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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Immunological and epidemiological investigations in South African ostriches and penguins

Botes, Annelise 04 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Newcastle disease (NO) and mycoplasma infections in ostriches have considerable economic implications for the South African ostrich industry in that NO is a limiting factor in the export of ostrich products to the European Union and mycoplasma infections cause stock losses, reduced production, reduced hatchability and downgrading of carcasses. In the first section of this dissertation, the role of passively acquired and mucosal immunity in protection of ostrich chicks against Newcastle disease virus (NOV) was investigated. Ostrich hen serum IgG and yolk IgY were isolated and characterized, and the transfer of maternal anti-NOV antibodies to the egg yolk was determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results indicated that anti-NOV antibodies were successfully transferred from the ostrich hen to the egg yolk. In addition, ostrich IgA was isolated, characterized and rabbit anti-ostrich IgA antibodies produced and used for measuring mucosal anti- NOV IgA antibodies produced in response to mucosal vaccination. Results indicated that the live La Sota vaccine stimulates IgA production and thus mucosal immunity in ostrich chicks. In the second section of this dissertation, ostrich mycoplasmas were isolated and identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. These sequences indicated that ostriches carry three unique mycoplasmas, which are phylogenetically quite divergent. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of the ostrich mycoplasmas were subsequently used for the development of specific primers for the detection and diagnosis of mycoplasma infections in ostriches by PCR. The last section of this dissertation focuses on avian malaria in African penguins and the management of this disease during rehabilitation. The Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) is a seabird rescue and rehabilitation centre, which is largely dedicated to the rehabilitation of diseased, injured and oiled penguins. Significant mortalities due to avian malaria occur at this facility. The aim of this study was the development of an ELISA for the purpose of assessing the natural levels of anti-Plasmodium antibodies in African penguins on entry into the SANCCOB facility and during rehabilitation. Results indicated significant increases in anti- Plasmodium antibody levels after entry, which was not influenced by oiling. Infection with malaria and not parasite recrudescence was viewed to be the cause of this increase, indicating a possible role of the SANCCOB facility in exposing penguins to avian malaria. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Newcastlesiekte (NS) en mikoplasmainfeksies in voltruise het geweldige ekonomiese implikasies vir die Suid-Afrikaanse volstruisbedryf. Die rede hiervoor is dat NS 'n beperkende faktor in die uitvoer van volstruisprodukte na die Europese Unie is, en mikoplasmainfeksies tot kudde verliese, verlaagde produksie en uitbroei asook lae gradering van karkasse lei. In die eerste gedeelte van hierdie proefskrif is die rol van passiewe- en mukosale-immuniteit in die beskerming van volstruiskuikens teen NS virus (NSV) ondersoek. Volstruishenserum IgG en eier IgY is geïsoleer en gekarakteriseer en die oordrag van maternale anti-NSV antiliggame na die eier ondersoek met behulp van 'n 'enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay' (ELISA). Resultate het getoon dat anti-NSV antiliggame suksesvol van die hen na die eier oorgedra is. Volstruis IgA is ook geïsoleer, gekarateriseer en konyn anti-volstruis IgA antiliggame geproduseer wat gebruik is vir die bepaling van mukosale anti-NSV IgA antiliggame in reaksie op mukosale immunisering. Resultate het getoon dat lewendige La Sota entstof IgA produksie stimuleer en dus tot mukosale-immuniteit in volstruiskuikens lei. In die tweede gedeelte van hierdie proefskrif is volstruismikoplasmas geïsoleer en geïdentifiseer met behulp van 16S rRNA geenopeenvolgingsbepalings. Hierdie volgordes het getoon dat drie unieke mikoplasmas in volstruise voorkom wat filogeneties verskillend blyk te wees. Die 16S rRNA geenopeenvolgings van die volstruismikoplasmas is gebruik vir die ontwikkeling van spesifieke inleiers vir die PKR identifisering en diagnose van mikoplasmainfeksies in volstruise. Die laaste gedeelte van hierdie proefskrif fokus op voëlmalaria in die Afrika pikkewyn en die bestuur van hierdie siekte gedurende rehabilitasie. Die 'South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds' (SANCCOB) is 'n seevoëlreddingsen rehabilitasie-sentrum vir siek, beseerde en ge-oliede pikkewyne. Hierdie sentrum het egter aansienlike vrektes as gevolg van voëlmalaria. In hierdie studie is 'n ELISA ontwikkel vir die bepaling van natuurlike anti-Plasmodium antiliggaamvlakke van pikkewyne by aankoms en tydens rehabilitasie by SANCCOB. Resultate het 'n toename in anti-Plasmodium antiliggaamvlakke getoon na toelating wat nie beïnvloed is deur olie nie. Hierdie toename kan toegeskryf word aan nuwe malariainfeksies en nie 'n heruitbraak van bestaande infeksies nie wat daarop dui dat pikkewyne aan voëlmalaria blootgestel word by die SANCCOB-sentrum.

