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Betydelsen av betydelse - Om identitet, mening och betydelse i det postmoderna samhälletSander, Patrik January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka om berättelsen kan fungera som katalysator för elevernas reflektion över sig själva och deras situation i ett postmodernt samhälle. Väsentliga frågor i sammanhanget blev dels huruvida de själva kunde bli medvetna om och reflektera över sina egna och andras strategier i en sådan omfattande social omvandling. Ett sådant fenomen som kom i fokus var vårt behov av ytliga statussymboler.Det i grunden kvalitativa arbetet bygger på tre synvinklar och tillika källor. För det första, mig själv som oundvikligt subjektivt filter; för det andra eleverna och för det tredje, mediala källor som på olika sätt har kunnat användas i sammanhanget.Under arbetets lopp har jag kommit fram till att arbetets informativa, reflektiva och diskursiva processer i sig utgjorde ett lika intressant material som slutsatserna. / The purpose of this work has been to examine the function of storytelling as an induct-ive way to develop self reflection and environmental awareness of the students. Key subjects have been if they could be attentive to the very reflective process itself and to the strategies we apply, when to cope with dynamic changes as those of the postmodern society. Also the possibility to find basic explanations, to specially one of these strategies – one that has been more and more frequently used – became a pursuit in this work. The phenomenon in mind is our seemingly growing demand for “superficial valuables”.This work is basically qualitative. Three perspectives – as well as sources of inform-ation – have been developed through the process of this work: firstly, the inevitably subjective experiences of my own; secondly, the students; and thirdly, different forms of applicable public media. Especially the contribution from the students can’t be overstated. Initially it was them who made me aware of the phenomenon, described above. Moreover they gave input, partly through the literature seminar and the related discussion, partly through a minor enquiry consisting of a few but fundamental questions connected to the matter of “wealth” and “ability”.Quite early during the progression of this work I came to an understanding that the informative, the introspective and the communicative processes of the work itself constituted a most interesting substance. Hence, I made a more careful attempt to describe this development and my thoughts connected to it, rather than giving too much focus on the aftermath. Retrospectively seen, it presents somewhat self-evident answers of the two initial questions above. Yes, storytelling might work as a complement to more radical experiences of the real life. It can be used as a key to existential reflection in an urban security-devoting postmodern society. Also obviously, there seem to be more profound explanations to our quest for superficial valuables – needs beyond the very appeal. They could be connected to the natural instinct of individual survival through real or “illusory” acceptance and irreplaceability within one or more collective social orders – in short, the importance of being important.
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Optimal Foraging Theory RevisitedPavlic, Theodore P. 15 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Invloed van samelewingsveranderinge op verhoudinge binne die stedelike gesin : 'n sosio-opvoedkundige verkenning / The influence of changing societal phenomena on urban families : a socio-educational analysisScholtz, Renée 01 1900 (has links)
Die 21ste eeuse postmodeme samelewing word gekenmerk deur dinamiese veranderinge op aile gebiede
wat die kwaliteit van die gesinslewe en opvoedingsbegeleiding binne gesinne bepaaL Hierdie
studie poog om aan die hand van 'n omvangryke literatuurstudie en kwalitatiewe
ondersoek, die aard, omvang en invloed van sodanige samelewingsverskynsels op verhoudingstigting-
en onderhouding en die kwaliteit van opvoedingsbegeleiding in eietydse stadsgesinne te bepaal.
Bevindinge toon dat sommige gesinne, as gevolg van hierdie veranderinge, uiters kwesbaar is, dat
verhoudinge ontaard en opvoedingsbegeleiding ontoereikend voltrek. Die verval van norme en waardes
is veral verswarend vir opvoeding en volwassewordingshulp. Ouers en kinders moet onder
verswarende omstandighede die verantwoordelikheid opneem om harmoniese en Iiefdevolle verhoudinge
in die gesin te stig en te onderhou.
