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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vnímání zdravotních pojišťoven v Jihočeském kraji / Perception of health insurance companies in the South Bohemian Region

HYKOVÁ, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
In my thesis, I deal with the issue of perception of health insurance companies in the South Bohemian Region. That is, how South Bohemian citizens perceive health insurance companies and whether they are satisfied with the services that health insurance companies provide. In the theoretical part, I present basic information about public health insurance system in the Czech Republic. I mention the history of health insurance evolution, its systems, and principles of its operation. I also deal with legislature which is the cornerstone of this system. Most of the laws were passed in the 1990?s when the Czech Republic began to develop the current version of health insurance. Since its inception, these laws have been amended several times. Public health insurance system in our country is based on the Bismarck model, which is based on the existence of multiple health insurance companies and contractual relationships between health insurance companies and health care facilities. Furthermore, the theoretical part refers about health insurance companies as such, whose activities are governed by Act No. 551/1991 Coll., on the General Health Insurance Company, and Act No. 280/1992 Coll., on departmental, professional, occupational and other health insurance companies. The practical part describes the results of my research focused on the aforementioned issue of perception of health insurance companies in the South Bohemian Region. The results have been obtained through quantitative analysis. The method of questioning, the technique of questionnaires, was used. In this research, two of three assumed hypotheses have been confirmed. The research shows that health insurance clients in the South Bohemian Region are satisfied with local and time availability of their health insurance company subsidiaries. Furthermore, the research carried out shows that citizens respect the opinion of their general practitioners on the selection of their health insurance company. In contrast, what good (preventive) programs health insurance companies offer is not crucial for citizens when selecting a health insurance company. The knowledge gained can form the basis for further research, but it can also serve to health insurance companies themselves to improve their services. The issue of health care and health insurance companies is still a topic of current concern, both in the political field and for the general public.

A degradação do propósito da cláusula penal nos contratos paritários : estudo histórico-comparativo

