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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The complex network topology of trade in a globalized world

Maluck, Julian 30 August 2018 (has links)
Die Organisation von Handelsstrukturen bringt seit je her weitreichende soziale, politische sowie ökonomische Implikationen mit sich. Da die zugrundeliegenden Dynamiken von Handelssystemen a priori unbekannt sind bieten Konzepte aus der Theorie komplexer Systeme nützliche Werkzeuge, um neue Muster zu entdecken, sowie neue Hypothesen zu den Vorgängen innerhalb der Handelssysteme zu entwickeln. Einen nützlichen Ansatz stellen dabei komplexe Netzwerke dar, da Handelsströme zwischen ökonomischen Einheiten sinnvoll als Knoten und Verbindungen im Netzwerk darstellbar sind. In dieser Arbeit erweitern wir spezielle Methoden auf komplexen Netzwerken, um die Netzwerk-Topologie des Handels auf globaler und auf nationaler Ebene zu untersuchen. Auf dem Level einzelner Industriesektoren erhalten wir neue Einblicke in die topologische Struktur des internationalen Handelsnetzwerks. Dazu führen wir neue Netzwerkmaße ein, welche die Funktion von Knoten in Subgraphen unter dem Blickwinkel, dass das Gesamtsystem durch ein Netzwerk aus mehreren Subnetzwerken dargestellt wird, beschreiben. Im Zuge der Globalisierung gewinnen bilaterale Handelsabkommen bei Entscheidungsträgern an Aufmerksamkeit und werden in zunehmender Zahl verhandelt. Wir entwickeln in dieser Arbeit einen neuen Ansatz, um die Auswirkungen dieser Abkommen auf die beteiligten Ökonomien zu analysieren und zu quantifizieren. Weiterhin behandeln wir die Fragestellung, in welchem Maß Handel als ein Übermittler von Nachfrage- und Angebotsveränderungen auf andere Industrien angesehen werden kann. Schließlich betrachten wir Handelsnetzwerke auf der Ebene von einzelnen Firmen und beschreiben die Funktion von einzelnen Knoten, insbesondere deren Rolle innerhalb von 3er-Motiven. Obwohl alle Methoden und Maße, die wir im Zuge dieser Arbeit einführen, aus Fragen im Kontext des Handels motiviert sind, sind die methodischen Konzepte auf komplexe Netzwerke in anderen Forschungsrichtungen anwendbar. / The organization of trade and its patterns and structures have always had far reaching implications among social, political and economic dimensions. The underlying dynamics of trade systems are often a priori unknown and concepts from complex system theory provide useful tools to discover new patterns and to develop new hypotheses on the mechanisms of the system. Complex networks offer a particularly useful approach to trade systems, as trade flows between economic entities can be intuitively and meaningfully represented as nodes and links in a network. In this thesis, we extend specific methods of complex networks with a focus on the relations between different subnetworks to investigate the network topology of trade on both the global and national scale. On an aggregation level considering individual industries as nodes, we obtain new insights about the topological structure of the international trade network by introducing new network measures that characterize the roles of nodes in subnetworks from a network of networks perspective. During the process of globalization bilateral trade agreements have received rising attention among policy makers and have been negotiated at an increasing pace. Here, we develop a framework to analyze and quantify impacts of these agreements on the involved economies. A further question that we address is to what extent trade can be regarded as a mediator of demand and supply spillovers to other industries. Finally, we look into trade networks at the scale of individual business firms and describe the role of nodes with a focus on 3-node motifs. Although all new methods and measures introduced in this thesis are motivated by questions in the context of trade, the methodological concepts are widely applicable to complex networks of other research disciplines.

Around rationality of algebraic cycles / De la rationalité des cycles algébriques

Fino, Raphaël 03 October 2014 (has links)
Soient $X$ et $Y$ des variétés au dessus d’un corps $F$. Dans de nombreuses situations, il s’avère important de savoir si un cycle algébrique modulo équivalence rationnelle y sur Y, défini au dessus du corps des fonctions $F(X)$ de $X$, est en fait déjà défini au niveau du corps de base $F$. Dans cet essai, on traite de cette question, en faisant varier la variété $X$ parmi des variétés telles que des quadriques, des variétés projectives homogènes ou des espaces principaux homogènes. Dans chaque situation, on utilise des outils appropriés tels que les opérations de Steenrod, des résultats de décomposition motivique, ou certains invariants cohomologiques de groupes algébriques. / Let $X$ and $Y$ be some varieties over a field $F$. In many situations, it is important to know if an algebraic cycle modulo rational equivalence $y$ on $Y$ defined over the function field $F(X)$ of $X$ is actually defined over the base field $F$. In this dissertation, we study that matter, making the variety $X$ vary among varieties such as quadrics, projective homogeneous varieties or principal homogeneous spaces. In each situation, we use appropriate tools, such as Steenrod operations, motivic decomposition results or cohomological invariants of algebraic groups.

