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Skydd för alla eller friheten att avstå vaccination? : En analys av artikel 12 i konventionen om de ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella rättigheterna i förhållande till rättvisa, moral, skyldigheter och vaccinationstvång / Protection for all or the freedom to refrain from vaccination? : An analysis of Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in relation to justice, morality, obligation and compulsory vaccinationHermansson, Isabel January 2021 (has links)
This study analyzes article 12 of the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights. The “right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health”.This article is analyzed in the context of herd immunity and mandatory vaccination. The analysis has been conducted through critical discourse analysis and analyzed through the terms of fairness, morality and obligations in former research at issue.The aim of this paper is to shed light on the flaws of article 12 which fails in its purpose to protect every human being, especially the most vulnerable. This may happen when individuals are allowed to act according to their own personal interests in ways that can negatively affect the public health especially for those who cannot be vaccinated.It is established by law that no one can be forced to get vaccinated. This paper analyzes if there are other incentives to motivate people to get vaccinated to protect others.Through a fairness perspective, it is argued that the individual should get vaccinated to protect others. This can help to protect those individuals who cannot get vaccinated. Those who have the capacity have a duty to do more. The effort of getting vaccinated is minimal and the resulting herd immunity means that even those who are not vaccinated are protected from infection. There are several studies that proves that individuals are more inclined to contribute to the common good if it is done with fairness and equality.Morality as a concept lacks a common or universal definition. Therefore, morality cannot be used as a reason or a motive.The “right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health” is protected by article 12. This paper argues that those who cannot get immunized through vaccination are not included in this protection. The same article also protects the individual’s right to make their own decision regarding their immunity. The decision of abstaining vaccination when otherwise able to get immunized can mean life or death for those that do not have the option to get vaccinated. The consequence of individual decision-making becomes unclear. The state, as the party responsible to uphold the covenant, cannot protect the most vulnerable since the right to bodily integrity weighs heavier than the common good. When more people choose not to get vaccinated the most vulnerable are less protected from disease and infection. The unprotected cannot claim accountability from the state. The outdated covenant protects only some of the people, not all of them as it is supposed to do. Especially the most vulnerable.
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Fundamentos para establecer la necesidad de protección jurídica a las cuentas sueldo ante la compensación bancaria por incumplimiento de obligacionesSaavedra Cuadra, Maria Jose January 2024 (has links)
Esta investigación aborda la necesidad de proteger las cuentas sueldo respecto a la compensación bancaria por incumplimiento de obligaciones. Con ella se busca analizar cómo deben proceder las entidades financieras para lograr el cobro efectivo de la deuda sin afectar la naturaleza de la remuneración debido a que los funcionarios bancarios, en determinadas operaciones, procedieron de forma errónea ocasionando una afectación a los usuarios por decisiones tomadas en las que no se tuvieron en cuenta sus preferencias u opiniones. Respecto a la metodología utilizada, esta fue analítica resultando producto de los conocimientos adquiridos y la recopilación de información sobre el problema abordado, estableciéndose así dos objetivos específicos a alcanzar. El primero es analizar la afectación de las cuentas sueldo por incumplimiento de obligaciones, y el segundo es proponer fundamentos sólidos para establecer la necesidad de una protección legal adecuada para las cuentas de sueldo en el contexto de la compensación bancaria por incumplimiento de obligaciones. Por lo tanto, una vez que se haya determinado si es necesario establecer una protección jurídica para las cuentas sueldo en base a los fundamentos brindados, podremos equilibrar los intereses de las entidades financieras y la de los usuarios titulares de esas cuentas. De esta forma, se debe brindar un marco regulatorio que garantice la seguridad jurídica y asegure un sistema financiero más justo y equitativo para todos los involucrados. / This research addresses the need to protect salary accounts concerning bank compensation for failure of obligations. In this sense, it seeks to analyze how financial entities should act to achieve the effective collection of the debt without affecting the nature of the remuneration. Bank officials, in certain operations, acted erroneously, causing harm to users due to decisions made without considering their preferences or opinions. Regarding the methodology used, it was analytical, resulting from acquired knowledge and the collection of information on the addressed issue. Thus, two specific objectives were established. The first is to analyze the affectation of salary accounts due to breach of obligations, and the second is to propose solid foundations to establish the need for adequate legal protection for salary accounts in the context of bank compensation. Therefore, once it has been determined whether it is necessary to establish legal protection for salary accounts based on the provided foundations, we can balance the interests of the financial institutions and those of the users holding these accounts. In this way, a regulatory framework must be provided that ensures legal security and ensures a fair and equitable financial system for all parties involved.
