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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da pioglitazona sobre o remodelamento ósseo em diabetes tipo 2 / Pioglitazone effect on bone remodeling in type 2 diabetes

Himelfarb, Silvia Tchernin 25 February 2013 (has links)
Alterações morfológicas no tecido ósseo têm sido descritas nos usuários de hipoglicemiantes orais da classe das tiazolidinedionas (TZDs). Hipotetiza-se que alguns genes relacionados com a osteogênese e osteoclastogênese podem ser influenciados pelo tratamento farmacológico, entretanto, o exato mecanismo ainda não está bem esclarecido. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito da pioglitazona no remodelamento ósseo através de genes envolvidos na osteoclastogênese em indivíduos recentemente diagnosticados com DM2 e modelos animais, com a finalidade de identificar marcadores genéticos sensíveis de alterações ósseas. Foram convidados para participar do estudo 199 indivíduos (100 diabéticos e 99 normoglicêmicos), no ambulatório de dislipidemias do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia. Os indivíduos diabéticos foram tratados com pioglitazona (15, 30, 45, 45 mg/ dia/ via oral) por 16 semanas. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue, antes e após o tratamento para avaliações laboratoriais, extração de DNA genômico e de RNA total. Os polimorfismos e a expressão do mRNA nas células sanguíneas foram determinados pela PCR em tempo real através do sistema TaqMan®. Para o estudo em modelo animal após a indução da dieta hiperlipídica por 32 semanas, foram utilizados 12 camundongos machos da linhagem C57BL/J6, os quais foram divididos em três grupos: controle (n=4); diabéticos induzidos pela dieta hiperlipídica (DH, n=4) e diabéticos induzidos pela dieta hiperlipídica e tratados com pioglitazona 35mg/Kg/dia por 16 semanas (DHP, n=4). Para os grupos experimentais foram colhidos: amostras de sangue, para exames laboratoriais; fêmures, para a extração do RNA total; e tíbias, para determinação dos parâmetros histomorfométricos. Os pacientes DM2 apresentaram diminuição nas concentrações séricas de osteocalcina e na expressão de OPG e aumento na expressão de VDR em comparação ao grupo NG (p<0,05). A expressão de RANKL e IL6 foi maior entre as mulheres, enquanto que a expressão de PPARG foi maior entre os homens com DM2 em comparação ao grupo NG (p=0,032). Pacientes DM2 antes do tratamento apresentaram glicemia e expressão do mRNA de IL6 negativamente associados ao cálcio ionizado, enquanto que as transcrições de TNFA e VDR foram associadas positivamente e negativamente com bALP respectivamente (p<0,05). O tratamento com pioglitazona reduziu a glicemia de jejum, glicemia pós-prandial, insulina, HOMA-IR, triglicerídeos, VLDL-C, tALP e bALP e aumentou a HDL, tACP, TNF-&#945; e a transcrição de OPG (p<0,05). A glicemia basal associou-se positivamente com o cálcio ionizado. A expressão basal de OPG foi associado negativamente com tALP, enquanto que a expressão basal de TNFA foi associada positivamente com tALP e negativamente com tACP. A expressão basal IL6 foi associada positivamente com tALP, enquanto que a expressão basal de VDR foi associada negativamente com osteocalcina e positivamente com bALP em resposta ao tratamento (p<0,05). O polimorfismo RANK rs1805034 foi associado com redução na transcrição do gene RANK nos indivíduos DM2 e com o remodelamento ósseo após o tratamento com pioglitazona (p<0,05). O polimorfismo RANKL rs9525641 foi associado com aumento da transcrição gênica de RANKL nos indivíduos NG e DM2 e melhora da resposta farmacológica nos indivíduos DM2 tratados com pioglitazona (p<0,05). O polimorfismo rs3102735 do gene OPG foi associado com aumento da formação óssea nos indivíduos DM2 antes e após o tratamento (p<0,05). O genótipo CG do polimorfismo OPG rs2073618 foi associado com alteração da transcrição de OPG no grupo DM2 pré e pós-tratamento (p<0,05). O polimorfismo PPARG rs1801282 foi associado com menor risco para o desenvolvimento de diabetes (p<0,05). O polimorfismo PPARG rs2972162 foi associado com melhora da resistência insulínica nos indivíduos DM2 tratados com pioglitazona (p=0,017). O polimorfismo ESRI rs9340799 foi associado com redução da formação óssea nos indivíduos DM2 (p=0,038). Nos camundongos, após a indução da dieta hiperlipídica por 32 semanas, observou-se aumento do peso, da glicemia, do colesterol total, da expressão do mRNA de RANK, RANKL, IL6 e TNFA em fêmures e aumento de Tb.Sp e diminuição de BV/TV em comparação ao grupo controle (p<0,05). O tratamento com pioglitazona diminuiu a expressão de TNFA (p=0,028). As medidas histomorfométricas não alteraram-se após o tratamento (p>0,05). Os resultados