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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Individualių gyvenamųjų namų rinkos analizė Alytaus rajone / Analysis On The Market Of Dwelling Houses In Alytus District

Karlonas, Marius 03 June 2009 (has links)
Nekilnojamojo turto rinkos tyrimai yra svarbūs žemės reformos metu privatizuojant valstybinę žemę, nekilnojamojo turto apmokestinimui, sudarant nekilnojamojo turto sandorius, nustatant realią turto vertę. Skirtingos rūšies nekilnojamasis turtas savo fizinėmis bei teisinėmis savybėmis skiriasi, todėl, atliekant nekilnojamojo turto analizę, būtina žinoti vertinamojo turto rūšį ir ją apibūdinančias savybes. Pagal vieną metodiką sistemą ir skalę įvertintą nekilnojamąjį turtą galima tarpusavyje palyginti. Turėdami nekilnojamojo turto įvertinimą, išreikštą tam tikrais jo naudingumą vaizduojančiais skaičiais (balais), žinosime kiek kartų, keliais procentais ir balais vienos kokybės, vienodų teisinių ir techninių charakteristikų nekilnojamasis turtas yra geresnis ar blogesnis už kitos kokybės nekilnojamąjį turtą. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad didžiausią reikšmę individualių gyvenamųjų namų vertei turi pastatų įvertinimo veiksniai, sklypo teritorinis išsidėstymas, rinkos konjunktūra, mažiausią reikšmę - sklypo patrauklumas, oro, aplinkos užterštumo, triukšmo lygis. Galima prognozuoti, kad artimiausius kelerius metus viso nekilnojamojo turto kainos kasmet mažės nuo 5 iki 10 %. Alytaus rajone didžiausia individualių gyvenamųjų namų pasiūla yra balandžio - rugpjūčio mėnesiais, o mažiausia lapkričio - vasario mėnesiais. 2003 - 2004 metais nekilnojamojo turto kainos didėjo. Pasiūlos kainos šiek tiek aukštesnės nei kainos, gautos atlikus daugiakriterinį nekilnojamojo turto vertinimą taip... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Investigations of the real property market are very important while privatising state-owned land during the land reform as well as for the real property taxation, while making real property agreements and defining the real property value. The real property of different types differs in its physical and legal characteristics, therefore, while carrying out the analysis of the real property, the type of the valuated property and characteristics defining it should be known. The evaluated real property could be compared according to one method, system and scale as well as between them. Having the evaluation of the real property, expressed in particular numbers (points) representing its usefulness, we will be aware of how many times, in how many percents or points the real property of the same quality, the same legal and technical characteristics is better or worse than that of other quality. After the investigation it has been determined that the biggest influence on the value of individual dwelling-houses has building evaluation criterion, territorial distribution of parcels, market conjuncture, and the smallest one has attractiveness of parcel, air and environmental pollution, noise level. One can prognosticate that the real property prices at an early date will increase from 5 to 10%. The biggest supply of individual dwelling-houses in Alytus district is during the period of April - August, and the smallest one - during the period of November - February. During the period of 20... [to full text]

A Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Risk Assessment Model for Carbon Capture and Storage

Choptiany, John, Michael, Humphries 29 November 2012 (has links)
Currently several disparate and incomplete approaches are being used to analyse and make decisions on the complex methodology of carbon capture and storage (CCS). A literature review revealed that, as CCS is a new and complex technology, there is no agreed-upon thorough assessment method for high-level CCS decisions. Therefore, a risk model addressing these weaknesses was created for assessing complex CCS decisions using a multi-criteria decision analysis approach (MCDA). The model is aimed at transparently and comprehensively assessing a wide variety of heterogeneous CCS criteria to provide insights into and to aid decision makers in making CCS-specific decisions. The risk model includes a variety of tools to assess heterogeneous CCS criteria from the environmental, social, economic and engineering fields. The model uses decision trees, sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulation in combination with utility curves and decision makers’ weights to assess decisions based on data and situational uncertainties. Elements in the model have been used elsewhere but are combined here in a novel way to address CCS decisions. Three case studies were developed to run the model in scenarios using expert opinion, project-specific data, literature reviews, and engineering reports from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Europe. In collaboration with Alberta Innovates Technology Futures, a pilot study was conducted with CCS experts in Alberta to assess how they would rank the importance of CCS criteria to a project selection decision. The MCDA model was run using experts’ criteria weights to determine how CCS projects were ranked by different experts. The model was well received by the CCS experts who believed that it could be adapted and commercialized to meet many CCS decision problems. The survey revealed a wide range in experts’ understanding of CCS criteria. Experts also placed more emphasis on criteria from within their field of expertise, although economic criteria dominated weights overall. The results highlight the benefit of a model that clearly demonstrates the trade-offs between projects under uncertain conditions. The survey results also revealed how simple decision analyses can be improved by including more transparent methods, interdisciplinary criteria and sensitivity analysis to produce more comprehensive assessments.

