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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organiserad avfallsbrottslighet i Skåne : "Det är ju in och störa och klydda" / Organized waste crime in Skåne : "Get in there and mess around"

Löfström, Matilda, Edholm, Moa, J Rüder, Filippa January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar att undersöka och kartlägga det kommunala brottsförebyggande arbetet i Skåne med fokus på hur detta kan appliceras på organiserad avfallsbrottslighet. En kunskapslucka har identifierats i tidigare forskning om arbetet mot organiserad avfallsbrottslighet, vilket även framkom i denna studie gällande kommunernas brottsförebyggande arbete. Låg prioritering i det brottsförebyggande arbetet mot denna brottstyp är en bidragande orsak till ettbetydande mörkertal. Vikten av framtida strategier för det kommunala brottsförebyggande arbetet mot avfallsbrottslighet framhävs av de avsevärda miljöskador och samhällskostnader denna brottslighet medför, i kombination med förväntningar om en fortsatt expansion av den illegala avfallsbranschen. I denna studie analyseras intervjuer med kommunanställda med hjälp av tidigare forskning, rapporter och rutinaktivitetsteorin. Resultatet av studien presenterarutvecklingsförslag till det brottsförebyggande arbetet inom kommunerna som kan riktas mot organiserad avfallsbrottslighet. Studien visar att det finns ett behov av tillräckliga resurser som möjliggör att de mindre kommunerna kan tillgodose mer än de grundläggande kraven för att uppfylla det brottsförebyggande arbetet. Detta är nödvändigt för att jämna ut förutsättningarna mellan de större och mindre kommunerna, då flera av de större kommunerna redan har ett brottsförebyggande arbete som nu kan utökas. Resultat av teorianalysen indikerar även att storleken på kommunernas obebodda landyta kan vara en relevant faktor vid fördelningen av resurser, då dessa områden skapar ideala brottstillfällen för dumpning av avfall och anpassade resurser ökar möjligheten för varje kommun att implementera effektiva åtgärder. Dessa resurser kan med fördel användas för att höja kompetensen inom verksamheterna, effektivisera tillsyner och stärka samverkansarbetet. / This study aims to examine and map the municipal crime prevention efforts in Skåne in an effort to see how this can be applied to organized waste crime. Previous research in the field indicates a deficiency of knowledge in crime prevention. A lack of prioritization of crime prevention efforts against this type of crime contributes to the absence of concrete statistics. Substantial environmental damage and societal costs, combined with an expected continued expansion of the illegal waste industry, strengthen the importance of future strategies for crime prevention efforts against this crime. Interviews with municipal employees will be analyzed using previous research as well as the routine activity theory, where the results of the study will include potential development suggestions for municipal crime prevention efforts that can be directed towards organized waste crime. The findings of this study indicate that sufficient resources beyond basic needs are essential to equalize the conditions between the different sizes of municipalities. The results from the theory analysis implies that the size of the municipalities' uninhabited areas could be a relevant part of the distribution of resources, this is due to the areas creating ideal crime opportunities for waste dumping. Adjusted resources to meet these needs secures every municipality's ability to implement efficient measures. These resources can be utilized effectively to enhance staff competence, conduct efficient inspections,and further strengthen the collaboration inbetween agencies.

Barn som begår vuxnas brott : En kvalitativ studie kring metoder och samverkan i arbetet mot barn och unga i organiserad brottslighet / Children that commit adult crimes : A qualitative study about methods and collaboration in the work against children and youths involved in organised crime

