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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Slabší strana v soukromém právu (srovnávací studie) / The weaker party in private law (a comparative study)

Záleská, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the concept of the weaker party in private law, especially in

Postavení slabé smluvní strany při uzavírání smluv v obchodním styku / The position of a weaker party in concluding contracts within business transaction

Skalská, Helena January 2014 (has links)
The position of a weaker party in concluding contracts within business transactions The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the specificities of concluding contracts with a weaker party under the New Civil Code. The main focus is given on the issue of contract terms which are forbidden because they cause significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations arising under the contract, to the detriment of the weaker party. The thesis explains who can be a weaker party, what differences it brings up and what are the consequences of breach of those protectionist provisions of law. The thesis is composed of an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion. First chapter covers the background information and explains who can be in the position of a weaker party, according to which criteria courts should consider the weakness and when it reaches the level which is relevant for law. Second chapter deals with Section 433 of the new civil code and looks at protection of the weaker party on its basis. It addresses scope of that provision and consequences when a party breaches it. The last part of this chapter concentrates on nullity under the New Civil Code. Chapter three describes position of the weaker party in concluding adhesion contracts and specificities which rise from the fact that the...

Právní ochrana klientů finančních institucí / The legal protection of clients of financial intitutions

Černý, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
The legal protection of clients of financial institutions Abstract The first chapter focuses on the definition of basic concepts essential to the subject of this work. Emphasis was placed on defining the term of client in relation to the notion of a customer who is often used in positive law at both European and national level. Furthermore, the concept of consumer is defined, which is a generally used category of customers and is offered the highest legal protection. The notion of financial institution and the concept of legal protection are also important in defining the scope of this work. Given the diversity of the current financial services market, in the rest of my thesis I have focused only on the most important providers of financial services and the legislation governing their activities. The concept of legal protection is defined in the sense of division into institutional and normative legal protection, with the focus being on normative protection. The aim of the second chapter was to describe the basic aspects of two complementary principles of law as the theoretical basis of legal protection of clients, which are the concept of autonomy of will and the protection of the weaker party. The principle of protection of the weaker party and its modality of consumer protection has been introduced from...

Uzavírání adhezních smluv podnikatelem / Conclusion of adhesion contracts by entrepreneurs

Hlůže, David January 2020 (has links)
Conclusion of adhesion contracts by entrepreneurs Abstract The aim of this work is to describe the conditions under which the protective provisions of the Civil Code on the conclusion of contracts in an adhesive manner are applied in relations where the entrepreneur acts. In this regard, attention is focused on the definition of the weaker party and the individual conditions that the entrepreneur must meet if he is to enjoy the protection of the weaker party. Subsequently, the work deals with the institute of concluding contracts in an adhesive manner, formulating its individual features and manifestations, especially in commercial practice. This work consists of an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter forms the basis for the rest of this work, by defining the weaker party with an emphasis on relations between entrepreneurs. Furthermore, this form describes the form of protection of the weaker party with an analysis of private and public protection of the weaker entrepreneur. The second chapter deals with contracts concluded in an adhesive manner and burden of proof beard by the contracting party. Subsequently, this work captures the most common forms in contractual practice such as general terms and conditions, form documents or framework contracts. A specific form of adhesion...

Ochrana slabší smluvní strany a mezinárodní právo soukromé / Protection of a Weaker Contract Party and Private International Law

Skalská, Helena January 2019 (has links)
Protection of a Weaker Contract Party and Private International Law The topic of this dissertation thesis is the protection of weaker parties in the context of determination and application of the applicable law. The dissertation seeks anchor and concept of protection of weaker parties in the Rome I Regulation. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part deals with the basis for protection of weaker parties, linking the theoretical and value foundations on which the protection stands with practical implications that ignorance of significantly unequal position might have. For a comprehensive understanding, it is necessary to look at the background of individual legal rules. However, dealing with these issues cannot be viewed solely in the context of private international law. Certain legal institutions of private international law may not be designated solely for the protection of certain categories of weaker parties but may be used to protect a weaker party with regard to the concept of a weaker party and the importance of its protection in substantive law (especially civil law). The second part, which is the focal point of this thesis, consists in the analysis of ways of protecting the weaker parties, both at a more general methodological level and in the form of a more detailed...

