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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Méthode pour l’établissement d’une liste de médicaments remboursables dans le cadre du nouveau programme d’assurance-médicaments en Côte d’Ivoire

Diaby, Vakaramoko 06 1900 (has links)
Contexte général La Côte d'Ivoire est un pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest qui a décidé, depuis 2001, d'étendre la couverture des prestations de santé à toute sa population. En effet, cette réforme du système de santé avait pour but de fournir, à chaque ivoirien, une couverture médicale et pharmaceutique. Toutefois, la mise en œuvre de cette réforme était difficile car, contrairement aux pays développés, les pays en développement ont un secteur « informel » échappant à la législation du travail et occupant une place importante. En conséquence, il a été recommandé qu’il y ait deux caisses d'assurance santé, une pour le secteur formel (fonctionnaires) et l'autre pour le secteur informel. Ces caisses auraient légitimité en ce qui a trait aux décisions de remboursement de médicaments. D’ores-et-déjà, il existe une mutuelle de santé appelée la Mutuelle Générale des Fonctionnaires et Agents de l'État de Côte d'Ivoire (MUGEFCI), chargée de couvrir les frais médicaux et pharmaceutiques des fonctionnaires et agents de l’Etat. Celle-ci connaît, depuis quelques années, des contraintes budgétaires. De plus, le processus actuel de remboursement des médicaments, dans cette organisation, ne prend pas en considération les valeurs implicites liées aux critères d'inscription au formulaire. Pour toutes ces raisons, la MUGEFCI souhaite se doter d’une nouvelle liste de médicaments remboursables, qui comprendrait des médicaments sécuritaires avec un impact majeur sur la santé (service médical rendu), à un coût raisonnable. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous avons développé une méthode de sélection des médicaments pour des fins de remboursement, dans un contexte de pays à faibles revenus. Cette approche a ensuite été appliquée dans le cadre de l’élaboration d’une nouvelle liste de médicaments remboursables pour la MUGEFCI. Méthode La méthode de sélection des médicaments remboursables, développée dans le cadre de cette recherche, est basée sur l'Analyse de Décision Multicritère (ADM). Elle s’articule autour de quatre étapes: (1) l'identification et la pondération des critères pertinents d'inscription des médicaments au formulaire (combinant revue de la littérature et recherche qualitative, suivies par la réalisation d’une expérience de choix discrets); (2) la détermination d'un ensemble de traitements qui sont éligibles à un remboursement prioritaire; (3) l’attribution de scores aux traitements selon leurs performances sur les niveaux de variation de chaque critère, et (4) le classement des traitements par ordre de priorité de remboursement (classement des traitements selon un score global, obtenu après avoir additionné les scores pondérés des traitements). Après avoir défini la liste des médicaments remboursables en priorité, une analyse d’impact budgétaire a été réalisée. Celle-ci a été effectuée afin de déterminer le coût par patient lié à l'utilisation des médicaments figurant sur la liste, selon la perspective de la MUGEFCI. L’horizon temporel était de 1 an et l'analyse portait sur tous les traitements admissibles à un remboursement prioritaire par la MUGEFCI. En ce qui concerne la population cible, elle était composée de personnes assurées par la MUGEFCI et ayant un diagnostic positif de maladie prioritaire en 2008. Les coûts considérés incluaient ceux des consultations médicales, des tests de laboratoire et des médicaments. Le coût par patient, résultant de l'utilisation des médicaments figurant sur la liste, a ensuite été comparé à la part des dépenses par habitant (per capita) allouée à la santé en Côte d’Ivoire. Cette comparaison a été effectuée pour déterminer un seuil en deçà duquel la nouvelle liste des médicaments remboursables en priorité était abordable pour la MUGEFCI. Résultats Selon les résultats de l’expérience de choix discrets, réalisée auprès de professionnels de la santé en Côte d'Ivoire, le rapport coût-efficacité et la sévérité de la maladie sont les critères les plus importants pour le remboursement prioritaire des médicaments. Cela se traduit par une préférence générale pour les antipaludiques, les traitements pour l'asthme et les antibiotiques indiqués pour les infections urinaires. En outre, les résultats de l’analyse d’impact budgétaire suggèrent que le coût par patient lié à l'utilisation des médicaments figurant sur la liste varierait entre 40 et 160 dollars américains. Etant donné que la part des dépenses par habitant allouées à la santé en Côte d’Ivoire est de 66 dollars américains, l’on pourrait conclure que la nouvelle liste de médicaments remboursables serait abordable lorsque l'impact économique réel de l’utilisation des médicaments par patient est en deçà de ces 66 dollars américains. Au delà de ce seuil, la MUGEFCI devra sélectionner les médicaments remboursables en fonction de leur rang ainsi que le coût par patient associé à l’utilisation des médicaments. Plus précisément, cette sélection commencera à partir des traitements dans le haut de la liste de médicaments prioritaires et prendra fin lorsque les 66 dollars américains seront épuisés. Conclusion Cette étude fait la démonstration de ce qu’il est possible d'utiliser l’analyse de décision multicritère pour développer un formulaire pour les pays à faibles revenus, la Côte d’Ivoire en l’occurrence. L'application de cette méthode est un pas en avant vers la transparence dans l'élaboration des politiques de santé dans les pays en développement. / Background Côte d'Ivoire is a West African country that decided, since 2001, to expand its health coverage benefit packages to the entire population. Indeed, this health care system reform was aimed at providing each Ivorian with medical and pharmaceutical coverage. However, the implementation of this reform was challenging since, unlike developed countries, developing countries have an « informal » sector escaping the labour law and occupying an important place. As a result, it was recommended to create two health insurance funds, one for the formal sector (government officials) and the other for the informal sector. These funds would have legitimacy in regard to drug reimbursement decision-making. There is, already, a health insurance fund called the Mutuelle Générale des Fonctionnaires et Agents de l’État de Côte d’Ivoire (MUGEFCI), responsible for covering medical and pharmaceutical expenses of government officials and agents. The latter is experiencing budgetary constraints. Moreover, the current process of drug reimbursement, in this organization, does not take into account the implicit values associated to formulary listing criteria. For all these reasons, the MUGEFCI aims at developing a new list of reimbursable drugs, which would include safe drugs with a major impact on health (high medical service), at reasonable costs. In this research, we have developed a formulary listing framework for low-income countries. This framework was then applied to the development of a new formulary for the MUGEFCI. Methods The formulary listing framework, based on Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), was composed of four steps: (1) the identification and weighting of relevant formulary listing criteria (combining both literature review and qualitative research approaches, followed by the conduct of a discrete choice experiment); (2) the determination of priority diagnostic/treatments to be assessed (determination of a set of treatments that are eligible for priority reimbursement); (3) the treatments scoring (assignment of numerical values to the treatments’ performance on the variation levels of each criterion), and (4) the treatments ranking by priority order of reimbursement (ranking of treatments according to an overall value, obtained after summing up the weighted treatment scores). After having defined the priority list of reimbursable drugs, we conducted a budget impact analysis (BIA). The latter was carried out to determine the costs per patient resulting from the use of drugs included on the new formulary, according to the perspective of the MUGEFCI. The temporal framework was 1 year and the analysis included all the treatments eligible for a priority reimbursement by the MUGEFCI. As for the target population, it was composed of people (MUGEFCI enrolees) with a positive diagnostic of priority diseases in 2008. The costs considered in this BIA included those of medical consultations, laboratory tests and medications. The cost per patient, resulting from the use of drugs on the formulary, was then compared to the per capita health care spending in Côte d'Ivoire. This comparison was made to assess the extent to which the new priority list of reimbursable drugs was affordable for the MUGEFCI. Results According to the results of the discrete choice experiment, carried out among health professionals in Côte d’Ivoire, cost-effectiveness and severity of diseases are the most significant criteria for priority reimbursement of drugs. This translates into a general preference for antimalarial, treatments for asthma and antibiotics for urinary infection. Moreover, the results of the BIA suggest that the cost per patient, resulting from the use of drugs on the formulary, would vary between 40 and 160 US dollars. Since the per capita health care spending in Côte d'Ivoire is 66 US dollars, one could conclude that the new priority list of reimbursable drugs will be affordable when the real economic impact per patient of drugs is under 66 US dollars. Beyond this threshold, the MUGEFCI will have to select the reimbursable drugs according to their rank in the priority list and their respective economic impact per patient (cost per patient). Particularly, this selection will start from the treatment on the top of the list and will end when the 66 US dollars are exhausted. Conclusion This study demonstrates that it is possible to use multi-criteria decision analysis to develop a formulary for low-income countries, Côte d'Ivoire for instance. The application of this method is a step towards transparency in the formulation of health policies in developing countries.