Neideman, Angel, Arroyo Bastidas, Claudia, Nilsson, Maja January 2024 (has links)
En ökad problematik med barn och unga som utför allvarliga brott kopplat till organiserad brottslighet i Sverige har lett till ökade behov av myndighetsgemensam samverkan, däribland Barn och unga i organiserad brottslighet [BOB]. Mot bakgrund av detta syftar denna kvalitativa studie till att bidra med fördjupad kunskap om hur aktörer verksamma i Malmö och Södertälje kommun, som är involverade i arbetet mot barn och unga i organiserad brottslighet, upplever arbetet med målgruppen. Detta med ett särskilt fokus på samverkansarbete mot nyrekrytering. I studien jämförs upplevelserna i Malmö och Södertälje. Semistrukturerade intervjuer (n=12) genomfördes med anställda inom Polismyndigheten, olika avdelningar inom Socialtjänsten, Skolverket och Länsstyrelsen i respektive kommun och tillhörande region. Resultaten har analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys samt relevanta delar ur organisations- och samverkansteorier. Resultatet indikerar att det finns en positiv bild av samverkan i båda kommunerna, som delvis präglas av tidigare erfarenhet av stor problematik med organiserad brottslighet vilket har framkallat ett behov av samverkan. Det framgår också av resultatet att det finns flera utmaningar och behov inom respektive verksamhet för att fortsatt bedriva ett effektivt samverkansarbete inom området. Studien har bidragit till en fördjupad förståelse för de anställdas upplevelser av arbetet, och kan användas för att vidareutveckla samverkansarbetet kring barn och unga. Vidare forskning bör inkludera flera aktörer på lokal nivå, då civilsamhälleaktörer anses ha en viktig roll i samverkan, samt studier på kommuner som har haft mindre erfarenhet av problematiken som kan andra upplevelser av samverkan. / An increase of children and youths committing serious crimes linked to organized crime in Sweden has led to a greater need for cooperation between authorities, such as Children and Youths in Organized Crime [BOB]. Considering this, the aim of this qualitative study is to contribute with in-depth knowledge of how actors active in Malmö and Södertälje municipality, who are involved in the work against children and young people involved in organized crime, perceive their work. Particular focus has been on collaborative efforts to prevent new recruitment. The study compares the experiences in Malmö and Södertälje. Semi-structured interviews (n=12) were conducted with employees within the Swedish police, different departments within Social services, the Swedish National Agency for Education and the County Administrative Board in each municipality and associated region. The study analyzed the results using thematic analysis, as well as relevant parts from organization and cooperation theories. The results show a positive attitude toward cooperation in both municipalities, which is partly characterized by previous experience of major problems with organized crime, which has created a need for cooperation. The results also illustrate some obstacles in the present work and potential areas for development in order to continue an effective collaborative work.The study has thus contributed to a deeper understanding of the employees' experiences of work, and can be used to further develop cooperation around children and youth in organized crime. Further research should include several actors at the local level, as civil society actors are considered to have an important role in collaboration, as well as studies on municipalities that have had less experience with the problem that may have other experiences of cooperation.

Vapen över gränserna : En systematisk litteraturöversikt över vapensmugglingens dynamik och struktur / Weapons across the borders : A systematic litterature review of the dynamics and structure of arms trafficking

Alvemalm, Ellen, Fröslev, Gabriella January 2024 (has links)
Företeelser som organiserad brottslighet är bland de högsta prioriterade säkerhetsutmaningarna för Sverige, EU och FN. Majoriteten av dödsskjutningarna med koppling till gängkriminalitet i Sverige sker med illegala vapen, och trots Sveriges strikta vapenlagar finns det en ökad trend vad gäller vapensmuggling som även observerats som ett problem på europeisk nivå. Kriminella nätverk utför vapensmuggling över internationella landsgränser där sociala relationer är av vikt för den organiserade verksamhetens upprätthållande. För att förebygga smuggling av vapen är det därför centralt att kartlägga nätverk samt hur relationer och strukturer bidrar till att sprida information och varor, vilket kan utföras genom social nätverksanalys. Kunskapsläget kring vapensmugglingsnätverk är svåröverskådligt och det finns ett fåtal systematiska litteraturöversikter som inkluderar vapensmuggling med applicerad social nätverksanalys som metod. Den aktuella studien ämnar därför, med hjälp av en kvalitativ systematisk litteraturöversikt på kvantitativ data, ge samlad förståelse över vapensmugglingens dynamik och struktur som vidare kan användas som stöd i vidare forskning. Den systematiska litteraturöversikten inkluderar elva vetenskapliga artiklar som använt social nätverksanalys på vapensmuggling. Resultat visar att nätverken är dynamiska, och att strukturen avgörs av olika kombinationer av mönster och aktörer. Fyra olika former av struktur har identifierats i nätverken. Kunskapen om nätverkens olika strukturer kan vidare bidra till att identifiera centrala sårbarheter, vilket kan användas vid riktade insatser på centrala aktörer eller kluster inom nätverket vid illegala inflöden av vapen. / The phenomena of organized crime is one of  the highest priority security challenges for Sweden, the EU, and the UN. The majority of shootings with an outcome of death in Sweden involve illegal weapons. Despite Sweden's strict gun laws, there is an increasing trend in arms trafficking, which has also been observed as a problem at a European level. Criminal networks conduct arms trafficking across international borders, where social relationships are crucial for maintaining organized activities. To prevent arms trafficking, it is therefore essential to map criminal networks and how relationships, as well as structures  contribute to the distribution of information and goods. This can be achieved through social network analysis. The current level of knowledge regarding arms trafficking networks is challenging to overview, and there are few systematic literature reviews that include firearm trafficking with applied social network analysis as a method. Therefore, this study aims, through a qualitative systematic literature review of quantitative data, to provide an extensive understanding of the dynamics and structure of arms trafficking, which can further be used to support future research. The systematic literature review includes eleven scientific articles that have applied social network analysis as a method to the phenomena arms trafficking. The results show that the networks are dynamic and that their structure is determined by various combinations of patterns and actors. Four different forms of structure have been identified within the networks. Knowledge of the different structures of these networks can further contribute to identifying central vulnerabilities, which can be used in targeted interventions on key actors or clusters within the network concerning illegal weapons inflows.

