Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1nature based"" "subject:"denature based""
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Optimizing the placement of wetlands for mitigating the effects of climate change through hydrological connectivity / Optimering av placeringen av våtmarker för att mildra effekterna av klimatförändringar genom hydrologisk konnektivitetRezvani, Amir January 2024 (has links)
Urban expansion and climate change intensify environmental challenges, rendering traditional engineering solutions for water management and flood mitigation increasingly ineffective and economically unfeasible. Nature-based solutions, such as wetlands, are gaining attention for their potential to offer sustainable alternatives by naturally managing water, and supporting biodiversity. Despite their benefits, the strategic placement of wetlands within urban landscapes is poorly understood, particularly in terms of the dynamic flow of water and sediments through the landscape. The study aimed to develop an optimized framework for strategically placing wetlands in urban areas to enhance hydrological stability and adaptability. It sought to address the research gap by utilizing hydrological connectivity assessments to strategically place wetlands for sediment control, water retention, and flood mitigation, thereby supporting urban adaptability and sustainability goals. The research applied a combination of hydrological modeling and Geographic Information Systems to evaluate urban catchments for potential wetland sites. It involved the development and application of a revised connectivity index that incorporates multiple factors including land use, soil type, topography, and rainfall-runoff dynamics. The study areas were selected based on their diverse urban and agricultural characteristics to provide an understanding of different urban catchment dynamics. The methodology included detailed mapping of sediment connectivity using advanced GIS techniques and the integration of environmental and hydrological data to model the effects of various connectivity scenarios on potential wetland performance. The findings demonstrated that the connectivity index model effectively identifies locations within catchments that benefit from wetland implementation. Areas characterized by specific roughness and runoff properties were pinpointed as optimal for managing sediments effectively. Comparative analyses of different hydrological models highlighted how variations in sediment connectivity could influence the strategic placement of wetlands, thereby optimizing their ecological and hydrological benefits. The research also quantified the potential impacts of newly introduced wetlands on the local hydrological connectivity and explored their broader implications, evaluating effects both upstream and downstream of the implementation site, showcasing significant benefits in terms of sediment retention and flood mitigation. The study suggests that the thoughtful placement of wetlands, informed by thorough hydrological connectivity assessments, has the potential to enhance the adaptability of the built environment to climate change effects. Such optimized placement might effectively address challenges related to flood and sediment management and could support sustainable urban development by incorporating ecological aspects into urban planning. / Stadsutvidgning och klimatförändringar förstärker miljöutmaningar och gör traditionella ingenjörslösningar för vattenhantering och översvämningsreducering alltmer ineffektiva och ekonomiskt ohållbara. Naturbaserade lösningar, såsom våtmarker, får ökad uppmärksamhet för sin potential att erbjuda hållbara alternativ genom naturlig vattenhantering och stöd till biologisk mångfald. Trots sina fördelar är den strategiska placeringen av våtmarker inom urbana landskap dåligt förstådd, särskilt när det gäller dynamiskt flöde av vatten och sediment genom landskapet. Studien syftade till att utveckla en optimerad ram för strategisk placering av våtmarker i urbana områden för att