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Reutilização de tubos de papelão : estudo de parâmetros técnicos visando aplicação no design de produtosPiccoli, Mariana January 2013 (has links)
A reutilização aumenta e valoriza o ciclo de vida dos produtos sem necessidade da desintegração do material, proporcionando um destino adequado e o aproveitamento da configuração formal, da energia e matéria-prima agregadas e das propriedades inerentes ao produto que é descartado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e propor parâmetros técnicos de resistência, absorção, recobrimentos e corte a laser, visando possibilitar a reutilização de tubos de papelão, provenientes de descarte, no desenvolvimento de produtos. Por meio do panorama sobre o descarte deste material no recorte geográfico da cidade de Porto Alegre, realizado através de visitas a empresas dos segmentos de confeccção e gráfico, selecionou-se como padrão de tubo a ser pesquisado o de diâmetro interno 76,2mm (encontrado geralmente nas espessuras 3mm, 4mm, 5mm e 6,5mm), cujo destino recorrente é o recolhimento por catadores de materiais recicláveis. Para a realização dos ensaios técnicos, efetuou-se a coleta dos tubos até ser atingida a quantidade necessária, aferiram-se suas medidas e confeccionaram-se os corpos de prova. Em seguida, após a caracterização do material através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e análise termogravimétrica (ATG), foram realizados ensaios técnicos de resistência à compressão axial e diametral; flambagem; absorção de água; testes de recobrimento, corte a laser e experimentações sobre métodos de união. Como resultados, a temperatura de combustão, identificada na ATG, indica que até os 210°C existe uma faixa de segurança na utilização dos tubos. Pelos resultados dos ensaios de compressão axial e diametral, concluiu-se que que a direção mais adequada e com maior relevância de utilização dos tubos de papelão é a vertical, com o sentido da carga aplicado paralelamente à seção transversal. O ensaio de flambagem permitiu verificar que as falhas apresentadas não são repentinas; a amostra permaneceu estável, já que não houve ruptura súbita. No teste de absorção de água, constatou-se que os tubos são higroscópicos, necessitando de impermeabilização; para reconhecer um material de recobrimento adequado para os tubos de papelão, refez-se o ensaio de absorção de água com os tubos revestidos por tintas e vernizes à base de água. O melhor resultado foi apresentado pelo verniz marítimo em três demãos, revestimento que foi analisado por MEV. Após ensaios técnicos, foram realizados experimentos de corte a laser e métodos de união dos tubos. Concluiu-se a viabilidade da aplicação da tecnologia de corte a laser no material, determinando-se a potência e velocidades adequadas para o corte mais eficiente em cada espessura; e os métodos de união estudados possibilitam elaborar uma variedade de combinações aplicáveis na configuração de produtos. Por fim, acredita-se que o estudo e reconhecimento de características peculiares de novos materiais é um ponto determinante para a inserção destes no Design. / The reuse increases and enhances the life cycle of the product without the disintegration of the material, providing a correct destination and use of formal configuration, energy and raw material and aggregate properties inherent to the product or material that is discarded. This study aims to identify the technical parameters of resistance, absorption, coatings and laser cutting to reuse cardboard tubes, from disposal in product development. Through the overview of the disposal of this material in the city of Porto Alegre, conducted through visits to businesses in the segments of clothing and printing industry, was selected as standard tube to be researched the inner diameter of 76,2mm (found usually in thicknesses 3mm, 4mm, 5mm and 6,5mm), whose destination is the collection by waste pickers. For conducting technical trials, performed the collection tubes until reach the required amount, have assessed up your measurements and sewed up the specimens. Then, after the characterization of the material by scanning thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA ) and electron microscopy (MEV), technical tests of resistance to axial and diametrical compression, buckling, water absorption, coating testing, laser cutting and experiments on joining methods were performed. As a result, the combustion temperature the ATG identified, indicates that even at 210°C there is a range of safety of the tubes. The results of the tests diametral and axial compression, it was concluded that the most appropriate and most important use of paper tubes is the vertical direction, with the direction of the load applied parallel to the cross-section. The buckling test has shown that the problems presented are not sudden, the sample remained stable, since there was no sudden break. In the water absorption test, it was found that the pipes are hygroscopic, requiring waterproofing; to recognize a material suitable for coating cardboard tubes, the water absorption test is remade and tubes were coated with paints and varnishes water-based. The best result was presented by three coats of marine varnish, coating was analyzed by MEV. After technical tests, experiments of laser cutting and joining methods were performed. The conclusion of the feasibility of applying laser cutting technology in the material, determining the appropriate speed and power for efficient cutting each thickness, and the possible joining methods studied prepare a variety of combinations applyable on a product’s configuration. Finally, it’s believed that the recognition and study of specific characteristics of new materials is a key factor on its insertion in product design.