Incorporación del asesoramiento jurídico ilegal como causal configuradora en el delito de organización criminal

Castro Garcia, Olenka Antonella January 2024 (has links)
La delincuencia organizada es un problema que afecta a nivel mundial, y se ha convertido en una amenaza para la seguridad de diversos países. En el Perú, en específico, se han visto involucrados abogados, en el asesoramiento jurídico ilegal a organizaciones criminales, debido a la necesidad de estas de contar con asesoría legal para llevar a cabo sus actividades delictivas de manera más efectiva y evitar ser detectados por las autoridades. Aunado a ello, la falta de regulación y control en el ejercicio de la abogacía permite que algunos abogados se involucren en actividades ilegales sin ser detectados. En este contexto, la tesis "¿Cómo incorporar el asesoramiento jurídico ilegal como causal configuradora en el delito de Organización Criminal?" propone una modificación legislativa del artículo 317° del Código Penal, para incorporar el asesoramiento jurídico ilegal como causal configuradora del delito de Organización Criminal. La metodología utilizada en la tesis se basa en la revisión bibliográfica y documental, y en el análisis de casuística nacional de asesoramiento jurídico ilegal a organizaciones criminales. Los resultados más relevantes incluyen la identificación de supuestos de asesoramiento jurídico ilegal en Perú, considerando los elementos requeridos por la Ley N° 30077, y la argumentación sólida para su incorporación como causal configurada del delito de Organización Criminal. Estos hallazgos buscan fortalecer el sistema legal y proteger la integridad de la profesión legal en la lucha contra la delincuencia organizada en el país. / Organized crime is a global issue that has become a threat to the security of various countries. In Peru, specifically, lawyers have been involved in providing illegal legal advice to criminal organizations due to the need for these groups to have legal guidance to carry out their illegal activities more effectively and avoid detection by authorities. Additionally, the lack of regulation and control in the practice of law allows some lawyers to engage in illegal activities without being detected. In this context, the thesis "How to incorporate illegal legal advice as an establishing factor in the crime of Criminal Organization" proposes a legislative amendment to Article 317 of the Penal Code to include illegal legal advice as an establishing factor for the crime of Criminal Organization. The methodology used in the thesis is based on bibliographical and documentary review and the analysis of national cases of illegal legal advice to criminal organizations. The most relevant results include the identification of cases of illegal legal advice in Peru, considering the elements required by Law No. 30077, and a strong argument for its incorporation as an establishing factor for the crime of Criminal Organization. These findings aim to strengthen the legal system and protect the integrity of the legal profession in the fight against organized crime in the country.

