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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oppression and Victim Agency

Silvermint, Daniel Mark January 2012 (has links)
If we want to take the agency of the oppressed seriously, we need to think about their normative situation. We need to understand what oppression does to victims, and what victims ought to do as a result. The first half of my dissertation develops a new account of oppression, one that identifies cases not by the wrongs that oppressors embody but by the burdens that victims suffer. The second half questions what kinds of moral and political actors victims can and should be. According to the prevailing "group relationship" of model of oppression, the members of a social group are oppressed when they're subordinated, marginalized, constrained, or displaced in a way that benefits the members of a different social group. In place of this prevailing view, I propose a new, effects-centered model: a person is oppressed when their autonomy or their life prospects are systematically and wrongfully burdened. I then use this account to understand the moral and political agency of the oppressed. I argue that victims have a self-regarding moral obligation to resist their oppression, grounded in considerations of objective well-being. And I develop Aristotle's account of political virtue to apply across ideal and oppressive circumstances alike, adapting it as a defense of nonviolent civil disobedience. This dissertation is the beginning of a larger research project concerned with the nature of victimhood, how injustice affects agency, and how obligations can be grounded in the absence of just institutions.

L'interdiction d'abus des droits fondamentaux / The prohibition of abuse of fundamental rights

Todorova, Marieta 14 January 2011 (has links)
Le concept de l'abus de droit a connu un important essor dans la plupart des disciplines. Non seulement l'interdiction d'abus de droit est présente dans de nombreux systèmes juridiques mais elle se retrouve dans les principaux instruments de protection des droits et libertés fondamentaux, qu'il s'agisse des instruments internationaux, universels ou régionaux, ou des instruments internes. Toutefois, la spécificité de cette branche du droit ainsi que la nature particulière du concept d'abus de droit posent la difficile question de la compatibilité de toute clause d'interdiction d'abus de droit avec la philosophie des droits fondamentaux. Cette interrogation implique de relever non seulement le défi de l'identification de la notion dans le domaine des droits fondamentaux mais aussi le défi de sa conceptualisation.L'identification de l'abus des droits fondamentaux est problématique dans la mesure où l'on est en présence d'une notion à contenu indéterminé révélant sa plasticité et sa malléabilité. Ces caractéristiques ont pour effet d'intégrer dans le droit positif un concept controversé, à la fois instable, mobile et confus et imposent à déterminer les éléments concourant à sa définition et à clarifier le champ d'application de l'interdiction d'abus de droit et les sanctions susceptibles de l'accompagner. La conceptualisation de l'abus de droit peut être édifiée à partir du rôle que ce dernier est amené à jouer dans le domaine des droits fondamentaux. L'interdiction de l'abus de droit se révèle en effet un élément important de l'ordre juridique des droits fondamentaux, dont l'usage, devant rester exceptionnel, permet non seulement d'assurer la régulation de l'exercice des droits individuels mais également de protéger les valeurs essentielles à leur sauvegarde et notamment celles inhérentes à la société démocratique. L'interdiction de l'abus vise également à assurer la complétude et concourt à la sauvegarde de la cohérence de l'ordre juridique des droits fondamentaux. / The concept of the abuse of the right is spread in most disciplines. This prohibition is, not only, present in several legal systems, but it can also be found in the principal instruments of the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Nevertheless the specificity of this branch of the law and the particular nature of the concept of the abuse of right impose the difficult issue of the compatibility of every clause prohibiting the abuse of right and the philosophy of the fundamental rights. Therefore, this interrogation requires raising the challenge of its identification in the fundamental rights area, and the challenge of its conceptualization.The identification of the abuse of the fundamental rights is problematic, since that, we are facing a notion with undetermined content revealing its plasticity and its malleability. These characteristics have the effect of integrating, in the positive law, a controversial concept, unstable and at the same time mobile and confused, they also impose the determination of the elements that contribute to the definition and the clarification of the application field of the prohibition of the abuse of the fundamental rights. The abuse of the right conceptualization can be built if we head from the basic role, that it is managed to assume in the fundamental rights area. The prohibition of abuse of fundamental rights appears to be an important element of fundamental rights legal system, whose custom has to remain exceptional, allowing not only to regulate the exercise of the individual rights but also to defend the essential values in their protection process, and in particular those inherent to every democratic society. The prohibition of abuse of right ensures the coherence and the fullness of fundamental rights legal system.

