Spelling suggestions: "subject:"morbid obesity"" "subject:"forbid obesity""
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Avalia??o das vari?veis cardiovasculares, capacidade de caminhar e n?vel de atividade f?sica de obesos m?rbidos antes e depois da cirurgia bari?tricaLopes, Thiago Jambo Alves 25 June 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-25 / Morbidly obese patients present an increase in heart rate, blood
pressure and perceived exertion besides lower walking ability compared to normal
weight people. However, little is known about how these variables are presented
after bariatric surgery. Moreover, despite the distance walked during the six-minute
walk (6MWT) improve after surgery is not well established if the level of physical
activity influences this improvement. Objective: To evaluate cardiovascular
performance, perceived effort, ability of walking and physical activity level of patients
with morbid obesity before and after bariatric surgery. Methods: The cardiovascular
performance, perception of effort, the ability to walk and level of physical activity were
assessed in 22 patients before (BMI = 50.4 kg/m2) and after (BMI = 34.8 kg/m2)
bariatric surgery through the 6MWT. The heart rate, blood pressure and perceived
exertion were assessed at rest, at the end of the 6MWT and in the second minute
post-test (HR recovery). The ability to walk was measured by total distance walked at
the end of the test while the level of physical activity was estimated by applying the
Baecke questionnaire, analyzing domains occupation, leisure and locomotion and
leisure and physical activity. Results: The HR at rest and recovery decreased
significantly (91.2 ? 15.8 bpm vs. 71.9 ? 9.8 bpm, 99.5 ? 15.3 bpm vs 82.5 ? 11.1
bpm, respectively), as well as all the arterial pressure and perceived exertion after
surgery. The distance achieved by the patients increased by 58.4 m (p = 0.001)
postoperatively. Time postoperatively had correlation with the percentage of excess
weight lost (r = 0.48, p = 0.02), BMI (r =- 0.68, p = 0.001) and the Baecke (r = 0.52, p
= 0.01) which did not happen with the distance walked (r = 0.37, p = 0.09). Despite
weight loss, patients showed no difference in the level of physical activity in any of
the areas before and after surgery. Conclusion: The cardiovascular performance, the
perception of effort and ability to walk seem to improve after bariatric surgery.
However, despite improvement in the ability to walk by the distance achieved in the
6MWT after weight loss, this is not reflected in an increase in physical activity level of
obese patients after surgery / Obesos m?rbidos apresentam aumento da freq??ncia card?aca,
da press?o arterial e da percep??o do esfor?o al?m de baixa capacidade de
caminhar em rela??o a pessoas eutr?ficas. No entanto, pouco se sabe como
essas vari?veis se apresentam ap?s a realiza??o da cirurgia bari?trica. Al?m
disso, apesar da dist?ncia percorrida no teste de caminhada de seis minutos
(TC6M) melhorar ap?s a cirurgia, ainda n?o est? bem estabelecido como o
n?vel de atividade f?sica influencia nesta melhora. Objetivo: Avaliar o
desempenho cardiovascular, a percep??o do esfor?o, a capacidade de
caminhar e o n?vel de atividade f?sica de pacientes portadores de obesidade
m?rbida antes e depois da cirurgia bari?trica. M?todos: O desempenho
cardiovascular, a percep??o do esfor?o, a capacidade de caminhar e o n?vel
de atividade f?sica foram avaliados em 22 pacientes antes (IMC=50,4kg/m2) e
ap?s (IMC=34,8kg/m2) a cirurgia bari?trica atrav?s do TC6M. A FC, a press?o
arterial e a percep??o do esfor?o foram avaliados no repouso, ao final do
TC6M e no segundo minuto p?s-teste (FC recupera??o). J? a capacidade de
caminhar foi aferida atrav?s da dist?ncia total caminhada ao final do TC6M
enquanto o n?vel de atividade f?sica foi estimado pela aplica??o do
Question?rio de Baecke, analisando os dom?nios ocupa??o, lazer e
locomo??o e lazer e atividade f?sica. Resultados: A FC de repouso e
recupera??o diminu?ram significativamente (91,2?15,8 bpm vs 71,9?9,8 bpm;
99,5?15,3 bpm vs 82,5?11,1 bpm, respectivamente), assim como todos os
valores de press?o arterial e percep??o de esfor?o ap?s a cirurgia. J? a
dist?ncia atingida pelos pacientes aumentou em 58,4 m (p=0,001) no p?soperat?rio.
O tempo de p?s-operat?rio obteve correla??o com o percentual de
excesso de peso perdido (r=0,48;p=0,02), com o IMC (r=-0,68;p=0,001) e com
o Baecke (r=0,52;p=0,01), no entanto n?o teve rela??o com a dist?ncia
caminhada (r=0,37;p=0,09). Outrossim, a despeito da perda ponderal, os
pacientes n?o apresentaram diferen?a no n?vel de atividade f?sica em nenhum
dos dom?nios antes e depois da cirurgia. Conclus?o: O desempenho
cardiovascular, a percep??o do esfor?o e a capacidade de caminhar parecem
melhorar ap?s a realiza??o da cirurgia bari?trica. No entanto, apesar da
melhora na capacidade de caminhar pela dist?ncia alcan?ada no TC6M ap?s
a perda de peso, isso n?o repercutiu em aumento no n?vel de atividade f?sica
dos obesos depois da cirurgia
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Dieta de muito baixo valor calórico em obesos mórbidos no período pré-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica: análise da alteração da composição corporal durante perda de peso aguda / Very low-calorie diet in morbidly obese patients in the preoperative bariatric surgery: analysis of change in body composition during acute weight lossMarcela Pires Serafim 15 June 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade mórbida é um fator de risco independente para complicações pós-operatórias precoces e uma estratégia para sua prevenção é a redução de peso no período pré-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica através da intervenção nutricional. Assim, a dieta de muito baixo valor calórico (DMBVC) é indicada para obesos mórbidos e controle de suas comorbidades. Além da perda de peso (PP), avaliar a composição corporal é uma necessidade na prática clínica e uma avaliação precisa de cada componente corporal faz-se necessária para complementar o diagnóstico nutricional. OBJETIVO: Analisar a alteração da composição corporal de obesos mórbidos durante a PP aguda no período pré-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica induzida por DMBVC. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 120 pacientes internados no Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP. A avaliação da composição corporal foi realizada antes e após a dieta ofertada durante a internação hospitalar e foram analisadas as alterações de peso, IMC, circunferências de pescoço, cintura e quadril, gordura corporal (GC) e massa livre de gordura (MLG), sendo estes obtidos através da bioimpedância. Os dados foram categorizados segundo gênero, idade, IMC e diagnóstico de diabetes. RESULTADOS: O período médio de consumo da DMBVC foi de 8 dias. Os pacientes apresentaram em média 5% de PP representada principalmente por redução de GC (85% da PP). Todas as reduções nas circunferências corporais foram estatisticamente significantes. Todos os pacientes tiveram PP, mas observamos dois comportamentos distintos com relação à alteração da composição corporal que proporcionou a divisão em dois grupos: no grupo A (GA) (63% dos pacientes) houve diminuição de GC e de MLG e no grupo B (GB) houve diminuição de GC, mas um aumento na MLG. A PP e a redução do IMC de ambos os grupos foram semelhantes, porém, a