Viero, Angela Cristina January 2015 (has links)
Questa tesi si propone di dimostrare, tramite il metodo storico-comparativo, la degradazione delia clausola penale quale strumento di rafforzamento delie obbligazioni contrattuali neli 'ambito dei contratti paritari. Ancestral e de lia clausola penal e, la stipulatio poenae dei diritto romano aveva il proposito fondamentale di rafforzare l'adempimento di una obbligazione. Nei corso dei tempo perô tale scopo e stato relativizzato, come si deduce dalia comparazione tra il sistema di common law- che vieta la clausola penal e - e quello di tradizione civilistica - che I' ammette. Attualmente, nei paesi della cosiddetta famiglia di diritto romano-germanico i1 cambiamento di paradigma dalio Stato Liberale alio Stato Sociale ha prodotto varie conseguenze in materia di Diritto Privato, tra le quali il superamento deli 'intangibilità delie convenzioni private. AI giudice viene attribuito il potere-dovere di restaurare, in base ali' equità, I' equilíbrio economico dei contratto e di conformado ai principi di buona fede e della funzione sociale. Con questa visione e che l'intervento giudiziale opera nel c&upo delle pene convenzionali per ridurre la penale manifestamente eccessiva ri guardo ali' obbligazione da quella rafforzata. Emerge anche dali e regole dei Codici Civili italiano e brasiliano che se il danno da inadempimento o da adempimento inesatto dell 'obbligazione supera 1 'ammontare stabilito nelia clausoia penal e, il creditore potrà esigere il risarcimento dei danno eccedente soltanto in presenza di un' espresso patto in questo senso. Evidenziasi, dunque, la degradazione della finalità di rafforzamento propria delia clausoia penale e, inoltre, ii trattamento disuguale alie parti contraenti uguali. Innanzitutto perche non esiste previsione normativa che consenta 1 'aumento della clausoia penal e irrisoria; poi, in virtu de lia possibilità che la clausola penaie operi come clausola di limitazione dei dovere di risarcimento. Nelia comice delie suddette discipline italiana e brasiliana, l'intervento giudiziaie nei domini de li' autonomia privata e ammesso unicamente in beneficio dei debitore, in contrasto con il regime deli'istituto in Francia e in Germania. / Esta tese se propõe a demonstrar, através do método histórico-comparativo, a degradação da cláusula penal enquanto instrumento de reforço das obrigações contratuais, no âmbito dos contratos paritários. Ancestral da cláusula penal, a stipulatio poenae do direito romano tinha por propósito fundamental reforçar o adimplemento de uma obrigação. Com o decurso do tempo, porém, tal escopo foi relativizado, como se depreende da comparação entre os sistemas de common law- que veda a cláusula penal- e de tradição civilista- que a admite. Atualmente, nos países da denominada família romano-germânica, a mudança de paradigma do Estado Liberal para o Estado Social produziu diversas consequências no Direito Privado, entre elas a superação da intangibilidade das convenções privadas. Ao juiz é atribuído o poder-dever de restaurar, com base em equidade, o equilíbrio econômico do contrato e conformá-lo aos princípios da boa-fé e da função social. Com esta visão é que a intervenção judicial tem operado no campo das penas convencionais para reduzir o montante da pena manifestamente excessiva em relação à obrigação por ela reforçada. Verifica-se também, a teor de regras dos Códigos Civis italiano e brasileiro, que se o prejuízo causado pelo inadimplemento ou adimplemento inexato da obrigação superar o valor estipulado na cláusula penal, o credor só poderá exigir indenização pelo dano excedente se houver pacto expresso neste sentido. Evidencia-se, portanto, a degradação da finalidade de reforço ínsita à cláusula penal e o tratamento desigual para partes contratantes iguais. Primeiro porque não há previsão de aumento da cláusula penal irrisória; e, segundo, em virtude da possibilidade de a cláusula penal operar como