Les relations féodo-vassaliques durant la première croisade (1096-1099)

Foisy-Couture, Ugo January 2017 (has links)
La présence des relations féodo-vassaliques durant la première croisade ne fait pas l’objet d’un consensus de la part des spécialistes. Pourtant, la place qu’elles occupent au sein des différentes colonnes n'a pas été spécifiquement étudiée. En effet, les liens féodo-vassaliques permettent d’expliquer la structure des armées, ainsi que le dynamisme des troupes. L’étude des chroniques occidentales démontre que tous les éléments se rapportant à la relation féodo-vassalique, soit le serment, le don et les obligations qui en découlent, sont présents tout au long de la croisade des barons. Celles-ci offrent une explication pour la cohésion des armées durant la durée de l’expédition de la croisade des barons. L'analyse des sources se base sur la compréhension des rapports et des limites de cette relation à l'époque où le pape mit en branle la croisade. L’étude des chroniques occidentales permet de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des armées, leurs structures, les enjeux des obligations féodo-vassaliques et la mobilité des liens entre les différents seigneurs, ainsi qu’avec l’empereur byzantin Alexis Comnène. L’analyse des chroniques occidentales montre que les seigneurs, malgré le cadre exceptionnel de la croisade, continuèrent d’agir selon les manières qui prévalaient en Europe, c’est-à-dire, suivant les coutumes de l’époque.

Prodlení v obchodních vztazích a jeho důsledky / Default of time in business transactions and its consequences

Kucejová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
Default in commercial obligations and its consequences Summary I chose the topic default in commercial obligations and its consequences because I would like to be devoted primarily in private law in my future career and I consider the deal with this topic in detail very useful. Default in commercial obligations is very common phenomenon. It can cause huge problems in the economic situation of the subjects that are within the applicability of the Commercial Code. It is necessary to govern the consequences of default to mitigate the impact of a breach of an obligation on parties of the commercial obligations and to punish the party that breaches an obligation. Also the legislation compel the parties to a contract to fulfil their obligations. The purpose of my thesis is to analyze the topic default in commercial obligations and its consequences, draw attention to some deficiency of the legal regulation and to suggest an amendment of legislation. The thesis is composed of two chapters. Chapter One deals with concept and nature of default in commercial obligations, it consists of two parts. First describes the conception of debtor in default and second conception of creditor in default. Chapter Two is concerned with the consequences of the default and it is subdivided into seven parts. Each part focuses on...

Smlouva o postoupení pohledávky / Contract for the assignment of a claim

Klíma, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to try to provide comprehensive analysis of the recent legislation of contract for the assignment of a claim, compare it with former legislation, critically evaluate changes that new civil code bought to contract for the assignment of a claim and find solutions for selected legal problems that acceptance of current legislation brought to experts. The thesis is systematically divided into seven chapters. First chapter briefly define the concept of obligation and is dedicated to changes in subject of obligations based on the will of the parties. The second chapter analyses the historical development of assignment of a claim. In first part attention is paid to genesis of Roman law cessio, in later parts it analysis civil codes effective in Bohemia which contained legislation of assignment of a claim. The third chapter is devoted to subject of assignment of a claim. It analysis what can be assign and what cannot be assign. Special attention is dedicated to assignment of future claims and assignment of group of claims. The fourth chapter is devoted to contract for assignment of a claim. It analysis form of contract for assignment of a claim and essential aspects of this kind of contract. The fifth chapter is devoted to parties of contract for assignment of a claim. It...