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Contribuições do design de produto e usabilidade no projeto de brinquedos : um estudo focado na criança com deficiência visual / Contributions of product design and usability toys in the project: a study focused on child with visual impairmentSilva, Roseane Santos da January 2013 (has links)
O brinquedo é um importante artefato na infância. Através dele a criança tem oportunidade de desenvolver suas competências e habilidades. Para criança com deficiência visual, além disso, a utilização do brinquedo pode servir como um potencial estimulador de seus resquícios visuais e sentidos remanescentes. O objetivo principal dessa pesquisa é o de propor orientações para designers no projeto de brinquedos a fim de facilitar o processo de desenvolvimento desses produtos enfocando as necessidades das crianças com deficiência visual. O trabalho escrito está organizado na disposição de cinco capítulos, a saber: Introdução, Revisão de Literatura, Metodologia, Desenvolvimento e Finalização. A metodologia, por sua vez, está exposta em etapas consecutivas: a Etapa 1 diz respeito a revisão de literatura, essa foi uma importante etapa da qual foi extraída uma análise qualitativa de dados a respeito dos temas abordados que foram: processo de desenvolvimento de produtos, usabilidade, o brinquedo e a criança com deficiência visual. A Etapa 2 é o desenvolvimento que apresenta-se dividido em dois itens principais: o estudo de direcionado e a delimitação das orientações. No estudo direcionado utilizaram-se informações levantadas a partir da revisão de literatura para realização do desenvolvimento do projeto de brinquedos através de fases metodológicas previstas para geração de produtos em Löbach (2001) com a participação de usuários (crianças com deficiência visual, familiares e profissionais envolvidos no atendimento dessas crianças). Posteriormente, na Etapa 3 com a organização dessas orientações prévias modelou-se um questionário aplicado com designers e profissionais de áreas afins para observar a opinião sobre o compendio de orientações previamente delimitadas. Assim, os resultados apontaram que a maioria das pessoas questionadas possuía pouco conhecimento sobre o tópico deficiência visual. Os entrevistados consideraram as informações delimitadas pertinentes e apontaram que um aprofundamento em alguns tópicos melhoraria o entendimento dos mesmos. / The toy is an important artifact in childhood. Through it the child has the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities. Children with visual impairments, besides the use of the toy can serve as a potential enhancer of its remaining traces and visual senses. The main objective of this research is to propose guidelines for designers in the design of toys to facilitate the process of developing these products focusing on the needs of children with visual impairment. The written work is organized in five chapters available, namely: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Development and Completion. The methodology, in turn, is exposed in consecutive steps: Step 1 concerns the literature review, this was an important step which was extracted from a qualitative analysis of data regarding the topics discussed were: the process of product development, usability , toy and children with visual impairments. Step 2 is the development that has been divided into two main items: the study of directed and delineation guidelines. In the study we used directed information gathered from the literature review to completion of project development toys through methodological phases planned for generation of products Lobach (2001 ) with the participation of users ( visually impaired children , families and professionals involved in the care of these children ). Subsequently, in Step 3 with the organization of these guidelines prior modeled whether a questionnaire with designers and professionals in related fields to observe the review of compendium of guidelines previously delimited. Thus, the results indicated that the majority of those questioned had little knowledge about the topic visually impaired. Respondents considered the relevant information delimited and pointed to a deepening in some topics would improve understanding of the same.