sugerem que o estado hiperglicêmico e o tratamento influenciam os marcadores bioquímicos e moleculares. Os polimorfismos dos genes RANK, RANKL, OPG e ESRI parecem estar envolvidos no remodelamento ósseo independentemente da hiperglicemia e do tratamento e os polimorfismos do gene PPARG parecem estar envolvidos com menor risco para desenvolver diabetes e com a melhora da resistência insulínica em resposta ao tratamento com pioglitazona. / Morphological changes in bone tissue have been reported in users of oral hypoglycemic class of thiazolidinediones (TZDs). It is hypothesized that some genes related to osteogenesis and osteoclastogenesis may be influenced by pharmacological treatment, however, was not aware exact mechanism. The study aims was to evaluate pioglitazone effect on bone remodeling through genes involved in osteoclastogenesis in individuals newly diagnosed with DM2 and animal models, in order to identify sensibles genetics markers of bone alterations. Were invited to participate in study 199 patients (100 diabetics and 99 normoglycemic), in dyslipidemia ambulatory of Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology. Diabetic subjects were treated with pioglitazone (15, 30, 45 or 45 mg /day/oral) for 16 weeks. Blood samples were collected before and after treatment for laboratory evaluations, extraction of genomic DNA and total RNA. Polymorphisms and mRNA expression in blood cells was determined by real time PCR using TaqMan® system. For study in animal model after 32 weeks of fat diet induction, was used 12 male mice C57BL/J6, which were divided into three groups: control (n=4); induced diabetic fat diet (DH, n=4) and induced diabetic fat diet and treated with pioglitazone 35mg/Kg/day for 16 weeks (DHP, n=4). For experimental groups were collected: blood samples for laboratory tests; femurs, for extraction of total RNA; and tibias, to determine histomorphometric parameters. DM2 patients showed decrease in serum osteocalcin and OPG expression and increased VDR expression compared to NG group (p<0.05). RANKL and IL6 expression were higher among women, whereas PPARG expression was higher among men with DM2 compared to NG group (p=0,032). DM2 patients before treatment showed blood glucose and IL6 mRNA expression negatively associated with ionized calcium, whereas TNFA and VDR transcription are positively and negatively associated with bALP respectively (p<0.05). Pioglitazone treatment reduced fasting glucose, postprandial glucose, insulin, HOMA-IR, triglycerides, VLDL-C, tALP and bALP and increased HDL, tACP, TNF-&#945; and OPG transcription (p<0.05). Basal blood glucose was positively associated with ionized calcium. Basal OPG expression was negatively associated with tALP, whereas basal TNFA expression was positively associated with tALP and negatively with tACP. Basal IL6 expression was positively associated with tALP, whereas basal VDR expression was negatively associated with osteocalcin and positively with bALP in response to treatment (p<0.05). RANK rs1805034 polymorphism was associated with RANK gene transcription reduction in subjects with DM2 and bone remodeling after treatment with pioglitazone (p<0.05). RANKL rs9525641 polymorphism was associated with increased RANKL gene transcription in NG and DM2 subjects and pharmacological response improvement in DM2 subjects treated with pioglitazone (p<0.05). OPG rs3102735polymorphism was associated with increased bone formation in DM2 subjects before and after treatment (p<0.05). CG genotype of OPG rs2073618 polymorphism was associated with OPG transcription change in DM2 group before and after treatment (p<0.05). PPARG rs1801282 polymorphism was associated with lower risk for diabetes development (p<0.05). PPARG rs2972162 polymorphism was associated with insulin resistance improvement in DM2 subjects treated with pioglitazone (p=0,017). ESRI rs9340799 polymorphism was associated with reduced bone formation in DM2 subjects (p=0,038). In mice, after 32 weeks of fat diet induction, was observed increase weight, blood glucose, total cholesterol and RANK, RANKL, IL6 and TNFA mRNA expression in femurs and Tb.Sp increase and BV/TV decrease compared to control group (p<0.05). Treatment with pioglitazone decrease TNFA (p=0,028). Histomorphometrics measurements not change after treatment (p>0.05). Results suggest that hyperglycemic state and treatment influence biochemical and molecular markers. RANK, RANKL, OPG and ESRI polymorphisms seens to be involved in bone remodeling regardless of hyperglycemia and treatment and PPARG gene polymorphisms seens to be associated with lower risk for diabetes development and with insulin resistance improvement in response to treatment with pioglitazone.

