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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mellan frihet och trygghet : personalgemensamt förhållningssätt i psykiatrisk omvårdnad / Between freedom and safety : common staff approach in psychiatric care

Enarsson, Per January 2012 (has links)
Background: The common staff approach in psychiatric care has not been studied explicitly before. Earlier studies in related areas of social processes in psychiatric care highlight the importance of the interaction between the patient and the carer to understanding communication patterns and attitudes. Other studies on social order and power in psychiatric care shows carers and patients as taking part in a hierarchical system in which patients are subordinate to carers. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to study the phenomenon of the common staff approach in psychiatric care, how it emerges, and how it is used and experienced by both carers and patients. Method: In the first study, grounded theory was applied to data from observations and interviews carried out with carers and clients in two psychiatric care group dwellings. In the second and third studies, a phenomenological hermeneutic method was used to analyse narrative interviews conducted with nine careers working on psychiatric wards and nine patients with experience of psychiatric in-care, respectively. In the fourth study, qualitative content analysis was used to analyse data obtained by a vignette method from interviews with 13 carers with experience of working in psychiatric in-care. Results: A common staff approach can be understood as a social process in municipality-level group dwellings and psychiatric in-care, imposed by carers on clients or patients with the aim of restoring a predetermined order desired by the carers. When the order is disturbed the carers try to restore it by adopting a common and consistent approach towards the single patient perceived as the threat to order. Barriers to the success of a common staff approach, from the point of view of the carers, include the likelihood that colleagues will interpret situations differently, the chance that patients might succeed in dividing carers into “good” and “bad” camps, and the knowledge that the patient suffers under a common staff approach. The patients’ experiences partly confirm those of the carers – the dominant picture is that the patient feels persecuted and suffers under a common staff approach. However in some situations, patients can perceived the common approach as supportive and aimed to promote their recovery. Carers’ ethical reasoning about the common staff approach is usually applied on an individual basis; it can change depending upon the patient, the situation, and the proposed approach, as well as upon how the approach might affect other patients, staff members, or the carers themselves. Conclusions: The overall results from the four studies show that the common staff approach may meet carers’ needs, which under the approach take precedence over those of patients, but that the approach is more an exercise in asserting power and maintaining control than it is a therapeutic technique; that it is a difficult choice for the single carer to choose between the interests of the patient and the approval of colleagues; that the patient often suffers when a common staff approach is used; and that carers are seldom aware of the suffering experienced by the patient being managed by such an approach. A common staff approach has no part in a care-strategy; it is not an intentional care-plan; instead it appears to be a way for carers who feel vulnerable and under pressure to maintain order by controlling particular patients.

L'autonomie médicale des personnes en situation d'incapacité : contribution à une analyse rénovée de la décision médicale / The autonomy of people medical disability : contibution to a renewed analysis of medical decision

El Rhrib-Louh, Hanane 29 June 2012 (has links)
Mineur, majeur sous sauvegarde de justice, sous curatelle ou encore sous tutelle, malade mental admis en soins psychiatriques libres ou sous contrainte, le patient doit pouvoir, dans un contexte de démocratie sanitaire, aspirer à un irréductible respect de son autonomie. Situées aux confins de la médecine, de l’éthique et du droit, l’opportunité et la part d’autonomie à concéder à ces personnes au discernement diminué procèdent néanmoins d’une décision médicale devant tantôt privilégier la volonté du patient vulnérable, tantôt préserver ses intérêts. Parce que le rejet de la légendaire figure juridique du contrat médical est, à n’en pas douter, définitivement acquis, le colloque singulier appelle, en ces temps modernes, l’édification d’un nouveau modèle, celui de la décision médicale. Pour l’heure, la situation d’incapacité de ces patients fait, dans une large mesure, l’objet d’une approche cloisonnée entre d’un côté les prescriptions du Code civil et de l’autre, celles du Code de la santé publique. Il s’agit donc, à travers la présente analyse, de relever et de mettre en exergue les faiblesses du système juridique actuel. Les causes de dysfonctionnements qui se trouvent à l’origine d’une instrumentalisation de l’autonomie de ces patients mentalement affaiblis ou encore qui se dressent comme des obstacles structurels à leur autonomie invitent à proposer des pistes de réflexion en faveur de l’élaboration d’une théorie de la décision médicale / Minor, major under protection of law, under guardianship or trusteeship, mentally ill person admitted to psychiatric care free or constrained, the patient must be able, in a context of health democracy, aspire to an irreducible respect for her autonomy. Located on the borders of medicine, ethics and law, timeliness and the degree of autonomy to be granted to such persons shall nevertheless declined to discernment of medical decision making in favor sometimes the will of the patient vulnerable, sometimes preserve its interests. Because the rejection of the legendary figure of the medical contract is legal, to no doubt, definitely acquired, the conference called singular, in these modern times, building a new model, that of the medical decision. For now, the situation of disability of these patients is, in large measure, the subject of a compartmentalized approach from one side to the rules of the Civil Code and the other, those of the Health Code public. It is therefore, through this analysis, to identify and highlight the weaknesses of the current legal system. The causes of failures that are the source of an instrumentalisation of autonomy of mentally impaired patients or that stand as obstacles to their structural autonomy invited to offer food for thought for the development of a theory of medical decision making