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Ett komplext arbete för en självklar rättighet : Lärarstudenters erfarenheter av åsiktsfrihet i klassrummet / The Complex Task for a Fundamental Right : Teacher Students’ Experiences with Freedom of expression in the ClassroomJohansson, Ted January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to increase the understanding of the complexity regarding how teachers handle and promote students’ right in relation to their professional roles within the school. This qualitative study is based on semistructured interviews with eight student teachers who are studying to become middle and highschool teachers. The reaserachquestions used to reinforce the studies purpose are the following: ”What experiences have teacher education students had regarding challenges in the classroom concerning students' freedom of expression, and what strategies did they use to adress theese?” and ”How do the student teacher think these challenges will shape their roles as future teachers?”. The results show that there is a wide variety in student teachers' experiences of challenges and solutions regarding freedom of expression and other similar democratic values in the classroom. These experiences turn out to have a great impact on the student teachers' attitudes toward their future profession. This study underscores the importance of supporting and guiding student teachers through challenges related to democratic values in the classroom.
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Le dialogue entre juridictions et quasi-juridictions internationales de protection des droits de la personne : l'exemple de la prohibition de la torture et autres peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradantsCocan, Silviana-Iulia 12 December 2024 (has links)
Thèse en cotutelle : Université Laval, Québec, Canada et Université de Bordeaux, Talence, France / Dans l'ordre juridique international, les organes de protection des droits de la personne sont de nature différente, indépendants et non hiérarchisés. Le phénomène du dialogue juridictionnel est une pratique spontanée qui consiste pour un organe de protection à intégrer dans le processus d'interprétation d'une disposition donnée, des éléments étrangers à son système, qu'il s'agisse de décisions ou d'instruments de protection émanant d'autres organes. Dans cette étude, le dialogue est illustré avec la jurisprudence interprétée à l'aide de ces éléments extrasystémiques en matière de prohibition de la torture et autres peines ou traitements cruels inhumains ou dégradants. Cette interdiction est à la croisée du droit international des droits de l'Homme, du droit international humanitaire et du droit international pénal. Ainsi, les éventuelles violations peuvent engager, de manière complémentaire, la responsabilité internationale de l'État et la responsabilité pénale individuelle. Le dialogue jurisprudentiel est envisagé comme une technique interprétative permettant d'aboutir à des interprétations communes du contenu, du sens et de la portée de cette interdiction bien que ces interprétations partagées puissent être extensives ou restrictives. En effet, le dialogue permettra de mettre parfois en lumière des positions internationales communes justifiant des interprétations extensives en faveur de la personne humaine. L'interprétation unanime des rapports complémentaires entre droit international des droits de l'homme et droit international humanitaire ou à l'égard de l'application extraterritoriale des traités de protection des droits de l'homme a un impact sur les rapports entre systèmes juridiques et entre ordres juridiques. L'extraterritorialité élargit les espaces protégés par des instruments conventionnels, en contribuant ainsi à un renforcement de la perméabilité entre les normes internationales de protection des droits de la personne et une concrétisation de leur intérdépendance matérielle. Toutefois, le dialogue sera parfois un instrument d'éclairage des positions divergentes découlant de l'absence de consensus dans l'ordre juridique international. C'est le cas lorsqu'il sera question de déterminer précisément les effets d'une norme impérative qui se heurte à la règle des immunités en droit international. L'étude interroge l'étendue et la teneur du pouvoir juridictionnel dans l'ordre juridique international ainsi que sa capacité à aboutir à une convergence normative en matière de protection des droits de la personne, qui découle d'une convergence interprétative. La notion d'interprétation globale par contextualisation normative et systémique renvoie à la confrontation