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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Material migration in tokamaks : Erosion-deposition patterns and transport processes

Weckmann, Armin January 2017 (has links)
Controlled thermonuclear fusion may become an attractive future electrical power source. The most promising of all fusion machine concepts is called a tokamak. The fuel, a plasma made of deuterium and tritium, must be confined to enable the fusion process. It is also necessary to protect the wall of tokamaks from erosion by the hot plasma. To increase wall lifetime, the high-Z metal tungsten is foreseen as wall material in future fusion devices due to its very high melting point. This thesis focuses on the following consequences of plasma impact on a high-Z wall: (i) erosion, transport and deposition of high-Z wall materials; (ii) fuel retention in tokamak walls; (iii) long term effects of plasma impact on structural machine parts; (iv) dust production in tokamaks. An extensive study of wall components has been conducted with ion beam analysis after the final shutdown of the TEXTOR tokamak. This unique possibility offered by the shutdown combined with a tracer experiment led to the largest study of high-Z metal migration and fuel retention ever conducted. The most important results are:   - transport is greatly affected by drifts and flows in the plasma edge; - stepwise transport along wall surfaces takes place mainly in the toroidal direction; - fuel retention is highest on slightly retracted wall elements; - fuel retention is highly inhomogeneous.   A broad study on structural parts of a tokamak has been conducted on the TEXTOR liner. The plasma impact does neither degrade mechanical properties nor lead to fuel diffusion into the bulk after 26 years of duty time. Peeling deposition layers on the liner retain fuel in the order of 1g and represent a dust source. Only small amounts of dust are found in TEXTOR with overall low deuterium content. Security risks in future fusion devices due to dust explosions or fuel retention in dust are hence of lesser concern. / <p>QC 20170630</p>

Darstellung eines Referenzmaterials für die ortsaufgelöste Wasserstoffanalytik in oberflächennahen Schichten mittels Kernreaktionsanalyse

Reinholz, Uwe 28 March 2007 (has links)
Obwohl Wasserstoff omnipräsent ist, ist seine Analytik anspruchsvoll und es stehen nur wenige analytische Verfahren zur Auswahl. Unter diesen nimmt die auf einer Kernreaktion von Wasserstoff und Stickstoff basierende N-15-Methode einen herausragenden Platz ein. Sie liefert eine ortsaufgelöste Wasserstoffkonzentration bis in den ppm-Bereich in oberflächennahen Schichten (kleiner 2 µm). Gegenstand der Arbeit sind die Darstellung der Theorie der N-15-Kernreaktionsanalyse (NRA), des experimentellen Aufbaus des entsprechenden Strahlrohrs am Ionenbeschleuniger der BAM und der Auswertung der Messergebnisse. Ziel ist die erstmalige Charakterisierung eines Referenzmaterials für die H-Analytik auf Basis von amorphen Silizium (aSi) auf einem Si[100]-Substrat. International wird von den metrologischen Instituten NIST [REE90] und IRMM [VAN87] je ein Referenzmaterial für die Heißextraktion in Form von Titanplättchen angeboten. Diese sind aber für die oberflächennahen Verfahren (NRA, ERDA, GDOES, SIMS) nicht nutzbar, da die oberflächennahe Konzentration von Wasserstoff in Titan nicht konstant ist. Die Homogenität der mittels CVD abgeschiedenen aSi:H-Schichten wurde untersucht. Dazu wurden pro Substrat für ca. 30 Proben die Wasserstofftiefenprofile gemessen, mittels eines innerhalb der Arbeit entstandenen Programms entfaltet und der statischen Auswertung unterzogen. Das Ergebnis waren Mittelwert und Standardabweichung der Wasserstoffkonzentration, sowie ein Schätzer für den Beitrag der Inhomogenität zur Meßunsicherheit. Die Stabilität des potentiellen Referenzmaterials wurde durch die Konstanz der Ergebnisse von Wiederholtungsmessungen der Wasserstoffkonzentrtion während der Applikation einer hohen Dosis von N-15 Ionen bewiesen. In einem internationalen Ringversuch wurde die Rückführbarkeit der Messergebnisse nachgewiesen. Teilnehmer waren 13 Labore aus 7 Ländern. Eingesetzt wurden N-15 und F-19 NRA, ERDA und SIMS. Besonderer Beachtung wurde der Bestimmung der Messunsicherheiten gewidmet. Für die Charakterisierung der aSi:H-Schichten wurden neben der NRA die Weißlichtinterferometrie, Ellipsometrie, Profilometrie und Röngenreflektometrie, sowie die IR- und Ramanspektroskopie genutzt. Die Stöchiometrie des eingesetzten Standardmaterials Kapton wurde mittels NMR-Spekroskopie und CHN-Analyse überprüft. [VAN87] Vandendriessche, S., Marchandise, H., Vandecasteele, C., The certification of hydrogen in titanium CRM No318, Brüssel-Luxembourg,1987 [REE90] Reed, W.P., Certificate of Analysis SRM 352c, Gaithersburg, NIST, 1990