cláusula de limitação do dever de indenizar. Nos moldes das referidas disciplinas italiana e brasileira a intervenção judicial nos domínios da autonomia privada é admitida somente em benefício do devedor, contrastando com o regime do instituto na França e na Alemanha. / The present thesis aims to demonstrate, through the historical-comparative method, the degradation of penalty ciauses as an instrument to reinforce contractual obligations, in the field of paritary contracts. Ancestor to the penalty clause, the roman's law stipulatio poenae had the fundamental purpose ofreinforcing the execution of an obligation. Notwhitstanding as time gone by this scope has been relativisided, as one can deduce through comparison o f the systems of common law - wich forbid penalty clause- and those o f civilian tradition- that enables it. Presently, in the extent of the countries of the so called romanistic-germanic family, the change of the liberal State paradigm to the social State has produced several consequences in the Private Law, among them the superation of intangibility of the private conventions. To the judge is ensured the power-duty of restauring, based on equity, the contract economic balance and shape it to the principies of objective good faith and social function. Such approach has been guiding the judicial intervention in the field of conventional penalties in order to reduce the amount of the penalty unreasonable excessive refering the reinforced obligation. Also is observed trhough the rules of the italian and brazilian Civil Codes that if the damage caused by non-execution or inexact execution of the obligation comes to superate the amount stipulated on the penalty clause, the creditor will be authorized only to demand the indemnity for the excessive damage in case o f existing express agreement in this sense. It is evident therefore, the degradation of the inferred reinforcing purpose of penalty clauses and also the unequal treatment for equal contracting parts. Firstly, because there is not a legal forecast to increase a penalty clause o f insignificant amount; and, secondly, due the possibility o f the penalty clause acts as a limitation clause o f indemnity obligation. As the models of referred italian and brazilian disciplines are concemed, the judicial intervention in the domain o f the private autonomy is only allowed in benefit of the debtor, contrasting to the regime ofthis instituí in France and Germany.

Převod podniku/závodu v českém a evropském pracovním právu / The transfer of an undertaking/business in Czech and European Labour Law

Reichmann, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The transfer of an undertaking/business in Czech and European Labour Law The aim of my thesis is to thoroughly analyse the regulation of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses in the perspective of Czech and European Labour Law. The reasons for choosing this topic are my genuine interest in Labour Law and the fact that this area of Labour Law is relatively overlooked by most authors in the Czech Republic. Aside from the general introduction and conclusion, this master thesis will consist of three main parts, each of them dealing with different aspects of the topic concerned. The introductory part defines basic terminology used in the thesis and describes my motivation for choosing this topic. The first part gives a brief historical overview of the development in this area of Labour Law both in European Law and Czech Law. The second part deals with transfers of undertakings/businesses within European Law, so the Council Directive No. 2001/23/EC and the respective case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union are mostly discussed there. Therefore, this part focuses on various aspects of this topic such as legal transfer, merger or identity of economic entity. Then, several methods of the transfer of undertaking/business within the sense of the directive...

