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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

公共合產之理論與策略:非營利組織公共服務功能的觀察 / The Theory and Stratgies of Coproduction

周威廷, Chou, Wei Tin Unknown Date (has links)
現代社會所產生的新問題不斷困擾著政府與社會,人民對服務的需求也隨之不斷提昇,1880年開始由德國提出的福利國家就是為因應這種情形而產生的,政府的職能與權力也就日益的擴充,甚至取代了許多原屬於民間性質的功能。在另一方面,屬於民間性質的各種社會團體,早已存在於西方社會之中,並且一直承擔起大部分的社會服務功能,不過其角色卻一直被忽視,尤其在福利國家興起之後,這些團體似乎有被取代的危險,但事實上其實質重要性卻仍未消減。在1970至1980年代,這些團體隨著政經社會環境的波動,其功能也有了轉變,一方面因為人類事務的日趨多元紛,社會團體亦逐漸發展出許多的功能種類,並漸漸受到各方(尤其學界)的重視,並開始稱之為非營利組織。   另一方面,二次大戰之後所建立的福利國家在財政壓力之下,也面臨強烈的批評,事實上,福利國家也的確在1980年代開始顯現疲態,資源有限,加上社會需求的持續增加,政府已經呈現過度負荷的情況了。在這種情形之下,政府只有開始向外尋求援助了,而非營利組織也因此開始承接越來越多原本為政府所生產的服務。合產模式的運用也就在此情況下越益受到重視,他不但為政府吃緊的財政壓力帶來新契機,也為國家與社會資源的整合提供一個有效的途徑。當然,合產興起更重要的意義乃在於公民參與的精神,藉著合產的推行,一般公民以及社會上的非營利組織可以有機會進入政策的決定與執行過程,參與公共服務的生產,與政府行政人員共同合作,這對於公民資格的提昇與公民參與的實踐有很重要的意義。

非營利機構市場導向之研究 / Market Orienation for Nonprofit Organizations

沈經洪, Shen, Jing Hung Unknown Date (has links)
自從解嚴之後,臺灣地區的非營利機構如雨後春筍般出現,隨著非營利事業的成長,非營利機構對社會的影響力日漸增加,但不可避免的,其所面臨的競爭壓力也與日俱增,在此情況下,如何有效地管理非營利機構已經成為一個重要的議題,本研究嘗試從行銷的角度為非營利機構的管理提出建言,研究者希望能夠為市場導向應用在非營利機構的合理性提出理論與實證的基礎,修改營利機構市場導向的架構,使之更適用於非營利機構。   本研究係採用個案研究法,由文獻回顧與實務訪談的結果發展觀念架構,再由觀念架構各變數間的關係找出相關的命題,最後整理命題以得出研究的結論與建議。本研究的訪談是採用人員深度訪談,利用開放式的訪談題目針對個案機構的受訪者進行深入的訪問。   本研究主要是針對臺灣地區聲譽卓著、會務發展有成的非營利機構進行訪談,受訪機構包括兒童燙傷基金會、慈濟慈善基金會、陽光社會福利基金會、伊甸殘障福利基金會、消費者文教基金會、董氏基金會、人本教育基金會、耕莘文教基金會、金車教育基金會與臺灣世界展望會等十家非利機構。限於時間與資源,研究者無法將所有類型的非營利機構涵蓋在內,也未針對觀念架構進行實證研究。   本研究主要得到下列的結論,一是非營利機構應採行市場導向;二是非營利機構若要採行市場導向需從高階管理者能力的培養與心態的改變、強化組織內的互動、調整組織的制度等方面來著手;三非營利機構若要採行市場導向需注意理念或服務的顧客價值,並了解顧客價值是否充足。   另外,研究者對非營利機構提出下列的建議,一是若理念或服務缺乏正面的顧客價值,則非營利機構可利用說服、法律或社會規範等方式來讓顧客接受理念與服務;二是若顧客知識不足,則非營利機構應先教育顧客,以提升顧客知識;三是未來目標顧客與資源的競爭將日趨激烈,非營利機構對於競爭應更加重視;四是非營利機構應更加重視績效評估的工作;五是隨著組織規模的擴大,非營利機構的管理者要更加注意員工的反應;六是非營利機構應更加重視目標顧客的反應。

The Study of the Cognition of Organizational Goal and Performance Measurement for Staffs and Volunteers in South of China Youth Corps

