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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Rocha, Marina Cristina Schmaltz 17 December 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:47:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARINA CRISTINA SCHMALTZ ROCHA.pdf: 1241043 bytes, checksum: 25304a45f70d78df39f4e9b38ba28fbf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-17 / With the neoliberal system that brings economic and financial instability, it is necessary to analyze the principle of contractual balance as a way of social interpretation of contractual relations so that legal businesses are guided by dignity and contractual justice. In 2015, Brazil is experiencing times of crisis, which further encourages the consolidation of the principle of contractual balance, to try to keep still alive contracts as sources of generation assets and jobs. The work aims to study the emergence of the concept, the applicability of the principle of contractual balance doctrine and Brazilian jurisprudence. The principle of contractual balance came to bring fairness, balance, solidarity contracts, so they are not surrounded by abuse and discrepancies. The reasoning of building model used is the hypothetical-deductive. The method will be the conceptual abstractionism and jurisprudential method. The research will be literature. At the end of the work it will be to demonstrate that the Constitutional Democratic State comes relativize the will of autonomy at the expense of application of the dignity of the person, situation that implies significant incidence of constitutional principles in contractual harvest, which corroborates the theory general contract, which entails the application of the principle of contractual balance in business relationships as a way to make up a balanced and stable business in numerous types of contracts and legal forms. / Com o sistema neoliberal, que traz instabilidade econômico-financeira, faz-se necessária a análise do princípio do equilíbrio contratual como maneira de interpretação social das relações contratuais para que os negócios jurídicos sejam pautados pela dignidade e justiça contratual. No ano de 2015, o Brasil vive período de crise, o que incentiva ainda mais a consolidação do princípio do equilíbrio contratual, para tentar manter os contratos ainda vivos, como fontes de geração de bens e empregos. O trabalho objetiva estudar o surgimento, o conceito, a aplicabilidade do princípio do equilíbrio contratual quanto à doutrina e jurisprudência brasileira. O princípio do equilíbrio contratual veio para trazer probidade, balanceamento, solidariedade aos contratos, para que não sejam envoltos por abusos e discrepâncias. O modelo de construção de raciocínio utilizado será o hipotético-dedutivo. O método será o abstracionismo conceitual e o método jurisprudencial. A pesquisa será bibliográfica. Ao final do trabalho, demonstrar-se-á que o Estado Democrático Constitucional de Direito vem relativizar a autonomia de vontade em detrimento da aplicação da dignidade da pessoa, situação que implica na relevante incidência dos princípios constitucionais na seara contratual, o que corrobora na teoria geral contratual, a qual enseja a aplicação do princípio do equilíbrio contratual nas relações negociais, como maneira de se perfazer um negócio equilibrado e estável nos inúmeros tipos de contratos e figuras jurídicas.

La notion d’équivalence dans le contrat / The notion of equivalence in contracts

Ferra, Nina 30 November 2018 (has links)
Tout entier empreint de la question de la relation entre volontarisme et justice contractuelle, le droit des contrats a forgé son édifice sur le principe d’équilibre. La tentative de conciliation trouve ses limites : les notions d’économie du contrat ou de contrats relationnels ont fait leur apparition. Certaines notions prennent plus d’importance telles les obligations essentielles, la protection de la partie faible ou encore la bonne foi. Pour intéressantes qu’elles soient, en ce qu’elles proposent une conception plus poussée de l’équilibre, ces approches sont-elles satisfaisantes ? L’analyse des mutations jurisprudentielles et législatives conduit sans cesse à remettre l’ouvrage sur le métier. Ces évolutions ne seraient-elles que de surface ? Ne traduisent-elles pas la nécessité de revisiter plus profondément le droit des obligations ? La question est posée : qu’est-ce qu’un contrat ? Pragmatiquement et sans dogmatisme, il s’agit d’une relation donnant-donnant. Sous cet angle, la relation contractuelle appelle l’équivalence et non l’équilibre. Ainsi, l’équilibre ne serait que l’abstraction de l’équivalence, conçue comme une donnée concrète. L’objet de l’étude consiste à interroger la place de l’équivalence dans le droit des contrats. Plus, il s’agit de savoir comment de postulée, elle peut se transfigurer en notion opérationnelle. / As far as the question of the relationship between voluntarism and contractual justice is concerned, contract law has built its structure on the principle of balance. Attempts at conciliation has its limits: the notions of economy of contracts and relational contracts have appeared. Some notions take on more importance such as essential obligations, protection of the weaker party or even good faith. However interesting they are, in that they propose a more in depth notion of balance, are these approaches satisfactory ? The analysis of jurisprudential and legislative changes constantly leads to re-workings being done. Are these developments only superficial? Do they not convey the need to re-examine in more detail the law of obligations? The question is asked: what is a contract? Pragmatically and without dogmatism, it is a two-way relationship. From this perspective, the contractual relationship calls for equivalence and not balance. In this way, balance would only be an abstract of equivalence, conceived as a concrete fact. The object of this study is to ask the place of equivalence in contract law. Furthermore, it is to know how it can be transformed from the hypothetical to an operational notion.