O sistema de pagamentos brasileiro à luz do código civil / The Brazilian payment system in the light of Civil Code.

Henrique Paulo de Brida 20 May 2014 (has links)
O estudo jurídico do sistema de pagamentos sob o enfoque do direito obrigacional requer exame prévio do fenômeno socioeconômico representado pela moeda, enquanto elemento fundamental da relação obrigacional de compra e venda, determinante do preço e objeto do pagamento. Antes, porém, da análise do pagamento e de seus instrumentos jurídicos, ou seja, da moeda (em sentido largo) como efeito jurídico, tem-se de perquirir sobre sua natureza com o auxílio dos conceitos elaborados sobretudo pela ciência econômica, mas também pela sociologia e pela história social. O exame da realidade socioeconômica sob o prisma da essência dos fatos, não apenas de sua aparência, busca na materialidade do fenômeno monetário o suporte teórico para o encaminhamento da análise jurídica desse mesmo fenômeno e seus correlatos, tanto sob o enfoque positivista (dogmático) quanto sob o interativo, ou seja, enquanto relação entre o mundo jurídico positivo e a globalidade social por meio da interpretação ou aplicação das normas. A partir desse quadro analítico, procura o presente trabalho apresentar, primeiramente, um panorama do sistema monetário, situando o problema da moeda no contexto econômico e jurídico. Na segunda parte são expostos os fundamentos analíticos da economia em sua forma monetária (análise econômica da moeda). A terceira seção abrange o efetivo funcionamento do sistema monetário, particularmente examinando as funções do dinheiro numa economia monetária. A quarta e última parte apresenta o Sistema de Pagamentos Brasileiro (SPB) em seus moldes institucionais, situando-o no arcabouço do ordenamento jurídico nacional. A partir de seus fundamentos jurídicos, procede-se ao exame das matérias específicas do Direito obrigacional, em particular do pagamento e de suas garantias institucionais. / The legal study of the system of payments under the focus given by law requires prior examination of the economic phenomenon represented by currency as a key element of the obligational relationship given by purchase agreement, as by establishing the price and also as an object of payment. However, previously to the analysis of the payment and its legal instruments, i.e. the currency (in broad sense) as a legal effect, one should assess his nature with the aid of concepts specially developed by economic science, but also by sociology and social history. The examination of the socio-economic reality lit by the essence of the facts, not just by their appearance, search through the materiality of monetary phenomenon for the theoretical support for legally dealing with such a phenomenon and the correlated ones, both under the positivist approach (dogmatic) as under the interactive one, that is, as a relationship between the effective legal world and the social universe as a result of the interpretation or application of law. From this analytical framework, the ongoing writing seeks firstly to show a panorama of the monetary system by focusing the currency problem in the economic and legal context. The second part deals with the analytical foundations of the economy in its monetary form (economic analysis of currency). The third section covers the effective functioning of the monetary system, particularly by assessing the functions of money in the context of a monetary economy. The fourth and last part deals with the Brazilian Payment System (SPB) in its institutional patterns, by placing it in the framework of the national legal system. From their legal grounds, one assesses the specific matters concerning the Law of obligations, in particular the payment and its institutional collaterals.