Reconciling food production and biodiversity in farmlands : the role of agricultural intensity and its spatial allocation

Teillard d'Eyry, Félix 31 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
During the past several decades, agricultural intensification has been crucial to increase the food supply. Several processes related to intensification are very detrimental to the environment, particularly biodiversity. Today, agriculture is facing the challenge of satisfying its demand for food while improving its environmental sustainability. Knowledge of the shape of the relationship between biodiversity and intensity is necessary to determine both where conservation policies will be most effective and how to allocate intensity to reconcile production and biodiversity. Few empirical studies on this relationship exist, and the influence of the spatial arrangement of intensity on biodiversity remains untested. This Ph.D. thesis determined how to target both agricultural intensity and its spatial allocation for meeting production and conservation objectives of farmlands. To answer this research question, we used a country-scaled approach that combined two France-scaled databases that describe agriculture and farmland birds. We characterized a nationwide gradient of agricultural intensity and studied a farmland bird community along this gradient, using several trait-based descriptors (specialization, trophic level, and species main habitat). Agricultural intensity and bird communities were described at the Small Agricultural Region (SAR; mean width = 22.4 km) level. As a first step, we developed a novel method to estimate an intensity indicator that was based on Input Costs/ha, with SAR resolution. This indicator provides a continuous intensity measure that is relevant across different types of agricultural systems. Secondly, we investigated the effects of a gradient of land uses (grassland to arable land) and its heterogeneity on the bird community. We found habitat specialists suffered from habitat loss, while generalists benefited from heterogeneity. Thirdly, we showed that the community responded significantly to intensity, with winner species replacing loser species along the gradient. The shift between losers and winners was sharper at low intensities. Interestingly, spatial aggregation of intensity had a strengthening effect on the bird community. Finally, the relationships linking intensity to the bird community, food production, and economic performance were integrated into a model aimed at optimizing intensity allocation. Optimal allocations reached win-no-lose solutions with the three criteria. They corresponded to targeted intensity modifications: many small changed, favoring homogeneous, extensive clusters, were optimal within an extensification scenario; while a few large changes, favoring heterogeneity, were optimal within an intensification scenario. We provide one of the first studies demonstrating that spatial aggregation of intensity can influence the biodiversity/intensity relationship. Our results also provide an opportunity to improve the effectiveness of conservation policies, at national scales, with spatial targeting: opposite targeting should be performed either to maximize biodiversity benefits or to increase production, while mitigating biodiversity impacts. Our results highlight the importance of mixed allocation strategies between land sparing/sharing extremes. In order to put these opportunities into effect, further research should address the technical solutions that achieve intensity modification at the farm level and design targeted policies that benefit biodiversity and other environmental criteria

