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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Gotong royong" : la coopération sécuritaire américano-indonésienne depuis 2001. Analyse d'un partenariat stratégique en devenir par le prisme de la sécurité maritime. / ‘Gotong Royong’ : U.S. – Indonesia security cooperation since 2001 Analysis of an in building strategic partnership through the prism of maritime security

Sciascia, Alban 19 November 2012 (has links)
Au cours de cette étude, nous avons cherché à déterminer l’implication de Washington dans la sécurité de l’Indonésie. Nous nous sommes demandé comment les États-Unis pouvaient revenir dans le jeu politico-sécuritaire indonésien par le biais d’une cause devenue commune, la sécurité maritime. Après avoir examiné l’historique de la relation de l’Indonésie avec l’élément maritime et l’émergence de menaces liées au domaine maritime, nous avons conclu que la sécurisation du domaine maritime apparaît alors comme un leitmotiv sécuritaire commun pour Washington et Jakarta. Confrontée aux errements de la coopération régionale et aux difficultés relatives à sa géographie et à son déficit capacitaire, la sécurisation du domaine maritime indonésien passe donc par l’implication d’un acteur extérieur. En réussissant à convaincre leurs homologues de Jakarta de la nécessité de sécuriser le domaine maritime, les hommes et femmes du Ministère de la Défense, du Département d’État et des administrations américaines ont permis à Washington de revenir dans le jeu sécuritaire indonésien par le biais d’une coopération devenue essentielle pour les deux partenaires. / In this study, we tried to determine the exact level of involvement of Washington in Indonesia’s security. We wondered how United States could go back in Indonesian political and security games through a common cause, maritime security.. After considering indonesian maritime history and the rise of threats to maritime domain, we concluded that the securitisation of maritime realm appears as a security leitmotiv for both Washington and Jakarta. Facing with the vagaries of regional cooperation and with difficulties related to the archipelagic geography of the country and the lack of capacity, securising indonesian maritime domain requires the involvement of an external actor. By succeeding in persuading their counterparts in Jakarta of the necessity of securing the maritime domain, men and women of the U.S. Department of Defense, State Department and other agencies have allowed Washington to be back into Indonesia’s security game through an all-out cooperation.

L'appréhension de la criminalité organisée. Étude comparative des droits français et koweïtien / The apprehension of organized crime comparative study of French and Kuwaiti laws

Alsaif, Dalal 29 March 2018 (has links)
La lutte contre la criminalité organisée est, aujourd'hui, une des priorités nationales et internationales. Pour ce faire, les États n'adoptent pas cependant toujours les mêmes solutions, comme le montre l'étude comparative des droits français et koweïtien. Sur le plan substantiel, les deux droits ont de nombreux points communs. La criminalité organisée n'a en effet pas été incriminée en tant que telle, aussi bien par le législateur français que koweïtien. Il existe cependant dans ces deux droits plusieurs incriminations permettant d'appréhender ce phénomène criminel. Il s'agit donc ou bien de lutter contre les organisations criminelles, via l'association de malfaiteurs ou l'entente criminelle, ou bien de lutter contre les activités criminelles commises par ces organisations, via la circonstance aggravante de bande organisée ou de groupe criminel organisé. Pour lutter contre la criminalité organisée, les deux droits adoptent également une politique répressive adaptée notamment en permettant aux repentis de bénéficier d'une exemption ou éventuellement d'une réduction de peine lors qu'ils collaborent avec la justice. Sur le plan procédural, les deux droits ont en revanche adopté une approche différente. Le droit français a prévu, en ce domaine, des règles de procédure dérogatoires au droit commun et a donné compétence à des juridictions spécialisées (les JIRS). Le droit koweïtien, quant à lui, se contente des règles procédurales et des juridictions de droit commun pour appréhender la criminalité organisée. Sur cet aspect, si la spécialisation des juridictions françaises ne semble guère transposable en droit koweïtien, le législateur du Koweït pourrait s'inspirer des règles dérogatoires prévues en droit français pour mieux appréhender la criminalité organisée. / The fight against organized crime is today one of the national and international priorities. To do so, however, the countries do not always adopt the same solutions, as shown by the comparative study of French and Kuwaiti laws. Substantially, the two laws have many points in common. Organized crime has not actually been criminalized as such by French and Kuwaiti legislators. There are, however, several criminalizations to apprehend this criminal phenomenon in these two laws. It is either to fight against criminal organizations, via the conspiracy (association de malfaiteurs/entente criminelle), or to fight against the criminal activities committed by these organizations, via the aggravating circumstance of organized criminal group (bande organisée/groupe criminel organisé). To fight against organized crime, both laws also adopt an adapted repressive policy that allows the collaborator of justice to be exempted from penalty or to benefit from a reduction of the sentence. Procedurally, the two laws have adopted different approaches. The French law contains some special criminal procedures, applicable to organized crime, that derogate from ordinary criminal procedures. It also conferred on the specialized courts the competence to adjudicate the organized crime cases (the JIRS). The Kuwaiti law, on the other hand, is content with relying on ordinary criminal procedures and ordinary courts to apprehend organized crime. On this aspect, if the specialization of the French courts does not seem to be transposable into Kuwaiti law, the latter can adopt the French special criminal procedures to better combat organized crime.