Vibrational spectroscopy of keratin fibres : A forensic approach

Panayiotou, Helen January 2004 (has links)
Human hair profiling is an integral part of a forensic investigation but it is one of the most technically difficult subjects in forensic science. This thesis describes the research and development of a novel approach for the rapid identification of unknown human and other related keratin fibres found at a crime scene. The work presented here is developed systematically and considers sample collection, sample preparation, analysis and interpretation of spectral data for the profiling of hair fibres encountered in criminal cases. Spectral comparison of fibres was facilitated with the use of chemometrics methods such as PCA, SIMCA and Fuzzy Clustering, and the less common approach of multi-criteria decision making methodology (MCDM). The aim of the thesis was to investigate the potential of some vibrational spectroscopy techniques for matching and discrimination of single keratin hair fibres in the context of forensic evidence. The first objective (chapter 3) of the thesis was to evaluate the use of Raman and FT-IR micro-spectroscopy techniques for the forensic sampling of hair fibres and to propose the preferred technique for future forensic hair comparisons. The selection of the preferred technique was based on criteria such as spectral quality, ease of use, rapid analysis and universal application to different hair samples. FT-IR micro-spectroscopy was found to be the most appropriate technique for hair analysis because it enabled the rapid collection of spectra from a wide variety of hair fibres. Raman micro-spectroscopy, on the other hand, was hindered with fluorescence problems and did not allow the collection of spectra from pigmented fibres. This objective has therefore shown that FT-IR micro-spectroscopy is the preferable spectroscopic technique for forensic analysis of hair fibres, whilst Raman spectroscopy is the least preferred. The second objective (chapter 3) was to investigate, through a series of experiments, the effect of chemical treatment on the micro-environment of human hair fibres. The effect of bleaching agents on the hair fibres was studied with some detail at different treatment times and the results indicate a significant change in the chemical environment of the secondary structure of the hair fibre along with changes in the C-C backbone structure. One of the most important outcomes of this research was the behaviour of the fÑ-helix during chemical treatment. The hydrogen bonding in the fÑ-helix provides for the stable structure of the fibre and therefore any disruption to the fÑ-helix will inevitably damage the molecular structure of the fibre. The results highlighted the behaviour of the fÑ-helix, which undergoes a significant decrease in content during oxidation, and is partly converted to a random-coil structure, whilst the fÒ-sheet component of the secondary structure remains unaffected. The reported investigations show that the combination of FT-IR and Raman micro-spectroscopy can provide an insight and understanding into the complex chemical properties and reactions within a treated hair fibre. Importantly, this work demonstrates that with the aid of chemometrics, it is possible to investigate simultaneously FT-IR and Raman micro-spectroscopic information from oxidised hair fibres collected from one subject and treated at different times. The discrimination and matching of hair fibres on the basis of treatment has potential forensic applications. The third objective (chapter 4) attempted to expand the forensic application of FT-IR micro-spectroscopy to other keratin fibres. Animal fibres are commonly encountered in crime scenes and it thus becomes important to establish the origin of those fibres. The aim of this work was to establish the forensic applications of FT-IR micro-spectroscopy to animal fibres and to investigate any fundamental molecular differences between these fibres. The results established a discrimination between fibres consisting predominantly of fÑ-helix and those containing mainly a fÒ-sheet structure. More importantly, it was demonstrated through curve-fitting and chemometrics, that each keratin fibre contains a characteristic secondary structure arrangement. The work presented here is the first detailed FT-IR micro-spectroscopic study, utilising chemometrics as well as MCDM methods, for a wide range of keratin fibres, which are commonly, found as forensic evidence. Furthermore, it was demonstrated with the aid of the rank ordering MCDM methods PROMETHEE and GAIA, that it is possible to rank and discriminate keratin fibres according to their molecular characteristics obtained from direct measurements together with information sourced from the literature. The final objective (chapter 5) of the thesis was to propose an alternative method for the discrimination and matching of single scalp human hair fibres through the use of FT-IR micro-spectroscopy and chemometrics. The work successfully demonstrated, through a number of case scenarios, the application of the technique for the identification of variables such as gender and race for an unknown single hair fibre. In addition, it was also illustrated that known hair fibres (from the suspect or victim) can be readily matched to the unknown hair fibres found at the crime scene. This is the first time that a substantial, systematic FT-IR study of forensic hair identification has been presented. The research has shown that it is possible to model and correlate individual¡¦s characteristics with hair properties at molecular level with the use of chemometrics methods. A number of different, important forensic variables of immediate use to police in a crime scene investigation such as gender, race, treatment, black and white hair fibres were investigated. Blind samples were successfully applied both to validate available experimental data and extend the current database of experimental determinations. Protocols were posed for the application of this methodology in the future. The proposed FT-IR methodology presented in this thesis has provided an alternative approach to the characterisation of single scalp human hair fibres. The technique enables the rapid collection of spectra, followed by the objective analytical capabilities of chemometrics to successfully discriminate animal fibres, human hair fibres from different sources, treated from untreated hair fibres, as well as black and white hair fibres, on the basis of their molecular structure. The results can be readily produced and explained in the courts of law. Although the proposed relatively fast FT-IR technique is not aimed at displacing the two slower existing methods of hair analysis, namely comparative optical microscopy and DNA analysis, it has given a new dimension to the characterisation of hair fibres at a molecular level, providing a powerful tool for forensic investigations.

An automated multi criteria assembly line design generation method for decision making support : an automotive case study / Ανάπτυξη μεθόδου λήψης αποφάσεων για τον σχεδιασμό συστημάτων παραγωγής : εφαρμογή στην αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία

Μίχαλος, Γεώργιος 14 February 2012 (has links)
The objective of the present study is the development of a method for the automated design of assembly lines using a multiple criteria approach. This method aims at supporting the decision making process during the early design stages as well as during the reconfiguration stages of assembly lines. Towards this target, a complete approach is proposed investigating the aspects of the design problem in both human and automation based assembly lines. At first, the current practices for design /reconfiguration of automated/ human based assembly lines were analysed and the decision making process was modelled in each case. Following the design problem was formulated in a way that allows its solution by the use of search algorithms which are easier and more efficient to apply. Models capable of systematically generating the alternative assembly lines designs were designed and implemented. An intelligent search algorithm was applied to these models allowing the efficient exploration of the design problem solution space and the fast identification of high quality design solutions with respect to several user defined criteria (such as investment cost, flexibility etc.). All the aforementioned were incorporated into two distinct software tools, having as objective the support of assembly line design and reconfiguration. The first tool incorporates the design model and algorithms in a standalone application that can automatically generate, simulate and evaluate alternative assembly lines designs based on the product structure and the available equipment and processes. The second tool was developed as a web based application that allows the reconfiguration of human based assembly lines through the concept of dynamic job rotation. The tool is able to derive alternative rotation schedules and evaluate them against criteria that are used for the case of human based assembly lines. The main outcome of this work is the complete method that was proposed and realized through software tools, which is capable of providing solutions for the design and reconfiguration of assembly lines. The method can assist design engineers in real time through the automated generation, evaluation and identification of high quality design alternatives. The evaluation of the case studies revealed the efficiency of the suggested approach to produce such designs and validated its applicability to industrial environments. / Το αντικείμενο αυτής της διατριβής είναι η ανάπτυξη μια πολυκριτηριδιακής μεθόδου για την αυτοματοποίηση της διαδικασίας σχεδιασμού γραμμών συναρμολόγησης. Η μέθοδος προορίζεται για την υποστήριξη της διαδικασίας λήψης αποφάσεων τόσο κατά τα αρχικά στάδια του σχεδιασμού όσο και κατά τον επανασχεδιασμό / αναδιαμόρφωση της γραμμής παραγωγής. Προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση προτείνεται μια ολοκληρωμένη προσέγγιση του προβλήματος η οποία εξετάζει τις ιδιαιτερότητες τόσο των αυτοματοποιημένων γραμμών συναρμολόγησης όσο και των γραμμών που απασχολούν ανθρώπινο δυναμικό. Αρχικά, ερευνήθηκαν οι σημερινές πρακτικές που χρησιμοποιούνται στο σχεδιασμό αυτοματοποιημένων συστημάτων παραγωγής αλλά και των γραμμών που βασίζονται στο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό. Κατόπιν οι διαδικασίες αυτές μοντελοποιούνται με αποτέλεσμα, την ανάπτυξη μοντέλων, τα οποία είναι ικανά να παράγουν με συστηματικό τρόπο εναλλακτικούς σχεδιασμούς μιας γραμμής συναρμολόγησης. Επιπρόσθετα, ένας ευφυής αλγόριθμος εφαρμόζεται στα μοντέλα αυτά, επιτρέποντας την αποδοτική και γρηγορότερη ανάδειξη σχεδιασμών υψηλής ποιότητας ως προς τα κριτήρια που έχει θέσει ο σχεδιαστής. Τα παραπάνω μοντέλα και ο αλγόριθμος αναζήτησης υλοποιήθηκαν σε δύο λογισμικά εργαλεία που αναπτύχθηκαν, με στόχο την στήριξη του σχεδιασμού γραμμών παραγωγής. Το πρώτο εργαλείο αποτελεί ένα αυτοτελές λογισμικό το οποίο έχει ως κύρια λειτουργία του την δημιουργία και αξιολόγηση εναλλακτικών σχεδιασμών αυτοματοποιημένων γραμμών παραγωγή, χρησιμοποιώντας ως εισόδους την δομή του προϊόντος και τον διαθέσιμο εξοπλισμό. Το δεύτερο εργαλείο χρησιμοποιεί την τεχνολογία των ιστοσελίδων (web interface) και χρησιμοποιείται για την δημιουργία χρονοπρογραμμάτων για τους εργάτες μιας γραμμής παραγωγής επιτρέποντας την αναδιαμόρφωση της σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα. Η ερευνητική συμβολή της παρούσας διατριβής έγκειται στην ανάπτυξη μεθόδου η οποία προσφέρει ολοκληρωμένη λύση για την υποστήριξη λήψης αποφάσεων κατά τον σχεδιασμό και την αναδιαμόρφωση γραμμών συναρμολόγησης και υλοποιείται μέσω των κατάλληλων εργαλείων λογισμικού. Η αξιολόγηση των περιπτώσεων της αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας απέδειξε την αποδοτικότητα και εφαρμοσιμότητά της σε βιομηχανικό περιβάλλον.

