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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact des variations de la mousson Africaine sur l’érosion chimique des silicates dans le bassin versant du Nil depuis 100.000 ans / Impact of the African monsoon variations on silicate chemical weathering in the Nile basin

Bastian, Luc 07 December 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer une reconstruction de l’altération continentale dans le bassin du Nil depuis 100.000 ans, afin de mieux comprendre l’impact des variations climatiques sur les sols, les apports à la Méditerranée et le cycle du carbone. Ce travail repose sur une étude géochimique fine des argiles extraites d’archives sédimentaires du delta du Nil sur une échelle de temps de 100.000 ans. Il repose sur une approche inédite du couplage d’un traceur de source (isotopes du néodyme) et de traceurs d’altérations (isotopes du lithium). Les résultats de cette étude mettent en évidence une réponse rapide de l’altération continentale aux variations hydro-climatique en Afrique du Nord. De plus, les changements climatiques en Atlantique Nord et du ralentissement de l’AMOC ont eu une influence importante sur la diminution de l’intensité d’altération continentale dans le bassin du Nil. A l’actuel, les taux d’altération, et la consommation de CO2 associée, des trapps d’Ethiopie sont relativement faibles par rapport aux autres régions basaltiques. Nos résultats montrent cependant que durant l’African Humid Period, la consommation de CO2 dans cette région était 2 à 3 fois plus importante qu’aujourd’hui. Cela indique que les trapps d’Ethiopie ont pu jouer un rôle non négligeable dans le cycle du CO2, et en particulier lors des périodes de fort runoff. Enfin, des développements analytiques ont été réalisés afin de pouvoir exploiter les compositions isotopiques en lithium des carbonates biogéniques marins, comme nouveaux traceurs des apports en eau douce du Nil. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent une influence des effets dits « vitaux » et des processus de diagénèse. / This thesis presents a reconstruction of the chemical weathering in the Nile basin since 100.000 years. His objective is to better understand the impact of climatic variations on chemical weathering, to better. This work is based on the geochemistry study on marine core recorded in the Nile delta, on a time scale of 100.000 years. It use a novel approach with the coupling of à source tracer (εNd) and chemical weathering tracers (δ7Li and elementary ratios) on the fine fraction (< 2µm). In addition, it was analyzed samples of each actual Nil sources and a core sample from Tana Lack (Ethiopie). The results of this studies have enabled to reconstruct the chemical weathering variations in the Nile basin since 100.000 years. It show a rapid respond of chemical weathering to climate variations. This was also observed by important impact of North Atlantic climate variations on the decrease of chemical weathering in the Nile basin. At present, the chemical weathering flux and the CO2 consumption of the Ethiopian traps are low comparted to the other basaltic regions, as the Deccan. However, our results show that during the most humid periods (African Humid Period) the CO2 consumption was 2 to 3 time higher than today. This indicates that the Ethiopian traps could be have played a non-negligible role in the global CO2 cycle during the Cenozoic, and principally during the most humid periods in North Africa. Finally, analytical developments have been realized to be able to exploit the lithium isotopes on biogenic carbonates as a new tracer of Nile water flood. The results suggest an influence of “vital” effect and diagenetic process.

Fairness in NIL-based NFT marketplace (NNM)

Chaudhary, Monu 26 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

The Effects of Weld Thermal Cycles on Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel

Yamanaka, Hajime 01 June 2019 (has links) (PDF)
To address the size limitation of the powder bed fusion system in additive manufacturing, the welding properties of 316L stainless steel manufactured by SLM 125HL are investigated by conducting hot ductility test and nil strength temperature (NST) test with a physical thermal mechanical simulator, Gleeble. In this study, the print orientations (Zdirection and XY-direction) and the laser patterns (stripe and checker board) are studied. In NST test, the orientation showed a statistical significance in NST: Z-direction was 1384°C and XY-direction was 1400°C. In hot ductility test, all of ductility curves show similar behaviors: hardening region, recrystallization region, and liquation region. The additively manufactured 316L shows poor ductility compared to wrought 316L stainless steel. Also, there is a noticeable difference in ductility between laser pattern. Finally, ductility after the thermal cycle shows higher than that before the thermal cycle. For the future recommendation, investigation on the interelayer temperatures and sigma phase determination should be conducted to confirm the hypotheses to explain the phenomena observed in this study.

