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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Juridical gyroscopic orientation of transnational business negotiations

Frazer, Linda 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Droit au procès équitable et autorité administrative / Right to a fair trial and administrative authorithy

Cornu, Julie 03 December 2014 (has links)
Principe trouvant une expression solennelle à l’article 6 C.E.D.H., le droit au procès équitable irradie aujourd’hui l’ensemble de notre droit interne. Dans un contexte de subjectivisation du droit, le droit administratif n’échappe pas à cette « irrésistible extension du contentieux du procès équitable » (Mme KOERING-JOULIN). Cette assertion trouve une manifestation éclatante quant aux pouvoirs de sanctions et de règlement des différends reconnus aux autorités administratives. La définition européenne du champ d’application du droit au procès équitable, suivie par la Cour de cassation et adaptée par le Conseil d’État, permet, en effet, à l'article 6 précité de faire florès en ce domaine. Ainsi, en l’état actuel de la jurisprudence administrative, le moyen tiré de la violation de cette stipulation peut utilement être invoqué à l’encontre des autorités administratives indépendantes, tant dans le cadre de leur activité répressive que contentieuse. Depuis maintenant huit ans, le respect de cette garantie s’impose à la procédure d’établissement des sanctions fiscales. A suivre cette ligne jurisprudentielle, l’extension du droit au procès équitable à l’ensemble des autorités administratives répressives voire contentieuses pourrait être la voie de l’avenir. Une telle évolution n’est toutefois pas sans soulever certaines questions. La processualisation croissante de la répression administrative, sous l’effet du droit au procès équitable, n’est-elle pas une contradiction en soi ? Ne va-t-elle pas à rebours de l’objectif initialement poursuivi par l’externalisation de la sanction ? Plus fondamentalement, l’assujettissement de l’administration aux garanties spécifiques à la procédure juridictionnelle ne participe-t-il pas au rétablissement d’une certaine confusion entre l’administration et la juridiction ? N'y a-t-il pas là renaissance, sous une forme évidemment nouvelle, de la figure que l'on croyait révolue de l'administrateur-juge ? / The right to a fair trial is enshrined in the article 6§1 of the European Convention on Human Rights and irradiates now all French law. In the context of the subjectivization of the law, administrative law is also subject to this "unstoppable rise of disputes in the name of the right to a fair trial" (Mrs. KOERING-JOULIN). This assertion is particularly true regarding the powers of sanction and the settlement of disputes granted to the administrative authorities. The European definition of the right to a fair trial applied by the Court of Cassation and adapted by the Council of State allows a wide application of this right. So, given the current state of the administrative case law, the right to a fair trial can be usefully claimed against independent administrative authorities as regard either their law enforcement activities or litigation practice. And the tax administration has also been compelled to respect this fundamental right for eight years now. In line with this settled jurisprudence, the extension of the right to a fair trial to all the administrative authorities may be the way of the future. But such an evolution raises a few questions. Isn't the increasing jurisdictionalization of the administration activities as a result of the right to a fair trial an inconsistency in itself? Doesn't it go against the primary goal of the outsourcing of the administrative penalties? More fundamentally, doesn't subjecting the administrative authorities to the specific principles of court procedures participate in reinstating some confusion between administration and jurisdiction? Isn’t it the rebirth, under a new form, of the administrator-judge we thought was long gone?

Droits applicables au contrat international : étude théorique et pratique du dépeçage / The applicable laws to international contracts : theoretical and practical study of voluntary contract splitting

