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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Le vieillissement au travail chez les infirmières et le personnel soignant d’expérience auprès de personnes en perte d’autonomie : activités professionnelles et cadres bureaucratiques en transformation

Tourville, Yvan 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à comprendre comment les transformations bureaucratiques influencent l’activité professionnelle des infirmières et du personnel soignant d’expérience dans le domaine des soins aux personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie depuis les années 90 au Québec. Elle s’inscrit dans une profonde remise en question de l’État-providence, de sa régulation hiérarchique, de son rapport avec le marché privé, et particulièrement des agences privées de placement du personnel. Prenant en compte le déploiement inégal des changements imposés de façon top down et promus par des considérations économiques visant une plus grande « performance » des services publics, plus près du milieu de vie de la personne, notre démarche tient aussi compte de la dimension relationnelle propre au travail infirmier, qui s’illustre par des formes différenciées tenant compte des modèles de pratique préconisés. Notre démarche s’attarde finalement aux rapports entre l’activité professionnelle et la prise de la retraite. À travers l’exploration du nouveau rôle attendu de l’infirmière, dont les habiletés de « chef » ou de « gestion d’équipe de travail » sont sollicitées à titre d’« intervenante pivot » ou de « gestionnaire de cas », et de la place importante qu’occupe la notion de compétences relationnelles dans la prescription de nouvelles modalités des services, plus près des besoins spécifiques de la personne, les données empiriques se présentent sous la forme d’un tableau hétérogène qui montre que ce ne sont pas toutes les infirmières qui souscrivent à ce type de pratique professionnelle. Leur âge, expérience et trajectoire professionnelle, le poste occupé ou encore le milieu de pratique influenceront le rapport entre leurs activités professionnelles et le cadre bureaucratique en transformation. La base empirique de la recherche est constituée d’une collecte de données réalisée entre janvier 2003 et juillet 2006 et qui comprend 9 entrevues exploratoires, 7 entrevues semi-dirigées auprès de retraité-e-s, infirmières, infirmières auxiliaires, 17 réunions incluant majoritairement des membres de la direction d’établissements, ainsi que des syndicats, 21 observations directes avec des infirmières, infirmières auxiliaires, préposées aux bénéficiaires et auxiliaires familiales et sociales, la passation de 112 questionnaires auprès de ces différentes catégories professionnelles, et 7 entrevues semi-dirigées complémentaires, réparties dans 4 établissements différents, sur deux territoires. Quatre grands constats ressortent de notre matériel empirique. Premièrement, la dimension relationnelle au sein des activités professionnelles du personnel soignant d’expérience ainsi que sa perception en ce qui concerne les compétences et l’âge présentent des formes contrastées, voire opposées. Si certains membres du personnel soignant estiment que les interactions professionnelles se sont considérablement réduites à la suite des transformations des dernières années et que la compétence n’est pas reliée à l’âge des professionnelles, les observations directes indiquent, au contraire, un rapport étroit entre ces deux derniers éléments qui s’illustre à travers de riches relations interpersonnelles. Les données quantitatives montrent, quant à elles, qu’une écrasante majorité de répondantes estiment que les compétences associées à leurs fonctions sont reconnues par l’organisation (89,3%), probablement sous l’angle de la conformité aux descriptions de travail, et qu’elles bénéficient d’une marge d’autonomie dans leur travail (83%). Deuxièmement, des résultats s’opposent également en ce qui concerne l’influence du cadre bureaucratique sur les « capacités » ou l’« intérêt » des infirmières d’expérience à maintenir un lien à l’emploi à la date d’éligibilité à la retraite. La majorité des répondantes s’estiment « incapables » de conserver un tel lien alors qu’une minorité d’entre elles exprime un intérêt face au nouveau rôle souhaité chez l’infirmière. Quantitativement, la prise de la retraite à bas âge est toutefois marquante, surtout pour celles qui occupent une fonction et possèdent une rémunération élevée (ex. cadres). Troisièmement, des contrastes apparaissent aussi en ce qui concerne les formes que prennent les rivalités entre les infirmières d’expérience et d’autres catégories professionnelles ainsi que dans les rapports intergénérationnels. Même si les trois quarts (76,2%) des répondantes d’expérience estiment que la répartition du travail devrait être le fruit d’une discussion entre elles et les plus jeunes, et non une imposition de la direction, près de la totalité (92,6%) veulent garder leurs acquis sociaux même si elles savent que la prochaine génération de travailleuses n’aura pas les mêmes avantages. Leur rapport face aux professionnelles d’agences privées de placement est également paradoxal. Huit répondantes