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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de l’influence des écoulements dans le bain de fusion sur les mécanismes de solidification en soudage sur l'alliage Cu30Ni / A study of the influence of fluid flow in the weld pool on the mecanisms of solidification during welding on Cu30Ni alloy

Chiocca, Alexis 24 June 2016 (has links)
Les conditions de solidification de la matière au cours d’une opération de soudage sont très particulières. Le phénomène se produit en effet à des vitesses de croissance de grains élevées, en présence de forts gradients de températures, et surtout de forts écoulements dans le bain liquide, qui peuvent modifier les mécanismes de solidification.Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire est une contribution à la compréhension des couplages pouvant exister entre écoulements et mécanismes de solidification, en relation avec les paramètres de soudages, à l’échelle macroscopique du bain, mais aussi à l’échelle microscopique des grains en cours de solidification.Une étude expérimentale est menée, basée sur l’observation in-situ d’un bain liquide traversant généré sur une tôle mince d’alliage Cu30Ni à l’aide d’une torche de soudage TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas), dans deux configurations :une configuration statique générant un bain de fusion axisymétrique, et une configuration en translation générant une ligne de fusion.Pour chaque configuration, la morphologie du front de solidification et les écoulements autour du front sont observés à l’échelle microscopique à l’aide d’une caméra rapide équipée d’un objectif à fort grossissement.A l’échelle macroscopique, le bain dans son ensemble est observé à l’aide d’une caméra infra-rouge et de deux caméras filmant dans le visible.La première permet d’obtenir le champ de température dans le solide sur la face envers, tandis que les deux autres permettent de déterminer la frontière du bain sur les faces supérieure et inférieure.Les observations synchronisées ont permis d’extraire une grande quantité de données permettant de discuter les interactions entre mécanismes de solidification et écoulements pour plusieurs conditions de soudage.Pour finir, les résultats expérimentaux sont confrontés aux résultats issus de modélisations analytiques et numériques, afin de discuter la validité de ces modèles et de tenter de mieux comprendre les analyses. / In welding processes, solidification is very specific. This phenomenon leads to high grain growth rates, in presence of high temperature gradients and strong fluid flows in the liquid, that can change the solidification mechanisms.This work investigates the coupling between fluid flows and solidification mechanisms, related to welding parameters, at weld pool scale (macroscale) and at grains scale (microscale).An experimental study is carried out, based on in-situ observations of a fully penetrated weld pool, generated on a thin Cu30Ni plate with a GTAW torch in two configurations :a static configuration generating an antisymmetric weld pool and a translating configuration generating a weld bead.For each configuration, the solidification morphology and the fluid flows in the solidification front area are observed at microscopic scale, with a high speed camera coupled with a high magnification lens.At macroscopic scale, the whole weld poll is observed with an infra-red camera and two cameras in visible range.We can then obtain on one hand the temperature field on the bottom of the plate and on the other hand the weld pool boundaries on the top and the bottom of the plate.The synchronised observations give access to an important quantity of data allowing the discussion of the interactions between solidification mechanisms and fluid flows for several welding conditions.Finally, the experimental results are compared to theoretical results obtained from analytical and numerical simulations, in order to discuss the possible limitations of models and try to better understand the analysis.

La position "méta" dans la schizophrénie en situation de groupe thérapeutique / The meta position in schizophrenia therapeutic group situation

Prévoteau, Chady 25 January 2016 (has links)
Dans cette recherche en psychologie clinique et en psychopathologie, nous interrogeons la nature et les caractéristiques de la position « méta ». Nous étudions plus spécifiquement le phénomène d’auto-observation qui constitue la position « méta », mais aussi les mécanismes psychiques qui sous-tendent ce fonctionnement : l’introjection du regard de l’autre, l’identification d’une part de soi à un autre, une dissociation fonctionnelle (ou une dissociation non-pathologique du Moi), l’auto-observation (où une part de soi observe une autre part de soi), la réflexivité, un dialogue interne. Nous nous intéressons également à l’évolution de la position « méta » au sein d’un dispositif de psychodrame psychanalytique de groupe composé de patients psychotiques, au regard des interactions avec les membres du groupe. / In this research in clinical psychology and psychopathology, we question the nature and characteristics of the « meta » position. We study more specifically the phenomenon of self-observation, which is the position « meta », but also the psychological mechanisms that underlie this operation : introjection the eyes of others the identification of a part of oneself to another, a functional separation (or non-pathological dissociation of the self) , self-observation (where self-hand observed another part of oneself) , reflexivity, an internal dialogue. We are also interested in the evolution of the position "meta" in a psychoanalytic psychodrama device group of psychotic pateints, in terms of interactions with group members.

