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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Philoponus on topos

Papachristou, Ioannis 06 December 2017 (has links)
Die Dissertation versucht einerseits die Form, die Methode und die Struktur von Philoponos Kommentar zur Physik neu zu interpretieren und andererseits seine Theorie des Ortes (Topos) eingehend zu untersuchen. Das Buch besteht aus fünf Kapiteln und es enthält ein Vorwort, einen Epilog und ein Literaturverzeichnis. Philoponus schlägt eine doppelte Ortsbestimmung vor. Er unterscheidet zwischen dem Ort, der leer ist, der dreidimensionalen Erweiterung, die sich ontologisch von Körpern unterscheidet, und dem Begriff des Ortes, der von Körpern erfüllt wird. Philoponos strebt danach die Beziehung zwischen dem Ort und dem Körper neu zu definieren und unterstreicht den ontologischen Unterschied, den eine körperlose Erweiterung von einer körperlichen Erweiterung haben sollte. Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auch auf Philoponos Kritik an der Definition von Ort laut Aristoteles und an der Peripatetischen Tradition (Eudemos, Themistios) bezüglich des Ortes des Himmels. Abschließend kommt das Buch zu dem Schluss, dass Philoponos Strategie sowohl in den Exkursen des Kommentars als auch in gewissen Teilen seiner Exegese in drei Stufen dargestellt werden kann: Er weist erstens die Gültigkeit der Kritik von Aristoteles und Themistios gegen das Konzept der lokalen Erweiterung zurück; zweitens greift er die aristotelische Definition des Ortes an, indem er seine Schwächen und Unstimmigkeiten mit der Natur der Dinge zeigt; und drittens stellt er seine eigene Theorie des Ortes dar. Das Ergebnis ist ein wertvolles Argumentarium über den Ort und ein wichtiger Beitrag für die Physik der Spätantike. / The dissertation attempts to interpret afresh, on the one hand, the form, methodology and structure of Philoponus’ commentary on the Physics and, on the other hand, to study in depth his theory of place (topos). The book extends over five chapters and includes a preface, an epilogue and a bibliography. Philoponus attempts a double determination of place. He distinguishes between the place which is void, three-dimensional extension that is ontological different from bodies, and the concept of place that is filled by bodies. Philoponus wishes to redefine the relationship between place and body and he underlines the ontological difference that a bodiless extension should have from a bodily extension. The thesis also focuses on Philoponus’ critique of Aristotle’s definition of place and the Peripatetic tradition (Eudemus, Themistius) regarding the place of the heavens. The book concludes that, Philoponus’ strategy in the digressions of the commentary, but also in certain parts of his exegeses, can be seen in three stages: first, he repudiates the cogency of Aristotle’s and Themistius’ critique to the concept of local extension; second, he attacks the Aristotelian definition of place by showing its weaknesses and inconsistencies with the nature of things; and third, he establishes his own theory of place. The result is a valuable set of arguments regarding place and a major contribution to the physics of late antiquity.

Hur kan handeln på en mindre ort se ut och hur kan den påverkas av ett samarbete? : - En fallstudie av Skutskärs Centrum, Älvkarleby kommun / What can the trade in a smaller city look like and how can it be affected by a cooperation between the entrepreneurs? : - A Case Study of Skutskärs Centrum, Älvkaleby commune

