Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1nature based"" "subject:"denature based""
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Catalysts for Change: Unveiling Leadership Behaviours and Interventions of Nature-Based Athletes in Cultivating Pro-Environmental Behaviour among FansThaller, Hanna, Makin, Ben January 2023 (has links)
With billions of sports fans all over the globe, athletes have a considerable platform to advocate for the environment and catalyse behaviour change. The purpose of this paper was to explore the role of leadership in athlete environmental activism. Furthermore, this study aimed to add to the existing literature on pro-environmental behaviour change by investigating the interventions performed by nature-based athletes when encouraging their fans to adopt pro-environmental behaviours. In this paper, a qualitative research design was employed and semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten individuals who were identified as fans of nature-based athletes. The collected data was analysed using deductive thematic analysis, based on the leadership theory of Charismatic Leadership (CL) and the pro-environmental behaviour change theory of Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) Theory. The results indicated that all but one of the Charismatic Leadership Behaviours described in theory were performed by nature-based athletes, the exception being “setting goals with moral overtones.” Moreover, the study deduced that all VBN Interventions detailed in the academic literature were made by nature-based athletes when encouraging pro-environmental behaviour. The analysis process also revealed two additional findings: nature-based athletes mainly communicate their activism through social media and nature-based athletes’ fans want their favoured athletes to incorporate pushing for systemic change in their activism, in addition to encouraging individual behaviour change. Finally, a model was proposed that synthesises the theories of CL Behaviours and VBN Interventions, based on the findings of this study. This study contributes to the literature on pro-environmental behaviour change under the VBN framework and Charismatic Leadership. Additionally, this paper explores the role of leadership in athlete activism and athlete environmental activism, two topics which have not been extensively researched.
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Influences of Environmental Education Programs on the Participant's Affinity for NatureSchmillen, Justin Alan 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study was conducted to determine the change, and the factors influencing the change, in the participant’s affinity for nature resulting from an environmental education experience. In addition, this study also examined the change and factors of change in aspects of the participant’s affinity for nature that directly relate to marine and coastal resources and environments. An adapted version of the Affinity for Nature scale, an outcome measuring instrument used by the American Camp Association was used to collect data from participants (n=529) at Rancho El Chorro Outdoor School and Camp Ocean Pines, whose experience included an overnight component and a marine science component in the curriculum. Comparisons of overall mean scores were used to determine if affinity for nature changed due to participation in the environment education program. Analysis of variance was used to determine which participant characteristic and experiential variables had a significant influence on affinity for nature index scores. Findings indicated that participation in environmental education experience had a positive change on affinity for nature scores. Residence, ethnicity/language, and gender were also found to significantly influence sense of community various affinity for nature index scores.
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Social Construction of Nature - A Case Study in Kronoberg: Understanding Cultural Perspectives for Nature-Based Integration.Byrne, Siobhán, García Lázaro, Beatriz January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to create opportunities to promote social inclusion through Nature-Based Integration (NBI), aiming to understand the social construction of nature from a sociocultural perspective. Social constructivist theories have been employed in the field of migrant integration, however, a social constructivist standpoint has not yet been applied in the emerging sub-field of NBI. In contrast to applications of social cohesion theory in NBI, this thesis argues that applying the social constructivist theory highlights important differences that assist NBI projects by applying the knowledge of socio-cultural understandings of nature. This thesis thus provides a critique of the application of social cohesion to NBI