Liu, Ming-tsung 22 July 2010 (has links)
This research method of study is Social Judgment Theory. According to review the domestic and international literatures, the cues of performance measurement are focus on these four dimensions: "internal perspective", "financial perspective", "customer perspective" and "learning and growth". The questionnaire was made by the stakeholders who are the members and volunteers of China Youth Corps Task Committees in Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County and Pingtung County. The interviewees of the survey in this study are the members and volunteers of China Youth Corps Task Committees of Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County and Pingtung County. The goal is to investigate the significant differences between these decision groups and decision variables. After the analysis, the study gets the following results that provide the reference of following research. 1. The outcomes of the decision groups¡¦ the cue weight average are that the cue of "learning and growth", the most important part for decision makers, the cue of "internal perspective", "customer perspective" and "financial perspective" are in order. 2. The outcomes of the decision groups¡¦ the cue weight the ANOVA are that "financial perspective" is the most variable for each groups¡¦ decisions, but the groups¡¦ decisions are consensus in the cue of "learning and growth". 3. For the function of each decision group, there are positive correlations in the cues of "internal perspective", "financial perspective", "customer perspective", and ¡§learning and growth". It also means that if the better performance these variables have the higher measurement that the China Youth Corps Task Committees will get. 4. t-test of the cue weight average is that there are significant differences in each groups¡¦ decisions of "learning and growth". 5. ANOVA of population and social-economic variables is that the variables of gender, age, service places, service years and the level of education are not significant differences.

The training system of music ministry for laities Taiwan church -- A case study of Taipei Lutheran Church

Tu, Huei-yin 15 March 2012 (has links)
Music is very important for Christianity which plays music in many situations. It is the laities who serves by music in church for most of the time. In Taiwan church, the problems have to face is the lack of severs: there are few people who got ability and want to serve. The best way to solve the problem is training someone who want to sever in music ministry in church. This study focused on Taipei Truth Lutheran Church¡¦s training system of music ministry for laities. This study try to know well and find out the problem in the training system of music ministry for laities in Taipei Truth Lutheran Church through the literature review, in-depth interview method, questionnaire survey and personal observer. Then, this study tries to build a training system of music ministry for laities in Taiwan church by surveying the system by theories. This study finds out that the training system of music ministry for laities in Taipei Truth Lutheran Church is quite well. This study recommends some advices about the courses, teachers hiring, communicating with different roles in church, information transmission, connecting with other resource and developing supplementary measure. And build a training system of music ministry for laities in Taiwan church.


Chen, Cheng 29 January 2007 (has links)
Nonprofit organization (NPO) management has recently been a popular study field, to which the concept of strategic management has been also broadly applied. Notwithstanding it is nearly impossible for NPOs to calculate their outcomes accurately by evaluating the operational performance in monetary terms. The business world utilizes SWOT, the strategic analysis tool, to emphasize the external and internal environments and competitive advantages. That is however different form the nonprofit world which focuses on achieving public value. In order to effectively evaluate NPOs¡¦ operating performance, this study adopted the points of view of Mark H. Moore¡¦s (2003) V.C.S. Strategic Triangle and Ming-Shen Wang¡¦s (2005) Integrated Frame of Public Affair Management to manifest that public value could be the strategic management object for NPOs. By discussing the introduction of V.C.S Strategic Triangle to the NPOs in Taiwan, this research intended to discover the possible measures to improve operational performance. This study takes the Kaohsiung Jen-Ai¡As Home (KHJA) as a case example. The board members, consultants, committee members, and executives of the KHJA, officials of pubic sector, and clients were vis-a-vis interviewed based on a structured questionnaire. The goal of conducting the interviews was to discover whether the interviewees expected to improve the future performance when they put in labor power, finance, and facilities due to the organizational culture, value, and capacity. In other words, whether they responded to the social value and the support from both internal and external environments; shaped future organizational culture and capacity based on today¡¦s working experience; and remained the vision for public value in organizational short-term, midterm, and long-term plans and strategic management. . Research results: 1. social capacity could create people¡¦s well-being¡Xinstitutional design protects the people in need and ceases the plight; deprived situation would not be permanent. Bringing fortunate people and unfortunates, suppliers and dependents, as well as the young and the old people together would establish a stable social foundation for cohesive social welfare. 2. Re-positioning social welfare organizations as multi-service NPOs which are not only for traditional service of help but also the expression of the value of living quality and creation of public value. 3. Social welfare organizations could increase the supply efficiency, service flexibility and living quality with the model of mixed welfare economy, and avoid the financial crisis of welfare states. 4. The roles and functions of social welfare organizations have to be planned in a view of strategy including three key components¡X¡§value¡¨, ¡§capacity¡¦, and ¡§support¡¨ to guide the NPOs¡¦ future position and direction. Keywords: nonprofit organization, V.C.S. Strategic Triangle, Integrated Frame of public affair Management, public value