Étude de l’expression des cytokines et métalloprotéases dans les tissus péri-implantaires inflammatoires et rôle potentiel du titane dans les péri-implantites / Cytokines & metalloproteases expression in peri-implant inflammatory tissues and the potential involvement of titanium in peri-implantitis

Ghighi, Maxime 04 December 2017 (has links)
Les péri-implantites se caractérisent par une destruction inflammatoire irréversible des tissus qui entourent l’implant dentaire. Leur pathogénie est proche des parodontites, maladies inflammatoires chroniques d’étiologie bactérienne entrainant une destruction irréversible de l’os alvéolaire soutenant les dents. Cependant, la réponse inflammatoire et la résorption osseuse diffèrent entre péri-implantites et parodontites. De plus, les traitements conventionnels non chirurgicaux ne sont pas efficaces pour le traitement des péri-implantites. L’objectif de notre travail est d’analyser les différences entre les médiateurs inflammatoires et cataboliques des tissus péri-implantaires en comparaison aux tissus parodontaux malades après une thérapie conventionnelle non chirurgicale. Nous avons bâti une collection biologique d’explants humains de tissus conjonctifs péri-implantaires ou parodontaux malades. Une analyse Multiplex des milieux conditionnés et histologiques des explants a révélé une expression accrue de l’inhibiteur de métalloprotéase TIMP-2, de l’interleukine IL-10 et du RANK-L dans les tissus péri-implantaires. En accord avec une revue de littérature que nous avons mené dans la seconde partie de notre travail, notre hypothèse est que ces différences s’expliqueraient, tout du moins en partie, par la présence de particules de titane au niveau des tissus péri-implantaires. Notre travail participe à la compréhension de la pathogenèse de la maladie et concourt à l’identification de biomarqueurs potentiels pour le pronostic ou le développement d’approches thérapeutiques. / Peri-implantitis lesions present an irreversible destruction of the peri-implant surrounding tissues. The pathogenic pathway of peri-implantitis is close from the one of periodontitis which is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by a bacterial biofilm leading to irreversible supportive bone destruction around teeth. Still, the inflammatory process and the bone destruction differ between the two diseases. In addition, conventional non-surgical treatments are not effective for the treatment of peri-implantitis. The aim of our work is to analyze the differences between inflammatory and catabolic mediators of peri-implant tissues compared to diseased periodontal tissues after conventional non-surgical therapy. We have constructed a biological collection of human explants of peri-implant or periodontal connective tissue. Multiplex assays of the conditioned media and histological analysis of the explants revealed an increased expression of the TIMP-2 metalloprotease inhibitor, interleukin IL-10, and RANK-L in the peri-implant tissues. In agreement with a review of literature that we conducted in our work, our hypothesis is that these differences can be explained, at least partly, by the presence of titanium wear particles in the peri-implant tissues. Our work contributes to the understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease and contributes to the identification of biomarkers.

Estudio de la distribución de determinados polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido de los genes OPG,RANK, RANKL, GNAS1 y CLDN14 y su relación con la densidad mineral ósea y diversos marcadores de remodelación ósea en el hiperparatiroidismo primario

Piedra León, María 02 September 2011 (has links)
Introducción: analizamos la relación entre fracturas y densidad mineral ósea (DMO) y los SNP (polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido) rs3102735 (163 A/G), rs3134070 (245 T/G) y rs2073618 (1181 G/C) de OPG, el SNP rs2277438 SNP de RANKL, el SNP rs7121 (393 T/C) de GNAS1 y del SNP rs219780 del gen CLDN14 en pacientes con HPP (hiperparatiroidismo primario) esporádico. Métodos: reclutamos 298 pacientes con HPP y 328 voluntarios sanos en un estudio transversal. Analizamos historia de fracturas o litiasis renal, parámetros bioquímicos, DMO en columna lumbar, cadera total, cuello femoral y radio distal y genotipado de los SNP mencionados. Resultados: no encontramos diferencias entre los genotipos de ninguno de los SNP estudiados en relación con la frecuencia de fracturas en HPP o en sujetos control. La DMO fue menor en el radio en los HPP homocigotos para el alelo menor en comparación con el resto de grupos en los SNP de OPG (163 A/G) y (245 T/G) pero no en sujetos control. En el resto de los SNP estudiados no encontramos diferencias entre genotipos y DMO en los sujetos con HPP o control excepto en el SNP de OPG (1181 G/C) en sujetos control con mayor DMO lumbar en el grupo CC respecto del GG. Conclusiones: los sujetos con HPP y homocigotos para el alelo menor (GG) en los SNP rs3102735 (163 A/G) y rs3134070 (245 T/G) de OPG tienen menor DMO en el radio distal. El resto de SNP estudiados no parecen influir en la diferente expresión de las manifestaciones óseas del HPP. / Background: we analyze the relationship between fractures and BMD (bone mineral density) and the rs3102735 (163 A/G), rs3134070 (245 T/G) and rs2073618 (1181 G/C) SNPs of the OPG, the rs2277438 SNP of the RANKL, the rs7121 SNP (393 T/C) of GNAS1 and the rs219780 of CLDN14 in patients with sporadic PHPT (primary hyperparathyroidism). Methods: We enrolled 298 Caucasian patients with PHPT and 328 healthy volunteers in a cross-sectional study. We analyzed history of fractures or renal lithiasis, biochemical determinants, BMD measurements in the lumbar spine, total hip, femoral neck and distal radius, and genotyping for the SNPs to be studied. Results: Regarding the frequency of fractures we found no differences between genotypes in any of the SNPs studied in the PHPT or in the control subjects groups. Significant lower BMD in the distal radius was found in the minor allele homozygotes (GG) compared to heterozygotes and major allele homozygotes in both OPG rs3102735 (163 A/G) and OPG rs3134070 (245 T/G) SNPs in those with PHPT but not in control subjects. We found no difference between genotypes of the rest of the SNPs studied in PHPT or control subjects with the exception of SNP OPG rs2073618 (1181 G/C) in control CC subjects which showed higher lumbar BMD than GG ones. Conclusions: Subjects with PHPT and minor homocygote genotype (GG) for the OPG rs3102735 (163 A/G) and OPG rs3134070 (245 T/G) SNPs have lower BMD in the distal radius. All the other SNPs studied do not appear to influence the different expression of HPP in bone.