DANIELA SOARES DOMINGUES 01 February 2023 (has links)
[pt] As recentes crises econômicas pelas quais o Brasil passou nos últimos dois anos - como a pandemia de Covid-19 e a guerra entre Rússia e Ucrânia - geraram inúmeras perturbações no cumprimento dos contratos e, por conseguinte, o desequilíbrio de suas prestações. A implementação do contrato de execução continuada ou diferida e seus reflexos no tempo geram, por si sós, uma gama de riscos que precisam ser geridos de modo eficaz. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os limites do negócio jurídico da tutela ex lege do equilíbrio contratual prevista nos artigos 317 e 478 a 480 do Código Civil brasileiro, amplamente negociada por partes paritárias, em que estas estabeleçam seus próprios critérios para a configuração da excessiva onerosidade, modificando, restringindo ou excluindo a tutela ex lege do equilíbrio contratual, bem como afastando, definitivamente ou provisoriamente, as ações revisional e/ou resolutiva previstas nos citados dispositivos legais. Essa análise se mostra relevante, uma vez que a legislação civil pátria não declarou, nem forneceu qualquer indicativo sobre a natureza das referidas normas. / [en] The recent economic crises that Brazil has experienced in the last two years - such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine - have generated numerous disruptions in the fulfillment of contracts, and, consequently, the imbalance of its benefits. The implementation of the continuous or deferred execution s contract and its effects in time generate, by itself, a range of risks that need to be managed effectively. The present study aims to analyze the limits of the juristic act of the ex lege protection of the contractual balance provided for in articles 317 and 478 to 480 of the Brazilian Civil Code, widely negotiated between parity parties and, in which contractors establishes its own criteria for the configuration of excessive burden, modifying, restricting or excluding the ex lege protection of the contractual balance, and removing, definitively or provisionally, the revisional and/or the resolutive actions provided in the aforementioned provisions. Such analysis is relevant, since the national civil legislation did not state, nor provided any indication as to the nature of those rules.


CAROLINA MAIA MIGUEZ 01 July 2024 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação objetiva analisar a possibilidade de incidência dos efeitos advindos da onerosidade excessiva nos contratos aleatórios e sua compatibilidade com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, diante da ausência de previsão expressa na codificação civil. Sob a perspectiva funcional, propõe-se o exame dos institutos jurídicos para além de sua estrutura, por meio de uma interpretação à luz do princípio do equilíbrio contratual. Torna-se necessário, primeiramente, compreender as particularidades dos contratos aleatórios e abordar conceitos imprescindíveis como a delimitação da álea ordinária e extraordinária. Em seguida, pretende-se examinar os pressupostos necessários para a verificação da onerosidade excessiva, com destaque para as controvérsias sobre o tema na doutrina e na jurisprudência. Após a análise de seus efeitos nos contratos aleatórios, a resolução e da revisão contratual, finaliza-se o estudo com a apreciação de parâmetros para o intérprete na aferição do tema no caso concreto. / [en] This dissertation aims to analyze the possibility of incidence of effects arising from excessive burden in aleatorycontracts and their compatibility with the Brazilian legal system, given the lack of express provision in the civil code. From a functional perspective, it is proposed to examine legal institutes beyond their structure, through an interpretation in light of the principle of contractual balance. It is necessary, firstly, to understand the particularities of aleatory contracts and address essential concepts such as the delimitation of the ordinary and extraordinary areas. Next, it intends to examine the necessary assumptions for verifying excessive burden, with emphasis on the controversies on the subject in doctrine and jurisprudence. After analyzing its effects on random contracts, contractual resolution and contractual review, the study ends with the assessment of parameters for the interpreter to assess the topic in the case study.