Systematisk bedömning av våtmarksväxter som substrat för biogasproduktion

Haglund, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
Två miljöproblem idag är ökade koncentrationer av växthusgaser i atmosfären och övergödning. Därför är två utmaningar att reducera utsläppen av växthusgaser och flöden av näringsämnen. Ytterligare en utmaning är att trygga energiförsörjningen i en värld där efterfrågan på energi ökar. Nya förnybara energikällor behöver utvecklas både för att trygga energiförsörjningen men även för att minska användandet av fossil energi. En förnybar energikälla är biogas som kan användas till el, värme och fordonsgas. Det förutspås att substrat för biogasproduktion kommer vara en bristvara i framtiden, därför behöver nya substrat utvärderas. Våtmarksväxter är ett alternativt substrat för biogasproduktion och utvärderades i den här studien. Våtmarker och dess växter är intressanta att studera eftersom de kan reducera koncentrationen näringsämnen som når sjöar och hav och kan därför bidra till att minska problemen med övergödning.    Studien genomfördes inom ett projekt vid Biogas Research Center och var en litteraturstudie med studie av ett fall. Metoden som användes har arbetats fram i projektet och är en multikriteriaanalys, (MCA), vilket innebär att det är flera olika områden som studeras. Områdena tar hänsyn till biologiska, ekonomiska, kemiska, miljömässiga och tekniska aspekter. För att strukturera upp informationen användes en matris som bestod av de olika huvudområdena som studerades. För att tydliggöra möjligheter och hinder gjordes en semi-kvalitativ bedömning av varje huvudområde.   Fallet som studerades var en våtmark i odlingslandskapet. Våtmarken är 5 ha och återskapades för några år sedan för att fungera som kväve- och fosforkälla. Det finns ingen växtlighet i våtmarken eftersom den är relativt ny. De växter som studerades under studien var därför växter som är tänkbara att växa i våtmarken i framtiden. Växterna som studerades var vass, rörflen och bredkaveldun. I våtmarken finns möjlighet att reglera vattennivån och därmed tömma den på vatten för att underlätta skörd.   Resultatet visade att den teknik som finns idag för skörd och sönderdelning behöver utvecklas eftersom den inte motsvarar de krav som ställs. Det finns olika tekniker för rötning och eftersom växterna har hög torrsubstanshalt är torrötning att föredra eller ett tvåstegssystem där första steget är torrötning. En våtmark ger en relativt liten mängd biomassa och därför passar det bättre att röta växterna tillsammans med andra substrat till exempel på en gårdsbiogasanläggning.   Våtmarksväxter är inte godkända substrat för certifiering av biogödsel, vilket kan vara ett hinder. Biogödseln har även ett lågt värde eftersom växterna innehåller låg halt näringsämnen. Våtmarker reducerar mängden näringsämnen och skörd kan bidra till att retentionen av fosfor ökar. Samtidigt avger våtmarker metan och lustgas som påverkar växthuseffekten.  Idag finns det ingen ekonomisk lönsamhet att skörda våtmarker. Ett system där ersättning fås för miljönyttan som skörd ger är ett alternativ för att öka lönsamheten. / Two environmental problems today are the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and eutrophication.  Therefore, two challenges are reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fluxes of nutrients. Another challenge is to secure the energy supply in a world where energy demand is increasing. New renewable energy sources need to be developed both to secure the energy supply, but also to reduce the use of fossil energy. A renewable energy source is biogas that can be used for electricity, heating and as vehicle fuel. It is predicted that substrate for biogas production will be a limitation in the future, therefore, new substrate need to be evaluated. Wetland plants are an alternative substrate for biogas production and evaluated in this study.  Wetlands and it is plants are interesting to study because they can reduce the concentration of nutrients and therefore help to reduce the problem of eutrophication.  The study was performed within a project at Biogas Research Center and was a literature study with the study of a case. The method used has been developed in the project and is a Multi Criteria Assessment (MCA), which means that there are several different areas being studied. Areas taking into account the biological, economic, chemical, environmental and technological aspects. In order to structure the data, a matrix consisting of the different key areas was used. To clarify the opportunities and obstacles a semi-qualitative assessment was done for each key area. The case studied was a wetland in an agricultural landscape. The wetland is 5 ha and was constructed a few years ago to work as nitrogen and phosphorous trap. There is no vegetation in the wetland because it is relatively new. The plants that were studied during the study was therefore plants that are potential to grow in the wetland in the future. The studied plants were reed, reed canary grass and cattail. In the wetland it is possible to regulate the water and thereby drain the water to facilitate harvesting.   The results showed that the technology available today for the harvesting and chopping needs to be developed because it does not meet the required standards. There are various techniques for digestion, but since the dry matter is high for the plants dry fermentation is preferable, or a two-stage system in which the first step is dry digestion. A wetland provides a relatively small amount of biomass and therefore it is better to co-digest the plants on a farm biogas plant.  Wetland plants are not approved substrates for certification of bio fertilizer, which can be an obstacle. The bio fertilizer also has a low value because the plants contain low levels of nutrients.Wetlands reduce the amount of nutrients and harvest of wetland plants contributes to the retention of phosphorus increases. Wetlands emit methane and nitrous oxide that affect global warming.Today, there is no economic viability of harvesting wetlands. A system in which compensation is obtained for the environmental benefit that harvest provides is an option to increase profitability.