Pellegrini, Cécile 27 September 2013 (has links)
Cette étude se livre à l’analyse de la faculté de "dépeçage" du contrat dont disposent les parties à un contrat international afin de le soumettre à différents systèmes de règles. Permise par le principe d’autonomie de la volonté, cette figure a été consacrée par la Convention de Rome, devenue règlement Rome I, qui constitue le droit international privé français et européen en matière contractuelle. L’intérêt de cette technique a ensuite été renouvelé par la Proposition de règlement Rome 1 dont la nouveauté réside dans l'admission de la combinaison non seulement entre différentes lois étatiques comme c'est le cas actuellement, mais également entre des lois étatiques avec des lois a-étatiques. A cet égard, les contours théorique du terme sont explorés. Le droit des contrats étant avant tout un droit pratique, cette étude se propose d’évaluer l'intérêt réel de la mesure envisagée pour les opérateurs du commerce international. L’intérêt de la démonstration repose notamment sur la méthodologie de recherche employée, la question du dépeçage du contrat étant étudiée tant sur un plan théorique que précisée sur le plan pratique. / This study aims at analyzing contractual “dépeçage” or “contractual splitting”. This ability allow the parties to an international contract to distribute it between different laws. The figure has been enshrined in the Rome Convention, that became the Rome I Regulation, which now constitutes the actual French and European private international law of contract. The advantage of this technique was then renewed by the Proposal for a Regulation Rome 1 whose novelty lies in the admission of the combination, not only between different state laws as it is currently the case, but also, between state laws and non-state laws. In this respect, the theoretical contours of the term are explored. And since contract law is primarily a practical law, this study aims to assess the real value of the measure for international operators. The interest of the demonstration is therefore based on the methodology of the research, the issue split the contract being discussed both on a theoretical level, as on a practical point of view.

L'"effet horizontal" de la convention européenne des droits de l'homme / The « horizontal effect » of the european convention on human rights

Duymaz, Erkan 17 June 2011 (has links)
L’effet horizontal implique l’application de la Convention EDH dans les relations interindividuelles. Justifiée par la théorie des obligations positives, cette construction jurisprudentielle permet la mise en jeu de la responsabilité internationale de l’État lorsque celui-ci ne prend pas les mesures nécessaires pour prévenir et réprimer les violations de la Convention commises par les personnes privées. La reconnaissance de l’effet horizontal par le juge européen a pour conséquence la prolifération des obligations substantielles et procédurales de l’État. La transposition de celles-ci dans l’ordre juridique interne astreint les autorités publiques, y compris les tribunaux, à intervenir dans les rapports privés. Nécessaire à l’effectivité des droits de l’homme, la diffusion de l’effet horizontal a pour contrepartie l’accroissement de l’intervention étatique dans la sphère privée et l’apparition des devoirs individuels fondés sur le respect des droits et libertés d’autrui. La Cour EDH, pionnière de l’ « horizontalisation », refuse d’en élaborer une théorie générale. Le défi est dès lors de délimiter l’extension des droits de l’homme aux relations interindividuelles afin que celle-ci ne devienne pas un facteur d’affaiblissement de la protection verticale des droits de l’homme. / The horizontal effect involves the application of the ECHR in interindividual relationships. Justified by the theory of positive obligations, this jurisprudential construction allows to establish the international responsibility of the State when it fails to take necessary measures to prevent and suppress violations of the Convention committed by private persons. Recognition of the horizontal effect by the European judge results in the proliferation of substantive and procedural obligations of the State. Transposing them into domestic law compels public authorities, including courts, to interfere in private relations. Necessary for the effectiveness of human rights, the diffusion of the horizontal effect generates, in return, an extension of State intervention in the private sphere and the emergence of individual duties based on the respect of the rights and freedoms of others. The European Court of Human Rights, pioneer of the « horizontalization », refuses to develop a general theory. The challenge is therefore to delimit the extension of human rights to relations between individuals so that it does not become a factor of weakening of the vertical protection of human rights.

Les limites contemporaines à la liberté de distribuer les crédits bancaires / The contemporary limits to the freedom of bank credits distribution