Avaliação da infectividade, transmissibilidade, estado de portador (reservatório) e da resposta imune humoral de pombos (Columba livia) submetidos à infecção experimental frente a estirpes do vírus da doença de Newcastle (V.D.N.) de alta e baixa patogenicidade. / Evaluation of infectivity, potential of transmission, reservoirs state and humoral immune response of pigeon (Columba livia) experimentally infected with low and high pathogenicity strains of Newcastle Disease virus (N.D.V.) of high and low pathogenicity.

Carrasco, Adriano de Oliveira Torres 15 December 2009 (has links)
A Doença de Newcastle (DN) é uma enfermidade de etiologia viral e de rápido poder de disseminação. Um grande número de espécies aviárias é susceptível ao Vírus da Doença de Newcastle (VDN). Entre estas aves, o pombo doméstico (Columba livia), tem sido incriminado como hospedeiro e disseminador da DN. Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar o comportamento de pombos frente ao VDN. Foram avaliadas a patogenia da doença e a cinética da RIH de pombos submetidos à vacinação com estirpes vivas (LaSota) e a infecção experimental com estirpe patogênica (São João do Meriti) para galinhas (Gallus gallus), para avaliar os papéis desempenhados por estas como possíveis reservatórios do VDN. A resposta sorológica foi mensurada com a técnica de HI e a eliminação do genoma viral avaliada com a técnica de RT-PCR. Foi observado que as estirpes vacinas produziram títulos elevados de anticorpos, tanto nas aves vacinadas como nas sentinelas. Na infecção experimental, demonstramos que a estirpe patogênica não produziu a doença clínica em pombos, porém promoveu a formação de anticorpos, bem como a eliminação do genoma viral. Também foi comprovada a alta infectividade do agente, tendo em vista que aves sentinelas apresentaram níveis de anticorpos elevados, nos mesmos patamares das aves infectadas. / Newcastle Disease (ND), is a highly contagious disease of viral etiology and several bird species are susceptible this disease. The domestic pigeon (Columba livia), has been regarded as a host and disseminating agent of ND. Therefore, a study was carried out in order to evaluate the responses of pigeons naturally or experimentally infected with this pathogen and the possible role of these birds as potential reservoirs of NDV. The disease pathogenesis and the kinetics of the host humoral immune response were studied in pigeons subjected to vaccination with live NDV strains (LaSota) and to experimental infection with a NDV strain (São João do Meriti) that affects domestic chickens (Gallus gallus). The serological response was measured by HI and the elimination of the viral genome was evaluated by RT-PCR. Vaccine strains induced high antibody levels, both in vaccinated and in sentinel birds. Clinical signs of the disease were not induced by the pathogenic strain in experimentally infected pigeons, although there was antibody production, as well as elimination of the viral genome. The high infectivity of the agent was also confirmed, since the sentinels birds presented high antibody levels, which were similar to the levels produced by infected birds.

Immunity induced by Newcastke disease vaccination and its correlation with chickens protection Immunité induite par la vaccination contre la maladie de Newcastle et sa corrélation avec la protection des volailles

