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L'interdiction de la discrimination au travail et les obligations du syndicat en matière de représentationMichaud-Jalbert, Dominique January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Är prostitution en kränkning av mänskliga rättigheter? : Eller finns "den lyckliga horan"?Nilsson, Ulrika January 2014 (has links)
Att människohandel för sexuell exploatering utgör ett brott mot mänskliga rättigheter står klart. Människohandel kränker flertalet av individens rättigheter och staters skyldigheter gentemot dessa individer finns således stadgade i flertalet internationella konventioner. Palermoprotokollet stadgar den första internationellt gemensamma definitionen av människohandel och stadgar vidare ett krav på att definitionen utgör ett brott i konventionsstaternas nationella lagstiftning. Om prostitution anses kränka individers rättigheter och föranleder krav på rättslig reglering är däremot omtvistat, detta trots de likheter som finns. Med utgångspunkt i mänskliga rättigheter syftar uppsatsen, med hjälp av genus- och rättssociologisk teori och metod, att undersöka om prostitution torde omfattas av dessa samt om, och i så fall, vilka positiva skyldigheter stater enligt folkrätten har gentemot personer som befinner sig i prostitution. Detta för att utreda huruvida det är möjligt att kräva att stater kriminaliserar sexköp, antingen för att uppfylla de konventioner som kräver ett förebyggande arbete mot människohandel för sexuell exploatering men även för att leva upp till de åtaganden stater åtagit sig för att motverka den könsojämställdhet, könsdiskriminering och våld som prostitution bevisligen kan innebära. Det finns en tydlig korrelation mellan prostitution och människohandel för sexuell exploatering. Forskning visar att omfattningen av människohandel är högre i stater med legaliserad prostitution samtidigt som både prostitutionen och människohandeln minskat i Sverige sedan sexköpslagen trädde i kraft. Prostitution kan anses uppfylla många delar av det som utgör människohandelsbrottet enligt Palermoprotokollets definition och torde således generellt sett kunna vara en form av människohandel. Således, med hänvisning till krav på förebyggande åtgärder mot människohandel, så torde det kunna krävas att stater kriminaliserar sexköp, inte minst då det bevisligen kan vara ett effektivt sätt att motverka den efterfrågan vilken upprätthåller både prostitution och människohandel för sexuell exploatering. / Whether trafficking for sexual exploitation constitutes a violation of human right is indisputable. Human trafficking violates several individual rights and states' obligations towards victims of trafficking are thus stated in various international conventions. The Palermo Protocol constitutes the first international joint definition of human trafficking and the statute further requires that the definition constitutes a criminal offence in the convention states' national legislation. Whether prostitution is considered a violation of human rights and therefore induce a legal obligations of states is however disputed. Based on human rights, with a gender -and sociological theory of law this study aims to examine whether prostitution also should benefit from these rights and if so, determine the obligations of states under international law towards people in prostitution. Further to investigate whether it is possible to require states to criminalize the purchase of sexual services, either to comply with international conventions that urges prevention of human trafficking for sexual exploitation but also to live up to commitments to discourage the gender inequality, discrimination and violence often included in prostitution. There is a correlation between prostitution and human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Research shows that the scope of human trafficking is higher in states with legalized prostitution, while both prostitution and trafficking for sexual exploitation decreased in Sweden since the Sex Purchase Act came into force 1999. Prostitution is often considered to satisfy several elements of what constitutes trafficking under the Palermo Protocol's definition and could therefore generally be considered a form of human trafficking. Thus, by referring to the many requirements of preventive measures against trafficking it could therefore be argued that states should criminalize purchase of sexual services, as it is proven an effective way to counter the demand that maintains both prostitution and human trafficking for sexual exploitation.
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銀行法背信罪之研究 / The research of the crime of trust breaching under the Banking Act唐士淵, Tang, Shih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
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Zásada flexijistoty v právní úpravě přechodu práv a povinností z pracovněprávních vztahů / Principle of flexicurity in legal regulation of transfer of rightsand obligations from the employment-law relationsJouzová, Lada January 2018 (has links)
1 Principle of flexicurity in legal regulation of transfer of rights and obligations from the employment-law relations Abstract In her PhD thesis, the author deals with the legal regulation of transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment-law relations in the Czech Republic, in the context of the European union law, from the point of view of the concept of flexicurity in the employment-law relations. This concept includes, on the one hand, elements of flexibility in the realization of employment-law relations, and, on the other hand, security (protection) of employees in these relations which is manifested in particular by the transfer of rights and obligations from their employment-law relations to the new employer itself. At present, when changes in the employers' organizational structure, transfers of activities or tasks, mergers, the purchase of a business or a business lease, but also so called outsourcing, insourcing, and change of suppliers are becoming more and more common in companies, the issue of change of the employer, and consequently, safeguarding and protection of the rights of employees, in particular safeguarding of their employment-law relations, is becoming more up to date. Protection of employees' rights during the transfers of undertakings and businesses is one of the...