Aplicação de método de tomada de decisão multicritério para priorização de projetos Lean Six Sigma / Application of multi-criteria decision-making method for Lean Six Sigma projects prioritization

Rolando, Daniel Augusto Rainha [UNESP] 16 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by DANIEL AUGUSTO RAINHA ROLANDO null (danielrolando@gmail.com) on 2018-04-05T16:00:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Rolando-DAR.pdf: 3156622 bytes, checksum: ac92904a2c656de7add0c53bd32f6e49 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamella Benevides Gonçalves null (pamella@feg.unesp.br) on 2018-04-06T18:54:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 rolando_dar_me_guara.pdf: 3156622 bytes, checksum: ac92904a2c656de7add0c53bd32f6e49 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-06T18:54:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 rolando_dar_me_guara.pdf: 3156622 bytes, checksum: ac92904a2c656de7add0c53bd32f6e49 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-16 / Para a delimitação de um processo de tomada de decisão na escolha de projetos Lean Six Sigma, é necessário definir os fatores críticos, tanto de sucesso (como por exemplo: envolvimento e comprometimento da gestão, entendimento das ferramentas e técnicas do Lean Six Sigma, ligação do projeto com a estratégia de negócios) quanto de fracasso (como por exemplo a falta do envolvimento da gestão, resistência à mudança cultural, inexistência de gestão de projetos). Desta forma, este trabalho foi conduzido por meio de modelagem com validação de dados reais, com o objetivo de propor uma adaptação de métodos de auxílio à tomada a decisão para seleção de projetos Lean Six Sigma baseado nos fatores críticos de sucesso e fracasso. Para tanto, com base na revisão da literatura, foram identificados os fatores críticos de sucesso e fracasso para seleção de projetos Lean Six Sigma. Em seguida, uma análise de dois métodos de tomada de decisão multicritério, PROMETHEE e ANP, foi realizada por meio da aplicação dos modelos em um portfólio de projetos de uma empresa multinacional de grande porte. Como resultado, houve assertividade de 95% na seleção dos melhores projetos do portfólio, comparado aos projetos executados pela empresa mostrando-se que os dois modelos são aderentes ao problema. Como resultado, é possível constatar que o PROMETHEE se mostrou mais assertivo, principalmente nas comparações quantitativas, tendo aplicabilidade tanto para decisões individuais quanto em grupos. O ANP, por fazer a análise de preferência dos critérios de forma pareada (utilizando a escala comparativa de Saaty) torna mais fácil seu em grupos grandes de decisores, porém a comparação utilizando a escala de Saaty dificulta a análise de critérios quantitativos, bem como para pequenos grupos ou em decisões individuais. / To define a decision-making process in the Lean Six Sigma projects’ choice, it is necessary to define the critical success factors (e. g., management involvement and commitment, understanding the tools and techniques of Lean Six Sigma methodologies), and critical failure factors (e. g., lack of management involvement, cultural change resistance, project management weakness, etc.). In this way, this work was conducted through the modeling method with the objective of proposing an adaptation of decision-making aid methods process to select Lean Six Sigma projects based on the critical success and critical failure factors. Therefore, based on the literature review, the critical success and critical failure factors for the selection of Lean Six Sigma projects were identified. An analysis of two multi-criteria decision-making methods, PROMETHEE and ANP, was performed through the application of the models in a project portfolio of a large multinational company, presenting 95% assertiveness in the selection of the best portfolio projects compared to the executed projects by the company, showing that the two models are adherent to the problem. In addition, PROMETHEE has been more assertive, mainly in quantitative comparisons, and the use of the method are applied for both individual and group decisions; the ANP, by doing the preference analysis of the criteria in pair-to-pair way, using the Saaty’s comparative scale, makes it easier in large groups of decision makers. However, the comparison using the Saaty scale makes it difficult to analyze quantitative criteria as well as small groups or in individual decisions