discrepância na alteração de GC e MLG foi estatisticamente significante. Verificou-se maior PP e maior redução de GC nos homens, os idosos apresentaram maior porcentagem de PP e maiores reduções de GC e MLG. Os pacientes com IMC > 50 Kg/m2 tiveram maior PP e maiores reduções de GC e de MLG, porém não foi significante, e não foi encontrada diferença estatística para as alterações nos pacientes diabéticos. Não houve correlação entre as categorias estudadas e os diferentes comportamentos de alteração da composição corporal observados. CONCLUSÃO: A DMBVC pré-operatória determinou uma PP à custa de GC com dois comportamentos distintos em relação à MLG (um grupo com redução e outro com aumento) / BACKGROUND: Morbid obesity is an independent risk factor for early postoperative complications, and one strategy for its prevention is weight loss in the preoperative bariatric surgery through nutritional intervention. Thus, the very low calorie diet (VLCD) is indicated for morbidly obese and its comorbidities control. In addition to the weight loss (WL), assess body composition is need in clinical practice, and an accurate assessment of body composition is necessary to supplement the nutritional diagnosis. AIM: analyze the change in body composition of morbidly obese patients during the acute WL in the preoperative bariatric surgery induced by VLCD. METHODS: We evaluated 120 patients hospitalized at University of São Paulo Clinical Hospital. The assessment of body composition was performed before and after the diet offered during hospitalization, and analyzed changes in weight, BMI, neck, waist and hip circumferences, body fat (BF) and fat free mass (FFM), these obtained by bioimpedance. Data were categorized according to gender, age, BMI and diabetes diagnosis. RESULTS: The average period of VLCD was 8 days. The patients had 5% WL and this was represented principally by BF reduction (85% of WL). All reductions in the body circumferences were statistically significant. All of the patients had WL, but observed two distinct behaviors in relation to the change in body composition which provided the division into two groups: group A (GA) (63% of the patients) had decreased BF and FFM and Group B (GB) had decreased BF, but an increase in the FFM. The WL and the reduction of BMI of both groups were similar, however, the discrepancy in the BF and FFM change was statistically significant. There was a higher WL and greater reduction of BF in men, the elderly had a higher percentage of WL, with a significant difference, and greater reductions of BF and FFM. Patients with BMI > 50 kg/m2 had higher WL and greater reductions of BF and FFM, but it was not significant, and there was no statistical difference changing in diabetic patients. There was no correlation between categories studied and the different behaviors change in the body composition found. CONCLUSION: the preoperative VLCD determined an acute weight loss basically of BF, with two behaviors concerning FFM changing (one group with decreasing and the other with increasing)
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Evolução clínica a longo prazo de obesos graves diabéticos e não diabéticos, submetidos a derivação gástrica em Y de Roux/DGYR / Long-term clinical outcome of severely obese diabetic and nondiabetic patients undergoing after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.Camila Michiko Yamaguchi 09 December 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Os mecanismos responsáveis pela evolução do diabetes associado à obesidade entre pacientes bariátricos são alvos de muitos estudos atualmente. As principais linhas de pensamento envolvem alterações no índice de massa corporal (IMC), hormônios gastrointestinais, inflamação sistêmica e a reformatação ou reeducação alimentar. A maioria destes quesitos foi examinada sob a ótica do curto prazo, sendo que informações concernentes a casos com 10 anos de pós-operatório ainda são escassos. Objetivos: Avaliar o desfecho da homeostase glicídica tardio após a DGYR, em pacientes com e sem diabetes prévio, e documentar os parâmetros clínicos e nutricionais que diferenciem estes grupos. Metodologia: Estudo observacional controlado retrospectivo e prospectivo de 100 pacientes submetidos à derivação gástrica em Y de Roux. Estes pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos iniciais, um com diabetes no pré-operatório e outro sem diabetes. Em seguida, os dois foram subdivididos em quatro subgrupos conforme a evolução do diabetes, sendo eles refratário, responsivo, estáveis e não estáveis, respectivamente. Dados demográficos, laboratoriais, nutricionais, prescrições medicamentosas e evolução clínica do diabetes no pós-operatório a longo prazo foram coletados. Resultados: Dos 96 pacientes efetivamente avaliados, a idade situou-se em 50,39 (± 10,98) no grupo refratário, 56,63 (± 8,29) no grupo responsivo, 47,62 (± 10,72) no grupo estável e 48,17 (± 10,45) no grupo não estável. O sexo feminino prevaleceu em todos os grupos. Uma taxa de 66,7% dos pacientes com diabetes alcançaram a remissão da doença após a DGYR, o tempo de diagnóstico de diabetes pré-operatório se relacionou com o grupo refratário, e uma população de novos diabéticos se configurou tardiamente em pacientes sem a doença no período pré-operatório. Conclusão: 1) A derivação gástrica em Y de Roux induziu remissão em 66,7% dos pacientes com diabetes prévio; 2) O tempo de diagnóstico de diabetes tipo 2 esteve associado com ausência da resposta cirúrgica; 3) Pacientes euglicêmicos desenvolveram diabetes após a intervenção na proporção de 17,7%, comprovando que a proteção do procedimento bariátrico contra a instalação do diabetes tipo 2 se atenua com o passar dos anos; 4) Tanto os pacientes com a glicemia anormal quanto os euglicêmicos submetidos à DGYR, necessitam de um seguimento a longo prazo do homeostase glicídica / Introduction: The mechanisms responsible for the development of diabetes associated with obesity among bariatric patients are targets of many ongoing studies. The main lines of thought involve changes in body mass index (BMI), gastrointestinal hormones, systemic inflammation and reformatting nutritional education. Most of these issues were examined from a short term perspective, with information concerning cases after 10 years still scarce. Objectives: Evaluate the outcome of long term of glucose homeostasis after DGYR in patients with and without previous diabetes, and document the clinical and nutritional parameters that differentiate these groups. Methods: An observational retrospective and prospective controlled study with 100 patients undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. These patients were divided into two initial groups, one with diabetes preoperatively and another without. Then the two groups were subdivided into four subgroups according to the evolution of diabetes, namely refractory, responsive, stable and unstable respectively. Demographic, laboratory, nutritional, and clinical information along with drug prescriptions were collected Results: Among the 96 patients effectively studied, age was 50.39 (± 10.98) in the refractory group, 56.63 (± 8.29) in the responsive group, 47.62 (± 10.72) in the stable group and 48 , 17 (± 10.45) in the unstable group. Females were the majority in all groups. About 66,7% of patients with diabetes achieved disease remission after DGYR, and duration of diabetes was associated with the refractory group. A population of new-onset diabetes was identified in patients without disease in the preoperative period. Conclusion: 1) Roux-en-Y gastric bypass induced remission in 66,7% of patients with previous diabetes; 2) Duration of diagnosis of type 2 diabetes was associated with surgical response, 3) Euglycemic patients developed diabetes after the intervention in the proportion of 17,7%, proving that the protection of bariatric procedure against type 2 diabetes is attenuated over the years; 4) Both patients with abnormal glucose profile as well as those euglycemic undergoing DGYR, require long follow-up of glucose homeostasis