förbättra hydrologisk stabilitet och anpassningsförmåga. Den strävade efter att täcka forskningsgapet genom att använda bedömningar av hydrologisk konnektivitet för att strategiskt placera våtmarker för sedimentkontroll, vattenretention och översvämningsminskning, därigenom stödja städers anpassningsförmåga och hållbarhetsmål. Forskningen tillämpade en kombination av hydrologisk modellering och geografiska informationssystem för att utvärdera urbana avrinningsområden för potentiella våtmarksplatser. Den involverade utvecklingen och tillämpningen av ett reviderat konnektivitetsindex som integrerar flera faktorer inklusive markanvändning, jordart, topografi och nederbörds-avrinningsdynamik. Studieområdena valdes utifrån deras mångfaldiga urbana och jordbruksmässiga egenskaper för att ge en förståelse för olika urbana avrinningsdynamiker. Metodologin inkluderade detaljerad kartläggning av sedimentkonnektivitet med avancerade GIS-tekniker och integration av miljö- och hydrologiska data för att modellera effekterna av olika konnektivitetsscenarier på potentiell våtmarksprestanda. Resultaten visade att konnektivitetsindexmodellen effektivt identifierar platser inom avrinningsområden som gynnas av våtmarksetablering. Områden som kännetecknas av specifika grovhetsegenskaper och avrinningsegenskaper pekades ut som optimala för effektiv sedimenthantering. Jämförande analyser av olika hydrologiska modeller belyste hur variationer i sedimentkonnektivitet kunde påverka den strategiska placeringen av våtmarker, därigenom optimering av deras ekologiska och hydrologiska fördelar. Forskningen kvantifierade även potentiella effekter av nyintroducerade våtmarker på lokal hydrologisk konnektivitet och utforskade deras bredare implikationer, genom att utvärdera effekter både uppströms och nedströms om implementeringsplatsen och visa på betydande fördelar när det gäller sedimentretention och översvämningsskydd. Studien antyder att genomtänkt placering av våtmarker, informerad av noggranna bedömningar av hydrologisk konnektivitet, har potential att förbättra byggd miljös anpassningsförmåga till klimatförändringseffekter. En sådan optimerad placering kan effektivt hantera utmaningar relaterade till översvämningar och sedimenthantering och kan stödja hållbar stadsutveckling genom att integrera ekologiska aspekter i stadsplaneringen.
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Blå-grön-(grå) dagvattenhantering i befintlig stadsmiljö : Flerfallsstudie av hinder, möjligheter och drivkrafter för implantering av blå-grön-(grå) dagvattenhantering / Blue-green-(grey) stormwatermanagement in existing urbanenvironments : Multiple case study of obstacles, opportunities, and driving forces for implementation of blue-green-(gray) stormwater managementErik, Nilsson January 2024 (has links)
Klimatförändringar ställer allt högre krav på våra städer då nederbörden ökar. Samtidigt förtätas städerna med stor andel hårdgjord yta och fler funktioner behöver konkurrera om ytorna. Risken för översvämningar ökar och dagvattnet förorenas då det traditionella VA- systemen inte klarar av nederbörden. Att klimatanpassa städerna ses som en stor samhällsutmaning, och som kräver ett mer hållbart dagvattensystem. Blå-grön-(grå) dagvattensystem bestående av växter och naturliga material, som fördröjer nederbörd anses vara goda alternativ för ett mer hållbart dagvattensystem. Blå-grön-(grå) dagvattensystem i befintlig stadsmiljö kan innebära en komplex process då nya former av infrastruktur byggs, inom dagvattenområdet som berör flera förvaltningar och aktörer. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka hinder, möjligheter och drivkrafter det finns för implementering av blå-grön-(grå) dagvattenhantering i befintlig stadsmiljö, samt hur kunskapsdelning av blå-grön-(grå) dagvattenhantering sker i de tre fallen. De teorier som utgör grunden för uppsatsen är kollaborativ styrning, som beskriver hur samverkan kan skapa drivkrafter och möjligheter för att lösa samhällsutmaningar. Samt teorin om good practice för att dela kunskap som väver samman expertkunskaper med platsspecifika kunskaper. Uppsatsen bygger på en flerfallstudie, där Lund, Malmö och Göteborg undersökts som enskilda fall. Flerfallsstudien bygger på kvalitativa dokumentstudier, intervjuer och platsbesök. Resultatet visar att det finns övergripande hinder (Platsutmaning, gällande regelverk) som kommunerna möter, men även lokala hinder. Samt att blå-grön-(grå) dagvattenhantering skapar möjligheter genom kostnadsbesparingar i förhållande till att separera kombinerat ledningsnät och genom ekosystemtjänster. Drivkrafter av olika karaktär identifierades och studien visar att flera olika typer av drivkrafter idag är gynnsamt för att kommuner ska vilja investera i blå-grön-(grå) dagvattenhantering. Kunskapsdelningen som sprider praktikerna vidare anser denna studie vara good practice och undersökta kommuner ser möjligheter att implementera mer blå-grön-(grå) dagvattenhantering i befintlig miljö, genom förvaltningsöverskridande samverkan. / Climate change poses increasing demands on our cities as precipitation levels rise. Simultaneously, cities are becoming denser with a large proportion of hardened surfaces, and more functions need to compete for space. The risk of flooding increases and stormwater becomes polluted as traditional water and sewage systems cannot handle the precipitation. Adapting cities to climate change is seen as a major societal challenge, requiring a more sustainable stormwater system. Blue-green-(grey) stormwater systems consisting of plants and natural materials that delay precipitation are considered good alternatives for a more sustainable stormwater system. Blue-green-(grey) stormwater systems in existing urban environments can entail a complex process when new forms of infrastructure are built within the stormwater sector, involving several administrations and stakeholders. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the obstacles, opportunities, and driving forces for implementing blue-green-(grey) stormwater management in existing urban environments, and how knowledge sharing of blue-green-(grey) stormwater management occurs in the three cases. The theories forming the basis of the thesis are collaborative governance, which describes how cooperation can create driving forces and opportunities to solve societal challenges, and the theory of good practice for sharing knowledge that combines expert knowledge with site-specific knowledge. The thesis is based on a multiple case study, where Lund, Malmö, and Gothenburg are examined as individual cases. The multiple case study is based on qualitative document studies, interviews, and site visits. The results show that there are overarching obstacles (site challenges, legislation) that municipalities face, as well as local obstacles. Additionally, blue-green-(grey) stormwater management creates opportunities through cost savings in relation to separating combined sewer systems and through ecosystem services. Various types of driving forces were identified, and the study shows that several different types of driving forces are currently favorable for municipalities to invest in blue-green-(grey) stormwater management. Knowledge sharing that disseminates the practices further is considered good practice by this study, and the investigated municipalities see opportunities to implement more blue-green- (grey) systems in existing environments, through cross-administrative collaboration.
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Aerial river management for future water in the context of land use change in AmazoniaWeng, Wei 19 February 2020 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Aerial Rivers („luftgetragenen Flüssen“), den bevorzugten Wegen des Flusses von Feuchte in der Atmosphäre. Ziel ist es, die Voraussetzung für deren Integration in aktuelle Paradigmen der Wasserwirtschaft zu schaffen. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit stehen Amazonien und die angrenzenden Gebiete, also Regionen der Erde, in denen sich derzeit der Landnutzungswandel mit am schnellsten vollzieht.