Karlsson, Sofia, Yanya, Amina January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: En pågående centralisering av handeln sker med en förflyttning av handel från landsbygd och mindre orter till större städer. Denna urbanisering beror på bland annat de stordriftsfördelar som större butiker och köpcentra erhåller. Den ökade konkurrensen i städerna påverkar därför handeln på mindre orter och kan riskera att utarma denna helt. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur handelssituationen på en mindre ort kan se ut då stark konkurrens föreligger från närbelagda orter samt att kartlägga alternativa förbättringsmöjligheter som skulle kunna tillämpas för att nå ökad lönsamhet. Metod: Fallstudien utgår ifrån en abduktiv ansats där en kvalitativ undersökning har gjorts med sju respondenter. Även en kvantitativ undersökning har genomförts med 25 deltagande företag. Slutsats: På den mindre orten upplevs konkurrensen både genom kraftig extern konkurrens från närliggande orter och en intern konkurrens från andra företag på den egna orten. Ett samarbete mellan företagarna kan bestå i att anordna gemensamma aktiviteter och att tillsammans marknadsföra orten under ett varumärke. För att detta ska fungera behövs att en person är särskilt avsatt för detta ändamål, då kan samarbetet leda till bättre resultat och bättre sammanhållning inom orten. / Background: An ongoing centralization of the trade is carried out with a movement of trade from rural areas and smaller towns to larger cities. This urbanization depends, among other things, on the economies of scale that larger stores and shopping centers receive. The increased competition in the cities therefore affects the trade in small communities and may be likely to impoverish the whole. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe what the trade situation in a small town looks like when there is a strong competition from nearby cities and to identify alternative improvement options that could be applied to achieve increased profitability. Research method: The case study is based on an abductive process in which a qualitative study has been made with seven respondents. A quantitative survey has also been carried out with 25 participating companies answering the survey. Conclusion: In the smaller town the competition in experienced by both a strong external competition from nearby cities and an internal competition from other companies in the own town. Collaboration between entrepreneurs can be to organize joint activities and to jointly market the trade in the town under one trademark. For this to work it is required that one person is earmarked for that purpose, then the cooperation can lead to better results and better cohesiveness in the town.

Att flytta - som mål eller medel : En kvalitativ studie om handlingsmönster hos unga arbetslösa på en mindre ort

Tunved Ejd, Cornelia January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ungdomar (18-25-åringar) som är inskrivna på arbetsförmedlingen i en mindre ort upplever sin livssituation som arbetslös, vilka framtidsvisioner de har samt om det föreligger skillnader i dessa avseenden beroende på familjebakgrund. Studien baseras på sex kvalitativa intervjuer med ungdomar inskrivna på en arbetsförmedling i en mindre ort i Mellansverige som sedan transkriberats, meningskoncentrerats och slutligen analyserats främst med utgångspunkt i begreppen habitus, livsstil samt transaktionella behov. Resultaten i studien visar att respondenterna antingen vill flytta eller att förutsättningarna i orten gör att de känner sig tvingade till att göra det. Två olika mönster kan urskiljas i resultaten då respondenterna antingen tenderar att se flytten som ett medel för att få jobb eller tillgodogöra sig en utbildning, eller att de ser jobb eller utbildning som ett medel för att kunna flytta från orten. I analysen kopplar jag dessa två kategorier till begreppen habitus respektive livsstil och konstaterar att vissa ungdomar är mer habitusbetingade i sina handlingsmönster medan andra mer livsstilsbetingade. Jag konstaterar också att de transaktionella behoven i allmänhet kan uppfyllas med hjälp av en anställning. I diskussionen tas möjliga förklaringar till resultaten upp. En förklaring till de skilda handlingsmönstren som respondenterna visar på skulle kunna vara samhälleliga strukturer som hindrar respondenterna att göra vad man traditionellt har gjort. En annan förklaring skulle kunna vara ett motstånd mot reproducering av könsroller hos vissa respondenter. I diskussionsdelen vägs även resultaten i denna studie mot resultaten i tidigare forskning. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how young unemployed people (18-25 years old) in a small district experience their life as unemployed, what visions of the future they have and if there is any difference in these references depending on their social background. This study is based on six qualitative interviews with young people who are registered at the employment office in a small county in the middle of Sweden. The interviews were then transcribed and finally analyzed, mainly based on the concepts of habitus and lifestyle and the theory of transactional needs. The results in this study shows that the respondents either wants or feel themselves compelled to move from their district. I could see two different patterns in the results of the interviews; the respondents either tended to see the moving as a way to get a job or an education or they tended to see the job or the education as a way to move from their district. In the analyze I linked these two cathegories to the concepts of habitus and lifestyle and noted that some of the respondents were more prone to the concepts of habitus and some were more prone to the concepts of lifestyle. I also noted that the transactional needs in general can be met by an employment. The study concludes with a discussion in which possible explanations to the results are given. An explanation to the different patterns of acting could be social structures that prevent the interviewees to do what the traditionally would have done. Another explanation would be a resistance against reproduction of gender roles by some of the interviewees. The results are also compared with the results of earlier research.