Formas de enfrentamento à criminalidade organizada

Costa, Rodrigo de Campos 09 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo de Campos Costa.pdf: 1073563 bytes, checksum: 1b76a957a9efc81c59983f1b5391296d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-09 / The purpose of this paper is to analyse Criminal Law in relation to the fight against organized crime. The evolution of Criminal Law was outlined, starting with the main penal schools and also with the dogmatic lines of thought, from Causalism to Functionalism. Considering the legal interest as Criminal Law's main objective, parameters based on constitutional values were established for its definition. The analysis of the legal interest was double folded, having been classified as being of both individual and universal nature, thus enabling the defence of the constitutionality of crimes of abstract danger. The warrants of criminalization, whose fundamentals oblige the infra-constitutional legislator to protect the legal interest elected by the Constitution, were object of analysis. As for organized crime, its evolution as a social and legal phenomenon was analysed, focusing on the history of Brazilian legislation, from the Imperial Penal Code to today's Law 9.034/95. The analysis of the concept of organized crime was based on the concept taken from the Palermo Convention, more open and permissive, so as not to restrict legislation on the account of the effects of the advance of globalization. Thus, in order to establish the concept of organized crime, its characteristics were identified insisting on the need for legal definition. The investigation tools of the Law 9.034/95 were also analysed, following legitimizing arguments. Lastly, the Enemy's Criminal Law and the Right to Safety were analysed as ways to interpret and provide justification for legislations both from penal as well as processual order in the fight against organized crime. From the research done, we conclude for the interpretation of the Right to Safety as a fundamental right, in its objective acception, based on imperatives of tutelage. The collision between constitutional principles must be solved through the application of the principle of proportionality / O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste na análise do Direito Penal, no que diz respeito ao enfrentamento da criminalidade organizada. Foi delineada evolução do Direito Penal, com início nas principais escolas penais e também através das linhas do pensamento dogmático, do causalismo ao funcionalismo. Com norte no bem jurídico, como finalidade do Direito Penal, foram estabelecidos parâmetros para sua definição, ancorado nos valores constitucionais. O bem jurídico foi cindido em sua análise, sendo classificado como de natureza individual e universal, classificação essa que permitiu defender a constitucionalidade dos crimes de perigo abstrato. Foram objeto de análise os mandados de criminalização, cuja fundamentação, obriga o legislador infraconstitucional à proteção do bem eleito pela Constituição. Quanto ao crime organizado, foi analisada sua evolução enquanto fenômeno social e jurídico. Foi objeto de análise a história da legislação brasileira, desde o Código Penal do Império até a atual Lei 9.034/95. Na análise do conceito do crime organizado, levou-se em consideração o conceito previsto pela Convenção de Palermo, mais aberto e permissivo, de modo a não engessar a legislação, devido aos efeitos do avanço da globalização, de modo que para estabelecer o conceito foram identificadas suas características, firmando ainda posicionamento pela necessidade de definição legal. Os instrumentos de investigação da Lei 9.034/95 também foram analisados, firmando-se por argumentos legitimadores. Por fim, foram analisados o Direito Penal do Inimigo e o Direito à Segurança, como formas de se interpretar e fundamentar legislações tanto de ordem penal como processual no enfrentamento à criminalidade organizada. Pela pesquisa feita, posicionamo-nos no sentido de interpretar o Direito à Segurança, como um direito fundamental, na acepção objetiva, com base nos imperativos de tutela. A colisão de princípios constitucionais deve ser sanada através da aplicação do princípio da proporcionalidade