Implementation of peer observation of teaching in ELT tertiary education system in Malaysia : a social-constructionism view

Sanif, Sazuliana January 2015 (has links)
The present study primarily aims to explore the English language (EL) teachers’ current practices and their experiences of teacher evaluation, and how these are related to the introduction of peer observation of teaching (POT) in the Malaysian university system. Then, it aims to explore the possibilities and challenges faced by Malaysian universities in introducing peer observation. The participants of the study were determined by 2 stages of the research design. In Stage 1, from 10 different universities around Malaysia, 72 teachers completed the online questionnaire and eight semi-structured interview were conducted. In Stage 2, at the university where the study was conducted, 24 participants completed the after-workshop questionnaire and ten observations as well as eight semi-structured interview were carried out. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS descriptive statistics while qualitative data were transcribed and then analysed using thematic content analysis. The findings on teacher evaluation revealed that there was teacher evaluation in place at every university involved in the survey. However, there seemed to be some major shortcomings that need to be addressed. Shortcomings such as teachers were not reminded of the real purposes of each evaluation undertaken, some evaluations were wasted because they were not studied, and teachers were not given ownership in setting out the suitable methods for evaluation. The findings on peer observation revealed that teachers had different understanding about it. Through the intervention study, it was discovered that the tone of the discussion between teachers were sometimes calm and celebrating, whilst some were critical and judgemental. The findings also showed that introduction of peer observation may be possible at the university under study provided the purposes were for developmental. However, teachers still had the feeling of nervousness and being judgemental about the whole process because of the common top-down approach. The findings from the study have provided several implications for the improvement of the existing EL teacher evaluation in particular, as well as evaluation of teachers of other subjects in general. In addition, the findings have also provided several implications for the introduction of peer observation especially to the university managements and the teachers in particular. The current study also contributes to knowledge by proposing: i) a model for teacher evaluation, and ii) one plan for the procedure of peer observation of teaching; which can be adjusted according to the suitability of any given context.

Photométrie et Astrométrie des Satellites de Jupiter : application à la campagne de phénomènes mutuels 2015 / Photometry and Astrometry of Jupiter Satellites : application to the 2015 mutual events campaign

Saquet, Eléonore 26 September 2017 (has links)
L'année 2015 s'est réalisée être un moment favorable pour les observations des phénomènes mutuels des satellites galiléens de Jupiter. Les phénomènes mutuels se produisent lorsque la Terre et le Soleil passent par le plan commun des orbites des satellites, cette configuration ayant lieu tous les six ans. Au cours de cette campagne, 236 phénomènes ont été observés et nous avons reçu plus de 600 courbes de lumière. Nous avons développé une méthode de réduction astrométrique de ces courbes à partir d'un modèle existant. Lors de la réduction des courbes de lumière, nous avons utilisé le modèle de réflectance et d'émittance de Hapke. Pour améliorer la méthode de réduction, nous avons mené une campagne d'observation pour déterminer de nouveaux paramètres photométriques des satellites galiléens. Ce travail est fondamental pour mettre à niveau les dernières données photométriques sur les satellites galiléens. Il est à noter que la photométrie au sol de ces satellites n'a jamais été effectuée dans le méthane ou même dans toutes les différentes bandes RVB. Une fois les données astrométriques extraites des courbes de lumière, nous les avons utilisées pour ajuster le modèle dynamique de V. Lainey et produire de nouvelles éphémérides. Nous montrons dans ce travail l'amélioration que les observations de phénomènes mutuels peuvent permettre pour les modèles dynamiques satellitaires. / The year 2015 was a favorable opportunity for the mutual event observations of the galilean satellites of Jupiter. Mutual events occur when the Earth and the Sun cross the common plane of their orbits. This configuration happens every six years when the apparent Jovian declinations of Earth and Sun become zero.During this campaign, we observed 236 events, and we received more than 600 light curves. We developed an astrometric reduction of these light curves based on an existing model. To reduce the light curves, we used Hapke’s model of reflectance and emittance.To improve the reduction method, we led an observational campaign to record photometric data of the galilean moons. This work was fundamental to upgrade the last photometric data on the galilean satellites. Ground based photometry of these moons had never been done in the methane band or in RGB bands.The astrometric data extracted from the light curves were used by V. Lainey to fit his dynamical model of the galilean satellites and build new ephemerides. Comparisons between ephemerides were made in order to evaluate the impact of the mutual event observations on the determination of the dynamical parameters.