Att arbeta enligt ACT-modellen : Specialistsjuksköterskans erfarenheter av sin kompetens i teamet / Working according to the ACT model : Specialist nurse experience of her skills in the team

Bjerkenstedt, Monica January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: ACT- modellen växte fram under 70 och 80-talet i samband med att många psykiatriska kliniker stängdes i USA. Den ursprungliga ACT- modellen kan ses som en fullservicemodell men har sedan modifierats och anpassats efter samhällets och sjukvårdens rådande förhållanden. Som det ser ut idag så har flera modeller utvecklats med utgångspunkt från ACT-modellen men kan särskiljas av vilka komponenter som ingår. Modellen har visat positiva resultat avseende patienters delaktighet och återhämtning. Sjuksköterskan har en bred yrkesbakgrund och anses ha en viktig roll i teamet. Med sin kompetens har de grundläggande kunskaper för att utföra medicinsk och psykiatrisk omvårdnad men flera studier har visat att det finns ett behov av specialistutbildade sjuksköterskor då många av patienterna är svårt sjuka. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva psykiatriska specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av sin kompetens och roll i team som arbetar enligt ACT-modellen Metod: En kvalitativ design har valts. Datainsamling skedde med semi-strukturerade intervjuer. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats användes för att bearbeta materialet. Resultat: Innehållsanalysen resulterade i två huvudkategorier, Kompetensen med in i teamet samt Den mångsidiga sjuksköterskan, med tillhörande sex underkategorier. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades utifrån de två huvudkategorierna Kompetensen med in i teamet och Den mångsidiga sjuksköterskan. Som stöd i diskussionen användes till ämnet relevanta artiklar och litteratur samt Phil Barkers tio förpliktelser som utgångspunkt. / Background: The ACT model developed in the 70's and 80's when many psychiatric clinics were closed in the United States. The original ACT model can be seen as a full service model but has since been modified and adapted to the current conditions of society and health care. As it appears today, several models have been developed based on the ACT model but can be distinguished by which components are included. The model has shown positive results regarding patient participation and recovery. The nurse has a wide professional background and is considered to be an important part of the team. With their skills, they have the basic knowledge to perform medical and psychiatric care, but several studies have shown that there is a need for specialist educated nurses, as many of the patients are severely ill. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the psychiatric specialist nurse's experience of their competence and role in teams working under the ACT model. Method: A qualitative design has been selected. Data collection was done with semi-structured interviews. A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was used to process the material. Results: The content analysis resulted in two main categories, skills in the team and the versatile nurse, with six associated subcategories. Discussions: The result was discussed based on the two main categories, skills in the team and the versatile nurse. In support of the discussion, relevant topics and literature were used as well as Phil Barker's ten obligations as a starting point.