Numerus clausus dos direitos reais e autonomia nos contratos de disposição / Numerus Clausus of property rights in rem and autonomy in exchange contracts

Rafael Domingos Faiardo Vanzella 29 May 2009 (has links)
Esta tese analisa um regime jurídico convencionalmente designado numerus clausus dos direitos reais, examinando-o sob três aspectos. O primeiro deles concerne às funções que esse regime desempenha no interior do ordenamento jurídico. Em um sistema de direito patrimonial privado que promove a autonomia contratual e predispõe restrições jurídico-negociais ao poder de dispor, entre as quais se ressaltam os direitos subjetivos reais, o regime de numerus clausus se apresenta como uma previsão legal dos tipos de contratos que restringem o poder de dispor e, assim, modificam o poder de adquirir do sujeito passivo universal. Conquanto sofram essa modificação em sua esfera jurídica, esses sujeitos de direito não tomam parte na celebração daqueles contratos. De maneira que as funções do numerus clausus dirigem-se, fundamentalmente, ao concerto de um fenômeno de heteronomia privada: por meio de um catálogo, o adquirente pode não apenas conhecer quais são os contratos que, a despeito de sua declaração jurídico-negocial, afetam os seus interesses econômico-sociais, mas também desconsiderar a eficácia, sobre si, dos contratos que, extrapolando aquele catálogo, circunscrevem-se, seguramente, a só quem, dele, foi parte. Em segundo lugar, sustenta-se uma qualidade negativa e outra positiva no numerus clausus. Negativamente, esse regime jurídico se identifica por uma grave limitação na autonomia contratual, especialmente na autonomia dos contratos de disposição. Nesse sentido, e porque o poder de dispor não é uma posição jurídica exclusiva da titularidade de direitos subjetivos reais, assim como as conseqüências de suas restrições não despontam apenas no direito das coisas, não apenas a disposição contratual de direitos subjetivos reais, mas também a disposição contratual de créditos, de participações societárias e de propriedade imaterial submete-se, igualmente, a um numerus clausus. Essa circunstância remete a uma duplicidade de regimes de autonomia contratual no direito dos contratos: enquanto não há um tipo de contrato em gênero (tipicidade vinculativa) e predominam as regras cogentes (tipicidade fixa) para os contratos de disposição, os contratos obrigacionais obedecem a uma tipicidade aberta. Positivamente, por seu turno, o numerus clausus legitima uma poderosa técnica jurídica de oponibilidade de interesses econômico-sociais: o contrato de disposição. Selecionando um dos poucos tipos de contratos de disposição predispostos pela lei, os contratantes afetam, por meio da regra da prioridade e da imunidade contra disposição, a eficácia de contratos de cuja formação não tomam parte, sejam contratos subseqüentes, obrigacionais ou de disposição, sejam contratos precedentes, meramente obrigacionais. Sem dúvida, o ordenamento jurídico apresenta outras técnicas jurídicas de oponibilidade de interesses econômico-sociais aos terceiros-adquirentes, geralmente ligadas a procedimentos de publicidade, tais como a boa-fé. Muito embora elas manifestem efeitos semelhantes, por vezes contradizendo o regime de numerus clausus, não se verifica uma derrogação desse último, identificada, por vezes, como uma realização dos direitos obrigacionais. No fundo, em se tratando de fatos jurídicos inconfundíveis, as metódicas de argumentação e aplicação do direito, pressupostas em cada um deles, são, outrossim, diferentes. Essas diferenças correspondem, por fim, ao terceiro e último daqueles três aspectos sob os quais se analisa o numerus clausus. Efetua-se, para tanto, o estudo de dois casos representativos, colhidos da jurisprudência brasileira, a qual aplica ora esse último regime, ora a boa-fé, sem que isso signifique nenhuma contradição, uma vez que a excepcionalidade dessa última confirma o caráter do numerus clausus como a regulação motriz do tráfico jurídico, orientada à segurança da aquisição e à estabilidade de determinadas relações de intercâmbio dos bens econômicos. / My dissertation focuses on a legal regime generally referred to as \"numerus clausus of property rights\". It does so by examining three main aspects of the theme. First of all it analyses the function of that legal regime, which is the source of its perceived legitimacy nowadays. This function consists in tendering for buyers a welldefined catalogue describing all the possible agreements concerning the goods they intend to buy and that are going to be considered as burdens. In a Private Law system, which fosters the private autonomy and prearranges burdens, the numerus clausus works as a menu of those contracts likely to create burdens. All the other contracts not listed in that menu even if they make reference to certain goods will not be treated as burdens. Thus, the buyer may know that his own interests over these goods will not be affected. Second the dissertation identifies a positive and a negative quality in this function. A possible negative aspect is that the numerus clausus is a heavy limitation to private autonomy, mainly to exchange contracts. In this sense, not only the exchanges involving property interests (rights in rem) but also those affecting credits and other kinds of rights (rights in personam) are submitted to the same legal regime which leads to Private Law generally recognizing two kinds of private autonomy regimes in Contract. While inexchange contracts the autonomy is limited, in executory contracts the autonomy is sensitively wider. A possible positive aspect is that the numerus clausus establishes a very powerful tool for opposing interests to third parties: the exchange contract. By selecting one of the few exchange contracts available in that menu, parties may oppose their interests in future transactions they will not take part in. Exchange contracts are obviously not the only system available for opposing interests in Private Law. The so called good faith system, connected with publicity devices, works also in that way, but using a very different legal strategy. Although the legal doctrine is used to identify the application of the good faith system with a \"realization\" of personal rights, that seems problematic. As a matter of fact, as different legal conceptions, exchange contracts submitted to a numerus clausus regime and good faith system require different techniques and arguments. These different procedures are discussed in the third section of my dissertation. In this section I discuss major cases in Brazilian Law which apply sometimes the numerus clausus systems and sometimes the good faith system. I argue that there is no contradiction between the both fashions of judicial decision, unless one simply uses the incoherent notion of \"realization\".

