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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bibliska motiv i Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows : En intertextuell undersökning / Biblical Motifs in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows : An Intertextual Study

Kolenda, Embla January 2018 (has links)
Populärkultur uppstår inte i ett vakuum. Det är inte konstigt att västerländsk populärkultur hämtar inspiration från Bibeln och västerländsk kristen kultur. Bokserien om Harry Potter tycks vara ett sådant exempel. Jag är intresserad av det intertextuella mötet mellan Harry Potter-böckerna och Bibeln. Detta är ett relevant ämne att studera inom bibelvetenskapen då intertextualitet är tolkning i flera led och alltså påverkar vår läsning av såväl Bibeln som skönlitteratur. Som Lina Sjöberg visar kan intertextuella studier mellan Bibeln och skönlitteratur vara ett sätt att exegetiskt arbeta med mellanmänskliga aspekter av bibelberättelser som i sin tur plockats upp av skönlitteraturen genom intertextuella referenser.1 Utifrån bibelvetarens uppgift att tolka och förstå Bibelns texter blir intertextuella studier en framkomlig väg bland flera.2Harry Potter är en bästsäljande bokserie skriven av den brittiske författaren J.K. Rowling.3 Bokserien har filmatiserats och även filmerna är mycket populära. Det har skapats en fandom4 kring Harry Potter. Fansen kallas för ”Potterheads”5 och J.K. Rowling har skapat plattformen ”Pottermore” som är en nöjessite, nyhetssite och online-butik för allt Potter-relaterat.6 Det genomslag Harry Potter har gjort gör serien till ett intressant ämne för intertextuella studier. Många älskar bokserien och även de som inte läst böckerna känner ofta till handlingen i viss utsträckning.

Laying Aside the Elder Wand: Resisting Empire and Tyranny in Mark 10:32-45

Cutler, Caroline A. 11 1900 (has links)
Jesus as portrayed in the Gospel of Mark is someone who would resonate with readers of Harry Potter because of his words and acts of resistance and justice. However, for many of them there are obstacles to even reading the Markan Gospel. Some of them are unfavourable perceptions of Christianity and the Bible. Others are merely uninterested or are unfamiliar with what the Markan story really is. The purpose of this study is to explore how Mark can be read using a popular culture reading lens, like the Harry Potter literature, to expand the horizons of the Harry Potter audience. An examination of the social and historical background will provide a first-century context of resistance to oppression. Using the Harry Potter lens, I will juxtapose that text with the Gospel of Mark as a whole to show that there is a pattern of resistance enacted by Jesus throughout. I will then carry out an exegetical analysis of Mark 10:32 45, again juxtaposing it with the Harry Potter text. The intertextual connections drawn from this analysis will be considered in terms of how they can impact the Harry Potter audience and provide them with new horizons. This project will therefore be given a reading strategy to help them read Mark 10:32 45 through the lens of the Harry Potter novels. This lens allows the reader to both transform and be transformed by the Markan text and will highlight how Jesus acts to resist and subvert the role of tyrannical rule in the lives of his followers, much like the resistance and subversion seen in the story of Harry Potter.

The Preverb <i>Eis-</i> and Koine Greek Aktionsart

Shain, Rachel M. 26 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.