Rauw, Fabienne 17 March 2010 (has links)
La maladie de Newcastle est une maladie virale hautement contagieuse et dévastatrice chez la volaille. Bien que la biosécurité et lhygiène puissent savérer suffisantes pour lutter contre lintroduction de la maladie, la vaccination préventive est considérée comme une précaution supplémentaire et a été rendue obligatoire dans la plupart des pays européens dès les années 90 suite aux épidémies de ND. Cependant, lobservation dépizooties sporadiques témoigne des limites des programmes de prévention actuels. Dans ce contexte, de nombreuses alternatives vaccinales sont étudiées afin de limiter le risque dune infection par le NDV et de réduire la transmission virale, tout en prévenant les signes cliniques et la mortalité. Durant ce travail, la vaccination à un jour à laide dun vaccin atténué a été privilégiée et lamélioration de son efficacité par la co-administration avec ladjuvant chitosan et une primo-vaccination in ovo avec un vaccin recombinant rHVT-ND a été investiguée. Lobjectif de cette thèse consiste à étudier de manière approfondie limmunité induite chez le poulet par la vaccination contre la ND et à établir une corrélation entre les réponses immunitaires mesurées et la protection. Ces expériences ont montré linfluence du tropisme de la souche vaccinale de NDV sur linduction de limmunité à médiation cellulaire et sur le degré de la réponse immune locale en anticorps au niveau des tractus respiratoire et digestif. Cette réponse immune cellulaire spécifique du NDV a pu être renforcée par la co-administration du chitosan avec le vaccin atténué. Linterférence des anticorps maternels sur linduction dune réponse immune spécifique lors dune vaccination à un jour a également été validée. Cet impact négatif a pu être limité par une primo-vaccination in ovo avec un vaccin recombinant rHVT-ND. Enfin, le programme de vaccination combinant une primo-vaccination in ovo avec une vaccination à un jour avec un vaccin atténué co-administré avec le chitosan a permis daméliorer la protection contre les signes cliniques de la maladie mais également de diminuer lexcrétion virale lors dune infection virulente. Cette plus forte protection peut être corrélée avec linduction dune meilleure immunité à médiation cellulaire et une réponse immune locale accrue. Newcastle disease is a highly contagious and devastating condition of poultry. Although good biosecurity and hygiene practices can be sufficient to fight against this disease, the preventive vaccination is thought to be an additional precaution and is rendered compulsory in many European Union countries since the 90 after ND epidemic. Nevertheless, enzootics and epizootics that are sometimes reported point out the limitations of current vaccination regimens. In this context, different approaches have been investigated in order to prevent infection by NDV, reduce the transmission of the virus and eliminate clinical signs and mortality. In this work, we have selected the vaccination at day-old with attenuated ND vaccine and we have attempted to increase its efficacy by the co-administration with chitosan adjuvant and by an in ovo injection of a rHVT-ND vaccine. The aim of this present work was to evaluate the immunity induced by ND vaccination and the establishment of the correlation between the recorded measurement and the protection. These experiments showed the influence of the tropism of the ND vaccine strain on the NDV-specific antibody-mediated immunity in the respiratory and digestive tracts and on the cell-mediated immunity. This NDV-specific cellular immune response was improved by the co-administration of chitosan with the ND attenuated vaccine. It was also observed that the presence of MDA interferes with the establishment of a persisting good protective immunity after a single day-old vaccination. The use of rHVT-ND vaccine applied in ovo as primo-vaccination allowed overcoming this negative interference of MDA. Finally, the innovative rHVT-ND/live ND-chitosan vaccination regimen provided the highest protection against mortality and morbidity as well as the strongest reduction of virus shedding, which could be related to a higher measured cellular immune response and local antibody-mediated immunity.

A Mutational Analysis of Structural Determinants Within the Newcastle Disease Virus Fusion Protein: a Dissertation

Reitter, Julie N. 01 April 1994 (has links)
The fusion protein of the Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) contains three hydrophobic domains. To explore the topogenic signals of these domains, mutants were constructed in which each of the hydrophobic domains was deleted. The membrane insertion and topology of these proteins was characterized in a wheat germ cell-free translation system supplemented with canine microsomal membranes. The results indicated that the first 13 amino acids of the fusion protein are necessary to confer translation inhibition by SRP. Translocation of the nascent chains containing all or part of the first hydrophobic sequence resulted in the appearance of a species of higher molecular weight consistent with glycosylation of at least four of the five potential N-linked glycosylation sites. When glycosylation was inhibited with a glycosylation competitor peptide, signal sequence cleavage was detected. Protease digestion of mutants missing the C-terminal hydrophobic domain indicated that the C-terminus has stop transfer activity. A comparison of membrane insertion of the wild-type fusion protein to that of a mutant missing the second hydrophobic domain, the fusion sequence, indicated that the fusion domain has stop-transfer activity when synthesized in vitro. Furthermore, the fusion domain shows little signal sequence activity when positioned near the amino terminus of the fusion protein. The fusion protein has a highly conserved leucine zipper motif immediately upstream from the transmembrane domain of the F1 subunit. In order to determine the role that the conserved leucines have for the oligomeric structure and biological activity of the NDV fusion protein, the heptadic leucines at positions 481,488, and 495 were changed individually and in combination to an alanine residue. Whereas single amino acid changes had little effect on fusion, substitution of two or three leucine residues abolished the fusogenic activity of the protein although cell surface expression of the mutants and sedimentation in sucrose gradients was similar to that of the wild type. Furthermore, deletion of the C-terminal 91 amino acids, including the leucine zipper motif and transmembrane domain resulted in secretion of an oligomeric structure. These results indicate that the conserved leucines do not play a role in oligomer formation but are required for the fusogenic ability of the protein. When the polar face of the potential alpha helix was altered by nonconservative substitutions of a serine-to-alanine (position 473), glutamic acid-to-lysine (position 482) or an asparagine-to-lysine (position 485), the fusogenic ability of the protein was not significantly disrupted. A phenylalanine residue is at the amino terminus of the F1 protein of all paramyxovirus fusion proteins with the exception of the avirulent strains which have a leucine residue in this position. To explore the role of this phenylalanine in the fusion activity of the protein, this residue was changed to leucine (F117L) or to glycine (F117G) by site-specific mutagenesis while maintaining the cleavage site sequence of virulent strains of NDV. Whereas both the wild-type and the F117G proteins were proteolytically cleaved and F1 was detected, the leucine subsitution abolished cleavage. When co-expressed with the HN protein, the fusion protein with either a phenylalanine and glycine residue at position 117, but not a leucine, was shown to stimulate membrane fusion. However, incubation in trypsin activated the fusion activity of the F117L protein. Thus the presence of a leucine at position 117 of the precursor sequence blocks cleavage, but not fusion acitivity, and indicated that the phenylalanine at the amino terminus of the F1 subunit is not conserved for the fusion activity of the protein.

