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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development communication and the paradox of choice : imposition and dictatorship in comparing Sami and the SanBushmen experiences of cultural autonomy.

Mikalsen, Øyvind Edman. January 2005 (has links)
This research project examines the relevance of Kenneth Arrow's (1951) Impossibility Theorem as a criterion for assessing post-modern critical approaches to development media theories (Servaes, 200 I; Melkote and Steeves, 2000). Comparing two distinct indigenous minorities' experiences with struggles for cultural autonomy, those of Norway's Sami and Botswana's Basarwa, it was found that the media discourses used by NGOs frequently exploit a narrative that validly permits development to be treated as a species of social welfare implementation. Applying Arrow's (1951) conditions for the democratic summation of diverse preferences, and treating cultural, political, and civil society groups as 'voters', it was found that indigenous minority concerns may be best accommodated by linking them to broader issues that exploit historical ties between peoples, with a special emphasis on episodes that have led to coordination in achieving independent ends. Popular memories of such coordination appear to moderate relations between minorities and their national cohabitants, reducing the need for radicalization of indigenous issues and smoothing the path to autonomy. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2005.

Strengthening the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime in the 21st Century: Multilateral Approaches to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Neame, Rebecca Beachen January 2010 (has links)
In recent years, the multilateral approach to the nuclear fuel cycle has been promoted as a potential mechanism for strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime. The multilateral approach has the potential to gain international favour over what has become traditional practice – the indigenous development and control of nuclear facilities. This thesis explores the way in which four states have responded to the revived attention on multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle, within the framework of the norm life cycle. The varying levels of support reflect broader international opinion on this issue, as many developing states remain concerned that they may be required to forgo not only the “inalienable right” to peaceful nuclear energy, but also the prospective economic and technological benefits of indigenous development in order to participate. However, as the risk of further proliferation and nuclear terrorism comes to the fore of international agendas, facilitating multilateral control of the most sensitive aspects of peaceful nuclear energy may be the key to strengthening the non-proliferation regime in the 21st century.

Helgonbruk i moderniseringstider : Bruket av Birgitta- och Olavstraditionerna i samband med minnesfiranden i Sverige och Norge 1891–2005 / Use of Saints in the era of modernization : Use of S. Bridget and S. Olav traditions in connection with commemorations in Sweden and Norway 1891-2005