ROSSI, ARIANNA 14 December 2018 (has links)
L’art. 62 del d.l. n. 1 del 2012, che riecheggia lo schema della Legge n. 192 del 1998, ma nello specifico settore agroalimentare, prevede non solo regole di forma, che hanno un obiettivo di protezione della parte debole del rapporto (neoformalismo contrattuale), ma anche regole di contenuto e di comportamento, che intendono prevenire la formazione di contratti iniqui. Lo scopo di questo studio non è soltanto quello di offrire un inquadramento sistematico ad una legislazione che, peraltro, si inserisce in un contesto sempre più frammentato, ma anche quello di analizzare i vari strumenti previsti e di valutare la loro capacità nel perseguimento dello scopo prefissato dalla legislazione, anche attraverso l'applicazione della disciplina generale prevista all'interno del codice civile, alla quale oggi, più che mai, si sente il bisogno di ridare spazio. Il lavoro si dipana lungo quattro capitoli, attraverso un percorso che inizia con l’analisi delle relazioni tra contratto e mercato, tramite un’indagine sistematica sulla nuova disciplina dei contratti, prosegue con l’approfondimento della disciplina dell’articolo 62, per poi analizzare gli strumenti introdotti in relazione all’impatto sull’efficienza del mercato, ed in particolare sul settore agroalimentare, in termini di food safety, food security e accesso al credito. / Article 62 of the d.l. n. 1 of 2012, which echoes the scheme of Law no. 192 of 1998, but in the agri-food sector, provides not only rules of form, which have the objective of protecting the weak part of the relationship (neoformalism), but also rules of content and behavior, which intend to prevent the formation of unfair contracts. The aim of this study is not only to offer a systematic framework for legislation that, moreover, is part of an increasingly fragmented context in italian legislation, but also to analyze the various instruments and to assess their ability to achieve the intended purpose, also through the application of the general principal of civil code which today, more than ever, feels the need to be applied. The work unfolds along four chapters, through a process that begins with the analysis of the relationship between contract and market, through a systematic survey on this new discipline of contracts, continues with the examination of the discipline of Article 62, and then analyze the tools introduced and their impact on the efficiency of the market, and in particular on the agri-food sector, in terms of food safety, food security and access to credit.

The Public Services Concession Contract as a "Long Term" Contract / El Contrato de Concesión de Servicios Públicos Como Contrato “de Larga Duración”

Pérez Hualde, Alejandro 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author highlights the benefits of incorporating the concepts “concession contract” and “long term contract” within the new Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation in Argentina. For the author, these contractual arrangements are fundamental in Administrative Law to understand the scope of the concession of public services, specifically in regard to the introduction of changes in the contract. This also means that foreign police concepts or theories as ius variandi, which only add authoritarian elements under the contract, are not longer required. / En el presente artículo, el autor resalta los beneficios de la incorporación de los conceptos “contrato de concesión” y “contrato de larga duración” dentro del nuevo Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación argentina. Así, para el autor, estas figuras contractuales son fundamentales en el Derecho Administrativo para poder comprender los alcances del contrato de concesión de servicios públicos, específicamente, en cuanto a la introducción de variaciones en la ejecución del contrato. Ello conlleva, además, que ya no se tenga que recurrir a conceptospoliciales extraños o a teorías como la del ius variandi que únicamente añaden elementos autoritarios en el marco del contrato.