initiatives, instead offering a case for social constructivism as an alternate framework. The analysis is based on a case study conducted within Kronoberg County in Sweden, utilizing interviews and observations to acquire insights into migrant and Swedish perspectives and experiences in natural environments. Understanding how nature can help with integration is beneficial for fostering inclusive and peaceful societies. This study investigated how experiences with the environment help migrants and Swedish citizens build social relationships, cultural understanding, and collective identity. Qualitative data from informal interviews give insight into individuals' perspectives, and observations provide knowledge of the community's common experiences. This study delves into connotations associated with natural areas, illustrating how nature is socially constructed from different positions. Adopting a comparative method, the study reveals possible shared and opposing meanings assigned to nature-based experiences. The analysis provides a case for applying social constructivism in NBI projects, as this offers a platform for migrant and Swedish communities to collaborate and exchange knowledge on the role of nature in their social lives. / Syftet med denna forskning är att skapa möjligheter att främja social integration genom Nature-Based Integration (NBI), i syfte att förstå naturens sociala konstruktion ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Socialkonstruktivistiska teorier har använts inom området migrantintegration. En socialkonstruktivistisk ståndpunkt har dock ännu inte tillämpats inom det framväxande delområdet av NBI. I motsats till tillämpningar av social sammanhållningsteori i NBI, hävdar denna avhandling att tillämpningen av den socialkonstruktivistiska teorin lyfter fram viktiga skillnader som hjälper NBI-projekt genom att tillämpa kunskapen om sociokulturell förståelse av naturen. Den här avhandlingen riktar därför kritik mot tillämpningen av social sammanhållning på NBI-initiativ, och erbjuder istället ett argument för socialkonstruktivism som ett alternativt ramverk. Analysen baseras på en fallstudie genomförd inom Kronobergs län, med hjälp av intervjuer och observationer för att få insikter om migranters och svenska perspektiv och erfarenheter i naturliga miljöer. Att förstå hur naturen kan hjälpa till med integration är fördelaktigt för att främja inkluderande och fredliga samhällen. Denna studie undersökte hur erfarenheter av miljön hjälper migranter och svenska medborgare att bygga sociala relationer, kulturell förståelse och kollektiv identitet. Kvalitativ data från informella intervjuer ger insikt i individers perspektiv och observationer ger kunskap om samhällets gemensamma erfarenheter. Denna studie fördjupar sig i konnotationer förknippade med naturområden och illustrerar hur naturen är socialt konstruerad från olika positioner. Genom att anta en jämförande metod avslöjar studien möjliga delade och motsatta betydelser som tilldelas naturbaserade upplevelser. Analysen ger ett argument för att tillämpa socialkonstruktivism i NBI-projekt, eftersom detta erbjuder en plattform för migranter och svenska samhällen att samarbeta och utbyta kunskap om naturens roll i deras sociala liv.
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Environmental Trail Suitability in the Proposed Bästeträsk National Park, Gotland : A Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Using GISPalyza, Jan January 2023 (has links)
This master’s thesis determines trail suitability in the context of environmental area sensitivity, closely focusing on a proposed Bästeträsk National Park, Gotland, Sweden. The current relative low usage of the area is expected to significantly increase its tourism flow once the proposed national park is established, as the demand for nature-based tourism and recreation is growing. However, due to its pristine landscapes, myriad endemic and red-listed species, and rare geomorphological phenomena, there is a need to closely review the destination’s environmental sensitivity and potential recreational adverse impacts on the area’s ecosystem services. Consequently, the research reviews Volunteered Geographic Data within the studied area and employs Geographic Information Systems-based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to determine environmental trail suitability. The research identified that more than half of the studied area exhibits substantial environmental sensitivity. Additionally, it highlights that multiple used and established trails intersect considerably sensitive areas, which must be considered for future tourism planning to attain sustainable destination development. Moreover, the study furthers on the requisite to recognise nature-based activities beyond the means of low impact due to their increasing popularity and anthropogenic impacts.