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Estudo histomorfométrico comparativo do colágeno e elastina na pele abdominal humana após perda ponderal maciça / Histomorphometric comparative study of collagen and elastin in human abdominal skin of massive weight loss patientSimone Cristina Orpheu 27 March 2009 (has links)
O aumento da prevalência da obesidade mórbida constitui um problema de saúde pública global. A obesidade mórbida pode ser definida por um índice de massa corpórea ( IMC ) superior a 35 Kg/ m²; vem acompanhada por diversas comorbidades e determina custos sócio-econômicos elevados. O único método efetivo a longo prazo no tratamento da obesidade mórbida, na atualidade, é a cirurgia bariátrica. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos para tratar a obesidade foram estimulados sobretudo pelo advento de técnicas videolaparoscópicas com menor morbidade pós-operatória e recuperação precoce. O sucesso operatório da cirurgia bariátrica representa perda de até 50% do excesso de peso dos pacientes em prazos variáveis de aproximadamente 24 meses. Após tal período, o processo de emagrecimento será refletido como excesso e flacidez cutânea generalizados e inicia-se a busca pela melhora da imagem corporal. A realização das cirurgias plásticas de contorno corporal exige ampla compreensão das peculiaridades clínicas desse paciente, e dos riscos de complicações, além de expectativas viáveis quanto aos resultados estéticos. Após as cirurgias de contorno corporal, passado o período pós-operatório recente, constata-se a manutenção de flacidez cutânea residual em graus variados. A obesidade interfere na qualidade dos componentes da pele humana. Entretanto, não há estudos específicos em relação à pele do paciente após perda ponderal maciça. Nesse estudo observacional histomorfométrico realizado entre 2006 e 2008, o autor avalia em biópsias de pele humana da região abdominal epigástrica e hipogástrica, o teor de colágeno e elastina em pacientes após perda ponderal maciça comparativamente a pacientes sem antecedentes de obesidade. Analisando a pele abdominal de mulheres não obesas ( controles epigástricos=15 e controles hipogástricos=25 ) e mulheres após tratamento dessa morbidade ( casos=40), verificou-se neste estudo com significância estatística aceita como p<0,05 que: a) na região epigástrica, o teor de colágeno foi superior no grupo controle em comparação ao grupo de casos; b) na região epigástrica, o teor de fibras elásticas foi superior nos casos; c) na região hipogástrica, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante no teor de colágeno entre os grupos estudados; d) na região hipogástrica, o teor de fibras elásticas foi superior no grupo controle / Morbid obesity is an increasing health problem and it is defined as a body mass index greater than 35 kg/m² with severe obesity related comorbidity or a body mass index greater than 40 kg/m² without comorbidity. The combined direct and indirect cost of obesity has been elevated. Bariatric surgery remains the only durable option for weight loss in the morbidly obese.Advanced laparoscopy procedures, as less invasive therapy, have contributed to fast recovery and acceptable perioperative morbidity. Results of bariatric surgery can reach about 50% of excess weight loss with a 2 year follow-up. As patients lose weight, they get laxity skin and their interest in body contouring surgery begins.Plastic surgery in massive weight loss patient demands attention to reduce risks and viable expectations concern to aesthetic results. However, after body contouring surgery, patients can keep up some laxity or folds of excess skin. Obesity changes the components of skin, but there arent definitive studies about skin in massive weight loss patients. In this histomorphometric comparative study, biopsies of human female abdominal skin were analysed in quantity of collagen and elastic fibers in controls (non obese patients, epigastric topography n=15 and hypogastric topography n=25 ) in comparison to massive weight loss patients (n=40). After statistical analyses with p<0,05 was demonstrated that: a)in epigastric topography, the quantity of collagen was higher in control group; b) in epigastric topography, the quantity of elastic fibers was higher in case group; c) in hypogastric topography, there werent diferences in the quantity of collagen between cases and controls; d) in hypogastric topography, the quantity of elastic fibers was higher in control group
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Avaliação ecoDopplercardiográfica da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo em indivíduos obesos pré e pós cirurgia bariátrica / EchoDopplercardiographic analysis of left ventricular diastolic function in severe and morbid obesity before and after bariatric surgeryRogerio Toshiro Passos Okawa 10 March 2006 (has links)
A obesidade tem sido associada com a insuficiência cardíaca, e indivíduos obesos apresentam uma forma de cardiomiopatia caracterizada por dilatação ventricular esquerda, e hipertrofia ecêntrica, atribuída à sobrecarga volêmica. A disfunção ventricular tem sido descrita, sendo que a maioria dos estudos descrevem anormalidades da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo. O presente estudo foi desenhado para se determinar o efeito da obesidade sobre a função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo e o impacto da perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica sobre esta função.104 pacientes agendados para cirurgia bariátrica foram incluídos, 74 mulheres e 30 homens. Idade média de 38,8 ± 11,44 anos. Oitenta e um pacientes eram obesos mórbidos ( IMC maior ou igual 40 kg/m²) e 23 pacientes eram obesos graves ( IMC entre 35 e 39,99 kg/m²) com pelo menos duas co- morbidades associadas. A análise ecoDopplercardiográfica estrutural e funcional foi realizada previamente e após 6 meses do procedimento cirúrgico. Encontramos que indivíduos obesos tinham aumento da espessura septal do ventrículo esquerdo, do diâmetro atrial esquerdo e da massa ventricular esquerda. Além disso, apresentavam uma incidência maior de disfunção diastólica no pré-operatório. Observamos que a perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica causou impacto nas velocidades do fluxo mitral, nas velocidades do fluxo de veia pulmonar e no Doppler tissular, mas não causou impacto nos outros parâmetros ecoDopplercardiográficos de análise da função diastólica. Como conclusões, obtemos que a perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica melhora a função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo em indivíduos obesos. O fato do paciente ser hipertenso, diabético ou ser portador de outras co- morbidades, não esteve relacionado