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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det är bättre att sitta på fästning än att svälta ihjäl." : En analys av brödupproret i Jönköping 1855 / "It's better to be imprisoned than starve to death." : An analysis of the bread riot in Jönköping in 1855

Nilsson, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis has examined the popular rising of September 1855 in Jönköping. The events are called Brödupproret and has its origin in the rising prices in grains and potatoes following new more liberal trading policies. The rising lasted two days, 25-26 of September, starting with an angry crowd outside one of Jönköping´s more famous merchants of grain. The local police force could not control the angry masses and people from the upper class formed a “peace loving” force that tried to calm the protesters. On the second day of the events military forces entered the city and finally terminated the rising. The following judicial process lasted well into the spring of 1856, resulting in 49 people sentenced. Some with a leading role in the uprising had to serve 6 to 8 years of hard labour.Based on E.P Thompson´s theory on moral economy the investigation has analysed protocols from the judicial process that followed the events. The investigated judicial protocol is a printed version of the hand-written original documents. These contains hearings with suspected rioters and witnesses.In short moral economy states that in the pre socialistic era people of all classes had a view that each social class had its responsibilities against the others. For the upper class one of these responsibilities was to keep prices on food on a morally agreeable level. If this responsibility was not fulfilled people had the right to protest. Through a text analysis words that indicate a consciousness of social class, trade with large quantities of grain or potatoes or threats of violence has been searched.Inquiries:What was the aim of the rising?Who was the target of the rising?How did the upper social class react to the events?The examination found that the aim of the uprising was to stop the buying of large quantities of grains and potatoes that had risen the prices and depleted the local market of these products. It was also clear that the merchants and the upper class were the targets and the ones who were blamed for the higher prices. Furthermore, it was found that the upper class reacted by trying to calm the angry masses. Mostly by talking to them or when threatened promising not to buy more grains and thereby raise the price.The thesis concluded that there in Jönköping in 1855 was a consciousness of social class. It also found that people of the working class were aware of what caused the rising prices and who was responsible for it. It is also possible to see what means people saw as a solution to the problem, violence and threats against the upper class. This means that E.P Thompsons theory of moral economy might be applicated on the events in Jönköping 1855.

Påverkar aktieägande attityder till välfärdsstaten? : Kvantitativ undersökning om aktieägande och svenska folkets inställning till välfärdsstaten 1984-2008 / Does stock ownership affects attitudes concerning the Welfare state? : Quantitative study regarding stock ownership and attitudes towards the Swedish Welfare state 1984-2008