Korner, Ralph J. 04 1900 (has links)
<p>In this study I situate socio-historically the adoption of the term <em>ekklēsia</em> as a permanent collective identity by early Christ-followers, particularly Pauline ones. I contribute to at least four areas of <em>ekklēsia</em> research. First, my examination of almost 1900 inscriptional occurrences of the word <em>ekklēsia</em> indicates a lack of evidence for a non-civic association self-identifying collectively as an <em>ekklēsia</em>. Second, I develop the preliminary observation by Runesson, Binder, and Olsson (2008) that <em>ekklēsia</em> can refer either to a gathering of Jews or to the self-designation of a Jewish community, i.e., that <em>ekklēsia</em> is one among several terms that can be translated into English as “synagogue.” This problematizes, from an institutional perspective, suggestions common in scholarship that Paul was “parting ways” with Judaism(s), ‘Jewishness,’ or Jewish organizational forms. Third, given both that non-Jewish Christ-followers could not be designated using the ethno-religious term “Israel” and that <em>ekklēsia</em> is a Jewish synagogue term, Paul’s designation of his multi-ethnic communities as <em>ekklēsiai</em> allowed gentiles qua gentiles to share with Torah observant Jews qua Jews in God’s salvation history with Israel. <em>Ekklēsia</em>, thus, does not indicate an inherently supersessionist identity for communities designated by this term. Fourth, Paul’s adoption of a political identity (civic <em>ekklēsia</em>) for his communities need not imply his promotion of counter-imperial civic ideology. Greek literary (e.g., Plutarch) and inscriptional evidence suggests that if an Imperial period non-civic group (e.g., voluntary association) self-designated as an <em>ekklēsia</em>, it could have been perceived as a positive, rather than as an anti-Roman, participant in society.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The idea of truth as the revelation of covenant faithfulness in the Gospel of John

Roberts, Michael David 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study is concerned with the need to investigate the Johannine idea of truth in the context of the Old Testament background, with the stated aim of showing how this conception of truth could still reach those outside the boundary of Judaism. This thesis needs to be set within the larger framework of revelation. The revelation of God in the Old Testament pointed to God's final and fullest revelation given in his Son. And because Jesus is indeed the truth, as he himself explicitly claimed, it necessarily follows that every portion of this revelation is true and reliable in every way. Moreover, because this revelation has been given, there is the need for those to serve as witnesses to it. These witnesses, both divine and human, are themselves revelation by virtue of their divine origin and their consequent inclusion as part of the overall New Testament witness to Jesus. Chapter one addresses those introductory matters relevant for understanding John's unique view of truth. There are two aspects to this view of truth as centered in Jesus: Jesus as the revelation of truth, and Jesus as the revealer of truth. Truth is the person and work of Jesus, and chapter two treats the first aspect in discussing eight ideas that explain this view of truth. The second aspect is the focus of chapter three. Because truth comes only from God, it must be revealed since human beings cannot understand it on their own. In order for this revelation to be received, witnesses are needed to testify to it. Hence, in John truth and revelation cannot be separated, and witnesses must testify to this revelation as the truth of God. Because Jesus is both the revealer and the revelation itself, he is therefore the preeminent witness precisely because his is a self-authenticating witness that receives the Father's affirmation. The last chapter applies this theological foundation using three ideas that are specifically connected with the word "truth": abiding, sanctification, and worship. Truth is more than intellectual acquirement; it is living one's life in love and service of God and others. / New Testament / D. Th (New Testament)

The scapegoat sacrifice in Leviticus 16 and the Nefo'o ritual of the Bafut of Cameroon