Aus theoretischer Sicht wird das Wissen über die Verbindung zwischen Aerial Rivers und Oberflächenflüssen erweitert. Mit Hilfe eines Algorithmus zur Verfolgung des atmosphärischen Feuchtigkeitstransports werden die Auswirkungen von entferntem Landnutzungswandel in Windrichtung auf die Niederschlagsmenge einer Zielregion quantifiziert. Die räumliche Heterogenität des Einflusses der gesamten Quellevapotranspirationsfläche (precipitationsehed) auf die/den empfangene/n Niederschlagsmenge/Oberflächenabfluss der Zielregion wird untersucht und führt zur Identifizierung der „Most Influential Precipitationshed“ (MIP), der für Managementzwecke relevantesten Teilfläche. Ein Aerial River-Managementbeispiel für Santa Cruz (Bolivien) zeigt, dass die strategische Wiederaufforstung im MIP sowohl die Niederschlagsmenge als auch den empfangenen Oberflächenabfluss erhöht und 22%-59% des zukünftigen Wasserbedarfszuwachses einer schnell wachsenden Stadt decken kann. Weiterhin werden sozio-technische Regime entlang von Aerial Rivers, die zu Extremereignissen wie Megadürren beitragen können, mit Hilfe der sozialwissenschaftlichen Methode der Multi-Level-Perspektive (MLP) untersucht. Ursachen wie Bodenpolitik und Marktinterventionen in Brasilien und Bolivien steuern weit entfernte kolumbianische Energieregime und deren Wandel. Aerial Rivers sind also zentral für zukünftiges Gewässermangement einschließlich Wasserkraft; ihr Management erfordert jedoch eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung der gesellschaftlichen Schnittstellen über administrative Grenzen und Sektoren hinweg. / Aerial rivers are the preferential pathways of moisture flows in the atmosphere. They connect the atmosphere, the water system, and the land system. This thesis aims to provide knowledge for integration of aerial rivers into management of these systems. It focuses on Amazonia and adjacent areas, which collectively experience some of the most rapid land use change on the planet. This thesis further develops three key aspects (theoretical, technical, and societal) of knowledge concerning aerial rivers. From a theoretical aspect, it advances the knowledge of connection between aerial rivers and surface rivers. Using a moisture tracking algorithm, the impact from upwind land use change via aerial rivers on target regions’ runoff reception is quantified. Spatial heterogeneity in the influence of the precipitationshed on runoff reception of the target region is found, implying a need to determine the most influential precipitationshed (MIP) for management purposes. From a technical aspect, the work demonstrates an aerial river management example for a rapidly growing city. It is shown that strategic reforestation in the MIP can increase both rainfall and runoff reception and secure 22%-59% of a rapidly growing city’s future water needs. Finally, the work explores the societal aspect of aerial river management. Socio-technical regimes along aerial rivers contributing to extreme events of mega-drought were traced through the social scientific method of multi-level perspective. It reveals that the source regimes such as land policy and market interventions in Brazil and Bolivia govern remote Colombian energy regimes and their transitions through aerial rivers. These findings show that aerial rivers are relevant and viable options for the development of future water resources - including hydropower - but their management will require a holistic consideration of the various societal interfaces as they cross jurisdictional boundaries and sectors.
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Reconciling Potential and Practice / Towards the Implementation of Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change MitigationSchulte, Ingrid 13 December 2023 (has links)
In den letzten Jahren hat die Rolle naturbasierter Lösungen (Nature-based Solutions, NbS) –Aktivitäten, die in und mit der Natur arbeiten, um globale gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen zu bewältigen – bei der Abschwächung und Anpassung an den Klimawandel, dem Schutz der Artenvielfalt und der Verbesserung des menschlichen Wohlbefindens an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die Einführung von NbS verläuft jedoch weiterhin schleppend, und es besteht nach wie vor eine deutliche Kluft zwischen den langsamen Maßnahmen in großem Maßstab und den vielversprechenden Forschungsergebnissen und politischen Aussagen. Dies zeigt, dass es dringend notwendig ist, die Umsetzungsbedingungen für NbS besser zu verstehen. Derzeit ist die Evidenzbasis zu NbS noch unvollständig, insbesondere wenn es um die systematische Bewertung der Wirksamkeit und der Umsetzungsanforderungen geht. Insbesondere fehlen bei groß angelegten Bewertungen wichtige kontextbezogene Informationen über Kultur, Verhalten und andere soziale und institutionelle Faktoren. Auch die vielfältigen Vorteile von NbS werden nach wie vor unterschätzt oder in einigen Fällen überhaupt nicht gewürdigt. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher, politikrelevante Forschung zu betreiben, die dazu beitragen kann, die Lücke zwischen dem großen Potenzial naturbasierter Lösungen zur Bewältigung globaler Herausforderungen, insbesondere der Eindämmung des Klimawandels, und der langsamen Umsetzung in der Praxis zu schließen. Ausgehend von der vorhandenen Literatur zu NbS argumentiere ich, dass drei Bausteine für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung jeder NbS-Aktivität, insbesondere in großem Maßstab, wesentlich sind: (1) Wissenssynthese; (2) Planung und Entscheidungsfindung; (3) Politik und Finanzierungsmechanismen. In dieser Arbeit untersuche ich diese Bereiche, indem ich Nachweise und Überlegungen zu theoretischen und methodischen Lücken in ihrer Bewertung sowie neue Perspektiven beisteuere. / Recent years have seen increased attention to the role that nature-based solutions (NbS) – activities that work in and with nature to address global societal challenges – can play in mitigating and adapting to climate change, protecting biodiversity, and improving human well-being. Natural climate solutions (NCS) – a subset of NbS – can contribute up to a third of the cost-effective carbon dioxide mitigation needed to hold global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. To have the biggest effect on reducing global temperatures, however, NbS must be scaled up now and designed for the long-term. Yet, uptake of NbS continues to be slow and there remains a clear gap between the lagging action at scale and the promising research and policy narratives. This demonstrates an urgent need to better understand the implementation conditions for NbS. Currently, the evidence base on NbS remains incomplete, especially when it comes to systematically assessing effectiveness and implementation requirements. In particular, important contextual information on culture, behavior, and other social and institutional factors are lacking in large-scale assessments. The multiple benefits of NbS also remain undervalued, or in some cases are not valued at all. As such, the objective of this thesis is to conduct policy-relevant research that can contribute to closing the gap between the high potential for nature-based solutions to address global challenges, particularly climate change mitigation, and the realities of slow implementation in practice. Drawing on the existing literature on NbS, I argue that three building blocks are essential to driving successful implementation of any NbS activity, in particular at scale: (1) knowledge synthesis; (2) planning & decision-making; (3) policy & financing mechanisms. I explore these in this thesis, contributing evidence and reflection on theoretical and methodological gaps in their assessment, as well as new perspectives.
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Learning from nature-based Indigenous knowledge: a trail to understanding elders' wisdomMcBee, Gabriela 13 August 2013 (has links)
Fostering collaboration among people of diverse ethnicities is vital to improving our relationships with Nature and with each other. All knowledges known to humans have their limits, including Western scientific knowledge. This study argues that Indigenous elders have a wealth of nature-based wisdom which is urgently needed. The Thirteen International Indigenous Grandmothers have been sharing their wisdom with the world and meeting them inspired this work. Two Grandmothers, one Mazatec and member of the Thirteen Grandmothers who follows in the healing tradition of curandera María Sabina, the other Taíno (Caribbean Arawak), and several members of their families in Mexico and in Cuba kindly agreed to be research participants so that I could bring attention to their gifts and share with the world. Embodying their ancient wisdom they do not see themselves as separate from Nature but as integral part of her. Their relationships to all beings, humans, animals, plants, minerals, and spiritual entities, are imbued with love and care. They can be role models for people who have forgotten the most basic premise of respect, reciprocity, responsibility, and empathy for all our relations.
The methodologies underlying this investigation are Indigenous. I used strategies of inquiry such as storytelling, participant observation, and reflexive self study. Relationality and accountability are its pillars. Being of European descent, doing research with Indigenous elders required great vigilance on my part. I had to challenge my own conventional Western views and question the truths I am surrounded with to gain an understanding of my research participants’ worldview. Even with the best of intentions all I could hope for was an approximation.