Lindaräng, Ingemar January 2007 (has links)
Avhandlingen syftar till att jämföra och förstå variationen av historiebruk i samband med minnesfiranden av heliga Birgitta i Sverige och hellig Olav i Norge med fokus på olika aktörers motiv, resurser, budskap och identitetsskapande processer i en tid av modernisering och sekularisering. Under den katolska medeltiden var helgonfiranden vanliga, men de förbjöds i samband med reformationen. I slutet av 1800-talet, samtidigt med omvandligen av de båda länderna till moderna industri-samhällen, väcktes återigen intresset för dessa helgonfiranden. Det var bland annat liberala rörelser som brukade helgonen för att förankra de förändringsprocesser, som man ville göra, i historien. Heliga Birgitta användes i Sverige av kvinnorörelsen som en medeltida förebild i kampen för ökat inflytande i samhälle. Hellig Olav blev under samma tid i Norge en symbol för nationell självständighet i kampen för upplösning av unionen med Sverige. För den katolska kyrkan, som under 1800-talet åter fick verka i de båda protestantiska länderna, blev bruken av heliga Birgitta och hellig Olav en historisk länk till medeltidens kyrka och för att därigenom legitimera sin verksamhet, medan de lutherska kyrkorna tog avstånd från dessa firanden. I avhandlingen följs utvecklingen av dessa minnesfiranden i relation till samhällsförändringarna. På 1920-talet väcktes även de lutherska kyrkornas och det offentliga samhällets intresse för Birgitta- och Olavjubileer. Genom det ekumeniska genombrottet på 1970-talet och kyrkornas ökade engagemang i sociala och kulturella frågor efter Andra Vatikankonciliet blev jubileerna arenor då den ekumeniska gemenskapen och kulturella öppenheten synliggjordes vilket bidrog till att bredda intresset för dessa firanden. Detta förstärktes i tiden kring sekelskiftet 2000 samtidigt som engagemanget från det offent-liga samhället och kommersiella aktörer ökade. Författaren ser utvecklingen av dessa jubileer som uttryck för olika identitetsprocesser. Hellig Olavs roll som en nationell symbol har varit mycket tydlig medan heliga Birgitta framför allt symboli-serat Sveriges internationella roll. Orter som varit viktiga i helgonberättelserna har brukat helgontradi-tionerna i lokala identitetsprocesser vilket allt mer betonats genom turismens ökade betydelse. Jubile-erna har även öppnat för individuella identitetsprocesser med helgonen som religiösa förebilder. För kvinnorörelser har heliga Birgitta genomgående under åren framförts som en viktig förebild. I avhandlingen diskuteras även hur det ökade intresset för firanden av heliga Birgitta och hellig Olav förhåller sig till teorin om den ökade sekulariseringen i det moderna samhället. Med stöd av religionssociologisk forskning diskuteras detta samband. En religiös pluralism kan öka det religiösa utbudet och därmed även ”konsumtionen” av religion. Många kombinerar även det moderna samhällets rationalitet med irrationella föreställningar och upplevelser. / The aim of this thesis is to compare and understand the variations in the use of history in connection with the commemorations of S. Bridget and S. Olav while focussing on different participants’ motives, assets, messages and identity construction processes in an era of modernization and secularization. During the Catholic Middle Ages, celebrations of saints were common, but after the Reformation they were forbidden. At the end of the 19th century, parallel to the development of modern industrial societies in Sweden and Norway, a new interest in celebrating the national saints was aroused. It was mostly the liberal movements who made use of the saints in order to establish the changes they wanted to do in the past. S. Bridget was used by the women´s-rights movements as a role model from the middle ages in the struggle for more influence in society. In Norway, S. Olav was held up as a symbol for national independence in the struggle for the dissolution of the union with Sweden. For the Catho-lic Church, which was re-established in both countries in the 19th century, their use of S. Bridget and S. Olav became a historical link to the medieval church and as a means to authorize their activities. On the other hand, the Lutheran churches repudiated these celebrations of saints. This thesis follows the development of the commemorations in relation to the changes in the socie-ties. In the 1920s the Lutheran churches and the public bodies became interested and involved in cele-brating S. Bridget and S. Olav. After the radical change of the ecumenical climate in the 1970s and a stronger ecclesiastical engagement in the social and cultural life after the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, the commemorations became arenas where the ecumenical fellowship and cultural openness were visible. These events also promoted a growing general interest in these celebrations. This was strengthened around the year 2000 and at the same time the engagement from the public bodies and commercial players increased. The author describes the development of these commemorations as expressions of different identity construction processes. S. Olav became a national symbol while S.Bridget became primarily a symbol for Sweden in the international community. Places with important roles in the stories about the saints have used the traditions in local identity processes. This has been increasingly emphasised because of the growing importance of tourism. The celebrations have also opened the possibility for individual identity processes with the saints as important models. For women´s-rights movements S. Bridget has been used as a strong ideal. The thesis also discusses how the growing interest for commemorating S. Bridget and S. Olav is linked to the theory of secularization of modern society. This connection is discussed in relation to research in the sociology of religion. Religious pluralism can increase the religious supply and thereby also the “consumption” of religion and many people seems to combine the rationality of the modern society with irrational ideas and experiences without difficulties.