Les lois de police protectrices dans les contrats internationaux / Protective mandatory provisions in international contracts

Dalmazir, Pauline 11 December 2014 (has links)
L’émergence depuis quelques années de nouvelles lois de police pour protéger certaines parties faibles au sein des contrats internationaux a été identifiée sous l’appellation de lois de police protectrices. En tant que renouvellement du mécanisme traditionnel des lois de police, cette émergence interroge, notamment quant à son bien-fondé. Cela suppose d’envisager les lois de police protectrices à la fois en tant que nouveau concept, et en tant qu’objet s’intégrant dans un environnement plus général. Ces nouvelles lois de police se sont imposées pour répondre à un besoin de protection sur la scène internationale. Cependant, la philosophie des lois de police apparaît difficilement conciliable avec l’objectif de protection d’une partie faible. Dès lors, il conviendrait de modifier certaines caractéristiques du mécanisme afin qu’il soit en mesure d’atteindre cet objectif de protection. Mais alors, se crée une déformation du concept initial de l’outil des lois de police. En outre, envisagées au sein de leur environnement, à savoir le droit européen des contrats, les lois de police protectrices sont susceptibles d’être limitées par des concepts propres au droit de l’Union. Elles peuvent aussi être dépassées par des outils d’inspiration européenne qui mettent en œuvre un autre lien entre l’impérativité d’une norme et l’exigence de protection de la partie faible. / These past few years, the advent of new mandatory provisions to protect certain weaker parties within the realm of international contracts have been identified as protective mandatory provisions. As a renewal of the traditional mandatory provisions mechanism, it raises several questions with regards to its merits. This requires to consider protective mandatory provisions as a concept in itself, as well as an object integrated in a more global legal environment. These new mandatory provisions have appeared as an answer to a need for protection on the international level. However, the philosophy of mandatory provisions can be considered to be incompatible with the objective of the protecting the weaker party. Therefore, it is necessary to change certain characteristics of the mechanism in order for it to effectively attain its protection objective. It would then, however, amount to a deformation of the initial concept of mandatory provisions. Finally, considered within their environment, i.e. European contract law, protective mandatory provisions can be limited by EU-specific law concepts. They can also be surpassed by other tools, of European inspiration, putting into effect another link between the imperative character of the norm and the protection requirement of the weaker party.

Le droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence et la protection de la partie faible dans la relation commerciale / The right of restrictive practices and the protection of the weaker party in business relations

Zang Ndong, Rose-Monde 07 July 2014 (has links)
Le monde des affaires est marqué par des contrats conclus entre des personnes de pouvoir économique inégal, ce qui résulte souvent sur des abus subis par la partie la plus faible. De ce fait, la recherche de l’équilibre contractuel et, plus précisément, de la protection de la partie faible, y est constante. Dans cette optique, le droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence, droit des pratiques économiques individuelles, est souvent présenté comme un dispositif légal permettant de répondre à cette préoccupation en ce qu’il aurait pour finalité la protection des entreprises dans leurs relations bilatérales. Cependant, cette affirmation est loin d’être exacte. En effet, l’analyse des règles de ce droit de la concurrence amène à remettre en cause ce point de vue. En réalité, les dispositions qui le composent ont une finalité qui transcende l’intérêt des parties pour s’attacher à un intérêt général économique. L'encadrement individuel des relations commerciales est un moyen pour parvenir à atteindre des finalités macroéconomiques. La protection de la partie faible ne peut être assurée par le droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence mais ressortit à d'autres mécanismes juridiques. / The business world is marked by contracts between people of unequal economic power which often leads to abuses suffered by the weaker party. Therefore, the search for the contractual balance and more specifically the protection of the weaker party is constant. In this context, the right of restrictive practices, the right of individual economic practices, is often presented as a legal mechanism to address this concern in that it would aim to protect businesses in their bilateral relations. However, this statement is far from accurate. The analysis of the rules of the competitive law brings to question this view. In fact, the provisions in it have a purpose that transcends the interests of the parties to focus on the general economic interest. Legislature organize relations between enterprises to regulate macroeconomic problems and not regulate problems of each enterprise. The protection of the weaker party cannot be ensured by the law of restrictive practices but falls within other legal mechanisms.