Ondersteunings- en begeleidingsprogramme vir ouers en kinders om toereikende
opvoedingsbegeleiding en selfaktualisering te verseker, word aanbeveel. Hierdie programme moet op
die mikro-, meso- en makrovlak van die samelewing geloods word. / The post-modem society of the 21st century is characterized by dynamic changes which
determine the quality of family life and educational support in families. This study aims to
determine, by means of a comprehensive literature study and qualitative investigation, the nature,
extent and influence of social phenomena on the constitution and maintenance of relationships
as well as the quality of educational support in contemporary urban families. Findings show that
some families are vulnerable, that relationships deteriorate and that educational support is
inadequate as a result of these changes. The decline of norms and values is an aggravating factor
in education and adolescence support. Parents and children have to take responsibility to
establish harmonious and loving relationships in the family.
Support and guidance programmes are recommended for parents and children to ensure
adequate educational support and self-actualization. These programmes must be launched on the
micro, meso and macro level of society. / Educational studies / M. Ed. (Sosio-Opvoedkunde)
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Invloed van samelewingsveranderinge op verhoudinge binne die stedelike gesin : 'n sosio-opvoedkundige verkenning / The influence of changing societal phenomena on urban families : a socio-educational analysisScholtz, Renée 01 1900 (has links)
Die 21ste eeuse postmodeme samelewing word gekenmerk deur dinamiese veranderinge op aile gebiede
wat die kwaliteit van die gesinslewe en opvoedingsbegeleiding binne gesinne bepaaL Hierdie
studie poog om aan die hand van 'n omvangryke literatuurstudie en kwalitatiewe
ondersoek, die aard, omvang en invloed van sodanige samelewingsverskynsels op verhoudingstigting-
en onderhouding en die kwaliteit van opvoedingsbegeleiding in eietydse stadsgesinne te bepaal.
Bevindinge toon dat sommige gesinne, as gevolg van hierdie veranderinge, uiters kwesbaar is, dat
verhoudinge ontaard en opvoedingsbegeleiding ontoereikend voltrek. Die verval van norme en waardes
is veral verswarend vir opvoeding en volwassewordingshulp. Ouers en kinders moet onder
verswarende omstandighede die verantwoordelikheid opneem om harmoniese en Iiefdevolle verhoudinge
in die gesin te stig en te onderhou.
Ondersteunings- en begeleidingsprogramme vir ouers en kinders om toereikende
opvoedingsbegeleiding en selfaktualisering te verseker, word aanbeveel. Hierdie programme moet op
die mikro-, meso- en makrovlak van die samelewing geloods word. / The post-modem society of the 21st century is characterized by dynamic changes which
determine the quality of family life and educational support in families. This study aims to
determine, by means of a comprehensive literature study and qualitative investigation, the nature,
extent and influence of social phenomena on the constitution and maintenance of relationships
as well as the quality of educational support in contemporary urban families. Findings show that
some families are vulnerable, that relationships deteriorate and that educational support is
inadequate as a result of these changes. The decline of norms and values is an aggravating factor
in education and adolescence support. Parents and children have to take responsibility to
establish harmonious and loving relationships in the family.
Support and guidance programmes are recommended for parents and children to ensure
adequate educational support and self-actualization. These programmes must be launched on the
micro, meso and macro level of society. / Educational studies / M. Ed. (Sosio-Opvoedkunde)
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'Doing hope': mentoring with people doing care, working and dealing with trauma in a township in South AfricaMcLachlan, Christine 28 February 2007 (has links)
Working in a township is a challenging but also rewarding way of living. In this dissertation the researcher, in collaboration with the co-searchers, explore ways to mentor one another as they learn how to deal with trauma, either by experiencing trauma directly or witnessing secondary trauma. This leads to new ways of being 'in the moment', coping with trauma, forming a community of care and learning to be in an aware and empowered position. The responsibility of practical theology and the commitment to pastoral care are explored in the context of theology, and spesifically feminist theology, contributing to 'do hope' in Mamelodi. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)
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At the crossroads of social transformation : an Eastern-European theological perspectiveAugustine, Daniela Christova 11 1900 (has links)
The present work examines the crossroads of social transformation from the contextual standpoint of the "Second World" - a political and socioeconomic term descriptively pointing to the unique location of the Former Eastern-European Block countries - in between worlds. The work involves in a dialogue some of the major trends within the contemporary Eastern-European philosophical environment: dichotomized between Neo-Marxism and Neo-Freudianism on the one hand, and Postmodernism on the other.