Muyo, Joshua Ngwalem 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dissertation aims to establish to what extent the Old Testament could be interpreted from an African perspective, using the scapegoat sacrifice in Leviticus 16 and the Nefo'o ritual of the Bafut of Cameroon as relevant examples. Because sacrificial practice was a normal occurrence in the religions of the Israelites (Old Testament) and those of other nations - and African society in particular - questions are raised that require urgent answers, namely: Is it possible to identify any elements of sacrifice from the African background, and specifically the Nefo'o ritual of the Bafut of Cameroon, which may facilitate the theological interpretation and understanding of the Old Testament. The approach employed is a qualitative methodology with the sub-category of participant observation. We also used a socio-rhetorical interpretation approach to the Old Testament text of Leviticus 16. When the above-mentioned two rituals are compared, they portray aspects of both similarities and dissimilarities. The work has been divided into the following seven chapters: Chapter one introduces the topic through the identification and the development of the problem. Some concepts and keywords from the title are discussed in the contexts of the Bafut of Cameroon and ancient Israel. Chapter two provides the background to the Nefo'o ritual of the Bafut of Cameroon, tracing both the origins of the Bafut people and the Nefo'o ritual. The Bukari people, the aborigines of the tribe and the seat of the Nefo'o shrine are highlighted. Chapter three presents a survey of sacrifices in West Africa, the ancient Near East and Israel. Special attention is reserved to the sacrificial systems of the ancient Israelites. Chapter four gives a brief introduction to the Pentateuch with special treatment of the modern trends in the study of the pentateuchal sources and the theologies of the authors. This is to situate the book of Leviticus in the Pentateuch with which we are concerned. Chapter five presents an introduction to the book of Leviticus and examines its significance among the other pentateuchal books. Attention is given to certain recurrent theological themes in the book and its implication for Leviticus chapter 16. Chapter six provides a socio-rhetorical interpretation of the text of Leviticus 16, with special attention to the establishment of the Day of Atonement and the scapegoat sacrifice. Specific attention was paid to the significance of atonement in Lev. 16. Chapter seven compares the scapegoat sacrifice of Leviticus 16 and the Nefo'o ritual of the Bafut of Cameroon. This is followed by a theological interpretation of the Nefo'o ritual and a summary of the results and conclusions. African theologians - whose own cultures possess a great deal of ritual practices - have not given enough attention to a contextual interpretation of the Scriptures of the Old Testament. The biblical faith has to exist among African Traditional Religions and other cultural practices. Some contextual interpretation of the Scriptures of the Old Testament is being suggested. Such aspects as the Nefo'o shrine, which is situated in the midst of the Bafut community, could be seen to explain the Tent of Meeting among the Israelites. Other aspects include the priest, the community, the ancestors and the release of the live goat into the woods, bearing the sins of the people. Thus the Nefo'o ritual can be used as an analogy to explain the biblical understanding of atonement in an African context. Leviticus 16 is not only the centre of the book of Leviticus but also the centre of the Pentateuch (Torah). Atonement can also be seen to be the theological heart of the Old Testament and of the whole Bible. Thus it is crucial to communicate this in an African environment using all the hermenuetical tools available. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie dissertasie is daarop gemik om te bepaal tot watter mate die Ou Testament vanuit In Afrika-perspektief geinterpreteer kan word met gebruikmaking van die sondebokofferande, soos beskryf in Levitikus 16 en die Nefo'o ritueel van die Bafut bevolking van Kameroen as betrokke voorbeelde. Omdat die bring van offerandes normale praktyk in die godsdienste van die Israeliete (soos beskryf in die Ou Testament) en van ander nasies - en spesifiek van Afrika-gemeenskappe - is, ontlok dit vrae wat dringend beantwoord behoort te word. Is dit moontlik om daardie elemente van offerande vanuit In Afrika-perspektief - en spesifiek vanuit die oogpunt van die Nefo'o ritueeI van die Bafut van Kameroen - te identifiseer wat kan bydra tot die teologiese interpretasie en begrip van die Ou Testament? Die benadering wat gevolg word, is 'n kwalitatiewe metodologie, met die sub-kategorie van deelnemende waarneming. Ons het ook In sosio-retoriese interpretasie benadering tot die Ou Testamentiese teks van Levitikus 16 gevolg. Wanneer die bovermelde twee rituele met mekaar vergelyk word, openbaar hulle aspekte van sowel ooreenkomste as van verskille. Die werk is die volgende sewe hoofstukke verdeel: Hoofstuk een lei die onderwerp in deur die identifisering en die ontwikkeling van die probleem. Sekere begrippe vervat in die sleutelwoorde van die titel word bespreek in die kontekste van die Bafut van Kameroen en van anti eke Israel. Hoofstuk twee bied In agtergrond aan tot die Nefo'o ritueel van die Bafut bevolking van Kameroen, waarin die oorsprong van sowel die Bafut bevolking as van die Nefo'o ritueel nagegaan word. Die Bukari bevolking, wat die oorspronklike inwoners was en die setel van die Nefo'o altaar word beskrywe. Hoofstuk drie bevat In oorsig van offerandes in Wes-Afrika, die anti eke Nabye Ooste en Israel. Spesiale aandag word geskenk aan die offerande stelsels van die anti eke Israeliete. Hoofstuk vier is In kort inleiding tot die Pentateug, met spesiale verwysing na die moderne tendense in die studie van Pentateugverwante bronne en die teologiese uitgangspunte van die skrywers. Dit word gedoen om die posisie van die boek van Levitikus, waarmee ons bowenal gemoeid is, in die Pentateug te bepaal. Hoofstuk vyf bied In kort inleiding tot die boek van Levitikus en gaan sy betekenis na teen die agtergrond van die ander boeke Vall die Pentateug. Aandag word geskenk aan sekere herhalende teologiese temas in die boek en die implikasies daarvan vir Levitikus 16. Hoofstuk ses bevat 'n sosio-retoriese interpretasie van die inhoud van Levitikus 16, met spesiale verwysing na die instelling van die Versoendag en die offerande van die sondebok. Spesifieke aandag word geskenk aan die rol van boetedoening in Levitikus 16. Hoofstuk sewe vergelyk die sondebok offerande van Levitikus 16 en die Nefo'o ritueel van die Bafut van Kameroen. Dit word gevolg deur 'n teologiese interpretasie van die Nefo'o ritueel, 'n 'n opsomming van die praktyke en ook gevolgtrekkings. Afrika-teoloe, wie se eie kulture oor 'n ryke mate van rituele praktyke beskik, het tot dusver nie voldoende aandag aan 'n kontekstuele interpretasie van die Ou Testament geskenk nie. Die Bybelse geloof moet steeds in naasbestaan met die tradisionele Afrika-gelowe en ander kulturele praktyke staan. 'n Sekere kontekstuele interpretasie van die Ou Testamentiese geskrifte word aan die hand gedoen. Seker aspekte, soos die Nefo'o altaar, wat midde in die Bafut gemeenskap gelee is, kan met die ontmoetingstent van die Israeliete vergelyk word. Ander punte van ooreenkomste en verskille tussen die Bafut en die anti eke Israeliete, sluit in priesters, die gemeenskap, voorouers, en die vrylating in die woud van die lewendige bok wat die sondes van die bevolking dra. Dus kan die Nefo'o ritueel as 'n analogie vir die verduideliking van die Bybelse begrip van versoening in 'n Afrika-konteks aangewend word. Levitikus 16 is nie slegs die kern van die hele boek van Levitikus nie, maar inderdaad ook van die hele Pentateug (Torah). Versoening kan ook as die teologiese kern van die Ou Testament van die hele Bybel gereken word. Daarom is dit noodsaaklik om hierdie begrip in 'n Afrika-konteks te kan kommunikeer met die aanwending van aile beskikbare hermeneutiese hulpmiddele.