A degradação do propósito da cláusula penal nos contratos paritários : estudo histórico-comparativo

Viero, Angela Cristina January 2015 (has links)
Questa tesi si propone di dimostrare, tramite il metodo storico-comparativo, la degradazione delia clausola penale quale strumento di rafforzamento delie obbligazioni contrattuali neli 'ambito dei contratti paritari. Ancestral e de lia clausola penal e, la stipulatio poenae dei diritto romano aveva il proposito fondamentale di rafforzare l'adempimento di una obbligazione. Nei corso dei tempo perô tale scopo e stato relativizzato, come si deduce dalia comparazione tra il sistema di common law- che vieta la clausola penal e - e quello di tradizione civilistica - che I' ammette. Attualmente, nei paesi della cosiddetta famiglia di diritto romano-germanico i1 cambiamento di paradigma dalio Stato Liberale alio Stato Sociale ha prodotto varie conseguenze in materia di Diritto Privato, tra le quali il superamento deli 'intangibilità delie convenzioni private. AI giudice viene attribuito il potere-dovere di restaurare, in base ali' equità, I' equilíbrio economico dei contratto e di conformado ai principi di buona fede e della funzione sociale. Con questa visione e che l'intervento giudiziale opera nel c&upo delle pene convenzionali per ridurre la penale manifestamente eccessiva ri guardo ali' obbligazione da quella rafforzata. Emerge anche dali e regole dei Codici Civili italiano e brasiliano che se il danno da inadempimento o da adempimento inesatto dell 'obbligazione supera 1 'ammontare stabilito nelia clausoia penal e, il creditore potrà esigere il risarcimento dei danno eccedente soltanto in presenza di un' espresso patto in questo senso. Evidenziasi, dunque, la degradazione della finalità di rafforzamento propria delia clausoia penale e, inoltre, ii trattamento disuguale alie parti contraenti uguali. Innanzitutto perche non esiste previsione normativa che consenta 1 'aumento della clausoia penal e irrisoria; poi, in virtu de lia possibilità che la clausola penaie operi come clausola di limitazione dei dovere di risarcimento. Nelia comice delie suddette discipline italiana e brasiliana, l'intervento giudiziaie nei domini de li' autonomia privata e ammesso unicamente in beneficio dei debitore, in contrasto con il regime deli'istituto in Francia e in Germania. / Esta tese se propõe a demonstrar, através do método histórico-comparativo, a degradação da cláusula penal enquanto instrumento de reforço das obrigações contratuais, no âmbito dos contratos paritários. Ancestral da cláusula penal, a stipulatio poenae do direito romano tinha por propósito fundamental reforçar o adimplemento de uma obrigação. Com o decurso do tempo, porém, tal escopo foi relativizado, como se depreende da comparação entre os sistemas de common law- que veda a cláusula penal- e de tradição civilista- que a admite. Atualmente, nos países da denominada família romano-germânica, a mudança de paradigma do Estado Liberal para o Estado Social produziu diversas consequências no Direito Privado, entre elas a superação da intangibilidade das convenções privadas. Ao juiz é atribuído o poder-dever de restaurar, com base em equidade, o equilíbrio econômico do contrato e conformá-lo aos princípios da boa-fé e da função social. Com esta visão é que a intervenção judicial tem operado no campo das penas convencionais para reduzir o montante da pena manifestamente excessiva em relação à obrigação por ela reforçada. Verifica-se também, a teor de regras dos Códigos Civis italiano e brasileiro, que se o prejuízo causado pelo inadimplemento ou adimplemento inexato da obrigação superar o valor estipulado na cláusula penal, o credor só poderá exigir indenização pelo dano excedente se houver pacto expresso neste sentido. Evidencia-se, portanto, a degradação da finalidade de reforço ínsita à cláusula penal e o tratamento desigual para partes contratantes iguais. Primeiro porque não há previsão de aumento da cláusula penal irrisória; e, segundo, em virtude da possibilidade de a cláusula penal operar como cláusula de limitação do dever de indenizar. Nos moldes das referidas disciplinas italiana e brasileira a intervenção judicial nos domínios da autonomia privada é admitida somente em benefício do devedor, contrastando com o regime do instituto na França e na Alemanha. / The present thesis aims to demonstrate, through the historical-comparative method, the degradation of penalty ciauses as an instrument to reinforce contractual obligations, in the field of paritary contracts. Ancestor to the penalty clause, the roman's law stipulatio poenae had the fundamental purpose ofreinforcing the execution of an obligation. Notwhitstanding as time gone by this scope has been relativisided, as one can deduce through comparison o f the systems of common law - wich forbid penalty clause- and those o f civilian tradition- that enables it. Presently, in the extent of the countries of the so called romanistic-germanic family, the change of the liberal State paradigm to the social State has produced several consequences in the Private Law, among them the superation of intangibility of the private conventions. To the judge is ensured the power-duty of restauring, based on equity, the contract economic balance and shape it to the principies of objective good faith and social function. Such approach has been guiding the judicial intervention in the field of conventional penalties in order to reduce the amount of the penalty unreasonable excessive refering the reinforced obligation. Also is observed trhough the rules of the italian and brazilian Civil Codes that if the damage caused by non-execution or inexact execution of the obligation comes to superate the amount stipulated on the penalty clause, the creditor will be authorized only to demand the indemnity for the excessive damage in case o f existing express agreement in this sense. It is evident therefore, the degradation of the inferred reinforcing purpose of penalty clauses and also the unequal treatment for equal contracting parts. Firstly, because there is not a legal forecast to increase a penalty clause o f insignificant amount; and, secondly, due the possibility o f the penalty clause acts as a limitation clause o f indemnity obligation. As the models of referred italian and brazilian disciplines are concemed, the judicial intervention in the domain o f the private autonomy is only allowed in benefit of the debtor, contrasting to the regime ofthis instituí in France and Germany.

Účetnictví v legislativní úpravě ČR a SRN, porovnání, praktický příklad / Accounting in the czech and german legislation, comparison, practical example

Štychová, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
At the beginning the dissertation is focused on the harmonization of accounting in the EU, the mechanics of implementing standards in the EU and regulations in accounting in general. Thereafter the dissertation devotes to accounting in legislative adaptation of the Czech Republic and Germany. More specifically, it covers history, regulations, accounting principles and requirements, reporting and measurement of assets and obligations of both countries. In the next part, the measurement bases used in czech and german accounting are being analyzed, furthermore measurement of single assets components in the Czech republic and Germany. The practical part of the dissertation is devoted to the comparison of final accounts of selected companies in the czech and german practice in the year 2015, being followed by looking into differences between these two countries.