Hegelund, Erik January 2008 (has links)
<p>Mellan år 1984-2000 ökade andelen aktieägare bland Sveriges befolkning markant, från 29 till 80 %, för att mellan år 2000 och 2008 ligga stabilt runt 80 %. Då allt fler får sin inkomst från kapital och inte endast från arbete borde detta leda till nya normativa föreställningar kring välfärdsstatens utformning och finansiering. Studien jämför kvantitativa studier kring utbredningen av aktieägandet och attityder till välfärdsstatens institutioner och premisser mellan åren 1984-2008. Med aktieägande avses en inkluderande definition av både direkt ägande av enskilda aktieposter samt innehav av fondandelar, såsom pensionsfonder. Studiens primära hypotes är att ökat aktieägande leder till mer negativa attityder till välfärdsstaten. Därtill antas fusket inom välfärdssektorerna öka samt misstänksamheten om fusk tillta medan klasskillnader inom åsikter rörande välfärdsstaten förväntas minska. Centrala teoretiska utgångspunkter är reciprocitet, moralisk ekonomi, historisk institutionalism och spårberoende. Det alltmer utbredda aktieägande liknas vid processer i riktning mot ett massinvesteringssamhälle där vardagen tenderar att finansialiseras alltmer. Studiens resultat ger inget stöd för hypoteserna. Stödet för välfärdsstaten verkar inte ha förändrats nämnvärt under undersökningsperioden. Inte heller verkar klasskillnaderna i åsikter kring välfärdsstaten, fusket inom välfärdssektorerna samt misstänksamheten om fuskets utbreddhet ha förändrats nämnvärt. Dessa resultat beror troligen på flera orsaker. Bland annat tenderar aktieägandet att vara mycket ojämnt fördelat bland Sveriges befolkning.</p> / <p>Between the years 1984-2000 it became increasingly common to own stocks in Sweden. Among the whole population stock ownership increased from 29 to 80 % until year 2000, and was thereafter around 80 % until present day, 2008. As more people receive disposable income not only from labour, but also from capital, their attitudes regarding how the welfare state should be financed and organized, should change. Stock ownership here includes both traditional private stocks and also savings in stock funds. The paper’s main hypothesis is that increased stock ownership will have a negative impact on attitudes towards the welfare state. Also cheating in the welfare sectors and the suspicion about others cheating is believed to increase while class differences concerning attitudes towards the welfare state are believed to diminish. Central theoretical themes are reciprocity, moral economy, historical institutionalism and path dependency. The increased stock ownership is described as a process in the direction towards a mass investment society, where everyday life tends to become financialized to a growing extent. The results show no support for the hypotheses. Attitudes and opinions concerning the welfare state seem to be stable during the whole time period. Neither seems there to be any significant sign of diminishing class differences regarding attitudes towards the welfare state, nor any growing suspicion concerning cheating within the welfare sectors nor any actual growth of cheating. These results might depend on a number of reasons. For one, stock ownership seems to a large extent be unequally distributed among the population of Sweden.</p>

Påverkar aktieägande attityder till välfärdsstaten? : Kvantitativ undersökning om aktieägande och svenska folkets inställning till välfärdsstaten 1984-2008 / Does stock ownership affects attitudes concerning the Welfare state? : Quantitative study regarding stock ownership and attitudes towards the Swedish Welfare state 1984-2008

Hegelund, Erik January 2008 (has links)
Mellan år 1984-2000 ökade andelen aktieägare bland Sveriges befolkning markant, från 29 till 80 %, för att mellan år 2000 och 2008 ligga stabilt runt 80 %. Då allt fler får sin inkomst från kapital och inte endast från arbete borde detta leda till nya normativa föreställningar kring välfärdsstatens utformning och finansiering. Studien jämför kvantitativa studier kring utbredningen av aktieägandet och attityder till välfärdsstatens institutioner och premisser mellan åren 1984-2008. Med aktieägande avses en inkluderande definition av både direkt ägande av enskilda aktieposter samt innehav av fondandelar, såsom pensionsfonder. Studiens primära hypotes är att ökat aktieägande leder till mer negativa attityder till välfärdsstaten. Därtill antas fusket inom välfärdssektorerna öka samt misstänksamheten om fusk tillta medan klasskillnader inom åsikter rörande välfärdsstaten förväntas minska. Centrala teoretiska utgångspunkter är reciprocitet, moralisk ekonomi, historisk institutionalism och spårberoende. Det alltmer utbredda aktieägande liknas vid processer i riktning mot ett massinvesteringssamhälle där vardagen tenderar att finansialiseras alltmer. Studiens resultat ger inget stöd för hypoteserna. Stödet för välfärdsstaten verkar inte ha förändrats nämnvärt under undersökningsperioden. Inte heller verkar klasskillnaderna i åsikter kring välfärdsstaten, fusket inom välfärdssektorerna samt misstänksamheten om fuskets utbreddhet ha förändrats nämnvärt. Dessa resultat beror troligen på flera orsaker. Bland annat tenderar aktieägandet att vara mycket ojämnt fördelat bland Sveriges befolkning. / Between the years 1984-2000 it became increasingly common to own stocks in Sweden. Among the whole population stock ownership increased from 29 to 80 % until year 2000, and was thereafter around 80 % until present day, 2008. As more people receive disposable income not only from labour, but also from capital, their attitudes regarding how the welfare state should be financed and organized, should change. Stock ownership here includes both traditional private stocks and also savings in stock funds. The paper’s main hypothesis is that increased stock ownership will have a negative impact on attitudes towards the welfare state. Also cheating in the welfare sectors and the suspicion about others cheating is believed to increase while class differences concerning attitudes towards the welfare state are believed to diminish. Central theoretical themes are reciprocity, moral economy, historical institutionalism and path dependency. The increased stock ownership is described as a process in the direction towards a mass investment society, where everyday life tends to become financialized to a growing extent. The results show no support for the hypotheses. Attitudes and opinions concerning the welfare state seem to be stable during the whole time period. Neither seems there to be any significant sign of diminishing class differences regarding attitudes towards the welfare state, nor any growing suspicion concerning cheating within the welfare sectors nor any actual growth of cheating. These results might depend on a number of reasons. For one, stock ownership seems to a large extent be unequally distributed among the population of Sweden.