Patienters upplevelser av delaktighet i rättspsykiatrisk vård

Nordlund, Therese, Larsson, Katarina January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskning visar att ökad delaktighet leder till en högre vårdkvalitet, men studier visar på brister i patientdelaktigheten. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva patienters upplevelse av delaktighet inom rättspsykiatrisk heldygnsvård. Metod: Examensarbetet har en kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats och analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Sju patienter med erfarenheter av att vårdas inom rättspsykiatrisk heldygnsvård intervjuades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre slutkategorier; ”Att ingen lyssnar och informerar”, ”Att vara fast i en miljö styrd av lagar och regler”, ”Att tillitsfulla relationer ger styrka”. Det som hindrar delaktighet beskrivs av deltagarna som att inte känna sig lyssnad på, inte bli bemötta utifrån den person de är och att vara fast i en miljö som styrs av lagar och regler. De känner sig begränsade i vården och tycker det är svårt att ta sig framåt. Det som underlättar delaktighet upplevs kopplat till tillitsfulla relationer som avgörande för att kunna känna att man har kontroll och makt över sitt liv. Slutsats: Resultatet bidrar med en fördjupad förståelse av betydelsen av delaktighet i rättspsykiatrisk vård, och vad som kan hindra och underlätta den. Delaktighet är något som patienterna inte tar för givet och vården behöver utveckla förståelse för relationens betydelse som är helt avgörande för vilka möjligheter patienten får till delaktighet och återhämtning. Den rättspsykiatriska vården skulle kunna utvecklas i en riktning mot ökad delaktighet med hjälp av personcentrerad vård.

Kam směřuje česká politika duševního zdraví? / Where does the Czech policy of mental health go?

Kondorová, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Czech and international ideas applied in the "Strategy of Reform of Psychiatric Care" issued in 2013 by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. The main starting point of this work is the fact that the care of people with mental illness in Czech and international environment is oriented on the biological treatment of the patient with psycho- pharmaceuticals and that there is a deficit in the area of psychosocial treatment. International and Czech mental health policy seeks to promote a bio-psycho-social approach to patient's care. However, current psychiatry continues to be involved in conducting clinical research focused on the efficiency of psycho-pharmaceuticals. These studies are driven and sponsored mainly by the pharmaceutical industry. But international and Czech policies are still not able to adequately reflect this situation within the field of psychiatry. The Czech Republic has not so far paid attention to mental health issues and has lagged behind the other developed countries in this area. The empirical part of this work is divided into two parts. The first part of the research focuses on the Czech and international ideas applied in the "Strategy of Reform of Psychiatric Care" issued in 2013 by Ministry of Health. The methods used here are - content...

Pojetí case managementu v rámci centra duševního zdraví / Conception of case management in terms of mental health center

Řeháček, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
The main goal of the Strategy for the Reform of Psychiatric Care, published in 2013 by the Ministry of Health of the Czech republic, was to improve the quality of life of people suffering from mental illness. One of the results of this strategy was the emergence of new mental health centres. These mental health centres are meant to provide individualized social and health care to people with mental illness in order to prevent or minimize their hospitalization. The service is ensured by multidisciplinary teams which include professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, and social workers. Case management is supposed to be a dominant form of the service provided. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the historical context of the case management and its recent exploitation in the mental health centres in the Czech republic. The empirical part focuses on a particular multidisciplinary team applying the case management method. Through qualitative research, it aims to identify the different parts of the case management and the constraints and obstacles of its application. The analysis of the data collected brings the definition of the key problem areas the team is facing. The final part of the thesis provides recommendations for further development and proposes steps...

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av självmordsnära patienter : en litteraturstudie / Nursing care of suicidal patients : a literature review