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Expectations and reality of sustainable stormwater management : A review of implementation of Nature-Based Solutions - A case study of Southern Stockholm / Förväntningar och verklighet för hållbar dagvattenhantering : En översikt av implementering av naturbaserade lösningar - En fallstudie av Södra StockholmDziubanii, Katarzyna Zofia January 2024 (has links)
The shrinking of permeable areas in favour of urban development is a phenomenon described in both scientific literature and policy documents. Changes in rainfall intensity and frequency following climate change are expected, but predicting the exact magnitude of these changes remains unclear. The uncertainty of what we will have to face in the future and when it will happen causes a blur of activities that may successively influence the mitigation of climate change. This study aims to explore and understand sustainable stormwater management within nature-based solutions (NBS) by reviewing both scientific and grey literature, as well as development plans in a specific area in southern Stockholm. Both risks and benefits of NBS implementation in urban stormwater management have been reviewed and described. Moreover, it is found in the literature that conceptual ambiguities and uncertainties of the NBS concept lead to weaker decision-making and planning processes. The goal of this study was to understand stormwater management recommendations for climate change mitigation, how these recommendations relate to detailed planning documents, what types of solutions are considered and proposed in the planning process, whether there is a link between the NBS and the proposed solutions, and finally, whether spatial analysis can help in the planning process in locating the strengths and weaknesses of the planned construction in flood-prone areas. The results of this study indicates whether the selected detailed development plans follow the recommendations of strategic documents. Detailed planning documents followed the recommendations to a limited extent. Moreover, in terms of spatial analysis, the analysed plans rarely referred to Skyfallsmodell, the model used to represent the flood-risk caused by 100-year rain event. In one of the cases of the early-stage detailed development plan, the new construction area were proposed inside an area with significant risk of flooding. The use of spatial analysis could help urban planners to identify both areas unsuitable for development and locate places suitable for NBS implementation. / Minskningen av genomsläppliga markområden till förmån för stadsutveckling är ett fenomen som beskrivs i både vetenskaplig litteratur och policydokument. Förändringar i nederbördsintensitet och storlek efter klimatförändringar förväntas, men det är fortfarande svårt att förutsäga den exakta storleken på dessa förändringar. Osäkerheten om vad vi kommer att behöva möta i framtiden och när det kommer att hända orsakar en oklarhet kring vilka aktiviteter som kommer att kunna påverka och mildra effekterna av klimatförändringarna. Denna studie syftar till att utforska och förstå hållbar dagvattenhantering genom naturbaserade lösningar (NBS) genom att granska både vetenskaplig och grå litteratur, samt utvecklingsplaner i ett specifikt område i södra Stockholm. Både risker och fördelar med NBS-implementering i urban dagvattenhantering har granskats och beskrivits. Dessutom framgår av litteraturen att begreppsmässiga oklarheter och osäkerheter i NBS-begreppet leder till svagheter i beslutsfattande och planeringsprocesser. Målet med denna studie var att förstå rekommendationer för dagvattenhantering för att mildra klimatförändringar, hur dessa rekommendationer relaterar till detaljerade planeringsdokument, vilka typer av lösningar som övervägs och föreslås i planeringsprocessen, om det finns en koppling mellan NBS och de föreslagna lösningarna, och slutligen - om rumslig analys kan hjälpa till i planeringsprocessen för att lokalisera styrkor och svagheter med den planerade konstruktionen i översvämningsutsatta områden. Resultaten av denna studie indikerar hur de valda detaljutvecklingsplanerna följer rekommendationerna i strategiska dokument. Detaljerade planeringshandlingar följde rekommendationerna i begränsad omfattning. Dessutom, när det gäller rumslig analys, hänvisade de analyserade planerna sällan till Skyfallsmodellen, som används för att representera översvämningsrisken orsakad av 100-årsregn. I ett av fallen med en tidig detaljplanen föreslogs nybyggnadsområdet inom ett område med stor risk för översvämning. Användningen av rumslig analys skulle kunna hjälpa stadsplanerare att identifiera både områden som är olämpliga för utveckling och att lokalisera platser som är lämpliga för implementering av NBS.
