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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


RENATA WILLIAM SANTOS DO VALE 08 March 2004 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho pretende analisar as concepções de história com que operavam os sócios fundadores do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro de até o fim dos anos 1840. Este recorte temporal refere-se ao período em que os mesmos citados sócios estiveram à frente dos trabalhos do Instituto, sendo que em fins dos anos 1840 muitos dos mesmos sócios já haviam falecido ou estavam perdendo lugar para uma nova geração que pensava o fazer historiográfico de modo diverso. Pretende-se demonstrar que os fundadores do IHGB não tinham um conceito único de história, operando com métodos e elementos tanto do conceito antigo quanto do conceito moderno de história. Para compreender por quê os membros da Casa pretenderam fundar o IHGB e como pretendiam pesquisar e escrever a história, procedeu-se uma pesquisa e análise das biografias dos sócios, e posteriormente uma análise dos temas mais frequentes de história que circulavam nos debates durantes as sessões periódicas e na publicação principal do Instituto, a Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Brasil, que estavam bastante vinculados à preocupação de construir a identidade nacional. / [en] This present dissertation intends to analyze the concepts of history used by the founders of Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, until the end of the 1840`s. This time choice refers to the period in which the same named members were most in charge of the Institute`s works, because at the end of the 1840`s many of these men had already died or were losing place for a new generation of members, who thought the doing of history in a diverse way. It intends to demonstrate that the founders of IHGB didn`t have a unique concept of history, operating with methods and notions either of the ancient and the modern concept. In order to comprehend why these men intended to found the Institute and how they intended to investigate and write the history, a research and an analysis of the biographies of the founders have been done, and also after an examination of the most frequent subjects of history that the members used to raise on their periodic meetings and that used to appear on their principal publication, the Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Brasil, that were very linked to the concern of creating the national identity.

Identités de genre et identité nationale à travers l'histoire des corridas de taureaux en Espagne (1874-1923). / Gender identities and national identity through the history of bullfights in Spain (1874-1923)

Castro Devesa, David 19 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse doctorale présente la corrida de taureaux comme un phénomène culturel producteur de représentations nationales et genrées. L’objectif principal est l’analyse des discours reliant le spectacle taurin à la construction de la nation et aux identités de genre en Espagne entre 1874 et 1923, une période de crise nationale et de reconfiguration des rôles masculins et féminins dans la société espagnole. L’approfondissement de ces questions se réalise principalement à travers trois études de cas : le succès d’une équipe de toreras, les Noyas ; la transsexualité d’un/e torero/a, la Reverte ; la célèbre rivalité entre les toreros Joselito et Belmonte. Cette recherche aborde les trajectoires de ces personnages notamment à partir des articles de presse généraliste et taurine, repérant les pratiques discursives des journalistes sur la nation et le genre, les encadrant dans l’évolution de la société espagnole et son système de représentations culturelles de l’identité nationale et des identités de genre. La corrida de taureaux s’articule autour de la régénération nationale configurant une masculinité à l’espagnole, à partir de la figure du torero, et des rapports de genre par la domination, symbolisés dans l’exclusion des femmes en tant que protagonistes de la nommée fête nationale. / This thesis addresses the Spanish bullfighting as a cultural phenomenon producer of national and gendered representations. The main objective of this research is to analyze the discourses linking bullfighting show to the construction of the nation and to gender identities in Spain between 1874 and 1923. It covers a time of national crisis in the Spanish history and a period of reconfiguration of the male and the female roles in the society. To do so, this research explores these questions through an in-depth study of three cases relevant to this period: the success of a team of women bullfighters, the Noyas; the transsexuality of a bullfighter, the Reverte; and the famous rivalry between two bullfighters, Joselito and Belmonte. The research approaches the trajectories of each case through content analysis of articles in the general and the bullfighting press. It identifies journalists’ discursive practices on the nation and gender, in close connection with the evolution of the Spanish society and its system of cultural representations of national and gender identities. Bullfighting revolves around national regeneration by reconfiguring a Spanish masculinity, starting from the figure of the bullfighter and gender relations of domination symbolized in the exclusion of women as protagonists of the so-called national party.