La décision conditionnelle en droit administratif français / The conditional decision in French Administrative law

Gallo, Carole 15 November 2017 (has links)
La décision conditionnelle constitue un objet délaissé de la recherche en droit administratif français. Injustement perçue comme une affaire privée de spécialistes du droit des actes administratifs unilatéraux, elle n’occupe les écrits des publicistes que dans la mesure où la réalisation de la condition porte atteinte à la garantie des droits acquis. Cette réserve explique pour partie la faible contribution de la doctrine à la construction d’une définition de la décision conditionnelle, autonome du droit civil des obligations, et les difficultés corrélatives à déterminer les contours de cette notion mal identifiée. Pourtant, les orientations prises par le juge administratif et, dernièrement, par le codificateur, rendent nécessaire la recherche d’une définition clarifiée de la décision conditionnelle en droit administratif français. Depuis longtemps, le juge administratif range la décision conditionnelle dans la catégorie des actes administratifs unilatéraux et met en œuvre les principes qui les gouvernent. Or, de son côté, la doctrine ne parvient pas à l’intégrer pleinement dans la catégorie de l’acte unilatéral ou du contrat.Le visage inhabituel qu’elle présente, aux yeux des juristes, force la réévaluation des classifications traditionnelles.La doctrine malmène ses catégories binaires, dans le but de souligner la particularité de cette décision unilatérale qui ressemble à s’y méprendre au contrat. Il en résulte une contradiction inévitable entre la présentation doctrinale de la décision conditionnelle et les données du droit positif. Pour la dénouer, il apparaît nécessaire de renouveler l’appareil théorique jusqu’alors mobilisé. En prenant appui sur les données pertinentes du droit positif, il a été possible de définir la condition comme une norme juridique à part entière, à la fois dépendante et distincte des autres dispositions de la décision, et dont la fonction se limite à moduler les effets dans le temps de la norme principale qu’elle prend pour objet. À travers ces éléments de définition, transparaît un régime juridique cohérent et unifié / Conditional decisions remain much overlooked in the legal scholarship on French administrative law. Wrongfully considered as the exclusive province of the specialist on unilateral administrative acts, conditional decisions have received the attention of public lawyers only in so far as they come to present a risk for the protection of aquired rights. This goes some way to explaining both the scarcity of doctrinal contributions to a definition of the concept of a conditional decision – autonomous from the paradigm of the obligations in French civil law –, and the difficulties encountered in trying to bring some clarity to the subject by attempting to determine precisely the boundaries of the notion. Nevertheless, recent turns taken by the administrative courts, and more recently by codifiers, do call for a clear and consistent definition. The case law has for long considered these legal acts as unilateral acts, thus subjecting conditional decisions to the corresponding legal principles. Despite this, the legal scholarship on the question has never managed to fully integrate conditional decisions in either branch of the main binary subdivision – contracts and unilateral acts –, ill-using both in order to stress the highly unusual character of the notion (for instance underlining the peculiar relevance of an analysis of this unilateral decision in contractual terms). This unusual object therefore forces us to reevaluate our traditional classifications, which otherwise systematically result in a severe inconsistency between substantive law and its doctrinal exposition. In order to do so, the theoretical tools and approaches used up to now must be renewed. This doctoral dissertation aims to reconcile the positive law and its doctrinal exposition, thus proposing a clear definition of the condition itself as a legal norm in its own right – both dependant on, and distinct from, the other provisions of the decision it is attached to – the function of which is to modulate the effects over time of the main decision. These proposed elements of definition come to reveal a unified and coherent legal status of the conditional decision in administrative law.

Essays in comovement of financial markets

Mathias, Charles 10 September 2012 (has links)
Comovement is ubiquitous in financial markets. The evolution of asset characteristics, such as price, volatility or liquidity, exhibits a high degree of correlation across assets---a phenomenon that in this thesis will generically be denoted with the term comovement. The origins of such comovement are legion. In their investment decisions, economic agents are not only influenced by their idiosyncrasies---a large part of investment motivations are shared over a population. Demographics or the political situation can generate constraints that are similar for a large number of people. A country's geography can greatly influence the sectors in which it is most productive, which implies that many people are sometimes subject to the same risk factors. Moreover, it is well known that mimesis is part of human psychology, and that people mimic their peers even when taking personal decisions. For these reasons, and many more, financial markets have a very systematic character, and studying the nature and intensity of such comovement is important from a risk management point of view. <p>This thesis studies comovement in financial markets under three dimensions. First, I consider comovement in equity liquidity. The liquidity of an asset is the ease with which that asset can be bought or sold. Liquidity can be measured in various ways and the first chapter concludes that market movements of two different liquidity measures have the same origin. Second, I study the impact correlation comovement on the price of stocks. The correlations between stock returns and the market return evolve through time and are correlated themselves. The effect of this correlation comovement on asset prices is however ambiguous and there is not enough evidence to depict a clear image. Finally, I develop a model to investigate contagion dynamics in the secondary market for European sovereign bonds over the past two years. More particularly, I study whether changes in the bond price of one specific country have an impact the next day on the average bond price in Europe. The study concludes of that bonds of France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy have been most contagious, whereas the much more volatile Greek bonds have had little impact on the other European countries. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Sovereign bonds: odious debts and state succession