Estudo retrospectivo do monitoramento sorológico para a Doença de Newcastle com aplicações de técnicas de geoprocessamento e geoestatistica no estado de Santa Catarina / Retrospective serological monitoring for Newcastle Disease in Santa Catarina state with applications of GIS techniques and geostatistical

Giotto, Diana Bertani January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral estabelecer critérios de maior precisão para a interpretação de resultados do diagnóstico sorológico para a Doença de Newcastle realizadas através do teste de HI (inibição da hemaglutinação). A fonte dos dados foram resultados de ensaios sorológicos realizados para monitoria da doença no estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil, no período de 2000 à 2010, sendo estas, cedidas pela CIDASC (Companhia Integrada de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de Santa Catarina). Como metodologia, foram ulitizadas técnicas de geoprocessamento com auxílio do aplicativo Capeiro 7, para estudo de caso, métodos estatísticos para estudo das GMTs (médias geométricas dos títulos) e métodos geoestatísticos, com auxilio do aplicavo ArcGis, com desígnio de avaliar q dependência espacial exercida entre os títulos. Estes métodos permitiram a análise espacial dos títulos sorológicos e correlacionar com os vizinhos mais próximos (unidades de produção integradas de frangos de corte) através de mapeamentos. Diante das informações repassadas para o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa, no estudo de caso observou-se que os títulos sorológicos não exerciam influência sobre os vizinhos. Em um segundo momento, através das análises estatísticas observou-se um declínio das GMTs ao longo to tempo, podendo ser vizualizado um patamar de estabilização, que se fixou entre 1,14 e 1,60. Por fim, no estudo geoestatístico, pode-se constatar que os títulos sorológicos apresentaram dependência espacial nos dez anos analisados, sendo que, em ensaios de HI realizados com 4 UHA (unidades hemaglutinantes), os títulos 1/2 e 1/4 apresentaram dependência espacial de 12km, quando estudados em raios de 10 km a partir de granjas reprodutoras, as quais recebem vacinação para Doença de Newcastle. Os títulos 1/8 apresentaram dependência espacial de aproximadamente 8 km e os 1/16 de 5 km. Desta forma, foi detectado que, a medida que os títulos aumentavam, a dependência espacial entre eles diminuía, mas ainda sim, exercendo forte influencia sobre os vizinhos. / This study aimed to establish more precise criteria for the interpretation of results of serological diagnosis for Newcastle disease carried through the test of HI (hemagglutination inhibition). The source of the data were performed serologic test results for monitoring of the disease in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, from 2000 to 2010, these being provided by CIDASC (Integrated Agricultural Development Company of Santa Catarina). The methodology were used geoprocessing techniques to aid application Capeiro 7 for case study, statistical methods to the study of GMTs (geometric mean titers) and geostatistical methods with the aid of ArcGis software, with design to assess spatial dependence q exercised between titles. These methods allowed the spatial analysis of bonds and serological correlate with the nearest neighbors (production units integrated broiler) via mappings. Given the information passed to the development of this research, the case study showed that the serological not exerted influence on the neighbors. In a second step, through statistical analysis we observed a decline in GMTs over to time and can be visualized a level of stabilization, which was set between 1.14 and 1.60. Finally, the geostatistical study, it can be seen that the serological spatial dependence in ten years, and, in HI assays performed with 4 UHA (hemagglutinating units), securities 1/2 and 1/4 showed dependence space 12km, when studied in radius of 10 km from reproduction farms, which receive vaccination for Newcastle disease. The titres eighth spatial dependence of approximately 8 km and 1/16 of 5 km. Thus, it was detected that, as the titres increased, the spatial dependence between them lessened, but still exerting a strong influence on the neighbors.

