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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från OMT till UML : ett nödvändigt val? / From OMT to UML : a necessary choice?

Ling, Petra, Pettersson, Ann-Christin January 2001 (has links)
Vid objektorienterad systemutveckling är det viktigt att man genomför en analys- och designfas, dels för att man inom ett utvecklingsteam lättare ska kunna visualisera hur ett system är tänkt att bli och dels för att kunna fånga och åskådliggöra kundens krav. Till sin hjälp i dessa faser har man metoder/processer och modelleringsspråk. Varje företag har i regel haft sin egen variant av ovan nämnda, men allteftersom kom kravet på en gemensam standard att bli oundvikligt. Sedan ett antal år tillbaka finns nu en standard. Trots det finns det säkert företag kvar som ännu inte antagit denna standard. I detta arbete har vi undersökt vilka modelleringsspråk som idag används. Vi har fokuserat på att göra en studie över hur en av dåtidens mest populära metoder Object Modeling Technique (OMT) står sig i konkurrens med den standard som används idag, Unified Modeling Language (UML). Således undersöker vi i detta arbete om det är nödvändigt för ett företag som idag använder OMT att byta till UML. Vi har till vår hjälp gjort en litteraturstudie samt intervjuer på en begränsad grupp företag inom Karlskrona-/Ronnebyområdet. För att ytterligare undersöka de väsentliga skillnaderna mellan OMT och UML, har vi gjort ett jämförande test mellan notationen i OMT och UML. Eftersom vi inte fann några stora skillnader i notationen har vi valt att endast visa några få diagram i arbetet, om intresse finns för mer detaljer angående notationen hänvisar vi i stället till Eriksson och Penker [6]. Det har visat sig att alla företag i vår undersökning idag använder UML. Sannolikt beror detta i huvudsak på tre orsaker. För det första har UML haft en stor genomslagskraft efter det att det blev en standard. För det andra kan man använda UML till annat än mjukvaruutveckling. För det tredje finns det en stor kunskap och kännedom om UML, vilket också har gjort att kunderna efterfrågar just detta. Avslutningsvis torde den dominans som UML har inom branschen till stor del bero på det faktum att UML är uppbyggt av det bästa från alla de modelleringsspråk som varit använda i modern tid.

Specifik rörlighet i handled, carpalbensleder och distal underarm 6 månader efter distal radiusfraktur

Jäger, Viktoria January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Distal radiusfraktur (DRF) är en vanligt förekommande fraktur med en incidens i Sverige på 31-32 per 10000 personår. Många personer upplever kvarstående besvär efter utläkt fraktur och i dagsläget saknas evidens kring optimal behandling och rehabilitering. Fler studier har konstaterat kvarstående symtom som nedsatt greppstyrka och rörlighet samt smärta. Syfte: Syftet med aktuell studie varatt undersöka specifik rörlighet 6 månader efter distal radiusfraktur. Jämförelser gjordes med andra utfallsmått på rörlighet, styrka och funktion. Metod:Utifrån en tvärsnittsdesign undersöktes 11 personer över 18 år som ådragit sig en DRF och behandlats för den under mars-maj 2016. Utfallsmått var specifik ledrörlighet testat utifrån Kaltenborns metod för ledundersökning. Detta jämfördes med uppmätt greppstyrka, angulär aktiv och passiv rörlighet samt subjektiv funktionsskattning DASH och PRWE. Sensomotorik och upplevelse av denna adresserades också. Resultat:Hos samtliga personer sågs hög grad av funktionsinskränkningar i samtliga utfallsmått, förutom hos de två av deltagarna som uppgav att de i princip var återställda. Hos dessa personer noterades inga nedsättningar i specifik ledrörlighet trots att även de hade nedsatt greppstyrka och inskränkt angulär rörlighet. Slutsats:Trots ett litet deltagarantal fanns en indikation på att specifik ledrörlighet kan vara en faktor i kvarstående funktionsinskränkning. Inget samband noterades mellan funktion, rörlighet och greppstyrka. Fler studier bör framöver utforska detta samband samt undersöka effekten av specifik behandling av rörelseinskränkningarna. Personer som ådragit sig en DRF bör följas upp närmare avseende rörelseförutsättningar och behandlingen därefter behöver vara mer specifik än idag. Här bör fysioterapeuter med utbildning inom OMT vara en självklar del i vårdkedjan.