Urban congestion charging : road pricing as a traffic reduction measure / W. Heyns

Heyns, Werner January 2005 (has links)
Urban traffic congestion is recognised as a major problem by most people in world cities. However, the implementation of congestion reducing measures on a wide scale eludes most world cities suffering from traffic congestion, as many oppose the notion of road pricing and despite economists and transportation professionals having advocated its benefits for a number of decades. The effects of road pricing have attracted considerable attention from researchers examining its effects, as it is thought to hold the key in understanding and overcoming some inherent obstacles to implementation. Unfortunately, many of the attempts consider the effects in isolation and with hypothetical, idealised and analytical tools, sometimes loosing sight of the complexities of the problem. This research empirically investigates the effects of road pricing in London, and identifies factors, which may prove to sustain it as a traffic reduction instrument. The results indicate that an integrated approach has to be developed and implemented, based upon the recognition of local perceptions, concerns, aspirations and locally acceptable solutions, if the acceptance of road pricing is to be improved. The key to dealing with the effects of road pricing, is to encourage a concerted effort by various stakeholders developing strategies considering a range of differing initiatives, coordinating and managing them in the realm of the political-economic context in which they exist. / Thesis (M.Art. et Scien. (Town and Regional Planning))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

Ανάπτυξη διαδικτυακής πλατφόρμας συνεργασίας για το [sic] σχεδιασμό και την αξιολόγηση προϊόντων / Web-based platform for collaborative product design and evaluation

