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Les biens d'usage public en droit colombien / Regulation of public property available for public use in colombian lawPimiento-Echeverri, Julian-Andres 02 May 2011 (has links)
Les biens d'usage public sont la catégorie centrale de la construction du droit administratif des biens. L'absence d'une analyse d'ensemble de la catégorie, en droit colombien, pousse à revoir les bases sur lesquelles elle repose et ses conséquences. Plus que toute autre catégorie juridique, les biens d'usage public sont tributaires de leur histoire, c'est dans l'étude de cette dernière que se trouvent les clés d'interprétation de tout le système. Le modèle utilisé par le code civil colombien a été calqué sur la division des biens publics, opérée par le droit espagnol colonial – inspirée à son tour du droit romain. Une mise à jour s'avère nécessaire. À partir de la notion de propriété publique, et de son régime constitutionnel, il est possible de construire une définition matérielle des biens d'usage public, permettant de comprendre les caractéristiques de l'usage public. Cela implique, aussi, une révision complète du régime juridique à la lumière de l'exploitation sociale et économique – valorisation – de la propriété publique. À une triple protection, celle de la propriété publique, du bien d'usage public et de l'usager, s'ajoute une nouvelle approche des occupations privatives. Cette idée d'exploitation sociale et économique anime un nouveau régime des titres habilitant l'occupation privative, des redevances pour occupation des biens d'usage public et des droits réels administratifs. / Regulation of public property available for public use is at the core of administrative law. The Colombian Civil Code has copied colonial Spanish law in the matter, which in turn was inspired by Roman law. However, the absence of an exhaustive and coherent regulation in Colombia has forced the interpreter to study its foundation and further developments to interpret it. An update of this legal system is, therefore, imperative. Beginning with the concept of public property and its constitutional regulation, it is poss ible to analyze the elements of its public use, which will allow proposing a definition of those assets. It is necessary to analyze the regulation of these public properties under the light of their social and economic value. The protection granted by the law to the concepts of public property, public use and public user, has to be assessed under the new approach of the administrative authorizations pertaining to such public property. This notion of social and economic value will also allow scholars/people to have a new vision of the regulation of administrative authorizations, the exclusive rights (in rem) they confer and the income they produce.
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Erwachsenenbildung in der DDR anhand betrieblicher Dokumente der Vereinigung Volkseigener Betriebe, des Kombinats Baumwolle und anderer Kombinate der Textilindustrie des Bezirkes Karl-Marx-StadtHoffmann, Fritz 24 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Darstellung der politischen, fachlichen und kulturell-sportlichen Erwachsenenbildung in der DDR, theoretischer und konkreter Untersuchungsergebnisse in der Textilindustrie des Bezirkes Karl-Marx-Stadt, unter Beachtung der Erziehungsdiktatur der SED.
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Erwachsenenbildung in der DDR anhand betrieblicher Dokumente der Vereinigung Volkseigener Betriebe, des Kombinats Baumwolle und anderer Kombinate der Textilindustrie des Bezirkes Karl-Marx-StadtHoffmann, Fritz 25 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Darstellung der politischen, fachlichen und kulturell-sportlichen Erwachsenenbildung in der DDR, theoretischer und konkreter Untersuchungsergebnisse in der Textilindustrie des Bezirkes Karl-Marx-Stadt, unter Beachtung der Erziehungsdiktatur der SED.