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Gröna miljöers användning på demensboendenJónsdóttir, Anna Elisabet Skovsgaard January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the use of green environments in dementia nursing-homes depending on the staff's educational level, the geographical position of nursing-homes and the time the elderly spend in green environments. This was a cross-sectional survey study with a total of 49 assistant nurses working in retirement homes for elderly with dementia in Gävleborg county, Sweden. The survey included a series of questions derived from four hypotheses: There was predicted to be a difference in 1. the nursing assistants use of green spaces for the health of residents depending on the nursing homes geographical position, 2. the use of green spaces for the health of residents depending on the educational level of nursing assistants, 3. the time the elderly residents spend in the green spaces depending on the nursing homes geographical position, and 4. the time the elderly residents spend in the green spaces depending on the educational level of nursing assistants. The data was analysed using the analysis program IBM SPSS Statistics, version 27. The study findings suggests that there might be a relationship between nursing assistants use of green spaces to promote the health of elderly and geographical position of the nursing home. Further research is needed to determine which factors are at play regarding nursing assistants’ use of green spaces for residents of nursing homes. / Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka relationen mellan användandet av gröna miljöer på demensboenden beroende på personalens utbildningsnivå, boendens geografiska position och tiden de äldre vistas i gröna miljöer. Detta var en tvärsnitts enkätundersökning med totalt 49 undersköterskor som arbetar på äldreboenden för äldre med demens i Region Gävleborg Sverige. Enkäten inkluderade en rad frågor formulerade utifrån fyra forskningshypoteser: Det finns en skillnad i 1. undersköterskors användning av gröna miljöer för de äldres hälsa beroende på äldreboendens geografiska position, 2. användningen av gröna miljöer för de äldres hälsa beroende på undersköterskornas utbildningsnivå, 3. tiden då de äldre vistas i gröna miljöer beroende på äldreboendens geografiska position, 4. tiden då de äldre vistas i gröna miljöer beroende på undersköterskornas utbildningsnivå. Rådatat analyserades med hjälp av analysprogrammet IBM SPSS Statistics, version 27. Studiens resultat tyder på att det kan finnas en relation mellan undersköterskors användning av gröna miljöer för att främja de äldres hälsa och äldreboendens geografiska position. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att fastställa vilka faktorer som påverkar undersköterskors användning av gröna miljöer för äldres hälsa på äldreboenden.
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Socio-Ecological Resilience: ‘Weaving’ to scale Nature-based SolutionsHussain, Sally, Carolina, Obara, Seefeld, Leon, Tjoelker, Tijn January 2022 (has links)
The sustainability challenge is a complex interplay of interconnected challenges that requires an integrated and systemic approach. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are seen as a key tool for addressing such challenges but are currently not mainstreaming and scaling to the landscape level. The emerging leadership practice of Weaving is believed to help cohere fragmented change-making efforts and increase the adaptive capacity and resilience of socio-ecological systems. However, scientific research on NbS and Weaving is scarce and studies on their intersection are non-existent. To investigate how Weaving practices could foster the conditions for scaling NbS to the landscape level, rapid literature reviews and semi-structured interviews were conducted with academic experts, Weaving practitioners, and grass-root entrepreneurs. On this basis, two conceptual frameworks were iteratively developed that serve as a basis for two practical toolkits. They comprise (1) seven barriers and nine enablers for scaling NbS to the landscape level and (2) a Weaving working definition and five core Weaving practices. There are indications that Weaving practices have the potential to address several of the barriers and enablers for scaling NbS if approached with a systematic lens. Ultimately, interconnected challenges, such as barriers and enablers to scaling NbS, require interwoven approaches as provided by Weaving.
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Exploring Urban Rainwater Harvesting in the city of Madrid applying GIS based MCDA expert tools / Utforska Urban Rainwater Harvesting i staden Madrid med hjälp av GIS-baserade MCDA expertverktygBörjesson Ballesteros, Silvia January 2022 (has links)