Big Ballers, Bigger Budget: An Exploration of College Athletes and University Media Revenues

Dedolli, Odri 01 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
College athletics have faced a lot of challenges and changes in the last two decades. Sports like football and basketball have been the main money-making streams for NCAA. With the popularity of college athletics growing, members of the business community have seen this as an opportunity to make money, especially members of the media. In turn, student-athletes have factored the ability to make money off of their own name, image, and likeness (NIL) into their college education decision. In order to explore this relationship between college athletics and the media industry, I analyzed how media rights in college basketball have affected college basketball recruiting over the last five years. Teams are not only recruiting players from high school, but they have to work hard and recruit players from the transfer portal, which allows for mid-collegiate-career changes. With the introduction of NIL, recruiting highly ranked players has become a complex process in that teams with smaller budgets feel helpless because money is not an issue for the bigger schools. In my research, I analyzed players and teams from all levels within Division 1 basketball, and through statistical analysis, The research found that better players are attracted by more affluent athletic programs. Teams with higher media rights revenue and overall revenue have a big advantage when it comes to recruiting highly rated high-school players or transfers. School enrollment does not play a significant role in some cases because student-athletes are mostly focused on their athletic experience.

Minimum Rank Problems for Cographs

Malloy, Nicole Andrea 04 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Let G be a simple graph on n vertices, and let S(G) be the class of all real-valued symmetric nxn matrices whose nonzero off-diagonal entries occur in exactly the positions corresponding to the edges of G. The smallest rank achieved by a matrix in S(G) is called the minimum rank of G, denoted mr(G). The maximum nullity achieved by a matrix in S(G) is denoted M(G). For each graph G, there is an associated minimum rank class, MR(G) consisting of all matrices A in S(G) with rank A = mr(G). Although no restrictions are applied to the diagonal entries of matrices in S(G), sometimes diagonal entries corresponding to specific vertices of G must be zero for all matrices in MR(G). These vertices are known as nil vertices (see [6]). In this paper I discuss some basic results about nil vertices in general and nil vertices in cographs and prove that cographs with a nil vertex of a particular form contain two other nil vertices symmetric to the first. I discuss several open questions relating to these results and a counterexample. I prove that for all cographs G without an induced complete tripartite graph with independent sets all of size 3, the zero-forcing number Z(G), a graph theoretic parameter, is equal to M(G). In fact this result holds for a slightly larger class of cographs and in particular holds for all threshold graphs. Lastly, I prove that the maximum of the minimum ranks of all cographs on n vertices is the floor of 2n/3.

Ostrakon Amarna 297: Kein medizinischer Text, sondern der früheste Beleg des großen Nilhymnus

Köhler, Ines, Jancziak, Jessica 07 February 2023 (has links)
Since it was published ostracon Amarna 297 was as-signed to the medical texts. New investigations show that instead of medical it contains a clearly literal text: the great Nile-hymn. With this identification, the ostracon Amarna 297 that clearly dates to the Amarna-period is the earliest evidence of the Nile-hymn.

