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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μελέτη διεπαφών διασύνδεσης τρίτων φορέων σε δίκτυα επόμενης γενιάς

Ζαφειρόπουλος, Παναγιώτης 08 January 2014 (has links)
Στόχος αυτής της εργασίας είναι να εισάγει τον αναγνώστη στις διεπαφές Parlay/OSA με απλό και συνοπτικό τρόπο. Οι διεπαφές Parlay/OSA είναι ένα σύνολο προγραμματιστικών διεπαφών που επιτρέπουν στους ανεξάρτητους προμηθευτές υπηρεσιών να δημιουργήσουν τηλεπικοινωνιακές υπηρεσίες. Οι διεπαφές περιλαμβάνουν εκτος των άλλων : το κομμάτι του ελέγχου της κλήσης, το κομμάτι της αλληλεπίδρασης με το χρήστη,το κομμάτι του εντοπισμού του χρήστη, καθώς και το κομμάτι της χρέωσης και τον λογιστικών πράξεων. Οι Parlay/OSA διεπαφές είναι πρότυπα των ETSI και 3GPP. Το πρώτο μέρος της εργασίας είναι μια εισαγωγή στο πληροφοριακό μοντέλο του Parlay/OSA. Στην συνέχεια αναλύουμε την λειτουργικότητα των API καθώς και τον τυπικό τρόπο λειτουργίας τους. Τέλος περιγράφονται δύο εφαρμογές όπου φαίνεται η χρήση και ο τρόπος λειτουργίας των διεπαφών. / The purpose of this thesis is to introduce the reader to the Parlay/OSA interfaces in a simple manner. Parlay/OSA interfaces are a set of programmable interfaces that enable third party service providers create telecommunication services. Parlay/Osa interfaces are ETSI and 3GPP models. The first part of this thesis is an introduction to Parlay/OSA APIs. After that, the APIs' functionality is described. Finally, two sample applications are described to show the use and functionality of the interfaces.

Compulsory Psychiatric Care: Perspectives from the Swedish Coercion Study : Patient Experiences, Documented Measures, Next of Kins’ Attitudes and Outcome

Wallsten, Tuula January 2008 (has links)
<p>The use of coercion in psychiatry involves clinical, legal, scientific, ethical and emotional considerations. This thesis represents an attempt to further increase our understanding of some empirical aspects of this phenomenon. </p><p>Interviews with 202 involuntarily admitted psychiatric patients and 201 voluntarily admitted patients and 295 of their next of kins were performed and analysed together with data from records and assessments made by professionals. Data was collected during two different periods of time with a compulsory psychiatric care law reform in between.</p><p>Experience of at least one coercive measure was more common amongst patients who had been committed during the most recent legislation. Otherwise there were no differences in patient experiences during the different laws.</p><p>Subjective short-term outcome was associated with having a contact person at the ward and being subjectively treated well. There were no relationships between subjective and assessed outcome or between legal status, perceived coercion at admission and subjective or assessed improvement.</p><p>The changed legislation had no clear effect on the attitudes of patients and next of kins towards coercion.</p><p>A majority of patients were able to accurately answer the question whether they had been restrained by belt or not during a specific treatment episode. Nineteen of 115 patients reported they had been restrained by belt. Eleven of these cases were true positive and 8 cases were false positive. </p><p>In conclusion, the main results were first that when it comes to issues related to psychiatric coercion there are typically considerable differences between how these are perceived and interpreted by the professional and by the patient, and second that efforts made to change the face of psychiatric coercion in the minds of patients as well as the public on part of public policymakers have had limited effects.</p>

Framtidens ledarskap inom offentligsektor. : Universalgeni, trollkonstnär eller bara en helt vanlig människa

Bolmgren, Eva, Linnberg, Lis January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta arbete är att försöka ta reda på vilka egenskaper som framtidens ledare kommer att behöva inom den kommunala sektorn, men också om det finns eventuella förutsättningar som måste förändras för framtidens ledare. Tio intervjuer genomfördes med personer på ledande positioner inom fyra kommuner i Mellansverige. Utifrån detta sammanställdes intervjumaterialet, och ur detta framkom tre övergripande huvudområden organisation, egenskaper och framtid som sen utmynnade i ett antal ledord. Mot dessa tolkades teorier i ett försök att koppla de till det framtida ledarskapet. Slutsatsen är att det inte finns bara en teori att förhålla sig till, utan det gäller att kunna hantera kontexten och förutsättningarna, och utifrån den kunna anpassa sig. Ett transformativt synsätt kring ledarskap kan vara ett sätt att lyckas i framtiden.</p>

