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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Företagskultur enligt Competing Values Framework : En kulturell jämförelse mellan en marknadsledare och en icke-marknadsledare i detaljhandelsbranschen

Falck, Amanda, Linderoth, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Att företagskultur förknippas med organisatorisk effektivitet är flertalet forskare överens om. Enligt forskning inom Competing Values Framework finns ett flertal kriterier som leder till organisatorisk effektivitet. Dessa kriterier ska till olika grad korrelera med de fyra kulturtyper som Competing Values Framework baseras på. Då tidigare studier inom området främst har gjorts i USA och Sydkorea ämnar vi i denna studie undersöka om dessa effektivitetskriterier även kan appliceras på en svensk marknadsledare och icke-marknadsledare inom detaljhandelsbranschen. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte har vi valt att mäta kultur genom Organisational Culture Assessment Instrument. De resultat vi har fått fram genom vår undersökning visar att de effektivitetskriterier som forskning tidigare har hittat även stämmer överens med vårt resultat, men visar också att svenska organisationer till en högre grad än amerikanska och sydkoreanska präglas av en Clan Culture.

Det sitter i väggarna! : organisationskultur på två folkbibliotek med annorlunda driftsform / Ingrained in the walls! : Organisational culture in two public libraries managed differently

Alneng, Marika January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to study the organisational culture of two public libraries managed differently. One of the libraries in my study is run by the local bookstore and the other is run by a staff co-operative. My aim is to elucidate characteristic features in the culture of these two public library organisations. The questions I posed are which types of organisation culture can be identified in the two given examples and what the factors are that may be of importance for these cultures. In my study I use Henning Bang’s definition of organisational culture as a set of common norms, values and comprehensions of the reality formed in an organisation through cooperating within the group and with the outside world. I’ve also used Bang’s division of the concept into content and expression, when I’ve gathered information in my empiric study. The study has contained of texts from and about the chosen libraries, an inquiry answered by all the staff members and interviews with three members from each organisation. I have used Critical Values Framework and Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument as tools for analysing the material. Both libraries in this study can, according to these tools, be characterised as clan oriented. Although the similarities, the organisation culture in the two libraries differs in many ways. My conclusion is that the specific context of history and the driving force of change, are of great importance to the organisation culture. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Becoming the Corporate Native...Virtually: An Ethnography and Corporate Culture Assessment of a Virtual Organization

Avery, Jennifer Laurel 01 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation presents an investigation of a rarely studied business entity in the cross disciplinary literature on organizational culture, a completely virtually organized firm. Subscribing to a conviction that any culture can only be understood through an approach that uncovers the lived experiences of its members, I employ the traditional anthropological method of participant observation as my foundational data gathering technique. In an effort to help engage anthropology with the cross disciplinary organizational culture literature generally, I also use two well-known methods of corporate culture assessment from the management sciences. I provide a number of recommendations to the sponsors of the research for addressing problems that relate directly to worker morale and performance and which, consequently, impact the company's overall potential for success. Some of these problems are unique to this particular company while other issues that I identify, such as weak organizational identification among employees, loose networks of social capital between co-workers, employee training and nurturing deficits, email overload impacts on employee productivity and regard for organizational leaders, and the encroachment of work on personal time, are problems likely to be encountered by members of other virtual work organizations. As such, my findings should be of interest to applied researchers who study these fast-growing types of work arrangements.

Diferencias de percepción de la cultura organizacional en la Institución Educativa Héroes del Cenepa en la ciudad de Huancayo