d'une disposition donnée aux autres normes internationales qui lui sont analogues et aux autres systèmes juridiques qui sont semblables au système d'origine de l'interprète, dans laquelle la disposition s'inscrit. Ainsi, il s'agit de montrer que les organes internationaux de protection des droits de la personne, malgré leur diversité, font usage de méthodes d'interprétation communes contribuant à définir le sens, la portée et le contenu des normes. Grâce au dialogue juridictionnel, ils s'inscrivent dans un processus d'autorégulation, entre autoélargissement de leur pouvoir d'interprétation et autolimitation de leur marge d'appréciation, par la confrontation aux éléments extrasystémiques. Implicitement, le dialogue joue le rôle d'un outil de régulation et de coordination qui s'impose spontanément dans la pratique interprétative des organes internationaux, contribuant à l'émergence d'un objectivisme jurisprudentiel. Ce dernier tend à s'opposer au volontarisme étatique dans un but de protection de l'ordre public international et de garantie des droits de la personne. / In the international legal order, international bodies protecting human rights are both of a different nature and independent. Indeed, a hierarchical principle of organization still remains unknown and multiple legal systems protect human rights. Judicial dialogue consists in referring to decisions or international instruments that are external sources to the system in which the international body has to exercise its power of interpretation. In this study, the example of the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatments will be used to illustrate this spontaneous practice. This prohibition is at the crossroads of international human rights law, of international humanitarian law and of international criminal law. Therefore, its violations can both engage the international responsibility of State and the individual criminal responsibility. Judicial dialogue is seen as an interpretive technique, allowing to reach common interpretations of the substance, the meaning and the scope of this prohibition. Nevertheless, the use of external sources does not always lead to extensive interpretations since it can also highlight disagreements in which case restrictive interpretations are inevitable. Sometimes, this spontaneous practice will show the existence of international common positions regarding certains aspects of human rights. It is the case regarding the entrenched consensus of the complementarity between international human rights law and international humanitarian law and concerning the extraterritoriality of human rights treaties. This acknowledgement expands States jurisdiction and strengthens the protection offered to the individuals, while increasing interactions between international legal systems protecting human rights and therefore showing a state of substantive interdependence. The lack of consensus in the international legal order will be the ultimate limit to constructive judicial dialogue. Indeed, the latter will emphasize divergent positions in matters of interpretation. One of the most significant examples is the trouble to determine precisely the effect of peremptory norms such as the prohibition of torture when it encounters immunities in international law. This study also questions the content of the international judiciary and its capacity to reach a normative convergence through the use of external sources that shows an interpretive convergence in the first place. The notion of global interpretation through normative and systemic interactions means confronting international legal norms which are similar, even though they were adopted separate and independent systems, in order to reach a better interpretation. This study attempts to show that even though international bodies rotecting human rights are quite different and formally independent, they tend to self-regulation by using external sources. Indeed, the spontaneous practice of judicial dialogue will allow both a process of self-limitation by referring to other sources in order to interpret a given legal provision, since it means including optional limits to the margin of appreciation. At the same time, the use of external sources will also lead to a self-expansion of the possibilities in matters of interpretation by taking into account solutions that were found by other legal interpreters in comparable legal disputes. Therefore, it appears that the international jurisprudential dialogue can both contribute to coordinate and harmonize the application and interpretation of international human rights law.