Les « obligations structurelles » de l’État au regard du droit international des droits de l’homme : recherche sur une nouvelle catégorie juridique / International human rights law and States “structural obligations”

Glazewski, Anna 21 December 2018 (has links)
Le développement du droit international des droits de l’homme conduit le droit international public à réenvisager la question étatique. Loin de n’être que le relai fonctionnel permettant l’application effective du droit international, l’État devient en effet, par l’intermédiaire de son « appareil interne », un véritable objet de celui-ci. Se développe ainsi, par le biais de cette branche du droit international qu’est le droit international des droits de l’homme, un droit international de l’organisation de l’État. L’obligation structurelle est l’un des outils juridiques permettant cette évolution. Au-delà des seules références que le droit international des droits de l’homme peut faire à l’appareil étatique se développent des obligations internationales destinées à l’organiser d’une certaine façon. Ne pouvant être parfaitement saisies par le biais des typologies d’obligations existantes, une nouvelle typologie reposant essentiellement sur la nature et les effets de telles obligations devait être dressée puis confrontée à la pratique du droit international des droits de l’homme. / Contemporary evolution of international law of human rights leads the doctrine to reconsider the State question. Far from being a mere functional relay allowing an effective application of international law, the State’s ‘internal apparatus’ becomes one of its subject-matter. An international law of States’ domestic organization is therefore developing through this branch of international law. ‘Structural obligations’ is one of the legal tools enabling that evolution. Indeed, beyond simple references to institutional domestic aspects, obligations prescribing how States should organize themselves in order to fully respect their human rights commitments are emerging. These obligations could not be comprehensively described through classical typologies of obligations, so a new one needs to be elaborated and confronted with the international law of human rights practice.

O direito civil dos arquitetos : contratos e responsabilidade civil

Eltz, Magnum Koury de Figueiredo January 2017 (has links)
As obrigações e espécies de responsabilidade civil do arquiteto se originam de diversas fontes legais e normativas, sendo o fio condutor deste conjunto de direitos e deveres a relação contratual existente com o cliente e o contrato social em que esta relação se insere, onde as regras cogentes de Direito Civil e do Direito do Consumidor encontram as normas específicas da classe para compor um quadro normativo complexo e repleto de repercussões práticas. Dentro desta perspectiva, este trabalho busca compreender o contexto normativo em que se enquadram as obrigações e responsabilidade civil do arquiteto. / The obligations and species of civil liability regarding the Architect spawns from several legal and normative sources, being the legal framework of this bundle of rights the contractual relationship with its clients and the social contract in which these relations are developed, being the Private and Consumer Laws the main representation of this larger context through their hard laws, along with the specific rules regarding this class. Through this perspective, this work aims to understand the normative context in which the architect obligations and civil liability are formed.

Droit des obligations et droit musulman / Law of obligations and muslim law

Diop, Boubacar 03 July 2017 (has links)
Les exigences les plus diverses pèsent sur les hommes ; d’ordre moral ou religieux, d’ordre social ou politique, d’ordre logique. Exigence en forme de devoir : à l’égard de la divinité, à l’égard de soi-même, à l’égard des autres. A l’évidence, ces obligations ne relèvent pas tout du domaine du droit. Si le juridique se rattache au normatif, tout ce qui est normatif ne se traduit pas en règle de droit. Le thème de l’étude : droit des obligations et droit musulman ne devrait pas être perçu sous une optique de parallélisme qui pourrait exister entre les deux : c’est-à-dire un droit musulman des obligations qui sera contraire au droit des obligations classiques issues des systèmes juridiques occidentaux, à l’exemple de la France. La problématique que soulève ce sujet de thèse est de savoir comment les pays qui se proclament de « droit musulman », tout en ayant une grande influence du modèle occidental pour une raison d’harmonisation, arrivent-ils à créer un droit mixte ? Par quelles voies, par quels moyens s’est opérée l’évolution du droit musulman ? / The most various demands weigh upon mankind: of a moral or religious, social or political order, of a logical order. Demand in the shape of duty: towards deity, towards oneself, towards others. These obligations obviously do not fall within the province of the law. If the judicial is related to the normative, everything normative is not translated into law. The theme of the study:”Law of obligations and Muslim law” should not be perceived from the perspective of a parallelism that might exist between the two: that is to say a Muslim law of obligations which will be contrary to the law of classical obligations deriving from western legal systems, like the French one. The problem raised by the subject of this thesis is to know how countries proclaiming themselves of “Muslim law”, while greatly influenced by a western model, manage to create a hybrid law? In what ways, by which means, has Muslim law evolved? To answer these questions, it is interesting, if not necessary, to seek on a practical as well as a utilitarian level for the technical means which allow to combine the requirements of the moral rule with the constraints of contractual relations in general, of international trade and of modern economy.

