skales. Galutinis šio tyrimo tikslas buvo patikrinti suformuluotas hipotezes. Kalbant apie išvadas, privatumo rizikos suvokimas, mobilių mokėjimų, mobilios komercijos įstatymų ir gaunamų produktų kokybė turėjo neigiamą įtaką mobilios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Mobili darbo vieta. Jos įrengimas AB “Šiaulių energija“ / Mobile workplace. It‘s fit-out in Stock Company „Siauliu energija“

Rimkus, Eugenijus 04 June 2004 (has links)
Conception of mobility and mobile workplace is analyzing into theoretic part of Master Thesis. Survey of devices and software for installing of mobile workplace, Lithuanian companies inculcated mobile decisions are presented as well. Objective of practical part is fit-out of mobile workplace in Stock company ��Siauliu energija”. Activity of company’s departments was analyzed for this objective achieving and was found that “mobile” and “manual” work is mostly conspicuous in subscription office, where work nature determines that workers most of time spend not in company, but outside. Exactly for this reason subscription office was chosen for fit-out of mobile workplace. After comprehensive analysis of subscription office work few prototypes of task solution were created, from which workers chose their mobile workplace device - Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). For this device with installed Palm OS operating system was written program for input of indications from Thermal registers, module for data transfer from PDA to desk computer and these data import to existing accounting system. There were calculated possibilities and time of this technology payback and future alternatives for getting data from thermal registers were reviewed. The results gained from literature analysis and at stage of programmable product creation are basis for conclusions and suggestions, which form the last part of the Thesis.

Apšvieta kompiuterizuotose darbo vietose / Illumination at the VDT workplaces

Puplauskaitė, Laura 08 June 2005 (has links)
There are widely used computers in agricultural mobile technique, which show important parameters of work process and its quality in. It is important a good illumination of workplace for quick and correct information identification from the VDT’s. There are forming different levels of illumination in agricultural technique cabins when they are working at the field. Those levels are fluctuating and operator’s eye should adapt to them compulsory. Operator’s vision feels fatigue because of those processes and work becomes not so effective. There are assessed in the work, that luminance increase on the VDT screen, as do illumination level in the cabins of agricultural mobile technique and as a result of this process, contrast reduces and visibility become worse. In experiment, there was researched, that tasks were performed quicker, when illumination was 300 -500 lx, and slower, when - 900-1200 lx. There are assessed the response time dependence on illumination level model , which helps to calculate the duration of operator’s watching, which influences the results of work quality and safety.

IL RUOLO DELLE TECNOLOGIE MOBILI NEL PROCESSO DI COSTRUZIONE DI UN CONTESTO INTERSOGGETTIVO NEI PICCOLI GRUPPI. DUE STUDI SUL CAMPO / The role of mobile technologies in the construction of an intersubjective context within small groups. Two field studies

STRADA, CRISTINA 17 March 2014 (has links)
Il presente lavoro, articolato in due studi etnografici, intende contribuire allo sviluppo del Modello dell’Intersoggettività Enunciativa, considerando aspetti fino a questo momento esclusi dallo stesso. L’aspetto caratterizzante degli studi riguarda l’utilizzo di videoregistrazioni delle osservazioni etnografiche, utilizzate con obiettivi diversi. Nel primo caso sono prodotte in ottica di Etnografia Focalizzata, come supporto all’osservazione, mentre nel secondo sono utilizzate per effettuare ulteriori analisi a partire da quanto emerso dalla prima fase qualitativa. Il primo è stato uno studio di etnografia focalizzata su un progetto pilota di educazione digitale per users non nativi digitali, all’interno del quale si è riscontrato come il device risulti di ostacolo alla collaborazione tra gli individui, in quanto essi non possiedono le conoscenze e competenze necessarie a favorirla. Diversamente, nel secondo studio è stato utilizzata la Social Network Analysis, con l’obiettivo di comprendere le modalità di interazione costituite all’interno di gruppi di studenti che lavorano in presenza, ai fini di un obiettivo comune, con il supporto di device mobili. Dai risultati emerge come il dispositivo mobile funzioni ai fini della costruzione del mondo intersoggettivo condiviso solo se trasparente, evidenziando la necessità di considerare imprescindibile l’uso quotidiano e trasparente di tali tecnologie per tutte le fasce di popolazione. / This work, organized into two ethnographical studies, aims at contributing to the development of the Utterance Intersubjectivity model considering aspects not yet included in such model. The performed studies entail the use of videorecordings of ethnographic observations in multiple settings. In the first case, they are produced with a Focused Ethnography purpose in support to the observation, in the second case they are used after a preliminary qualitative step to perform an additional set of analyses. The first study is a focused ethnography on a pilot project considering digital training for non digital-native users. The main outcome is the insight that the device results to be an impairment to the individuals collaboration, since they do not possess the required minimum level of knowledge and competence. In the second study a Social Network Analysis approach is used, with the objective to understand the interaction modalities that emerge within groups of co-located students working towards a common objective with the support of mobile devices. Comparing the results of the studies emerges that mobile devices are effective in the construction of the shared intersubjective world only if they are transparent to the users, highlighting the need to promote and reinforce the everyday use of such technologies.