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Investissement socialement responsable et sélection de portefeuille / Socially Responsible Investment and Portfolio SelectionDrut, Bastien 05 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s’attèle à déterminer les conséquences théoriques et empiriques de la considération d’indicateurs socialement responsables dans la sélection de portefeuille traditionnelle. Le premier chapitre étudie la significativité de la perte d’efficience moyenne-variance d’un portefeuille d’obligations souveraines lorsque l’on introduit une contrainte sur la notation socialement responsable moyenne des Etats. En utilisant un échantillon d’obligations d’Etats développés sur la période 1995-2008, nous montrons qu’il est possible d’augmenter sensiblement la notation socialement responsable moyenne sans perdre significativement en termes de diversification. Le second chapitre propose une analyse théorique de l’effet sur la frontière efficiente d’une contrainte sur la notation socialement responsable du portefeuille. Nous mettons en évidence les différents cas de figure pouvant se produire en fonction de la corrélation entre les rendements attendus et les notations socialement responsables et de l’aversion au risque de l’investisseur. Enfin, puisque la question de l’efficience des portefeuilles investis en fonction de critères socialement responsables fait débat dans la littérature financière, un dernier chapitre propose un nouveau test d’efficience moyenne-variance dans le cas réaliste où aucun actif sans risque n’est disponible. / This thesis aims at determining the theoretical and empirical consequences of the consideration of socially responsible indicators in the traditional portfolio selection. The first chapter studies the significance of the mean-variance efficiency loss of a sovereign bond portfolio when introducing a constraint on the average socially responsible ratings of the governments. By using a sample of developed sovereign bonds on the period 1995-2008, we show that it is possible to increase sensibly the average socially responsible rating without significantly losing in terms of diversification. The second chapter proposes a theoretical analysis of the impact on the efficient frontier of a constraint on the socially responsible ratings of the portfolio. We highlight that different cases may arise depending on the correlation between the expected returns and the socially responsible ratings and on the investor’s risk aversion. Lastly, as the issue of the efficiency of socially responsible portfolios is a central point in the financial literature, the last chapter proposes a new mean-variance efficiency test in the realistic case where there is no available risk-free asset.
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A degradação do propósito da cláusula penal nos contratos paritários : estudo histórico-comparativoViero, Angela Cristina January 2015 (has links)
Questa tesi si propone di dimostrare, tramite il metodo storico-comparativo, la degradazione delia clausola penale quale strumento di rafforzamento delie obbligazioni contrattuali neli 'ambito dei contratti paritari. Ancestral e de lia clausola penal e, la stipulatio poenae dei diritto romano aveva il proposito fondamentale di rafforzare l'adempimento di una obbligazione. Nei corso dei tempo perô tale scopo e stato relativizzato, come si deduce dalia comparazione tra il sistema di common law- che vieta la clausola penal e - e quello di tradizione civilistica - che I' ammette. Attualmente, nei paesi della cosiddetta famiglia di diritto romano-germanico i1 cambiamento di paradigma dalio Stato Liberale alio Stato Sociale ha prodotto varie conseguenze in materia di Diritto Privato, tra le quali il superamento deli 'intangibilità delie convenzioni private. AI giudice viene attribuito il potere-dovere di restaurare, in base ali' equità, I' equilíbrio economico dei contratto e di conformado ai principi di buona fede e della funzione sociale. Con questa visione e che l'intervento giudiziale opera nel c&upo delle pene convenzionali per ridurre la penale manifestamente eccessiva ri guardo ali' obbligazione da quella rafforzata. Emerge anche dali e regole dei Codici Civili italiano e brasiliano che se il danno da inadempimento o da adempimento inesatto dell 'obbligazione supera 1 'ammontare stabilito nelia clausoia penal e, il creditore potrà esigere il risarcimento dei danno eccedente soltanto in presenza di un' espresso patto in questo senso. Evidenziasi, dunque, la degradazione della finalità di rafforzamento propria delia clausoia penale e, inoltre, ii trattamento disuguale alie parti