Les abus de puissance économique dans les relations commerciales déséquilibrées / The abuses of economic power in unequal commercial relationships

Park, Sehwan 26 September 2017 (has links)
La loi doit trouver le moyen de prévenir et sanctionner de façon efficiente les abus de puissance économique constatés dans les relations commerciales déséquilibrés mais sans provoquer d’effets pervers sur le marché et sans ruiner l’efficacité des autres règles relevant du droit de la concurrence. Lorsque les rapports de force entre les parties sont particulièrement déséquilibrés, la partie forte peut imposer des conditions inégales à la partie faible, notamment à la faveur du « facteur crainte ». En effet, tant que le contrat est en cours d’exécution, la partie faible ne réagit pas de peur que la relation commerciale ne se termine. De ce fait, en dépit de la présence de nombreux textes réprimant les abus, la réalité montre qu’ils ne cessent de se répandre. Le législateur agit généralement dans la précipitation, abuse de palliatifs et néglige la faculté d’adaptation des entreprises les plus puissantes qui trouvent souvent le moyen de contourner les règles. En définitive, seul un marché plus équilibré, c’est-à-dire moins concentré, permettrait de remédier durablement aux abus de puissance économique. Dans ces conditions, la mise en place d’une véritable injonction structurelle mériterait d’être de nouveau envisagée. Le présent travail se propose de comparer les principales mesures de prévention et de sanction des abus mises en place en France et en Corée du sud qui, face à un phénomène similaire, adoptent parfois des réponses différentes. / Competition provisions seek to regulate the abuse of economic power in unequal commercial relationships. However, in the process, such provisions should not have the effect of adversely impacting the market or harming the proper functioning of other competition rules. When there exists a significant power disparity between parties, the stronger party can impose unequal conditions on the weaker party, particularly through what is called the "fear factor". During the duration of the contractial relationship, the weaker party will not be able to stand up to the stronger party in fear of the commercial relationship being terminated. This is why oppressive behaviors continue in reality, despite the presence of numerous regulations designed to prevent such behaviors. Law makers have a tendency to react by hastily enacting ad hoc regulations. The adaptability of powerful corporations to circumvent the rules is often overlooked. Ultimately, abuses of economic power can only be regulated on a sustainable basis through the creation of a more balanced and less concentrated market. It is in this context that a truly structural approach should be considered. This analysis compares the principal measures against abuses of economic power employed in France and Korea, which sometimes adopt different responses to similar circumstances.

La personne vulnérable en droit international / The vulnerable person in international law

Blondel, Marion 03 December 2015 (has links)
La notion de personne vulnérable est employée de manière exponentielle dansdifférentes branches du droit international contemporain. Si elle est rarement définie par lesacteurs qui l’emploient, la notion désigne un individu dont la faiblesse et/ou la situationparticulière le prédispose à la réalisation d’un risque grave. La personne vulnérable recouvreainsi des hypothèses diversifiées. La plasticité de la notion permet une protectionfonctionnelle de l’individu, adaptable selon ses besoins. La personne vulnérable s’insère ainsidans le droit positif, sans que sa définition ne soit précisée, tout comme, en conséquence, sesbénéficiaires et les modalités de protection de ceux-ci. Mais précisément parce que la notionproduit des effets juridiques, sa conceptualisation devient nécessaire. Dès lors qu’elle prendune réalité en droit international, elle influence l’ordonnancement juridique mais égalementl’environnement social qu’il traduit, et suscite ainsi de profondes remises en questionthéoriques. / The term vulnerable person is more and more frequently used in the different fieldsof contemporary international law. Although rarely defined when used, a vulnerable personcan be understood as an individual whose weakness and/or particular situation predisposeshim to serious risks. The term can then cover various situations. The adaptability of the termenables a practical protection of the individual, according to each specific need. The term ofvulnerable person thus takes a place in the positive law without any specific and expressdefinition. As a consequence, neither the beneficiaries nor the terms of protection of the latterare defined. However, as the identification of an individual as a vulnerable person produceslegal effects, the conceptualization of such term becomes necessary. As it has become areality in international law, it influences not only the legal order but also the socialenvironment, and as a consequence arouses theoretical questionings.

Le contrat d'adhésion entre professionnels / The business-to-business adhesion contract