While examining the most significant elements between the dialectical paradigms for social change of the above theories (and their ethical foundations), the text strives towards a theological paradigmatic formulation for an authentic social transformation that draws its dialectical content and passion from the hopeful eschatological vision of Christ and the Kingdom as an embodiment of the Christian alternative for human emancipation and liberation. In light of this, the work attempts to establish the following thesis: the radical Christian praxis of the eschatological reality of the Kingdom in light of the Cross is the Church’s alternative to contemporary philosophies and initiatives for social transformation. This praxis affirms the revolutionary, history-shaping force which makes Christianity relevant to the problems of Modernity and Postmodernity through its self-identification with the Crucified God. It marks the moment of conception of an authentic, liberating, life giving, transforming hope as a source of humanization and redemption of social order.
Christianity is concerned with the birth and formation of a new socio-political reality - the Kingdom of God, and its embodiment on earth (through the Holy Spirit) in a new ethnos: the Church, the Body of Christ, the communion of the saints. Therefore, it is the Church's calling and obligation to exemplify the reality of the Kingdom, being a living extension of the living Christ and thus, the incarnation of the eschatological future of the world and its hopeful horizon in the midst of the present.
Recognizing the vital need for a relevant Christian response to the spiritual demands of the Post-modern human being and his/her desacralized, pluralistic socio political context, the work concludes with a conceptual outline offering a strategy for the Church in the Postmodern setting. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Theological Ethics)
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A journey to healing: conversations of women survivors of sexual abuseGunter, Rianda 01 January 2002 (has links)
A journey to healing is a story of women survivors of sexual abuse. Through narrative
pastoral conversations a group or community of concern was formed that witnessed how
these women managed to move by re-telling from problem-saturated dominant lifestories
to rich alternative stories of survival. Post-modern practical theology formed the
epistemological backdrop of this study with the focus on taking a prophetically, ethical
and political stance.
The group deconstructed patriarchal knowledge that has been dominant in constructing
understanding of women. Deconstruction lead to the centralising of previously
subjugated knowledge about themselves and made multiple identities and preferred
realities possible. Feminist theology's liberating spirit contributed to this participator
action research where women moved from being right to doing right. The monthly
celebration teas hosted by the group were instrumental in the healing of other women
who have experienced sexual violation. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)
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Skrifgebruik in die pastoraatCilliers, Octavius Jacobus 30 September 2004 (has links)
This research pursues the use of the Bible in counseling. The focus is to identify the different theological paradigms in which the Bible is used and the different ways that counsellors make use of the Bible in therapy. It also pursues the experiences that the clients had of such counsellors in the use of the Bible. Therapists and clients from different theological backgrounds partake in this study. An overview is given of the shift that is taking place from a modern to a postmodern approach about reality, truth, and knowledge and the effect there of on the use of the Bible in therapy. The aim of the research is to explore if an evangelical christian in a postmodern context can make use of the Bible as the inspired word of God. The implication of this can be profound for pastoral therapy. A narrative paradigm is adopted to dicuss the discourses that evolved from the research. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)
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Das erste Paar und die postmoderne Studie zur ursprünglichen Beziehung und Abhängigkeit der Geschlechter in der Lebenswelt der GegenwartBee, Jacqueline 29 February 2008 (has links)
Text in German / Am Beginn der Menschheit steht das von Gott erschaffene Paar, in der Postmo derne ist es das aufgeklarte, autonome Individuum. Eine Diskrepanz zwischen ursprunglicher Schopfungsintention und der postmodernen Lebenswelt wird deutlich. Denn Mann und Frau wurden auf eine ganzheitliche Lebensgemein schaft hin erschaffen, die nicht nur den trinitarischen Gott widerspiegeln soli, sondem fur einen gelingenden Lebensvollzug urn die konstitutive Notwendigkeit der Gebundenheit des GeschOpfes an seinen Schopfer weiss. Das Bewusst sein, dass der Mensch nur in dieser existentiellen Verankerung zum wahren Mann- oder Frausein befahigt wird, ist in der aufgeklarten Postmoderne, primar durch deren zentrales Merkmal, der Absolutsetzung von Freiheit, abhanden ge kommen. Erschwerend kommt die Ablehnung der (ontologischen) Sundhaftig keit hinzu, was nicht nur das Heilsgeschehen per se obsolet werden lasst,son dern zugleich die Wiederherstellung der Beziehung zu Gott als Quelle allen Le bens a priori verunmoglicht. Damit verschliesst sich das postmoderne Indivi duum aber gleichzeitig die Meglichkeit zur Annaherung an die Schopfungs intention von Beziehung und Abhangigkeit der Geschlechter durch die in Jesus erlangte,endgultige Oberwindung der Sunde und deren Konsequenzen.