Legalita měnové politiky Evropské centrální banky v průběhu evropské dluhové krize / Legality of the Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank throughout the European Debt Crisis.

Matas, Martin January 2020 (has links)
1 Abstract The thesis analyses and critically appraises within a broad context legal disputes concerning the activity of the ECB during the European debt crisis. The analysis is based on legal norms regulating the European monetary union and the political and economic circumstances of their creation. The thesis consists of seven chapters. The first chapter concerns the history of genesis of the Economic and Monetary Union. The second chapter portrays the institutional status, objectives, tasks and instruments of the ECB. It also depicts the components of ECB independence as its key atribute. The third chapter adds some economic thought and theories connected to monetary unions. The theory of optimum currency areas is introduced as well as the costs and benefits of membership in a monetary union. The fourth chapter contains a brief account of the beginnning of the European debt crisis and the measures taken by Member States and the ECB in response to it, particularly the EFSF and ESM mechanisms of financial stability and non-standard monetary policy measures of the ECB. The fifth, sixth and seventh chapters are dedicated to specific proceedings conducted before the CJEU. These are the Pringle, Gauweiler and Weiss cases in which CJEU confirmed that the actions of Member States and the ECB were in accordance...

Relationship of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment During Labor and Delivery on Selected Maternal Morbidity Outcomes: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Keurentjes, Amy Elizabeth 30 April 2009 (has links)
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) has been used for more than 100 years to enhance the physiologic process of labor and delivery by normalizing pelvic structures and providing adequate blood supply to the uterus. Since maternal morbidity and mortality is a major health concern for developing countries, it was desirable to explore the benefits of OMT. After IRB approval by the Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine and Virginia Tech, the research was conducted in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic at Hospital Maternidad Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia to determine the relationship of OMT during labor and delivery on rates of cesarean section and perineal lacerations/ episiotomies. Qualifying candidates received the next sequentially numbered envelope with a randomized number assigning her to either the treatment or control group. Staff physicians at the hospital provided care to women in the control group according to their standard protocol. Four Osteopathic Physicians and one pre-doctoral OMM fellow performed OMT on women during the first and second stages of labor and performed their deliveries. There were 33 parturients in the OMT Treatment group and 32 in the control, for a total of 65 in the trial. The results of a logistic regression analysis using Wald criterion, with a statistical significance of alpha = 0.05, indicated treatment group reduction of rates of episiotomies in the primiparous (P = .04) and marginal significance in the combined primiparous and multiparous population (P = .05). The percentage of episiotomies in the primiparous treatment group was 35.29% and 75% in the control group. The percentage of episiotomies in the combined primiparous and multiparous groups were 15.15% in the treatment group and 37.5% in the control group. The cesarean rate for the treatment group was 9.09% and 18.75% for the control group (P = 0.098). The percentages of grade I & II perineal lacerations were 15.15% for the treatment group and 12.5% for the control group (P = 0.55) due to the extensive use of episiotomies in the control group. There were composite calculations made of the total number of parturients who had either a cesarean section, an episiotomy, or a perineal laceration so that overall maternal morbidity in each group could be compared. In the combined groups, there were fourteen total parturients (42.42%) who had undergone one of the three outcomes measures in the treatment group and twenty-one (65.63%) in the control group. This brings an odds ratio of 0.200 and a significant P value of 0.0235. Though cross-cultural issues made it difficult to perform the research as originally intended, there is evidence that Osteopathic Obstetrics provides benefit to parturients. A multi-institutional randomized controlled trial is proposed as the next step for the evaluation of OMT during labor and delivery. / Ph. D.