CRISTIANA VALENTE MENESES 23 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] A disciplina de marketing vem passando por grandes mudanças, tanto no âmbito acadêmico, quanto na prática das empresas e organizações em geral. Essas mudanças vêm ocorrendo mais especificamente na área de marketing de relacionamento, cujo enfoque é a construção de relações e laços entre a organização, seus clientes e demais partes interessadas, na busca da melhoria desta interação, segundo uma visão de longo prazo, na qual há benefícios mútuos. O objetivo geral da dissertação é propor um modelo de monitoramento e avaliação (MA) de programas de marketing de relacionamento implementados por empresas de serviços, com o auxílio de métodos multicritério de apoio à decisão. A pesquisa pode ser considerada aplicada, descritiva e metodológica. Quanto aos meios de investigação, a metodologia compreendeu pesquisa bibliográfica e documental; construção de um quadro lógico de programas de marketing de relacionamento para a posterior proposição de indicadores candidatos e respectivas métricas; emprego de um método híbrido de apoio à decisão – método analítico hierárquico (AHP) para definição dos pesos dos critérios classificatórios e o método TOPSIS para seleção e hierarquização dos indicadores propostos; e desenvolvimento de um estudo empírico realizado no âmbito do Programa Cliente Light Tem Mais , iniciativa de marketing de relacionamento da empresa Light SESA, visando demonstrar a aplicabilidade do modelo. Destacam-se como resultados um novo modelo de monitoramento e avaliação de programas de marketing de relacionamento no setor de serviços; a ferramenta de seleção e classificação de indicadores; e um conjunto consistente de indicadores de MA, visando à melhoria contínua de programas de marketing de relacionamento de empresas de serviços. / [en] The discipline of marketing has undergone great changes, both in the academic field and in the practice of companies and organizations in general. From the perspective of a long-term vision in which relationships and strong ties between the organization and its clients and other stakeholders lead to mutual benefits, these changes have been occurring more specifically in the area of relationship marketing. This dissertation aims to propose a model for monitoring and evaluating (ME) programs of relationship marketing carried out by service companies, with the support of multiple criteria decision-making methods. The research can be considered applied, descriptive and methodological. The methodology encompasses bibliographical and documentary research; design of a logical framework to propose candidate indicators and metrics for monitoring and evaluating relationship marketing programs; and application of a hybrid decision support method - hierarchical analytical method (AHP), for defining the weights of the classification criteria, and the TOPSIS method for selecting and ranking the candidate indicators. Aiming to demonstrate the applicability of this ME model in the context of a service company, an empirical study focusing on the Program Cliente Light Tem Mais – a relationship marketing initiative of Light SESA – was carried out during the applied phase of this research. As main results of this research, we can highlight a monitoring and evaluation model designed for relationship marketing programs in the service sector; the tool for selecting and ranking ME indicators and respective metrics; and a consistent set of ME indicators, aiming at the continuous improvement of relationship marketing programs of companies in the service sector.