Organised crime in the Southern African development community with specific reference to motor vehicle theft

Lebeya, Seswantsho Godfrey 30 November 2007 (has links)
International police co-operation is a recipe for success in the fight against transnational organised crime. Such cooperation has never been without challenges, especially in the light of disharmonious national laws. SARPCCO has made promising advances towards the elimination of blockages which hamper police cooperation. The joint, bilateral, simultaneous operations which are continuously carried out and the transferring of skills through training are exemplary to the rest of the world. SARPCCO is, however, struggling to make serious inroads into the organised motor vehicle theft because of the problems in returning them to their lawful owners. The objective of this study is to analyse the laws used by the SARPCCO member countries in fighting motor vehicle theft, transnational organised crime, recoveries, repatriation, prosecution and extradition of offenders. The SARPCCO member countries on which the analysis is done are Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia. / Jurisprudence / LL. M.


陳柏良 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣立法者對於多數人犯罪,所採取的解決方式是訂立「組織犯罪防制條例」及「檢肅流氓條例」加以因應。組織犯罪防制法於1996年訂立以來,迄今已逾10年,從未見任何文獻探討該立法之成效如何。本文參照聯合國打擊組織性犯罪公約、德國與日本對於多數人犯罪的立法模式,並檢驗我國立法院公報及檢索相關司法判決後,逐步歸納上述各國的立法模式並檢討其利弊。最後提出兩種立法模式,以期為未來修法之參考。 / When Legislators facing multiple crimes/group crimes, their approach to resolve this matter is to enforce the“Organized Crime Prevention Act” and “Gangster Prevention Act”. Organized Crime Prevention Act has been enacted since 1996, but for the past years, no one has examined whether the effects of the Acts correspond with the legislative purposes. In this Article, by referring to“United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime”, as well as German and Japanese legislation mode on multiple crimes/group crimes, also examining “The Legislative Yuan Gazette of Republic of China” and the relevant judgments of the judicial organ, the author takes steps to categorize the above-mentioned legislations from different countries and compares the advantages and disadvantages thereof. Finally the author reproduces two suggestions on legislative models, which hopefully can be used as reference for future legislation amendment of the above mentioned Acts.

Organised crime in the Southern African development community with specific reference to motor vehicle theft

Lebeya, Seswantsho Godfrey 30 November 2007 (has links)
International police co-operation is a recipe for success in the fight against transnational organised crime. Such cooperation has never been without challenges, especially in the light of disharmonious national laws. SARPCCO has made promising advances towards the elimination of blockages which hamper police cooperation. The joint, bilateral, simultaneous operations which are continuously carried out and the transferring of skills through training are exemplary to the rest of the world. SARPCCO is, however, struggling to make serious inroads into the organised motor vehicle theft because of the problems in returning them to their lawful owners. The objective of this study is to analyse the laws used by the SARPCCO member countries in fighting motor vehicle theft, transnational organised crime, recoveries, repatriation, prosecution and extradition of offenders. The SARPCCO member countries on which the analysis is done are Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia. / Jurisprudence / LL. M.

An analysis of the continuation and expansion of transnational organized crime : the case of human trafficking in Mozambique

