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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nudging av gröna varor : En kvalitativ studie om hur matbutiker nudgear till ekologiska varor

Sahovic, Amna, Roncevic, Ljiljana January 2022 (has links)
The share of organic sales in grocery stores has decreased and in 2021 the share decreased by 0.5 percent from the year before, where total sales amounted to 6.3 percent. In recent years, nudge theory has become more topical, especially in the subject of ecological- and environmental economics. However, research has not focused as much on the ethical perspective and how nudging has been applied to the real environment which the researchers for this study considered worth studying closer. Nudge theory is used as a policy tool that should subconsciously influence or guide customers to make decisions that will benefit them in the long run, without depriving them of the freedom to make their own choices or limit the number of options. Nudges can also be shaped in an unethical way by consciously using nudge theory to negative consequences. The purpose of this study was to examine the types of nudges used in grocery stores to increase the purchase of organic products. This study also examines what the employees in each grocery store considers about their own design of nudges and determines which nudges promote better behavior or manipulation based on an assessed ethical perspective.  Based on theories and previous research, the categories environment, price, and supply have been designed to observe green nudges within each store. The categories were later used to compile observations on inventory. An interview guide has also been conducted to examine the employees' views from an ethical assessed perspective. Results indicated that there are multiple nudges in the shape of placement, information, measures, reminder of choice, maximization of supplies based on what fits in the cartons and refrigerator, not an equal distribution between ecological and conventional products, price in combination with campaigns and that the number of supplies is controlled by what sells the best. Lastly in conclusion both study questions were answered with what types of nudges and that ethics depends on the purpose of the nudge. Further, some nudges were not seen as wrongdoing based on employees and the company's values but are wrong according to nudge theory. Regardless, ecological behavior is promoted on most designated nudges and is confirmed by employees in each store. / Andelen ekologisk försäljning i matbutiker har minskat och under år 2021 minskade andelen med 0,5 procent från året innan där den totala försäljningen uppgick till 6,3 procent. Under de senaste åren har nudge theory blivit mer aktuellt inom ekologisk- och miljöekonomi. Däremot har forskningen inte fokuserat lika mycket på etiska perspektivet och hur nudging har applicerats på den verkliga miljön, vilket denna studie studerar närmare. Nudge theory används som ett policyverktyg som ska påverka eller styra kunder undermedvetet till att fatta beslut som ska gynna dessa kunder på lång sikt, utan att ta ifrån dem friheten att göra egna val eller begränsa antalet alternativ. Nudges kan däremot formas på ett oetiskt sätt genom att medvetet använda sig av nudge theory till negativa konsekvenser. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka typer av nudges som används för att öka köp av ekologiska produkter. Studien undersöker även vad anställda i varje matbutik anser om deras egen utformning av nudges och avgöra vilka nudges som främjar ett bättre beteende eller manipulerar utifrån ett bedömt etiskt perspektiv.  Utifrån teorierna och tidigare forskning har kategorierna miljö, pris och antal utformats för att observera gröna nudges inom avdelningarna frukt och grönt samt mejeri, i respektive butik. Kategorierna användes senare för att sammanställa observationer av inventering. En intervjuguide har även genomförts för att granska de anställdas synpunkter utifrån ett etiskt bedömt perspektiv. Resultat visade på att det finns flera nudges i form av placering, informering, åtgärder, påminnelse av val, maximering av utbud utifrån vad som får plats i kartong och kyl, inte en jämn fördelning av ekologiska och konventionella varor, pris i kombination med kampanjer samt att antalet drivs av vad som säljs bäst. Avslutningsvis kunde båda frågeställningarna besvaras med vilka typer av nudges som återfanns i den fysiska miljön och att etiken beror framför allt på syftet på nudgen. Ytterligare i resultat och analys förs en diskussion att vissa nudges inte anses vara fel utifrån anställdas egna samt butikens värderingar, men anses vara det enligt nudge theory. Oavsett främjas ekologiskt beteende på majoriteten av utpekade nudges och bekräftas av anställda i vardera butik.