L'espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice à l'épreuve de la lutte contre la criminalité organisée / The area of freedom, security and justice in the fight against organized crime

Chammat, Fadi 30 November 2018 (has links)
Pour contrer la menace de la criminalité organisée qui ne se cesse de se développer en devenant l’un des plus graves enjeux au sein de l’UE, les États membres se trouvent dans l’obligation de renforcer la coopération pénale contre celle-ci. Avec le traité de Maastricht puis la création de l’ELSJ par le traité d’Amsterdam dont la lutte contre la criminalité organisée constitue le moteur essentiel, les États membres expriment leur volonté pour s’organiser les actions et s’unir contre les menaces de la criminalité organisée. Toutefois, ces deux phases ont montré l’ineffectivité de la répression ; la paralysie et beaucoup de faiblesses. Avec son entrée en vigueur en 2009, le traité de Lisbonne commence une nouvelle ère de la lutte contre la criminalité organisée au sein de l’ELSJ. Cependant, même en intégrant ses avancées, il n’amorce pas la rationalisation nécessaire du cadre juridique qu’institutionnel de l’ELSJ contre la criminalité organisée. Des fortes crises que l’UE et l’ELSJ ont connues posent des questions sur la confiance nationale dans cet espace et cette union. La présente thèse cherche à identifier le rôle actuel et futur de l’UE en matière pénale contre la criminalité organisée au sein d’un espace où la libre circulation est le principe. Le rôle attendu ne peut se réaliser réellement qu’à travers d’un système pénal autonome où l’UE a la main forte à l’appliquer dans un climat de confiance et le respect des droits fondamentaux ; des systèmes juridiques d’États membres et leur souveraineté nationale. Dans cette perspective, une modification radicale qui touche à la nature de l’UE et son rôle sera indispensable. Mais qui a la volonté de faire la révolution ? / To counter the threat of organized crime, which is constantly growing and becoming one of the most serious issues in the European Union, member states are under an obligation to strengthen penal cooperation against it. With the Maastricht Treaty, and the creation of the area of freedom, security and justice by Amsterdam Treaty, of which the fight against organized crime is the essential driving force, the Member States express their will to organize their actions and unite against the threats of organized crime. However, these phases have shown the ineffectiveness of the repression; paralysis and a lot of weaknesses. With its entry into force in 2009, Lisbon Treaty begins a new era in the fight against organized crime within the AFSJ. However, even in integrating its progress, it does not initiate the necessary rationalization of the institutional legal framework of the AFSJ against organized crime. Strong crises that the EU and the AFSJ have experienced raise questions about national confidence in this area and the EU. This thesis seeks to identify the current and future role of the European Union within a space where free movement is the principle. The expected role can only really be achieved through an autonomous criminal system where the EU has a strong ability in applying it in a climate of trust and respect for fundamental rights; legal systems of member states and their national sovereignty. In this perspective, a radical change that concerns the nature of the EU will be essential. But who has the will to make the revolution?