Devor, Camilla Pahle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 1992, warring factions in Mozambique put an end to 15 years of violence and instability. By signing the General Peace Accord in Rome, the civil war was officially over, and postconflict reconstruction could begin. The post-conflict state has been struggling with high poverty, weak infrastructure and the burden of returning refugees as well as internally displaced people (IDP’s) in the aftermath of the war. Moreover, in recent years, increasing domestic activity on the part of transnational criminal syndicates has become a major national and regional security dilemma. In this study, Mozambique, as a post-conflict state has been examined to identify the most important factors that lead to the increase and continuation in transnational crime in terms of human trafficking. Using prevailing state theories and post-conflict theories within the field of Political Science and analyzing Mozambique from the conceptual theoretical lenses of Max Weber, Charles Tilly, Shmuel N. Eistenstadt, and several other scholars, it is argued that there are numerous elements present within the state that have led to an increase in crime. These are first and foremost the (neo) patrimonial features of the state, corrupt state-officials, the state’s pluralist legal-system and a general lack of public trust in the legitimacy of the government. Incomplete post-conflict reconstruction efforts, resulting in lack of public goods, such as health-care, schooling and jobs along with a culture of exploitation and objectification of women and deep-rooted gender-inequality in Mozambique is argued to provide criminal syndicates with an opportunity to capitalize on organized crimes such as trafficking of humans. In recent years, positive developments manifest themselves through the international recognition of human trafficking and domestic ratifications of international laws and protocols to combat human trafficking. While Mozambique has ratified “The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children” this study reveals state factors that make the elimination of the crime of human trafficking in Mozambique difficult. The findings of the study are symbolic of a globalized problem. Combating transnational crime does not depend solely on international, regional and domestic cooperation through laws and regulations; it also necessitates increased national efforts in dealing with the root-causes of trafficking and to increase the political and public awareness in the country towards this human rights violation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 1992 het strydende groepe in Mosambiek 'n einde gemaak aan 15 jaar van geweld en onstabiliteit. Met die ondertekening van die Algemene Vredesverdrag in Rome, is die burgeroorlog amptelik beëindig en post-konflik rekonstruksie kon begin. Die post-konflik staat het gesukkel met hoë armoede, swak infrastruktuur en die las van terugkerende vlugtelinge en interne verplaasde persone in die nadraai van die oorlog. Daarbenewens het toenemende plaaslike aktiwiteite van transnasionale kriminele sindikate in die afgelope jare 'n groot nasionale en streeks-sekuriteitsdilemma geword. In hierdie studie is Mosambiek as 'n post-konflik staat geanaliseer om die mees belangrike faktore wat tot die toename in transnasionale misdaad (in terme van mensehandel) gelei het, te identifiseer. Deur gebruik te maak van bestaande staatsteorieë en post-konflik teorieë in die veld van Politieke Wetenskap en deur Mosambiek te analiseer uit die teoretiese blik van Max Weber, Charles Tilly, Shmuel N. Eistenstadt, en andere, word daar geargumenteer dat daar verskeie elemente binne die staat is wat tot dié toename in misdaad gelei het. Allereers is die neo(patrimoniale) kenmerke van die staat, korrupte staatsamptenare, die pluralistiese regstelsel en algemene gebrek aan publieke vertroue in die regering. Daar word geargumenteer dat onvolledige post-konflik rekonstruksie, wat 'n tekort aan publieke goedere soos gesondheidsorg, opvoeding en werk tot gevolg het, tesame met 'n kultuur van die seksualisering van vroue en diep-gewortelde geslagsongelykheid in die staat, vir kriminele sindikate geleenthede vir organiseerde misdaad soos mensehandel bied. In die afgelope jare het positiewe ontwikkelinge gemanifisteer deur die internationale erkenning van mensehandel en die plaaslike bekragtigings van internationale wette en protokols om mensehandel te bestry. Alhoewel Mosambiek "The Protocol to Prevent, Supress and Punish Traffickin in Persons, especially Women and Children" bekragtig het, toon die studie dat sekere staatsfaktore die uitwissing van mensehandel in Mosambiek moeilik maak. Die bevindinge van die studie is simbolies van 'n globaliseerde probleem; die bestryding van transnasionale misdaad berus nie net op internasionale, streek en plaaslike samewerking deur wette en regulasies nie, maar dit noodsaak ook verhoogde nasionale inspanning om die grondoorsake van mensehandel te hanteer en om politieke en publieke bewustheid omtrent dié menseregteskending in die land te verhoog.