張筱筠 Unknown Date (has links)
近來,由於詐領人壽保險死亡保險金之情況甚為嚴重,使得政府及保險人不得不對人壽保險人免責事由之規範加以留意。而此亦為本文撰寫靈感來源。 故本文乃試從保險法及保險學之角度,對人壽保險人免責事由之意義及內容加以界定,進而於提出各國立法例後,探究目前我國人壽保險人之法定免責事由,並以人壽保險單示範條款為意定免責事由之中心,探究相關之法令規定。 對於人壽保險人免責事由之主要問題乃出自保險法第一百零九條及第一百二十一條,雖現行人壽保險單示範條款第十四條之規定亦源自於此二法條而來。然而,對於其中之爭議點,人壽保險單示範條款仍未加以解決。此外,本文亦兼論有關戰爭、內亂及其他類似的武裝變亂和核子反應造成之損害,保險人是否得以免責。 最後,對於前述之問題,本文建議除了從我國保險法第一百零九條、一百二十一條、第三十二條之內容加以修正之外,亦可從保險犯罪防制中心之成立,進行危險控制之工作。 / Defrauding death benefits of life insurance has become more and more serious recently, so the government and insurers must keep their eyes open about the liability exception of life insurers. This is also the inspiration source of this essay. This essay tries to describe the definition and contexts of the liability exception of life insurers from the insurance law and insurance theories points of view. After bringing the cases and laws in different countries forward, the writer will proceed to the next step: to investigate into the statutory liability exception of life insurers; and then, to center on Model Provisions of Life Insurance Policy, studying the related regulations about the exceptions or exclusions of life policy. The main issues of the liability exception of the life insurers arise from Sections 109 and 121 of the Insurance Law of R. O. C.. Although the Model Provisions of Life Insurance Policy S.14 also came from these rules, the main issues still remain unsolved. Moreover, this essay will also discuss about whether or not the insurers should be liable for the insurance events caused by the wars, civil strifes, other armed forces and nuclear reaction. Finally, this essay suggests amending the Insurance Law of R.O.C., S.109, 121, and 32 to solve the issues mentioned above as well as establishing the Crime Prevention Center of Insurance Institute to carry out the work of risk control.

Estudos de técnicas de feixes iônicos para a quantificação do elemento químico boro / Study of boron quantification using ion beam analysis techniques.