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Academic life under occupation : the impact on educationalists at Gaza's universitiesJebril, Mona A. S. January 2018 (has links)
This sociological study explores the past and current higher education (HE) experience of educationalists at Gaza’s universities and how this experience may be evolving in the shifting socio-political context in the Arab World. The thesis is motivated by three questions: 1. What are the perspectives of academic staff in the Faculties of Education at Gaza’s universities on their own past HE experiences? 2. What are the perspectives of students and their lecturers (academic staff) in the Faculties of Education at Gaza’s universities on students’ current HE experiences? 3. How do educationalists in the Faculties of Education at Gaza’s universities perceive the shifting socio-political context in the Arab World, and what current or future impact do they think it will have on the education context at Gaza’s universities? To examine these questions, I conducted an inductive qualitative study. Using 36 in-depth, semi- structured interviews which lasted between (90-300 min), I collected data from educationalists (15 academic staff; 21 students) at two of Gaza’s universities. Due to difficulties of access to the Gaza Strip, the participants were interviewed via Skype from Cambridge. Informed by the literature review, and triangulated with other research activities, such as reviewing participants’ CVs, browsing universities websites, and keeping a reflective journal, a thematic analysis was conducted on the interview data. Theoretically, although this study has benefited from conceptual insights, such as those found in Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and in Pierre Bourdieu’s work on symbolic violence, it is a micro-level study, which is mainly data driven. The findings of this research show that in the past, educationalists were relatively more passive in terms of shaping their HE experiences, despite efforts to become resilient. In the present, students and their lecturers continue to face challenges that impact negatively on their participation and everyday life at Gaza’s universities. However, how the HE experience will evolve out of this context in the future is uncertain. The Arab Spring revolutions have had an influence on Gaza HE institutions’ campuses as they have triggered more awareness of students’ grievances and discontent. Because of some political and educational barriers, however, students’ voices are a cacophony; they remain split between “compliance” and resistance (Bourdieu, 1984, p. 471; Swartz, 2013, p. 39). Previously, Sara Roy (1995) rightly indicated a structure of “de-development” in the Gaza Strip (p.110). The findings from this research show that the impact of occupation and of the changes in the Arab World on the educational context in Gaza are more complex than previously thought. There is a simultaneous process of construction and destruction that is both external and internal to educationalists and which undermines academic work at Gaza’s universities. Based on this, the study concludes by explaining six implications of this complex structure for academic practice at Gaza’s universities, offering nine policy recommendations for HE reform, and highlighting six areas for future research.
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Erwachsenenbildung in der DDR anhand betrieblicher Dokumente der Vereinigung Volkseigener Betriebe, des Kombinats Baumwolle und anderer Kombinate der Textilindustrie des Bezirkes Karl-Marx-Stadt: Erwachsenenbildung in der DDR anhand betrieblicher Dokumente der VereinigungVolkseigener Betriebe, des Kombinats Baumwolle und anderer Kombinate der Textilindustrie des Bezirkes Karl-Marx-StadtHoffmann, Fritz 15 May 2007 (has links)
Darstellung der politischen, fachlichen und kulturell-sportlichen Erwachsenenbildung in der DDR, theoretischer und konkreter Untersuchungsergebnisse in der Textilindustrie des Bezirkes Karl-Marx-Stadt, unter Beachtung der Erziehungsdiktatur der SED.
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Erwachsenenbildung in der DDR anhand betrieblicher Dokumente der Vereinigung Volkseigener Betriebe, des Kombinats Baumwolle und anderer Kombinate der Textilindustrie des Bezirkes Karl-Marx-Stadt: Erwachsenenbildung in der DDR anhand betrieblicher Dokumente der VereinigungVolkseigener Betriebe, des Kombinats Baumwolle und anderer Kombinate der Textilindustrie des Bezirkes Karl-Marx-StadtHoffmann, Fritz 15 May 2007 (has links)
Darstellung der politischen, fachlichen und kulturell-sportlichen Erwachsenenbildung in der DDR, theoretischer und konkreter Untersuchungsergebnisse in der Textilindustrie des Bezirkes Karl-Marx-Stadt, unter Beachtung der Erziehungsdiktatur der SED.
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Osoby způsobilé v oblasti rizik / Qualified persons in the field of occupational risksFichtner, Jan January 2022 (has links)
Qualified persons in the field of occupational risks Abstract Qualified persons in the field of occupational risks are persons dealing with different levels of risk, different extent and type of risks. In this set is not only the person for health and safety, but there are other qualified persons as well. For example, a qualified person who provides and performs the ccupational health services, a qualified person for fire protection, a construction safety coordinator, as well as an inspection technician of dedicated technical equipment, etc. A key qualified person in occupational risk and health and safety prevention is a person who assist employers in occupational risk prevention by managing risk identification, providing risk assesments, identification of source and risks causes and incidents. This person takes care about risk factors on worplaces such as microclima, chemical and biological hazards, noise, ergonomy and many others risks and continuosly advises employers of identificated risk on workplaces. He leads as a expert in health and safety, but not responsible, for applying right and effective principles of work safety and accident prevention and provide high qualified consultating job for employers. As well as is need to be noticed that employers has a legal obligation to have minimum one these...