A model for the prevention of corruption and corruption-related offences at Gauteng police stations

Rajin, Ronnie Gonasagaran Dayananda 05 1900 (has links)
The research entailed an exploration of the reasons behind corruption and related offences in selected Gauteng police stations of the South African Police Service (SAPS). Corruption refers to the illegal and unlawful activities performed by police officials when they enrich themselves by taking money and other valuable property from offenders, victims and other people they come into contact with. The participants in this study were purposefully chosen and comprised of two groups. The first group included ex-police officials convicted and sentenced for committing corruption and related offences. The second group were active police officials suspected to have committed corruption and related crimes and some in this group were dismissed by disciplinary tribunals. The research was done at four of the police stations in Gauteng Province. There were 18 participants interviewed and nine were chosen from these police stations, with the remaining nine from two correctional facilities in Gauteng. The participants were asked an open-ended question which aimed at exploring convicted police officials’ reasons for having committed corruption. The interviews were recorded with the participants’ permission. The recorded data were transcribed verbatim and analysed. The five main themes that emerged are the high incidence of corruption involving all levels of police, multiple environmental factors which contribute to corruption, forms of corruption, dynamics resulting from corruption and anti-corruption mechanisms to prevent corruption. The themes were described using “in vivo” quotes from the transcribed data. To learn other trends about corruption, the nature and extent of corruption in the political, economic and the governmental sphere were discussed. In the summary of the research recommendations and conclusions were provided. A model has been identified which consists of preventative and reactive mechanisms, including selection, recruitment, the code of conduct, supportive leadership, supervision, mentoring and coaching, targeted inspections and auditing. Life style audits, disciplinary measures, dismissals and prosecution in these corruption case hearings also form part of the proposed model. / Corrections Management / D.Litt. et Phil. (Criminal Justice)

A criminological analysis of copper cable theft in Gauteng

Pretorius, William Lyon 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the phenomenon of copper cable theft within the Gauteng Province of South Africa. Data was collected from literature sources as well as from security professionals combating copper theft. There are five primary objectives in this research: 1. To explore and to describe the extent and the impact of copper cable theft. 2. To gain insight into the profile and the modus operandi of the offender. 3. To evaluate current intervention measures used to combat the copper cable theft. 4. To describe the general factors limiting the success of combating copper cable theft. 5. To recommend probable intervention measures with which to combat copper cable theft. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with responsible security officials of victim stakeholder groups in Gauteng. It was established that copper cable theft is currently a very serious crime that deserves both attention and quick intervention before it does irreparable damage to the utility infrastructure of Gauteng, in particular, and in fact to all these infrastructures in South Africa. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

La lutte contre la traite des personnes à des fins d'exploitation sexuelle au Canada: une étude à la lumière du droit international

Williams, Véronique 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Le trafic d'armes à feu dans l'Union européenne / .

Sirvent, Bruno 17 December 2018 (has links)
Le trafic d’armes à feu au sein de l’Union européenne est une menace préoccupante contre l’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice poussant l’Union et ses États membres à réagir afin de renforcer leur cadre juridique. Néanmoins, il est difficile d’apporter aux problématiques posées par le trafic d’armes à feu une solution légale du fait de ses caractéristiques et sa transversalité. Les stocks d’armes à feu se trouvant aux frontières de l’Union européenne sont détournés afin d’être introduit dans l’espace sans frontières par de multiples acteurs aux intérêts et motivations diverses. Ces traits de caractères rendent difficile la mise en place d’un cadre juridique harmonisé dans des domaines restant sous le joug de la souveraineté nationale. Ces difficultés ont entrainé le développement d’un cadre juridique imparfait et limité créant des failles juridiques dont les trafiquants profitent. Néanmoins, les solutions existent et sont pour certaines déjà présentes dans le cadre normatif de l’Union européenne. Cependant, l’évolution du trafic d’armes à feu et de ses acteurs conduit également à envisager le développement de nouveaux mécanismes et de nouveaux pans du droit / Firearms trafficking within the European Union is a worrying threat to the area of freedom, security and justice, prompting the Union and its Member States to react in order to strengthen their legal framework. Nevertheless, the issue of firearms is complex to legislate because of its characteristics and its cross-cutting nature. Firearm stocks at the borders of the European Union are diverted in order to be introduced into the border-free area by multiple actors with diverse interests and motivations. These characteristics make it difficult to establish a harmonised legal framework in areas that remain under the yoke of national sovereignty. These difficulties have led to the development of an imperfect and limited legal framework creating legal loopholes from which traffickers benefit. Nevertheless, solutions exist and some of them are already present in the European Union's normative framework. However, the evolution of firearms trafficking and its actors also leads us to consider the development of new mechanisms and new areas of the law