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La codification du droit de la responsabilité des organisations internationales : étude des travaux de la Commission du droit international relatifs au projet d’articles sur la responsabilité des organisations internationales / Codification of the law of responsibility of international organizations : study of the work of the International Law Commission on the draft articles on responsibility of international organizationsAlata, Ayham 08 December 2014 (has links)
Enfin, le droit international dispose d’un ensemble de règles relatives à la responsabilité des organisations internationales pour fait internationalement illicite. Après 10 ans de travail, la Commission du droit international est parvenue, en 2011, à élaborer un projet d'articles codifiant les règles en la matière. La tâche était pourtant délicate : assujettir ces entités dont la nature et le fonctionnement sont différents des Etats, à un ensemble de règles unique dans le domaine de la responsabilité internationale. L’objet de cette étude porte sur l’œuvre de codification effectuée par la Commission dans le projet d’articles. Il s’agit plus précisément d’analyser les techniques de codification utilisées par la Commission dans l’élaboration des règles applicables : s’agit-il d’une codification stricto sensu de la pratique ou bien de l’élaboration de nouvelles règles relevant du « développement progressif » du droit international ? La réponse apportée à cette question suppose préalablement de définir les sources de la codification en ce qui concerne chacune des dispositions du projet d’articles, en se demandant si elle concrétise une pratique bien établie des organisations internationales, ou au contraire une transposition des règles du projet d’articles sur la responsabilité de l’Etat, adaptées aux particularités des organisations internationales. L’autorité du projet d’articles ne semble pas, à l’heure actuelle, faire l’unanimité, et dans ce contexte, la présente étude portant sur le rapport entre codification et développement progressif dans l’œuvre de codification de la CDI permet d’apprécier l’autorité substantielle propre à chacune des dispositions du projet d’articles. D’autant qu’on ne sait absolument pas si une convention de codification sera adoptée, qui pourra ériger les dispositions du projet d’articles en normes juridiquement obligatoires. / The international law has finally a set of rules on the responsibility of the international organizations for internationally wrongful acts. After 10 years of work, the International Law Commission was able in 2011 to elaborate a draft articles codifying the rules on the matter. However the task was difficult: subject these entities, whose nature and functioning is different from States to a single set of rules in the field of international responsibility. The purpose of this study focuses on the work of codification made by the Commission in the draft articles. This is specifically to analyze the techniques of codification used by the Commission in the elaboration of the applicable rules: is it a codification sticto sensu of the practice or a creation of new rules under the "progressive development" of the international law? The answer to this question presupposes to define the sources of codification in each of the provisions of the draft articles concerned, wondering if it embodies a well-established practice of international organizations, or rather a transposition of the rules of the draft articles on States responsibility, adapted to the features of international organizations. At present the authority of the draft articles does not seem to have unanimity, and in this context, the present study on the relation between codification and progressive development in the codification work of ILC can appreciate the substantial own authority of each provisions of the draft articles. Especially that no one knows if a codification convention will be adopted, which will set the provisions of the draft articles up as legally binding norms.
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Předmět plnění a odpovědnost za porušení povinností ze smluv o dílo v mezinárodním obchodním styku / Subject matter of performance and liability for a breach of obligations from contracts for work in international tradeBéreš, Ján January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation deals with how the subject matter of performance under a contract for work is defined and issues related to formulating the rights and obligations ensuing therefrom. At the same time, it seeks common legal sources existing across national laws which provide definitions thereof. It attempts to find a common definition of contracts for work and how they differ from other similar contracts. It further defines some common basic features and problems related to contracts for work which apply in international trade or in cases where parties decide to formulate their contract by reference to international contract conditions. In that context, it primarily refers to construction contracts as the most common type of contract for work in international trade. At the same time, it focuses on the possible consequences of a breach of contract and emphasizes some parties' claims ensuing therefrom. Moreover, this work examines the definition of work defects and conditions for asserting claims as a specific topic, which relates to the definition of the subject matter of a contract for work and its basic features. Key words: contract for work, construction work, contractor, employer, international trade, sources for determining obligations, international contract conditions, subject matter of...
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The suitability of the CISG and OHADA for small and medium-sized enterprises engaging in international trade in west and central AfricaDonfack, Narcisse Gaetan Zebaze 19 July 2016 (has links)
It is universally acknowledged that international trade and cooperation have become key drivers of SMEs. Indeed, the success of SMEs in the sales sector depends upon their capacity to conquer the foreign market and compete with larger companies. Many SMEs today, in particular those in Central and West Africa, are very much aware of this reality. However, because of differences between domestic laws and their maladjustment, many African SMEs still struggle to enter the international market and compete with larger companies. It is therefore obvious that any SMEs that want to succeed in international commerce today will be called upon to confront different regulations, whether domestic, regional or international, which are often shaped according to the realities and expectations of a particular environment. The challenge today is to regulate and harmonise these different legal systems, in order to render the law identical in numerous jurisdictions. This process of unifying the law internationally, in particular the law of sale, started in 1920 and culminated in 1988, with the implementation of the CISG. This Convention, which has become the primary law for international sales contracts, endeavours to deal with this problem of differences in law between states on a global scale, by attempting to achieve a synthesis between different legislations, such as civil law, common law, socialist law, and the law regarding industrialised and Third World countries.