Die Seroprävalenz des West-Nil-Virus im Sudan

Beier, Josephine 18 January 2024 (has links)
In Regionen, in denen verschiedene Flaviviren zirkulieren, wird die Diagnostik des West-Nil-Virus (WNV) oft durch Kreuzreaktionen erschwert. Einer dieser Staaten ist der Sudan, in welchem neben dem WNV auch Dengue-Viren (DENV) endemisch sind. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die WNV-Seroprävalenz im Sudan unter Ausschluss von Kreuzreaktionen mit Dengue-Viren oder dem Zika-Virus zu ermitteln. Zudem sollte bei Probanden mit früherer DENV-Infektion der Anteil an WNV-neutralisierenden Seren bestimmt werden. Serumproben von Patienten mit Fieber aus den sudanesischen Regionen Kassala, Nord-Kordofan und Red Sea State wurden vor Beginn dieser Arbeit mittels ELISA auf DENV-Antikörper untersucht. Seren ohne DENV-Antikörper (N = 106) und eine mit den Probanden dieser Gruppe hinsichtlich Herkunft, Alter und Geschlecht übereinstimmende zweite Personengruppe mit DENV-Antikörpern (N = 108) wurden ausgewählt. In allen Serumproben wurden mittels Mikroneutralisationstest sowohl die Häufigkeit WNV-neutralisierender Antikörper als auch deren Titer bestimmt. In der Gruppe der Seren ohne DENV-Antikörper neutralisierten 30,2% das WNV. Diese wurden in weiteren Neutralisationstests auf DENV- und ZIKV-neutralisierende Antikörper untersucht. 18,9% dieser Serumproben wiesen ausschließlich Antikörper gegen das WNV auf, sodass die ermittelte Seroprävalenz zwischen 18,9% und 30,2% lag. Die Seroprävalenz stieg mit zunehmendem Alter der Testpersonen an. Männer und Frauen waren gleichermaßen betroffen. Der Anteil der DENV-positiven Seren, die das WNV neutralisierten, betrug 83,3%. Diese Seren zeigten höhere WNV-Neutralisationstiter als die DENV-negativen Proben. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit demonstrieren, dass ein erheblicher Anteil der Probanden eine serologisch nachgewiesene WNV-Infektion hatte. Im Vergleich dazu wies die große Mehrheit der Personen mit zurückliegender DENV-Infektion WNV-neutralisierende Antikörper auf. Es sind weitere Studien erforderlich, um klinische Fälle von WNV-Infektionen zu identifizieren und um herauszufinden, ob Personen mit kreuzneutralisierenden Antikörpern vor WNV-Infektionen geschützt sind.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einführung 1.1 Charakterisierung, Verwandtschaft und Übertragung des West Nil Virus 1.2 Klinische Symptomatik einer West-Nil-Virus-Infektion 1.3 Verbreitung und Ausbrüche 1.4 Situation im Sudan 1.5 Serologische Diagnostik von West-Nil-Virus-Infektionen 2 Aufgabenstellung 3 Materialien und Methoden 3.1 Materialien 3.1.1 Chemikalien und Reagenzien 3.1.2 Enzyme und Farbstoffe 3.1.3 Nährmedien 3.1.4 Puffer 3.1.5 Antikörper 3.1.6 Kits 3.1.7 Virusstämme 3.1.8 Zellen 3.1.9 Patientenproben 3.1.10 Software und Programme 3.1.11 Technische Geräte und Materialien 3.2 Methoden 3.2.1 Kriterien zur Auswahl der Probanden 3.2.2 Zellkultivierung 3.2.3 Zellzählung 3.2.4 Mikroneutralisationstest Screening Antikörpertiter-Test Interpretation 3.2.5 ELISA zum Nachweis Virus-infizierter Zellen 3.2.6 Bewertung der Ergebnisse 3.3 Statistik 4 Ergebnisse 4.1 Auswahl der Seren 4.2 Anteil der WNV-NT-positiven Probanden 4.3 Anteil der DENV- und ZIKV-NT-positiven Probanden 4.4 Vergleich der WNV-Seroprävalenz in Gruppe 1 und Gruppe 2 4.5 Charakteristika der WNV-NT-positiven Probanden 4.6 WNV-Antikörpertiter 5 Diskussion 5.1 Seroprävalenz des West-Nil-Virus 5.2 Assoziation zwischen zurückliegenden DENV-Infektionen und WNV-neutralisierenden Antikörpern 5.3 Häufigkeit von WNV-Infektionen in Kassala und Nord-Kordofan 5.4 Zusammenhang zwischen dem Alter und Geschlecht der Probanden und dem Anteil WNV-neutralisierender Antikörper 5.5 Methodenbeurteilung 5.6 Bedeutung der Untersuchungsergebnisse 6 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 7 Literaturverzeichnis 8 Abbildungsverzeichnis 9 Tabellenverzeichnis 10 Formelverzeichnis 11 Selbstständigkeitserklärung 12 Lebenslauf 13 Danksagung

On the Quaternary history of African monsoon : sedimentological and geochemical records from the eastern Mediterranean sea / Évolution de la mousson africaine au cours du Quaternaire : approches sédimentologiques et géochimiques des sédiments terrigènes de la Méditerranée orientale