The Genetics of Speciation and Colouration in Carrion and Hooded Crows

Poelstra, Jelmer January 2013 (has links)
A fundamental goal in biological research is to gain an understanding of the evolutionary processes and genetic elements that drive speciation. Genes responsible for reproductive isolation in young divergent lineages are particularly poorly known. In this thesis, the speciation genetics of carrion (Corvus (corone) corone) and hooded (C. (corone) cornix) crows were studied. These taxa differ strikingly in colouration and meet in a narrow hybrid zone in Europe, yet appear to be very similar genetically. A major component of reproductive isolation is social selection on colour differences. First, we investigated the genetic basis of plumage divergence between carrion and hooded crows using a candidate gene approach. Nucleotide divergence was confirmed to be low, while there was no evidence for any of the sequenced genes to be associated with colour differences. Second, we performed a simulation study to assess the performance of RNA-seq, a relatively novel approach that we later employed ourselves. We asked how variation in transcriptome complexity and bioinformatic workflow affected the accuracy of gene expression profiling. We generally found reassuring robustness and made a number of specific recommendations. Third, we compared the corticosterone stress response of carrion and hooded crows. In accordance with the hypothesis that the degree of melanization and physiological traits are correlated due to pleiotropy, we found a higher stress response in hooded crows, and detected possibly associated gene expression in pituitary. Fourth, we investigated genomic divergence by assembling a hooded crow reference genome followed by whole-genome resequencing of four European population samples. Northern European carrion crows were more similar to hooded crows than to Spanish carrion crows, pointing towards rampant introgression far beyond the hybrid zone. Nevertheless, several narrow genomic regions harboured high between-taxon divergence and were potentially associated with phenotypic traits. Fifth, we compared whole-transcriptome gene expression profiles between crows, focusing on skin with developing feathers. We used a design that allowed to differentiate between taxon-specific, colour-specific and body patterning effects. Widespread underexpression of genes in the melanogenesis pathway was associated with grey colour, and we detected several genes that may contribute to colour divergence in this system.

Att leva nära den palliativa vården, ur de närståendes perspektiv – en litteraturöversikt / Living close to the palliative care, from the next of kin’s perspective – a literature review

Hedberg, Lina, Pålsson, Veronica January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idag lever många nära en person som drabbats av en livshotande sjukdom. Många som insjuknar har behov av den palliativa vården. Den palliativa vården syftar till att främja livskvalitet och lindra lidande, både för patienten och för de närstående. När en person i familjen blir sjuk är det naturligt för de flesta människor att ta rollen som vårdare och familjen anses ha en stor betydelse i vården av den sjuke. Att erhålla information samt stöd är viktiga förutsättningar för att de närstående ska kunna känna delaktighet i vården. Sjuksköterskan har till uppgift att lindra lidande, främja hälsa samt ge stöd och information. Syfte: Att belysa de närståendes erfarenheter av den palliativa vården. Design: En litteraturöversikt. Metod: 14 vetenskapliga artiklar som blivit publicerade under de senaste fem åren, har lästs flertalet gånger och därefter analyserats utifrån en innehållsanalys, för att finna gemensamma kategorier som beskriver de närståendes erfarenheter/ upplevelser. Resultat: Närheten till döden var något som väckte starka känslor, och situationen beskrevs vara fysiskt, psykiskt och emotionellt påfrestande. Resultatet visar att de närstående tog ett stort ansvar i vården av den sjuke, detta resulterade i ett ökat behov av stöd, framförallt från familj och vänner. En god relation till vårdpersonalen ökade förutsättningarna till en god vård. Trots den svåra situationen kunde meningsfullhet upplevas. Slutsats: Sjukdomen medförde att livssituationen förändrades och en ökad ansvarskänsla uppstod hos den närstående. Stöd från familj och vänner, samt vårdpersonal hade stor betydelse. Kunskap hos vårdpersonalen värderades högt och det var viktigt att den sjuke skulle få dö en värdig och fridfull död. / Background: A lot of people are today living close to a person who suffers from a life-threatening disease A lot of people who become sick has a need for palliative care. Palliative care aims to improve quality of life and ease suffering, both for the patient and for the next of kin. When a person in the family gets ill, it’s natural for most people to take on the role as the caregiver and the family is considered to have a great importance in the caregiving. To obtain information and support it’s important for the next of kin to feel involved in the care. The nurse’s task is to ease suffering, promote health and provide support and information. Aim: To describe the next-of kin`s experiences of palliative care. Design: A literature review. Methods: 14 articles, published in the last five years, has been read several times and then analysed through a content analysis, to find categories that describes the next of kin’s experiences. Results: The closeness/proximity of death was something that arouse strong emotions, and the situation was described as physically, mentally and emotionally stressful. The result revealed that the next of kin took a great responsibility in the care of the ill person, this resulted in an increased need of support, especially from family and friends. A good relationship to the healthcare professionals increased the chances to get good care. Despite the difficult situation, meaningfulness could be experienced. Conclusion: The disease led to a changed life situation and an increased sense of responsibility for the next of kin. Support from family and friends and healthcare professionals had great importance. Knowledge among healthcare professionals was highly valued and it was important that the ill person would be allowed to die a dignified and peaceful death.