In vitro Differenzierung von Monozyten der Zelllinine RAW 264.7 zu Osteoklasten, deren Charakterisierung und Wechselwirkung mit Osteoblasten

Lesky, Thomas 19 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Das RANKL/RANK/OPG-System spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in der Steuerung der Osteoklastendifferenzierung und -aktivierung durch Osteoblasten/ Knochenmarkbindegewebszellen im Rahmen des Knochenremodelings. Osteoblasten/Knochenmarkbindegewebszellen exprimieren RANKL. Dieses hat im Körper zwei Rezeptoren: RANK und OPG. RANKL kann durch Bindung an RANK auf Osteoklasten/Osteoklastenvorläuferzellen in Gegenwart von M-CSF seine osteoklastenstimulierende Wirkung entfalten. Der ebenfalls von Osteoblasten gebildete „decoy“-Rezeptor OPG blockiert als freies Protein durch Bindung an RANKL dessen Interaktion mit RANK und verhindert somit die Osteoklastogenese und Osteoklastenaktivierung. Das RANKL/RANK/OPG-System erfüllt im Körper noch weitere Funktionen im Immunsystem, in der Organentwicklung lymphatischer Gewebe und in der Entwicklung der laktierenden Brustdrüse. Viele Zytokine greifen hemmend oder aktivierend in die Osteoklastogenese ein. Sie können dies zum einen durch die Beeinflussung des RANKL/OPG-Verhältnisses, zum anderen durch direkte Interaktion mit Osteoklasten/Osteoklastenvorläuferzellen tun. Zytokine, die die Osteoklastogenese begünstigen, werden vor allem bei inflammatorischen Prozessen ausgeschüttet. Zusammen mit dem, bei diesen Zuständen von aktivierten T-Zellen produzierten RANKL kann dies längerfristig zu einem Knochenverlust führen, welcher sich im klinischen Bild der Osteoporose äußert. Aus den in der vorliegenden Dissertation durchgeführten Untersuchungen ergeben sich folgende Schlussfolgerungen: 1. Monozyten der Zelllinie RAW 264.7 lassen sich, wie bereits in der Literatur beschrieben, durch Zugabe von M-CSF und RANKL zu osteoklastenähnlichen Zellen differenzieren. 2. Die Osteoklastogenese lässt sich anhand der Veränderung verschiedener osteoklastenspezifischer Parameter charakterisieren. Es zeigt sich bei den mit M-CSF und RANKL stimulierten Monozyten eine erhöhte Transkription von CTR (Calcitoninrezeptor)- und TRAP (tartratresistente saure Phosphatase)-mRNA, eine erhöhte Expression des CTR-Proteins, eine erhöhte TRAP-Aktivität und eine Formierung TRAP-positiver mehrkerniger Riesenzellen, die in diesen Eigenschaften Osteoklasten entsprechen. Die zusätzliche Zugabe von TGF-b1 in Kombination mit M-CSF und RANKL resultiert in einer verstärkten Expression von CTR-mRNA und CTR-Protein. TRAP-mRNA-Expression und TRAP-Aktivität bleiben davon unbeeinflusst. 3. Als funktionelles Merkmal der in vitro differenzierten Osteoklasten können ihre Fähigkeit zur Ausbildung von Aktinringen und die Resorption von mineralisiertem Kollagen nachgewiesen werden. 4. Im Verlauf ihrer Differenzierung sekretieren Osteoblasten unterschiedliche Mengen an OPG. Das Maximum der Synthese liegt bei Tag 11. Freies RANKL lässt sich in Überständen von MC3T3-E1-Osteoblasten nicht nachweisen. 5. Das von Osteoblasten in das Medium abgegebene OPG ist in der Lage, die durch RANKL induzierte Osteoklastogenese von RAW-Monozyten zu hemmen. 6. In Kokulturen von MC3T3-E1-Osteoblasten und RAW-Monozyten kann keine Osteoklastogenese beobachtet werden, wahrscheinlich durch Fehlen der RANKLExprimierung oder zu starke OPG-Sekretion durch Osteoblasten. Besonders in der westlichen Welt mit ihrer hohen Lebenserwartung haben Krankheiten mit Knochenverlust sowie bösartige Neubildungen mit Knochenbefall eine große medizinische Bedeutung. Die Beeinflussung des RANKL/RANK/OPG-Systems bietet eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit zur Entwicklung hochwirksamer und nebenwirkungsarmer Medikamente zur Behandlung dieser Zustände.