Even though the CISG appears to be a compromise between different legal systems, the fact remains that it is not yet applicable in many countries, especially those in Central and West Africa, which are mostly still ruled by domestic and regional law, namely the OHADA. The purpose of this study is to attempt to analyse and compare the OHADA’s Uniform Act Relating to Commercial Law to the CISG, in order to identify similarities and differences between the two, and to determine, with regard to the operating mode and structure of SMEs in West and Central Africa, which one of the two legislations is more appropriate. / Private Law / LL. M.
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Équité et bonne foi : perspectives historiques et contemporaines sur les distinctions fondamentales entre ces deux outils de justice contractuelleGiroux-Gamache, Claudia 06 1900 (has links)
La théorie classique du contrat et ses corollaires, l’autonomie de la volonté des parties et le principe de la stabilité des contrats, ont longtemps régné en droit des obligations. Depuis l’introduction du Code civil du Québec, la notion de bonne foi a été l’objet de plusieurs textes de doctrine et de plusieurs décisions judiciaires phares. La notion est considérée comme l’outil de prédilection des juristes pour assurer une meilleure justice contractuelle, parfois pour développer des théories allant à l’encontre du principe de la stabilité des contrats. Or, le récent arrêt Churchill Falls nous enseigne que la bonne foi a ses propres contours et ne peut donc pas être utilisée en dehors des limites qui lui sont intrinsèques. Dans ce travail, la notion de bonne foi est revisitée conjointement avec la notion d’équité afin de présenter leurs paramètres fondamentaux initiaux, leurs mutations et leurs portées actuelles en droit civil québécois. Bien que ces deux outils contribuent à assurer une meilleure justice commutative dans les échanges, la bonne foi a ce l’équité n’a pas : une synchronicité avec les principes de stabilité des contrats et d’autonomie de la volonté. Cette constatation peut expliquer la mise au placard de
l’équité à titre d’outil de justice dans le régime général des obligations. Ainsi, en filigrane, il appert que la stabilité des contrats demeure une valeur prédominante du législateur malgré les allures d’une nouvelle moralité du droit des obligations. / The classical theory of contract and its corollaries, the autonomy of the parties' will and the principle of the stability of contracts, have ruled the law of obligations for long. Since the introduction of the Civil Code of Québec, the notion of good faith has been the subject of several doctrinal texts and landmark judicial decisions. The notion is considered as the preferred tool of jurists to ensure a better contractual justice, sometimes to develop theories that run counter to the principle of the stability of contracts. However, the Supreme Court in its judgment Churchill Falls decision teaches us that good faith has its own contours and therefore cannot be used outside its intrinsic limits. In this paper, the notion of good faith is revisited in conjunction with the notion of equity to present their initial fundamental parameters, their mutations, and their current scope in Quebec civil law. Although both tools contribute to ensuring better commutative justice in exchanges, good faith has what equity does not: synchronicity with the principles of stability of contracts and autonomy of the will. This observation may explain the shelving of equity as a tool of justice in the general regime of obligations. Thus, it appears that the stability of contracts remains a predominant value of the legislator despite the appearance of a new morality in the law of obligations.
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International law in the post-1994 South African constitutions : terminology and applicationLamprecht, Andries Albertus 01 January 2002 (has links)
An important change wrought by the post-1994 South African Constitutions is the attempt to
have South Africa recognised as a democratic and sovereign state in the "family of nations."
The new Constitutions make extensive reference to the state's international obligations and
represent an endeavour to [re]define the status of international law vis-a-vis national law.
Some provisions utilise international law in the interpretation and formulation of national
jurisprudence and represent an [albeit not totally successful] endeavour to attain greater
harmonisation between international and national law.