A historical comparative analysis of the Norway and Maine State Buildings from the 1893 Columbian Exposition

Chadbourn, Kayte A. January 2009 (has links)
The Columbian Exposition of 1893 held in Chicago, Illinois has been the most influential World’s Fair held within the United States. It social, cultural, and architectural impact advanced America on a worldwide scale. There are only four buildings that still remain from this Exposition today: the Palace of Fine Arts, Dutch House, Norway Building, and Maine State Building. This thesis focuses on the Norway and Maine State Buildings since these are the only two that still remain with a majority of the original building materials still intact. An expanded history of both these buildings are explained, including their design, construction, impact at the Chicago World’s Fair, relocation(s), changes in ownership, what has happened to the buildings since the Fair, and what they are used for today. Further analysis includes why these buildings were saved and the importance of their historical inclusion in the 1893 Columbian Exposition / The Norway Building -- The Maine State Building -- Analysis & conclusion. / Department of Architecture

Miljørettet helseverns tilsyn i norske asylmottak - de profesjonelles syn på dagens praksis, kompetanse og måloppnåelse / Environmental health inspections in Norwegian accommodation centers for asylum seekers:a professional's view of current practice, competence, and achievement

Angeloff, Line Ø. January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrunn og hensikt: Studien setter fokus på miljørettet helseverns tilsynsrolle rettet mot psykososiale forhold i norske asylmottak med langtidsopphold. Hensikten var å belyse hvordan de profesjonelle tilsynsutøvere i kommunene ser på dagens tilsynspraksis og i hvilken grad de mener at den er i tråd med lovgivningens intensjoner. Studien søker dessuten å avdekke om tilgjengelige ressurser, lovverk, veiledere og rammebetingelser er tilstrekkelige, og hvilken betydning dette har for kvaliteten på tilsynet. Metode: Tversnittsstudie med strukturerte telefonintervjuer av 82 personer motsvarende 48,8% avdet mulige antallet fagpersoner fra norske kommuner, basert på et spørreskjema med 28 spørsmål med oppsatte svaralternativer og to åpne spørsmål. Data ble analysert med deskriptiv statistikk ogkvalitativ innholdsanalyse. Resultater: Ansatte som driver tilsyn etter forskrift for Miljørettet helsevern i dag opplever at de i for stor grad utøver et skjønnsbasert tilsyn, og etterlyser bedre retningslinjer og tydeligere krav i lover og veiledere. Videre etterlyses mer kunnskap direkte rettet mot psykososiale forhold i mottak, kurs og opplæring og bedre rammer for å kunne gjennomføre et forsvarlig tilsyn. Tettere og mer tverrfaglig samarbeid med helsefaglig personell og UDI, samt interkommunal organisering, sees på som en styrke for å bedre kvaliteten på tilsynene. Konklusjon: Dårlige boforhold (enkel standard), lang oppholdstid og lediggang/passifisering synes å være de største utfordringene for det psykososiale miljøet i mottakene. De viktigste tiltakene for å bedre kvaliteten på tilsynet synes å være økt kunnskap på feltet spesielt rettet inn mot psykososialeforhold, tydeligere krav og retningslinjer i lover og forskrift, og større grad av samarbeid på tvers avfagområder for å imøtekomme behovene til en utsatt gruppe mennesker/beboere i mottak. / Background and objectives: This study focuses on the supervision of environmental andpsychosocial conditions in Norwegian accommodation centers for asylum seekers with long-term residence. We aimed to examine how professionals from the communities view current practice andto what extent they consider it compliant with legislative intentions. We further aimed to explore the sufficiency of available resources, guidelines, and conditions, and to determine their effect on the quality of the supervision. Methods: This cross-sectional study used structured telephone interviews with 82 persons, a number that corresponds to 48.8% of the total number of professionals in Norwegian communities, based ona questionnaire comprising 28 closed and 2 open questions. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis. Results: Employees who currently oversee regulations for environmental health reported too muchdiscretion-based supervision. They called for better policies and clearer requirements in laws an dsupervisors, respectively. Furthermore they announced more knowledge directly aimed at psychosocial factors in reception, and more focus from central government on courses and trainingand better facilities to carry out a proper inspection. Respondents viewed closer and more interdisciplinary collaboration with health professionals and immigration authorities, as well as intermunicipal organizations, as a force for improving the quality of inspections. Conclusions: Evidence suggests that poor housing conditions, long-term residence, andidleness/pacification comprise the largest challenges for the psychosocial environment in asylum centers. The most important measures for improving the quality of supervision likely requireincreased knowledge in the field, especially regarding psychosocial factors; clearer requirements;legal and regulatory guidelines; and greater cross-discipline collaboration to fulfill the needs of a vulnerable group of people/residents in reception / <p>ISBN 978-91-982282-9-8</p>