Tailoring the interfacial properties of magnetic multilayers for the observation of skyrmions at room temperature / Etude et contrôle des propriétés interfaciales de multicouches magnétiques pour l'observation de skyrmions à température ambiante

Moreau-Luchaire, Constance 21 December 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous montrons que nous avons réussi à observer des skyrmions isolés sub-100nm dans des échantillons Ir|Co|Pt. Ces observations ont été faites via deux techniques différentes : le STXM (technique synchrotron qui permet d’imager l’aimantation hors du plan de l’échantillon) et le MFM (technique de laboratoire qui permet d’imager le gradient de l’aimantation). Nous avons également montré que nous les avions observés à la fois dans les films étendus ainsi que dans des nanostructures (nanodisques de diamètre entre 200 nm et 1 μm, ainsi que les bandes dont la largeur varie de 400 nm à 1 μm). Nous avons également développé deux approches différentes pour estimer l’amplitude DMI dans les échantillons. La première est basée sur la périodicité des domaines dans les échantillons après désaimantation. La deuxième technique est basée sur l’évolution de la taille des skyrmions avec un champ magnétique appliqué hors-plan. Pour la nécessité des simulations micromagnétiques, nous avons également essayé de déterminer l’échange de nos échantillons. Avec cette valeur, le DMI trouvé dans nos échantillons est d’environ 2 mJ/m². Nous avons effectué une étude systématique sur des échantillons avec variation de différents paramètres: nombre de répétitions de la tricouche principale, épaisseur du Co, épaisseur du Pt, épaisseur de l’Ir, composition des couches d’Ir avec W ou AlOx. Nous avons montré que pour tous les systèmes, nous avons pu observer des skyrmions stabilisés à température ambiante grâce au MFM. Nous avons également observé que la densité des skyrmions diminue avec l’augmentation de l’anisotropie effective. / We have been able to successfully observe isolated sub-100nm skyrmions in Ir|Co|Pt samples. Moreover, we have been able to observe them with two different techniques: STXM - a synchrotron technique that maps the out-of-plane magnetization of a sample, and MFM - a laboratory technique that images the gradient of the magnetization. We have also shown that we have stabilized them in extended films as well as in nanostructures (nanodisks with diameter from 200 nm to 1 μm, as well as stripes with width from 400 nm to 1 μm). Secondly, we have developed two different approaches to estimate the DMI amplitude in samples. The first one is based on the mean domain periodicity in samples after demagnetization. The second technique is based on the size evolution of skyrmions with applied out-of-plane magnetic field. For the need of the micromagnetic simulations, we have also tried to determine the exchange stiffness of our samples. With this value, the DMI aplitude found in our samples is about 2 mJ/m². We have performed a systematic study on samples with variation of different parameters : number of repetitions of the main trilayers, Co thickness, Pt thickness, Ir thickness, composition of the buffer layers, and switching Ir with W or AlOx. We also observed that the density of skyrmions is decreasing with increasing effective anisotropy.