International Portfolio Theory-based Interest Rate Models and EMU Crisis / Modèles de taux d’intérêt basés sur la théorie des choix de portefeuilles internationaux et crise de l’UEM

Zhang, Jiangxingyun 20 September 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier à côté du risque défaut, le rôle spécifique des risques de volatilité et de co-volatilité dans la formation des taux longs dans la zone euro. On propose en particulier un modèle théorique de choix de portefeuille à deux pays permettant d’évaluer la contribution des primes de risque de volatilité aux processus de contagion et de fuite vers la qualité dans différents épisodes de la crise de la dette souveraine. Ce modèle permet également d’analyser le rôle des achats d’actifs (QE) de la BCE sur l’équilibre des marchés obligataires. Nos tests empiriques suggèrent que les programmes QE de la BCE à partir de mars 2015 n’ont fait qu’accélérer « une défragmentation » des marchés obligataires de la zone euro, apparue plus tôt dans la crise, dès la mise en place de l’OMT. / This thesis examines the specific role of volatility risks and co-volatility in the formation of long-term interest rates in the euro area. In particular, a two-country theoretical portfolio choice model is proposed to evaluate the volatility risk premia and their contribution to the contagion and flight to quality processes. This model also provides an opportunity to analyze the ECB's role of asset purchases (QE) on the equilibrium of bond markets. Our empirical tests suggest that the ECB's QE programs from March 2015 have accelerated the "defragmentation" of the euro zone bond markets.

Osteopathische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten beim Subacromialen Schmerzsyndrom: Systematische Literaturübersicht

Spieckermann, Malte 04 January 2024 (has links)
Hintergrund: Das subacromiale Schmerzsyndrom (SAPS) ist ein häufiges muskuloskelettales Krankheitsbild. Patienten haben eine eingeschränkte schmerzhafte Schulterbeweglichkeit. Der Pathomechanismus ist noch nicht ganz geklärt. Umliegende Gelenke können durch Bewegungseinschränkungen das SAPS beeinflussen. Die vorliegende Bachelorthesis soll eine Literaturübersicht über osteopathische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten beim SAPS geben. Methodik: Sieben medizinische Datenbanken wurden auf zwischen 2010 und 2023 veröffentlichte relevante Artikel durchsucht. Eingeschlossen wurden randomisierte klinische Studien (RCT), in deutscher und englischer Sprache, in denen osteopathische Techniken, bei menschlichen Probanden mit einem SAPS, eingesetzt wurden. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit einer Kontrollgruppe oder anderen Interventionen verglichen. Ergebnisse: Die Suche ergab 782 einzelne Artikel. 14 Studien erfüllten die Einschlusskriterien und wurden in der PICO Übersicht eingeschlossen. Zehn Studien verwendeten Manipulationstechniken und vier Studien Weichteiltechniken mit Heimübungen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Techniken sich positiv auf das SAPS auswirken. Eine Signifikanz zwischen den Gruppen ist häufig nicht vorhanden. Schlussfolgerung: Alle Studien zeigen nach osteopathischen Behandlungen eine Verbesserung der Beschwerden mit SAPS. Manipulation reicht als alleinige Behandlung nicht aus, um einen Langzeiteffekt zu erzeugen. Eine individualisierte Kombinationstherapie mit verschiedenen Behandlungstechniken und Heimübungen, ist für die effektive, klinische, Patientenbehandlung besser geeignet. Zukünftige Untersuchungen sollten vermehrt osteopathische Techniken untersuchen, um das positive Bild der osteopathischen Behandlung zu festigen und das mögliche Ausmaß der Verbesserungen zu ermitteln. / Background: Subacromial pain syndrome (SAPS) is a common musculoskeletal condition. Patients have limited painful shoulder mobility. The pathomechanism has not yet been fully elucidated. Surrounding joints can affect the SAPS through movement restrictions. This bachelor thesis is intended to provide a literature review on osteopathic treatment options for SAPS. Methods: Seven medical databases were searched for relevant articles published between 2010 and 2023. Included were randomized clinical trials (RCT), in German and English, in which osteopathic techniques were used on human subjects with SAPS. The results were compared to a control group or other interven-tions. Results: The search returned 782 individual articles. 14 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the PICO review. Ten studies used manipulation techniques and four studies used soft-tissue techniques with home exercises. The results show that the techniques have a positive effect on the SAPS. Significance between groups is often absent. Conclusion: All studies show an improvement in symptoms with SAPS after osteopathic treatments. Manipulation alone is not enough to produce a long-term effect. An individualized combination therapy with different treatment techniques and home exercises is more suitable for the effective, clinical, patient treatment. Future investigations should examine more osteopathic techniques in order to consolidate the positive image of osteopathic treatment and to determine the pos-sible extent of the improvements.