HELIO FERNANDES DE C MACEDO FILHO 03 October 2018 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta dissertação é propor um modelo para monitoramento e avaliação da gestão da inovação em micro, pequenas e médias empresas, integrando-se métodos multicritério de apoio à decisão a ferramentas consagradas de monitoramento e avaliação e de gestão da qualidade para selecionar indicadores e métricas específicas deste contexto organizacional (at the firm-level). A pesquisa pode ser considerada descritiva, metodológica e aplicada. A partir dos resultados da revisão bibliográfica e análise documental sobre os temas centrais da pesquisa, desenvolveu-se um modelo para monitorar e avaliar a gestão da inovação de MPMEs, buscando-se preencher lacunas identificadas na literatura especializada. O modelo conceitual e o marco lógico para definição de indicadores e métricas contemplaram quatro dimensões: (i) capacidade de governança e organização para inovar; (ii) capacidade de gerenciamento de pessoas para inovação; (iii) capacidade de gerenciamento de processos de gestão de PDEI; e (iv) resultados e impactos de inovações. A aplicabilidade do modelo foi demonstrada mediante um estudo empírico focalizando-se uma MPME assistida pelo Núcleo de Apoio à Gestão da Inovação da PUC-Rio (NAGI-PUC-Rio). Destacam-se como principais contribuições da pesquisa um modelo para monitoramento e avaliação da gestão da inovação de MPMEs, que considera as especificidades dessas empresas e seus contextos socioprodutivos, e um conjunto de indicadores compostos associados às dimensões de gestão da inovação contempladas no modelo. / [en] The objective of the dissertation is to propose a model for monitoring and evaluating (ME) the innovation management in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), by integrating multicriteria decision-making methods to ME and quality management tools for selecting specific indicators and metrics for this organizational context (at the firm-level). The research can be considered descriptive, methodological and applied. Based on the results of the bibliographical review and documentary analysis on the central themes of the research, a model was developed to monitor and evaluate the management of innovation by MSMEs, seeking to fill gaps identified in the specialized literature. The conceptual model and the logical framework for the definition of indicators and metrics included four dimensions: (i) governance and organization capacity to innovate; (ii) capacity of people management towards innovation; (iii) capacity of management of RDEI processes; and (iv) results and impacts of innovations. The applicability of the model was demonstrated through an empirical study focusing on a company that participated in the Innovation Management Support Program of PUC-Rio (acronym in Portuguese, NAGI-PUC-Rio). The main contributions of the research are a model for monitoring and evaluation of the innovation management by MSMEs, which considers the specificities of these firms and their socio-productive contexts, and a set of composite indicators associated with the dimensions of innovation management contemplated in the proposed model).

Développement d'une méthode d'aide à la décision multicritère pour la conception des bâtiments neufs et la réhabilitation des bâtiments existants à haute efficacité énergétique / Development of a multicriteria optimization method for decision support in designing or retrofitting high energy performance buildings

Romani, Zaid 12 December 2015 (has links)
Le bâtiment est considéré comme étant le premier secteur consommateur d’énergie dans le monde. Dans la région méditerranéenne, face à la crise économique et aux engagements pris pour limiter les effets produisant le réchauffement climatique, il est devenu impératif de réduire la consommation énergétique des bâtiments que ce soit par la conception des bâtiments neufs ou par la réhabilitation du parc existant. Dans ce cadre-là, chercher des solutions techniques optimales en tenant compte des critères économiques, environnementaux et sociétaux est un problème très complexe du fait du nombre élevé de paramètres à prendre en compte. Pour remédier à ce problème, un état de l’art des méthodes d’optimisation multicritère a été réalisé. Nous avons constaté que plusieurs contraintes existent lors de l’utilisation de ces méthodes telles qu’un temps de calcul élevé et la non-maîtrise de la convergence des résultats vers des optimums globaux recherchés. L’objectif de notre travail est de proposer une nouvelle méthode qui permette de contourner ces difficultés. Cette méthode est basée, dans un premier temps, sur le développement des modèles polynomiaux pour la prédiction des besoins de chauffage, de refroidissement, d’énergie finale et du confort thermique d’été à l’aide du logiciel TRNSYS. Pour établir ces modèles, nous avons utilisé la méthode des plans d’expériences et des simulations thermiques dynamiques. À partir de ces modèles, une analyse de sensibilité a été entamée afin d’identifier les paramètres les plus influents sur les besoins énergétiques et le confort thermique d’été. Une base de données est utilisée associant chaque paramètre à son coût et à son impact environnemental sur son cycle de vie. Ensuite, une étude paramétrique complète a été réalisée en utilisant les fonctions polynomiales dans le but de déterminer un ensemble de solutions optimales à l’aide de l’approche du Front de Pareto. Cette nouvelle méthode a été appliquée dans le but de concevoir des bâtiments neufs à haute efficacité énergétique à des coûts maîtrisés pour les six zones climatiques du Maroc. La validation des modèles polynomiaux réalisée grâce à une comparaison avec des simulations aléatoires a donné des résultats très satisfaisants. Avec un modèle polynomial de second degré, l’erreur maximale sur les besoins énergétiques et le confort thermique adaptatif d’été ne dépasse pas 2 kWh/m².an et 9% respectivement dans la plupart des cas. Les modèles développés ont ensuite été utilisés pour l’aide à la décision multicritères. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que des bâtiments à très faibles besoins énergétiques peuvent être construits à un coût raisonnable, et qu’un effort doit être porté sur des solutions plus performantes pour le rafraîchissement en été. Enfin, nous avons mis en œuvre la méthode que nous avons développée dans le cadre de la réhabilitation d’un bâtiment existant à La Rochelle. Les critères environnementaux ont aussi été intégrés à la recherche de solutions optimales. La solution retenue selon 14 critères correspond à un ensemble de solutions techniques permettant d’obtenir des besoins de chauffage de l’ordre de 15 kWh/m².an avec un compromis réalisé entre l’efficacité énergétique, le confort des occupants, les impacts environnementaux et la maîtrise du coût de la réhabilitation. La méthode développée dans le cadre de ce travail a montré un fort potentiel d’utilisation pour l’aide à la décision multicritère lors de la conception des bâtiments neufs ou en réhabilitation. Elle permet d’effectuer très rapidement une optimisation opérationnelle de l’enveloppe pour contribuer à des bâtiments durables, confortables, à coût maîtrisé et à basse consommation énergétique. / The building sector is the largest consumer of energy in the world. In Mediterranean region, facing the economic crisis and commitments for climate change, the reduction of energy consumption for both new and existing buildings is more necessary. Against this background, seeking optimal technical solutions taking into account the economic, environmental and societal criteria is a very complex problem due to the high number of parameters to consider. In order to solve this problem, a state of the art of multi-criteria optimization method has been achieved. We found that many constraints exist when using these methods such as high time calculation and no absolute assurance to find the global optimum. Thus, the main objective of the present work is to propose a new method that allows overcome these difficulties. This method is based on the development of polynomial models for the prediction of heating energy needs, cooling energy needs, final energy needs and summer thermal comfort. To establish these models, we used the design of experiments method and dynamic thermal simulations using TRNSYS software. From these models, a sensitivity analysis has been achieved in order to identify the leading parameters on energy requirements and thermal comfort in summer. A database associating each parameter for its cost and environmental impact on its lifetime was generated from CYPE software and INIES database. Then, a detailed parametric study was performed using polynomial functions for determining a set of optimal solutions using the Pareto front approach. This new method was applied to design new buildings with high energy efficiency at controlled costs for the six Moroccan climate zones. The validation of polynomial models through a comparison with random simulations gave very satisfactory results. With a polynomial model of the second order, the maximum error on the energy needs and the adaptive thermal comfort did not exceed 2 kWh/m².an and 9% respectively. The developed models were used for multiple-criteria decision analysis. The results showed that buildings with very low energy needs can be built with a reasonable cost. On the other hand an effort should be focused on more efficient solutions for adaptive thermal comfort in summer especially for Marrakech and Errachidia. Finally, we also implemented our method to a project of energy rehabilitation of an existing building located in La Rochelle (France). Environmental criteria were also taken into account in the optimization process. The selected technical solutions procured approximately 15 kWh/m².year of heating energy needs. The developed multicriteria decision method showed a great potential for both designing new and existing buildings with high energy efficiency. It allows a very fast operational optimization of sustainable buildings at reasonable cost and low energy consumption.