The motives of South African female perpetrators for becoming drug mules

Klein, Lucy Pearl Mpho 01 July 2020 (has links)
Summary in English, Tswana and Zulu / The researcher aimed to examine female perpetrator motives for becoming drug mules. The aim was accomplished through the use of a qualitative study, case research. Collection of data occurred via semi-structured interviews with seven participants. Purposive sampling was employed to aid with the selection of participants, and thematic analysis used as a means to analyse the data collected. The study found that motivations differed amongst all participants; nonetheless, the primary findings indicate that participants chose to become drug mules mainly due to financial strain. The other themes identified included monetary rewards and the influence of social networking relationships. The most common finding was the involvement of Nigerians in all participants becoming drug mules. Further research, and the need for intensive educational drives in communities and schools regarding drug mules, formed the recommendations derived from the study. / Boikaelelo jwa patlisiso eno ke go tlhatlhoba mabaka a a dirang gore basadi ba ikamaganye le go tsamaisa diokobatsi tse di seng kafa molaong. Boikaelelo jono bo fitlheletswe ka go dirisa patlisiso e e leng kaga boleng,, go dirisiwa boemo jo go ithutiwang ka jone ka ntlha ya gore ke jone bonang le dintlha tse di tlhokegang, tse di maleba mme di re naya dintlha tse di feletseng kaga se go batlisisiwang ka sone. Patlisiso eno e kaga basadi ba le supa bao re kgonneng go batlisisa ka bone. Patlisiso eno e sekaseka kafa batsayakarolo ba tshelang ka gone go ya kafa ba tlhalositseng ka gone,, go akareletsa le tsela eo ba neng ba tshela ka yone fa ba sale bannye le ka moo ba godileng ka gone, ga mmogo le botshelo jwa bone jwa jaanong le ka moo ba tshelang ka gone jaaka batsamaisi ba diokobatsi tse di seng kafa molaong. Patlisiso eno gape e sekaseka le kwa ba tswang teng, seemo sa bone sa loago le ikonomi, ba lelapa ga mmogo le ditsala tse ba ikopanyang le tsone, patlisiso eno e batlisisitse le gore a go na le dilo dipe tse dingwe tse di bakang gore ba tsamaise diokobatsi tse di seng kafa molaong. Go kgobokanya tshedimosetso go dirilwe ka go dira dipotsolotso le batsayakarolo ba supa. Setlhopha se se tlhophiwang se dirisiwa go tlhopha batsayakarolo. Ka ntlha ya gore setlhogo seno ke kaga batsamaisi ba diokobatsi, mokgwa ono o ne o le maleba go tlhatlhoba batsayakarolo ba ba oketsegileng. Mmatlisisi o akanyeditse gore a botsolotse batho ba ka nna lesome, kwa bofelong go ile ga nna le basadi ba ka nna sometlhano ba ba ileng ba kopiwa go tsenela patlisiso eno mme ba le supa ke bone fela ba dumetseng go tsenela patlisiso eno. Go ile ga dirisiwa tlhatlhobo ya thematic e le go tlhatlhoba tshedimosetso e e kgobokantsweng. Le fa gone patlisiso e ne e le ka ga boemo jo go ithutiwang ka jone, tlhatlhobo ya thematic e nnile yone e e thusang thata ka gonne e ne e le bonolo go ka dirisiwa ka ntlha ya gore