DANIEL UGO RIVERA THEILKUHL 22 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] A dissertação possui como objetivo principal estudar a cláusula MAC em sua aplicação no Brasil. A cláusula MAC é muito mais do que uma mera cláusula única e simples, sendo, na realidade, um mecanismo contratual, aparecendo de maneiras diversas ao longo do contrato e extremamente presente na realidade negocial internacional, sobretudo, em relações contratuais complexas como as operações de M(e)A, foco de análise desta dissertação. O grande objetivo da cláusula MAC é lidar com o eventual desequilíbrio superveniente ou da alteração das circunstâncias nas operações de M(e)A. É uma cláusula que, além de ser bastante discutida contratual e judicialmente no exterior, é de origem estrangeira (anglo-saxã), reforçando, portanto, a necessidade de se fazer um contraponto entre tal mecanismo e alguns dos principais institutos e conceitos de direito civil, obrigacional e contratual existentes no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. / [en] The main goal of this dissertation is to study the MAC clause and its applicability in Brazil. The MAC clause is much more than a mere single and simple clause, being, in fact, a contractual mechanism, appearing in different ways throughout the contract and extremely present in the international business reality, above all, in complex contractual relationships such as M(and)A transactions, focus of analysis of this dissertation. The main objective of the MAC clause is to deal with any supervening imbalance or change in circumstances in M(and)A transactions. It is a clause that, in addition to being widely discussed contractually and judicially abroad, is of a foreign origin (Anglo-Saxon), therefore reinforcing the need to male a counterpoint between such a mechanism and some of the main institutes and concepts of civil, obligational, and contractual la, existing in the Brazilian legal system.

Le droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence et la protection de la partie faible dans la relation commerciale / The right of restrictive practices and the protection of the weaker party in business relations

Zang Ndong, Rose-Monde 07 July 2014 (has links)
Le monde des affaires est marqué par des contrats conclus entre des personnes de pouvoir économique inégal, ce qui résulte souvent sur des abus subis par la partie la plus faible. De ce fait, la recherche de l’équilibre contractuel et, plus précisément, de la protection de la partie faible, y est constante. Dans cette optique, le droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence, droit des pratiques économiques individuelles, est souvent présenté comme un dispositif légal permettant de répondre à cette préoccupation en ce qu’il aurait pour finalité la protection des entreprises dans leurs relations bilatérales. Cependant, cette affirmation est loin d’être exacte. En effet, l’analyse des règles de ce droit de la concurrence amène à remettre en cause ce point de vue. En réalité, les dispositions qui le composent ont une finalité qui transcende l’intérêt des parties pour s’attacher à un intérêt général économique. L'encadrement individuel des relations commerciales est un moyen pour parvenir à atteindre des finalités macroéconomiques. La protection de la partie faible ne peut être assurée par le droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence mais ressortit à d'autres mécanismes juridiques. / The business world is marked by contracts between people of unequal economic power which often leads to abuses suffered by the weaker party. Therefore, the search for the contractual balance and more specifically the protection of the weaker party is constant. In this context, the right of restrictive practices, the right of individual economic practices, is often presented as a legal mechanism to address this concern in that it would aim to protect businesses in their bilateral relations. However, this statement is far from accurate. The analysis of the rules of the competitive law brings to question this view. In fact, the provisions in it have a purpose that transcends the interests of the parties to focus on the general economic interest. Legislature organize relations between enterprises to regulate macroeconomic problems and not regulate problems of each enterprise. The protection of the weaker party cannot be ensured by the law of restrictive practices but falls within other legal mechanisms.