JOSE DANIEL HERNANDEZ VASQUEZ 13 August 2018 (has links)
[pt] A tese de doutorado tem por objetivo avaliar os impactos decorrentes da implementação de estratégias de eficientizacão energética na indústria de papel e celulose. A motivação pela escolha do tema resultou da necessidade de obter ganhos de energia considerando aspectos que, usualmente, não são considerando em programas de eficiência de energética (i.e.: aspectos sociais, técnicos, econômicos e ambientais). A metodologia utilizada –Método Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão Fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS– (i) permitiu selecionar as tecnologias de eficientização aplicáveis ao subsetor de papel e celulose e (ii) possibilitou avaliar a influência de cada critério e subcritério na hierarquização de alternativas de eficientização energética. Os resultados consolidados permitiram: (i) confirmar que mudanças tanto nos processos, quantos nas tecnologias transversais do subsetor de papel e celulose devem ser implementadas; (ii) identificar os principais critérios decorrentes da eficientização energética no âmbito social, técnico, econômico e ambiental. Como conclusão, a pesquisa avaliou a relevância de cada critério, sugerindo, inclui-los em programas brasileiros de eficiência energética. Assim, a pesquisa legitima a sua contribuição para o setor energético brasileiro, promovendo o desenvolvimento de novos estudos na área de eficiência energética. / [en] The goal of this work is to evaluate the impacts of the implementation of energy efficiency strategies in the pulp and paper industry. The motivation for choosing the theme resulted from the need to obtain energy gains considering aspects that, usually not considered in energy efficiency programs (i.e.: social, technical, economical and environmental aspects). The methodology used –Multicriteria Decision Making Method Fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS – (i) allowed to select the efficiency technologies applicable to the pulp and paper sub-sector and (ii) made it possible to evaluate the influence of each criterion and sub-criterion in the hierarchy of alternatives of energy efficiency. The consolidated results allowed: (i) to confirm that changes in the processes and in the transversal technologies of the pulp and paper subsector must be implemented; (ii) identify the main criteria resulting from energy efficiency in social, technical, economic and environmental aspects. As a conclusion, this work evaluated the relevance of each criterion, suggesting that it be included in Brazilian energy efficiency programs. Thus, the research legitimizes its contribution to the Brazilian energy sector, promoting the development of new studies in the area of energy efficiency.