Brasil e Argentina, mediação pela cultura: a contribuição dos indígenas ao projeto nacional à luz dos textos de José de Alencar e Domingo Faustino Sarmiento / Brazil and Argentina, mediation by the culture: the contribution of indigenous people to the national project in the light of the texts of José de Alencar and Domingo Faustino Sarmiento

Alves, Adriana de Carvalho 17 May 2012 (has links)
O trabalho em questão tem por objetivo geral verificar quais visões acerca dos indígenas ficaram registradas nas narrativas do século XIX no Brasil e na Argentina. Para tanto, analisamos os textos Etnologia Americana, presente na obra Conflicto y armonias de las razas en América, de Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, e o romance indigenista O Guarani, de José de Alencar. Utilizamos a metodologia da análise comparativa para compreendermos alguns aspectos sociais dos dois países que, apesar de apresentarem realidades distintas, fizeram parte de um complexo quadro político, cultural e social da América Latina no século XIX; os dois países procuravam constituir-se enquanto Nação, tendo que solucionar algumas demandas herdadas do período colonial. O esforço de elaboração de um projeto nacional passava pela construção e reconhecimento de um passado nacional que incluía a questão indígena. Essa especificidade, inerente aos países latino-americanos, moveu nosso interesse para a pesquisa, dirigindo o esforço filológico no sentido interpretar como os textos acima mencionados apresentavam os indígenas. Com a finalidade de ampliar nossa compreensão sobre o tratamento dado à temática indígena no século XIX, realizamos leituras interdisciplinares que nos auxiliaram no sentido de revelar como se dava a produção do pensamento social, elemento que fundamentava as visões que os textos nos apresentam. / The work in question aims at general check which visions about the indigenous were recorded in the 19th century narratives in Brazil and in Argentina. To this end, we analyze the texts \"American Ethnology\", present in the work \"Conflicto y armonias de las razas en América\" by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, and the Indian novel O Guarani, by José de Alencar. We use the methodology of comparative analysis to understand some social aspects of the two countries which, although present distinct realities, they were part of a complex political, cultural and social framework of Latin America in the 19th century; the two countries sought to establish itself as a nation having to solve some inherited from the colonial period demands. The effort to develop a national project passed by construction and recognition of a national past that included the indigenous question. This specificity, which is inherent to Latin American countries, moved our interest for research, driving the philological effort to interpret how the texts mentioned above presented the natives. In order to broaden our understanding of the treatment given to indigenous issues in the 19th century, we conduct interdisciplinary readings that helped to reveal how was the production of social thought, the aim that justify the visions that the texts present us.

O imigrante judeu na obra de Érico Veríssimo e seu papel na formação da sociedade brasileira / The Jewish immigrant in the work by Érico Veríssimo and its role in the formation of Brazilian society

Silva, Adelgicio Jose da 19 December 2007 (has links)
A presente dissertação propõe a análise da imagem do imigrante judeu no romance O tempo e o vento, de Erico Verissimo. A pesquisa examina o procedimento de representação do judeu focando o fenômeno histórico e social da imigração e sua conseqüência na elaboração do mito de construção de nacionalidade, em voga na primeira metade do século. Assim, a questão sobre como a imagem do imigrante surge na obra de Verissimo ganha relevância, uma vez que se pode entender que ao pensar a formação histórica do Rio Grande do Sul, o autor propõe, por meio de uma visão metonímica, uma reflexão sobre a formação do Brasil. Um dos aspectos abordados sobre a imagem do imigrante é a oposição estabelecida entre o imigrante e a burguesia tradicional. Essa última se apóia na tradição e está economicamente ligada à velha oligarquia rural. Na outra ponta da dialética, temos o imigrante europeu, em ascensão, como representante de uma nova burguesia que se constrói na esteira da industrialização e dos fatores que se desdobram na modernização do meio de produção nacional. A titulo de conclusão, a reflexão sobre o imigrante judeu, especificamente, na obra dar-se por meio analise da ação de duas personagens judaicas, o mascate que surge no volume O Continente II, e Stein em nos volumes o Arquipélago I, II, III. O que nos fornece material para pensar temas da ordem da geopolítica global durante o período da Era Vargas, como a ascensão e queda do nazismo e suas conseqüências política e cultura brasileira neste período. / This thesis analyses the image of the Jewish immigrant in the series of novels O tempo e o vento (Time and the Wind) written by the Brazilian author Erico Verissimo. It also examines the representation process of the Jew, without losing sight of the immigration historical and the social phenomenon, and its consequences in the creation process of the mith of nationality construction, in vogue in early 20th century. Thus, the issue related to the way the immigrant image is generated in Verissimo work becomes relevant, once it is possible to comprehend that, having in mind the establishment of the southern Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul, the author proposes, in a methonimical look, a reflection on the establishment of Brazil. One of the aspects of the immigrant image considered is the dialectics established between the immigrant and the traditional bourgeoise. This last one lays upon traditional values and is economically connected to the old rural oligarchy. We also have in the dialectics the European immigrant, still rising, representing the new bourgeoise that is established during the industrialization period and the elements that evolve in the modernization process of the national production means. Finally, the reflection on the Jewish immigrant, specifically, happens through the analysis of the action of two jewish characters of O tempo e o vento, the merchant that appears on volume O Continente II, and Stein, that appears on volumes O Arquipélago I, II and III. This analysis gives us elements to think about issues such as global geopolitical order during the Vargas dictatorship period, the rise and fall of the Nazism and its consequences to the Brazilian politics and culture in that period.