Σμπαρούνης, Κωνσταντίνος 23 January 2012 (has links)
Στη βιομηχανία, το σημερινό παγκόσμιο επιχειρησιακό περιβάλλον, χαρακτηρίζεται από πρωτοφανή ανταγωνισμό και απαιτητικούς πελάτες, οι οποίοι επιζητούν καινοτόμες και ταχείες λύσεις. Η κατανόηση και η βελτιστοποίηση των διαδικασιών σχεδιασμού θεωρείται ακρογωνιαίος λίθος επιτυχίας σε ένα τόσο γρήγορα εξελισσόμενο περιβάλλον. Η ελαχιστοποίηση του χρόνου εισαγωγής ενός προϊόντος στην αγορά και η διατήρηση της ποιότητας του, σε υψηλά επίπεδα, έχουν γίνει οι κύριοι παράγοντες της επιτυχίας του. Για αυτό το λόγο, κρίθηκε επιτακτική η ανάγκη ύπαρξης ενός συνεργατικού διαδικτυακού εργαλείου για το σχεδιασμό των εκάστοτε προϊόντων. Στη παρούσα εργασία, σχεδιάστηκε και υλοποιήθηκε μια Διαδικτυακή Πλατφόρμα Συνεργασίας (ΔΠΣ), η οποία παρέχει τη δυνατότητα συνεργασίας μεταξύ πολλών απομακρυσμένων χρηστών, σε πραγματικό χρόνο, πάνω στο σχεδιασμό και την αξιολόγηση ενός προϊόντος. Σκοπός της εργασίας ήταν να δημιουργηθεί μια αποδοτική, αξιόπιστη και εύκολη στο χειρισμό της Διαδικτυακή Πλατφόρμα, για την εποπτεία, αξιολόγηση και επικύρωση του σχεδιασμού ενός προϊόντος, σε όλες τις φάσεις της ανάπτυξης του. Λειτουργίες, όπως η διαχείριση χρηστών, έργων, ρόλων και αρχείων, αναπτύχθηκαν και ενσωματώθηκαν σε μια ολοκληρωμένη πλατφόρμα, που επιτρέπει στους χρήστες να εργάζονται κατά τρόπο συνεργατικό και κατανεμημένο, μειώνοντας έτσι αρκετά το χρόνο που απαιτείται για την ολοκλήρωση της φάσης σχεδιασμού των προϊόντων. Στην εργασία αυτή, παρουσιάστηκαν και εκτιμήθηκαν οι δυνατότητες που παρέχει η συνδυασμένη χρήση της Java, των σχεσιακών συστημάτων βάσεων δεδομένων, σε ένα περιβάλλον τριών επιπέδων (3-tier), για την υλοποίηση ολοκληρωμένων πληροφοριακών συστημάτων. Η τεχνολογία που χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την κατασκευή του συστήματος είναι η Java σαν γλώσσα προγραμματισμού, η οποία επιτρέπει στο σύστημα να εγκαθίσταται σε πολλά διαφορετικά περιβάλλοντα, η Oracle για την αποθήκευση των δεδομένων, η JSP για την ανάπτυξη δυναμικών ιστοσελίδων, ο Tomcat ως web server καθώς και η XML για την επικοινωνία και την ανταλλαγή δεδομένων στα υπάρχοντα συστήματα. Οι μέθοδοι και οι προσεγγίσεις που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν είναι γενικές και έτσι υπάρχει η δυνατότητα να εφαρμοστούν σε πολλούς και διαφορετικούς μεταξύ τους οργανισμούς. / In industry, the current world operational environment, is characterized by unprecedented competition and demanding customers, who seek innovative and rapid solutions. The comprehension and optimization of the design processes are considered the corner stone of success in such a rapidly evolving environment. Minimizing the time that a product enters into the market and the maintenance of its quality at high levels, have become the main factors of its success. For this reason, there was an imperative need for the existence of a collaborative web tool for the designing of each product. In the present work, a Collaborative Web Platform (CWP), which enables the collaboration among several users, in real time, on the design and the evaluation of a product or production procedure, has been designed and implemented for remote users. The aim of this work was that an efficient, reliable and easy to use system for collaborative design be created, for the monitoring, evaluation and ratification of designing, in all of the stages of a product’s development. Operations of web collaboration, as is the management of users, roles, tasks and files, were developed and they were incorporated into an integrated platform that allowed the users to work in a collaborative and distributed way, thus decreasing considerably the time, required for the completion of the design stage. In this work, the possibilities provided by the combined use of Java and the relational data bases systems, in a three-level environment for the implementation of integrated informative systems, have been evaluated. The technologies used for the implementation of the system was Java, as a programming language, which allows for the system to be installed in a lot of different environments, Oracle for the storage of data, the JSP for the development of dynamic web pages, the Apache Tomcat, as a web server, as well as the XML language for the communication and the exchange of data in the existing systems. The methods and approaches used are general and thus, there exists the possibility that they be applied to several organizations that are different from each other.

Comparing the Outcomes of Two Decision Support Models: The Analytical Hierarchy Process and Pugh Matrix Analysis : Using an actual multi-criteria decision-making situation / Jämförande av två beslutsstödjande modellers utfall: den Analytiska hierarkiska processen och Pughs matris analys : Med hjälp av en verklig multikriteriebeslutsfattande situation