Inga iPads vid matbordet! : En studie om småbarnföräldrars syn på mediefostran / No iPads by the kitchen table! : A study on the perspectives of parents to young children regarding media upbringing

Ingle, Gabriella January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker småbarnsföräldrars syn på mediefostran i ett alltmer digitaliserat medielandskap. Ur perspektiv om domesticering, mediepraktiker och uppfostran utforskar studien hur föräldrar hanterar sina barns interaktion med medier i vardagen. Genom medieetnografisk metod och kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med småbarnsföräldrar framträder en bild av hur familjer balanserar mellan acceptans och motstånd till olika medier, med betoning på hur medieanvändningen integreras i familjens vardagliga rutiner och sociala praktiker. Resultaten synliggör en komplex väv av familjedynamik, samhällsnormer och teknologisk utveckling, som tillsammans påverkar hur medier domesticeras i hushållen. Studien bidrar på så vis nya insikter om hur små barns medieanvändning blir en del av småbarnfamiljers vardag. / This study examines the views of parents of young children on media parenting in an increasingly digital media landscape. From the perspectives of domestication theory, media practices, and upbringing, the study explores how parents manage their children's interaction with media in everyday life. The study investigates how parents' attitudes towards media shape children's media habits. Through media ethnographic methods and qualitative semi-structured interviews with parents of young children, a picture emerges of how families balance between acceptance and resistance to different types of media, emphasizing how media use is integrated into the family's daily routines and social practices. The studys results show a complex web of family dynamics, moral economy, and technological development, which together influence how media are domesticated in households. Thus, the study contributes with new insights regarding how young childrens media use is a part of the everyday life of families.

Om tidens värde : En sociologisk studie av senmodernitetens temporala livsvärldar / About the value of time : A sociological study of the temporal life worlds of late modernity

Fuehrer, Paul January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation explores the relationship between people’s conceptualisation and use of time in everyday life against the background of the political economy of the late modern welfare state. The main focus lies upon their evaluation of different time-uses in order to approach a better understanding of the moral economy of time. Special consideration is given to the role of commodification of time and the experience of time scarcity. Another topic investigated is the association of time with the striving for ecological sustainability in everyday live. The study is based upon three empirical materials. The first one consists of a subset of Statistic Sweden’s time-use database for inhabitants of Stockholm. The other two materials are qualitative interview studies. One was conducted with 85 unemployed people in Sörmland and Jämtland, the other with 45 inhabitants of Stockholm. The interviewees in the latter study were asked to consider two options for the future of welfare politics in Sweden: increasing wages combined with the same work hours as today or a substantial decrease in working hours accompanied by stagnating wages. Many interviewees consider time scarcity to be an important issue that needs to be integrated into the traditional concept of welfare. Time conflicts in everyday life, also regarding the choice of sustainable options, are solved with a certain moral flexibility still dominated by work ethics. Some interviewees try to articulate counter-images to the commodified concept of time by challenging traditional conceptions of the value of time and envision an ecological sound time use. These attempts draw attention to the importance of temporal commons such as vacations and also the need for a conscious time-politics in order to strengthen temporal welfare.