Estudo dos estados imune e de portador em marrecos de pequim (Anas platyrhynchos) frente ao vírus da doença de Newcastle

Nishizawa, Márcia [UNESP] 22 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-02-22Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:07:34Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 nishizawa_m_dr_jabo.pdf: 817217 bytes, checksum: c7d2f29bf8d4ac1ee5c3fbc71c4756c1 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Parâmetros imunológicos, clínicos, epidemiológicos e patológicos da vacinação em marrecos de Pequim foram avaliados por 3 experimentos. Para tanto, foram utilizadas amostras vacinais Ulster 2C, B1 e LaSota do vírus da doença de Newcastle (VDN). No experimento 1, foram utilizados 120 marrecos de Pequim de 1 dia de idade, distribuídos em 4 tratamentos de 30 animais cada, submetidos a diferentes programas imunoprofiláticos. A resposta imune foi avaliada pelo teste de HI, com posterior desafio frente a estirpe patogênica do VDN, aos 60 dias de vida das aves. Após o desafio, em todos os grupos, procedeu-se o reisolamento de vírus patogênico em embriões SPF. Independente do grupo experimental, sinais clínicos da reação vacinal não foram observados. Os resultados dos títulos de anticorpos (HI) mostraram que os programas imunoprofiláticos ensaiados foram igualmente eficientes no estímulo da resposta imune humoral. Os marrecos de Pequim desafiados mostraram-se refratários à enfermidade clínica com o VDN. Entretanto, ficou caracterizado o estado de portador de VDN nesta espécie decorridos até 30 dias da infecção experimental com este patógeno. Nos grupos vacinados, o reisolamento de vírus patogênico foi nulo, evidenciando -se assim a importância da imunoprofilaxia na supressão do estado de portador de VDN dos marrecos de Pequim. No experimento 2, aves SPF foram colocadas em contato íntimo com marrecos de Pequim inoculados com uma estirpe patogênica do VDN, decorridos cinco e 14 dias... / The clinical, epidemiological, immunological and pathological parameters of vaccination in white Pekin ducks were investigated using 3 experiments. Ulster 2C, B1 and LaSota vaccines strains of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) were used. In experiment 1, 120 one-day-old white Pekin ducks were used, and divided into 4 different groups with 30 birds per group. They were submitted to different vaccination programs. The immunological responses in these birds were measured by HI test. These birds were also challenged with a pathogenic VDN strain at 60 days of age. After challenge, in all the groups, tracheal and cloacal swabs were collected for re-isolation of the virus in SPF embrionated eggs. Independent of the group, clinical signs of reaction to the vaccine were not observed. The antibody titers (HI) results showed that the immune vaccine programs adopted were equally efficient in stimulating protective levels of humoral immune responses. Challenged white Pekin ducks were refractory to the NDV clinical disease. However, a NDV carrier state was shown in this species until 30 days after experimental infection. The vaccinated groups of white Pekin ducks did not present any virus in the re-isolation of the pathogenic virus. Therefore, these results show the relevance of vaccination in suppressing a NDV carrier state in the white Pekin ducks. In experiment 2, SPF chickens housed with white Pekin ducks which were previously inoculated with a pathogenic NDV strain, developed severe and characteristic NDV lesions and died, after five and 14 days...(Complete abstract, acess undermentioned eletronic address)

Estudo de parâmetros clínicos e imunitários da vacinação contra a doença de Newcastle e sua importância epidemiológica em periquitosaustralianos (Melopsittacus undulatus)