As I immersed myself into the worlds of my participants the great significance of plants as part of their physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing became evident. Maize, tobacco, and the plant teachers cohoba and psilocybe mushrooms were, and for the most part still are, essential and closely knit into their cultural fabric. Coming from a background where the written word is placed high above the spoken one, and Nature is seen as separate to us, it is important to acknowledge that much rich understanding of the world is beyond pen and paper, even beyond words. / Graduate / 0727 / gabriela@uvic.ca
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Towards sustainable tourism in outback Australia: the behaviour and impact of nature-based tourists on vegetation and selected wildlife speciesWolf, Isabelle Diana Felicitas Gudula, Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
Nature-based tourism offers significant socio-economic incentives to successfully replace more intrusive land uses but also causes negative environmental impacts. Currently, knowledge is needed about the effectiveness of specific management actions such as the provision of different access modes and tour experiences at minimizing these impacts while maximizing visitor satisfaction. Nature-based tourism activities were studied in the species-rich gorges of the Flinders Ranges in Outback Australia. This study developed a conceptual framework of visitor-environment relationships, constructed a regional visitor profile, assessed visitor monitoring methods to quantify usage intensity in relation to the access mode (roads vs. hiking trails), examined changes in vegetation and bird communities in relation to usage intensity and access mode, tested effects of approach behaviour among driving vs. hiking tourists on kangaroo behaviour, and designed a framework for a night-time wildlife tour. The usage intensity of gorge sections was best determined from visitor numbers stratified by their behaviour, as the access mode fundamentally changed visitor behaviour in gorges. High compared to low usage recreational tracks altered species community composition, decreased total plant cover, increased non-native species cover, increased or decreased plant diversity depending on the track distance, increased soil compaction, and decreased bird numbers and species richness. Vegetation changes had secondary aversive effects on the bird community. The magnitude and spatial extent of these community impacts were greater along roads than trails. Visitor approach towards kangaroos varied with the access mode and necessitated individual recommendations for low-impact behaviour. The optimal night-time observation tour employed night-vision devices and bat detectors and coupled visitor satisfaction with low impact on wildlife. A range of factors (e.g., weather conditions) moderated the susceptibility of the wildlife to tourism disturbance. To protect wildlife and habitat along recreational tracks in arid-lands gorges, it is recommended to (1) monitor usage intensity and the identified impact indicators within their effect zone, (2) curtail gorge usage by restricting vehicle access to sections and regulating high impact activities (e.g., wild camping), (3) base environmental education upon scientifically tested low-impact visitor behaviour, and (4) engage with tourism operators in the design of low-impact, yet satisfying tours based on scientific principles.
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Sustainable Urban Development : Development Option Using Nature-based SolutionsMaxter, Melissa January 2018 (has links)
The paper evaluates nature-based solutions for a retrofitting proposal for the combined regeneration, climate adaptation, and green space management of the industrial area Gåsebäck in Helsingborg, Sweden. The objective of this study was to evaluate options for how Gåsebäck could be sustainably regenerated and developed, while providing additional security against future negative effects of climate change, through the implementation of nature-based solutions. The methods used were unstructured interviews, literature study, thematic data analysis, and scoping review. Some urban societal challenges the area is facing were identified as Urban regeneration, Climate adaptation, and Green space management. The suggested NBSs to address these challenges are phytoremediation, mycoremediation, street trees and bushes, green walls, green roofs, flower beds, permeable surfaces, roadside greenery, rain gardens, de-culvertation and pocket parks. Examples of how the identified nature-based solutions can be retrofitted to block Italien are installing green walls on the old fire station for noise and pollution abatement, biodiversity increase, climate regulation, and enhancement of green elements; green roofs on various buildings for e.g. water management, increased biodiversity and green elements; street trees and bushes along the streets Södergatan and Malmöleden/Gåsebäcksvägen for noise and pollution abatement, water management, biodiversity increase, and enhancement of green elements; site specific installation or pocket park with phyto- or mycoremediation; flower beds and roadside traffic to increase attractiveness; and rain gardens and permeable surfaces for water management. / <p>20180620</p>