Thorén, Lina, Burgren, Madeleine January 2015 (has links)
Since businesses are constantly changing, making right decisions is a critical factor in order to achieve good results. In the thesis, two different decision support models are tested and the outcome is compared. This is done in cooperation with a company, Åmotfors Energi, who is facing a decision on how they can make use of their 30 GWh heat which they today do not have a paying customer for. Nine alternatives are used in the models and evaluated with seventeen different criteria. The purpose of this study is to compare and interpret the outcomes of two decision support models: the Analytical Hierarchy Process and Pugh Matrix Analysis. The purpose is also to investigate the main factors that influence the outcome of the models. The main research strategy was to use experimental design where three experts with various technical skills have scored the alternatives in both models. The alternatives have been carefully developed through an idea generation and idea selection phase. The results show that the models give different result when it comes to ranking the alternatives, both between the models and between the different experts. The empirical findings establish that the outcome from the models should be interpreted that the lowest scored alternatives can be eliminated for further research. The alternatives with the highest score should be further investigated before a decision could be made. Furthermore, what mainly affects the result is based on human factors. / Företag står inför ständiga förändringar och att fatta rätt beslut ses som en kritisk faktor för att uppnå goda resultat. I denna uppsats testas två beslutsstödjande modeller där utfallet av dem jämförs. Detta görs med hjälp av företaget Åmotfors Energi som står inför ett beslut om hur de kan använda deras 30 GWh värme som de i dagsläget inte har någon betalande kund för. Nio alternativ används i modellerna och utvärderas med sjutton uppsatta kriterier. Syftet med denna studie är att testa, jämföra och tolka resultatet från två beslutsstödjande modeller, den Analytiska Hierarkiska Processen och Pughs Matris Analys. Syftet är också att utreda vilka huvudfaktorer som påverkar utfallet av modellerna. Den huvudsakliga forskningsstrategin var ett experiment tre experter med olika tekniska färdigheter har poängsatt de olika alternativen i modellerna. Alternativen är omsorgsfullt framtagna genom en idégenereringsfas och en idéurvalsfas. Resultaten visar att modellerna ger olika resultat när det kommer till att rangordna alternativen, både vid jämförelsen mellan modellerna men även mellan experterna. Den empiriska studien visar att resultatet från modellerna bör tolkas som att de lägst rankade alternativen kan uteslutas, och de högst rankade alternativen bör utvärderas vidare innan ett besluta kan tas. Det som huvudsakligen påverkar resultatet baseras på mänskliga faktorer.

A simplified numerical decision making toolbox for physical asset management decisions