Benseghir, Chama 21 December 2017 (has links)
La dernière crise financière et les crises des dettes souveraines successives ont mis en lumière l'enjeu majeur de l’encadrement du marché de la distribution du crédit bancaire. Le principal questionnement aura porté sur la nécessité, sinon l’opportunité, de sacrifier « un peu de liberté » pour un « peu de sécurité » dans le processus de distribution du crédit. À ce titre, deux voies ont fondamentalement cohabité dans la mise en place de limites à la une liberté totale. D’une part, les législateurs et organes réglementaires ont entrepris, du niveau interne au niveau international, en passant par l’incontournable niveau communautaire, d’encadrer les caractéristiques intrinsèques des acteurs du marché du crédit et leur environnement juridique. Cet encadrement a été impulsé par des instances internationales, plus promptes à réagir en cas de crise, mais a été progressivement adapté et intégré dans le droit positif. Cette intégration a justement eu pour effet premier de lui conférer un caractère normatif. Ainsi les dispositions normatives, légales ou réglementaires sont devenues un instrument majeur afin de cantonner les risques individuels et de prévenir le risque systémique. À ce titre, la norme, au sens extensif, est intervenue chaque fois qu’un risque était avéré, ou qu’il était soupçonné. L’écueil presque naturel a été une inflation quasi-exponentielle des normes et une juxtaposition des niveaux de normativité. La prise de conscience de cette situation a mené à faire cohabiter le « droit dur », contraignant et rigide, avec un droit plus souple et plus pragmatique. Dès lors, le droit positif a vu apparaître des obligations dites « professionnelles » qui viennent régir non pas la personne des dispensateurs de crédit, mais bien leur comportement lorsqu’ils établissement une relation contractuelle de crédit. Les obligations professionnelles ne visent pas à répondre à la même finalité que la norme au sens propre, elles ont une vocation d’indication, d’information afin d’établir des standards modulables, pragmatiques et flexible pour les contrats de crédit. Le contrat de crédit se complexifie, ce qui impose l’intervention d’un droit flexible, facilement adaptable, et dont la motivation première n’est pas la contrainte ou la sanction, mais l’accompagnement dans la vie du contrat. L’obligation professionnelle est à envisager comme une « norme de comportement ». Ainsi cette étude tente-t-elle de démontrer comment la dualité d’intervention entre norme prudentielle et obligation professionnelle permet sans aucun doute de préserver l’intégrité du marché de la distribution de crédit mais qu’elle risque également dans certaines situations de remettre en cause ses principes de fonctionnement. / The latest financial crisis and successive sovereign debt crises have highlighted the major challenge of framing the market for the distribution of bank credit. The main question was whether or not it would be appropriate to give up on a bit of freedom for more security in the credit distribution process. In this respect, two paths have basically cohabited in the establishment of limits to total freedom. On the one hand, legislators and regulatory bodies have undertaken, from the internal level to the international level, and also the Community level, to frame the intrinsic characteristics of the players in the credit market and their legal environment. This framework has been driven by international bodies, which are quicker to react in the event of a crisis, but has gradually been adapted and integrated into positive law. This integration has had the primary effect of giving it a normative character. Thus, normative, legal or regulatory provisions have become a major instrument to limit individual risks and prevent systemic risk. As such, the standard, in the broad sense of the term, has been applied whenever a risk has been proven or suspected. The almost natural pitfall has been a near-exponential inflation of standards and a juxtaposition of levels of normativity. Awareness of this situation has led to the coexistence of "hard law", which is both binding and rigid, with a more flexible and pragmatic law. As a result, positive law has seen the emergence of so-called "professional" obligations which govern not the person of the credit grantors, but their behaviour when they establish a contractual credit relationship. The almost natural pitfall has been a near-exponential inflation of norms and a juxtaposition of levels of normativity. The awareness of this situation has led to the coexistence of hard law, binding and rigid, with a more flexible and pragmatic law. Therefore, the positive law has seen the appearance of so-called "professional" obligations, which govern not the person of the credit providers, but their behavior when establishing a contractual credit relationship. Professional obligations are not intended to fulfill the same purpose as the norm in the literal sense, they are intended to provide guidance and information in order to establish flexible, pragmatic and flexible standards for credit agreements. The credit agreement is becoming more complex, requiring the intervention of a flexible and easily adaptable right, the primary motivation of which is not coercion or punishment, but support in the life of the contract. The professional obligation is to be seen as a "standard of behaviour".Thus, this study attempts to demonstrate how the duality of intervention between prudential standard and professional obligation undoubtedly preserves the integrity of the credit distribution market, but that this duality also risks, in certain situations, to call into question its operating principles.

Les obligations alimentaires à caractère international / The maintenance obligations in private international law