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By any means necessary : an interpretive phenomenological analysis study of post 9/11 American abusive violence in IraqTsukayama, John K. January 2014 (has links)
This study examines the phenomenon of abusive violence (AV) in the context of the American Post-9/11 Counter-terrorism and Counter-insurgency campaigns. Previous research into atrocities by states and their agents has largely come from examinations of totalitarian regimes with well-developed torture and assassination institutions. The mechanisms influencing willingness to do harm have been examined in experimental studies of obedience to authority and the influences of deindividuation, dehumanization, context and system. This study used Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to examine the lived experience of AV reported by fourteen American military and intelligence veterans. Participants were AV observers, objectors, or abusers. Subjects described why AV appeared sensible at the time, how methods of violence were selected, and what sense they made of their experiences after the fact. Accounts revealed the roles that frustration, fear, anger and mission pressure played to prompt acts of AV that ranged from the petty to heinous. Much of the AV was tied to a shift in mission view from macro strategic aims of CT and COIN to individual and small group survival. Routine hazing punishment soldiers received involving forced exercise and stress positions made similar acts inflicted on detainees unrecognizable as abusive. Overt and implied permissiveness from military superiors enabled AV extending to torture, and extra-judicial killings. Attempting to overcome feelings of vulnerability, powerlessness and rage, subjects enacted communal punishment through indiscriminate beatings and shooting. Participants committed AV to amuse themselves and humiliate their enemies; some killed detainees to force confessions from others, conceal misdeeds, and avoid routine paperwork. Participants realized that AV practices were unnecessary, counter-productive, and self-damaging. Several reduced or halted their AV as a result. The lived experience of AV left most respondents feeling guilt, shame, and inadequacy, whether they committed abuse or failed to stop it.
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The influence of cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and personality on job performance: proposing a model for personnel selectionDhliwayo, Pfungwa 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, TshiVenda and Afrikaans / This research sought to propose a personnel selection model encompassing the influence of cognitive intelligence, ability emotional intelligence, trait emotional intelligence, and personality on job performance. Using a quantitative cross-sectional research design, the researcher investigated the interrelationships between the variables relevant to the study using a convenience sample of N = 299 that consisted of Zimbabwean supervisory and professionally qualified and experienced specialists of different ages and genders, and from different job tenures, and job types. To get a true picture of the relationships between the predictor and criterion variables, the interaction (moderating) effects between the sociodemographic variables (age, gender, job tenure, and job type) and the predictor variables (cognitive intelligence, ability emotional intelligence, trait emotional intelligence, and personality) in predicting the criterion of job performance were also examined.
The researcher used correlational and inferential multivariate statistical analysis (structural equation modelling, regression analyses, and tests for significant mean differences) to test the research hypotheses. The results from the study indicated that cognitive intelligence was the best predictor of job performance, followed by ability emotional intelligence, and then by personality. Trait emotional intelligence could not account for any variance in job performance. The results showed significant interaction effects between personality and job tenure (judging-perceiving personality types) and job types (extraversion-introversion personality types) in predicting job performance. Significant sociodemographic mean differences in the levels of the predictor variables were also identified. The identified predictive powers of the variables, the interaction effects between the identified sociodemographic and the predictor variables in predicting job performance, and the significant sociodemographic mean differences in the levels of predictor variables need to be considered for personnel selection practices in order to understand the nature of variables that may enhance or inhibit job performance. From a theoretical perspective, the research advanced personnel selection theory by empirically and scientifically identifying the core elements of personnel selection, and proposing a personnel selection model for use by industrial psychologists and organisations. / Ṱhoḓisiso heyi i ṱoḓa u dzinginya tshiedza tsha maitele ane a shumiswa hu tshi tholwa vhashumi ane a katela ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhukoni ha muhumbulo nga u angaredza, vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa, vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa kha zwithu zwine zwa fana, na vhuḓifari kha kushumele mushumoni. Hu tshi khou shumiswa maitele a ṱhoḓisiso a nḓila yo dzudzanaho ya u kuvhanganya na u saukanya data u bva kha zwiko zwo fhambanaho, u guda zwine zwa khou itea kha tshigwada nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, muṱoḓisisi o ṱoḓisisa vhushaka vhukati ha zwithu zwine zwa fhambana zwo teaho kha ngudo, hu tshi khou shumiswa sambula ya vhathu vhane zwa leluwa u vha swikelela N = 299, i katelaho vhaṱoli na vhathu vha re na ndalukano dza mushumo na vhomakone vha re na tshenzhelo vha vhukale ho fhambanaho, mbeu, tshifhinga tshe vha shuma na tshaka dza mushumo kha vhathu vha Zimbabwe. U wana tshifanyiso tsha vhukuma tsha vhushaka vhukati ha zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa na zwithu zwo ḓisendekaho nga zwiṅwe, ṱhuṱhuwedzo ine ya itea khathihi vhukati ha zwithu zwivhili hune u ṱangana hazwo zwa vha na ndeme khulwane u fhirisa zwipiḓa vhukati ha zwiṱaluli zwa vhathu (vhukale, mbeu, tshifhinga tshe vhashuma, lushaka lwa mushumo) na zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa (vhukoni ha muhumbulo nga u angaredza, vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa ,vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa kha zwithu zwine zwa fana, na vhuḓifari) kha u humbulela nḓila dza kushumele mushumoni na dzone dzo ṱoḓuluswa.