Nudge Theory's Perceived Influence on FMLA Among Midwestern Metropolitan Nonprofit Arts Organizations

Gordner, Eliza 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has had significant influence on both for-profit and nonprofit employers since it was enacted in 1993. Because nonprofit organizations often have more limited resources than for-profit organizations, implementing family and medical leave policy mandates can be problematic. Arts-related nonprofit organizations often have even fewer resources available yet must still ensure legal compliance and market competitiveness while continuing to focus on meeting their missions. Even if a smaller nonprofit organization is not subject to the FMLA, it is subject to other federal, state, and local employment laws, and the organization must decide whether to offer unpaid or paid family and medical leave, perhaps styled after the FMLA. The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand how those who conduct human resource functions in nonprofit arts organizations would perceive governmental prompting toward providing FMLA and paid leave in relation to their ability to meet their missions. This question was explored through the lens of nudge theory and involved interviews with nine HR professionals from nonprofit arts organizations. Data were analyzed using Bazeley and Jackson's bucket coding and Yin's explanation building processes. The results of the study indicated that HR professionals perceived little to no effects of the FMLA on their nonprofit arts organizations' ability to meet their missions. The social change implications of this study involve providing insights to policymakers that could inform decisions about family and medical leave mandates or nudges toward a desired outcome regarding these leaves of absence in the nonprofit sector.

Taking the Offensive : Using nudge techniques to shape the players approach to play

Helmers, Achim Carl, Wills, George Felix Bethune, Abdulrahman, Hind, Grigaraviciute, Indre January 2024 (has links)
This research investigates how players can be encouraged to alternate between offensive and defensive play within the game Martyr of Carnage (MoC), through the use of nudges. Nudges are subtle design elements that influence behavior without restricting choices, and they are commonly used in marketing, business, and government sectors. This study aims to extend the application of nudge theory to game design and find out if the theory is effective in altering playtester behavior in our game. The research was conducted using iterative game design methods, where various nudges were integrated and tested within the game environment. The main findings indicate that incorporating nudges in games serves as a useful analytical tool, effectively guiding player behavior and enhancing the overall gaming experience of Martyr of Carnage.

Nudge Management; a way to Motivate Healthier Behavior

Zarifnejad, Sirwan, Johansson, Petra January 2018 (has links)
Today, organizations are facing rising costs caused by increased employee sick - leave. A way to motivate employees to choose a healthier lifestyle is for the employer to offer wellness incentives. However, not too many employees are taking advantage of the incentives. According to the Transtheoretical Model of Health Behavior Change (TTM) , people are at different stages in their behavior change process. By knowing their personal obstacles to change, organizations can use nudge management and wellness incentives to help their employees to choose a healthier lifestyle. In order to get some answers, we conducted qualitative interviews at the Swedish Migration Agency. The result of our research showed seven main obstacles, and in this thesis we have explored dif erent nudges organizations can use to promote health and to lower sick - leave.

Nudging - ett nytt planeringsverktyg för hållbara resor? / Nudging - a new planning tool for sustainable travel?