Serait-il possible d'intégrer les Africains dans le récit d'histoire nationale française ? : Étude de l’écologie didactique d’un enseignement d’histoire à l'école élémentaire / Would it be possible to integrate Africans in the account of French national history ? : Study of ecological didactic of a History lesson in an elementary school.

Barry, Soulemane 24 April 2013 (has links)
Le travail présenté ici est étude de principe relative à la possibilité d’enseigner à l’école élémentaire, en France, des éléments d’histoire symétrique permettant aux enfants dont les parents sont venus d’Afrique de se penser comme français. Puisque la mémoire nationale est devenue un enjeu politique, il fallait trouver pour eux un lieu de mémoire du même type que : "Nos ancêtres les Gaulois se sont battus contre l'empire romain, etc. ». Nous avons donc expérimenté, dans une classe de CM2 des confins de Marseille et à l’intention des élèves d’une cité qui accueille depuis longtemps les nouvelles générations d’immigrants, la possibilité de leur raconter comment durant la seconde guerre mondiale des Africains alors colonisés se sont mobilisés ont participé à la libération du sol national. C'est parce que leurs ancêtres ont mené ce combat pour la liberté que ces élèves sont présents dans une école française, et qu’ils ont un droit privilégié à la nationalité française : ils participent du combat pour la liberté et la fraternité, des valeurs fondatrices de la France républicaine et ce lieu de mémoire leur permet de participer légitimement de l’identité nationale. C’est aussi pour cela qu'ils ont des états nationaux autonomes. L’analyse didactique de l’expérience montre que l’absence d’une documentation iconographique permettant de montrer ce point de vue africain empêche l’enseignement proposé d’être stable dans le temps, le professeur ne pouvant pas, comme il est attendu d’un professeur des écoles conduisant des enseignements pluridisciplinaires, ni appuyer son récit sur l’ouvrage d’histoire des élèves ni en étudier les documents iconographiques. / The work presented here is mainly a principle study on the possibility of teaching primary school in France some elements of symmetrical history for children whose parents are from Africa to think like French people do. The national memory has become a political issue so that one had to find a place of memory of the same type : « Our ancestors the Gauls fought against the Roman Empire, etc. ». We have experimented - in a CM2 class in the outermost bounds of Marseille with pupils from deprived estates where new generations of immigrants have been welcomed for a long time - the opportunity to tell them how during World War II colonized Africans rallied and participated in the liberation of the national soil up to be a large proportion of the troops landing of Provence. It is because of their ancestors’ fight for freedom that those pupils are present in a French school and that they are allowed access to a special right to become French : they became part of the fight for freedom and fraternity - that are the founding values of the French republic and this place of memory helps them participate legitimately to the national identity. The didactic analysis of the experiment shows that the absence of an iconographical documentation which should highlight the African perspective, prevents the lesson from being stable in time because the teacher cannot support his account on the pupils’ history book nor study its iconographic documents such as expected from a school teacher lecturing multidisciplinary knowledge.