Invariants motiviques dans les corps valués / Motivic invariants in valued fields

Forey, Arthur 07 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à définir et étudier des invariants motiviques associés aux ensembles semi-algébriques dans les corps valués. Ceux-ci sont les combinaisons booléennes d'ensembles définis par des inégalités valuatives. L'outil principal que nous utilisons est l'intégration motivique, une forme de théorie de la mesure à valeurs dans le groupe de Grothendieck des variétés définies sur le corps résiduel. Dans une première partie, on définit la notion de densité locale motivique. C'est un analogue valuatif du nombre de Lelong complexe, de la densité réelle de Kurdyka-Raby et de la densité p-adique de Cluckers-Comte-Loeser. C'est un invariant métrique à valeurs dans un localisé du groupe de Grothendieck des variétés. Notre résultat principal est que cet invariant se calcule sur le cône tangent muni de multiplicités motiviques. On établit un analogue de la formule de Cauchy-Crofton locale. On montre enfin que dans le cas d'une courbe plane, la densité motivique est égale à la somme des inverses des multiplicités des branches. L'objet de la seconde partie est de définir un morphisme d'anneau du groupe de Grothendieck des ensembles semi-algébriques sur un corps valué K vers le groupe de Grothendieck de la catégorie d'Ayoub des motifs rigides analytiques sur K. On montre qu'il étend le morphisme qui envoie la classe d'une variété algébrique sur la classe de son motif cohomologique à support compact. Cela fournit donc une notion virtuelle de motif cohomologique à support compact pour les variétés rigides analytiques. On montre également un théorème de dualité permettant de comparer le motif cohomologique de la fibre de Milnor analytique avec la fibre de Milnor motivique. / This thesis is devoted to define and study some motivic invariants associated to semialgebraic sets in valued fields. They are boolean combinations of sets defined by valuative inequalities. Our main tool is the theory of motivic integration, which is a kind of measure theory with values in the Grothendieck group of varieties defined over the residue field. In the first part, we define the notion of motivic local density. It is a valuative analog of complex Lelong number, Kurdyka-Raby real density and p-adic density of Cluckers- Comte-Loeser. It is a metric invariant with values in a localization of the Grothendieck group of varieties. Our main result is that it can be computed on the tangent cone with motivic multiplicities. We also establish an analog of the local Cauchy-Crofton formula. We finally show that the density of a germ of plane curve defined over the residue field is equal to the sum of the inverses of the multiplicities of the formal branches of the curve. The goal of the second part is to define a ring morphism from the Grothendieck group of semi-algebraic sets defined over a valued field K to the Grothendieck group of Ayoub’s categoryof rigid analytic motives over K. We show that it extends the morphism sending the class of an algebraic variety to the class of its cohomological motive with compact support. This gives a notion of virtual cohomological motive with compact support for rigid analytic varieties. We also show a duality theorem allowing us to compare the cohomological motive of the analytic Milnor fiber with the motivic Milnor fiber.

Apport des paradigmes des Systèmes à Evènements Discrets pour la réduction du flux d’alarmes industrielles / Contribution of Discrete Event Systems paradigms for reducing industrial alarm flows

Laumonier, Yannick 28 November 2019 (has links)
Les systèmes d'alarmes jouent un rôle critique dans la bonne exploitation des installations industrielles modernes. Cependant, dans la plupart de ces systèmes, les alarmes ne sont pas toujours traitées correctement par les opérateurs car il y a régulièrement beaucoup trop d’alarmes à gérer, notamment lors des avalanches d’alarmes. Pour réduire le flux d'alarmes, notre approche consiste à détecter des redondances entre alarmes qui pourraient être supprimées. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous recherchons dans un premier temps les adjacences fréquentes entre les alarmes contenues dans un historique. Ceci est réalisé en adaptant l’algorithme de recherche de motifs fréquents AprioriAll. Nous explorons également une seconde méthode consistant à trouver des précédences systématiques. Pour les découvrir, nous identifions les relations de domination et de mutuelle dépendance contenues dans l’historique des alarmes. Pour faciliter l’analyse experte, les relations découvertes sont traduites sous la forme d’un réseau de Pétri.Ces deux méthodes sont ensuite confrontées à un historique d’alarmes industriel fourni par General Electric. Les résultats obtenus montrent que nos deux méthodes permettent une réduction globale du flux d'alarmes qui est plus importante durant les avalanches. / Alarm systems play an important role for the safe and efficient operation of modern industrial plants. However, in most of industrial alarm systems, alarm flows cannot always be correctly managed by the operators as they often turn into alarm floods, sequences of numerous alarms occurring in a short period of time. To reduce the alarm flows, this report focuses on detection of redundant alarms that could be removed. This objective is met by, first, looking for frequent adjacency in the alarm log. To identify them, the frequent pattern mining algorithm AprioriAll is adapted. Another way to find potentially redundant alarms is to look for systematic predecessors. To discover them, dominations and mutual dependencies contained in the alarm log are identified. To ease this analysis, the discovered relations are depicted in the form of Petri nets.Both those methods are then tested against an industrial alarm log made available by General Electric. The results show that both methods allow a reduction of the alarm flow, with the biggest reduction being during alarm floods.