Auswirkung von Bisphosphonaten auf die Expression von Osteoprotegerin (OPG) und Receptor activator of nuclear factor êB ligand (RANKL) in Osteoblastenkulturen aus Unterkiefer und Becken - Eine Pilotstudie am Hausschwein / Effect of bisphosphonates on the expression of osteoprotegerin (OPG) and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL) in osteoblast cultures of the mandible and pelvis - A pilot study on the domestic pig

Sievers, Niklas 14 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Expression von RANK / RANKL im Harnblasenkarzinom / Expression of RANK / RANKL in bladder cancer

Waegner, Rena Hinrika 08 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Efeito da pioglitazona sobre o remodelamento ósseo em diabetes tipo 2 / Pioglitazone effect on bone remodeling in type 2 diabetes

Silvia Tchernin Himelfarb 25 February 2013 (has links)
Alterações morfológicas no tecido ósseo têm sido descritas nos usuários de hipoglicemiantes orais da classe das tiazolidinedionas (TZDs). Hipotetiza-se que alguns genes relacionados com a osteogênese e osteoclastogênese podem ser influenciados pelo tratamento farmacológico, entretanto, o exato mecanismo ainda não está bem esclarecido. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito da pioglitazona no remodelamento ósseo através de genes envolvidos na osteoclastogênese em indivíduos recentemente diagnosticados com DM2 e modelos animais, com a finalidade de identificar marcadores genéticos sensíveis de alterações ósseas. Foram convidados para participar do estudo 199 indivíduos (100 diabéticos e 99 normoglicêmicos), no ambulatório de dislipidemias do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia. Os indivíduos diabéticos foram tratados com pioglitazona (15, 30, 45, 45 mg/ dia/ via oral) por 16 semanas. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue, antes e após o tratamento para avaliações laboratoriais, extração de DNA genômico e de RNA total. Os polimorfismos e a expressão do mRNA nas células sanguíneas foram determinados pela PCR em tempo real através do sistema TaqMan®. Para o estudo em modelo animal após a indução da dieta hiperlipídica por 32 semanas, foram utilizados 12 camundongos machos da linhagem C57BL/J6, os quais foram divididos em três grupos: controle (n=4); diabéticos induzidos pela dieta hiperlipídica (DH, n=4) e diabéticos induzidos pela dieta hiperlipídica e tratados com pioglitazona 35mg/Kg/dia por 16 semanas (DHP, n=4). Para os grupos experimentais foram colhidos: amostras de sangue, para exames laboratoriais; fêmures, para a extração do RNA total; e tíbias, para determinação dos parâmetros histomorfométricos. Os pacientes DM2 apresentaram diminuição nas concentrações séricas de osteocalcina e na expressão de OPG e aumento na expressão de VDR em comparação ao grupo NG (p<0,05). A expressão de RANKL e IL6 foi maior entre as mulheres, enquanto que a expressão de PPARG foi maior entre os homens com DM2 em comparação ao grupo NG (p=0,032). Pacientes DM2 antes do tratamento apresentaram glicemia e expressão do mRNA de IL6 negativamente associados ao cálcio ionizado, enquanto que as transcrições de TNFA e VDR foram associadas positivamente e negativamente com bALP respectivamente (p<0,05). O tratamento com pioglitazona reduziu a glicemia de jejum, glicemia pós-prandial, insulina, HOMA-IR, triglicerídeos, VLDL-C, tALP e bALP e aumentou a HDL, tACP, TNF-&#945; e a transcrição de OPG (p<0,05). A glicemia basal associou-se positivamente com o cálcio ionizado. A expressão basal de OPG foi associado negativamente com tALP, enquanto que a expressão basal de TNFA foi associada positivamente com tALP e negativamente com tACP. A expressão basal IL6 foi associada positivamente com tALP, enquanto que a expressão basal de VDR foi associada negativamente com osteocalcina e positivamente com bALP em resposta ao tratamento (p<0,05). O polimorfismo RANK rs1805034 foi associado com redução na transcrição do gene RANK nos indivíduos DM2 e com o remodelamento ósseo após o tratamento com pioglitazona (p<0,05). O polimorfismo RANKL rs9525641 foi associado com aumento da transcrição gênica de RANKL nos indivíduos NG e DM2 e melhora da resposta farmacológica nos indivíduos DM2 tratados com pioglitazona (p<0,05). O polimorfismo rs3102735 do gene OPG foi associado com aumento da formação óssea nos indivíduos DM2 antes e após o tratamento (p<0,05). O genótipo CG do polimorfismo OPG rs2073618 foi associado com alteração da transcrição de OPG no grupo DM2 pré e pós-tratamento (p<0,05). O polimorfismo PPARG rs1801282 foi associado com menor risco para o desenvolvimento de diabetes (p<0,05). O polimorfismo PPARG rs2972162 foi associado com melhora da resistência insulínica nos indivíduos DM2 tratados com pioglitazona (p=0,017). O polimorfismo ESRI rs9340799 foi associado com redução da formação óssea nos indivíduos DM2 (p=0,038). Nos camundongos, após a indução da dieta hiperlipídica por 32 semanas, observou-se aumento do peso, da glicemia, do colesterol total, da expressão