Entwicklung und Validierung eines neuen analytischen Verfahrens zur qualitativen und quantitativen Bestimmung von gasförmigen Amin-Emissionen aus Materialien und Werkstoffen für den Innenraum

Rampfl, Michael January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: München, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2008

An?lise funcional do design das ?rteses para rizartrose / Functional analysis the orthotics design for "rizartrose"

Souza, Alessandra Cavalcanti de Albuquerque e 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:53:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlessandraCAS.pdf: 478300 bytes, checksum: be5bf7503cba8da555b4037506a0c710 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / The purpose of this paper is to identify the utilization of two models of orthotics used in the conservative treatment of rizartrose in patients/consumers that were referred by the medical clinic to the LAI (Laboratory of Integrated Accessibility). It describes this group s perception related to the functional aspects of the two models, evaluates the value of the product attributed by the patient/consumer and describes the importance attributed to each model. The research s objective consists in identifying which model this is preferred from the point of view by the patients that use either the dorsal or ventral models used in the conservative treatment of rizartrose . This work is then based on the exploratory research through the investigation of the bibliography available and in the research field. The research field used the case study methodology to investigate the phenomenon in the real context. The data were collected using a patient questionnaire during two times after the use of the dorsal orthotic and after the use of the ventral orthotic. The questionnaire was used to identify the relationship between the patients/consumers and the two different types of orthotics. A general descriptive analysis was used in order to verify the patient s abilities executing certain activities daily living using the dorsal and ventral orthotics, the product s functional aspects and its value from the patient s/consumer s point of view. The results show that the preference for the dorsal or ventral models is determined by the individual needs of each person. The results also show that other variables, such as the use of the orthotic on the dominant or non-dominant hand, play a role in the preferred model by the patient/consumer and need to be further investigated / Esta pesquisa tem como proposta investigar a utiliza??o de dois modelos de dispositivo ort?tico usados no tratamento conservador da rizartrose de pacientes/consumidores que foram encaminhados ao LAI (Laborat?rio de Acessibilidade Integrada) pela cl?nica m?dica. Ainda, descreve as percep??es deste grupo sobre os aspectos funcionais dos dois modelos do dispositivo, avalia o valor do produto atribu?do pelo paciente/consumidor e descreve a import?ncia conferida a cada modelo. O objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em identificar entre os modelos de ?rtese dorsal e ventral, utilizados no tratamento conservador da rizartrose, aquele que ? preferido para uso sob a ?tica do pr?prio paciente/consumidor. Desta forma, o trabalho tem sua forma??o baseada na pesquisa do tipo explorat?ria atrav?s de investiga??o em fontes bibliogr?ficas e em pesquisa de campo. Na pesquisa de campo foi adotado como procedimento metodol?gico o estudo de caso, por se propor a investigar o fen?meno em seu contexto real. Os dados foram coletados com a aplica??o de formul?rio junto aos pacientes/consumidores em dois momentos-ap?s uso de ?rtese dorsal e ap?s uso de ?rtese ventral. O formul?rio busca identificar a rela??o de cada paciente/consumidor com os dois modelos do dispositivo. Atrav?s de uma an?lise descritiva geral foi verificado sobre a habilidade do paciente na execu??o de determinadas tarefas cotidianas em uso de ?rtese dorsal e ventral, sendo seguido da apresenta??o dos aspectos funcionais dos produtos e do valor sob a ?tica do paciente/consumidor. Os resultados mostram que a prefer?ncia para uso do modelo dorsal ou ventral ? determinada pelas necessidades individuais de cada pessoa. Os resultados mostram tamb?m a exist?ncia de outros pressupostos que exercem influencia na escolha do modelo pelo paciente/consumidor, como o uso de ?rtese na m?o contralateral a dominante

Vad påverkar förekomsten av typ II-fel? : En kvantitativ studie om uteblivnafortlevnadsvarningar i revisorersrapportering