Due to climate change, water resources’ scarcity and distribution variability have generated a growing interest in sustainable water management in recent years. In addition, the growing interest in implementing nature-based solutions for urban resilience leads to the development of decentralized water supply systems such as rainwater harvesting systems (RWHS) as a complementary resource to conventional centralized water supply systems. The study is motivated by the climatic risks that the city of Madrid is subject to face in the upcoming years such as pronounced summer droughts and urban heat waves, leading to the reduction of water resources availability. This study aims to use Multi-criteria decision analysis and Geographic Information systems as tools for locating optimal space for the installation of pond harvesting systems (PHS) in Madrid for water recollection for non-potable purposes in the city. Attaining this aim, two objectives were set. Firstly, to evaluate and select the most relevant criteria for the installation of PHS and secondly, to generate a map of the most suitable locations for installation of PHS in the city of Madrid through a proposed GIS-MCDA methodology and a complimentary evaluation for each possible solution, to obtain a global vision of the applicability of PHS in Madrid. Through the first objective, several criteria were set for PHS installation, namely: distance to the river, rainfall, slope, soil characteristics, and land use. These criteria were applied to Madrid through a GIS-MCDA methodology, using these two tools’ synergy to obtain a suitability map for PHS installation. Two criteria weightings will be performed to evaluate the model’s robustness by modifying the criteria’ weights resulting in two different suitability scenarios. The discussion will analyze the results obtained considering the two scenarios and propose the most suitable location clusters identified. Finally, the conclusion will reflect the study’s most important findings and open the door to further research on the topic, such as the design, operation infrastructure, drainage logistics distribution, and other modifications in Madrid’s current water management system. / Som en konsekvens av den pågående klimatförändringen och dess inverkan i distributionen av vattenresurser har det skapats ett växande intresse för en hållbar vattenförvaltning de senaste åren. Detta växande intresse leder till implementationen av naturbaserade lösningar för urban resiliens och till en utveckling av decentraliserade vattenförsörjningssystem som regnvattenuppsamling (RWHS) som en komplementerande resurs till konventionella centraliserade vattenförsörjningssystem. Huvudsyftetmed denna studie är att täcka forskningsklyftan och att genom användning av verktyg som multikriterieanalys och geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) lokalisera en optimal plats för installation av dammar för regnvattenupptagning som del av stadsplanering för att skapa en hållbar vattenförvaltning i staden. För att uppnå detta, sattes två mål. Det ena var att utvärdera och välja de mest relevanta kriterierna för installation av dammuppsamlingssystem (PHS), det andra målet var att generera en karta över de lämpligaste platserna för installation av PHS i Madrid (Spanien) genom en föreslagen GIS-MCDA-metod och en kompletterande utvärdering för varje möjligt resultat i syfte att få en global vision av tillämpligheten av PHS i Madrid. De främsta kriterierna som utsågs för att göra utvärderingen av uppsamlingssystems installationen var: avstånd till f loden, nederbörd, sluttning, markegenskaper och markanvändning. Dessa kriterier tillämpades genom en GIS-MCDA-metodik, och med hjälp av dessa verktygs synergi erhölls en lämplighetskarta för PHS-installationer. Två kriterie viktningar kommer att utföras för att utvärdera modellens robusthet och vilket även kommer att resultera i två olika lämplighetsscenarier. Diskussionen kommer bestå av en analys av resultaten med hänsyn till de två scenarierna, och föreslå de två lämpligaste lokaliseringsklustren som identifierats. Slutligen kommer slutsatsen att återspegla studiens viktigaste resultat och öppna dörren för ytterligare forskning i ämnet, såsom design, driftinfrastruktur, dräneringslogistikdistribution och andra modifieringar i Madrids nuvarande vattenledningssystem.
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Climate Adaptation to Rising Temperatures : A Study of Four Swedish Municipalities with Strategic Implementation in Huddinge Municipality / Klimatanpassning till ökade temperaturer : En studie av fyra svenska kommuner med strategiska tillämpningar i Huddinge kommunPettersson, Fanny, Aisha, Rahman January 2024 (has links)
In a time characterized by climate change, we globally face significant challenges that require new approaches in urban planning. Increased temperatures and more frequent heatwaves will negatively impact our cities, people, and the climate, which increases complexity for professionals while residents suffer. Huddinge Municipality is located in the southern part of the Stockholm region in Sweden and faces future challenges with climate adaptation to increased temperatures and heatwaves. To identify existing obstacles and goal conflicts, focus group interviews and document studies have been conducted in Huddinge Municipality. This work aims to contribute to the broader understanding of climate adaptation to heat issues in a Swedish context. Through interviews with municipal officials and document studies, ongoing strategies and approaches have been identified in four Swedish municipalities. Three planning tools have been utilized: the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s