Um espelho brasileiro: visões sobre os povos indígenas e a construção de uma simbologia nacional no Brasil (1808-1831) / A brazilian mirror : visions of indigenous peoples and the construction of a national symbology in Brazil

Lourenço, Jaqueline 11 August 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa as diferentes visões sobre os povos indígenas criadas, veiculadas e reproduzidas em meio ao processo de independência política do Brasil, considerando este em uma periodização larga: 1808 a 1831. Prevê a identificação dessas visões, elaboradas por protagonistas de tal processo em espaços públicos de discussão, analisando-as de modo a entender o seu papel nas lutas e no pensamento político da época, bem como sua interface com as políticas oficiais em relação aos povos indígenas do Brasil no mesmo período. Em última instância, trata-se de buscar compreender uma dimensão ainda pouco estudada do fenômeno de construção de uma identidade política brasileira de tipo nacional em seus momentos iniciais. / This dissertation analyzes the different views about the indigenous groups created, transmitted and reproduced through the process of political independence of Brazil, considering a long period of time: from 1808 to 1831. Provides an identification of these views, elaborated by the protagonists of this process on public discussion, analyzing them in order to understand its role in the struggles and political thought. Of that time, as well as its interface with the official politics related to indigenous people of Brazil in the same period. Ultimately, it is the seek of understanding the dimension not very studied yet of the phenomenon of building a political brazilian identity of a national type in your initials moments.

'O Cabeleira' entre a tradição e o cientificismo: a construção do herói sertanejo e o projeto educacional de Franklin Távora / 'O Cabeleira' between tradition and science: the construction of the inland hero and the educational project of Franklin Távora

Siqueira, Ana Marcia Alves 30 November 2007 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo examinar a obra O Cabeleira, de Franklin Távora, como romancechave para se compreender uma parte do longo processo de formação de uma identidade nacional por meio da literatura, desenvolvido durante a segunda metade do século XIX. Também busca salientar a perpetuação e atualização de substratos da herança medieval portuguesa em nossa tradição literária, enfatizando o trabalho de transformação e climatização desses substratos graças à apropriação crítica realizada pelo autor. A imaginação criativa de Távora, embebida no repositório nacional, faz aflorar, em O Cabeleira, substratos medievais na construção do heróibandido, bem como na estruturação da trágica história romântica vivida pelo protagonista, na qual o amor é visto como um sentimento atávico, acima do Bem e do Mal, capaz de transformar até o mais cruel dos bandidos. Entretanto, o romance contempla outras intenções; além do objetivo de divulgar as \"autênticas tradições nacionais\", o autor buscava respaldar sua produção literária no cientificismo e defender a importância da educação para a construção de uma nação grandiosa. Certo de que as ciências naturais deveriam se unir à literatura para constituir a nação brasileira, Franklin Távora orquestra, no romance inaugural da Literatura do Norte, uma dupla intenção: de resgate das tradições nacionais através da história do bandido Cabeleira e de defesa da tese de que a educação é o único meio de salvar o sertanejo - e o povo brasileiro - da barbárie, assim como de elevar o Brasil ao patamar civilizatório dos países europeus. A utilização destes ideais e convicções como material literário possibilitou a diversidade de aspectos presentes no romance que parte de uma história registrada tanto pela crônica histórica quanto pelas trovas populares sobre o terrível Cabeleira, alcunha de José Gomes, um dos primeiros cangaceiros de Pernambuco. / The goal of this paper is to examine the romance O Cabeleira by Franklin Távora as a key novel for the comprehension of part of the long process of formation of a national identity through literature, accomplished raised along the second half of century XIX. It also aims to highlight the perpetuation and up date of the substrata of the Portuguese medieval inheritance in our literary tradition, emphasizing the work of transformation and climatization of these substrata due to the critical appropriation made by the author. Távora\'s creative imagination absorbed in the national repository, makes arise in O Cabeleira, medieval substrata in the construction of the outlaw hero, as well as in the structuralization of the tragic romantic history lived by the protagonist, in which love is faced as an atavic feeling, above of the good and of the evil, able to transform even the cruelest of the outlaws. However, the novel contemplates other intentions: besides divulging the \"authentic national traditions\", the author tried to endorse the literary production in science and to defend the whole of education in the construction of a huge nation. Certain that natural science should have to be joined to literature in order to build a Brazilian nation, Franklin Távola orchestrate, in the inaugural romance of the \"Literature of the North\", a double intention: the rescue of the national traditions through the history of the Cabeleira outlaw and the defense of the thesis stating that the education is the only means to save the sertanejo (inlander) - and the Brazilian people - from the barbarity and to raise Brazil to the civilizational plataform of European countries. The use of these ideals and certainties as literary material enabled the great variety of aspects present in the romance that emerge from a history registered both by historical chronicle and by the popular ballads about the terrible Cabeleira, nickname José Gomes, one of the first cangaceiros (bandits) from Pernambuco.