En fallstudie av en gallringsfri skötselmetod för gran i Västra Götaland / A case study of a non-thinning method for spruce in Vaestra Goetaland

Johansson, Per Olof January 2015 (has links)
Resultat från 3 olika bestånd i Västra Götaland. Åldern på bestånden är 30, 50 och 50 år. Varje provyta var 100 m2. Bestånden har vuxit utan gallring och gödsling och skötts enligt en metod som kallas Hyssnametoden. Syftet med studien var att beskriva, följa upp och utvärdera effekterna av en alternativ skogsskötselmetod. Resultatet av mätningarna visar att volymproduktionen är högre än vad som förväntas i det aktuella området. / Results from three stands of Norway spruce in Vaestra Goetaland in Sweden. The age of the stands are 30, 50 and 50 years old. Each sample area was 100 m2. The stands have grown without any thinning and fertilizer. The maintenance method is called “Hyssnametoden”. The purpose of the study was to describe, follow-up and evaluate the impact of an alternative silvicultural method. The result shows that volume growth is higher than expected in this field.

Between ethics and interests : human rights in the north-south relations of Canada, The Netherlands, and Norway

Gillies, David, 1952- January 1992 (has links)
This study examines human rights in the North-South relations of three internationalist countries: Canada, the Netherlands, and Norway. It pays special attention to the integration of human rights in development aid policy, particularly the use of political conditionality. The theoretical framework examines the explanatory power of political Realism. A hypothesis linking policy assertiveness with the perceived costs to other national interests is tested by selecting Western states most likely to disprove Realist assumptions, and by choosing at least two Third World cases for each aid donor: one where economic, political and strategic interests are high, and another where the same interests are minimal or low. Three frameworks to (1) document human rights abuses; (2) evaluate national human rights performance; and (3) gauge foreign policy assertiveness serve as the methodological lenses to analyze Western statecraft and test the hypothesis. / Each donor's search for moral opportunity is visible in an emerging agenda to promote human rights and democratic development. However, if the resolve to defend human rights beyond national borders is gauged by a state's willingness to incur harm to other important national interests, then Canada, the Netherlands, and Norway are seldom disposed to let human rights trump more self-serving national interests. The potential for consistent and principled human rights statecraft is frequently undermined by Realism's cost-benefit rationality.

Kantzoner utmed äldre och yngre granbestånd i västra Götaland och dess effekt på trädens höjd- och diametertillväxt samt markvegetationens artsammansättning / Forest edges between young and old Norway Spruce stands in south-western Sweden and its influence on tree growth and field vegetation