four measures to reduce heat stress in the existing environment, the green space factor, and the 3-30-300 rule. The results show that the case studies have clear strategic guidelines on how to work with climate adaptation to increased temperatures but see difficulties in implementing these strategic guidelines in urban planning. Challenges and improvement suggestions identified by the case studies include a need for clearer guidelines from the national level in terms of changed policies and legislation, as well as suggestions for nature-based solutions that are adapted to a Swedish climate. The study concluded that Huddinge Municipality should implement the green space factor in block areas where heat-regulating ecosystem services are included for multifunctional spaces, guidelines for canopy coverage need to be developed and evaluated, and the perspective of vulnerable groups needs to be more clearly integrated into the planning process. The conclusion shows a need for organizational changes and clearer responsibilities in Huddinge Municipality, which means collaboration both internally and externally between administrations, developers, organizations, universities, and research institutes. / I en tid som präglas av klimatförändringar står vi globalt inför stora utmaningar som kräver nya tillvägagångssätt inom samhällsplaneringen. Ökade temperaturer och fler värmeböljor kommer att påverka våra städer, människor och klimatet negativt, detta ökar komplexiteten för yrkesverksamma samtidigt som invånare far illa. Huddinge kommun är beläget i södra delen av Stockholmsregionen i Sverige och står inför framtida utmaningar med klimatanpassning till ökade temperaturer och värmeböljor. För att identifiera rådande hinder och målkonflikter har fokusgruppsintervjuer och dokumentstudier genomförts i Huddinge kommun. Detta arbete syftar till att bidra till den stora bilden av klimatanpassning till värmeproblematik i en svensk kontext. Genom intervjuer med tjänstepersoner och dokumentstudier har pågående strategier och tillvägagångssätt identifierats i fyra svenska kommuner. Som utgångspunkt har tre planeringsverktyg tillämpats: Folkhälsomyndighetens fyra åtgärder för att minska värmestress i den befintliga miljön, grönytefaktorn samt 3-30-300. Resultatet visar att fallstudierna har tydliga strategiska riktlinjer kring hur de ska arbeta med klimatanpassning till ökade temperaturer, men ser svårigheter i att implementera dessa strategiska riktlinjer i samhällsplaneringen. Några av de utmaningar och förbättringsförslag som fallstudierna identifierade var behovet av tydligare riktlinjer från nationell nivå genom förändrad politik och lagstiftning samt effektiva naturbaserade lösningar anpassade till ett svenskt klimat. Studien har kommit fram till att Huddinge kommun bör implementera grönytefaktorn på kvartersmark där värmereglerande ekosystemtjänster inkluderas för multifunktionella ytor, riktlinjer för krontäckningsgrad behöver tas fram och utvärderas samt perspektivet kring sårbara grupper behöver tydligare integreras i planeringsprocessen. Slutsatsen visar ett behov av organisatoriska förändringar och tydligare ansvarsfördelning i Huddinge kommun, vilket innebär samverkan internt och externt, mellan förvaltningar, byggaktörer, organisationer, universitet och forskningsinstitut.
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Enhancing Urban Flood Resilience: A pilot case study of a GIS Suitability Mapping framework for NBS placement in SwedenBatuigas, Kristin, Petrovic, Aleksandra January 2024 (has links)
The escalating impact of climate change has become a significant global concern, particularly in urban environments through the risk of flooding, due to intensified precipitation patterns. Nature Based Solu-tions (NBS), offer effective strategies for mitigating flood risks by enhancing stormwater management and promoting urban resilience. Multicriteria Analysis (MCA) has shown to be useful for identifying suitable areas for NBS, however, there is limited research on its application specifically for urban flood resilience in Sweden. Therefore, this study aims to develop a GIS-based suitability mapping framework within MCA method for allocating suitable areas for two NBS measures: Retention Pond (RP) and Detention Basin (DB), applying it to a case study in Sweden. The study employs a mixed-method approach and consists of (1) framework develop-ment through a literature review, geospatial data assessment, and key-informant interviews, and (2) application of the framework to a case study area in Sweden. In the case study area, the resulting suitability map indicates that 7.5 % of DBs and 7% of RPs met all criteria. Key-informant interviews with local experts provided valuable insights, particularly the exclusion of hazardous zones as well as emphasizing the importance of considering not only biophysical characteristics, but also socio-cultural factors. In conclusion, this study contributes to the body of knowledge on NBS suitability mapping. The findings offer guidance to climate strategists and urban planners on a municipal level, selecting optimal locations for NBS strategies for urban flood resilience and stormwater management.
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