ke yone eo e nang le dintlha tse dintsi tseo di batlegang. Mabaka a a dirang gore ba tlhophe tiro ya go tsamaisa diokobatsi a ne a sa tshwane go batsayakarolo botlhe le fa go ntse jalo go bonagetse gore lebaka la konokono leo le ba dirang ba tlhophe tiro eno ke ka ntlha ya mathata a madi/maemo a ikonomi a a sa tlhomamang. E re ka mathata a madi le maemo a ikonomi a a sa tlhomama di aname seo se ama motho yo o mo maemo ao fela thata, ke ka moo patlisiso e bontshitsheng gore maemo ao e ka nna a nako e telele kana a nako e e khutshwane. Mathata a tsa madi a nako e e telele a bakwa ke go tlhoka tiro nako e e telele le ditshono tse di tlhaelang tsa go bona tiro ka ntlha ya go sa nne le bokgoni jwa tiro, mme mathata a tsa madi a nako e khutshwane a bakwa ke ditiragalo tse di sa bonelwang pele tseo maemo a tsone a ka baakangwang ka bonako. Patlisiso e ne e bontsha lebaka le lengwe la go bo basadi bano ba dira tiro eno e ne e le ka gonne tiro eno e dira madi ka bonako ga e tshwane le tiro ya nako e e tletseng. Ba bontshitse gore ba tlhotlhelediwa le ke balosika, batho ba ba ratanang le bone ga mmogo le ditsala. Lebaka le lengwe le le kgatlhang le le fitlheletsweng go batsayakarolo botlhe ke go nna le seabe ga Ma-Nigeria mo go direng gore ba tsamaise diokobatsing tse di seng kafa molaong. Patlisiso eno e tlhomamisitse gore Ma-Nigeria ke one a a tshamekang karolo e kgolo mo tirong eno e re ka e le bone badiri ba diokobatsi tseno le gore ke bone ba ba nayang tiro eno ya go tsamaisa diokobatsi. Basadi botlhe ba ba dumetseng go tsenela patlisiso eno ba bontshitse bosupi jwa seno. Go tlile go dirwa patlisiso e e tseneletseng ka ga batsamaisi ba diokobatsi. Go na le tshedimosetso e ntsi malebana le batsamaisi ba diokobatsi, segolobogolo jang mo basading. Ntle le seo, go tshwanetswe ga rutiwa batho mo go tseneletseng kaga batsamaisi ba diokobatsi mo baaging ga mmogo le kwa dikolong, thuto eno e tla lebisediwa thata kwa malapeng, ba ba tlhokomelang malapa ka tsa madi ga mmogo le go ba thusa gore ba kgone go dira ditshwetso tse di siameng. / Injongo yalolu cwaningo ukuhlola izimbangela ezenza abantu besifazane bashushumbise izidakamizwa. Le njongo iye yafezwa ngokusebenzisa uhlobo lokucwaninga lokuhlola ngokucophelela, kanye nocwaningo olumba lujule ngoba lushaya ngqo kulokho okucwaningwayo, lunembile futhi lunikeza isithombe esicacile sendaba ecwaningwayo. Leli phepha locwaningo lusekelwe ocwaningweni olwenziwe kwabesifazane abayisikhombisa. Lolu cwaningo luye lwahlola izindaba zokuphila zababambiqhaza njengoba babezilandisela bona ngokwabo, kuhlanganise isikhathi beseyizingane nendlela abakhuliswe ngayo, impilo yabo bengabantu abadala nokuphila kwabo njengabashushumbisi bezidakamizwa. Ucwaningo lugxile nasekuphileni kwabo kwangaphambili, izimo zomnotho nezenhlalo, umndeni nabangane, ucwaningo luye lwahlola ukuthi zikhona yini ezinye izinto okungenzeka ziyingxenye yezimbangela ezenza bashushumbise izidakamizwa. Ukuqoqwa kwedatha kwenziwa ngezingxoxo ezihleliwe nababambiqhaza abayisikhombisa. Abacwaningi