Um poeta português também do Brasil: Joaquim Nabuco leitor de Camões / A Portuguese poet also from Brazil: Joaquim Nabuco reader of Camões

Drumond, Adriano Lima 14 December 2012 (has links)
Nesta monografia, elegeram-se objeto de estudo os textos que Joaquim Nabuco escreveu sobre Camões, analisados numa perspectiva que privilegiou a articulação entre o assunto literário e a questão da nacionalidade. Parcela muito pouco conhecida da obra nabucoana, o ensaio Camões e Os Lusíadas, publicado em 1872, o discurso pronunciado por ocasião do tricentenário de morte do poeta quinhentista e as conferências The place of Camoens in literature, Camoens, the lyric poet e The Lusiads as epic of love, pronunciadas no biênio 1908-09, constituem registro de como o autor pernambucano pensou a cultura e a identidade brasileiras frente à história colonial e à presença da literatura portuguesa no contexto oitocentista no País, em período de consolidações nacionalistas. O fato é que a poesia camoniana motivou Nabuco a afirmar os laços culturais entre ex-colônia e ex-metrópole, propondo um Camões luso-brasileiro, em 1872 e 1880 (o primeiro desses anos, também um centenário, o de publicação dOs Lusíadas), e, em 1908-09, um Camões podemos dizer pan-americanista, ou a serviço da propaganda monroísta, causa abraçada pelo então embaixador do Brasil nos Estados Unidos. Esta monografia também discute as concepções literárias de Joaquim Nabuco, especialmente no que tange ao exercício da crítica, bem como levanta hipóteses a partir das quais se procurou explicar o porquê de o abolicionista ter escolhido Camões como tema de certa recorrência e importância dentro de sua dedicação à literatura. / This monograph analyses the texts that Joaquim Nabuco wrote about Camoens, in a perspective in which the literary subject and the nationality question are set in dialog. The book Camões e Os Lusíadas, published in 1872, the speech, which has celebrated the third centenary of Portuguese poets death, and the speeches The place of Camoens in literature, Camoens, the lyric poet and The Lusiads as epic of love, which were spoken in 1908-09, are a register of how the author has thought about Brazilian culture and identity in the face of the colonial history and presence of Portuguese literature in 19th century Brazilian context and in a period of emergence of nationalist movements. In fact Camoenss poetry motivated Nabuco to assert the cultural ties between Portugal and Brazil, by presenting a Luso-Brazilian image of Camoens in 1872 and 1880 (the first of these years was the third centenary of publication of Os Lusíadas) and a pan-americanist image of him in 1908-09, which is, a Camoens in service of monroism, foreign policy that the Brazilian ambassador did stand up for. This monograph discusses Joaquim Nabucos literary thought, too, especially when it comes to criticism, and proposes hypothesis to explain why did the abolicionist choose Camoens as an important subject of his dedication for literature.

Elementos indígenas na construção da identidade nacional brasileira (1750-1850) / Indigenous elements during the construction of Brazilian National Identity (1750-1850)