contraenti uguali. Innanzitutto perche non esiste previsione normativa che consenta 1 'aumento della clausoia penal e irrisoria; poi, in virtu de lia possibilità che la clausola penaie operi come clausola di limitazione dei dovere di risarcimento. Nelia comice delie suddette discipline italiana e brasiliana, l'intervento giudiziaie nei domini de li' autonomia privata e ammesso unicamente in beneficio dei debitore, in contrasto con il regime deli'istituto in Francia e in Germania. / Esta tese se propõe a demonstrar, através do método histórico-comparativo, a degradação da cláusula penal enquanto instrumento de reforço das obrigações contratuais, no âmbito dos contratos paritários. Ancestral da cláusula penal, a stipulatio poenae do direito romano tinha por propósito fundamental reforçar o adimplemento de uma obrigação. Com o decurso do tempo, porém, tal escopo foi relativizado, como se depreende da comparação entre os sistemas de common law- que veda a cláusula penal- e de tradição civilista- que a admite. Atualmente, nos países da denominada família romano-germânica, a mudança de paradigma do Estado Liberal para o Estado Social produziu diversas consequências no Direito Privado, entre elas a superação da intangibilidade das convenções privadas. Ao juiz é atribuído o poder-dever de restaurar, com base em equidade, o equilíbrio econômico do contrato e conformá-lo aos princípios da boa-fé e da função social. Com esta visão é que a intervenção judicial tem operado no campo das penas convencionais para reduzir o montante da pena manifestamente excessiva em relação à obrigação por ela reforçada. Verifica-se também, a teor de regras dos Códigos Civis italiano e brasileiro, que se o prejuízo causado pelo inadimplemento ou adimplemento inexato da obrigação superar o valor estipulado na cláusula penal, o credor só poderá exigir indenização pelo dano excedente se houver pacto expresso neste sentido. Evidencia-se, portanto, a degradação da finalidade de reforço ínsita à cláusula penal e o tratamento desigual para partes contratantes iguais. Primeiro porque não há previsão de aumento da cláusula penal irrisória; e, segundo, em virtude da possibilidade de a cláusula penal operar como cláusula de limitação do dever de indenizar. Nos moldes das referidas disciplinas italiana e brasileira a intervenção judicial nos domínios da autonomia privada é admitida somente em benefício do devedor, contrastando com o regime do instituto na França e na Alemanha. / The present thesis aims to demonstrate, through the historical-comparative method, the degradation of penalty ciauses as an instrument to reinforce contractual obligations, in the field of paritary contracts. Ancestor to the penalty clause, the roman's law stipulatio poenae had the fundamental purpose ofreinforcing the execution of an obligation. Notwhitstanding as time gone by this scope has been relativisided, as one can deduce through comparison o f the systems of common law - wich forbid penalty clause- and those o f civilian tradition- that enables it. Presently, in the extent of the countries of the so called romanistic-germanic family, the change of the liberal State paradigm to the social State has produced several consequences in the Private Law, among them the superation of intangibility of the private conventions. To the judge is ensured the power-duty of restauring, based on equity, the contract economic balance and shape it to the principies of objective good faith and social function. Such approach has been guiding the judicial intervention in the field of conventional penalties in order to reduce the amount of the penalty unreasonable excessive refering the reinforced obligation. Also is observed trhough the rules of the italian and brazilian Civil Codes that if the damage caused by non-execution or inexact execution of the obligation comes to superate the amount stipulated on the penalty clause, the creditor will be authorized only to demand the indemnity for the excessive damage in case o f existing express agreement in this sense. It is evident therefore, the degradation of the inferred reinforcing purpose of penalty clauses and also the unequal treatment for equal contracting parts. Firstly, because there is not a legal forecast to increase a penalty clause o f insignificant amount; and, secondly, due the possibility o f the penalty clause acts as a limitation clause o f indemnity obligation. As the models of referred italian and brazilian disciplines are concemed, the judicial intervention in the domain o f the private autonomy is only allowed in benefit of the debtor, contrasting to the regime ofthis instituí in France and Germany.