Identification des motifs de voisinage conservés dans des contextes métaboliques et génomiques / Mining conserved neighborhood patterns in metabolic and genomic contexts

Zaharia, Alexandra 28 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de la biologie des systèmes et porte plus particulièrement sur un problème relatif aux réseaux biologiques hétérogènes. Elle se concentre sur les relations entre le métabolisme et le contexte génomique, en utilisant une approche de fouille de graphes.Il est communément admis que des étapes enzymatiques successives impliquant des produits de gènes situés à proximité sur le chromosome traduisent un avantage évolutif du maintien de cette relation de voisinage au niveau métabolique ainsi que génomique. En conséquence, nous choisissons de nous concentrer sur la détection de réactions voisines catalysées par des produits de gènes voisins, où la notion de voisinage peut être modulée en autorisant que certaines réactions et/ou gènes soient omis. Plus spécifiquement, les motifs recherchés sont des trails de réactions (c'est-à-dire des séquences de réactions pouvant répéter des réactions, mais pas les liens entre elles) catalysées par des produits de gènes voisins. De tels motifs de voisinage sont appelés des motifs métaboliques et génomiques.De plus, on s'intéresse aux motifs de voisinage métabolique et génomique conservés, c'est-à-dire à des motifs similaires pour plusieurs espèces. Parmi les variations considérées pour un motif conservé, on considère l'absence/présence de réactions et/ou de gènes, ou leur ordre différent.Dans un premier temps, nous proposons des algorithmes et des méthodes afin d'identifier des motifs de voisinage métabolique et génomique conservés. Ces méthodes sont implémentées dans le pipeline libre CoMetGeNe (COnserved METabolic and GEnomic NEighborhoods). À l'aide de CoMetGeNe, on analyse une sélection de 50 espèces bactériennes, en utilisant des données issues de la base de connaissances KEGG.Dans un second temps, un développement de la détection de motifs conservés est exploré en prenant en compte la similarité chimique entre réactions. Il permet de mettre en évidence une classe de modules métaboliques conservés, caractérisée par le voisinage des gènes intervenants. / This thesis fits within the field of systems biology and addresses a problem related to heterogeneous biological networks. It focuses on the relationship between metabolism and genomic context through a graph mining approach.It is well-known that succeeding enzymatic steps involving products of genes in close proximity on the chromosome translate an evolutionary advantage in maintaining this neighborhood relationship at both the metabolic and genomic levels. We therefore choose to focus on the detection of neighboring reactions being catalyzed by products of neighboring genes, where the notion of neighborhood may be modulated by allowing the omission of several reactions and/or genes. More specifically, the sought motifs are trails of reactions (meaning reaction sequences in which reactions may be repeated, but not the links between them). Such neighborhood motifs are referred to as metabolic and genomic patterns.In addition, we are also interested in detecting conserved metabolic and genomic patterns, meaning similar patterns across multiple species. Among the possible variations for a conserved pattern, the presence/absence of reactions and/or genes may be considered, or the different order of reactions and/or genes.A first development proposes algorithms and methods for the identification of conserved metabolic and genomic patterns. These methods are implemented in an open-source pipeline called CoMetGeNe (COnserved METabolic and GEnomic NEighborhoods). By means of this pipeline, we analyze a data set of 50 bacterial species, using data extracted from the KEGG knowledge base.A second development explores the detection of conserved patterns by taking into account the chemical similarity between reactions. This allows for the detection of a class of conserved metabolic modules in which neighboring genes are involved.

Compositions musicales à partir d'oeuvres visuelles basées sur l’émotion et le mouvement

Mongeau, Sophie-Agnès 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Motivy, obrazy a (auto)stylizace českého dekadentního symbolismu / Motifs, Images and (self)-Stylizations of Czech Decadent Symbolism

Fremrová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the decadent form of Czech symbolist literature at the turn of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The main task is to present a complex catalogue of motifs and images used by Czech decadents in their works and also to analyse the main methods and strategies they used - in particular interstatuality, also connected with the decadent effort to capture the uniqueness of each passing moment, and synaesthesia. The thesis also focuses on the radical individualism of decadent authors and its connection with both the motifs used and the symbolist style in itself - in the form of self-stylization of the decadent authors who tend to identify with their own works and become (even in real life) their own literal subjects. Because of the prominent visual aspect of decadent literature, the thesis also takes into consideration contemporary art works and the relations between words and images.