Castro Espinal, Carla Shirley 31 August 2018 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar si existían diferencias en la percepción de la cultura organizacional en la II.EE. Héroes del Cenepa del distrito de El Tambo en la ciudad de Huancayo, para ello se identificó la cultura organizacional existente en la II.EE y se comprendió mejor las diferencias de percepciones de la cultura organizacional entre los trabajadores según: (a) género (b) nivel de instrucción, y (c) antigüedad laboral. Las variables utilizadas fueron: (a) variable dependiente: cultura organizacional, y (b) variables independientes o Variables Demográficas: (a) género (b) nivel de instrucción, y (c) antigüedad laboral. La teoría aplicada fue el Modelo de Valores por Competencias a través de la herramienta OCAI [Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument], elaborada por Cameron y Quinn (2011), que contiene los arquetipos de las cuatro culturas o componentes: (a) jerárquica, (b) mercado, (c) adhocrática, y (d) clan; este instrumento fue aplicado a una muestra de 19 trabajadores de la II.EE, personal administrativo y docente que no se encontraba con licencia, vacaciones o de reemplazo. El resultado indicó que no existen diferencias en la percepción la cultura organizacional en la II.EE. Héroes del Cenepa, y se apreció que en esta II.EE. coexisten los cuatro componentes de cultura organizacional: (a) clan, (b) adhocrática, (c) mercado y (d) jerárquica, siendo el componente cultural que predomina en su organización mercado.

Organizační kultura a motivační klima organizace / Organizational culture and motivational climate of the organization

HÜTTNEROVÁ, Pavla January 2010 (has links)
In my thesis I occupied myself with motivation, culture and efficiency of an organisation,which is one of the security forces in The Czech Republic. The organisation is Firefighters department Český Krumlov. The motivation system and organisation culture in organisations like this has got so many particularities and differences, which result from its nature and category of activities, the organisation has to provide. The aim of the thesis is to analyse, assess and recense a culture of organizaton, motivational environment and the way the organisation efficiency is connected to its organisation.

Srovnání organizační kultury státních, komerčních a neziskových poskytovatelů sociálních služeb / Comparison of Organizational Culture in Public, Comercial and Nonprofit Service Providers

Boháčková, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis focuses on comparison of organisational culture in state-controlled, commercial and non-profit organisations in the area of pre-school education. It is based on the Competing Values Framework developed by Cameron and Quinn, according to whom there are four types of organisational culture. The goal of this Thesis is to identify and describe the culture types in organisations in the above-mentioned three sectors, and to subsequently compare these types so that their similarities and differences can be revealed. The chosen method of research is a case study; the data was collected by a questionnaire survey among employees and by analysis of documents used in the organisations. My research has indicated that the organisational culture in the three sectors is similar in certain elements, but different in others. An established similarity is the presence of the clan culture, which is a friendly and informal working environment. Regarding the differences, the culture is more bureaucratic and hierarchic in a state-controlled organisation, while more dynamic and focused on innovations in commercial and non-profit ones.

Vad har vi för organisationskulur egentligen? : En undersökande och jämförande studie av organisationskulturen / What organizational culture do we really have? : An investigative and comparative study of the organizational culture

Jakobsson, Jessica, Vall, Victoria January 2020 (has links)
I varje organisation existerar det en kultur, organisationskultur, som är unik just för företaget och inom den kan det finnas variationer. Kunskap om hur organisationskulturen ser ut, vilka variationer som finns, vad de beror på och hur de kan komma till uttryck är en styrka för organisationen och ger den en stor fördel i dess utveckling samt kan vara avgörande för organisationens överlevnad. Ett sätt att få kunskap om sin organisationskultur kan vara att mäta den. Denna studie syftade till att få en fördjupad förståelse av organisationskultur och, med mätinstrumentet OCAI, utröna hur den såg ut för två enheter (butik och HR) i en organisation. Genom en kombinerad studie genomfördes en enkät och en gruppintervju som besvarade frågeställningarna. Frågorna som användes för att besvara syftet innefattade hur organisationskulturen såg ut i respektive enhets Nuläge och Önskat läge, samsynen mellan enheterna och hur de betraktade utfallet av enkäten. De centrala resultat som framkom i studien var att de två enheterna hade, vid mätning av deras Nuläge, skattat sin organisationskultur lika. Klankultur är den kultur som domineras och delas av båda enheterna. Det rådde inte lika hög kongruens i enheternas skattning för Önskat läge; HR önskade större förändringar än butiken. Framförallt var det hierarki och marknadskulturen som HR ville minska medan butiken inte ville ha någon större förändring från Nuläget. De marginella skillnaderna butiken önskade var att minska hierarkin och öka adhokratin. Vid gruppintervjun uttryckte deltagarna en igenkänning i resultatet och att OCAI fyller ett glapp genom att kunna vara ett komplement till den årliga medarbetarundersökningen. Organisationen arbetade aktivt med sin organisationskultur och resultatet skulle kunna tyda på att kulturen genomsyrade hela företaget men en vidare undersökning behöver genomföras innan det går att konstatera.