Widiez Rasolonomenjanahary, Gaëlle 23 October 2019 (has links)
Les règles de droit international privé applicables aux obligations alimentaires présentent trois caractéristiques principales. Primo, elles sont de source principalement internationale. Outre quelques règles de droit commun subsistantes, elles proviennent de six conventions de La Haye, d’un règlement européen, d’une convention adoptée sous l’égide des Nations-Unies et de conventions bilatérales et multilatérales. Secundo, elles s’insèrent au sein du mouvement contemporain de spécialisation de la discipline, ce qui implique un démantèlement des grandes catégories juridiques composant le statut personnel. Tertio, au carrefour de plusieurs intérêts, elles sont d’une particulière complexité. L’étude des obligations alimentaires à caractère international nous permet alors dedresser un bilan critique du droit international privé contemporain de la famille produit de manière désorganisée par la Conférence de La Haye et l’Union européenne. Bien évidemment, l’internationalisation des sources a permis des avancées certaines des méthodes du droit international privé. Parallèlement, elle a profondémentmétamorphosé la discipline en l’orientant vers la satisfaction d’intérêts politiques propres aux producteurs de normes au détriment de ses objectifs traditionnels. Prenant acte de ces observations, nous proposons un renouvellement du mode de production normative. L’amélioration des règles critiquables passe forcément par une réorganisation des rôles de l’État, de l’Union européenne et de la Conférence de La Haye dans l’élaboration du droit international privé. / The rules of Private International Law which could be applied to the maintenance obligations have three main characteristics. First of all, they are mainly from an International source. Some of the rules of International Law come from six Hague Conventions, an European regulation, a convention adopted under the United Nations’auspices, bilateral and multilateral conventions. Secondly, they take part in the discipline specialization through the contemporary movement which conclude the abolition of the main legal categories making up the personal status. Thirdly, they have a particular complexity being at the crossroad of several interests. The study of the maintenance obligations at an international scale allows us to critically asses the contemporary private international family law produced in the disorganized manner by the Hague Conference and the European Union. To be clarify it more, the internationalization of its sources allowed clear advance in the private international law methods. At the same time, it has changed the discipline fundamentally by focusing on the satisfaction of the norm setters’ political interests at the expense of its traditional goal. Taking note of these observations, we propose a renewal of the norms’ production method. Indeed, the questionable rules necessarily improve through the reorganization of the roles of the state, the European Union and the Hague Conference in the development of the private international law.

The accession of Ethiopia to the WTO in the context of its policy on "developmental state"

Ermias Abede Addis 09 1900 (has links)
Unlike many other international instruments, accession to the WTO does not simply require the commitment of the government to sign and ratify the multilateral agreements. A country needs to make considerable legislative and administrative changes to comply with the standards of the WTO and its members to finalize the negotiation for accession. For governments with impure free market economy policy the challenges amplify. The government of Ethiopia publicly pronounces its adherence to the ideology of the developmental state. On the other hand the nucleus of WTO principles is progressive trade liberalization. Therefore, this dissertation tries to provide some reflection on the paradox created as a result of the divergence in priority between WTO principles and developmental state in the context of Ethiopian desire to join the organization. The research is an interdisciplinary work. The issues that will be discussed are not purely legal in their nature. They have legal, political and economic dimensions. And the main focus of the paper is on trade in services and foreign investment negotiation aspect of the accession. Furthermore the objective of the dissertation is to give some insight for policy makers about the challenges and opportunities that „Developmental State‟ ideology will pose in the accession process of Ethiopia to the WTO. The research is divided into five chapters. Chapter one gives introductory remarks about the concept of the developmental state and accession to the WTO. The limitations of the WTO accession process and an overview of the features of developmental state in the world and particularly in Ethiopia are also briefly discussed in the chapter. The origin and concept of developmental state in the world, in Africa and Ethiopia is discussed in some detail under chapter two. The chapter also tries to show the impact of developmental state policies in the laws of the country that are going to be deliberated in the process of accession. Chapter three is about accession to the WTO. In this chapter the requirements, benefits, challenges and procedures of accession are dealt in depth. The writer debates and tries to show the fact that the system is slowly shifting from rule based negotiation to power and precedent based negotiation. By analyzing the laws of Ethiopia that are inspired by the principles of developmental state against the legal and precedent requirements to join the WTO, I tried to correlate the findings of chapter two and three in chapter four. Specific strategies and advises on how to move the negotiation forward on certain areas are also outlined in this chapter. Finally, conclusion and my summarized recommendations are placed under chapter five. / Economics / LL.M (with specialization in International Economic Law)

Civilinės atsakomybės draudimo sutarčių ypatumai ir jų įgyvendinimo problemos / Civil Liability Insurance Contract Features and Implementation Issues