L'impact de la tradition dans le roman congolais de langue française (1969-1989): essai d'analyse sociocritique

Cibalabala Kalombo, Mutshipayi January 2000 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Biblické motivy v textech české pop music 60. a 70. let dvacátého století / Biblical motives in Czech pop music lyrics of 60s and 70s of the twentieth century

Makovcová Demartini, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "Biblical motifs in Czech pop music of the 1960s and the 1970s of the twentieth century: The function and using of biblical motifs for pop music lyrics with the original biblical background and message" introduces the academic framework of the topic within the first chapter: the definition of the terms, the criteria and method for selecting the motifs and lyrics used. Then, the position of Czech pop music in the cultural and political context of the period is explained, which is a relevant part of the topic itself. Also an outline of the academic reflection of the related topic is referred to as well as the function of biblical motifs in other styles of music (rock, folk and underground music) with the emphasis on the projection of the stylistic differences into using these topics for the lyrics. The following four chapters are probes into the pop music and biblical motifs issue.They are meant as the reflection of the the inner dynamics of the genre as well: in the second and third chapters the selected biblical motifs (general motifs, prayers, biblicisms and biblical characters) are enlisted and the anylysis of their funcion and using for various lyrics is provided in comparison with their biblical message and introducing the original loci in the B ible. The fourth chapter is focused on...

DC3, a Calcium-Binding Protein Important for Assembly of the Chlamydomonas Outer Dynein Arm: a Dissertation

Casey, Diane M. 23 May 2003 (has links)
The outer dynein arm-docking complex (ODA-DC) specifies the outer dynein arm-binding site on the flagellar axoneme. The ODA-DC of Chlamydomonas contains equimolar amounts of three proteins termed DC1, DC2, and DC3 (Takada et al., 2002). DC1 and DC2 are predicted to be coiled-coil proteins, and are encoded by ODA3 and ODA1, respectively (Koutoulis et al., 1997; Takada et al., 2002). Prior to this work, nothing was known about DC3. To fully understand the function(s) of the ODA-DC, a detailed analysis of each of its component parts is necessary. To that end, this dissertation describes the characterization of the smallest subunit, DC3. In Chapter II, I report the isolation and sequencing of genomic and full-length cDNA clones encoding DC3. The sequence predicts a 21,341 D protein with four EF hands that is a member of the CTER (Calmodulin, Troponin C, Essential and Regulatory myosin light chains) group and is most closely related to a predicted protein from Plasmodium. The DC3 gene, termed ODA14, is intronless. Chlamydomonas mutants that lack DC3 exhibit slow, jerky swimming due to loss of some but not all, outer dynein arms. Some outer doublet microtubules without arms had a "partial" docking complex, indicating that DC1 and DC2 can assemble in the absence of DC3. In contrast, DC3 cannot assemble in the absence of DC1 or DC2. Transformation of a DC3-deletion strain with the wild-type DC3 gene rescued both the motility phenotype and the structural defect, whereas a mutated DC3 gene was incompetent to rescue. The results indicate that DC3 is important for both outer arm and ODA-DC assembly. As mentioned above, DC3 has four EF-hands: two fit the consensus pattern for calcium binding and one contains two cysteine residues within its binding loop. To determine if the consensus EF-hands are functional, I purified bacterially expressed wild-type DC3 and analyzed its calcium-binding potential in the presence and absence of DTT and Mg2+. As reported in Chapter III, the protein bound one calcium ion with an affinity (Kd) of ~1 x 10-5 M. Calcium binding was observed only in the presence of DTT and thus is redox sensitive. DC3 also bound Mg2+ at physiological concentrations, but with a much lower affinity. Changing the essential glutamate to glutamine in both EF-hands eliminated the calcium-binding activity of the bacterially expressed protein. To investigate the role of the EF hands in vivo, I transformed the modified DC3 gene into a Chlamydomonas insertional mutant lacking DC3. The transformed strain swam normally, assembled a normal number of outer arms, and had a normal photoshock response, indicating that the E to Q mutations did not affect ODA-DC assembly, outer arm assembly, or Ca2+-mediated outer arm activity. Thus, DC3 is a true calcium-binding protein, but the function of this activity remains obscure. In Chapter IV, I report the initial characterization of a DC3 insertional mutant having a phenotype intermediate between that of the DC3-deletion strain and wild type. Furthermore, I suggest future experiments that may help elucidate the specific role of DC3 in outer arm assembly and ODA-DC function. Lastly, I speculate that the ODA-DC may play a role in flagellar regeneration.

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