Uma cidade para pessoas: funcionalidade, racionalidade e emotividade nas rela??es mobili?rio urbano, espa?o p?blico e cidad?os

Montenegro, Glielson Nepomuceno 06 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:56:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GlielsonNM_TESE.pdf: 10053622 bytes, checksum: 42e99c3537f91450e9a75a13938865ca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-06 / This research investigates how functionality, rationality, and emotionality applied to urban furniture design contribute to the organization, legibility, and qualification of public spaces, according to different layouts, physical and visual qualities of the urban furniture as well as the quality of urban infrastructure that may influence the uses and appropriation of urban spaces by pedestrians, turning those spaces into socially centripetal or centrifugal places. The work consists of two parts. First refers to a bibliographical review concerning two main issues of the investigation: product design and legibility of public space, defining the conceptual and theoretical bases, linked to methodological strategies aimed at systemic planning and integrated management of urban furniture design and legibility of public spaces (sidewalks), that are necessary to define the existing relationships among the user s interface (pedestrians); product (urban artifacts); built environment (sidewalks). The second part refers to the achievement of empirical approach throughout visual analysis of public spaces and the functional and qualitative evaluation of the existing urban furniture in the central neighborhood of Cidade Alta, Natal, RN, according to the theoretical researched concepts and methodological procedures. The results expose the weaknesses and levels of intensity arising from the relations among public space, urban furniture, and users, revealing the need for theoretical and practical approaches which would help the decision-making in planning, designing and integrating innovative, sustainable, and ethical solutions in order to design attractive public spaces that could provide sociability and citizenship throughout integrated public management, city systemic thinking and urban identity. The suggested guidelines at the end of this research will provide the necessary strategies to design suitable urban furniture systems according to aesthetic and practical urban infrastructure and city context, aiming to ease visual and physical conflicts that may negatively interfere with the appropriation of public spaces by the citizens / Esta pesquisa investiga como os conceitos da funcionalidade, da racionalidade e da emotividade aplicados ao design de mobili?rio urbano influenciam na organiza??o, legibilidade e qualifica??o dos espa?os p?blicos, em fun??o do arranjo f?sico proposto, da qualidade f?sica e visual do mobili?rio e da qualidade da infraestrutura do ambiente urbano, podendo alterar os usos e apropria??o desses espa?os pelos pedestres, transformando-os em locais socialmente centr?petos ou centr?fugos. O trabalho ? composto por duas partes. A primeira parte refere-se a uma revis?o bibliogr?fica sobre os dois principais eixos desta investiga??o: o design de produtos e a legibilidade do espa?o p?blico, definindo as bases conceituais e te?ricas, associadas ?s estrat?gias metodol?gicas voltadas ao planejamento sist?mico e a gest?o integrada do design de mobili?rio urbano e da legibilidade dos espa?os p?blicos (cal?adas), necess?rias ? compreens?o da rela??o usu?rio (pedestres) produto (artefatos urbanos) - ambiente constru?do (cal?adas). A segunda parte se refere a consecu??o da abordagem emp?rica por meio da an?lise visual dos espa?os p?blicos e da avalia??o qualitativa e funcional do mobili?rio instalado na ?rea central do bairro Cidade Alta, em Natal, RN, segundo os conceitos te?ricos investigados e procedimentos metodol?gicos adotados. Os resultados exp?em as fragilidades e as intensidades decorrentes das rela??es entre o espa?o p?blico, o mobili?rio e o usu?rio, revelando a necessidade de abordagens te?ricas e pr?ticas que auxiliem na tomada de decis?es para o planejamento, design e inser??o de solu??es inovadoras, sustent?veis e ?ticas na cria??o de espa?os p?blicos atrativos que proporcionem a sociabilidade e a cidadania atrav?s de uma gest?o p?blica integrada, de uma vis?o sist?mica de cidade e de uma identidade urbana. As diretrizes apontadas ao final desta pesquisa possibilitam a estrutura??o de estrat?gias para o design de sistemas de mobili?rio urbano voltados ? cria??o de produtos ajustados ao contexto est?tico e pr?tico da infraestrutura do ambiente urbano constru?do, como tamb?m a redu??o de conflitos visuais e f?sicos que possam interferir negativamente na apropria??o dos espa?os p?blicos pelos seus cidad?os

Localisation and Mapping for an Autonomous Lawn Mower : Implementation of localisation and mapping features for an autonomous lawn mower using heterogeneous sensors / Lokalisering och kartläggning för en autonom gräsklippare : Implementering av lokaliserings- och kartläggningsfunktioner för en autonom gräsklippare med heterogena sensorer