baye bazikhethela ngokwabo abantu abazobamba iqhaza. Ngenxa yokuthi isihloko sigxile kulabo abashushumbisa izidakamizwa, le ndlela ibifaneleka ukuze kuxoxwe nababambiqhaza abengeziwe. Umcwaningi obehlose ukuxoxa okungenani nababambiqhaza abayishumi, ekugcineni kuyiwe kwabayishumi nanhlanu okuthe kubo kwaba nabayisikhombisa abavume ukubamba iqhaza. Indlela ehlakaniphile yokuhlaziya isetshenzisiwe ukuhlaziya idatha eqoqiwe. Nakuba ucwaningo belugxile ocwaningweni olumba lujule, ukuhlaziya okuhlakaniphile kube usizo ngoba bekuvumelana nezimo okusizile ekunikezeni idatha enemininingwane eminingi. Izimbangela bezihlukile kubo bonke ababambiqhaza, noma kunjalo okuyinhloko okutholakele kulolu cwaningo kubonisile ukuthi ababambiqhaza bakhetha ukushushumbisa izidakamizwa ngenxa yokuthwala kanzima ngokwezomnotho nangokwezimali. Ngenxa yokuthi ukuthwala kanzima ngokwezimali nangokwezomnotho kuyinto ebanzi futhi kuhlobana nomuntu othwele kanzima, kuye kwatholakala ukuthi ukuthwala kanzima ngokwezimali/ngokwezomnotho kungachazwa ngokuthi ukuthwala kanzima ngokwezezimali okuthatha isikhathi eside nokuthwala kanzima ngokwezimali kwesikhashana. Ukuthwala kanzima ngokwezimali okuthatha isikhathi eside kwenziwa ukuhlala isikhathi eside ungasebenzi kanye nokuntuleka kwamathuba emisebenzi ngenxa yokungabi namakhono, kuyilapho ukuthwala kanzima ngokwezemali kwesikhashana kudalwa izimo ezingalindelekile ezenza kudingeke isisombululo esisheshayo. Okunye futhi okutholakele ukuthi ababambiqhaza babekhuthazwa izinzuzo ezingokwezimali ukuthi bangaceba ngokushesha ngokungafani nokusebenza isikhathi esigcwele. Abantu abaphila nabo nsuku zonke bayingxenye yembangela ebagqugquzele ukuba bashushumbise izidakamizwa, kulaba kungabalwa umndeni, ophathina babo nabangane abadlale indima ebalulekile ekuthonyeni abanye ababambiqhaza ukuba bashushumbise izidakamizwa. Okuthakazelisayo okutholakale kubo bonke ababambiqhaza ukuthi abantu abadabuka eNigeria babe nesandla ekubeni kwabo abashushumbisi bezidakamizwa. Ucwaningo luqinisekisile ukuthi abase-Nigeria badlale indima enkulu ekubeni abaxhasi noma abagcini bezidakamizwa ezithuthwa ababambiqhaza. Lokhu bekufakazelwa yibo bonke ababambiqhaza okuxoxwe nabo. Izincomo zalolu cwaningo zihlanganise ucwaningo olwengeziwe oluzokwenziwa kulabo abashushumbisa izidakamizwa. Alwanele ulwazi olukhona mayelana nabashushumbisi bezidakamizwa, ikakhulukazi kubantu besifazane. Ngaphandle kwalokho, kufanele kube nemikhankaso yokufundisa emiphakathini nasezikoleni ngokuphathelene nokushushumbisa izidakamizwa, le mikhankaso yokufundisa izogxila kakhulu emndenini, ezikhungweni ezinikeza kanye nasekwenzeni ukukhetha okufanele. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

Combating diamond theft through intelligence-led and technology-based solutions : case study Cullinan Diamond Mine, South Africa

Nek, Mbulelo David 06 1900 (has links)
Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Security Management)

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