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Sammanhanget och naturen : En intervjustudie med seniorer i en intervention under covid-19-pandeminEriksson, Karolina January 2021 (has links)
Seniorer är en utsatt grupp under covid-19-pandemin då de riskerar att drabbas av allvarlig sjukdom eller död till följd av covid-19. Samtidigt innebär de restriktioner som har införts för att skydda mot covid-19 stora förändringar i människors vardag och riskerar att påverka den psykiska likväl som den fysiska hälsan negativt. Naturen påverkar däremot hälsan positivt på en rad olika sätt och människan tenderar att återhämta sig mer gynnsamt i kontakt med naturen. Naturen kan även utgöra en resurs för att hantera stress under en kris på ett bättre sätt. Den salutogena teorin känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) med delarna begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet, Attention Restoration Theory samt Supportive Environment Theory har använts som teoretiska ramverk i studien. Träffpunkten flyttar ut var en intervention med syfte att öka förekomsten av enkla friluftsaktiviteter i närnatur bland seniorer med mål att främja hälsan. I studien har tolv seniorer som deltog i träffpunkter förlagda utomhus deltagit i en semistrukturerad intervju. Materialet har analyserats med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultatet visar att seniorerna påverkades positivt socialt, fysiskt och psykiskt på ett holistiskt sätt genom interventionen, att naturen hade en gynnsam effekt för välmående och slutligen att seniorerna hade olika förhållningssätt i pandemin. Förhållningssätten utgjordes av inre och yttre strategier där samhörighet och sysselsättning framkom som yttre strategier där träffpunkten hade en betydande roll. Implikationen är att interventioner som använder naturen som arena kan utgöra en preventiv och hälsofrämjande åtgärd för seniorer som är betydelsefull för att främja folkhälsan i en kris såsom covid-19-pandemin. / Seniors are a vulnerable group during the COVID-19 pandemic as they are at risk of suffering from serious illness or death from COVID-19. At the same time, the restrictions that have been introduced to protect against COVID-19 have implied major changes in people's everyday lives and risk affecting the mental as well as the physical health negatively. Nature has a positive effect on health in various ways and humans tend to recover more favorably in contact with nature. Nature can also be a resource for dealing with stress during a crisis. The salutogenic theory Sense of Coherence (SOC) including the aspects of comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness, has been used as a theoretical framework in the study. Twelve semi-structured interviews have been carried out with seniors who participated in meeting places outdoors. The material has been analyzed with a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. The results show that the seniors were influenced positively socially, physically, and mentally in a holistic way through the intervention. Furthermore, it emerged that nature has a beneficial effect for well-being and that different attitudes emerged in the pandemic among the seniors. The attitudes consisted of internal and external strategies where cohesion and carrying out activities emerged as external strategies where the meeting point had a significant role. The implication is that interventions using nature as an arena can constitute a preventive and health-promoting measure for seniors that is important for improving public health in a crisis such as COVID-19 pandemic.
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Ekoturismus v Balikpapanském zálivu / Ecotourism in Balikpapan BayŠamšulová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Tourism in tropical areas represents the fastest-growing branch of tertiary sector. The Balikpapan Bay (Eastern Kalimantan, Indonesia) is partly covered by mangroves and remains of primeval tropical forest that are extraordinary for their unique biodiversity. To avoid over-exploitation of described destination, detailed analysis of the evolving tourism and implementation of its sustainable form - ecotourism is necessary. The submitted project builds on one of the latest topics of longitudinal research running by Stanislav Lhota, PhD. in this area. Supervisor of this thesis, Radek Trnka, PhD. also joined the research in its beginning in 2005. Description and evaluation of current condition of ecotourism in Balikpapan Bay area is the main goal of the diploma thesis. Therefore, activities of organizations acting on natural tourism field, and which are connected with ecotourism, were analyzed in depth. The semi-annual field research was done in the area of Balikpapan Bay, while a combination of several qualitative techniques, especially participant and non- participant observation and semi-structured interviews as well as document analysis marginally, was used for data collection. The research brought several main findings. Concept ecotourism is perceived as an educative nature-based tourism by...
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The Lived Experience of Low-Income Single Mothers in the U.S. and the Effects of Nature as a Psychotherapeutic Tool in Their TreatmentFrost, Suzanne L. January 2019 (has links)
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