Var känslor tar plats i mytteoretiska perspektiv : Nya frågor utefter känslornas historia / Emotions place in theories of myth : New questions in perspectives of the history of emotions

Hedström, David January 2021 (has links)
Myths are intimately connected with emotions, but what the nature of the relationship really means, what it is, and how it functions are in many ways vague and unspecified. This is an examination of how, when and where emotions are referenced in theories of myth. The purpose is to point in a direction of possible new questions for future research on emotions and myth. Three major themes, centered around three major theorists of myth, are examined. The first treats perspectives of, and inspired by, Lucien Lévy-Bruhl. It is a theme based around views of myth as creating collective emotions. The second theme, centered around Bronislaw Malinowski, examines theories understanding myth as handling difficult emotions. The third theme deals with perspectives from Claude Lévi-Strauss’s structuralist theory of myth, where myth is seen as mediating contradictions, and thereby also mediating emotions of the contradictions. The three themes are then examined in relation to theories from the burgeoning history of emotions. New theoretical positions, such as the bodily and moral aspects of emotions, are examined and the result suggests that the central connection between myth and emotions could be found in humankind’s ever present concern to regulate, to discipline, and to form expressions of emotions.

Managing Migrant Workers : moral economies of temporary labour in the Swedish IT and wild berry industries

Krifors, Karin January 2017 (has links)
Temporary migrant workers and circular migration constitute a growing global phenomenon as the management of migration becomes increasingly important to policymakers. This thesis takes academic discussions on citizenship and migration as its starting point, and examines the role of employers in terms of defining temporary migrant workers and their role in the Swedish labour market. The concept of moral economy is applied in particular to analyse the justifications and negotiations through which working conditions of migrant workers, and their role in local and transnational economies, are established and contested. The role of capital in migration management is studied through ethnographic fieldwork and through interviews with managers in the Swedish wild berry and IT industries; two very different industries that are, however, both shaped by particular structures of seasonal labour and international outsourcing and that increasingly rely on temporary foreign workers from Thailand and India respectively. The conceptualisation of supply chains in these industries offers a particular framework through which relations, as well as management discourses, can be analysed. The study explores how notions of circularity, nation, cultural difference, and transnational economic difference, are managed by private sector actors. It also explores how managers relate to public discourse and emotions in the face of global economic restructuring and changing citizenship, which situates temporary migrants as part of, yet different from, Swedish labour. / Temporära migrantarbetare och cirkulär migration utgör ett växande globalt fenomen till följd av intresset bland regeringar och myndigheter att styra genom sk ”managed migration”. Denna avhandling tar avstamp i forskning om medborgarskap och migration för att undersöka vilken roll arbetsgivare får när det gäller att definiera tillfälliga migrantarbetare och deras roll på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Begreppet moralisk ekonomi används för att lyfta fram och analysera de praktiker genom vilka migrantarbetarnas arbetsvillkor förhandlas och rättfärdigas, samt hur deras roller i lokala och transnationella ekonomier befästs eller förändras. Ekonomins roll i migrationshantering studeras i denna avhandling genom etnografiskt fältarbete och intervjuer med chefer inom den svenska bärindustrin samt IT industrin; två mycket olika industrier som dock båda struktureras av säsongsarbete respektive internationell outsourcing, och som alltmer använder tillfällig utländsk arbetskraft från Thailand respektive Indien. Genom begreppet utbudskedjor (supply chains) möjliggörs en analys av de relationer, samt de managementdiskurser, som påverkar dessa industrier. Avhandlingen utforskar hur föreställningar om cirkularitet, nation, kulturella skillnader, samt transnationella ekonomiska skillnader, förhandlas av aktörer inom näringslivet. Vidare diskuteras hur chefer relaterar till de diskurser och emotioner som en global ekonomisk omstrukturering och ett förändrat medborgarskap ger upphov till, vilket positionerar tillfälliga migrantarbetare som en del av, men ändå annorlunda än, svensk arbetskraft.

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