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Design colaborativo e o processo de desenvolvimento de dispositivos para reabilitação do membro superior / Collaborative design and the device development process for upper limb rehabilitationCasagranda, Kelin Luana January 2018 (has links)
As órteses de membro superior são dispositivos que auxiliam na reabilitação da mão e que tem como objetivo estabilizar, imobilizar, prevenir e corrigir deformidades, melhorando assim a função. O processo tradicional de confecção de órteses é realizado por meio do uso de termoplásticos de baixa temperatura, material moldado diretamente sobre o membro do usuário, sendo neste processo relatados inúmeros problemas, que envolvem desconforto durante o processo, alto custo e baixa adesão do paciente ao uso. O presente trabalho, portanto, teve por objetivo propor a construção de um framework com abordagem metodológica projetual para a produção de órteses de membro superior baseada no processo de design e design colaborativo, com auxílio de recursos de fabricação digital, como digitalização tridimensional e manufatura aditiva (impressão 3D). Através de uma pesquisa exploratória, foram discutidas questões relativas ao projeto de órteses de membro superior (MMSS) pela forma tradicional, utilizando termoplástico de baixa temperatura, e questões do processo de design no desenvolvimento de novos produtos a serem aplicadas do desenvolvimento de órteses utilizando a manufatura aditiva A coleta de dados contou com a participação dos principais personagens envolvidos no processo, usuários de órteses, Terapeutas Ocupacionais e Designers. Com base na técnica de card sorting e entrevistas, foi elaborado um framework da abordagem projetual para a criação de órteses utilizando processos de fabricação digital, de forma colaborativa. O framework ainda foi aplicado no desenvolvimento de uma órtese a fim de avaliar os resultados e melhorias levantadas durante a fase de entrevistas com profissionais e usuários. Ao final do processo, obteve-se uma órtese funcional em que foram atendidos os requisitos necessários para a produção de uma órtese levantada pelo trabalho, além da criação do framework servindo como um guia para o desenvolvimento de órteses utilizando a manufatura aditiva. / Upper limb orthoses are devices that assist in the rehabilitation of the hand and that aim to stabilize, immobilize, prevent and correct deformities, thus improving the function. The traditional process of making orthotics is accomplished through the use of thermoplastics of low temperature, molded material directly on the member of the user, being in this process reported numerous problems, that involve discomfort during the process, high cost and low adhesion of the patient to the use. The present work, therefore, aimed to propose the construction of a framework with a design methodological approach for the production of upper limb orthosis based on the process of design and collaborative design, with the aid of digital manufacturing resources such as three - dimensional digitization and additive manufacturing (3D printing). Through an exploratory research, questions regarding the design of upper limb orthoses (MMSS) in the traditional way, using low-temperature thermoplastic, and design process issues in the development of new products to be applied in the development of orthoses using the additive manufacture The data collection was attended by the main characters involved in the process, users of orthoses, Occupational Therapists, and Designers. Based on the technique of card sorting and interviews, a framework of the design approach for the creation of orthoses using digital manufacturing processes was developed in a collaborative way. The framework was also applied in the development of a bracing in order to collaborate with the results and improvements raised during the interviews phase with professionals and users. At the end of the process, a functional orthosis was obtained, in which the necessary requirements for the production of an orthosis were obtained by the work, besides the creation of a framework serving as a guide for the development of orthoses using the additive manufacture.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo problematizar o campo do design de moda
institucionalizado no Rio de Janeiro e a produção popular de artigos têxteis e de
vestuário, com base nas relações e práticas objetivas desempenhadas por um
grupo de costureiras, moradoras da favela Rio das Pedras, localizada no bairro de
Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro. Buscamos estabelecer as articulações existentes,
fundamentando-nos nas práticas objetivas desempenhadas no desenvolvimento do
design têxtil e de vestuário comercializado em boutiques de luxo e o trabalho de
costureiras e produtores não especializados, assim denominados pela parcela culta
do campo, que, por vezes, é desempenhado de forma artesanal em oficinas
domésticas. Para tanto, realizamos pesquisa teórica e trabalho de campo,
desenvolvendo material fotográfico desse espaço, entrevistas e grupo de discussão
com sete costureiras, para investigar aspectos referentes à produção e recepção da
moda nesse contexto. Saber em que medida existe uma atividade de design que
possa ser considerada como híbrida, segundo o conceito de hibridação
desenvolvido por Canclini, propõe o diálogo com questões que procurarão