Vegys, Šarūnas 07 February 2011 (has links)
Civilinės atsakomybės draudimo sutarčių institutas yra sąlyginai nauja sritis civiliniuose teisiniuose santykiuose. Kai kurie tokių sutarčių probleminiai aspektai išryškėja tik taikant konkrečias sutartis praktikoje, todėl šalyse kaip Lietuva, kur draudimo teisės tradicijos nėra labai gilios, šio instituto ypatumai ir įgyvendinimo problemos yra ganėtinai aktualūs. Nors CAD sutarties samprata atskleista pakankamai išsamiai, teisės mokslininkai iki šiol vieningai nesutaria dėl šios rūšies draudimo sutarčių prigimties, draudiminiams įvykiams taikomų kriterijų bei pačių santykio dalyvių teisių ir pareigų apimties pagal CAD sutartį. Nesant išsamaus teisinio reglamentavimo teismams tenka vadovautis bendraisiais civilinės teisės principais, o tokia praktika, nors ir pasiekusi aukščiausios instancijos teismus, neišvengia subjektyvaus atskirų situacijų vertinimo. CAD sutarties aiškinimas teismuose, kai silpnesnioji sandorio šalis, sudariusi sutartį prisijungimo būdu, yra neadekvačiai griežtai saugoma nuo ekonomiškai stipresnės šalies įtakos, neatsižvelgiant į CAD sutarties sąlygas, galų gale atsisuka prieš pačią silpnesniąją šalį. Siekiant išvengti tokios praktikos bei įtvirtinti kokybiškai vertingą CAD sutarčių taikymą, būtina atsižvelgti į šio instituto specifinį draudimo objektą – draudėjo interesą apsidrausti nuo galimos rizikos, susijusios su prievolės trečiajam asmeniui įvykdymu ir iš to kilusių pasekmių. Tik įvertinus CAD sutarčių ypatumus galima pasiekti sąžiningą ir teisinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Civil liability insurance contracts institute is a relatively new field of civil legal relations. Some of the problematic aspects of such contracts are revealed only under practice, and so in countries such as Lithuania, where tradition of insurance law is not very intense, the institute features and implementation issues are quite relevant. Although the concept of CAD contract disclosed in sufficient detail, law scientists still do not agree unanimously on the nature of insurance contracts, criteria applicable to the occurrences and the amount of rights of the participants under the CAD contract. In the absence of a comprehensive legal framework, courts have to follow general principles of civil law and even the supreme instance courts cannot avoid the subjective evaluation of individual situations. CAD contract interpretation in courts, where a weaker party of the contract is inadequately strictly protected from economically stronger party influence regardless to the terms of the contract, will eventually turn against the weaker party itself. In order to avoid such practice and establish valuably qualified application of CAD contracts, must take into account the specifics of the object of institute - policyholders interest to insure the risks associated with obligations to a third party and the performance of the resulting consequences. Only when the features of the CAD contracts are evaluated we are able to achieve a fair and on the base of the legal state established... [to full text]

Filial piety obligations and the lived experience of Korean female caregivers of aging parents-in-law in Canada

Do, Eun Kyeong 18 January 2017 (has links)
This study examined, through a narrative phenomenological framework, the experiences of Korean female caregivers in Canada, and the ways in which filial piety obligations affected their quality of life. The existing literature is scarce on information about caregiving by Korean females in both North America and Canada. Further, caregiving issues regarding caregiving stress have mostly investigated the medical aspects. It was crucial, therefore, to investigate and understand the social aspects of the caregiving experience. Korean daughters-in-law (DILs), who lived with their aging parents-in-law (PILs) in environments profoundly rooted in Confucian values, experienced conflicts with their parents/mothers-in-law. A number of caregiving hardships were identified and categorized according to the following two themes: cultural obligations and direct caregiving practices. Some DILs’ caregiving hardships were heavier when they moved to Canada and adopted a new culture. The findings of this study show that the caregiving practices of these Korean female caregivers in Canada are changing as the DILs have been influenced by their new environment, but the findings also demonstrate that the DILs are still strongly affected by the traditional cultural values in which they were raised. This study investigated their attitudes and behaviours of these women in their caregiving roles by employing a qualitative research design. As little research has been done on immigrant women’s caregiving experience, this study provides an important contribution by examining the lived experience of immigrant women as it is affected by the traditional cultural value of filial piety. / February 2017

L'interdiction de la discrimination au travail et les obligations du syndicat en matière de représentation

Michaud-Jalbert, Dominique January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

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