Burnett, Sulene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The management of physical assets has become a popular eld of study over recent years and is being acknowledged in multiple disciplines world wide. In this project, research on Physical Asset Management (PAM), maintenance and decision making are presented. PAM is a complex subject and requires the participation of multiple disciplines in order to successfully manage physical assets. Moreover, the management of maintenance makes a big contribution in achieving successful PAM. Decision making is a core element to manage maintenance e ciently, both on strategic and operational level. Various methods and techniques can be used to aid the decision making process such as, using past experience, xed decision making techniques and techniques involving numerical calculations, to mention only a few. However, using numerical calculations to make decisions are not very popular. This is due to various reasons, for example the inherent complexity of the mathematics and the time required to execute such calculations are disliked. People tend to avoid complex numerical calculations and rather rely on past experience and discussion of circulating opinions to make decisions. This is not ideal and can lead to inconsistent and inaccurate decisions. In this project, the importance of numerical decision making is researched, especially in maintenance related decisions. The focus is placed on the simpli cation of numerical decision making techniques with the aim to make it easy and quick to use to support operational PAM decisions. Di erent decisions regarding PAM, especially decisions with regards to managing maintenance in order to achieve PAM, are discussed by means of a literature study. This is done to clarify the applicability of using numerical decision making techniques to support this type of decisions. A few di erent available numerical techniques are highlighted that can be used to support the decision making process. The decisions together with numerical decision making techniques are evaluated in order to combine the most appropriate techniques in a simpli ed manner. The purpose of this is that it can be used by anyone with the necessary knowledge of a speci c system or operation. As a result a simpli ed numerical decision making toolbox is developed that can support maintenance related decision. This toolbox is applied to a real life situation by means of a case study, made possible by Anglo American Platinum Limited (Amplats). An evaluation and validation of the toolbox is done through the case study to conclude wether it has value in practice or not. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bestuur van siese bates het die afgelope paar jaar 'n gewilde studieveld geword en word erken in verskeie dissiplines reg oor die w^ereld. In hierdie projek word navorsing gedoen oor Fisiese Bate Bestuur (FBB), instandhouding en besluitneming. FBB is 'n komplekse onderwerp en vereis die deelname van verskeie dissiplines om sukses te behaal. Die bestuur van instandhouding maak 'n groot bydrae tot suksesvolle FBB. 'n Kern element van doeltre ende instandhouding is besluitneming, beide op strategiese en operasionele vlak. Verskillende metodes en tegnieke kan gebruik word om die besluitnemingsproses te ondersteun soos byvoorbeeld om gebruik te maak van ondervinding en vorige gebeurtenisse, vaste besluitnemingstegnieke, tegnieke wat numeriese berekeninge gebruik en nog meer. Die gebruik van numeriese metodes om besluite te neem is nie baie gewild nie. Dit is as gevolg van verskeie redes soos byvoorbeeld die inherente kompleksiteit en ingewikkeldheid van die wiskunde en ook die tyd wat benodig word om sulke berekeninge uit te voer. Mense is geneig om ingewikkelde numeriese berekeninge te vermy en eerder staat te maak op vorige ervaring en die bespreking van menings om besluite te neem. Dit is nie ideaal nie en kan lei tot onkonsekwente besluite, of selfs verkeerde besluite. In hierdie projek is die belangrikheid van numeriese besluitneming nagevors, veral in die onderhoudsverwante besluite. Die fokus word geplaas op die vereenvoudiging van die numeriese besluitnemings tegnieke. Die doel is om dit op so 'n manier te vereenvoudig dat dit maklik en vinnig is om te gebruik vir operasionele FBB besluite. Verskillende besluite oor FBB, veral besluite met betrekking tot instandhouding om suksesvolle FBB te bereik, word bespreek deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie. Die literatuurstudie ondersoek die toepaslikheid van die gebruik van numeriese besluitnemingstegnieke vir hierdie soort besluite. 'n Paar verskillende beskikbare numeriese tegnieke wat gebruik kan word om die besluitnemingsproses te ondersteun word uitgelig. Die besluite, saam met numeriese besluitnemingtegnieke, word ge evalueer om die mees gepaste tegnieke te kombineer in 'n vereenvoudigde manier. Uiteindelik moet dit deur enige iemand met die nodige kennis van 'n spesi eke stelsel of proses gebruik kan word. As resultaat is 'n vereenvoudigde numeriese besluitnemingstegniekkombinasie ontwikkel wat besluite verwant aan instandhouding kan ondersteun. Hierdie tegniek-kombinasie word toegepas in 'n werklike situasie deur middel van 'n gevallestudie, wat moontlik gemaak is deur Anglo American Platinum Limited. 'n Evaluering en validering van die tegniek-kombinasie word gedoen in die gevallestudie om te bepaal of dit wel waarde het in die praktyk of nie.

Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of Wind Power Community Benefit Schemes

Leach, Christopher January 2018 (has links)
Community benefit schemes in the context of wind power are increasingly provisioned by developers as a means of generating local socio-economic and environmental value, fostering social relations and strengthening acceptance. Determining an appropriate and effective benefit scheme can prove challenging, given the variation of exposed stakeholders, diversity in schemes and the lack of decision making guidance. A multi-criteria decision aid framework for identifying the most appropriate scheme(s) for a hypothetical wind power project is developed. The framework is based on AHP and PROMETHEE II decision support tool, where six (6) alternative schemes are assessed using the preferences of five (5) stakeholders and their relevant criteria. The framework was applied to a fictitious development on the island of Gotland. Results from the applied example indicate that the most locally suited outcome was the ownership based models. It is anticipated that the methodological framework can help identify the scheme(s) that respond to the needs and preferences of the locality. Moreover, a decision making platform of this nature can provide practical support to developers, communities and local authorities, and contribute to a more effective and efficient development and negotiation process surrounding community benefit schemes.