do mRNA de RANK, RANKL, IL6 e TNFA em fêmures e aumento de Tb.Sp e diminuição de BV/TV em comparação ao grupo controle (p<0,05). O tratamento com pioglitazona diminuiu a expressão de TNFA (p=0,028). As medidas histomorfométricas não alteraram-se após o tratamento (p>0,05). Os resultados sugerem que o estado hiperglicêmico e o tratamento influenciam os marcadores bioquímicos e moleculares. Os polimorfismos dos genes RANK, RANKL, OPG e ESRI parecem estar envolvidos no remodelamento ósseo independentemente da hiperglicemia e do tratamento e os polimorfismos do gene PPARG parecem estar envolvidos com menor risco para desenvolver diabetes e com a melhora da resistência insulínica em resposta ao tratamento com pioglitazona. / Morphological changes in bone tissue have been reported in users of oral hypoglycemic class of thiazolidinediones (TZDs). It is hypothesized that some genes related to osteogenesis and osteoclastogenesis may be influenced by pharmacological treatment, however, was not aware exact mechanism. The study aims was to evaluate pioglitazone effect on bone remodeling through genes involved in osteoclastogenesis in individuals newly diagnosed with DM2 and animal models, in order to identify sensibles genetics markers of bone alterations. Were invited to participate in study 199 patients (100 diabetics and 99 normoglycemic), in dyslipidemia ambulatory of Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology. Diabetic subjects were treated with pioglitazone (15, 30, 45 or 45 mg /day/oral) for 16 weeks. Blood samples were collected before and after treatment for laboratory evaluations, extraction of genomic DNA and total RNA. Polymorphisms and mRNA expression in blood cells was determined by real time PCR using TaqMan® system. For study in animal model after 32 weeks of fat diet induction, was used 12 male mice C57BL/J6, which were divided into three groups: control (n=4); induced diabetic fat diet (DH, n=4) and induced diabetic fat diet and treated with pioglitazone 35mg/Kg/day for 16 weeks (DHP, n=4). For experimental groups were collected: blood samples for laboratory tests; femurs, for extraction of total RNA; and tibias, to determine histomorphometric parameters. DM2 patients showed decrease in serum osteocalcin and OPG expression and increased VDR expression compared to NG group (p<0.05). RANKL and IL6 expression were higher among women, whereas PPARG expression was higher among men with DM2 compared to NG group (p=0,032). DM2 patients before treatment showed blood glucose and IL6 mRNA expression negatively associated with ionized calcium, whereas TNFA and VDR transcription are positively and negatively associated with bALP respectively (p<0.05). Pioglitazone treatment reduced fasting glucose, postprandial glucose, insulin, HOMA-IR, triglycerides, VLDL-C, tALP and bALP and increased HDL, tACP, TNF-&#945; and OPG transcription (p<0.05). Basal blood glucose was positively associated with ionized calcium. Basal OPG expression was negatively associated with tALP, whereas basal TNFA expression was positively associated with tALP and negatively with tACP. Basal IL6 expression was positively associated with tALP, whereas basal VDR expression was negatively associated with osteocalcin and positively with bALP in response to treatment (p<0.05). RANK rs1805034 polymorphism was associated with RANK gene transcription reduction in subjects with DM2 and bone remodeling after treatment with pioglitazone (p<0.05). RANKL rs9525641 polymorphism was associated with increased RANKL gene transcription in NG and DM2 subjects and pharmacological response improvement in DM2 subjects treated with pioglitazone (p<0.05). OPG rs3102735polymorphism was associated with increased bone formation in DM2 subjects before and after treatment (p<0.05). CG genotype of OPG rs2073618 polymorphism was associated with OPG transcription change in DM2 group before and after treatment (p<0.05). PPARG rs1801282 polymorphism was associated with lower risk for diabetes development (p<0.05). PPARG rs2972162 polymorphism was associated with insulin resistance improvement in DM2 subjects treated with pioglitazone (p=0,017). ESRI rs9340799 polymorphism was associated with reduced bone formation in DM2 subjects (p=0,038). In mice, after 32 weeks of fat diet induction, was observed increase weight, blood glucose, total cholesterol and RANK, RANKL, IL6 and TNFA mRNA expression in femurs and Tb.Sp increase and BV/TV decrease compared to control group (p<0.05). Treatment with pioglitazone decrease TNFA (p=0,028). Histomorphometrics measurements not change after treatment (p>0.05). Results suggest that hyperglycemic state and treatment influence biochemical and molecular markers. RANK, RANKL, OPG and ESRI polymorphisms seens to be involved in bone remodeling regardless of hyperglycemia and treatment and PPARG gene polymorphisms seens to be associated with lower risk for diabetes development and with insulin resistance improvement in response to treatment with pioglitazone.