a uma maior incidência de disfunção diastólica. Os parâmetros ecoDopplercardiograficos de análise da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo devem ser utilizados em associação para uma melhor avaliação desta função. / Obesity has been associated with heart failure, and individuals with severe obesity have been recognized to have a form of cardiomiopathy attributed to chronic volume overload, characterized by left ventricular dilation, and eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy. Impairment of cardiac function has been reported, with most studies reporting abnormal diastolic function.The present study was designed to determinate the effect of obesity on left ventricular diastolic function and the impact of weight loss after bariatric surgery on this function. One hundred and four patients scheduled for bariatric surgery were enrolled, 74 women and 30 men. Baseline mean age was 38.8 ± 11.44 years. Eighty- one patients were morbid obese (B.M.I. maior ou igual 40 kg/m²) and 23 were severe obese (B.M.I from 35 to 39.99 kg/m²), with at least two associated co-morbidities. Structural and functional echoDopplercardiographic analysis were performed before and 6 months after the bariatric surgery. We found that obese individuals had higher septal wall thickness, left atrial diameter, left ventricular mass and a higher incidence of diastolic dysfunction before the surgery than after. It was observed that weight loss had an impact on mitral flow velocities, on pulmonary vein flow velocities, and on tissue Doppler imaging, but had no impact on the other diastolic echocardiographic parameters. Weight loss after bariatric surgery had improved cardiac diastolic function. Being hypertensive, diabetic or having another associated co-morbidity was not related to a higher incidence of diastolic dysfunction. The diastolic echoDopplercardiographic parameters should be used in combination for a better diastolic evaluation.
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Análise da qualidade de vida de pacientes submetidos a abdominoplastia circunferencial após tratamento cirúrgico da obesidade mórbida / Quality of life analysis in patients submitted to circumferential abdominoplasty after surgical treatment of the morbid obesityWilson Cintra Júnior 05 June 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os pacientes portadores de obesidade mórbida submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico para obesidade através de cirurgias desabsortivas-restritivas, após considerável perda de peso, podem apresentar excessos dermogordurosos nas várias regiões do corpo, freqüentemente associados à dificuldade de higiene pessoal e deambulação, maior incidência de infecções cutâneas, insatisfação com a imagem corporal, piora na auto-estima e nos relacionamentos profissionais e afetivos, além da piora da qualidade de vida. Naqueles pacientes com excessos dermogordurosos em abdome e flancos, e ptose da região glútea, a abdominoplastia circunferencial tem demonstrado ser uma solução cirúrgica eficaz. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações na qualidade de vida dos pacientes submetidos a abdominoplastia circunferencial, nos aspectos afetivo-relacional, profissional, social e orgânico. MÉTODOS: Dezesseis pacientes do sexo feminino, que realizaram abdominoplastia circunferencial entre agosto de 2000 e janeiro de 2005, e eram acompanhadas no ambulatório de Cirurgia Plástica da Divisão de Cirurgia Plástica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, foram submetidas à entrevistas psicológicas semidirigidas, que consistiram de 31 questões, cujas respostas obtidas foram tabuladas e divididas em categorias. Utilizando-se a Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada (EDAO), e tendo como princípio norteador o critério adaptativo, as respostas foram classificadas como adequadas, pouco adequadas ou pouquíssimo adequadas. Através de notas atribuídas a cada resposta, foi possível a avaliação quantitativa nos quatro setores de funcionamento (afetivo-relacional, produtividade, sócio-cultural e orgânico) e a classificação diagnóstica das pacientes quanto à adequação. RESULTADOS: No setor afetivo-relacional, dez pacientes (62,5%) apresentaram respostas adequadas e cinco (31,25%), pouco adequadas. No setor produtividade, dez pacientes (62,5%) apresentaram respostas adequadas e quatro (25%), pouco adequadas. No setor sócio-cultural, treze pacientes (81,25%) apresentaram respostas adequadas. No setor orgânico, dez pacientes (62,5%) apresentaram valores máximos em todos os indicadores avaliados. Sete pacientes (43,75%) apresentaram adaptação eficaz e seis (37,5%), ineficaz leve. CONCLUSÕES: As análises, qualitativas e quantitativas, realizadas através da EDAO, concluiram que houve benefício efetivo aos pacientes submetidos a abdominoplastia circunferencial, nos aspectos físico, profissional, social e orgânico. / INTRODUCTION: Morbid obesity patients submitted to surgical treatment through disabsorptive/restrictive procedures, after considerable weight loss, may present skin and fat excess throughout different body regions, frequently associated with restrictions on personal hygiene and deambulation, greater incidence of skin infections, body image dissatisfaction, worsening of self-steem and of professional and affective relationships, besides down grading quality of life in general. On those patients that present skin and fat excess on the abdomen, flanks and gluteal ptosis, the circumferential abdominoplasty has demonstrated to be an effective surgical solution. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the modifications on the quality of life of patients that underwent circumferential abdominoplasty on affective/relational, professional, social and organic aspects. METHODS: Sixteen female patients that underwent circumferential abdominoplasty between August 2000 and January 2005 were followed on the outpatient clinic of the Plastic Surgery Division of the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo, and were submitted to semi-directed psychological interviews that consisted in 31 questions whose answers were tabulated and separated in categories. One used the Operational Adaptive Diagnostic Scale (OADS) and observing the adaptive patterns as the main criterion, the answers were classified as fairly, poorly and least poorly adequate. Through grades attributed to each answer, it was possible to evaluate quantitatively the four aspects of observation (affective/relational, professional, social and organic) and to establish a classification of the patients relative to their adaptive adequacy. RESULTS: On the aspect affective/relational, ten patients (62.5%) presented fairly adequate answers and five (31.25%) poorly adequate ones. On the productivity aspect, 10 patients (62.5%) presented fairly adequate answers and four (25%) poorly adequate ones. On the social/cultural aspect, 13 patients (81.25%) presented fairly adequate answers. On the organic aspect, 10 patients (62.5%) presented maximum grades in all evaluated criteria. Seven patients (43.75%) presented effective adaptation and six (37.5%) slightly ineffective. CONCLUSIONS: The qualitatively and quantitatively analysis made through OADS showed that there was effective benefit to the patients submitted to circumferential abdominoplasty on the physical, professional, social and organic aspects.