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La notion de procès équitable selon la Cour interaméricaine des droits de l'Homme au regard de la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne et du Comité des droits de l'Homme des Nations Unies : vers une spécificité latino-américaine / Rights under the light of the jurisprudence of the European Court and the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations : toward a Latin American specificityDe Melo e Silva, Fabia 17 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude a voulu saisir la dynamique interprétative de la Cour interaméricaine qui permet de construire la notion interaméricaine de procès équitable, en prenant en compte la «perméabilité» de cet organe juridictionnel vis-à-vis de la production jurisprudentielle de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme et du Comité des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies sur ce sujet. Cette «perméabilité» correspond à un mouvement d'inspiration de la Cour de San José de la jurisprudence des deux organes précités, aussi bien que des éléments normatifs issus d'autres espaces normatifs qui sont ressortis de la recherche. Le fondement de la légitimité d'une telle démarche se retrouve dans la Charte des Nations Unies, plus précisément, dans les articles 55, c et 56. Si dans le développement des garanties matérielles du procès équitable (institutionnelles et procédurales), un mouvement d'inspiration accentué a été perçu, pour ce qui est des garanties instrumentales (garanties d'accès à la justice et garanties d'effectivité de la justice), leur développement a été marqué par un mouvement d'affranchissement de la Cour qui a fait ressortir une spécificité interaméricaine. Ces mouvements, d'inspiration ou d'affranchissement peuvent adopter de multiples «visages». En plus de ces mouvements, nous avons perçu une circularité de normes entre les trois systèmes et là où aucun mouvement n'a été expressément perçu, mais où une compatibilité jurisprudentielle a été délectée, nous appelons d'alignement jurisprudentiel. Le mouvement de circularité de normes entre les systèmes renforce l'existence d'un ensemble minimal de garanties du procès équitable à respecter par les états. / This study aimed to understand the interpretative dynamics of the Inter-American Court in the construction of the Inter-American notion of due process, taking into account the “permeability" of this judicial body vis-à-vis the jurisprudential production of the European Court of Human Rights and the Committee of Human Rights of the United Nations in this regard. This “permeability" corresponds to a movement inspired by the Court of San Jose on the jurisprudence of the Iwo abovementioned organs, as well as on normative elements from other normative spaces that emerged from this research. The basis of the legitimacy of such an approach is found in the Charter of the United Nations more specifically in Articles 55, c and 56. If in the development of the material guarantees of due process (institutional and procedural), an accentuated movement of inspiration was seen regarding the instrumental guarantees (guarantees of access to justice and effective justice guarantees), their development has been marked by a movement of emancipation of the Court who does transpire inter-American specificity. These movements of inspiration and empowerment can adopt multiple "faces". In addition to these movements, it was observed a circulation of rules among the three systems and where no movement was explicitly seen, but a jurisprudential compatibility has been found, we call alignment jurisprudential. The movement of circulation of rules among systems reinforces the existence of a minimum set of guarantees of due process to be observed by countries.
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[pt] O Direito Internacional Privado, tendo como eixo axiológico o homem, é um dos mais importantes instrumentos da ciência jurídica no reconhecimento e preservação da dignidade e dos direitos humanos. Em se tratando de família, essa propriedade vem sendo notada no decorrer de sua história, fornecendo ao homem
a oportunidade de ter sua dignidade respeitada das mais diversas formas. A uniformização e a codificação do Direito Internacional Privado, através da composição de grandes ambientes de debates e negociação, como a Convenção Permanente da Haia, possibilitam o respeito às diferenças culturais e sociais. Consequentemente, no momento da construção da melhor lei a ser aplicada ou até mesmo da lei material adotada pela Convenção, constrói-se um conjunto normativo sólido e legítimo que fornece ao indivíduo sua promoção. / [en] The Private international law, having as the axiological axis the man, is one of the most important tools of legal science in the recognition and preservation of dignity and human rights. When it comes to family, this property has been recognized in the course of its history, giving the man the opportunity to have their dignity respected in many different ways. The standardization and codification of Private International Law, through the composition of large spaces of debate and negotiation, as the Permanent Convention Hague, allow respect for cultural and social differences. Consequently, during the construction of the best law to be applied or even the substantive law adopted by the Convention, it s built a solid and legitimate set of rules that provides promotion to the individual.