estabelecer as fronteiras e as tensões existentes entre as práticas artesanais e
industriais. A relevância desta pesquisa para o campo do design de moda reside no
fato de estabelecermos o enfoque no aspecto produtivo e darmos voz a um grupo
de agentes que atuam, na maioria das vezes, na invisibilidade. / [en] The aim of this study is to render problematic the relations between fashion
design industry in Rio de Janeiro and popular production of textile articles and
clothing, based on objective relationship and practices performed by a group of
seamstresses living in Rio das Pedras favela, located in Jacarepaguá district, Rio
de Janeiro. We sought to examine the relations between the development of textile
design and attire commercialized in luxury boutiques and the work of nonspecialized
seamstresses and producers, so named by the cultivated people, which
sometimes is performed in a handicraft way in domestic clothing studios. To do so
we´ve made theoretical research and field work, developing photographical
material of the area, interviews and group discussion with seven seamstresses to
investigate aspects referred to the production and the reception of fashion in this
context. In that sense our research aims to understand in which extent there is an
activity of design that can be considered hybrid according to the concept of
hybridism developed by Canclini and propose a dialogue among the issues that
seek to determine the borders and tensions existing between the handicraft and
industrial practices. The relevance of this study for the field of fashion design
remains in the fact of setting up a new focus for the productive aspect and give
voice to a group of people who act invisible most of the times.
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Folding mechanism in furniture designKim, Joan 01 May 2018 (has links)
I have an interest in creating furniture with a mechanism that makes the furniture move functionally. Therefore, this paper explains the process and outcomes of designing a chair and a set of furniture with a coatrack, an accent table, and a stackable stool. All the furniture packs flat for storage and shipping purpose with a folding mechanism. The folds happen with fabric hinges that have been experimented with different materials, machinery, and fundamentals.
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Competitive market research and product designWANG, Haixiu 21 November 2014 (has links)
To learn the uncertainty of customer preference on the attribute of new product, usually a firm needs to do market research. Developing a product on an attribute which is less preferred by customer may lead to a failure. In addition, a firm used to take efforts to design the product. In recent years, we observed a new business model in which the firm does not take effort to design new product, nor does she do market research by herself. She provides rewards to attract outside designers to design new product. Some designers may take effort and design products based on their private information of customer preference. The firm receives designs with different quality and attribute, she chooses one to produce. By solving this game model, we get the equilibrium quality of the design offered by each designer based on their private cost parameter. And we obtain the following insights: When the market size is too small, the firm gives nothing to designers; when the market size is sufficiently big, the firm only gives reward to the designer whose design is produced; otherwise the firm gives both rewards to participated designers and the designer whose design is produced. We find that when the market size is big enough or the disutility is high enough, the new business model dominates the benchmark business model. When both the disutility and market size are small enough, the firm prefers the benchmark business model. And the relative attractiveness of new business model versus benchmark model keeps the same when the market size is small enough. The impact of extra reward on relative attractiveness of new business model versus benchmark model increases with extra reward. When the extra reward is high enough, the firm always prefers the new business model.
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Articulated Maintenance : Improving maintainability for the nextgenerations of Volvo CE’s articulated haulersPræsto, Richard January 2017 (has links)
This is a project performed by me, Richard Præsto, student at Luleå University ofTechnology, with the intentions to suggest an improvement for the maintenancesystem of Volvo Construction Equipment’s articulated haulers. Today, themaintenance process consists of several different maintenance points and isperformed by maintenance technicians all over the world – but since the machinesneed to be taken out of production in order to receive maintenance, the processneeds to be quick. By researching documents, performing field studies and testingnew ideas, several different solutions were found and evaluated, to eventually befiltered down to one final concept. The final concept, which suggested animprovement of the engine oil and engine filter exchange processes, lived up to theexpectations by fulfilling the project goals and objectives. It was concluded that thesolution was a clear improvement and that it was also applicable to the whole rangeof the VCE machines.