Collander, Cristoffer, Johansson, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Hållbarhet har under de senaste decennierna blivit ett kraftfullt nyckelbegrepp som präglar trafikplaneringens riktlinjer. I kombination med de åtgärder som under många år använts för att öka andelen hållbara resor inom transportsektorn, såsom forskning om elbilar och alternativa bränslen, har på senare år även beteendepåverkande åtgärder implementerats under konceptet mobility management. En aktuell teori i sammanhanget är nudge-teorin, vilken innefattar hur beslutsfattare kan hjälpa människor att fatta bra beslut genom mindre åtgärder: genom att ge dem en knuff i rätt riktning, utan att kräva ekonomiska incitament eller begränsa människors valmöjligheter (Thaler och Sunstein 2008). Nudging som koncept är fortfarande relativt outforskat inom trafikplanering, även det finns vissa likheter med mobility management.   Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen om konceptet nudging samt undersöka dess kvaliteter som planeringsverktyg för att påverka resebeteenden. Genom att studera fem kommuner som alla deltagit i det EU-finansierade projektet Knuffa resan rätt, undersöker uppsatsen hur nudge-åtgärder har använts samt hur användarna uppfattat att arbeta med verktyget. Uppsatsen ämnar också belysa hur de deltagande kommunerna tidigare arbetat med beteendepåverkande åtgärder och vilka skillnader de upplever med användandet av nudging som verktyg. Denna studie är en flerfallstudie, där intervjuer har använts som huvudmetod för att samla in empiriska data om de fem olika fallen som studien består av. I kombination med denna metod utfördes även en litteraturstudie, där relevant litteratur om hållbarhet och trafikplanering samlats in, samt ett teoretiskt ramverk om beteendevetenskap, där teorin om nudging lyfts fram.   Resultatet från fallstudierna visar att nudging ses som ett nytt spännande verktyg bland kommunerna, även om somliga påpekar att verktyget omedvetet tidigare använts. Skillnaden avser etableringen av nudging som begrepp, samt att kommunerna nu fått en förståelse för teorierna bakom nudging, hämtade från beteendeekonomin.  Dessa kunskaper har bidragit till en medvetenhet som kommer effektivisera, men också rättfärdiga, framtida beteendepåverkande projekt inom kommunerna. Däremot finns en problematik vad gäller arbetsprocessen vid nudge-åtgärder. I synnerhet krävs en mer omfattande utvärdering vilket resulterar i än mer resurskrävande projekt. Sannolikt kommer det krävas viss modifikation och flera omgångar av testprojekt innan ett bättre koncept eller modell har utvecklats som effektiviserar nudging som exklusivt planeringsverktyg. Tills dess bör insikterna om nudging användas främst som ett komplement till redan befintliga planeringsverktyg, med syftet att i stället effektivisera dessa.

The impact of climate change anxiety on travel decision-making among Gen-Z university students in Sweden

Pecchia, Elena January 2024 (has links)
Climate change poses the most significant threat to sustainable tourism in the 21st century, impacting destinations globally with abnormal weather phenomena. Climate change not only affects the environment but also our mental health. Extreme weather events linked to climate change increase the risk of anxiety, depressive disorders, and other mental health issues, particularly among young people such as Gen-Z. Nevertheless, climate change anxiety has shown potential to motivate eco-friendly actions, including travel choices. The current research gap exists concerning how climate change anxiety influences travel decision-making. Understanding this relationship is crucial for comprehending the psychological factors driving environmentally responsible decisions. In the present study, the protection motivation theory offers the theoretical lenses for understanding responses to fear stimuli and the motivation for protective actions. This study utilized a nonequivalent quasi-experimental design with focus groups to investigate the impact of climate change anxiety on travel choices among Gen-Z university students. Two groups, a treatment group and a comparison group, were exposed to different climate change videos designed to evoke higher or lower levels of anxiety. While the video shown to the treatment group successfully heightened climate change anxiety, the study found that increased anxiety did not necessarily result in sustainable travel choices. Instead, it often led to feelings of apathy and desensitization. The research identified lack of self-efficacy, cost and time as the main barriers for university students to consider more environmentally travels. It highlights the need for better climate change communication to inspire positive action, emphasizing a vision of a better future. The study’s results offer a baseline for future research aimed at understanding effective climate change communication strategies that prompt pro- environmental actions. Interventions aimed at reshaping travel decision-making, which take into account climate change anxiety and evolutionary biases influencing travel choices, can offer valuable insights for public campaigns promoting sustainable consumption among Gen Z. By nudging tourists and making sustainability the default choice, these interventions could effectively encourage more eco-friendly travel decisions.