Análise da cultura organizacional no gerenciamento de projetos / The analysis of organizational culture in project management

Carvalho, Liza Fachin de 31 July 2015 (has links)
O gerenciamento de projetos de forma sistematizada vem se tornando essencial para todo tipo de organização, pois os mercados a cada dia tornam-se cada vez mais competitivos, os recursos mais escassos e os clientes muito mais exigentes. É possível observar isso com o número crescente de empresas que se associam ao Project Management Institute (PMI) - referência nas melhores práticas em gerenciamento de projetos - que desde o final de 2013 possui mais de 400.000 empresas associadas em todo o planeta. Tal tendência é natural, visto que as empresas necessitam se destacar nos negócios em um mercado cada vez mais dinâmico a fim de garantir a sua sobrevivência. De acordo com Gu et al. (2013), uma questão-chave na investigação de gerenciamento de projetos gira em torno de porquê alguns projetos são bem sucedidos, enquanto outros não. Esta questão levou os pesquisadores a explorar determinantes potenciais que possam levar ao sucesso ou fracasso de um projeto. Por exemplo, o Standish Group International (2009) encontrou uma taxa global de fracasso do projeto em torno de 72% nos EUA. É certo que a cultura organizacional exerce forte influência no sucesso dos projetos, mas seria possível diagnosticá-la para com isso melhor conduzir as equipes de projeto? Deste modo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a relação entre a cultura organizacional e o gerenciamento de projetos, utilizando-se para tanto dos modelos como o Competing Values Framework (CVF) e o Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). O emprego dos modelos se justifica por serem os mais utilizados na literatura em gestão organizacional, embora não tenham sido encontrados estudos empíricos que os utilize no contexto brasileiro em gerenciamento de projetos. O método utilizado para obtenção do perfil cultural dominante para o sucesso em gerenciamento de projetos foi survey, na qual o modelo OCAI foi adaptado e destinado para gerentes e membros de equipe de projetos. Observou-se através da análise dos dados, que a cultura de clã foi a que apresentou forte influência para o sucesso no gerenciamento de projetos de acordo com a percepção dos respondentes da survey. É importante ressaltar que não há um perfil de cultura melhor que o outro, portanto, a cultura de gerenciamento de projetos obtida é apenas o diagnóstico de uma cultura organizacional que poderá permitir a obtenção de um desempenho superior, ou seja, sucesso no atendimento de escopo, qualidade, custo e prazo. Discute-se para estudos futuros a importância de se empregar respondentes de diferentes estados do Brasil e ainda de outros países, buscando estabelecer que não existam influências de outros fatores culturais regionais na percepção dos respondentes. / Project management in a systematic manner has become essential for any type of organization, because the markets every day become increasingly competitive, scarce resources and more demanding customers. You can see this with the growing number of companies that are associated with the Project Management Institute (PMI) - reference the best practices in project management - which since late 2013 has more than 400,000 affiliates around the world. This tendency is natural, since companies need to stand out in business in an increasingly dynamic market in order to ensure their survival. According to Gu et al. (2013), a key issue in project management research centers on why some projects are successful while others do not. This question led the researchers to explore potential determinants that can lead to success or failure of a project. For example, the Standish Group International (2009) found an overall rate of failure of the project around 72% in the US. Admittedly, the organizational culture has a strong influence on the success of the projects, but it would be possible to diagnose it for it better lead project teams? Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between organizational culture and project management, using for both models like the Competing Values Framework (CVF) and the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). The use of models is justified because they are the most used in the literature on organizational management, although we did not find empirical studies that use them in the Brazilian context in project management. The method used to obtain the dominant cultural profile for success in project management was the survey, in which the OCAI model was adapted and designed for managers and project team members. It was observed by analyzing the data, the clan culture showed the strong influence for success in project management according to the perception of the survey respondents. Importantly, there is a better culture profile than the other, so the obtained project management culture is only the diagnosis of an organizational culture that may allow obtaining superior performance, ie success in scope of service, quality, cost and schedule. It is argued for further study the importance of employing respondents from different states of Brazil and even from other countries, seeking to establish that there are no influences from other regional cultural factors in the perception of respondents.