“När barnen själv förstår sambandet och ser kopplingen själv, det är så häftigt! -Det är därför man jobbar med det här.” : En kvalitativ studie om hur siffror och tal realiseras samt synliggörs i verksamheten ur fem förskollärares perspektiv

Rustas, Jonna, Axelsson, Maja January 2021 (has links)
Siffror och tal är något som finns runt om oss i samhället. Barn stöter på siffror och tal i hemmet och förskolan på olika sätt, medvetet eller omedvetet. I förskolan är matematik ett ämne som cirkulerar aktivt i dagens verksamheter. Vår studie syftar till att undersöka fem förskollärares synsätt på hur siffror och tal kan uttryckas i verksamhetens miljö och förskollärarnas uppfattningar om arbetssätt gentemot de matematiska läroplansmålen. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och deltagande observationer har vi samlat en empiri som är mångsidig och bred för att belysa ett relativt outforskat forskningsområde. Få studier har forskat om hur konkreta, siffror och tal kan uttryckas i förskolan utifrån ett läroplansteoretiskt samt sociokulturell teori. Våran studie innefattar dessa teorier som utgångspunkt kopplat till forskningsfrågorna i de två olika delstudierna. Studiens diskussion och resultat visade att siffror och tal är en kategori inom matematiken som synliggörs i olika uppfattningar och arbetssätt på de olika förskolorna. Förskollärarna hade en liknande uppfattning av siffror och tal och att dessa behöver implementeras redan i tidig ålder i barnens undervisning. Resultatet visade även att förskollärarnas roll var av vikt för att främja barns utveckling för att vidare kunna bygga upp en förståelse för konkreta siffror och tal.

Le rôle de l'observation des pairs au cours de séances d'éducation physique et sportive / The role of the observation of the peers during physical education lessons

Le Bihan, Serge 13 October 2014 (has links)
Une des spécificités des apprentissages dans le domaine des pratiques corporelles est leurvisibilité. Les comportements des élèves sont visibles et observables par tous les « consociés »(Schütz, 2008). L’objet de notre travail de recherche est d’étudier cette activité d’observationdes élèves entre eux pendant les séances d’éducation physique et sportive. Nous supposonsque cette expérience vicariante (Bandura, 1980, 2003) intervient dans le processus de corégulationdes apprentissages (Allal, 2007) des élèves. Les organisations matérielles etsociales et les activités physiques enseignées constituent le « donné » de l’enseignant (Béguin& Clot, 2004), l’environnement « imposé » (Carré, 2004) à travers les situationsd’apprentissage. Ils placent les élèves dans une certaine objectivité de l’environnement setraduisant par une prégnance exercée sur les apprenants. Ce créé, à la fois collectif etindividuel, est la source d’un savoir partagé (Bruner, 2008), d’un référentiel commun(Wenger, 2008) par la négociation (Gearing, 1984). Il constitue une transmission cachée.Cette activité recouvre les apprentissages moteurs, les comportements sociaux et le degréd’engagement des élèves dans les tâches. Les recueils ethnographiques sous la forme devidéos et d’entretiens d’auto-confrontation mettent en évidence des fonctionsd’acquisition/instrumentale, des fonctions relationnelles/de communication et des fonctionsmotivationnelles de cette expérience vicariante. Mais l’âge des élèves et les types d’activitésphysiques (jeu et sports collectifs/activités de sauts) influencent les effets de ces troisfonctions. / One of the special features of the learning process in the field of physical practises is itsvisibility. The pupil's behaviors are visible and observable by everyone involved. The aim ofour research is to study this observational activity in the students amongst themselves, duringthe physical education lesson. We suppose that this vicarious experience (Bandura, 1980,2003) plays a role in the co-regulatory process of the pupil's learning (Allal, 2007). Thematerial and social structures and the physical activities taught represent «the given» from theteacher (Béguin & Clot, 2004), the environment «imposed» (Carré, 2004) throughout thelearning situations. It puts the children in a certain environmental objectivity. The « creation »which is both collective and individual, is the source of a shared knowledge (Bruner, 2008), ashare repertoire (Wenger, 2008) through the negotiation. It establishes hidden transmission.This activity integrates motor learnings, social behaviors, and the students' level ofinvolvment in the tasks. Ethnographic data collections, in the form of video and self-analysisinterviews highlight the functions of acquisition, communication and motivation in thisvicarious experience. But the age of the pupils and the types of physical activities (team gameand sport/jumping activities) influences the effects of these three functions.