(RE)Configuração das capacidades no desenvolvimento de tecnologia e conversão em produtos e serviços

Gusberti, Tomoe Daniela Hamanaka January 2011 (has links)
As tecnologias radicalmente novas geram lucros por meio da conversão eficiente em processos, produtos e serviços. Entretanto, para esta conversão, empresas necessitam desenvolver novas capacidades e aprimorar as existentes para tornarem-se empresas aptas ao desenvolvimento e comercialização de novos produtos. Esta tese apresenta uma sistemática para a avaliação da evolução e (re)configuração das capacidades para a gestão do Processo de Conversão de Tecnologia em Produtos e Serviços (PCTPS). Este tipo de avaliação adequa-se no contexto de projetos de desenvolvimento radicais, como o que ocorre em novas empresas de base tecnológica, com destaque às empresas do tipo spin-off acadêmico. A sistemática foi representada por meio de um framework de forma a atender as premissas identificadas a partir da literatura. Para fins de avaliação das capacidades, foram elaborados constructos de níveis de desenvolvimento e de ajuste de capacidades e, a partir destes, foram propostas métricas para avaliação. A sistemática e seus componentes foram validados através da avaliação junto a especialistas, análise experimental e simulação e aplicação em um estudo de caso de um empreendimento liderado por uma spin-off acadêmica para análise de usabilidade. Para operacionalizar a sistemática proposta, métodos, formulários e índices foram incorporados em uma ferramenta. Esta ferramenta apresenta-se como um método de decisão multicriterial, com uma estrutura de combinação dos índices e de elaboração de relatórios. A sistemática auxilia as empresas a avaliarem suas capacidades e identificar como combiná-las e desenvolve-las para criar uma estrutura organizacional com políticas e rotinas definidas para coordenar e (re)configurar suas capacidades na condução do PCTPS. / Radically new technologies only generate returns by their efficient conversion into processes, products and services. However, enterprises need to develop new capabilities and improve the existing ones to become able to the development and commercialization of new products. This thesis presents, in the context of process of technology conversion to products and services, a model for performance measurement through the capabilities evolution and (re)configuration. This kind of evaluation is adequate in the context of radical development projects, as ones occurring in new technology based companies, with distinction to academic spin-off companies. The model was initially composed by a framework that incorporated and attended the promises identified from the literature. This framework was then embodied with tools and practices. To enable the capabilities evaluation, were defined the constructs for measurement of capabilities adjustment and development levels. From these constructs, the metrics for evaluation were proposed. The model was validated by evaluation with specialists, experimental and simulation analysis and usability test in a case. Methods, forms, and indexes were incorporated in a tool to enable the model operationalization. This tool was designed as a multi-criteria decision method that presents a structure for index combining and for report elaboration. The model supports the companies to evaluate their capabilities and identify how to combine them and develop them to create an organizational structure. This evaluation is understood as a guide for policies and routines definition in the process of coordination and (re)configuration of capabilities during the conduction of the new technologies conversion into processes, products and services.

(RE)Configuração das capacidades no desenvolvimento de tecnologia e conversão em produtos e serviços

Gusberti, Tomoe Daniela Hamanaka January 2011 (has links)
As tecnologias radicalmente novas geram lucros por meio da conversão eficiente em processos, produtos e serviços. Entretanto, para esta conversão, empresas necessitam desenvolver novas capacidades e aprimorar as existentes para tornarem-se empresas aptas ao desenvolvimento e comercialização de novos produtos. Esta tese apresenta uma sistemática para a avaliação da evolução e (re)configuração das capacidades para a gestão do Processo de Conversão de Tecnologia em Produtos e Serviços (PCTPS). Este tipo de avaliação adequa-se no contexto de projetos de desenvolvimento radicais, como o que ocorre em novas empresas de base tecnológica, com destaque às empresas do tipo spin-off acadêmico. A sistemática foi representada por meio de um framework de forma a atender as premissas identificadas a partir da literatura. Para fins de avaliação das capacidades, foram elaborados constructos de níveis de desenvolvimento e de ajuste de capacidades e, a partir destes, foram propostas métricas para avaliação. A sistemática e seus componentes foram validados através da avaliação junto a especialistas, análise experimental e simulação e aplicação em um estudo de caso de um empreendimento liderado por uma spin-off acadêmica para análise de usabilidade. Para operacionalizar a sistemática proposta, métodos, formulários e índices foram incorporados em uma ferramenta. Esta ferramenta apresenta-se como um método de decisão multicriterial, com uma estrutura de combinação dos índices e de elaboração de relatórios. A sistemática auxilia as empresas a avaliarem suas capacidades e identificar como combiná-las e desenvolve-las para criar uma estrutura organizacional com políticas e rotinas definidas para coordenar e (re)configurar suas capacidades na condução do PCTPS. / Radically new technologies only generate returns by their efficient conversion into processes, products and services. However, enterprises need to develop new capabilities and improve the existing ones to become able to the development and commercialization of new products. This thesis presents, in the context of process of technology conversion to products and services, a model for performance measurement through the capabilities evolution and (re)configuration. This kind of evaluation is adequate in the context of radical development projects, as ones occurring in new technology based companies, with distinction to academic spin-off companies. The model was initially composed by a framework that incorporated and attended the promises identified from the literature. This framework was then embodied with tools and practices. To enable the capabilities evaluation, were defined the constructs for measurement of capabilities adjustment and development levels. From these constructs, the metrics for evaluation were proposed. The model was validated by evaluation with specialists, experimental and simulation analysis and usability test in a case. Methods, forms, and indexes were incorporated in a tool to enable the model operationalization. This tool was designed as a multi-criteria decision method that presents a structure for index combining and for report elaboration. The model supports the companies to evaluate their capabilities and identify how to combine them and develop them to create an organizational structure. This evaluation is understood as a guide for policies and routines definition in the process of coordination and (re)configuration of capabilities during the conduction of the new technologies conversion into processes, products and services.

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