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Co-morbidities induced vasculogenic impaired wound healingSzpalski, Caroline 17 December 2013 (has links)
A. Background<p><p>Skin wound healing (WH) is a dynamic and extremely determinate process of cellular, humoral and molecular mechanisms which begins directly after wounding and can last for years. WH is described as is an intricate process in which the skin (or another organ-tissue) repairs itself after injury. The process of skin WH occurs through the actions of an interplay of cells, growth factors and cytokines leading to wound closure.<p><p>WH occurs in three precisely and highly programmed phases: the inflammatory phase (day 0 to day 7) followed by the proliferative phase or vasculogenic phase (day 7 to day 21) and finally the remodeling phase (2 days - up to 2 years). For a successful healing, all three phases must occur in the proper sequence and time frame.<p><p>Many factors can interfere with one or more phases of the WH process, thus causing improper or impaired healing. The proliferation phase, in particular, requires the participation of various cells types such as fibroblasts, endothelial cells (ECs) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), to produce a healthy well-vascularized granulation tissue for epithelization and wound closure.<p><p>A.1 Wound Healing And Obesity<p><p>In 2008, over 1.4 billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight. Of these, obesity has been shown to affect over 500 million people (OMS website). Moreover, the prevalence of obesity continues to rise, and by 2018, it is estimated that obesity will cost $ 347 billion annually.<p><p>Each year, in the US, approximately 33 million overweight and obese patients undergo surgery. Obesity causes a number of known health problems and increased post-surgical complications such as wound infection, dehiscence, hematoma and seroma. Surgeons anecdotally report WH complications among obese patients; however, little research has been conducted to investigate the mechanisms mediating impaired obesity-related WH. <p><p>Some previous work on diabetic patients and diabetic mice showed an imbalance between pro-oxydant and anti-oxydant genes as well as impaired EPCs proliferation and tube formation during the WH process. More then a hundred cytologic factors have been found to impair WH in the type 2 diabetic patient. It is a very complex and multifactorial problem involving decreased growth factors secretion, impaired keratinocyte and fibroblast functions, impaired EPs function, alteration of the macrophage function and granulation tissue synthesis, etc. <p><p>Based on these findings and because obesity is associated with the development of type 2 diabetes, we hypothetize that, impaired balance between pro-apoptotic/anti-apoptotic and pro- oxydant /anti-oxydant genes is involved in impaired WH. Furthermore, we hypothetize that impaired EPCs function leads to the perturbation of the proliferation phase of obesity impaired WH.<p><p>A.2. Wound Healing and Age<p><p>The world population is aging; by 2030, nearly 20% of Americans, (± 72 million people), will be 65 years old and older. In 2010, 17% of the European population was over the age of 65. By 2060, it is projected that the share of those aged 65 and over will rise to 30%, accounting for more then 150 million people. (ec.europa.eu) These aging subjects undergo an increasing number of surgical procedures: in the past two decades, the percentage of surgeries in patients over 65 has doubled to nearly 40%.<p>As a corollary, it is well established knowledge that elderly WH is impaired. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms of age-related impaired WH.<p><p>As previously mentioned, adult BM-derived EPCs contribute to peripheral tissue repair and regeneration. In light of the abundant literature suggesting that neovascularization is impaired in the elderly, we characterize a novel model of senile cutaneous WH and investigate the role that vasculogenesis plays in the pathogenesis of age related impaired WH.<p>Aged mice colonies have traditionally been the model for aged small mammalian research, however, the ability to use a readily-available transgenic mouse model with features of accelerated aging would aid in the exploration of targeted therapies and a great number of age-related investigations.<p><p>We hypothesize that the Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) Zmpste24 deficient (Zmpste24-/-) mouse mimics physiological ageing and can be used as a novel model for the study of senescent WH. We further hypothetized that impaired balance between pro-apoptotic/anti-apoptotic and pro-oxydant /anti-oxydant genes as well as impaired EPCs function are responsible for the impairment of the proliferative phase, leading to overall impaired WH.<p><p>A.3 Aims<p><p>Recently, a great deal of research has been directed at understanding the critical factors inducing poorly healing wounds. However, a lot remains unclear.<p><p>It is now well accepted that new blood vessel formation occurs not only by angiogenesis (blood vessels formation from a preexisting network of capillaries), but also by vasculogenesis (blood vessels formation from BM SCs recruitment) and that EPCs contribute to as much as 25% of new blood vessels formed in healing tissues4. They are mobilized from the BM in response to injury and production of local cytokines, are incorporate into wounds and play an integral role in systemic tissue repair. <p><p>Based on this finding, we hypothesized that co-morbidities related impaired WH may be due, in part, to decreased EPCs number, migration/homing, and/or function resulting in impaired vasculogenesis. Because age and/or obesity have been shown to be one of the most common predictors of altered WH, we decided to focus on these two parameters.<p><p>Following a bedside to bench approach the purpose of this work was to 1) develop coherent and translatable models of co-morbidity digging in the physiologic/pathologic mechanisms underlying altered healing in obese and senile mice; 2) develop targeted therapeutics to improve impaired WH.<p><p>B. Material and Methods<p><p>B.1 Human Model<p><p>Since obesity impairs WH and BM EPCs are important for tissue repair, we hypothesize that obesity- impaired WH is due, in part, to impaired EPCs mobilization, trafficking, and function. Peripheral blood was obtained from non diabetic, obese (BMI > 30, n = 25), and non obese (BMI < 30, n = 17) subjects. Peripheral blood human EPCs were isolated, quantified, and functionally assessed.<p>As for aged impaired WH, EPCs of aged subjects have already been found to have decreased adhesion, migration and proliferative properties as well as being decreased in number in elderly patients undergoing surgery compared to younger patients.<p><p>B.2. Mice Models<p><p>Two models of WH were developed and characterized.