Människorna som står patienten nära : Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av närstående / Those close to the patient : Nurses experiences of next-of-kin

Martinez, Aracely, Lindberg, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Syndrome de Usher : outils innovants pour une exploration moléculaire exhaustive / Usher syndrome : advanced tools for a comprehensive molecular exploration

Besnard, Thomas 05 December 2012 (has links)
Le syndrome de Usher est une maladie génétique associant surdité congénitale et rétinopathie pigmentaire (RP), auxquelles peuvent s'ajouter des troubles vestibulaires. Les différences phénotypiques, distinguées en 3 types cliniques, s'accompagnent d'une hétérogénéité génétique impliquant au moins 10 gènes. Identifier et caractériser les causes moléculaires grâce aux outils d'analyses génétiques disponibles permet d'améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques à l'origine des symptômes du syndrome de Usher. Dans ce cadre, nous nous sommes inscrits dans une recherche d'exhaustivité des études moléculaires. Dans un premier temps, nous avons ainsi mis en place l'analyse et défini le spectre mutationnel des gènes minoritairement impliqués dans le type II (GPR98 et DFNB31). Nous avons également développé différents outils, notamment pour l'analyse de variants altérant le mécanisme d'épissage ou touchant les régions promotrices des gènes USH2.Ces travaux permettent d'obtenir un taux de détection des altérations conduisant au syndrome de Usher type 2 de 90 %. Ce taux est maintenant similaire à celui observé pour le type 1, qui constituait jusqu'ici la référence.Nous avons, dans un second temps, développé le séquençage nouvelle génération (NGS) appliqué à l'exome Usher. L'objectif de cette analyse était de tester la faisabilité et l'efficacité de cette approche, en vue de son éventuelle utilisation en diagnostic moléculaire. La définition des critères de qualité et la mise en place de la priorisation des variants ont été réalisées sur un groupe contrôle. L'étude a ensuite été étendue sur une cohorte de patients. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu'une utilisation en diagnostic est possible mais restera dépendante de l'amélioration de la technique du séquençage, de son analyse et des outils bioinformatiques pour interpréter le volume de données ainsi généré. / Usher syndrome is a genetic disorder combining sensorineural hearing loss (HL) and retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Some patients will also exhibit vestibular areflexia (VA). Clinical and genetic heterogeneity is recognized as the 3 clinical subgroups, defined mainly on the degree of HL and VA, can be caused by mutations in one of the 10 known genes. It is important to use all accessible genetic tools to identify and characterize molecular origin in order to improve the knowledge of the physiopathological mechanisms causing Usher Syndrome.In this context, we have developed an exhaustive approach. In a first step, we have implemented the analysis and established the mutational spectrum of the 2 minor USH2 genes (GPR98 and DFNB31). In addition, we have developed several tools, in particular to study variants susceptible to alter splicing or lying in the promoter regions of the USH2 genes.Thanks to this work, the USH2 mutation detection rate has now been raised to 90%, similar to that of USH1.We have then designed a targeted exome of the Usher genes to be sequenced using the GS Junior system (Roche 454). The aim of the study was to test the feasibility of this new technics for a possible transfer to diagnostic facilities. Quality criteria and variant priorization were set up on a control cohort (previously studied in one of the USH gene). The study has then been extended on a patient cohort. Our results indicate that NGS Usher-exome can be used in molecular diagnostics but improvement of the reliability of the sequencing technology, bioinformatics tools and dedicated databases is essential.