`n Penologiese ontleding van gevangenisbendes as internasionale verskynsel

Weyers, Andries Petrus 25 June 2008 (has links)
In hierdie studie word die ses Suid-Afrikaanse gevangenisbendes vergelyk met vyftien bendes uit oorsese lande of streke, tw. Amerika, Sentraal- en Suid Amerika, Kanada, Nieu Zeeland en Brittanje. As basis van vergelyking dien hul Oorsprong, Ontstaansdoel, Geslags- en Etniese samestelling, Eienskappe, Gesagstruktuur, Uitkenningstekens en Metodes van kommunikasie. Die verskillende bendes word ook vanuit Penologiese oogpunt beoordeel. `n Spesiale hoofstuk word gewy aan die uniekheid van die sogenaamde "Nommerbendes", tw. die 28, 27, 26, 25, 24 en 23 bendes. Verskeie aspekte soos die ontstaan, rituele en geheimhouding word volledig onder die soeklig geplaas. In die bespreking van die Nommerbendes word `n groot verskeidenheid geheime inligting vir die eerste maal geopenbaar. Die studie word afgesluit met enkele aanduidings van terreine wat roep om verdere navorsing. `n Vyftal bylaes dien om sekere aspekte van die navorsing en gevangenislewe verder toe te lig. / In this study the six South African prison gangs are compared to fifteen prison gangs from foreign countries, namely America, Central and South America, Canada, New Zealand and Britain. The comparison is based on their Origin, Original aim, Gender and Ethnic make-up, Characteristics, Authoritative structure, Gang identifiet·s and Methods of communication. The different gangs are then evaluated from Penological viewpoint A chapter is specially dedicated to the uniqueness of the so-called "Number Gangs", i.e. 28, 27, 26, 25, 24 and 23 gangs. Difierent aspects, such as their common origin, rituals and secrecy, are carefully described. In the discussion of the different Number gangs a large variety of secret information is exposed for the first time ever. The study concludes with some indicators for possible further research. Five Addenda serve to elucidate certain aspects of the contents. / Penology / M.A. (Penology)

L’écosystème des crimes de bars de danse érotique québécois

Nicolas-Pierre, Yamilée 11 1900 (has links)
Il existe des associations entre les bars de danse érotique et les activités illicites, dans les écrits journalistiques et scientifiques. Nous avons vérifié ces associations en menant une description des crimes et déviances associés aux bars de danse érotique. Puis, nous avons tenté d’expliquer l’organisation et la structure de ces crimes, en nous appuyant sur l’approche du crime organisant et la théorie de l’écosystème du crime, de Felson (2006). Des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été conduits avec dix femmes danseuses, une femme shooter girl, un propriétaire, un portier et deux clients. Une analyse thématique à deux niveaux a montré que les délits se rapportent aux stupéfiants, à la prostitution, au proxénétisme, aux déviances, et à divers actes de violence. Des distinctions importantes, quant au contrôle selon les établissements sont notées. La structure et l’organisation des crimes peuvent s’expliquer par une logique propre aux relations symbiotiques et interdépendantes, tel que le suggère la théorie de l’écosystème du crime de Felson. Ainsi, la structure des délits peut prendre une forme mutualiste ou parasitaire. L’interrelation propre au neutralisme explique l’organisation générale de ces délits. Le milieu criminogène de la danse érotique offre de multiples opportunités, qui seront saisies par les acteurs motivés, en vue de réaliser un bénéfice personnel. Deux constats étonnants : les données suggèrent que l’implication des organisations criminelles est relativement limitée; et les conséquences occasionnées par les activités du milieu présentent un caractère inquiétant, particulièrement pour les femmes. Des efforts en matière de prévention situationnelle seraient appropriés pour réduire les opportunités. / Erotic dance clubs are perceived as being linked to numerous illegal activities. In this study, we describe crimes associated with erotic dance bars in Quebec, focusing on criminal and deviant acts, and aiming to establish their level of organization and structure. This analysis is guided by two theoretical frameworks: the organizing crime approach and Felson’s (2006) crime ecosystem theory. Fieldwork was undertaken by conducting guided interviews with ten female dancers, a shooter girl, a club owner, a doorman and two patrons. A thematic analysis was conducted at two levels. Findings illustrate that crime in such settings are generally linked to the consumption and sale of narcotics, prostitution and pimping, deviances, and various crimes of violence. The analysis also revealed that control mechanisms and management varied greatly across clubs. The structure and organization of crime could be understood, in Felson’s (2006) crime ecosystem terms, as symbiotic and interdependent relationships between mutualistic and parasitic parties. Overall, the criminogenic environment of erotic dance clubs, offers many opportunities to be seized by individuals motivated to make personal gain. Additional findings suggest that the involvement of criminal group is relatively limited; and the consequences caused by various legitimate and unlawful activities pose a great deal of concerns, in particular for women. In such contexts, situational prevention measures would be adequate to reduce opportunities.

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