Collette, Stephanie 27 April 2012 (has links)
Though sovereign debts are often viewed as risk-free assets, some extreme events may lead to the repudiation of these debts. A large literature has been devoted to the motivations of repayment and to the causes of default. The impact of wars, which may lead to the repudiation of sovereign debt, on sovereign bond prices has also been analyzed. However, the impact of other types of seldom occurring but dramatic events, which may lead to the repudiation of debts, on bond prices has been overlooked. My current research aims to analyze three of them: the repudiation of debts because of their alleged "odiousness", the introduction of common debt after a state's unification and the debt partition following the break-up of a country. Since the events under consideration don't happen frequently, the dissertation will rely on four historical examples: Cuba, Russia, Italy and Belgium. The time period considered is the 19th century. Based on a historical analysis and the set-up of an original database, this project determines the effects of these events on sovereign debt valorization, using an econometric approach.<p><p>The first part of the research estimates the risk premium required by investors to hold debts which could be denounced as odious. Bondholders could require a premium to compensate for the higher default risk due to the odious character of the debts. The paper quantifies the risk premium required by investors to hold debts which could be denounced as odious and it analyses the relation between the value of the government bond and extreme "odious debt" events. In order to identify if such a premium exists, I focus on a Cuban case study. Based on an original database of Cuban bonds, the paper reveals the existence of a risk premium of at least 200 basis points which penalises bonds issued by dictatorial regimes. The bond market "odious" shocks are provided by a Structural VAR analysis. In a second case study, my research analyses the Tsarist bonds of 1906 and the premium to hold despotic regime debt. The paper shows that the market required a premium despite the attempts made by the Russian government to present the loan as clean.<p><p>The second and third parts of my research look at the effects of state succession on the sovereign bonds market. They analyze respectively the two subsets of state succession: state unification and "country break-up". The second part of the dissertation provides an empirical study of sovereign debt integration and analyses the evolution of sovereign bond prices when several countries merge to become a "unified country" or when the probability of such an event exists. Based on an original database made of pre-unification and post-unification Italian bonds, the paper shows the impact of Italy's unification on the bonds. The analysis puts forward that prior to the unification in 1862, the bonds issued by the future parts of the kingdom reacted in an idiosyncratic way. Around the sovereign debt integration, the paper highlights a large risk increase for low-yield bonds. Using a break point analysis and a Dynamic Factor Model, the paper proves that until the late 1860's the financial market did not believe in Italy's Unification. The third part of my research analyzes the financial impact on state bonds of a country which faces a risk to break up. This paper provides an empirical analysis of the evolution of sovereign debt prices when a state breaks up, or when it faces such an event. Based on an original database of Dutch and Belgian bonds, this research shows the impact of Belgian independence in 1830 on the Belgium bonds. This article analyses two risk premiums which may affect the sovereign debt of a state: the first one is linked to the country break-up (or the probability that one may occur) and the second one is due to the instability experienced by the new country. This analysis puts forward a "country break-up" risk premium of 142 basis points. The role of the debt underwriter has also been highlighted in the case of Belgian independence. Financial markets required no "new country" risk premium for Belgian bonds which were underwritten by Rothschild, but the risk premium remained for the Belgian authorities. This was likely due to the role of Rothschild as underwriter whose reputation persuaded the market that the risk is low, but who charged a premium to the Belgian government for their services.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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