<p>In order to isolate the effect of obesity on EPCs and WH, OB non-diabetic female TallyHo/JngJ mouse were selected (Female mice don’t express hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia). Female SWR/J non-OB mice were used as control mice. In order to limit variables, TallyHO/JngJ obese mice were selected over other OB mice that exhibit a polygenic type of obesity (Jackson Laboratory Website). By selecting this mouse model, we have excluded in our selection of the ideal model common confounding factors such as hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, immune disorders.<p><p>Zmpste24 is a metalloproteinase involved in the maturation of lamin A (LmnA), an essential component of the nuclear envelope. When Zmpste24 or LmnA are knocked-out, mice exhibit profound nuclear architectural abnormalities and histopathological defects that phenocopy an accelerated aging process. Of crucial importance, the lamin-A dependent nuclear alterations seen in Zmpste24-deficient mice have also been found in human physiological aging. We defined the utilization of the Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) Zmpste24 deficient (Zmpste24- /-) mouse as a novel model for the study of senescent WH (controls used were C57BL/6J mice).<p><p>B.3. Wounding Model and Data Collection<p><p>All mice group underwent wounding using a stented wound model developed in our laboratory and previously published. Briefly, paired 6-mm circular, full-thickness wounds extending through the panniculus carnosus were made on the dorsal skin of the mouse. An O-ring, 12-mm splint made of silicone sheeting was then sutured to the skin around the wound. To minimize wound contraction and reliably recapitulated the granulation and re-epithelialization seen in human WH by secondary intention. Time to wound closure was measured using standardized digital photographs taken on days 0, 7, 14, and 21. Wound closure was calculated as a percentage of the original wound.<p><p>For each model, EPCs were harvested, quantified by flow-cytometry and their function tested. Wounds were harvested at various time points and RNA, DNA and protein analysis were conducted. Finally immunohistochemistry to assess epidermal thickness, vascularity and WH were also realized.<p><p>In a second step, after characterization of the models, local (using targeted siRNA gel) and systemic therapies (using AMD3100, a PC mobilizer) were applied on the wounds and compared to controls. WH was monitored. We conducted the previously mentioned analysis (RT-PCR, ELISA and DNA analysis) on the harvested samples.<p><p>All values are expressed as a mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). The number of mice per treatment group was determined using G*Power (G*Power©, Melbourne, Australia) to provide a power greater than 0.80. Student T test was realized to compare two groups among each other.<p><p>C. Results<p><p>C.1. Human EPCs Have Impaired Function<p><p>There was no difference in the number of baseline circulating human EPCs in non-diabetic OB and non-OB<p>subjects, but EPCs from OB subjects had impaired adhesion (p<0.05), migration (p<0.01), and proliferation (p<0.001).<p><p>C.2. Obesity and Wound Healing<p><p>TallyHo/JgnJ OB mice demonstrated significantly impaired healing when compared to SWR/J control mice. They healed at an average of 28 ± 2 days (p<0.05). Post-wounding circulating EPCs were quantified and wounds were analyzed. Circulating EPCs recruitment is impaired in wounded TallyHo/JngJ mice and their wounds shown significantly decreased new blood vessel formation through decreased HIF-1α/SDF-1α signaling (p<0.05). Their wounds are characterized by increased apoptosis, increased DNA damage and impaired pro-/anti-oxydant balance. Immunonistochemistry and histology showed decreased vascular vessels in TallyHo/JngJ wounds and thinner epidermal thickness.<p><p>In the local treatment phase, local p53 silencing consistently improved WH to a nearly normal healing time (wounds healed in 18 ± 2 days, p<0.05). sip53 treatment showed a significant decrease in pro-apoptotic markers (p53, Bax, PUMA p<0.05) and a significant increase in angiogenic markers (VEGF, SDF-1α, HIF-1α) with increased blood vessel formation and decreased DNA damage.<p><p>C.3. Age and Wound Healing<p><p>In these experiments, we show that not only is Zmpste24-/- WH impaired when compared to C57BL/6J mice (Zmpste24-/- mice healed at average 40 days ± 2 days p<0.05) at all time points but that they also showed decreased vascularity and proliferation in the wound bed (p<0.05).<p><p>Histological analysis was performed utilizing hematoxylin and eosin staining to assess epidermal thickness, CD31 immunofluorescence to assess vascular density, p53 and caspase 3 to assess apoptosis, 8’OHdG staining to assess DNA damage and PCNA to assess proliferation. Epidermal thickness was significantly decreased in Zmpste24-/- animals compared to WT as well as vascular density, and proliferation in Zmpste24-/- wound tissue (p<0.05). <p><p>Circulating vasculogenic EPCs recruitment was impaired in Zmpste24-/- mice and their wounds showed significantly decreased new blood vessel formation through decreased HIF-1α/SDF-1α signaling (p<0.05). Zmpste24-/- wounds are characterized by increased apoptosis and an abnormal rise in ROS.<p>In the treatment phase, local p53 silencing consistently improved healing by more then a two fold (18 ± 2 days). VEGF production was significantly increased and pro-apoptotic factors were significantly downregulated in siRNA-treated Zmpste24-/- mice (p<0.05). DNA damage due to ROS production was also shown to be significantly decreased following treatment. Our results suggest a vasculogenic dysfunction in wound closure and showed that the specific knock down of p53 significantly improves WH.<p><p>Because EPCs showed impaired function, lower peripheric blood counts and impaired SDF-1α/HIF-1α signaling, we hypothesized that improving their mobilization by using a progenitor cell mobilizer, AMD3100, known to mobilize SCs from the BM, in a systemic treatment phase will improve WH. Peripheral blood counts were significantly increased and time to wound closure significantly decreased (20 days ± 2, p<0.05). Vasculogenic markers and anti- apoptotic molecules were upregulated compare to non-treated animals.<p><p>D. Conclusions<p><p>Obesity impaired wound closure is a complex problem with many contributory factors. Our results suggest that obesity impairs the BM-derived EPCs response to peripheral injury and this, in turn, impairs wound closure. This impairment is associated with decreased new blood vessel formation and increased DNA damage leading to an increase in the p53 pathway. We also demonstrate that targeted siRNA therapy can partially rescue impaired WH due to obesity. Based on these results we support the encouraging argument that, WH and closure has the potential be improved through specific local and systemic therapies in vivo in our rodent model and that further studies are needed to support this in a clinical environment.