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The application of Quality Function Deployment to the design and manufacture of engine main bearingsFoster, John D. 02 February 2010 (has links)
<p>Quality Function Deployment is an extremely useful tool which can be applied
within the Systems Engineering Process, to optimize product design and the design
process. The use of cross functional teams to analyze customer needs; translate them
into design attributes; and subsequently deploy them through every facet of product
design, development, and production, can significantly enhance the effectiveness and
efficiency of the entire process. Unfortunately the few examples of Quality Function
Deployment application, in the academic literature, are generally simplistic and lack any
significant depth.</p>
The objective of this report is to investigate the application of Quality Function
Deployment to a relatively complex product design requirement in an actual
manufacturing environment. Specifically, the design and production of engine main
bearings at the Federal Mogul plant in Blacksburg, Virginia, are considered.</p>
The report examines the use of Quality Function Deployment, as a general design
tool; the functional requirements and design constraints of engine main bearings; and the
application of one variation of Quality Function Deployment to the evaluation of
proposed changes to a bearing's design configuration and the bearing production process.</p>
The report concludes with recommendations concerning the implementation of
Quality Function Deployment at Federal Mogul, the conduct of Quality Function
Deployment instruction at Virginia Tech and a possible avenue for future research.</p> / Master of Science
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Facilitators and barriers to motivation in music production : Discovering opportunities for product companies to support motivation in music productionHolmberg, Henrik January 2020 (has links)
In music production, along with other creative endeavors, there is a recurring phenomenon of loss of motivation during the process of creating. Within the community of music producers, there is no unified picture of what leads to lack of motivation, and little academic research has been done on motivation in music production specifically. However, when it comes to motivation in creativity, there is some research which suggest that intrinsic motivators are the primary regulators of motivation in creativity. Whether extrinsic motivators are detrimental to intrinsic motivation or can be used to facilitate intrinsic motivation, as well as what kind of extrinsic motivators that may facilitate intrinsic motivation, is still debated. This thesis sets out to discover what facilitators and barriers to motivation can be found in the music production process of electronic music producers, and whether this knowledge can be applied to products for music production. To examine facilitators and barriers in music production, a phenomenology-inspired, bottom-up methodology of semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis is employed on professional and enthusiast music producers. The results show that while baseline intrinsic motivators such as the will to create are vital for motivation, there are a lot of extrinsic factors at play in sustaining motivation through music production as well. This thesis is presented with product companies that make products for electronic music production in mind, and through the results of this thesis, numerous suggestions on what to think about when designing for motivation in music production are presented.
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Sémiotika designu: Produktový design jako selektivní proces materializace Případová studie: Designéři jako tvůrci materializovaných představ / Design Semiotics: Product design as a selective process of materialization Case study: Designers as the creators of materialized representationsDostálová, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
This paper deals with design semiotics, focuses on product design (light design) from the perspectives of social semiotics (van Leeuwen, 2005; Kress a van Leeuwen, 2006), multimodality (Kress, 2010) and product design (Norman, 1988, 2004a; Monö, 1997), and perceive design as a multimodal process of choices as well as a result of materialization of meanings. The theoretical chapters are dedicated to definitions of particular approaches and terms, which are applied within the empirical parts afterwards. These rely on the theories mentioned above and the design phases established by Riley (2003, 2004), which we linked with given theoretical approaches (the discourse phase with social semiotics; the conception phase with multimodality and emotional design; the inception phase with multimodality; and the reception phase with social semiotics and product design). Semi-structured interviews were held with three designers engaged in light design - Jan Plecháč, Jakub Pollág and Karel Matějka. The purpose of this paper is to explore and compare practices of designers from their own perspectives, considering intended product meanings (purposes), used modes and highlighting different design levels. Key words Social semiotics, product design, emotional design, multimodality, materialization
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