Análise da cultura organizacional no gerenciamento de projetos / The analysis of organizational culture in project management

Liza Fachin de Carvalho 31 July 2015 (has links)
O gerenciamento de projetos de forma sistematizada vem se tornando essencial para todo tipo de organização, pois os mercados a cada dia tornam-se cada vez mais competitivos, os recursos mais escassos e os clientes muito mais exigentes. É possível observar isso com o número crescente de empresas que se associam ao Project Management Institute (PMI) - referência nas melhores práticas em gerenciamento de projetos - que desde o final de 2013 possui mais de 400.000 empresas associadas em todo o planeta. Tal tendência é natural, visto que as empresas necessitam se destacar nos negócios em um mercado cada vez mais dinâmico a fim de garantir a sua sobrevivência. De acordo com Gu et al. (2013), uma questão-chave na investigação de gerenciamento de projetos gira em torno de porquê alguns projetos são bem sucedidos, enquanto outros não. Esta questão levou os pesquisadores a explorar determinantes potenciais que possam levar ao sucesso ou fracasso de um projeto. Por exemplo, o Standish Group International (2009) encontrou uma taxa global de fracasso do projeto em torno de 72% nos EUA. É certo que a cultura organizacional exerce forte influência no sucesso dos projetos, mas seria possível diagnosticá-la para com isso melhor conduzir as equipes de projeto? Deste modo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a relação entre a cultura organizacional e o gerenciamento de projetos, utilizando-se para tanto dos modelos como o Competing Values Framework (CVF) e o Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). O emprego dos modelos se justifica por serem os mais utilizados na literatura em gestão organizacional, embora não tenham sido encontrados estudos empíricos que os utilize no contexto brasileiro em gerenciamento de projetos. O método utilizado para obtenção do perfil cultural dominante para o sucesso em gerenciamento de projetos foi survey, na qual o modelo OCAI foi adaptado e destinado para gerentes e membros de equipe de projetos. Observou-se através da análise dos dados, que a cultura de clã foi a que apresentou forte influência para o sucesso no gerenciamento de projetos de acordo com a percepção dos respondentes da survey. É importante ressaltar que não há um perfil de cultura melhor que o outro, portanto, a cultura de gerenciamento de projetos obtida é apenas o diagnóstico de uma cultura organizacional que poderá permitir a obtenção de um desempenho superior, ou seja, sucesso no atendimento de escopo, qualidade, custo e prazo. Discute-se para estudos futuros a importância de se empregar respondentes de diferentes estados do Brasil e ainda de outros países, buscando estabelecer que não existam influências de outros fatores culturais regionais na percepção dos respondentes. / Project management in a systematic manner has become essential for any type of organization, because the markets every day become increasingly competitive, scarce resources and more demanding customers. You can see this with the growing number of companies that are associated with the Project Management Institute (PMI) - reference the best practices in project management - which since late 2013 has more than 400,000 affiliates around the world. This tendency is natural, since companies need to stand out in business in an increasingly dynamic market in order to ensure their survival. According to Gu et al. (2013), a key issue in project management research centers on why some projects are successful while others do not. This question led the researchers to explore potential determinants that can lead to success or failure of a project. For example, the Standish Group International (2009) found an overall rate of failure of the project around 72% in the US. Admittedly, the organizational culture has a strong influence on the success of the projects, but it would be possible to diagnose it for it better lead project teams? Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between organizational culture and project management, using for both models like the Competing Values Framework (CVF) and the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). The use of models is justified because they are the most used in the literature on organizational management, although we did not find empirical studies that use them in the Brazilian context in project management. The method used to obtain the dominant cultural profile for success in project management was the survey, in which the OCAI model was adapted and designed for managers and project team members. It was observed by analyzing the data, the clan culture showed the strong influence for success in project management according to the perception of the survey respondents. Importantly, there is a better culture profile than the other, so the obtained project management culture is only the diagnosis of an organizational culture that may allow obtaining superior performance, ie success in scope of service, quality, cost and schedule. It is argued for further study the importance of employing respondents from different states of Brazil and even from other countries, seeking to establish that there are no influences from other regional cultural factors in the perception of respondents.