<p><p>Impaired WH due to ageing is a complex phenomenon that is partially understood. We demonstrate that the Zmpste24-/- transgenic knockout mouse provides a model for age-related WH investigation. Zmpste24-/- animals heals their wounds with significant delays, showed impaired EPCs mobilization following wounding through an impaired HIF-1α/SDF-1α pathway and increased apoptosis. Furthermore, WH can be improved through specific local siRNA therapy and systemic stem cell mobilization therapies.<p><p>Our results suggest strong similar patterns between obesity and ageing in the way they mediate WH impairments trough (premature) ageing. Our encouraging endeavor to bring WH back to baseline in these diseased models underlines the possibility to reverse the microenvironment alterations and improves EPCs contribution to the WH process. Because EPCs are involved in virtually every tissue repair process happening in the human body, we hope that this work will lead the way for new research in various fields in medicine to improve wound care and quality of life of patients. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Impact of a Comprehensive Nutrition and Lifestyle Education Intervention on Body Weight and Health-Related Outcomes in Morbidly-Obese Hispanic-Americans Following Laparoscopic Roux-En Y Gastric BypassPetasne Nijamkin, Monica 01 October 2010 (has links)
As morbid obesity increasingly affects Hispanic-Americans, the incidence of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedures (RYGB) among this population rises. Prospective research on the impact of postoperative educational interventions focused on Hispanic-Americans is needed to prevent premature weight loss plateau, weight regain, nutritional deficiencies, and relapse of obesity-related comorbidities. This randomized-controlled study evaluated the impact of a comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle education intervention (6 biweekly postoperative sessions that incorporated motivational strategies for behavioral change) as compared to a non-comprehensive approach (printed guidelines for healthy lifestyle). The variables to consider are body weight, obesity-related comorbidities (depression, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and others), nutrient status, physical activity, and eating habits in 144 morbidly-obese adult Hispanic-Americans 6 to 12 months following RYGB. Patients were randomly assigned to either the comprehensive intervention (n=72) or the comparison group (n=72). Participants (mean age 44.5 ± 13.5 years) were mainly Cuban-born females (83.3%). Intervention sessions attendance was 64%. At 12 months, both groups lost weight significantly, but those in the comprehensive intervention experienced greater excess weight loss than those in the comparison group (80% vs. 64% from preoperative excess weight, P<.001). Intervention participants were significantly more involved in physical activity (+ 14 min/week vs. – 4 min/week), had decreased depression, joint illness, and required less medication for comorbidities than comparison participants. Additionally, those in the comprehensive intervention had sustained supplement intake experiencing less folate deficiency (P=.014). The non-comprehensive intervention group significantly decreased their protein and supplement intake compared to the intervention group. Patients in the comprehensive intervention had significantly better eating habits reflected by fewer episodes of dumping syndrome, constipation, and night eating, than those in the comparison group who reported greater eating in response to negative emotions (P=.003). These findings support the importance of a comprehensive educational approach to achieve more effective weight reduction and health-related outcomes to prevent relapse of obesity-related comorbidities and nutritional deficiencies in Hispanic-Americans 6 to 12 months following RYGB.
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Bariatric Surgery for Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisAlobaid, Abdulhakeem M. January 2013 (has links)
Obesity is the fifth leading cause of global deaths. The efficacy and safety of obesity treatment is still controversial. The objective of the thesis is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of bariatric surgery, through a systematic review of the current evidence and meta- analysis of important outcomes. Nineteen (19) randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with 1346 participants were included. Bariatric surgery resulted in greater weight loss when compared to non-surgical treatment. Weight loss was also associated with resolution and/or improvement of obesity related comorbidites such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and sleep apnea. Weight loss and safety varied across the surgical procedures. Biliopancreatic diversion/duodenal switch had the greatest weight loss, followed by sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, purely restrictive procedures such as vertical banded gastroplasty and adjustable gastric banding resulted in the least weight loss. Long term, high quality, and adequately powered trials are still needed to support the available evidence
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Frequência de transtornos mentais em pacientes obesos candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica por meio de Entrevista Clínica Estruturada para Transtornos do DSM (SCID-I/P) / Frequency of mental disorders among obese patients seeking bariatric surgery through the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders (SCID-I/P)Guerra, Leorides Severo Duarte 01 September 2014 (has links)
Antecedentes: Segundo as projeções da Organização Mundial de Saúde para o século XXI, as doenças não comunicáveis (DNT) serão responsáveis pelas maiores cargas das doenças no globo. As doenças cardiovasculares e os transtornos neuropsiquiátricos destacam-se como os dois principais grupos de agravos de saúde entre as DNT. O sobrepeso e a obesidade são considerados precursores e fatores agravantes de doenças cardiovasculares, cuja prevalência tem crescido ao redor do mundo, demandando esforços públicos para deter o seu crescimento e minimizar os seus efeitos deletérios. Os transtornos mentais, por sua vez, representam quase um terço das cargas da incapacitação resultante entre todas as DNT. O objetivo do presente trabalho é estimar a frequência de transtornos mentais numa amostra de indivíduos obesos que procuraram um hospital universitário com o intuito de se submeter à cirurgia bariátrica para controlar ou reduzir o excesso do peso corporal. Objetivo: Estimar, por meio de entrevista padronizada, a frequência de transtornos mentais e fatores correlacionados entre os pacientes obesos que procuram a cirurgia bariátrica. Métodos: Participaram do estudo 393 pacientes obesos grau III, candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica. Foram recrutados a partir de um centro universitário de cirurgia bariátrica. Clínicos treinados avaliaram os participantes por meio da Entrevista Clínica Estruturada para o DSM-IV Axis I Diagnóstico (SCID-I/P) e as seguintes escalas de avaliação: HCL (Manic Symptoms Checklist), MDQ (Mood Disorders Questionnarie), MADRS (Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale), M-A