Zhao, Yulong 29 February 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à restituer l'histoire de la mousson africaine au cours du Quaternaire, et à en déterminer ses influences sur les variations des apports sédimentaires du Nil et des déserts d’Afrique du nord. Deux sites de la Méditerranée orientale ont alors été étudiés (la carotte MD90-964 dans la partie orientale du bassin Levantin et le Site ODP 964 dans la Mer ionienne). Sur la base des analyses de la minéralogie des argiles, de la granulomètrie, de la teneur en carbonate et Corg couplées à des analyses semi-quantitatives d’éléments majeurs et traces à très haute résolution temporelle par XRF Core Scanner, nous avons restitué l’histoire des apports sédimentaires du Nil, des changements de précipitation en l’Afrique du Nord, et des variations des paleo-crues du Nil au cours des 1,75 derniers millions d'années. Le premier enregistrement de Delta(18)O du foraminifère planctonique G. ruber (carotte MD90-964) de l’ensemble du Quaternaire a été obtenu à très haute résolution temporelle pour la Méditerranée orientale. Le site ODP 964 a permis de restituer la dynamique des apports de poussière saharienne à la mer ionienne durant les 1,5 derniers millions d'années. Les résultats indiquent que les changements dans les apports de sédiments transportés par le Nil et par les vents depuis les domaines sahariens sont fortement influencés par les variations de la mousson africaine. Les alternances glaciaires/interglaciaires et les variations climatiques de la transition climatique mi-Pléistocène (MPT), dans une moindre mesure, influencent également / This thesis is devoted to reconstruct the Quaternary history of African monsoon and its influences on suspended loads of the Nile River and dust production in Sahara. The materials used in this study come from two sites (MD90-964 in the eastern Levantine Basin and ODP Site 964 in the Ionian Sea) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Based on clay mineralogy, grain sizes, carbonate and Corg contents, and XRF core scanning analyses of Core MD90-964, we have reconstructed history of the Nile suspended discharges, precipitation in North Africa, and Nile paleoflood events during the last 1.75 Ma. On the basis of the planktonic foraminiferal Delta(18)O record of Core MD90-964, we have established for the first time in the eastern Mediterranean Sea a high-resolution planktonic foraminiferal (G. ruber) Delta(18)O record that penetrates the Quaternary period. The ODP Site 964 allows us to establish the variations of Saharan dust inputs to the eastern Mediterranean Sea during the last 1.5 Ma. Our results indicate that both fluvial sediments from the Nile and Saharan eolian dust inputs to the eastern Mediterranean Sea are greatly influenced by the variability of African monsoon. The glacial/interglacial cycles and other orbital-scale climatic events, such as the “Mid-Pleistocene Transition”, can also affect climate changes in North Africa to a minor extent.

Adapta??o do modelo de gest?o do Programa Qualidade Rio (PQRio) a uma organiza??o do carnaval carioca: Estudo de caso do Gr?mio Recreativo Escola de Samba Beija-Flor de Nil?polis / Adaptation of the model Management Program Quality Rio (PQRio) to the one organization of the Carioca Carnival: Study of Case of the Recreativo Bosom School of Samba Beija-Flor de Nil?polis

SANTOS, C?ssio Dias dos 15 February 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-29T17:53:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006 - Cassio Dias dos Santos.pdf: 1409499 bytes, checksum: 3e4eb75652ad8d76ba015238a888bd54 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T17:53:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006 - Cassio Dias dos Santos.pdf: 1409499 bytes, checksum: 3e4eb75652ad8d76ba015238a888bd54 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-15 / The objective of this study of case, is to supply given, to information and analyses, that can come to collaborate with the classification and professionalization of a carnival organization, thus allowing to pass to be used as reference a model of planning for this this sector, therefore the carnival is the main popular party of Brazil. Trying to show that the G.R.E.S. Nilopolis de Beija-Flor samba school that presents all the characteristics of an organization of Quality, 1? ranking of the LIESA. Our it analyses will be based on the criteria of PQRio (leadership, strategy and plans, customers, society, information and knowledge, people and processes). Approaching with this its strategical planning, its social and cultural action. Indicating factors that had made Beija-Flor to become a successful organization in its segment. Thus getting a comprehensive and significant picture of the organizations (schools od Samba) of the Carioca Carnival. / O objetivo deste estudo de caso ? fornecer dados, informa??es e an?lises que possam vir a colocar a classifica??o e profissionaliza??o de uma organiza??o de carnaval, permitindo assim passar a ser utilizado como referencia para o modelo de planejamento para este setor, pois o carnaval ? a principal festa popular do Brasil.Tenta-se mostrar que o G.R.E.S. Beija-Flor de Nil?polis ? uma escola de samba que apresenta todas as caracter?sticas de uma organiza??o de qualidade, a primeira do ranking da LIESA. Nossa an?lise ser? baseada nos crit?rios do PQRio (lideran?a, estrat?gia e planos, clientes, sociedades, informa??o e conhecimento, pessoas e processos), abordando assim, o planejamento estrat?gico, as A??es sociais e culturais da agremia??o. Indicam-se fatores que fizeram a Beija-Flor torna-se uma organiza??o bem-sucedida em seus segmentos, obtendo-se, por conseguinte, um quadro compreensivo e significativo das organiza??es (escolas de Samba) do carnaval carioca.