Sensor Observation Service for Environmental Monitoring Data

Mokhtary, Mandana January 2012 (has links)
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) is the public agency in Sweden with responsibility to overview the conditions of the environment and the policies related to the environmental monitoring data. Nowadays, observation data are stored in several different data models in this organization, leading to difficulties in finding, understanding and consequently using data in terms of analysis and management of environmental issues. One common model that uniformly structures observation data could largely make it easier for decision makers to find the required information. The aim of this study is to build an interoperable data model for environmental monitoring observation in Naturvårdsverket based on OGC-SWE standard formats. The proposed solution relies on Sensor Web architecture, which is the set of data model definitions andweb service specifications. Also, this methodology is based on open source components; therefore it is cost-effective for the users. The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is used to create a uniform model by using communication protocols such as Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). The primary findings of the thesis is that when the observation is encoded into the standard format from the beginning, then it is easier to parse these documents and find the required information for the end users without knowing how these information are gathered and stored. The client scan send a request to the Sensor Observation Service (SOS) and receive the observation that is structured based on Observation and Measurements (O&M).

Agreement of Peer Comparison Data Between Direct Behavior Rating Scales and Systematic Direct Observation Methods

Popescue, Elizabeth Ashley 01 August 2012 (has links)
Recently, Direct Behavior Ratings have been shown to be a promising new tool for observing students and classrooms in an education setting for a variety of behaviors. The traditional method of observing students and classroom behavior was through tools called Systemic Direct Observations. Currently, there are only a few studies looking at the use of a Direct Behavior Rating as a device to collect peer comparison data to estimate classwide behavior problems. This study examined the estimated percentages of on-task and disruptive behavior between a Systemic Direct Observation with momentary time sampling and three random peers, a Systemic Direct Observation with momentary time sampling using the entire class, and a Direct Behavior Rating. Multiple undergraduate classrooms were taped and divided up into twenty-five 7-minute segments. The videos were then coded on all three of the observation forms with 100% reliability ratings. Results indicated that there was a strong relationship between the Direct Behavior Rating and the SDO classwide on-task estimates with 37% of the variance in the Systemic Direct Observation classwide data consistent with the Direct Behavior Rating data. There was a moderate relationship between the on-task Direct Behavior Rating and three-peer on-task with 13% of the variance in the Systemic Direct Observation data as a portion of the Direct Behavior Rating data. Results also showed that there was a significant correlation between Direct Behavior Rating both of the Systemic Direct Observation methods with 43% for the classwide Systemic Direct Observation and 39% of the three-peers Systemic Direct Observation variance consistent with the Direct Behavior Rating data. Implications and future directions were considered. The research yielded results that indicated that Direct Behavior Ratings might be a useful tool when evaluating classwide behavior, and that further research is warranted.

A Qualitative Exploration of the Current State of Observation and Feedback in the Seminaries and Institutes of Religion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Garner, Christopher B. 01 August 2018 (has links)
While the Seminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints expect supervisors of teachers to observe teachers regularly and provide feedback, they have not provided those supervisors with adequate training materials, or explained how these supervisors are expected to accomplish this. For this study, three administrators and three teachers were interviewed about their experiences with observation and feedback in S&I. Their responses provided clarification on the purposes of observation and feedback, revealed that a lack of supervisor training has resulted in teachers’ experiences with observation and feedback being different from administrator’s expectations in key ways, and identified some elements of observation and feedback that teachers and administrators agree are effective. Those elements include teachers’ autonomy, collaboration between supervisors, frequent observations designed to help teachers improve (rather than to judge teachers’ abilities), and providing feedback in a kind and constructive way, limiting suggestions for improve to one or two things that are based on principles for teaching that are widely-accepted throughout S&I. This study also reports how teachers and administrators might feel about the use of a standard observation form for teacher observation and feedback.

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