Moro, Marcos Vinicius 16 May 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos e aplicamos técnicas analíticas com feixes iônicos para a identificação e quantificação do elemento químico Boro em amostras de Boro depositado sobre Níquel 11B/Ni, sobre Silício B/Si e em amostras de Silício Grau Metalúrgico - SiGM. Estas últimas foram fornecidas pelo grupo de metalurgia do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT). Especificamente, as seguintes técnicas analíticas foram utilizadas: Nuclear Reaction Analysis - NRA, Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis - ERDA e Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry - SIMS. Nas amostras de B/Ni e B/Si, as concentrações foram obtidas com medidas de NRA, ERDA e SIMS. Também foi abordado quais dentre essas três técnicas apresentam menor limite de deteção e menor incerteza para a quantificação de Boro. Usando a reação nuclear 11B(p,a0)8Be, foi possível calcular a sua seção de choque diferencial para ângulo de espalhamento theta=170, cujo resultado, para este ângulo específico, é inédito na literatura. As amostras de SiGM foram analisadas com a técnica SIMS e comparadas com medidas de Inductively Coupled Plasma - ICP realizadas pelo grupo do IPT. Uma vez que técnicas nucleares podem ser consideradas absolutas, concluímos que as medidas de ICP apresentaram dados compatíveis com as medidas SIMS, e que o grupo de metalurgia do IPT está medindo as concentrações de Boro em suas amostras de SiGM corretamente por meio de ICP. Uma reta de calibração entre medidas SIMSxICP foi construída, que poderá servir como um guia para futuras quantificações de Boro com ICP feitas pelo grupo de metalurgia do IPT. / In this work we investigated the use of analytical techniques based on ion beams in the quantification of Boron in many kinds of samples. Specifically, we applied techniques such Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA), Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) to 11B/Ni and B/Si samples to measure the boron concentration. We also discuss and show what technique has a better detection limit and lower uncertainty. For the first time in the literature, we obtained the cross section for the $^{11}B(p,\\alpha_0){^8}Be$ nuclear reaction in the energy range from 1.6 up to 2.0 MeV in theta = 170 scattering angle. The SIMS technique was applied to analise samples of metallurgical grade silicon (SiGM) from Metallurgy Group of Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas (IPT) to check the Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) measurements carried out by the IPT. Moreover, it was possible to build a calibration curve between SIMS and ICP measurements, that can be used to help of Metallurgy Group with futures ICP\'s measurements.

Estudos de técnicas de feixes iônicos para a quantificação do elemento químico boro / Study of boron quantification using ion beam analysis techniques.

Marcos Vinicius Moro 16 May 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos e aplicamos técnicas analíticas com feixes iônicos para a identificação e quantificação do elemento químico Boro em amostras de Boro depositado sobre Níquel 11B/Ni, sobre Silício B/Si e em amostras de Silício Grau Metalúrgico - SiGM. Estas últimas foram fornecidas pelo grupo de metalurgia do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT). Especificamente, as seguintes técnicas analíticas foram utilizadas: Nuclear Reaction Analysis - NRA, Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis - ERDA e Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry - SIMS. Nas amostras de B/Ni e B/Si, as concentrações foram obtidas com medidas de NRA, ERDA e SIMS. Também foi abordado quais dentre essas três técnicas apresentam menor limite de deteção e menor incerteza para a quantificação de Boro. Usando a reação nuclear 11B(p,a0)8Be, foi possível calcular a sua seção de choque diferencial para ângulo de espalhamento theta=170, cujo resultado, para este ângulo específico, é inédito na literatura. As amostras de SiGM foram analisadas com a técnica SIMS e comparadas com medidas de Inductively Coupled Plasma - ICP realizadas pelo grupo do IPT. Uma vez que técnicas nucleares podem ser consideradas absolutas, concluímos que as medidas de ICP apresentaram dados compatíveis com as medidas SIMS, e que o grupo de metalurgia do IPT está medindo as concentrações de Boro em suas amostras de SiGM corretamente por meio de ICP. Uma reta de calibração entre medidas SIMSxICP foi construída, que poderá servir como um guia para futuras quantificações de Boro com ICP feitas pelo grupo de metalurgia do IPT. / In this work we investigated the use of analytical techniques based on ion beams in the quantification of Boron in many kinds of samples. Specifically, we applied techniques such Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA), Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) to 11B/Ni and B/Si samples to measure the boron concentration. We also discuss and show what technique has a better detection limit and lower uncertainty. For the first time in the literature, we obtained the cross section for the $^{11}B(p,\\alpha_0){^8}Be$ nuclear reaction in the energy range from 1.6 up to 2.0 MeV in theta = 170 scattering angle. The SIMS technique was applied to analise samples of metallurgical grade silicon (SiGM) from Metallurgy Group of Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas (IPT) to check the Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) measurements carried out by the IPT. Moreover, it was possible to build a calibration curve between SIMS and ICP measurements, that can be used to help of Metallurgy Group with futures ICP\'s measurements.