Muṱoḓisisi o shumisa khoriḽeshinala na siṱatisiṱiki tsha iniferinshiaḽa maḽithivareithi musi a tshi khou saukanya (tshiedza tsha siṱatisisṱika, maitele a siṱatisiṱika a u humbulela vhushaka vhukati ha zwithu, na u linga ndeme ya phambano ya siṱatisiṱika) u linga u vhonela phanḓa kha khonadzeo ya ṱhoḓisiso. Mvelelo u bva kha ngudo dzo sumbedzisa uri vhukoni ha muhumbulo nga u angaredza ho vha tshishumiswa tsha kushumele, ha tevhelwa nga vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa, ha fhedzisela nga vhuḓifari. Vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa kha zwithu zwine zwa fana a vhu khwaṱhisedzi phambano kha kushumele mushumoni. Mvelelo dzo sumbedzisa tshanduko ine ya vha hone kha tshithu tshithihi i ḓitika nda ndeme ya tshiṅwe tshithu vhukati ha vhuḓifari na tshifhinga tshe vha shuma (mihumbulo ine ra vha nayo ri tshi sedza zwithu na nḓila ine ra tshilisa ngayo ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiiṅwe) na tshaka dza mushumo (na tshaka dza vhuḓifari dzo sedzaho nga nnḓa na nga ngomu) kha u humbulela kushumele. Ndeme ya phambano vhukati ha zwigwada zwivhili zwa matshilisano na vhathu kha zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa na zwone zwo dovha zwa topolwa. Zwithu zwo topolwaho zwine zwa khou lavhelelwa, zwithu zwivhili zwo ḓiimisaho nga zwoṱhe zwi tshi ṱangana arali ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya tshithu tshithihi i tshi fhambana yo ḓitika nga vhuimo ha zwiṅwe zwithu vhukati ha zwithu zwa matshilisano na vhathu na zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa, ṱhoḓea dzine dza tea u dzhielwa nṱha kha maitele ane a shumiswa hu tshi tholwa vhashumi u itela u pfesesa lushaka lwa zwithu zwine zwa nga engedza kana u thivhela kushumele. U bva kha mihumbulo ine ya khou ṱoḓisiswa, ṱhoḓisiso yo ṱuṱuwedza thyeori ya maitele ane a shumiswa hu tshi tholwa vhashumi nga u sedza na u topola zwithu zwa ndeme zwa maitele na milayo ya sainthifiki, na u dzinginya tshiedza tsha u thola vhashumi u itela u shumiswa nga vhaḓivhi vha muhumbulo vhane vha shuma na kutshilele na kushumele kha zwiimiswa. / Hierdie navorsing het gepoog om ʼn model vir personeelkeuring te ontwikkel op grond van die invloed van kognitiewe intelligensie, vermoë- emosionele intelligensie; eienskap- emosionele intelligensie en persoonlikheid op werkprestasie. Die navorser het ʼn kwantitatiewe dwarssnitnavorsingsontwerp gebruik, en die onderlinge verbande tussen die toepaslike veranderlikes ondersoek. Die geriefsteekproef van N = 299 het bestaan uit Zimbabwiese toesighoudende, opgeleide en ervare spesialiste van verskillende ouderdomme en uit beide geslagte wat verskillende dienstydperke agter die rug het, en uiteenlopende poste beklee. Om ʼn getroue beeld van die verbande tussen die voorspeller- en kriteriumveranderlikes te kry, is die interaksie- (modererende) effekte tussen die sosiaal-demografiese veranderlikes (ouderdom, geslag, dienstydperk en soort werk) en die voorspellerveranderlikes (kognitiewe intelligensie, vermoë- emosionele intelligensie; eienskap- emosionele intelligensie en persoonlikheid) in die voorspelling van die kriterium van werkprestasie ook ondersoek.