Contrato incompleto / Incomplete contract

Paula Greco Bandeira 22 October 2014 (has links)
A tese objetiva construir, sob o ponto de vista dogmático, critérios para a caracterização do contrato incompleto no direito brasileiro, estabelecendo o traço distintivo de sua causa e a disciplina jurídica que lhe é aplicável, à luz da metodologia civil-constitucional. Pretende-se, ainda, na perspectiva funcional dos fatos jurídicos, que permite a qualificação do contrato incompleto como negócio jurídico que emprega a técnica da gestão negativa da álea normal dos contratos, definir parâmetros interpretativos que orientem a sua execução. Por representarem o esmorecimento voluntário da técnica regulamentar, os contratos incompletos exigem elevados padrões de cooperação entre os contratantes na integração das lacunas, a ensejar a incidência reforçada dos princípios da boa-fé objetiva, da função social e do equilíbrio contratual, relativamente aos contratos em que ocorre a gestão positiva da álea normal. Após investigar os mecanismos legais incidentes na hipótese de inadimplemento do dever de integração da lacuna, analisam-se os limites legais e valorativos a que se sujeitam os contratos incompletos. Em chave conclusiva, almeja-se estabelecer o contrato incompleto como negócio jurídico lícito e merecedor de tutela no atendimento aos interesses concretos dos particulares no exercício de suas atividades econômicas, a evidenciar os novos confins da autonomia privada na legalidade constitucional. / This thesis aimsto buildstandards, from a dogmatic point of view, to define the incomplete contract in Brazilian Law, establishingthe distinctive feature of its function(causa) and its juridical discipline, inlight of the civilconstitutional methodology. It also intendsto determine interpretative parameters for its performance, under the functional perspective of the juridical facts, which allows the definition of the incomplete contract as a juridical act which adopts the negative technique of distribution of risks (álea normal).Since the incomplete contract intentionally doesnot regulate every possible contingency, ahigh level of cooperation between the contracting parties is required in order to fill its gaps. As a result,incomplete contracts set a higher standard when referring tothe principles of objective good faith, social function and contractual balance,which will be applied with more intensitythan in juridical actswherethere is a positive distribution of risks (álea normal).After analyzing the legal mechanisms applicable to the breach of the duty offillingcontractual gaps, this work will examine the legal and axiological limits to the incomplete contracts. In conclusion, this thesis aims to establish the incomplete contract as a licit juridical act, worthy of protection,asitmeets the parties interests in its economic activities, highlighting new boundaries ofthe private autonomy in the constitutional legality.

Contrato incompleto / Incomplete contract

Paula Greco Bandeira 22 October 2014 (has links)
A tese objetiva construir, sob o ponto de vista dogmático, critérios para a caracterização do contrato incompleto no direito brasileiro, estabelecendo o traço distintivo de sua causa e a disciplina jurídica que lhe é aplicável, à luz da metodologia civil-constitucional. Pretende-se, ainda, na perspectiva funcional dos fatos jurídicos, que permite a qualificação do contrato incompleto como negócio jurídico que emprega a técnica da gestão negativa da álea normal dos contratos, definir parâmetros interpretativos que orientem a sua execução. Por representarem o esmorecimento voluntário da técnica regulamentar, os contratos incompletos exigem elevados padrões de cooperação entre os contratantes na integração das lacunas, a ensejar a incidência reforçada dos princípios da boa-fé objetiva, da função social e do equilíbrio contratual, relativamente aos contratos em que ocorre a gestão positiva da álea normal. Após investigar os mecanismos legais incidentes na hipótese de inadimplemento do dever de integração da lacuna, analisam-se os limites legais e valorativos a que se sujeitam os contratos incompletos. Em chave conclusiva, almeja-se estabelecer o contrato incompleto como negócio jurídico lícito e merecedor de tutela no atendimento aos interesses concretos dos particulares no exercício de suas atividades econômicas, a evidenciar os novos confins da autonomia privada na legalidade constitucional. / This thesis aimsto buildstandards, from a dogmatic point of view, to define the incomplete contract in Brazilian Law, establishingthe distinctive feature of its function(causa) and its juridical discipline, inlight of the civilconstitutional methodology. It also intendsto determine interpretative parameters for its performance, under the functional perspective of the juridical facts, which allows the definition of the incomplete contract as a juridical act which adopts the negative technique of distribution of risks (álea normal).Since the incomplete contract intentionally doesnot regulate every possible contingency, ahigh level of cooperation between the contracting parties is required in order to fill its gaps. As a result,incomplete contracts set a higher standard when referring tothe principles of objective good faith, social function and contractual balance,which will be applied with more intensitythan in juridical actswherethere is a positive distribution of risks (álea normal).After analyzing the legal mechanisms applicable to the breach of the duty offillingcontractual gaps, this work will examine the legal and axiological limits to the incomplete contracts. In conclusion, this thesis aims to establish the incomplete contract as a licit juridical act, worthy of protection,asitmeets the parties interests in its economic activities, highlighting new boundaries ofthe private autonomy in the constitutional legality.

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