Proposition de scénarios de gestion raisonnée des déchets en vue de leur valorisation énergétique / Establishment of an energy recovery sequence of wastes in Reunion island

Hatik, Christelle 11 December 2015 (has links)
La société de consommation dans laquelle nous évoluons est génératrice de beaucoup de pollutions notamment de déchets. Cette croissance exponentielle de détritus nous amène à reconsidérer nos habitudes de consommation et notre vision du système actuel. C'est dans une réelle prise de conscience des dégâts occasionnés que nous pourrons agir pour améliorer ces failles dans un but optimisation et de performances. C'est pourquoi nous avons choisi d'étudier la gestion des déchets afin de pouvoir répondre à ces objectifs et proposer des scénarios de gestion et de traitement des déchets adaptés aux territoires étudiés. Pour mener à bien cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'île de la Réunion permettant ainsi à contribuer au développement des territoires insulaires. Autour de cette problématique, nous nous sommes attachés principalement à développer une démarche méthodologique permettant de composer différents scénarios de déchets. Afin de réaliser la création des scénarios, nous avons mis en œuvre un outil de simulation et de modélisation de traitement et de gestion des déchets. Pour cela, nous avons développé une méthode, une approche descriptive qui nous permet de présenter de manière intelligible toutes les entités qui composent le système de traitement des déchets ainsi que les flux de matière et d'énergie qui interfèrent avec les systèmes observés. Nous commençons par une phase d'identification où toutes les entités observées (flux et systèmes) sont clairement définies, nous poursuivons la description par une phase de caractérisation où nous définissons et renseignons tous les paramètres d'observation des flux et des systèmes. Sur cette base, nous avons mis au point un outil de simulation de gestion et de traitement des déchets. La conception de l'outil nécessite donc une connaissance précise des éléments constituant chacun des niveaux d'observation étudiés. Cette observation du système par l'observation des flux nous a permis de mettre en évidence les phases de traitement autour des étapes de stockage, de transport et de transformation. C'est notamment au travers de ces indices qu'il nous a été possible d'identifier les paramètres de gestion à considérer afin de répondre à nos problématiques de coûts et d'environnement. À ce stade, l'outil permet une acquisition de données détaillées à toutes les phases de gestion afin d'établir un certain nombre de scénarii de gestion des déchets. Une fois les scénarios mis en œuvre dans l'outil, une analyse multicritères développée à partir de l'outil de calcul PROMETHEE est réalisée afin permettre le classement des différentes alternatives possibles dans un but d'aide à la décision. Cette analyse s'est avérée pertinente dans le choix des meilleurs scénarios de gestion et de traitement des déchets. Et nous permet de conduire une réflexion la moins orientée possible afin d'assurer une bonne crédibilité des choix et décisions à retenir. / Today's consumer society is generating a lot of pollution and waste . The exponential growth of garbage must lead us to rethink the way we consume and the way we consider the current system. Raising awareness of the damage is the best way to improve the situation so as to achieve better and more efficient results. That is why we chose to study waste management, to answer these objectives and to establish waste management scenarios adapted to a specific territory, here Reunion Island. Thereby, this study will contribute to the general development of insular territories. For the study, we have implemented a methodology allowing us to build waste management scenarios. To create these, we have developed a simulation and modelization tool for waste treatment and waste management. The methodology is organized in two parts: i) A description phase and ii) A quantification phase for each scenario of waste management. i) The description phase enables us to know and classify all the entities that compose the waste treatment system as well as raw flow and energy flow. For this, each part of a scenario can be divided into elementary components to simplify their creation. ii) The quantification phase is operational once all flows and entities are identified. This phase consists in defining and quantify all the parameters (flows and entities).Afterwards, we have developed a simulation and modelization tool for waste treatment and waste management to create scenarios. Each scenario requires environmental, economic and social parameters. At this stage, we can collect data for all management phases and establish a panel of scenarios. After scenarios are integrated in the tool, we can do a multi-criteria analysis to classify all possible alternatives that will help decision making. This analysis has proved relevant for choosing the best management and waste treatment scenarios. It also allows us to conduct a study that is as little oriented as possible, so as to ensure the reliability of the choices and decisions that will be selected.

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