The stages of nonprofit advocacy

Nicholson-Crotty, Jill Denise 25 April 2007 (has links)
This dissertation argues that advocacy is a two-stage decision in which organizations must first decide whether or not to undertake political activity through advocacy or lobbying and then choose between the set of strategic actions that, based on available financial and human resources, are available to them. These are separate decisions with separate constraints. The decision to advocate is a strategic stance taken by nonprofit organizations in policy environments that necessitate such activity and in which it is politically conducive for them to undertake the cost of such actions. Once an organization has decided that it will undertake advocacy activities, it must determine the specific activities, collaboration, grassroots advocacy, or direct lobbying, that will help it to pursue that course most effectively. These hypotheses are tested in an analysis of the advocacy activities of over 500 nonprofit reproductive health service providers. Data for this study were gathered from the National Center for Charitable Statistics within the Urban Institute and directly from IRS Form 990s filed by the organizations. The findings suggest that there are strong and consistent relationships between policy and politics and the political activity of nonprofit service providers. In states with more restrictive reproductive health policy environments, nonprofit organizations that provide these services are more likely to engage in advocacy activity. The findings also suggest that, even when controlling for the policy environment, 501(c)(3)s are more likely to become politically active in states where they have a larger number of political allies. Additional analyses suggest that there is a negative relationship between government monies and the aggressiveness of advocacy and the use of multiple advocacy strategies. Interestingly, this finding is consistent with the expectations offered in the resource dependence literature and the results suggest only a tenuous relationship between institutional variables and decisions regarding organizational aggressiveness in the choice of advocacy strategies.

The Study of Strategic Alliance between NPO and Local Government¡Xa Case of the Angel House

Chen, Hsin-Hui 25 January 2008 (has links)
The adolescence, the stage between childhood and adulthood, is the transitional period for the youth to march toward maturity. The teenagers at this stage are facing some obvious changes of both physical and mental aspects. For example, their bodies begin to have apparent differences, and they start to be curious about their future. It¡¦s very important to teach the teenagers at this stage the correct concepts and offer them opportunities to learn to be adults. The quality of adolescent education is also an index of future development of a country. As we see today, our society suffers from problems like family structure incompletion, family violence, dropout, juvenile delinquency, sexual abuse and sex transaction, etc. These problems may harm our teenagers or lead them to commit crimes. Therefore, the society has the responsibility to offer a safe and warm place for teenagers who lost their parents or have been misled. It¡¦s a place for them to correct errors and make a fresh start. This research is a study on an organization named ¡§House of Grace¡X Angel House.¡¨ It¡¦s a place established by the local government and the nonprofit organization for dropout girls. Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government work with Department of Education of Kaohsiung County Government to set up a cooperative halfway home for the dropouts and provides the place and budget for living. The thesis applied qualitative research method including document analysis and in-depth interviews to study the strategic alliance between the local government and the nonprofit organization. The thesis analyzed the goal, period, content, model, and contract of the alliance. It also reveals the effort they made and showed strong concern for adolescent delinquency problems. Besides, the thesis brought up the pros and cons of the alliance as a reference for both parties to set up new contracts for future cooperation. The result showed that becoming strategic alliance and building partner relationship with local government are the key factors for nonprofit organizations¡¦ survival and development. Angel House heavily depends on government. Government provides subsidies for its facilities and also offers professional consultancies. On the other hand, the government also needs the support from the NGO to work together for social welfare. The thesis suggested that nonprofit organizations should try to reverse the stereotype as a disadvantaged group which the society perceived. They must adopt marketing activities and connect with the citizens. In addition to the governments, they should cooperate with enterprises and seek more resources. By their passion for work and life, the nonprofit organizations will bring more love and care to society.