Boffo, Marco January 2021 (has links)
Autonomous lawn mowers have been available to consumers for more than 20 years. During this period, advancements in embedded device computations and sensor performance have led to improvements in the reliability of these robots. Despite recent improvements, the opportunity for further innovation of such systems remains significant. Currently, many autonomous robots rely on electric wires installed underground to delimit the boundaries of the lawn. Such a configuration is simple, but more effective autonomous solutions are available. This thesis focuses on the analysis and related implementation of both localisation and mapping features for autonomous lawn mowers. Heterogeneous sensors and their different configurations are investigated and an Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter is proposed to fuse their measurements. This technique improves the pose estimation of the autonomous lawn mower, which is then exploited by the mapping module. Based on Bayesian’s inference, the mapping module updates the knowledge of the map based on direct interactions with the environment. The final results highlight the importance of precise localisation as the bottleneck for the development of new features. The improved pose estimation enables the employment of a virtual boundary, but it is not accurate enough to precisely map the presence of objects in the environment. Advanced features which could be developed from the proposed configuration are related to deterministic coverage algorithms and the interaction with lawn objects. / Autonoma gräsklippare har varit tillgängliga för konsumenter i mer än 20 år. Under denna period har framsteg inom beräkningar av inbyggda enheter och sensorprestanda lett till förbättringar av tillförlitligheten hos dessa robotar. Trots de senaste förbättringarna är möjligheten till innovation av sådana system fortfarande betydande. Autonoma robotar har fortfarande begränsade funktioner. De förlitar sig på elektriska ledningar installerade under jord för att avgränsa gräsmattans gränser, som de reagerar på utan resonemang. En sådan konfiguration anses nu vara föråldrad och mer effektiva autonoma lösningar finns tillgängliga. Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på att använda för närvarande tillgängliga tekniker för att designa de kärnmoduler som behövs för att förbättra kapaciteten hos dessa system. Analysen och relaterad implementering av både lokaliserings och kartläggningsfunktioner för autonoma gräsklippare presenteras. Heterogena sensorer och deras olika konfigurationer undersöks och ett Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter föreslås för att smälta samman deras mätningar. Denna teknik förbättrar poseuppskattningen av den autonoma gräsklipparen, som sedan utnyttjas av kartläggningsmodulen. Det valda tillvägagångssättet för den senare, baserat på Bayesians slutledning, lyckas uppdatera kunskapen om kartan baserat på direkta interaktioner med omgivningen. De slutliga resultaten belyser vikten av exakt lokalisering som den verkliga flaskhalsen för utvecklingen av nya funktioner. Den förbättrade positionsuppskattningen gör det möjligt att definiera en virtuell gräns. Definitionen inte tillräckligt korrekt för att korrekt kartlägga förekomsten av objekt i miljön Exempel på avancerade funktioner från den föreslagna konfigurationen är implementeringen av deterministiska täckningsalgoritmer och interaktionen med gräsmattaobjekt. / I tosaerba autonomi sono disponibili per i consumatori da oltre 20 anni. Durante questo periodo, i progressi nei calcoli dei dispositivi integrati e nelle prestazioni dei sensori hanno portato a miglioramenti nell’affidabilità di questi robot. Nonostante i recenti miglioramenti, l’opportunità di innovazione di tali sistemi rimane significativa. I robot autonomi hanno ancora funzionalità limitate. Si affidano a fili elettrici installati sottoterra per delimitare i confini del prato, a cui reagiscono senza ragionamento. Tale configurazione è ormai considerata obsoleta e sono disponibili soluzioni autonome più efficaci. Questa tesi si concentra sull’utilizzo delle tecniche attualmente disponibili per progettare i moduli principali necessari per far avanzare le capacità di questi sistemi. Vengono presentate l’analisi e la relativa implementazione delle funzionalità di localizzazione e mappatura per i tosaerba autonomi. Vengono studiati sensori eterogenei e le loro diverse configurazioni e viene proposto un filtro di Kalman adattivo esteso per fondere le loro misurazioni. Questa tecnica migliora la stima della posa del rasaerba autonomo, che viene poi sfruttata dal modulo di mappatura. L’approccio scelto per quest’ultimo, basato sull’inferenza bayesiana, riesce ad aggiornare la conoscenza della mappa basata su interazioni dirette con l’ambiente. I risultati finali evidenziano l’importanza di una localizzazione precisa come vero collo di bottiglia per lo sviluppo di nuove funzionalità. La stima della posa migliorata consente la definizione di un confine virtuale. La definizione non è sufficientemente precisa per mappare correttamente la presenza di oggetti nell’ambiente Esempi di funzionalità avanzate a partire dalla configurazione proposta sono l’implementazione di algoritmi di copertura deterministici e l’interazione con gli oggetti del prato.

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