In-depth characterization of the NS3:NS5 interaction within the West Nile virus replicase complex during positive strand RNA synthesis / Caractérisation détaillée de l’interaction entre NS3 et NS5 dans le complexe de réplication du virus du Nil occidental pendant la synthèse d’ARN de polarité positive

Brand, Carolin January 2017 (has links)
Les Flavivirus transmis par les moustiques comme le virus du Nil occidental, le virus de la dengue, le virus de la fièvre jaune, le virus de l’encéphalite japonaise et le virus Zika constituent des préoccupations croissantes de santé publique. Ils se sont répandus dans le monde au cours des dernières décennies, et les épidémies sont devenues plus fréquentes et plus sévères. Chaque année, des millions de personnes sont infectées et environ 50 000 patients décèdent d’infections à Flavivirus. Malgré les nombreux efforts de recherche, il n’y a actuellement aucun médicament antiviral spécifique disponible, et des nouvelles stratégies antivirales sont indispensables. Comprendre comment les Flavivirus fonctionnent au niveau moléculaire aidera à découvrir des nouvelles cibles pour l'intervention thérapeutique. Les Flavivirus ont un génome d'ARN simple brin de polarité positive qui code pour trois protéines structurales et huit protéines non structurales. Seules deux des huit protéines non structurales ont des activités enzymatiques. NS3 possède un domaine protéase et un domaine hélicase, et NS5 a un domaine méthyl- et guanylyltransférase et un domaine ARN polymérase ARN-dépendante. Ensemble, ils répliquent le génome viral. Ici, nous caractérisons l'interaction entre NS3 et NS5 dans le complexe de réplication du virus du Nil occidental pendant la synthèse d’ARN de polarité positive. Un modèle d'interaction comprenant NS3, NS5 et l’ARN viral a été développé basé sur des structures cristallines connues ainsi que des activités enzymatiques des deux protéines individuelles, et ce modèle a été soumis à des simulations de dynamique moléculaire. Les interactions potentielles entre les protéines NS3 et NS5 ont été identifiées. Les résidus impliqués dans ces interactions ont été mutés dans un réplicon du virus du Nil occidental et les effets de ces mutations sur la réplication virale ont été évalués. Une région particulière à la surface de la protéine NS3 a été identifiée comme étant cruciale pour la réplication virale, très probablement parce qu'elle interagit avec NS5. Cette région pourrait être une cible attrayante pour la recherche de composés qui pourraient interférer avec l'interaction entre NS3 et NS5 et donc posséder un potentiel antiviral intéressant. / Abstract : Mosquito-borne Flaviviruses like West Nile virus, Dengue virus, Yellow Fever virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and Zika virus are increasing public health concerns. They have spread globally during the past decades, and outbreaks have recently become more frequent and more severe. Every year, millions of people are infected, and approximately 50,000 patients die from Flavivirus infections. Despite extensive research efforts, there are currently no specific antiviral drugs available, and new antiviral strategies are greatly needed. Understanding how Flaviviruses work on a molecular level will help in uncovering new points for therapeutic intervention. Flaviviruses have a single-stranded RNA genome of positive polarity that encodes three structural and eight non-structural proteins. Only two of the eight non-structural proteins have enzymatic activities. NS3 has an N-terminal protease domain and a C-terminal helicase domain, and NS5 has an N-terminal capping enzyme domain and a C-terminal RNA-dependent RNA polymerase domain. Together, they replicate the viral genome. Here we characterize the NS3:NS5 interaction within the West Nile virus RNA replicase complex during positive strand synthesis. An interaction model including NS3, NS5 and viral RNA was developed based on the known crystal structures as well as enzymatic activities of the two individual proteins, and this model was subjected to molecular dynamics simulations. Potential interactions between the NS3 and NS5 proteins were identified. Residues involved in these interactions were mutated in a West Nile virus replicon, and the effects of these mutations on viral replication were evaluated. One particular region on the surface of the NS3 protein was identified to be crucial for viral replication, most likely because it mediates the interaction with NS5. This region might be an attractive target for the search of compounds that could interfere with the NS3:NS5 interaction and therefore possess an interesting antiviral potential.

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