Design for Organizational Intelligence in Non-Profits

Batokova, Barbara 01 May 2011 (has links)
In many small to mid-size nonprofits, a large amount of knowledge and information is confined to local folders, hard copy formats or even specific people, making it inaccessible to those who could benefit from it. This informal practice causes duplication of efforts and prevents the organization from maintaining critical knowledge and learning from past experience. Partnering with The Center for Victims of Violence and Crime (CVVC), a Pittsburgh-based human services nonprofit organization, I applied human-centered design methods to identify their specific informal knowledge and information processes and structures. Using the research findings, I developed a sustainable and systematic knowledge management practice that also takes into account the constraints of funding and time, which many nonprofits face. To support this practice, I created a system with a hierarchical information architecture that is able to expand overtime to accommodate the growth of the organization and its programs. It enables clear organization, storage and retrieval of explicit knowledge documents as well as the related tacit knowledge, creating the necessary basis for sharing and collaboration. By simplifying and formalizing major administrative tasks, the system also streamlines organizational processes, allowing the staff to work more effectively. Implemented with Microsoft SharePoint 2010, the system creates a trustworthy environment that is necessary to facilitate organizational learning and maintain critical knowledge, leading to sustainability and innovation.

Den kontinuerliga utmaningen : - En fallstudie av idrottsföreningars marknadskommunikation / The continual challenge : - A case study of sports clubs marketing

Ingvarsson, Dennis January 2014 (has links)
The continual challenge– A case study of sports clubs marketing In recent decades the mass media have come to play an increasingly important role in society and culture. The purpose of this qualitative study is to research how four nonprofit sports clubs in Umeå handle social changes such as commercialization and mediatization. To answer the study’s purpose three questions were examined. The first one discusses how sports clubs handle the transformed market. The second one discusses nonprofit organizations' difficulties in marketing. The final question discusses how sports clubs worked with their marketing communications. The sports clubs which were studied were the following: CFA Cheerleading, Umeå AFC Huskies, Tegs SK football club and Tegs SK hockey club. To examine how these clubs handle social changes several theories, such as Jürgen Habermas public sphere theory and Pierre Bourdieus theory about social fields, have been applied to the material. The study was conducted through interviews with communicational representatives and active members within each of the four sports clubs. On the one hand the results of the study indicated that the sports clubs have a positive view of mediatization and technological advancements. On the other hand several of the sports clubs' representatives find that the commercialization forces them to adjust in order to compete in a competitive market.

Resource Dependence Patterns and Organizational Performance in Nonprofit Organizations

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: Achieving high performance is a crucial issue in modern organizations including public, for-profit, and nonprofit even though there is no consensus about what performance means. How to obtain resources is important for boosting organizational performance. Furthermore, resource acquisition capacity is closely associated with the survival of modern nonprofit organizations. Resource Dependence Theory (RDT) notes that dependence on critical resources influences diverse actions and behavior of organizations. The study examines the relationship among Resource Dependence Patterns (RDPs), organizational behavior, and organizational performance in nonprofit organizations. This study introduces five dimensions of RDPs (the appearance of the resource inflow): resource dependency, resource diversity, resource uncertainty, resource abundance, and resource competitiveness. This research suggests that a nonprofit's RDPs affect its behavior, performance, and survival. A main research question can be phrased as: How are RDPs of nonprofit organizations related to organizational behavior and performance? Data are mainly gathered from financial officers, managers, and directors in the nonprofit sector. Multivariate data analytic techniques including factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis are used for testing the proposed hypotheses and answering the research question. The empirical findings reveal that the Resource Dependence Patterns directly or indirectly affect organizational behavior and performance in nonprofit organizations. Resource dependency (where resources come from) has substantive and wide impacts on the overall nonprofits' behavior and structures. High dependency on government funding (high resource dependency) is positively associated with organizational hierarchy and frequent goal changes; on the other hand, it has a negative effect on participatory decision making. This study suggests that goal clarity has the strongest direct impact on nonprofits' performance. Clear organizational goals increase the likelihood that nonprofits show a higher level of performance. The paths of both resource diversity and resource competitiveness also have direct impacts on organizational performance and their impacts are statistically robust. Path analysis verifies the fact that the other three RDP variables account for organizational performance via organizational behavior variables (indirect causality on performance). This study of RDPs, behavior, and performance contributes practically to the effective management of nonprofit organizations and contributes to consolidating and expanding Resource Dependence Theory (RDT). In addition, the information about resource dependence patterns will help funders including governments, foundations, and individual donors to understand the fiscal environment that an organization faces. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Public Administration 2011

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