A design comparison between IPv4 and IPv6 in the context of MYSEA, and implementation of an IPv6 MYSEA prototype

O'Neal, Matthew R. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Internet Protocol version six (IPv6), the next generation Internet Protocol, exists sparsely in today's world. However, as it gains popularity, it will grow into a vital part of the Internet and communications technology in general. Many large organizations, including the Department of Defense, are working toward deploying IPv6 in many varied applications. This thesis focuses on the design and implementation issues that accompany a migration from Internet Protocol version four (IPv4) to IPv6 in the Monterey Security Enhanced Architecture (MYSEA). The research for this thesis consists of two major parts: a functional comparison between the IPv6 and IPv4 designs, and a prototype implementation of MYSEA with IPv6. The current MYSEA prototype relies on a subset of Network Address Translation (NAT) functionality to support the network's operation; and, due to the fact that IPv6 has no native support for NAT, this work also requires the creation of a similar mechanism for IPv6. This thesis provides a preliminary examination of IPv6 in MYSEA, which is a necessary step in determining whether the new protocol will assist with or detract from the enforcement of MYSEA policies. / Ensign, United States Navy

Computational Pipeline for Human Transcriptome Quantification Using RNA-seq Data

Xu, Guorong 04 August 2011 (has links)
The main theme of this thesis research is concerned with developing a computational pipeline for processing Next-generation RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data. RNA-seq experiments generate tens of millions of short reads for each DNA/RNA sample. The alignment of a large volume of short reads to a reference genome is a key step in NGS data analysis. Although storing alignment information in the Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) or Binary SAM (BAM) format is now standard, biomedical researchers still have difficulty accessing useful information. In order to assist biomedical researchers to conveniently access essential information from NGS data files in SAM/BAM format, we have developed a Graphical User Interface (GUI) software tool named SAMMate to pipeline human transcriptome quantification. SAMMate allows researchers to easily process NGS data files in SAM/BAM format and is compatible with both single-end and paired-end sequencing technologies. It also allows researchers to accurately calculate gene expression abundance scores.

Copingstrategier hos anhöriga till personer med Alzheimers sjukdom : En empririsk studie av självbiografier / Coping strategies among next of kin to a person with Alzheimers disease : An empirical study of autobiographies

Rosén Hagert, Frida, Borg, Othilia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom medför många förändringar som inte bara påverkar de drabbade utan även de anhöriga. Dessa förändringar hanteras med hjälp av olika copingstrategier. Syfte: Att beskriva vilka copingstrategier anhöriga till personer med Alzheimers sjukdom använder sig av. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats, där materialet samlats in från självbiografier. Det insamlade materialet analyserades och delades in med hjälp av formuläret “Ways of Coping”. Resultat: Anhöriga använde sig av copingstrategier så som att till exempel “sätta ner foten” (konfronterande coping), skylla på annat (avståndstagande), dölja sina känslor (självkontrollerande) samt hjälp och stöd från omgivningen (söka socialt stöd), att lägga skulden på sig själva (accepterande av ansvaret), distraherande tankar och aktiviteter (undkommande och undvikande), informationssökande (planerande problemlösning) och positiv självförändring (positiv omvärdering). Slutsats: Kunskap om copingstrategier hos vårdpersonal kan hjälpa anhöriga i sin roll som vårdare till personer med Alzheimers sjukdom. / Background: With Alzheimer's disease comes many changes that affect not only the affected but also their families. These changes are managed using a variety of coping strategies. Aim: To describe coping strategies among informal caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study with a deductive approach, where the data is collected from autobiographies. The data was analyzed and sorted with help from the instrument "Ways of Coping". Result: The caregivers of the study used coping strategies such as, for example, putting the foot down (confrontive coping), blame others (distancing), hiding emotions (self-controlling) and help and support from the surroundings (seeking social support), to blame oneself (accepting responsibility), distracting thoughts and activities (escape-avoidance), information seeking (planful problem solving) and positive personal change (positive reappraisal). Conclusion: Knowledge of coping strategies among health care workers could help families in their role as caregivers of the person with Alzheimer's disease.

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