Gudmundsson, Oskar, Vörén, Isabelle January 2020 (has links)
Fallet om Prosolvia ledde till det största skadeståndet som någonsin utfärdats i svensk domstol. Orsaken var att revisorn för bolaget inte hade rapporterat om väsentliga osäkerheter och felaktigheter i den finansiella rapporten trots att dessa förelåg. Detta ledde till att Prosolvia senare ansökte om konkurs. När ett bolag går i konkurs inom 12 månader från senaste räkenskapsåret och revisorn inte utfärdar en fortlevnadsvarning gör revisorn ett typ II-fel. Trots risken för skadestånd uppstår typ II-fel frekvent vilket visar på svårigheten och komplexiteten med fortsatt drift-bedömningen för revisorer. Tidigare studier har undersökt vad som kan tänkas påverka uppståndelsen av typ II-fel. Denna studie utökar forskningen genom att undersöka om revisorns kön, klientens bransch och ortens storlek påverkar sannolikheten av att revisorn gör ett typ II-fel samt studerar sambandet mellan finansiell stress och typ II-fel från revisorers perspektiv. Studien har skett med hjälp av ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt och analys. Enbart svenska onoterade bolag har använts för undersökningen. De bolag som utgör studiens dataunderlag har vidare haft sin senaste årsredovisning 2018, konkursen har varit inledd inom 12 månader från senaste räkenskapsår och en årsredovisning med revisionsberättelse har funnits tillgänglig. Resultaten indikerar på att vissa branscher påverkar sannolikheten av att revisorn gör ett typ II-fel samt att det finns väsentliga skillnader vad gäller finansiellt stressade bolag i revisorns fortsatt drift-bedömning. För räkenskapsåret 2018 hade 76 procent av bolagen som inlett konkurs inom 12 månader från senaste räkenskapsåret en revisor som gjort ett typ II-fel, vilket tyder på låg revisionskvalité överlag. Detta är något som måste förbättras i hopp om att förhindra och undvika fall, så som Prosolvia, från att upprepas. Studien bidrar till nuvarande forskning genom en holistisk vy av fortsatt drift-problematiken i en svensk kontext för helåret 2018, samt möjliggör för ytterligare forskning inom typ II-fel genom jämförelse med fler år. Studiens resultat ger vidare en ökad insikt kring typ II-fel, vilket kan assistera revisorer och revisionsbyråer i praktiken, men även myn-digheter eller likvärdiga regelsättare att förbättra fortsatt drift-rapporteringen. Det kan på så vis förbättra revisionskvalité vilket i sin tur gynnar samhället och näringslivet.

Hur är det möjligt?: En uppsats om framgångsrika svenska herrelitidrottsföreningars verksamhet på mindre orter

Loimi, Mika, Freberg, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka faktorer som gör det möjligt att driva en högpresterande herridrottsförening inom lagidrott på en mindre ort. Med detta som bakgrund vill vi studera hur de utvalda föreningarnas organisationer är utformade med hjälp av Mintzbergs organisationsteori.Metod: Studien arbetar utifrån ett abduktivt arbetssätt som innebär att forskaren rör sig mellan teori och empiri och låter dessa relateras till varandra. Empiriinsamlingen har bestått av nio semistrukturerade intervjuer, med representanter inom de undersökta föreningarna, Mjällby AIF (Fotboll), Tingsryds AIF (Ishockey) och Åby/Tjureda IF (Bandy). Studien har även genomfört intervjuer med utomstående journalister för att få ett bredare perspektiv. Efter transkribering har en tematisk analys utförts för att få en djupare förståelse av innehållet och på så vis kunna plocka ut svar och teman som är återkommandeTeori: Studiens resultat har analyserats med hjälp av Mintzbergs organisationsteori samt begreppen lokal identitet och performance management. Dessa användes för att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar.Resultat och Slutsats: Studien identifierar flertalet potentiella faktorer som skulle kunna vara till grund för de högpresterande föreningarna, lokal identitet och kultur, ekonomi, strategier och mål samt organisationernas utformning var de huvudsakliga faktorerna som återfanns i resultatet. Då vi fann att de undersökta föreningarnas organisationsstrukturer såg så pass annorlunda ut jämfört med varandra tyder det på att framgångsrika föreningar organiserar sig på välanpassade sätt utifrån sina förutsättningar för att möta de utmaningar som man ställs inför. Slutsatsen blev således att framgångsfaktorerna tycks skilja sig åt mellan de olika idrotterna (fotboll, ishockey och bandy), vad som dock uppfattas som en gemensam nämnare är den starka lokala identitet samt det stora ideella engagemanget som föreningarna har på orterna. / Purpose: This study´s purpose is to explore the different aspects necessary for high performing sports clubs at elite level bases in small communities in Sweden. The study has a certain focus on the organisational part of each club to see how the organisation is structured, by using Mintzberg´s organizational theory. Methodology: Three sports clubs took part in this study: Mjällby AIF (Football), Tingsryds AIF (Ice Hockey) and Åby/Tjureda IF (Bandy). We also interviewed journalists with knowledge about the sports clubs to help us widen our perspectives. Theory: The results have been analysed with Mintzberg´s organizational theory, as well as Local Identity and Performance Management. Results and conclusion: We discovered several different aspects that can be considered to why these sports clubs are successful, the local identity and culture, economy, strategies and goals and the structure of the organisations were the main themes. The clubs were structured in different ways, which made us think that a successful sport club in Sweden choses the best and most efficient structure that suits their own reality. The conclusion was that the results differed between the sports, the common denominator was the strong local identity that every club had.