In vitro Differenzierung von Monozyten der Zelllinine RAW 264.7 zu Osteoklasten, deren Charakterisierung und Wechselwirkung mit Osteoblasten

Lesky, Thomas 27 June 2006 (has links)
Das RANKL/RANK/OPG-System spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in der Steuerung der Osteoklastendifferenzierung und -aktivierung durch Osteoblasten/ Knochenmarkbindegewebszellen im Rahmen des Knochenremodelings. Osteoblasten/Knochenmarkbindegewebszellen exprimieren RANKL. Dieses hat im Körper zwei Rezeptoren: RANK und OPG. RANKL kann durch Bindung an RANK auf Osteoklasten/Osteoklastenvorläuferzellen in Gegenwart von M-CSF seine osteoklastenstimulierende Wirkung entfalten. Der ebenfalls von Osteoblasten gebildete „decoy“-Rezeptor OPG blockiert als freies Protein durch Bindung an RANKL dessen Interaktion mit RANK und verhindert somit die Osteoklastogenese und Osteoklastenaktivierung. Das RANKL/RANK/OPG-System erfüllt im Körper noch weitere Funktionen im Immunsystem, in der Organentwicklung lymphatischer Gewebe und in der Entwicklung der laktierenden Brustdrüse. Viele Zytokine greifen hemmend oder aktivierend in die Osteoklastogenese ein. Sie können dies zum einen durch die Beeinflussung des RANKL/OPG-Verhältnisses, zum anderen durch direkte Interaktion mit Osteoklasten/Osteoklastenvorläuferzellen tun. Zytokine, die die Osteoklastogenese begünstigen, werden vor allem bei inflammatorischen Prozessen ausgeschüttet. Zusammen mit dem, bei diesen Zuständen von aktivierten T-Zellen produzierten RANKL kann dies längerfristig zu einem Knochenverlust führen, welcher sich im klinischen Bild der Osteoporose äußert. Aus den in der vorliegenden Dissertation durchgeführten Untersuchungen ergeben sich folgende Schlussfolgerungen: 1. Monozyten der Zelllinie RAW 264.7 lassen sich, wie bereits in der Literatur beschrieben, durch Zugabe von M-CSF und RANKL zu osteoklastenähnlichen Zellen differenzieren. 2. Die Osteoklastogenese lässt sich anhand der Veränderung verschiedener osteoklastenspezifischer Parameter charakterisieren. Es zeigt sich bei den mit M-CSF und RANKL stimulierten Monozyten eine erhöhte Transkription von CTR (Calcitoninrezeptor)- und TRAP (tartratresistente saure Phosphatase)-mRNA, eine erhöhte Expression des CTR-Proteins, eine erhöhte TRAP-Aktivität und eine Formierung TRAP-positiver mehrkerniger Riesenzellen, die in diesen Eigenschaften Osteoklasten entsprechen. Die zusätzliche Zugabe von TGF-b1 in Kombination mit M-CSF und RANKL resultiert in einer verstärkten Expression von CTR-mRNA und CTR-Protein. TRAP-mRNA-Expression und TRAP-Aktivität bleiben davon unbeeinflusst. 3. Als funktionelles Merkmal der in vitro differenzierten Osteoklasten können ihre Fähigkeit zur Ausbildung von Aktinringen und die Resorption von mineralisiertem Kollagen nachgewiesen werden. 4. Im Verlauf ihrer Differenzierung sekretieren Osteoblasten unterschiedliche Mengen an OPG. Das Maximum der Synthese liegt bei Tag 11. Freies RANKL lässt sich in Überständen von MC3T3-E1-Osteoblasten nicht nachweisen. 5. Das von Osteoblasten in das Medium abgegebene OPG ist in der Lage, die durch RANKL induzierte Osteoklastogenese von RAW-Monozyten zu hemmen. 6. In Kokulturen von MC3T3-E1-Osteoblasten und RAW-Monozyten kann keine Osteoklastogenese beobachtet werden, wahrscheinlich durch Fehlen der RANKLExprimierung oder zu starke OPG-Sekretion durch Osteoblasten. Besonders in der westlichen Welt mit ihrer hohen Lebenserwartung haben Krankheiten mit Knochenverlust sowie bösartige Neubildungen mit Knochenbefall eine große medizinische Bedeutung. Die Beeinflussung des RANKL/RANK/OPG-Systems bietet eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit zur Entwicklung hochwirksamer und nebenwirkungsarmer Medikamente zur Behandlung dieser Zustände.