This is an attempt to systematize the various criticisms levelled against these provisions to
date, and to highlight certain interpretational difficulties and problems that present themselves
in the process. The distinction between the various terminologies and branches of
international law is also taken to task. Lastly, this paper attempts to determine the extent to which international law is applied at national level under the post-1994 constitutions. / Jurisprudence / LL. M.
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`n Kritiese ondersoek na die aard en inhoud van trustbegunstigdes se regte ingevolge die Suid-Afrikaanse reg = A critical investigation into the nature and content of the rights of beneficiaries in terms of the South African law of trustsCoetzee, Jacob Petrus 30 April 2006 (has links)
Alhoewel die trustfiguur reeds sedert die 19e Eeu in Suid-Afrika erken word, en as `n suiwer trustfiguur tipeer kan word, is die hantering van die regte van sekere trustbegunstigdes steeds in onsekerheid gehul. Die hoofrede hiervoor is die oorbeklemtoning van die wyse waarop trusts tot stand kom en die onderbeklemtoning van die unieke fidusiêre aard van die trust na oprigting daarvan. In Engeland, Skotland, Sri Lanka, Louisiana en Quebec, waar die suiwer trustfiguur ook aanwending vind, bestaan, in teenstelling met die oënskynlike regsposisie in Suid-Afrika, die moontlikheid van trustbegunstigdes sonder regte glad nie. In hierdie jurisdiksies speel die oprigtingsinstrument `n ondergeskikte rol en ontstaan die regte van trustbegunstigdes ex lege uit hoofde van die trustfiguur as `n vertrouensverhouding sui generis. Alhoewel die Suid-Afrikaanse trustreg die fidusiêre aard van die verhouding tussen trustee en trustbegunstigde erken, word die aard en omvang van die regte wat hieruit voort behoort te vloei nog nie voldoende deur die howe erken nie.
Vertrouensverhoudinge waaruit regte en verpligtinge ex lege voortspruit, is bekend aan die gemenereg en word steeds hedendaags aangetref in verskeie ander vakdissiplines binne die Suid-Afrikaanse reg, waaronder die maatskappyereg. Die suiwer trustfiguur stel verder noodwendig `n vertrouensverhouding daar wat juis daarop gemik is om die regte van trustbegunstigdes te beskerm. Die standpunt word dus ingeneem dat alle trustbegunstigdes in Suid-Afrika derhalwe oor ex lege regte beskik. Daar word aan die hand gedoen dat trustbegunstigdes se regte nie uitsluitlik voortvloei uit hoofde van die tersaaklike oprigtingshandeling nie, maar dat unieke regte ontstaan as gevolg van die onderliggende fidusiêre verhouding wat tot stand kom wanneer, maar ongeag hoe, die trust opgerig word. Kortom: Die fidusiêre verhouding behoort erken te word as eie, onafhanklike bron van trustbegunstigdes se moontlike regte teen die trustee in die geval van trustbreuk.
Nie net is dit `n logiese stap in die ontwikkeling van die gemenereg nie, maar sal dit ook die beskerming van trustbegunstigdes in die Suid-Afrikaanse trustreg op dieselfde voet plaas as trustbegunstigdes in die ander jurisdiksies wat nagevors is. So 'n stap sal bydra tot regsekerheid en nie tot `n wesentlike omwenteling in die Suid-Afrikaanse trustreg en -administrasie lei nie.
Although the trust figure has been recognised in South Africa since the 19th century and can be characterised as a proper trust, uncertainty still prevails regarding the scope and acknowledgement of the rights of some trust beneficiaries. The main reason for this is the over-emphasis of the manner in which trusts are created, and the under-emphasis of the unique fiduciary nature of the trust once it has been established. In England, Scotland, Sri Lanka, Louisiana and Quebec where the proper trust figure is also applied, there is no possibility, contrary to the apparent legal position in South Africa, of trust beneficiaries without rights. In these jurisdictions the instrument used to create a trust plays a subordinate role and the rights of trust beneficiaries originate ex lege by virtue of the trust itself as a relationship of trust sui generis. Although South African trust law acknowledges the fiduciary nature of the relationship between trustee and trust beneficiary, the nature and extent of the rights that should emanate from this relationship are not adequately acknowledged by the courts. / Jurisprudence / L.L.D.
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