Denadai, Janine [UNESP] 09 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-12-09Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:32:18Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 denadai_j_me_jabo.pdf: 810265 bytes, checksum: 590ca7255c11f8f0b1c02155b7433db3 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Foram avaliados parâmetros clínicos, imunitários e epidemiológicos da vacinação contra a Doença de Newcastle em periquitos-australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus) através de dois experimentos. Foram utilizadas amostras vacinais Ulster 2C, B1 e La Sota do VDN. No experimento 1, foram utilizados 72 periquitos australianos com cinco meses de idade, distribuídos em 4 tratamentos de 18 animais cada, num total de três repetições, submetidos a diferentes esquemas imunoprofiláticos. A resposta imune foi avaliada pelo teste de HI, com posterior desafio frente a estirpe patogênica do VDN, aos 11 meses de vida das aves. Em todos os grupos, coletou-se suabes cloacais para pesquisa de RNA viral através da reação de cadeia de polimerase pós Transcrição Reversa (RT-PCR). Independente do grupo experimental, sinais clínicos da reação vacinal não foram observados. Os resultados dos títulos de anticorpos (HI) mostraram que os programas imunoprofiláticos ensaiados foram igualmente eficientes no estímulo da resposta imune humoral. Os periquitos-australianos desafiados mostraram-se refratários à enfermidade clínica com o VDN. Entretanto, ficou caracterizado o estado de portador de VDN nesta espécie decorridos até 19 dias da infecção experimental com este patógeno. No experimento 2, foram utilizadas aves SPF conviventes com periquitos-australianos inoculados com uma estirpe patogênica do VDN. Observou-se a transmissão de vírus patogênico (VDN) dos periquitos-australianos para as aves SPF conviventes decorridos até 19 dias da infecção experimental com este patógeno, o que vem realçar a importância do periquito-australiano como fonte potencial de infecção de VDN para aves domésticas / The clinical, epidemiological, immunological and parameters of vaccination against Newcastle disease in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) were investigated using 2 experiments. Ulster 2C, B1 and LaSota vaccines strains of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) were used. In experiment 1, 72 budgerigars were used, and divided into 4 different groups with 18 birds per group. They were submitted to different vaccination programs. The immunological responses in these birds were measured by HI test. These birds were also challenged with a pathogenic VDN strain at 11 months of age. In all the groups, cloacal swabs were collected for RT-PCR. Independent of the group, clinical signs of reaction to the vaccine were not observed. The antibody titers (HI) results showed that the immune vaccine programs adopted were equally efficient in stimulating protective levels of humoral immune responses. Challenged budgerigars were refractory to the NDV clinical disease. However, a NDV carrier state was shown in this species until 19 days after experimental infection. In experiment 2, SPF chickens were housed with budgerigars which were previously inoculated with a pathogenic NDV strain. Therefore, the pathogenic virus (NDV) was transmitted from the budgerigars to SPF birds up to 19 days after challenge, showing the importance of the budgerigars as source of dissemination of NDV to domestic birds

Pesquisa de agentes etiológicos patogênicos para galinhas de produção, em aves selvagens próximas as instalações avícolas