Exploring the Design of Nudging in Persuasive Technologies - Improving Sleep Hygiene

Chen, Hung-Chiao January 2021 (has links)
Research on persuasive technologies for promoting healthy behaviours has been surging in recent years, but these technologies have the risk of being perceived as undesirable meddling. The current study puts forward a non-coercive and libertarian paternalistic alternative - the nudge theory. The foundation of the nudge theory is informed by the dual processing theory and can be categorized in two types - Type 1 nudging and Type 2 nudging. As design tools, two Type 1 nudging methods: default setting and manipulation of accessibility; and four Type 2 nudging methods: reminders, prompts, framing and precommitment strategies were selected to be featured. Sleep was chosen as the use case for this study, for it is associated with a number of non-communicable diseases yet considerably few studies of persuasive technology are about sleep. Better sleep hygiene is a significant means to improve sleep, therefore used as the design goal. The current study explores possible solutions for persuasive technologies for improving sleep hygiene, and better understand the design potentials and the persuasive characteristics of different types and methods of nudging. The research methodology is informed by scenario-based design. Five (four male and one female) academic professionals with backgrounds in interaction design, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence and robotics took part in the study. Seven scenarios and thirteen prototypes were created to illustrate the situations and present the possible solutions. Results also showed that Type 1 nudging is considered more convenient and effective. However, the sense of control is better preserved in Type 2 nudging. In regard to nudging methods, default setting is considered as the most eective method under the condition of goal-alignment, but prone to error. Manipulation of accessibility should be designed so that the navigation is intuitive and the integrity of availability should not be damaged. Timing is the most prominent factor for reminders, and the influence of reminders could be reinforced by prioritizing and cross-platform availability. The presence of prompts could be emphasized by purposeful placement, and appropriateness should be considered. The perception of framing is highly subjective, therefore it should be user-tailored and context-aware. The effects of precommitment strategies are able to access higher-level motivation, but should be reinforced with other methods. To summarize the design principles, when designing nudges in persuasive technologies, the following factors should be considered: goal alignment, intuitiveness, context awareness, availability and accessing motivation. / Forskning inom temat persuasive teknologi för hälsoinriktade beteenden har ökat under den senaste tiden. Dock kan sådana teknologier oftast uppfattas som en oönskad inblandning i människors privata liv. Denna studie föreslår ett otvingade och libertarianskt paternalistiskt alternativ för att påverka val och beteenden – nudge teorin. Flera tidigare beprövade designverktyg betonas i denna teori. Nudge teorin har en dual process teoretisk bakgrund och kan delas in i två typer av nudging –- Typ 1 nudging och Typ 2 nudging. Bland Typ 1 verktyg väljs default setting och manipulation of accessibility, och bland Typ 2 metoder väljs reminders, prompts, framing och pre-commitment strategies. I syfte att illustrera detta användes sömn som exempel, då det har länkats till flera icke-smittsamma sjukdomar och få studier har försökt att undersöka motiverande design i relation till sömn. Bättre sömnhygien är ett betydelsefullt verktyg för att förbättra sömn och användes därför som målsättning. Denna studie undersöker möjliga alternativ för persuasive teknologi i syfte att förbättra sömn. Dessutom undersöktes potentialen av olika typer av persuasive teknologi och metoder för nudging. Den valda metodologi är en informerad scenariobaserad design. Fem akademiskt anställda, fyra män och en kvinna, med bakgrund inom interaction design, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence och robotics, deltog i denna studie. Sju scenarion och tretton prototyper utarbetades för att illustrera en situation och presentera en möjlig lösning där sömnhygien kunde förbättras igenom persuasive teknologi. Resultaten visade att Typ 1 nudging ansågs vara mer lämpligt och effektiv. Emellertid bibehålls känslan av kontroll mer inom Typ 2 nudging. Default setting ansågs som mest effektiv inom betingelsen goal alignment, men med risk för bakslag. Manipulation of accessibility bör designas så att navigering är intuitiv och att integriteten av tillgänglighet inte störs. Tajming är den mest framträdande faktorn för reminders och deras påverkan skulle kunna framhävas igenom prioritering och cross-platform availability. Prompts skulle kunna framhävas mer igenom igenomtänkt placering där lämplighet är en drivande faktor. Uppfattningen av framing är mycket subjektiv och bör vara anpassad till användaren. Pre-commitment strategier har tillgång till högre motivation men bör förstärkas med andra medel.

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