Dualité d'action de la galectine-3 dans la pathophysiologie de l'arthrose

Janelle-Montcalm, Audrée January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Estudo da diversidade genética e análise de associações de polimorfismo de nucleotídeo (SNP) com resistência às parasitoses gastrintestinais e prolificidade em ovinos da raça Santa Inês / Study of genetic diversity and association analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with resistance to gastrointestinal parasites and prolificacy in Santa Ines sheep

Priscila Silva Oliveira 21 February 2014 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a presença de polimorfismos e de possíveis associações com características relacionadas com a resistência às parasitoses gastrintestinais e a prolificidade em ovinos da raça Santa Inês. Para avaliação da resistência às parasitoses gastrintestinais, amostras de fezes e de sangue de aproximadamente 700 animais, infectados naturalmente e oriundos de quatro propriedades diferentes, foram coletadas entre os meses de outubro e novembro de 2011, para avaliação das características condição corporal, grau de anemia avaliado pelo cartão FAMACHA, as características dos pelos dos animais, consistência das fezes, contagem de ovos por grama de fezes, hematócrito, contagem de células brancas, contagem de células vermelhas, hemoglobina e plaquetas. Para a avaliação da prolificidade, 340 ovelhas foram avaliadas quanto ao número total de cordeiros nascidos, divididos pelo número de partos de cada ovelha, assim como a correlação dessa característica com o peso médio ao nascimento de seus cordeiros e a eficiência produtiva da mãe ao parto. Foram selecionados 28 polimorfismos de base única (SNP) para o desenvolvimento deste estudo os quais foram genotipados por meio da plataforma Sequenom MassARRAY iPLEX. Foram analisadas as freqüências alélicas e genotípicas, o equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg, os efeitos de substituição alélica, de aditividade e de desvio de dominância. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram variabilidade considerável das características avaliadas na população e da maioria dos polimorfismos estudados. Foi verificado também efeito significativo (p&le;0,05) ou sugestivo (0,05&gt;p&le;0,10) de substituição alélica de pelo menos um SNP para cada uma das características avaliadas, indicando que esses polimorfismos podem auxiliar nos processos de seleção das características relacionadas com a resistência às parasitoses gastrintestinais e com a prolificidade. / The aim of this work was to evaluate the presence of polymorphisms and possible associations with characteristics associated with resistance to gastrointestinal parasites and prolificacy in Santa Ines sheep. To evaluate the resistance to gastrointestinal parasites, feces and blood samples of approximately 700 animals infected naturally and from four different properties, were collected between the months of October and November, 2011 to assess characteristics body condition, degree of anemia measured by FAMACHA card, the characteristics of the hair of sheep, feces consistency, egg counts per gram of feces, hematocrit, white blood cell count, red blood cell count, hemoglobin and platelets count. For the evaluation of prolificacy, 340 sheep were evaluated for the total number of lambs born, divided by the number of births from each dam, as well as the correlation of this feature with the average birth weight of their lambs and productive efficiency of dam. 28 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were selected for the development of this study and were genotyped by Sequenom MassARRAY iPLEX platform. Allele and genotype frequencies, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the effects of allelic substitution, additivity and dominance deviation were analyzed. The results showed considerable variability of the characteristics evaluated in the population in study and in most of the polymorphisms. Significant effect was observed (p &le; 0.05) or suggestive (0.05&gt; p &le; 0.10) for allelic substitution of at least one SNP for each of the evaluated traits, indicating that these polymorphisms may help in the selection processes of characteristics related to resistance to gastrointestinal parasites and prolificacy.

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