Sousa, Eliane de [UNESP] 05 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-07-05Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:56:56Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 sousa_e_me_jabo.pdf: 361846 bytes, checksum: 88806de6aa141392c6646bc2ffc5421c (MD5) / Hy-Line do Brasil / Aves selvagens podem ser consideradas portadores/carreadores de agentes etiológicos patogênicos para galinhas de produção. O objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar, em aves selvagens, a presença de anticorpo contra: Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG), Mycoplasma sinoviae (MS), Salmonella Pullorum (SP), Salmonella Gallinarum (SG), Vírus da Doença de Newcastle e Vírus da Bronquite Infecciosa; bem como a presença de Salmonella sp. Foram utilizadas 82 aves selvagens, e todas foram negativas na detecção de anticorpo anti-vírus da Doença de Newcastle e Bronquite Infecciosa, usando as técnicas de Inibição de Hemaglutinação e Soroneutralização, respectivamente. Para o diagnóstico de anticorpo anti Mycoplasma (MG e MS) foi utilizado inicialmente a técnica de Soroaglutinação Rápida em Placa, sendo sete aves positivas para MS e duas para MG. Amostras biológicas dessas aves foram posteriormente submetidas a técnicas de HI e/ou PCR, sendo todas negativas. Quanto ao diagnóstico de Salmonella sp., foi isolado Salmonella Muenchen da cultura de suabe de cloaca de uma curicaca; de uma seriema, foi isolado Salmonella Muenchen e Salmonella Saintpaul da cultura de órgãos e conteúdo intestinal, respectivamente; e do conteúdo intestinal de uma pomba foi isolado Salmonella Enteritidis. Apenas com os resultados dessa pesquisa, não foi possível concluir que as aves selvagens possam representar um risco sanitário para a avicultura. São necessários mais estudos envolvendo um número maior de aves e locais para elucidar o real potencial de transmissão e portador são das aves selvagens para os respectivos agentes pesquisados. / Wild birds can be considered carrier/transmitter of patogenic etiologic agents for chickens. The objective of this work was to verify in wild birds the presence of antibody Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG), Mycoplasma sinoviae (MS), Salmonella Pullorum (SP), Salmonella Gallinarum (SG), Newcastle Disease Virus, and Infectious Bronchitis Virus; as well as the presence of Salmonella sp. Eighty-two wild birds were sampled, and all was negative for antibody anti-virus Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bronchitis, using the techniques of Hemagglutination Inhibition and Seroneutralization, respectively. For the detection of antibodies anti Mycoplasma (MG e MS) were used initially the Fast Serum Agglutination on Plate method, seven birds were positive for MS and two for MG. Subsequently the positive sera and/or traqueal swab were submitted for HI and/or PCR techniques being all exams negative. Regarding the diagnosis of Salmonella sp., Salmonella Muenchen was isolated from a culture of cloacal swab of a buff-necked Ibis; from a red-legged seriema, Salmonella Muenchen and Salmonella Saintpaul were isolated from culture of organs and intestinal content, respectively; and Salmonella Enteritidis was isolated of intestinal content from a dove. It was not possible to conclude that the wild birds can represent a sanitary risk for aviculture considering only these results. More studies are necessary to elucidate the real potential of transmission and carrier of wild birds for the researched agents.

Clonagem e expressão do gene da nucleoproteína (np) do vírus da doença de newcastle em Escherichia coli para aplicação no imunodiagnóstico /

Silva, Ketherson Rodrigues. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Hélio José Montassier / Banca: Aramis Augusto Pinto / Banca: Camillo Del Cistia Andrade / Resumo: A nucleoproteina do vírus da doença de Newcastle (VDN) é um dos componentes antigênicos ideais para fazer o imunodiagnóstico da DN, por ser mais conservada e possuir uma elevada imunogenicidade. A sequência completa do gene da nucleoproteína (NP) (1470 pb) da estirpe La Sota do VDN foi amplificada, nesse estudo, por RT-PCR e submetida a clonagem no vetor de expressão em Escherichia coli pETSUMO (Invitrogen). A proteína NP foi expressa sob a forma de uma proteína recombinante de fusão contendo o peptídeo SUMO e a sequência de poli-histidina, em seguida foi purificada em resina de níquel-agarose e caracterizada por SDSPAGE e Western-blotting, apresentando um peso molecular de cerca de 66kDa e reatividade com anticorpos policlonais de galinhas hiperimunizadas com esse mesmo vírus. Foi então desenvolvido um método indireto de ELISA com essa proteína (NPVDN- ELISA) para ser aplicado na detecção de anticorpos anti-virais específicos. O NP-VDN-ELISA revelou ser capaz de diferenciar amostras de soros positivos para o VDN das amostras de soros negativos e, na comparação dos resultados obtidos na análise de 125 soros de campo pelo NP-VDN-ELISA com os do teste de Inibição da Hemaglutinação (HI), foi encontrado um coeficiente de correlação significante entre estes métodos (r = 0,8345), bem como elevadas sensibilidade (89,3%), acurácia (90,4%) e especificidade (95,5%). Concluindo, a proteína NP recombinante expressa pelo sistema pET SUMO - E. coli compartilha os principais epítopos para interagir com anticorpos de galinhas produzidos contra a proteína NP do VDN, tendo, portanto, um bom potencial de ser aplicada de forma bem sucedida e com vantagens no teste de ELISA para realizar de forma mais rápida e prática, o imunodiagnóstico da DN de um maior número de amostras séricas de galinhas / Abstract: The nucleocapsid protein (NP) of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV), is a preferred choice to develop a serologic assay on account of highly conserved sequences, and high immunogenicity. The whole open-reading-frame (orf) of NP gene from LaSota strain of NDV was amplified by RT-PCR and cloned in pETSUMO vector (Invitrogen) and Escherichia coli as cellular host. The NP protein was expressed as a fusion recombinant protein containing SUMO peptide and poly-histidine tags. This protein was easily purified in nickel-agarose resin, and characterized by SDS-PAGE and Western-blotting, showing a molecular weight of approximately 66 kDa and reactivity with polyclonal antibodies from NDV hiperimmunized chickens. The recombinant NP protein was used as antigen to develop an indirect ELISA (NP-NDVELISA) for the detection chicken anti-NDV antibodies. The capability of the recombinant NP protein to differentiate positive from normal chicken sera was evident in NP-NDV-ELISA, and by comparing this ELISA with haemagglutination-inhibition test (HI) a high and significant correlation with the haemagglutination-inhibition test (r = 0,8345), as well as high sensitivity (89,3%), specificity (95,5%) and accuracy (90,4%) were obtained. In conclusion the results indicated that the recombinant NP protein shared the main epitopes with the homologous viral protein and has a great potential to be advantageously used in the ELISA for the analysis of large number of samples in the DN immunodiagnosis / Mestre