Work Zone Effects On Performance Of A Toll Plaza

Liu, Jingyu 01 January 2009 (has links)
No-lane closure workzone is typical during the construction of open road tolling lanes of a toll plaza. The influence of no-lane closure on toll plazas' performance is unknown because very few studies have been conducted to address this topic. The open road tolling (ORT) has become the new trend of operating an efficient toll plaza. So, the upgrading of a toll plaza from gated E-pass to open road E-pass has become common. The better the toll plaza authority knows about the influence of this construction and congestion effects, the better it can serve the costumers. This project mainly deals with the effects of no-lane closure workzone on the toll plaza performance, and with the collected data, a model was developed predicting 15 minutes throughput and queue length. To better study the workzone impact on toll plaza performance, three sites with different characteristics were selected. They are Lake Jesup Mainline Plaza along the Seminole Expressway (SR-417), the Beachline West Expressway Toll Plaza along the SR-528 and Conway toll plaza along the Holland East-West Expressway (SR-408) in Orlando area of Central Florida. Data preparation includes demand, throughput, processing rates, and queue lengths of different toll categories. Data was collected during peak period for before and during the no-lane closure construction (phase 1) at SR-528 and Lake Jesup toll plaza at SR-417, and middle lane construction (phase 2) and after opening ORT lanes (phase 3) at Conway toll plaza at SR-408.Comparisons were conducted between non-construction stage and construction stage for non-lane closure workzone effects study using data from 417 and 528, and comparisons between middle-lane-construction and complete of construction stage for ORT impact study using data from 408. Analysis results showed that when the toll plaza is operating at or close to its capacity, the no-lane closure workzone can have a negative impact on its performance. But when the toll plaza's demand is lower than the capacity, the no-lane closure workzone has no impact at the toll plaza's performance. And the ORT lanes have a positive influence on the capacity and throughput of the toll plaza. After the impact of no-lane closure workzone on toll plaza has been analyzed, all the data from three toll plazas are put together and a model is built using the variables of Demand/Capacity ratio, percentage of each category of vehicles, E-pass, Automatic or Manual, number of Manual lanes, workzone or no-workzone. Throughput and Queue length can be predicted by this model.

Socio-Demographic Factors Associated with Maternal Use of Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) and Dispensary Treatment for Diarrhea among Children Under Five Years Old: Pakistan DHS (2012-13)

Aziz, Summera 11 August 2015 (has links)
Abstract Objectives: Diarrheal disease is a global health challenge that assumes gigantic importance with regard to child health in developing countries like Pakistan. Prompt medical attention and proper use of Oral Re-hydration Therapy (ORT) by mothers helps prevent dehydration and secondary complications among affected children. However, ORT use among mothers in Pakistan is low. This study seeks to examine how various socio-demographic factors impact the use of ORT and dispensary treatment among mothers of children affected with diarrhea. Methods:Data from Pakistan Demographic Health Survey (2012-2013) was used for the study. The study sample consisted of women aged 15-49 years old resident in Punjab region (N= 505) with children under five years old who had diarrhea within two weeks of the survey. Chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses were used to determine relationships between maternal socio-demographic characteristics and use of ORT and dispensary care. P-values Results: After controlling for place of residence, educational level and frequency of watching television, caregivers whose children had fever with diarrheal episodes had nearly two-fold increased odds of using ORT treatment [OR= 1.9, (95% CI: 1.28-2.82)], compared to those whose children did not have fever. Similarly poor and middle class socioeconomic status (SES) participants had 3 times increased odds [OR= 2.76, [95% CI: 1.1 -6.89)] of using dispensary treatment when compared to upper class mothers. Place of residence was not a significant predictor of ORT or dispensary use. Discussion: These findings are consistent with other studies that show that mothers’ socioeconomic status are a good indicator of their knowledge about ORT use, and health care seeking behavior. On the other hand, maternal place of residence was not a significant predictor of ORT use, or consultation at a dispensary, even though other studies have found significant associations. Conclusion: Interventions aimed at improving low-income mothers’ knowledge about diarrhea management can include lay medical personnel, such as dispensers, who are often the easily accessible medical resource to this population. Therefore, dispensers should be provided with further training to increase their knowledge and skills in treating children with diarrhea. Future studies that are more rigorous should be conducted to examine this public health issue.