A subsidiariedade da norma de vedação do enriquecimento sem causa no Código Civil de 2002: releitura e novos limites / The subsidiatiry of the unjust enrichment in the Civil Code of 2002: rereading and new frontier.

Moreira, Mario Thiago 09 December 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo solucionar duas questões acerca do enriquecimento sem causa. Primeiramente, busca definir se há utilidade na aplicação da figura jurídica, ou seria caso de uma regra descartável no ordenamento jurídico privado brasileiro. A partir da resposta à primeira indagação, questiona-se qual o campo de incidência da regra de vedação ao enriquecimento sem causa. Destarte, será possível formular um critério rígido, que evite a arbitrariedade do julgador na aplicação de normas abertas e cláusulas gerais. Porém, cabível um critério abrangente, vez que inclui no conceito de enriquecimento sem causa novo parâmetro, para além da posição tradicional. Para tanto, imprescindível analisar os elementos e fundamentos do enriquecimento sem causa e da subsidiariedade de maneira a evitar sua aplicação desmedida e sem critérios, ao bel-prazer do julgador. A hipótese, derradeiramente, repousa na necessidade de estabelecimento do campo de atuação da figura jurídica que fundamente o critério de aplicação no caso concreto. / The present dissertation has as a goal to solve two questions regarding the unjustified enrichment. First, it aims to define if there is any use in the application of the juridical figure or if it is the case of a disposable rule on the Brazilian private juridical order. Then, based on the answer to the first inquiry, it is questioned which is the application field for the prohibition to the unjustified enrichment. Therefore, it will be possible to formulate a rigid criterion that prevents the arbitrarity of the ruler in the applications of open norms and general terms. However, been appropriate a comprehensive criterion once it includes in the unjustified enrichment concept a new parameter, beyond the traditional understandment. For that matter, it is indispensable to analyze the elements and foundations of the unjustified enrichment and the subsidiarity in a way to prevent its unmeasured application, without any criteria and at the will of the ruler. Finally, the hypothesis lays on the necessity for the establishment of the action field of the juridical figure that justify the application criteria in the actual case.


January 2017 (has links)
acase@tulane.edu / The Qatari Maritime Law No. 15 was enacted in 1980. Since then, no amendment has been made to it. It is recommended that this law be revisited in view of the developments that have taken place in the maritime industry. At the national level, the Qatari maritime sector has undergone substantial changes. More importantly, the introduction of a new International Convention on Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partially by Sea (“The Rotterdam Rules”) in 2008 is a second reason for revisiting the Qatari Maritime Law. This is because, such a convention reflects recent advancements in the international shipping industry. This dissertation compares the Qatari Maritime Law provisions of the contract of the carriage of goods by sea to those of international seaborne carriage conventions namely the Hague Rules, the Hamburg Rules, and the Rotterdam Rules. Where relevant, the perspectives of the U.S. and the U.K. will also be examined. There are four major topics analyzed within this dissertation: 1) background information about the State of Qatar in order to set the context, 2) the scope of the application of the rules involved in the comparison, 3) the carrier’s obligations, and 4) liabilities. The main objective of the dissertation is to examine how the Qatari maritime law should be developed in light of the international conventions on carriage of goods by sea. The investigation ends by making some recommendations to the Qatari legislature on how to reform the Qatari Maritime Law so that it is sufficiently robust to cope with modern maritime practice. / 1 / Muna Al-Marzouqi

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