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Regime geral da responsabilidade ambiental e disciplian na Lei n. 9.605/98Gomes, Alexandre Gir [UNESP] 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
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gomes_ag_me_fran.pdf: 660119 bytes, checksum: ff0ba988cb6d4b0410f985f5377bfe6d (MD5) / O estudo busca apresentar o regime geral da responsabilidade ambiental, destacando as três diferentes espécies de responsabilidades derivadas de condutas ou atividades lesivas ao meio ambiente (civil, administrativa e penal), conforme a previsão do art. 225, §3º, da Constituição Federal, e defendendo, em especial, o acolhimento, no direito pátrio, do novel instituto da responsabilidade penal da pessoa jurídica. Delineando o direito constitucional ambiental, com ênfase aos seus princípios e garantias, o estudo demonstra a ênfase dada à proteção do meio ambiente pelo ordenamento, destacando-se sua condição de bem jurídico relevante, constitucionalmente protegido. São demonstrados, também, os critérios gerais de diferenciação dos conceitos jurídicos de obrigação, de responsabilidade e de dano, com a devida referência ao direito ambiental, passando-se, então, ao cerne do estudo, com a análise do regime geral da responsabilidade ambiental (civil, administrativa e penal) gerada pela prática de condutas ou atividades lesivas ao meio ambiente. É analisada, ainda, a Lei n. 9.605/98, que prevê e disciplina a responsabilidade ambiental em nível infraconstitucional, concluindo-se, então, pela necessidade de efetivação da ampla proteção já outorgada pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro ao meio ambiente, propugnando-se pelo respeito ao direito posto e pela superação das controvérsias doutrinárias que geram insegurança e incerteza. / This study aims to present general regime of the environmental responsibility derivative of harmful conducts or activities to the environment, dividing it in three most relevant aspects (civil, penal, administrative), according to the prevision of the Federal Constitution, art. 225, §3rd, focusing especially on the acceptance, in the Brazilian law, of the penal liability of the legal entity. It outlines the environmental constitutional law, with emphasis on its principles and guarantees, highlighting, evidently, the election done by the constituent in relation to the environment, leading it to the condition of a relevant constitutionally protected judicial asset. The study also shows general criteria to the differentiation of judicial concepts of obligation, responsibility and harm, also taking them to the environmental law. The crucial part of this work is then reached, with the analysis of the general regimes of the civil, penal and administrative responsibilities yielded by the practice of harmful conducts or activities to the environment. It analyzes, too, the act n. 9.605/98, which disciplines the environmental responsibility in a infra-constitutional level, coming to the conclusion of the need of effectiveness of the wide protection already granted by the Brazilian law to the environment, standing up for the respect to the law in effect and for the overcoming of the doctrinal controversies which generate judicial insecurity and uncertainty.
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Vnímání zdravotních pojišťoven v Jihočeském kraji / Perception of health insurance companies in the South Bohemian RegionHYKOVÁ, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
In my thesis, I deal with the issue of perception of health insurance companies in the South Bohemian Region. That is, how South Bohemian citizens perceive health insurance companies and whether they are satisfied with the services that health insurance companies provide. In the theoretical part, I present basic information about public health insurance system in the Czech Republic. I mention the history of health insurance evolution, its systems, and principles of its operation. I also deal with legislature which is the cornerstone of this system. Most of the laws were passed in the 1990?s when the Czech Republic began to develop the current version of health insurance. Since its inception, these laws have been amended several times. Public health insurance system in our country is based on the Bismarck model, which is based on the existence of multiple health insurance companies and contractual relationships between health insurance companies and health care facilities. Furthermore, the theoretical part refers about health insurance companies as such, whose activities are governed by Act No. 551/1991 Coll., on the General Health Insurance Company, and Act No. 280/1992 Coll., on departmental, professional, occupational and other health insurance companies. The practical part describes the results of my research focused on the aforementioned issue of perception of health insurance companies in the South Bohemian Region. The results have been obtained through quantitative analysis. The method of questioning, the technique of questionnaires, was used. In this research, two of three assumed hypotheses have been confirmed. The research shows that health insurance clients in the South Bohemian Region are satisfied with local and time availability of their health insurance company subsidiaries. Furthermore, the research carried out shows that citizens respect the opinion of their general practitioners on the selection of their health insurance company. In contrast, what good (preventive) programs health insurance companies offer is not crucial for citizens when selecting a health insurance company. The knowledge gained can form the basis for further research, but it can also serve to health insurance companies themselves to improve their services. The issue of health care and health insurance companies is still a topic of current concern, both in the political field and for the general public.
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