Das Wissen urn die Intention Gottes mit Mann und Frau ist deshalb so entscheidend, weil vom Vorhandensein eines schopfungsbedingt angelegten anthropologischen Grundskriptes ausgegangen wird, welches die Beziehung
und Abhangigkeit der Geschlechter entscheidend pragt.1 Das Geschlechterver
haltnis ist also nicht beliebig und Folgen los veranderbar, resp. den sozio-kul turellen Vorgaben und Erwartungen anpassbar, eben weil dessen Kern unver anderbar ist. Dem steht jedoch das postmoderne Verstandnis gegenuber, wel ches die Geschlechteridentitat des evolvierten Primaten als reine sozio-kulturel le Konstruktion und damit als beliebig modellier- und veranderbar versteht. Ge nau in dieser Diskrepanz zwischen unaufhebbarem anthropologischem Grund skript einerseits und der vermeintlich ganzlichen Beliebigkeit des Geschlechter verhaltnisses andererseits liegt ein zentraler Grund fOr die Heute stark Problem belasteten Ehen.
At the beginning of humanity we find man and woman as a couple created by
God; in post-modern society, however, this place is taken by the enlightened individual. The discrepancy is evident. Man and woman were created for a lifelong
marriage which was not only to reflect the triune creator but which was anchored in the dependence on the creator as a constitutive necessity for building
a solid, successful and lifelong marriage. This awareness of the fundamental necessity of God as the creator of man has been lost in post-modern society.
Instead we find the claim for absolute freedom, linked to the negation of the ontological
sinfulness of man. It is obvious that such negation makes the cross
and resurrection of Jesus Christ by which sin is finally overcome superfluous, rending the re-establishement of the relationship between God and man impossible.
But it is by this grounding in God the creator and redeemer alone that
man and woman will unterstand marriage in its originally intended depth and fullness.
The present study has resulted in discerning a fundamental, God-given
anthropological script which defines both relation and dependence of man and woman; this implies that these fundamental elements cannot be deliberately
transformed and/or adapted to various socio-cultural norms and expectations.
However, the post-modern understanding of gender presents itself in clear opposition
to this creational view. Nowadays, gender identity is seen solely as a
socio-cultural structure and therefore subject to unlimited changes and modifications.
In this study, one main reason for the instability of marriages in postmodern society has been discerned in the discrepancy between the permanent
anthropological basic script and the apparent variability of the relation and dependence
between man and woman. The negation of God the creator and redeemer proves to be of equal importance, as it is only through and in him that the basic script for marriage can be realized in its originally intended allembracing dimension. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Renouncing racism in a Dutch Reformed congregationMeiring, Lieze Fredericka 11 1900 (has links)
The Dutch Reformed Church provided the theological justification for Apartheid since 1948 and contributed to discourses of racism and cultural hegemony. In this research narrative conversations were used to confront racism prevalent among many Dutch Reformed congregants. Social discourses, created through language, marginalised and oppressed people of Colour in South Africa. In this project, narrative conversations were used to deconstruct these oppressive racial discourses. Antjie Krog's book on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's work, Country of my skull, confronted the congregants with the painful and dehumanising effects of Apartheid. Externalising conversations assisted congregants to face their guilt and the unjust discourses trapping them. In addition, this deconstruction empowered the congregants to challenge racism and cultural hegemony by living more ethical lives. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology (Pastoral Therapy))
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