Nord, Mikael January 2015 (has links)
Det svenska skogsbruket har med fokus på beståndsvis avverkning och återbeskogning genererat ett mosaikartat landskap med en mängd väl avgränsande kantzoner mellan yngre och äldre bestånd, och att uppkomna förändringar hos växtmiljön i anslutning till dessa beståndsgränser kan påverka såväl tillväxt som artsammansättning har konstaterats i ett flertal tidigare studier. Men även om dessa studier påvisat förekomsten av kanteffekter har resultaten varierat utifrån geografiskt undersökningsområde och studerade trädslag. Tidigare studier har utifrån ett nordiskt perspektiv dessutom främst fokuserat på tillväxtförändringar hos tall i Finland och norra Sverige, vilket föranlett att denna studie valt att undersöka förekomst och omfattning av tillväxteffekter inom kantzoner belägna mellan angränsande äldre och yngre granbestånd i västra Götaland. Studien har genomförts genom att inom ett antal representativa objekt samla in data utifrån utlagda provyor i terrängen och undersökningen har avgränsats till att omfatta trädens höjd- och diametertillväxt samt markvegetationens artsammansättning. Vidare jämförelser har därefter gjorts utifrån avstånd från aktuell beståndsgräns, kantzonernas väderstreck i nordlig respektive sydlig riktning samt de yngre beståndens skötselhistorik i form av röjt eller oröjt. För att undersöka förekomsten av signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna har insamlad data analyserats med hjälp av variansanalys (ANOVA) samt Tukey’s test för skillnader mellan medelvärden. Resultatet visade på signifikanta kanteffekter hos yngre granbestånd där tillväxtnedsättningarna var som tydligast närmast beståndsgränsen, oavsett väderstreck och tidigare skötselhistorik. Dessa tillväxtnedsättningar var dock mindre än de som tidigare konstaterats hos tall, och till skillnad från tidigare studier kunde inga tillväxteffekter konstateras hos angränsande äldre bestånd. Inga tydliga skillnader kunde heller konstateras utifrån kantzonernas väderstreck eller de yngre beståndens skötselhistorik. Markvegetationens artsammansättning uppvisade i sin tur en ökad förekomst av lavar och bärris intill beståndsgränserna. Bärris, lavar och ljung förekommer frekvent inom sydligt exponerade kantzoner medan smal- och bredbladigt gräs i sin tur uppvisade en ökad förekomst inom nordligt exponerade kantzoner. Utifrån dessa resultat skulle en tänkbar rekommendation inför kommande skogsbruksåtgärder och återbeskogning kunna vara att utifrån konstaterade tillväxtnedsättningar ej prioritera plantering av gran inom ett avstånd av 0-2,5 m från beståndsgräns angränsande mot äldre granbestånd. Därmed skulle kantzonen kunna nyttjas för naturvårdande ändamål då dessa områden gynnar den biologiska mångfalden och utgör intressanta miljöer för arter som annars skulle riskera att bli utkonkurrerade i angränsande mer slutna granskogsbestånd. / The aim of this study was to evaluate edge effects along forest edges between young and old Norway spruce stands in south-western Sweden, and examine its influence on tree growth and field vegetation. Comparison between distance from stand edge, exposure (north or south facing) and young forest clearing (cleared or not cleared) showed a reduced growth among young trees near the stand edge, mainly at a distance of 0-2,5 m. This edge effect occurred regardless of exposure or forest clearing history. On the other hand, in contrary to earlier studies, no positive growth effect was found in older stands adjacent to younger stands. Regarding edge effects found on field vegetation, blueberries, lingonberries and lichens showed an increased incidence adjacent to stand edges. Berries, lichens and heather showed an increased incidence at south facing edges while grass showed an increased incidence at north facing edges.

Le banquet comme vecteur de la christianisation en Norvège médiévale

Ouellet-Ayotte, Jérôme 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Ústup budního hospodářství a dynamika sukcese lesa v Krkonoších / Response of forest succession to agricultural land-abandonment in the Giant Mountains

Dobíhal, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Response of forest succession to agricultural land-abandonment in the Giant Mountains ABSTRACT: Since the end of the 19th century, there is undergoing process of land-abandonment of mountain meadows and pastures in most of the European mountains, including the Giant Mountains. Mountain agriculture in the Giant Mountains was terminated no later than before World War II. Abandoned meadows were then subjected to secondary forest succession. The question is, how fast was this succession and how was its dynamics. My research was focused on 4 areas of interest, located in the vicinity of former mountain huts. Methods applied included the analysis of historical maps and aerial photographs and dendrochronological research of age structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands. The aim of this thesis was to find out the extent of mountain agriculture near the huts and the dynamics of forest succession following land abandonment. Main peaks of seedlings establishment were observed in a very short time (10 - 20 years) following termination of mountain agriculture and in most cases these peaks were further followed by one or two more weaker peaks in the later periods. These peaks became evident in the change maps of forest development with approximately 20 years delay. Forest succession was moving gradually from the...

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