Description de la dynamique de la fission dans le formalisme de la méthode de la coordonnée génératrice dépendante du temps / Description of the fission process with the time dependent generator coordinate method

Verrière, Marc 16 May 2017 (has links)
La fission induite par neutron, découverte il y a plus de 70 ans, a de nombreuses applications, par exemple industrielles pour la production d'énergie, et intervient dans la nucléosynthèse. Cependant, sa description microscopique reste un problème ouvert. En effet, les degrés de liberté qui interviennent dans ce processus dynamique sont complexes. De plus, les noyaux fissiles ont un nombre élevé de nucléons en interaction (>200). Il s'agit donc d'un problème à N-corps quantique. Or, une résolution directe de ce dernier n'est pas possible à l'heure actuelle. Dans ce contexte, la description microscopique de la fission considérée ici est la suivante : la première étape consiste à déterminer un ensemble de configurations de champ moyen qui représentent différentes déformations du noyau, incluant ainsi explicitement les degrés de liberté collectifs qui leur sont associés. Dans la seconde étape, la dynamique est décrite dans cet espace de configurations en utilisant la méthode de la coordonnée génératrice dépendante du temps (TDGCM). L'approximation des recouvrements gaussiens (GOA) est alors utilisée. Cependant, elle introduit une erreur de modèle et limite les extensions comme par exemple la prise en compte explicite de degrés de liberté intrinsèques. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de décrire le processus de fission avec la TDGCM sans recourir à la GOA. Cela implique de résoudre l'équation de la dynamique en TDGCM appelée équation de Hill-Wheeler dépendante du temps (TD-HW). Les méthodes d'évaluations des matrices des recouvrements et du hamiltonien collectif sont présentées dans le cas d'une interaction de Gogny. La matrice des recouvrements représente la métrique de l'espace des configurations, et la matrice du hamiltonien collectif contient les couplages énergétiques entre les configurations. Les configurations sont exprimées dans des bases de particules deux à deux distinctes, introduisant des instabilités numériques dans les méthodes d'évaluation standard. Un formalisme adapté à ces bases est proposé permettant d'éliminer ces instabilités. Deux méthodes de résolution de TD-HW sont présentées. La première consiste à calculer l'opérateur d'évolution associé à l'équation de Hill-Wheeler dépendante du temps. Elle est adaptée à un faible nombre de configurations. La seconde utilise un schéma de discrétisation en temps permettant l'inclusion d'un plus grand nombre de configurations dans le modèle. Ce formalisme est ensuite appliqué à la description de la réaction de fission induite par neutron sur le plutonium 239, et une comparaison avec la TDGCM+GOA est effectuée. / Nuclear fission, where an atomic nucleus separates into two fragments while emitting a large amount of energy, is at the core of many applications in society (energy production) and national security (deterrence, non-proliferation). It is also a key ingredient of the mechanisms of formation of elements in the universe. Yet, nearly 80 years after its experimental discovery its theoretical description in terms of the basic constituents of the nucleus (protons and neutrons) and their interaction remains a challenge. In this thesis, we describe the fission process as follows. In a first step, we use large supercomputers to compute the deformation properties of the nucleus based on our knowledge of nuclear forces. In a second step, we simulate the time evolution of the system from its ground state up to the fragments separation with a fully quantum-mechanical approach called the time-dependent generator coordinate method (TDGCM). While results are in good qualitative agreement with experimental data, the implementation of the TDGCM so far had been greatly simplified using what is known as the Gaussian overlap approximation (GOA). We also developed the formalism and a numerical implementation of the exact TDGCM - without the GOA. This will allow the first systematic validation of that approximation and an assessment of the resulting theoretical uncertainties. The second chapter presents the description of the neutron induced fission process using the TDGCM+GOA. The third one introduces the developments carried out in this thesis allowing the description of the fission process with the TDGCM without the GOA. The last chapter shows the first results obtained with this approach.

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