Die navorser het ʼn korrelasie- en afgeleide, meerwisselende statistiese ontleding (strukturele vergelykingsmodellering, regressieontledings en toetse vir betekenisvolle gemiddeldeverskille) gedoen om die navorsingshipotese te toets. Die uitslag van die studie toon dat kognitiewe intelligensie die beste voorspeller van werkprestasie is, gevolg deur vermoë- emosionele intelligensie en persoonlikheid. Eienskap- emosionele intelligensie kon geen rekenskap van enige veranderlike in werkprestasie gee nie.
Volgens die resultate is daar betekenisvolle interaksie-effekte tussen persoonlikheid en dienstydperk (keurder-waarnemer persoonlikheidstipes) en die soort werk (ekstroversie-introversiepersoonlikheidstipes) in die voorspelling van werkprestasie. Betekenisvolle sosiaal-demografiese gemiddeldeverskille in die vlakke van die voorspellerveranderlikes is ook aangedui. Die voorspellende kragte van die veranderlikes, die interaksie-effekte tussen die sosiaal-demografiese en die voorspellerveranderlikes in die voorspelling van werkprestasie sowel as die beduidende sosiaal-demografiese gemiddeldeverskille in die vlak van voorspellerveranderlikes moet vir personeelkeuringspraktyke in ag geneem word om die aard van veranderlikes wat werkprestasie kan verhoog of inhibeer, te verstaan. Uit ʼn teoretiese oogpunt het die navorsing die persoonkeuringsteorie gevolg deur die kernelemente van personeelkeuring op ʼn empiriese en wetenskaplike wyse aan te toon, en ʼn personeelkeuringsmodel vir bedryfsielkundiges en organisasies aan te bied. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Consulting Psychology)
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Les écoles d' horlogerie de Besançon : une contribution décisive au développement industriel local et régional (1793-1974) / The Besancon watchmaking schoolsBriselance, Claude 28 October 2015 (has links)
L’Histoire des écoles d’horlogerie de Besançon est inhérente à la naissance et à la continuité d’une industrie spécifique très localisée sur un territoire. Avec elles nous partons de l’ère « proto-industrielle » qui plonge ses racines dans les idéaux révolutionnaires de 1793 pour aboutir aux bouleversements technologiques de l’électronique et du « quartz » des années 1970… S’inscrivant sur la longue durée, trois « écoles » vont se succéder. Pour répondre aux attentes d’une industrie horlogère qui doit constamment faire face aux évolutions techniques, chacune à sa manière, va innover pour constituer un « corpus » original de formation qui n’est pas sans bousculer les rites et usages du temps. Si les deux premières « écoles » eurent une durée de vie limitée, la dernière entité, née en 1861 de la volonté municipale, va pendant plus d’un siècle, accompagner toute une ville (et sa région) dans sa réussite industrielle. Dès sa création, et au fur et à mesure des adaptations qu’elle a su mettre en place, par la qualité et la spécificité des formations dispensées, elle va irriguer de ses élèves toute une industrie toujours à l’affût de personnels qualifiés. Au plan national elle va diffuser le nom de Besançon comme « capitale française de l’horlogerie » en formant nombre d’horlogers-rhabilleurs tenant boutiques et autres ateliers de réparation par tout le territoire… Elle va servir de référence pour implanter dans la Cité des laboratoires de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur : un Observatoire chronométrique, une École d’ingénieurs, un Centre d’études horlogères et de développement industriel (Cétéhor)… Elle va contribuer à la diversification industrielle de la ville dans des domaines connexes à l’horlogerie, notamment dans le découpage, la micromécanique, l’appareillage et les microtechniques… Nationalisée en 1891, elle fait dès lors partie de la petite élite des Écoles Nationales Professionnelles (par assimilation), qui vont marquer le développement industriel du Pays. En 1933, quand elle intègre ses nouveaux locaux, par le nombre et l’originalité de ses filières (de l’ouvrier qualifié à l’ingénieur), par sa dotation en matériels modernes, elle est signalée comme étant le « premier établissement de l’enseignement technique » en France. Le cheminement de cette dernière école fait aussi ressortir une histoire « humaine », « prosopographique », qui met en exergue les nombreux anciens élèves qui se sont lancés avec grande réussite dans la création d’entreprises. Restés