Sundström, Kristin January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Självmord är brett representerat över hela världen och berör många miljoner människor direkt eller indirekt. Psykiatriskt sjukdomstillstånd och andra sociala och biologiska tillstånd ligger som grund då en människa tar sitt liv. Omvårdnaden vid självmordsproblematik är central och sjuksköterskors inställning och den vårdrelation som finns mellan sjuksköterska och patient är viktig vid omvårdanden av självmordsnära patienter. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utifrån sjuksköterskor inom psykiatrisk vård och självmordsnära patienter beskriva omvårdnad som kan vara betydelsefull samt svårigheter som kan föreligga. Metod: Litteraturstudie med 12 artiklar där kvalitativ, kvantitativ och mixad metod användes. Data analyserades med Thomas och Hardens tematiska syntes. Resultat: Resultatet bildade två huvudteman; ”Förutsättningar för att bedriva ändamålsenlig omvårdnad för självmordsnära patienter” och ”Sjuksköterskors känslor – En utmaning vid omvårdnaden av självmordspatienter”. Underteman för respektive huvudteman beskriver ”Observation och säkerhet”, ”Bedömning”, ”Teamarbete”, ”Kommunikation”, ”Kunskap och stöd” samt ”Tid” och för huvudtema två ”Osäkerhet”, ”Sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt: Empati – icke empati” samt ”Medkänsla och sjuksköterskans ingjutande av hopp hos patienten”. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån Joyce Travelbees teoretiska utgångspunkt och belyser den unika människan och den mellanmänskliga relationen, hoppets betydelse för den lidande människan och hur vi förstår andras upplevelser genom tid och kommunikation. / Background: Suicide is widely represented all over the world and affects many millions of people directly or indirectly. Psychiatric disease states and other social and biological conditions lie as a basis when a person takes one’s life. Nursing in suicide problems is central and nurses' attitude and the care relationship between nurse and patient is important in nursing suicidal thinking patients. Aim: The purpose of the study was to describe nursing care that may be significant as well as difficulties that may exist from nurses in psychiatric care and suicidal patients. Method: Literature review with 12 articles using qualitative, quantitative and mixed methodology. Data was analyzed by Thomas and Hardens thematic synthesis. Results: The result formed two main themes; "Prerequisites for proper care for suicidal patients" and "Nursing feelings – A challenge in nursing of suicide patients". Subtopics for the respective main themes describes "Observation and Security", "Assessment", "Teamwork", "Communication", "Knowledge and Support" and "Time" and for the main theme two "Uncertainty", "Nurse’s approach: Empathy - Empathy" and "Compassion and nurse’s initiation of hope for the patient". Discussions: The result is discussed based on Joyce Travelbee's theoretical theory and highlighting the unique human and interpersonal relationship, the significance of the hope for the suffering person, and how we understand the experiences of others through time and communication.

Totální domov: Péče a sociální život v psychiatrické instituci / Total Home: Care and Social Life in Psychiatric Institution

Tichý, Mikuláš January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is based on three months of participant observation in a long-term care facility in 2010 and interviews conducted during next three years. It draws from a perspectives of medical anthropology and anthropology of institutions. The focus is on an ethnography of institution for clients with chronic mental disease, dementia and substance abuse. The thesis is mapping institution's components and actors, their social life and relationships in the institution. The analyses is based upon the concept of total institution by Erving Goffman, and draws from thoughts of Josef Pieper, Martin Buber, Emanuel Lévinas and Michel Foucault. A long-term facility is an institution, which shares clients and some of problems with classical examples of total institutions, but recent reforms aimed to minimalize features of total institutions. Still it does not seem to be a vital institution and new aspects of social situation of staff and clients are recognized. Among new problems is non-existence of therapy for the inhabitants, their marginalization through poor financial situation in an institution, where lot of services are paid and little continuity to other forms of care of more community and ambulant character. Key words: total institution, long-term facility, psychiatric care, medical anthropology,...

Prekarita práce peer konzultantů v oblasti péče o duševní zdraví / Problematics of the work of the peer consultants in the field of mental health care

Bártová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the presented work is to present problematic aspects of the work of peer consultants in the field of mental health care, i.e., in psychiatric hospitals, social services and leisure clubs. The theoretical part will present the context from which the position grows and comes- the concept of mental illness and stigmatization of mental illness, as well as the project of deinstituonalization of the mental health care system. The theoretical part of the work is then concluded with an introduction to the position of the peer consultant. In the practical part I deal with the problematic aspects themselves by the means of semi-structured interviews. Aspects such as the scope of work of the peer consultant, experience with colleagues and clients, requirements for the position, the topic of the future and the work procedure and finally also the issue of the legislative anchoring of this position. Key words: mental illness, stigmatization, peer support, peer mentor, social works, psychiatric care, Centre for mental health care development, deinstitutionalisation

Specifika sociální práce s lidmi s duševním onemocněním v rámci podporovaného zaměstnávání / The Specifics Of Social Work With People With Mental Illness In The Context Of Supported Employment

Beranová, Nela January 2016 (has links)
In my thesis I am going to focus on one of the areas of community care for people with mental illness and thus on the area of employment. The main focus of the thesis is on a description of current situation in the provision of the employment support for people with mental illness. The focus is also on the formulation of the specifics of the Employment Support Program for people with mental illness. Another part of my thesis contains empirical investigations focusing on the sustainability and the perspective of the Employment Support Program for people with mental illness. The goal of my thesis is to set up an updated oveview study on the issue of providing employment support for people with metal illness. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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