Kázání na rovině v podání svatého Ambrože a svatého Cyrila z Alexandrie / Theologic reflection and comparision between commentaries of the Sermon on the Plain according to Ambrose and Cyril of Alexandria

KAŠKA, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals teologic comparison of two patristic commentaries of the Sermon on the Plain from Gospel of Luke - by saint Ambrose and by saint Cyril of Alexandria. Both autors are excerpts from their commentaries of Gospel of Luke. At first are outlined life and literary work of both authors and later an analysis of both texts from the point of view of selected principal theological topics is made. After that the two theological views are compared to the Sermon on the Plain, outlining the initial idea of both autors.

The idea of truth as the revelation of covenant faithfulness in the Gospel of John

Roberts, Michael David 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study is concerned with the need to investigate the Johannine idea of truth in the context of the Old Testament background, with the stated aim of showing how this conception of truth could still reach those outside the boundary of Judaism. This thesis needs to be set within the larger framework of revelation. The revelation of God in the Old Testament pointed to God's final and fullest revelation given in his Son. And because Jesus is indeed the truth, as he himself explicitly claimed, it necessarily follows that every portion of this revelation is true and reliable in every way. Moreover, because this revelation has been given, there is the need for those to serve as witnesses to it. These witnesses, both divine and human, are themselves revelation by virtue of their divine origin and their consequent inclusion as part of the overall New Testament witness to Jesus. Chapter one addresses those introductory matters relevant for understanding John's unique view of truth. There are two aspects to this view of truth as centered in Jesus: Jesus as the revelation of truth, and Jesus as the revealer of truth. Truth is the person and work of Jesus, and chapter two treats the first aspect in discussing eight ideas that explain this view of truth. The second aspect is the focus of chapter three. Because truth comes only from God, it must be revealed since human beings cannot understand it on their own. In order for this revelation to be received, witnesses are needed to testify to it. Hence, in John truth and revelation cannot be separated, and witnesses must testify to this revelation as the truth of God. Because Jesus is both the revealer and the revelation itself, he is therefore the preeminent witness precisely because his is a self-authenticating witness that receives the Father's affirmation. The last chapter applies this theological foundation using three ideas that are specifically connected with the word "truth": abiding, sanctification, and worship. Truth is more than intellectual acquirement; it is living one's life in love and service of God and others. / New Testament / D. Th (New Testament)

MILITÄRISCHE METAPHORIK IM CORPUS PAULINUM: EINE UNTERSUCHUNG ZU VORKOMMEN UND BEDEUTUNG / Military metaphor in the Corpus Paulinum : an investigation into its occurence and meaning

Nell, Mathias Werner 09 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / Die vorliegende Studie setzt sich mit der militärischen Metaphorik im Corpus Paulinum im Blick auf deren Vorkommen und Bedeutung auseinander. Es zeigt sich, dass sich die militärische Rede und deren Anwendungsbereich im Corpus Paulinum über alle dreizehn Briefe hinweg, die der Reihe nach ihrer wahrscheinlichen chronologischen Abfassungsfolge entsprechend analysiert werden, zu entwickeln scheint: dienen militärische Motive anfangs noch vorwiegend als Vergleichsmomente, so werden sie im weiteren Verlauf der Briefchronologie zunehmend identifizierend eingesetzt. Thematisch verwendet Paulus militärische Redeweise insbesondere zur Schaffung und Wahrung von Einheit in der Gemeinde auf Grund gemeinsamer Identität sowie um sich und die Gemeinde als »Mithineingenommene« in den transzendenten, eschatologischen Kampf gegen Satan zu verstehen und praktisch zu verorten bzw. anzuleiten. Das Evangelium selbst ist umkämpft, was daher auch die Missionstätigkeit des Paulus bzw. der Gemeinde als eine geistlich-militärische Mission verstehen lässt. Als »echte Metaphern« können die militärischen Metaphern bei Paulus weder verlustfrei ersetzt noch aufgelöst werden. / The study deals with military metaphors in the Corpus Paulinum with regard to their occurrence and significance. It turns out that the military speech and its scope of application in the Corpus Paulinum seems to evolve across all thirteen letters, which are analyzed in sequence according to their probable chronological order: if military motifs serve as comparative moments at first, they are increasingly used identically in the further course of the letter chronology. The use of military speeches in particular serves the purpose of creating and maintaining unity in the community on the basis of a common identity, and in order to understand and guide the community in a transcendent, eschatological struggle against Satan. The Gospel itself is contested, which also explains the missionary activity of Paul as a spiritual-military mission. As »real metaphors«, Paul's military metaphors can neither be replaced or dissolved without loss. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

The impact of Biblical archaeological findings on Christian pilgrimage : the case of the burial sites of Jesus

Smuts, Stephen (Theologian) 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation comparatively explores and critically evaluates the historical and traditional notions that are commonly held by Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land; and it does so by examining the archaeological, historical, and literary evidence, with specific reference to the existent material remnants that are closely associated with the burial of Christ Jesus. The research will highlight the impact that biblical archaeological findings and the results thereof have had on these identified pilgrimage sites. Both the strengths and the weaknesses of the evidence will be enumerated; and the implications for the practice and significance of pilgrimages will be set out. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M.A. (Biblical Archaeology)

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