QoLII (Moorehead-Ardelt Quality of Life Questionnaire II). A amostra foi composta por 79,1% de mulheres; média de idade 43 anos e média de IMC: 47,8 kg/m². Resultados: A frequência de alguns transtornos mentais ao longo da vida foi 80,9% (81,7% homens e 80,7% mulheres). A taxa de frequência de transtornos mentais no momento da entrevista foi 57,8% (57,6% homens e 58,5% mulheres). Os transtornos afetivos foram os mais frequentes (64,9%), sendo os transtornos bipolares e os transtornos depressivos os mais comuns (35,6% e 29,3%). Entre os entrevistados que apresentaram quaisquer transtornos mentais ao longo da vida, cerca de metade da amostra apresentou três ou mais transtornos simultâneos. Os transtornos de ansiedade foram os diagnósticos mais frequentes (46,3%) entre os participantes com transtorno atual. Idade e nível educacional foram associados com a probabilidade de apresentar transtornos mentais no momento da entrevista. As escalas apresentaram boa consistência interna: sendo o alfa de Cronbach da HCL-32 de 0,9, MDQ 0,8, MADRS 0,9 e M-A QoLII 0,7. A HCL-32 e o MDQ demonstraram uma boa capacidade discriminativa para classificar corretamente os casos de transtorno bipolar. A HCL-32 apresentou área sob a curva (AUC) de 0,7 (IC 95% 0,7-0,8), quando comparado com os diagnósticos da SCID-I/P, com sensibilidade de 0,7 e especificidade 0,7. O melhor ponto de corte foi 16/17 para detectar transtorno bipolar II. Em relação à estrutura fatorial do HCL-32, a variabilidade dos dados foi melhor explicada por dois fatores relevantes: elação do humor e irritação/ativação. O MDQ apresentou sensibilidade de 0,8 e especificidade 0,6. O melhor ponto de corte foi 4/5 para detectar transtorno bipolar I, com AUC de 0,8 (IC 95% 0,7-0,9). A MADRS de 5 itens apresentou sensibilidade de 0,8 e especificidade 0,9. O melhor ponto de corte foi 10/11 para detectar sintomas depressivos e AUC de 0,9. De acordo com o M-A QoL II, cerca de 50% da amostra relatou estar satisfeita com sua qualidade de vida. Há uma correlação significativa entre as escalas utilizadas que variaram de 0,6 a -0,6. Conclusões: Os transtornos mentais são condições frequentes entre os pacientes obesos antes da cirurgia bariátrica. As altas taxas de transtornos mentais sugerem que ambas as condições podem apresentar relações causais de mutualidade ou compartilham fatores etiológicos comuns. Este estudo contribuiu para compreender a relação entre transtornos mentais e obesidade mórbida. Recomenda-se conduzir avaliação sistemática de pacientes obesos com instrumentos psicométricos padronizados no período pré-cirúrgico para detectar transtornos psiquiátricos, que podem interferir na recuperação e estabilização da qualidade de vida dos pacientes no período pósoperatório. Futuros estudos de seguimento serão necessários para verificar os possíveis fatores preditivos de prognóstico nesta população / Background: According to the World Health Organization\'s projections for the 21st. century, non-communicable diseases (NCD) will account for the largest burden of diseases in the world. Cardiovascular diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders stand out as the two main groups of health problems among the NCD. Overweight and obesity are considered precursors and aggravating factors of cardiovascular disease, whose prevalence has grown around the world, claiming for public efforts to stop its growth and minimize its harmful effects. Mental disorders, in turn, account for nearly one-third of the burden of disability resulting from all NCD. The aim of the present investigation is to estimate the frequency of mental disorders in a sample of obese individuals who sought a university hospital in order to undergo bariatric surgery to control or reduce the excess of body weight. Objective: To estimate, through a standardized interview, the frequency of mental disorders and correlated factors among obese patients seeking bariatric surgery. Methods: The sample was composed of 393 treatment-seeking obese patients (79.1% women; mean age 43.0 years, mean BMI: 47.8 kg/m2), who were recruited from a university-based bariatric center. Trained clinicians assessed the participants through the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Diagnosis (SCID-I/P). HCL (Manic Symptoms Cheklist), MDQ (Mood Disorders Questionnarie), MADRS (Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale), M-A QoLII (Moorehead-Ardelt Quality of Life Questionnaire II). Results: The lifetime rate of any mental disorders was 80.9% (81.7% men vs. 80.7% women). Lifetime affective disorders were the most frequent diagnosis (total 64.9%, bipolar disorders 35.6%, and depressive disorders 29.3%). Among those respondents presenting any lifetime mental disorders, about half of the sample presented 3 or more concurrent disorders. The rate of current frequency of any mental disorders was 57.8% (57.6% men vs. 58.5% women). Anxiety disorders were the most frequent diagnosis (46.3%) among those participants with a current disorder. Age and educational level were associated with the likelihood of presenting current mental disorders. The scales showed good internal consistency: the HCL - 32, Cronbach\'s alpha 0.9; MDQ 0.8, MADRS 0.9 and M-A QoL II 0.7. The HCL -32 and MDQ demonstrated good capacity discriminant to correctly classify cases of bipolar disorder. HCL -32 the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.7 (95 % CI 0.7-0.80, when compared to the diagnosis of SCID-I/P, with a sensitivity of 0.7 and specificity 0.7 . The best cutoff point was 16/17 to detect bipolar disorder II. In the factorial structure of the HCL -32, data variability was best explained by two important factors: elation of mood and irritation / activation. MDQ sensitivity was 0.80 and specificity 0.60. The best cutoff value of 4/ 5 for detecting bipolar disorder I, with AUC of 0.8 (95 % CI 0.7 to 0.9).The MADRS of 5 items had a sensitivity of 0.8 and specificity 0.9. The best cutoff point was 10/11 to detect depressive symptoms and AUC of 0.9. According to the MA QoL II, about 50% of the sample reported being satisfied with their quality of life. There is a significant correlation among the scales used, ranging from 0.6 to -0.6. Conclusions: Mental disorders are frequent conditions among obese patients before bariatric surgery. High rates of mental disorders suggest that both disorders might exert mutual causal relationships or share common etiological factors. This study may help to understand the relationship between mental disorders and obesity. Systematic evaluation of obese patients with standardized psychometric instruments in the pre-surgery period may clarify the existence of psychiatric disorders before the bariatric surgery. Often, some psychiatric disorders are detected only after the surgery, interfering with the recovery and stabilization of quality of life of patients in the post-operative period. Future follow-up studies are needed to verify the possible predictors of prognosis in this population
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