Modelagem de banco de dados georreferenciado para subsidiar a gestão do transporte coletivo urbano

Andrade, Elaine Matheus Messias de 30 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:00:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1438.pdf: 10219900 bytes, checksum: 675c6e6eecc18704beca5d44b34889de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-30 / Many GIS developers ignore the essential phases of the project like modeling databases, damaging the future development of the system. Considered very important to the project development, modeling will be broached in this article due to the great volume of existing data in transport systems and the need to manipulate them in a safe, reliable and fast way. In order to do it, a model for georeferenced database in being purposed, according to OMT-G graphical note model form BORGES (1997), to subsidize the management of the urban public transport. The method adopted for the modeling development was CÂMARA's (1999) abstraction levels. The application of the conceptual model developed will be carried out on a sample project considering the data referred to the public transport system raised at EMDURB Empresa Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano e Rural de Bauru, using a GIS SPRING tool and an Access database. Considering the difficulties the public administration finds in raising resources and the easiness to obtain these tools, considered one of public domain and another of low costs, the interested administration , specially in the medium and small cities, in introduce this model won't need great investments for the project development and the consequent procurement of georeferrenced information regarding the public transport. / Muitos SIGs ignoram as fases essenciais do projeto, como a modelagem de dados, comprometendo o desenvolvimento futuro do sistema. Considerada de grande importância no desenvolvimento do projeto, a modelagem está sendo abordada neste trabalho, visto o grande volume de dados existentes em sistemas de transportes e a necessidade eminente de manipulá-los de forma segura, rápida e confiável. Para isso, portanto, propõe-se uma modelagem para banco de dados georreferenciado, conforme a notação gráfica do modelo OMT-G de BORGES (1997), para subsidiar a gestão do transporte coletivo urbano. O método adotado para o desenvolvimento da modelagem foram os níveis de abstração de CÂMARA & DAVIS Jr. (1999). A aplicação do modelo conceitual desenvolvido será realizada em um projeto piloto, considerando os dados referentes ao Transporte Coletivo levantados na Empresa Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano e Rural de Bauru EMDURB, utilizando a ferramenta SIG SPRING e o banco de dados Access. Tendo em vista a dificuldade que a administração pública encontra em obter recursos e a facilidade encontrada na aquisição dessas ferramentas, consideradas, uma de domínio público e outra de baixo custo, a administração interessada, sobretudo as cidades de médio e pequeno porte, em implementar esta modelagem, não necessitará de grandes investimentos para o desenvolvimento do projeto e a conseqüente obtenção de informações georreferenciadas referentes ao transporte coletivo.

Entwicklungsbedingungen impliziter Motive

Scheffer, David 25 September 2001 (has links)
Die folgende Arbeit beschreibt ein entwicklungs- und persönlichkeitspsychologisches fundiertes Verfahren zur Messung von impliziten (unbewussten) Motiven. Es wird theoretisch postuliert und empirisch nachgewiesen, dass die impliziten Motive Bindung, Leistung und Macht in frühen, deprivierenden bzw. herausfordernden familiären Strukturen begründet liegen. Diese frühkindlichen Herausforderungen werden durch interindividuell variierende Regulationsstile gemeistert und so zu einem Motiv ausgestaltet. Der aus den theoretischen Vorannahmen entwickelte Motiv-Inhaltsschlüssel kann als Persönlichkeitstests verwendet werden (der Operante Motiv-Test OMT ), welcher eine hohe Validität bspw. in der Personalauswahl und entwicklung für sich in Anspruch nehmen kann.