fidèles à leur école, ils ont contribué au renom et au développement de la richesse économique de la cité et de sa région… Avec ces écoles d’horlogerie, on aborde enfin l’histoire de l’Enseignement Technique en France. Pour répondre à la demande d’une industrie horlogère en pleine croissance qui déplorait les carences de l’apprentissage en atelier, elles ont été pionnières en ouvrant la voie de « la scolarisation » de la formation professionnelle. Par leurs innovations pédagogiques, et soutenues par les Anciens Élèves, elles ont su établir un lien « École-Entreprise » des plus fructueux qui marque encore la mémoire collective des Bisontins…En 1974 elle perd toute référence à l’horlogerie pour devenir le Lycée Jules Haag. Le temps de l’histoire est désormais advenu pour tenter de comprendre ce qui a fait la force et la réussite de ces « Écoles d’horlogerie » dans leur participation active, sur la durée, à la prospérité économique et industrielle d’une ville et de sa région… / The history of the watchmaking schools in Besançon is part of the birth and continuous development of a specific industry in a very limited sector of the French territory. When studying those schools we start at the « protoindustrial » time with its roots in the revolutionary ideals of 1793 and end up with the technological upheavals of electronics and the « quartz » technology in the 1970s. Three « schools » followed one another over the long term. Each school aimed at satisfying the demands of a watchmakng industry confronted to rapidly changing technical evolutions ; so it innovated in its own way by creating an original « corpus » in the students training and most of the time upset the practices and common ideas of the time. If the first two « schools » had a limited lifespan, the last one created in 1861 by the town council itself has been supporting the industrial growth of the city and the surrounding region. Since its foundation it has stuck to the industrial reality by placing the emphasis on high standards and opening new specific branches whenever necessary, thus answering the needs of firms always looking for highly qualified staff. For a large number of French people Besançon became the « capital town of the watchmaking industry » thanks to the shops or repair workshops kept by Besançon-trained former students all over France… It served as a background to set up research and university laboratories in the city : Observatoire Chronométrique, Ecole d’Ingénieurs, Centre d’Etudes Horlogères et de Développement Industriel (Cétéhor)… It contributed to the industrial diversification of the town in fields related to watchmaking such as mechanical cutting, micromechanics, equipment and microtechniques. It was nationalized in 1891 and then belonged to the very small elite goup of the Professional National Schools that influenced the future industrial development of the country. In 1933 it moved into sparkling-new premises and was acknowledged as the flagship of technical education in France : it offered a large number of innovating courses ranging from the skilled worker to the engineer and was granted the latest equipments in every field. The path of this new school also enhanced a « humane » and « prosopographical » history ; it highlighted the part played by the numerous former students who created their own successful businesses. Being faithful to their old school they contributed to the renown and economic growth and prosperity of the city and its region… Beyond the local impact we must regard the history of the watchmaking schools as an important part of the history of Technical Education in France. To meet the needs of a soaring watchmaking industry they opened the way to the transfer of professional training from apprenticeship in workshops with its observed shortcomings to education in technical high schools. Their pedagogical innovations, the strong support of their former students created a vital school-business link that still lives on in the collective memory of the town inhabitants.In 1974 its name changed to Lycée Jules Haag thus losing any reference to watchmaking. Let us now try and understand the strong influence and success of those watchmaking schools, the active part they played in the economic industrial prosperity of a town and its surrounding region…
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