Lourenço, Jaqueline 12 May 2016 (has links)
Esta tese analisa diferentes imagens e concepções elaboradas por protagonistas da cena política, pintores, literatos, viajantes e cronistas acerca dos povos indígenas da América portuguesa e do Brasil entre 1750, - ano em que D. José I assumiu o trono português e começou a introduzir as reformas pombalinas - e 1850, um dos marcos de consolidação do Estado nacional brasileiro. A periodização supracitada toma os dois marcos, inicial e final, como balizas cronológicas preliminares e estratégicas, e por isso, aproximativas e flexíveis. Resulta de um recolhimento exaustivo dessas visões em documentação de tipo variado: memórias, cartas, imprensa periódica (1808-1850), debates parlamentares (1826-1850), relatos de viajantes, textos literários e fontes iconográficas dos séculos XVIII e XIX, analisando-as de modo a entender como os indígenas eram vistos na cena pública pelos protagonistas de diferentes momentos políticos na América Portuguesa e posteriormente Brasil. Em última instância, objetivou-se compreender como, em meio à multiplicidade de imagens do indígena plasmadas por séculos, surgiram imagens positivas em momentos historicamente cruciais, a exemplo do processo de gestação de múltiplas identidades da América Portuguesa, das quais surgiu, no século XIX, uma brasileira capaz de satisfazer a um projeto incipiente de identidade nacional amparado em partes na figura do indígena. Tal projeto seria forjado no curso das lutas políticas independentistas e reiterado posteriormente, durante os primeiros anos do Segundo Reinado (1840-1889). Esta tese de doutorado é decorrente da dissertação de mestrado desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social da Universidade de São Paulo intitulada Um espelho brasileiro: visões sobre os povos indígenas na construção de uma simbologia nacional no Brasil (1808-1831), orientada pelo Prof. Dr. João Paulo Garrido Pimenta e financiada pelo CNPq. A dissertação acercou-se da identificação de um esboço de identidade nacional construída a partir de elementos simbólicos indígenas durante o processo de independência do Brasil. Esta primeira pesquisa deu margem ao aprofundamento de questões nela apenas sinalizadas, sendo fundamental o alargamento do período e das fontes estudados de modo, inclusive, a alargar o escopo analítico para além do tema da identidade nacional. / This thesis analyzes different images and concepts developed by the protagonists of the political scene, painters, writers, travelers and writers about the indigenous people from Portuguese America and Brazil between 1750, year that D. Joseph I took the Portuguese throne and began to introduce the Pombaline reforms - and 1850, one of the landmarks of consolidation of the Brazilian national state. The period of time in between those years, has made these two facts as preliminary and strategic chronological boundaries, and therefore, turn them approximate and flexible. It results of an exhaustive self-communion of these views on varied types of documents: memoirs, letters, periodical press (1808-1850), parliamentary debates (1826-1850), travelers\' accounts, literary texts and iconographic sources from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, analyzing them in order to understand how the indigenous people were seen on the public scene by the protagonists of the different political moments in Portuguese America and later on in Brazil. Ultimately, the objective was to understand how, through the multiplicity of images of indigenous molded along the centuries, there were positive images in moments historically crucial, like the gestation process of multiple identities of Portuguese America, which emerged in the nineteenth century, a Brazilian able to satisfy an incipient project of national identity supported in part by the figure of the indigenous. Such a project would be forged in the course of the political struggles for independence and reiterated later on, during the early years of the Second Empire (1840-1889). This doctorate degree thesis is a result of the dissertation developed at the postgraduate Program in Social History at the University of São Paulo entitled A brazilian mirror: visions of indigenous peoples and the construction of a national symbology in Brazil (1808-1831), oriented by Prof. Dr. João Paulo Garrido Pimenta and funded by CNPq. The approach of that dissertation was to identify a national identity sketch constructed from indigenous symbolic elements during the process of independence of Brazil. This first research has allowed a deeper discussion of elements that were just mentioned, and it is essential to extend the period and the sources that have been studied previouly, as well as to extend the analytical scope beyond the matter of national identity.

National identity and economic development : the Workplace Challenge project in the South African plastics industry

Dickinson, David George January 2001 (has links)
This thesis investigates the role of national identity in economic development in the context of post-apartheid South Africa. It draws on research carried out during 1997-1998 on a supply-side project in the plastics industry - the Workplace Challenge. The key empirical sections of the thesis are formed by in-depth case-studies of two factories which implemented the Workplace Challenge. This is linked to industry-level pressures and analysis of national-level discourses to illustrate how macro-level processes are reflected in micro contexts. After an introductory chapter, the research question is framed, in Chapter Two, by means of an interdisciplinary review of theories of nationalism, identity (particularly social identity theory), and economic development. It is suggested that the existence of a superordinate-level identity - such as that held by citizens of a 'new' South Africa - provides a potential resource, in the form of unity and motivation, that can be brought to bear in the process of economic development. Chapter Three examines the methodology used to investigate this research question. Chapter Four considers the national context of post-apartheid South Africa. Particular attention is paid to the national-building project undertaken since the democratic elections of 1994, the government's economic development strategy, and the main institutions of labour and capital. The Workplace Challenge project, which aims to raise productivity by improving shopfloor relations, is introduced in Chapter Five along with a description of the plastics industry where the project was implemented. Chapters Six and Seven present detailed case studies on the progress of the Workplace Challenge in two East Rand plastics factories. Background on the factories, the initial views of management and workers, and key developments during the year of implementation are outlined. An analysis of these developments is then undertaken. Chapter Eight provides a conclusion. Drawing from the research undertaken, it is argued that the new national identity in South Africa has provided resources for processes of economic change in micro-level institutions. However, given the constructed nature of this new identity, this resource can only be mobilised on a sustainable basis if change is aligned with shared symbolic understandings and an acceptance that resources are equitably distributed by all those subscribing to the new identity.

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