Estudo retrospectivo do monitoramento sorológico para a Doença de Newcastle com aplicações de técnicas de geoprocessamento e geoestatistica no estado de Santa Catarina / Retrospective serological monitoring for Newcastle Disease in Santa Catarina state with applications of GIS techniques and geostatistical

Giotto, Diana Bertani January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral estabelecer critérios de maior precisão para a interpretação de resultados do diagnóstico sorológico para a Doença de Newcastle realizadas através do teste de HI (inibição da hemaglutinação). A fonte dos dados foram resultados de ensaios sorológicos realizados para monitoria da doença no estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil, no período de 2000 à 2010, sendo estas, cedidas pela CIDASC (Companhia Integrada de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de Santa Catarina). Como metodologia, foram ulitizadas técnicas de geoprocessamento com auxílio do aplicativo Capeiro 7, para estudo de caso, métodos estatísticos para estudo das GMTs (médias geométricas dos títulos) e métodos geoestatísticos, com auxilio do aplicavo ArcGis, com desígnio de avaliar q dependência espacial exercida entre os títulos. Estes métodos permitiram a análise espacial dos títulos sorológicos e correlacionar com os vizinhos mais próximos (unidades de produção integradas de frangos de corte) através de mapeamentos. Diante das informações repassadas para o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa, no estudo de caso observou-se que os títulos sorológicos não exerciam influência sobre os vizinhos. Em um segundo momento, através das análises estatísticas observou-se um declínio das GMTs ao longo to tempo, podendo ser vizualizado um patamar de estabilização, que se fixou entre 1,14 e 1,60. Por fim, no estudo geoestatístico, pode-se constatar que os títulos sorológicos apresentaram dependência espacial nos dez anos analisados, sendo que, em ensaios de HI realizados com 4 UHA (unidades hemaglutinantes), os títulos 1/2 e 1/4 apresentaram dependência espacial de 12km, quando estudados em raios de 10 km a partir de granjas reprodutoras, as quais recebem vacinação para Doença de Newcastle. Os títulos 1/8 apresentaram dependência espacial de aproximadamente 8 km e os 1/16 de 5 km. Desta forma, foi detectado que, a medida que os títulos aumentavam, a dependência espacial entre eles diminuía, mas ainda sim, exercendo forte influencia sobre os vizinhos. / This study aimed to establish more precise criteria for the interpretation of results of serological diagnosis for Newcastle disease carried through the test of HI (hemagglutination inhibition). The source of the data were performed serologic test results for monitoring of the disease in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, from 2000 to 2010, these being provided by CIDASC (Integrated Agricultural Development Company of Santa Catarina). The methodology were used geoprocessing techniques to aid application Capeiro 7 for case study, statistical methods to the study of GMTs (geometric mean titers) and geostatistical methods with the aid of ArcGis software, with design to assess spatial dependence q exercised between titles. These methods allowed the spatial analysis of bonds and serological correlate with the nearest neighbors (production units integrated broiler) via mappings. Given the information passed to the development of this research, the case study showed that the serological not exerted influence on the neighbors. In a second step, through statistical analysis we observed a decline in GMTs over to time and can be visualized a level of stabilization, which was set between 1.14 and 1.60. Finally, the geostatistical study, it can be seen that the serological spatial dependence in ten years, and, in HI assays performed with 4 UHA (hemagglutinating units), securities 1/2 and 1/4 showed dependence space 12km, when studied in radius of 10 km from reproduction farms, which receive vaccination for Newcastle disease. The titres eighth spatial dependence of approximately 8 km and 1/16 of 5 km. Thus, it was detected that, as the titres increased, the spatial dependence between them lessened, but still exerting a strong influence on the neighbors.

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