A New Digital Receiver For The Ooty Radio Telescope

Prabu, T 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
A new digital receiver was built for the Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT). This new digital receiver system functionally replaces many systems custom-built for various applications at ORT. The thesis presents the receiver design, tests conducted, contributions made, revisions to the receiver architecture and future scopes. The novelty of the receiver design is in treating the ORT as an array of 22 antenna elements. Simulation studies were carried out to analyze the array performance of ORT. The IF signals are digitized and processed by a combination of multiple FPGAs and computers. Major transport of data in the receiver is through high speed serial communication. Programs were developed for configuration, control, data acquisition and off-line analysis. The functionality of the proposed digital receiver was verified through laboratory tests. The proposed receiver enables several new modes of operation of the ORT and field tests were carried out to verify these features of the system. These tests are briefly described below. The radio waves received on earth from celestial sources are extremely weak and their presence can only be detected by sensitive receivers associated with large radio telescopes. The resulting vulnerability of such observations to the ever increasing presence of radio frequency interference has prompted us to to develop new procedures to identify RFI at ORT through time and frequency domain analysis. The digital receiver has also been used in carrying out RFI study at ORT module level for the first time. Our study demonstrates that a major challenge to realizing the full potential of the ORT will be to detect weakly interfering RFI features and occasionally appearing RFI spikes and correct for their contamination in the observations. The examples provided by our analysis of data collected using the digital receiver are very useful for interpreting the data obtained during sensitive spectral line observations and has already enabled several new studies, the most notable being a sensitive recombination line survey conducted using our digital receiver at ORT as part of another research work. A spectral line emission detection procedure using our receiver has been evolved and an example result obtained by observing a region is presented in the thesis. Formation of phased array of ORT modules using the digitized IF signal is discussed and its implementation is verified through observation of celestial sources. An important requirement for proper phasing of the array is the calibration of differential delay/phase variations across the modules of the ORT, for which a powerful method was implemented based on the cross correlation of signals arriving at the 22 modules. This new method employs Hilbert Transform technique to introduce phase information in the sampled signal and the estimated delay and phase corrections are found to be consistent and repeatable. An interplanetary scintillation observation was made with the phased array and the resultant fluctuation spectra obtained are presented. Several pulsar observations and continuum sources have been observed and the results are presented. Another notable feature of the proposed digital receiver is the enhanced field of view which will lead to a reduced observing time observing extended regions. The improved spectral and temporal resolutions have also been demonstrated by the observations presented in the thesis. In particular, the single pulse observations of pulsars reported in the thesis were enabled by the high time resolution supported by the receiver.. The present work also demonstrated the digital beam formation with ORT modules in arbitrary directions. The digitally synthesized beam was compared within the first null positions of the central analog beam (beam-7) of ORT and the result is reported in the thesis. The new digital receiver enabled all the above mentioned analyses which were carried out for the first time at ORT. The results of the field trials emphasized the need for future observations to include RFI monitoring and characterization as part of the observing strategy and continuously evolve the algorithms for RFI mitigation by using different statistical signatures of the celestial signals. The need for providing a layer of buffering and preprocessing before the final beam formation or correlation is emphasized. To facilitate such development in the future, the final operational system provides for software based correlator which can be developed using the algorithms presented in this thesis. This transforms our original target of a reconfigurable platform to a much more flexible re-programmable platform. In particular, this simplifies the application of windowing functions and polyphase filters to control the beam shapes to (a) reduce beam dilution effects and, (b) to enhance RFI rejection by side lobe suppression. Such techniques can be used to reduce spectral leakage and reduce the effect of RFI on adjacent frequency channels in critical observations. Our receiver is adequate for realizing the maximum potential of the IF signals entering the receiver room. Any further enhancement of the ORT spectral coverage and instantaneous sky coverage will require telescope's front end modification and digitization of signals at the RF stage. The real time processing capabilities can be further enhanced by using multi-core processors and multi gigabit ethernet interfaces that are starting to appear as commodity hardware. Thus the present work opens up several new avenues for future work.

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