The Road to Become Agile : A case study of agile transformations in the retail market, including an organization development approach / Vägen till att Bli Agil

Rasch, Linnéa, Thun, Victor January 2020 (has links)
In today’s volatile market, retail companies struggle for survival as they have to become more flexible and dynamic. Thus, they change the organization, implementing agile methods. However agile is more than a set of practices and therefore the implementation process needs to be accompanied by organizational development to accomplish successful organizational change. This has been shown to be difficult for retail companies due to their size, defined silos, comfortable long-established ways of doing things and strong bureaucratic hierarchical culture. This thesis studies the implementation of agile in a large-scale retail organization and uses organizational development as a tool for deeper understanding and analysis. The study has been conducted at one of Sweden's leading retail organizations, where the research design contains two phases: one pre-study phase where a deeper understanding of the company and the transformation is achieved resulting in a problem formulation and the second phase where the main study is directed by the problem formulation and leads to an analysis and conclusion. The analysis is based on empirics gathered from three separate teams and is divided into three interconnected change phases, “Preparation”, “Implementation” and “Desired state”. From the analysis in the preparation and implementation phases; strengths and challenges within the organization were identified. Together with a maturity model to evaluate the implemented agile practices and an organizational culture assessment instrument to evaluate people and culture, the strengths and challenges were then used to estimate their current state and compare it to their future desired state. In conclusion, the strengths of the case company were that, when implemented, the observed teams incorporated the agile ceremonies and ways of work successfully. However, there were challenges identified in relation to resistance within management, there was a general lack of support from the sponsors and confusion about the managerial roles. There was also a lack of communication, cooperation and synchronizations between teams. / I dagens flyktiga marknader kämpar företag inom dagligvaruhandeln för att överleva då de måste bli mer flexibla och dynamiska i deras strategi. För att bemöta detta ändrar företagen sin strategi genom implementering av agila metoder. Emellertid handlar att vara agil inte bara om att använda sig av olika verktyg och övningar för att ändra hur man arbetar, utan för att implementeringen av agila metoder ska vara lyckad, måste den följas med av en lyckad organisationsförändring. En sådan agil implementering och organisationsförändring har visats vara komplicerad i just dagligvaruhandeln på grund av organisationernas ofta stora storlek, definierade silos, komfortabla gamla traditioner och starka hierarkiska organisationskultur. Denna uppsats studerar implementationen av agilt i ett storskaligt företag inom dagligvaruhandeln och använder sig av organisationsutveckling som ett verktyg för att nå en djupare förståelse och analys. Analysen är uppdelad i tre olika sammanhängande faser “Förberedelse”, “Implementering”, och “Önskat Tillstånd”. Empirin analysen är baserad på kommer från tre olika separata team, vilka är i olika faser av den agila transformationen. I förberedelse- och implementeringsfaserna identifieras styrkor och utmaningar hos företaget. Dessa används sedan tillsammans med en mognadhetsmodell, för att evaluera de agila tillvägagångssätten samt ett bedömningsinstrument för organisationskultur, för att evaluera personer och kultur, i syfte att sedan utvärdera det nuvarande tillståndet i jämförelse med det önskade. Sammanfattningsvis lyckades de observerade teamen att framgångsrikt implementera de agila metoderna och arbetssätten. Däremot identifierades flera utmaningar i relation till motstånd inom management. Det fanns en generell förvirring kring chefs rollernas betydelse och det saknades stöd från ledningsgruppen. Slutligen identifierades även förbättringsområden inom kommunikation, samarbete och synkronisering mellan olika team.

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