Mensuração de sustentabilidade para destinações turísticas: aplicabilidade da metodologia de indicadores da OMT em Florianópolis

Isser, Clarissa 02 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-01T19:18:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 clarissa1.pdf: 45893 bytes, checksum: 879d2ce6c066e7dbecb274c35f4168e9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Sustainability and development can turn into two conflicting objectives to a society due the human activity interaction on environment. Tourism, multisector phenomena in its economic dimension and multidimensional in its impacts, share the complex dilemma of sustainability and development, considering that its attractiveness is based on the natural resources that compound its incomes and products. Among the challenges found in tourism management, reaching sustainability can be highlighted and it will be studied within this work by the practical applicability of a method of measuring impacts by the use of sustainability indicators. This research was made at Florianópolis and the chosen method of measuring impacts was the indicators methodology of sustainable development for touristic destinations recommended by WTO World Travel Organization. The choice was based in a theory revision about the methods of sustainability indicators presents in the literature and in comparative assessments of these methodologies by anterior scientific studies. The research searched a method which could measure at the same time the economical, sociocultural and environmental dimensions and which could be allocated to a touristic destination. This work had as objective the analysis of the WTO methodology in Florianópolis and as a result it has the creation of a comparative table of sustainability measuring methods adapted to touristic destinations / Sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento podem se transformar em dois objetivos conflitantes para uma sociedade dependendo das interações que as atividades humanas exercem em relação ao meio ambiente. O turismo, fenômeno multissetorial em sua dimensão econômica e multidimensional em seus impactos, compartilha o dilema complexo da sustentabilidade e do desenvolvimento, já que sua atratividade na maioria das vezes se sustenta nos recursos naturais que compõem sua matériaprima ou produto. Dentre os desafios encontrados na gestão do turismo, a busca pela sustentabilidade se destaca e será abordada neste trabalho através da aplicabilidade prática de um método de mensur ação de impactos através do uso de indicadores de sustentabilidade. A pesquisa foi aplicada à realidade da ilha de Florianópolis e o método de mensuração de impactos e sustentabilidade escolhido foi o método de indicadores de desenvolvimento sustentável para destinações turísticas recomendad pela OMT Organização Mundial do Turismo. A escolha teve sua origem baseada em uma revisão teórica sobre os métodos de mensuração de sustentabilidade existentes na literatura e em análises comparativas destas metodologias provenientes de estudos científicos anteriores. Buscou-se um método capaz de medir simultaneamente as dimensões econômica, sociocultural e ambiental do turismo e que pudesse ser aplicado a uma destinação turística. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a aplicabilidade do método da OMT à realidade de Florianópolis, e como resultado a pesquisa proporcionou a criação de uma tabela comparativa de métodos de mensuração de sustentabilidade adaptada para destinações turísticas

Piezoresistive Nano-Composites: Characterization and Applications

Hyatt, Thomas B. 25 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Innovative multifunctional materials are essential to many new sensor applications. Piezoresistive nano-composites make up a promising class of such materials that have the potential to provide a measurable response to strain over a much wider range than typical strain gages. Commercial strain gages are currently dominated by metallic sensors with a useable range of a few percent strain at most. There are, however, many applications that would benefit from a reliable wide-range sensor. These might include the study of explosive behavior, instrumentation of flexible components, motion detection for compliant mechanisms and hinges, human-technology interfaces, and a wide variety of bio-mechanical applications where structural materials may often be approximated as elastomeric. In order to quantify large strains, researchers often use optical methods which are tedious and difficult. This thesis proposes a new material and technique for quantifying large strain (up to 40%) by use of piezoresistive nano-composite strain gages. The nano-composite strain gage material is manufactured by suspending nickel nano-strands within a biocompatible silicone matrix. Study and design iteration on the strain gage material requires an improved understanding of the electrical behavior and conduction path within the material when strained. A percolation model has been suggested for numerical approximations, but has only provided marginal results for lack of data. Critical missing information in the percolation model is the nano-strand cluster size, and how that size changes in response to strain. These data are gathered using a dynamic technique in the scanning electron microscope called voltage contrast. Cluster sizes were found to vary in size by approximately 6% upon being strained to 10%. A feasibility study is also conducted on the nano-composite to show its usability as a strain gage. High Displacement Strain Gages (HDSGs) were manufactured from the nano-composite. HDSGs measured the strain of bovine ligament under prescribed loading conditions. Results demonstrate that HDSGs are an accurate means for measuring ligament strains across a broad spectrum of applied deformations.

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