Briend, Cyril 20 November 2015 (has links)
Le professionnel que l'on croyait capable de défendre ses intérêts, par opposition au salarié ou au consommateur, s'est révélé tout autant victime de contrats déséquilibrés depuis quelques décennies. L'apparition de puissantes entreprises privées dans différents secteurs entraîne, de toute évidence, une inégalité entre les professionnels. Notre étude souligne la complexité de trouver un juste critère pour identifier de manière juste ce qu'est un professionnel partie faible. Il n'est pas possible de dire si, de manière générale, telle entreprise est plus puissante qu'une autre, car la personne morale partie au contrat peut cacher des intérêts difficiles à cerner au premier abord. Le juge ne peut pas non plus être l'arbitre autoritaire des prix sans risquer un détournement de sa fonction. Nous développerons le parti suivant : un contrat entre professionnels est dit d'adhésion lorsque celui-ci n'a pas donné lieu à une négociation idoine ; le juge doit alors s'efforcer de regarder le processus de pourparlers ainsi que les circonstances qui ont précédé la convention. De multiples critères peuvent aider le juge, tels que la taille de chaque entreprise, les parts de marché, les propos échangés par les parties, leur bonne ou mauvaise foi ou encore les efforts engagés par elles. Si le choix de l'analyse des négociations nous apparaît ultimement le plus juste, nous tiendrons cependant compte de ses limites. Il serait illusoire de penser que le juge peut toujours parvenir de manière certaine à connaître l'intégralité des circonstances antérieures au contrat. C'est pourquoi nous ajouterons à l'analyse des négociations un système de présomptions - quoique réfragables - lorsque la disproportion des prestations ou la différence de taille des entreprises ne laisse pas de place au doute. Nous mettrons enfin en lumière les stratégies employées par les parties fortes pour contourner cette analyse des négociations, comme des stipulations néfastes ou une tactique d'internationalisation. Il sera donc préféré une impérativité renforcée en droit national ainsi qu'en droit international. Une fois l'analyse des négociations effectuée, nous essayerons de proposer des sanctions à la hauteur du phénomène. Le juge, selon nous, doit être en mesure de modifier le contrat de façon souple, aussi bien de manière rétroactive que par un changement en cours d'exécution du contrat. Le caractère extrême de certains comportements contractuels nous incite à réfléchir à la possibilité d'un droit pénal plus dissuasif ou bien un droit « quasi pénal » sanctionnant ces comportements de manière plus appropriée. Néanmoins, c'est surtout au niveau de la procédure que se joue la protection contractuelle des professionnels. Un référé ajusté à cet objectif a tout lieu de répondre aux exigences de célérité qui gênent les parties faibles dans leurs démarches. Nous soulignerons aussi l'importance d'un système d'actions collectives qui surmontent efficacement l'écueil du coût du procès. À l'inverse, la sécurité juridique des entreprises nous conduira à proposer une procédure de protection par un système de droit doux. Première partie : L'identification du contrat d'adhésion entre professionnels. Deuxième partie : Le traitement judiciaire des contrats d'adhésion entre professionnels. / The professional, supposed to be able to defend his interests, by opposition to the employee or the consumer, has proven to also be victim of imbalanced contracts for a few decades. The emergence of powerful private companies in various sectors clearly leads to inequalities between professionals. Our study underlines the difficulty to find the best criterion to identify what a professional weaker party is. It is impossible to say that globally such company is stronger than another because the legal person party to the agreement can hide many interests, which are hard to seize at first sight. Nor can the judge arbitrate prices in an authoritarian way without risking a misappropriation of his part. We shall side for this idea: a business-to-business agreement is to be qualified of adhesion contract as long as it does not give place to adequate bargaining; so the judge has to look the bargaining process and the circumstances preceding the contract. Many criteria can help the judge such as the size of the company, market parts, exchanged words, the good or bad faith of the parties or the efforts they have made. If we consider the bargain analysis as the ultimately rightest choice, we have to contemplate its limitations. It would not be realistic to consider that the judge could always discover every circumstance prior to the agreement. This is why we shall join a system of presumptions - albeit rebuttable - to the bargain analysis, when the difference of size of companies or the disproportion of provisions is obvious. We shall put into light the strategies used by strongest parts to bypass the bargain analysis, such as harmful clauses or internationalization tactics. Thus, we shall opt for high obligatory standards, as well as in national law than in international law. Once the bargain analysis is done, we shall try to suggest sanctions adapted to the concern. The judge, in our opinion, must be able to modify the agreement in a very flexible way, either retroactively or during the implementation of the said agreement. The gravity of various contractual behaviors must lead us to think about a form of criminal law or a "quasi criminal" law in order to combat those behaviors in a more suitable mean. Nevertheless, the protection of the professional weaker part is also to be dealt on a procedural ground. A proceeding for interim measures is likely to face the needs for celerity, which bother the weakest parts for their action. We shall also underline the advantages of a class action, which could overcome the financial issue of the lawsuit. Conversely, the legal security of business will bring us to foster a protection by a soft law system. First Part: The identification of the business-to-business adhesion contract. Second Part: The judicial treatment of business-to-business adhesion contracts.

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