sur dix (78,6%) perçoivent le fait que l’établissement recourt aux agences de placement contribue à alourdir leur travail, alors qu’une partie envisage de poursuivre leur activité professionnelle après leur date d’éligibilité à la retraite, par l’intermédiaire de ces mêmes agences. Finalement, il ressort de ce portrait hétérogène que la confrontation des changements du cadre bureaucratique sur l’activité professionnelle se manifestera différemment selon la vision paradigmatique qu’aura le personnel soignant de sa pratique. Les résultats quantitatifs et qualitatifs soulignent que ce paradigme sera influencé par trois dimensions : le territoire de pratique, le type d’établissement de services et l’unité spécifique de travail. Le style de gestion (traditionnel ou intégrateur) influencera également l’impact de ces changements. L’analyse et l’interprétation de l’influence différenciée des transformations bureaucratiques sur l’activité professionnelle s’illustrent par la manifestation de rapports plus conflictuels avec les autorités administrative et professionnelle, ainsi que dans les relations interprofessionnelles. Ces conflits ont émergé lors du passage d’un cadre bureaucratique historiquement construit sur un modèle médical (cure) qui considère la personne comme un « malade chronique » et associé à un style de gestion traditionnel, voire autoritaire, surtout dans certains CHSLD, à une approche « milieu de vie » privilégiant un modèle d’accompagnement (care) favorisant des services associés aux besoins spécifiques de la personne en perte d’autonomie, à titre de « partenaire actif ». Le style de gestion intégrateur de ce dernier modèle rapproche les domaines administratif et de soins de santé, approche que nous retrouvons davantage, mais non exclusivement, dans le cadre de soins à domicile. Une des conclusions majeures de cette thèse est la possibilité d’« enrichir les qualifications de base » (Le Boterf, 2005) des professionnelles lorsque le cadre bureaucratique et le style de gestion institués tendent vers un modèle care/intégrateur, ce qui constitue une forme de « compromis social » (Oiry, 2004). La « surutilisation » des effectifs (O’Brian-Pallas et al., 2005) qui en résulte peut expliquer, en partie, l’incontournable force d’attraction vers la retraite, dès la date d’admissibilité, du personnel soignant, quitte à ce qu’il poursuive ensuite ses activités professionnelles, selon des exigences personnelles, par le biais d’agences privées de placement. Les « fissures » (Laville, 2005) de la frontière entre les services publics et ceux du marché privé ne peuvent alors que s’accentuer, surtout lorsqu’on constate que le cinquième des effectifs, soit 14, 000 infirmières de 55 ans et plus, est potentiellement admissible à la retraite dès maintenant (OIIQ, 2008a). / This thesis aims to understand how bureaucratic transformations influence professional activity of experienced nurses since the 90s in Quebec in the field of elderly care who dealing with the lost of autonomy. It falls into a deep questioning of the Welfare state, its hierarchic regulation, and its relationship with the private market, particularly the private nursing agencies. Taking into account the unequal deployment of changes implemented in a top down manner, and promoted by economic considerations for a greater “performance” of public services, closer to the living environment of the individual, our approach takes also into account the specific relational dimension of nursing work, which is illustrated by differentiated forms that reflect practice models. Our research finally focuses on the relationship between professional activity and time of retirement. While taking into account the new nursing role expectations, in which “leadership” and “management team work” abilities are in demand as a “pivot professional” or “case management”, and of the important place of the concept of relational skills in the prescription of new modalities of service, closer to the specific needs of the individual, empirical data is presented in the form of a heterogeneous picture which shows that not all nurses subscribe to this type of professional practice. Age, experience and professional career, position or the practice environment will influence the relationship between their professional activities and bureaucratic framework in transformation. The empirical basis of this research consists of a data collection conducted between January 2003 and July 2006 and includes: 9 exploratory interviews; 7 semi-structured interviews with retirees, nurses, and nursing assistants; 17 meetings attended by management and unions; 21 direct observations with nurses, nursing assistants, orderlies, and home and social aids; 112 questionnaires distributed to the aforementioned professional groups; and 7 semi-structured interviews, in 4 different organizations from two territories. Four major findings emerged from the empirical findings. First, the relational dimension in the professional activities of experienced nursing staff and their perceptions regarding skills and ages have contrasting and even opposite forms: while some believe that professional interactions have greatly reduced following the transformations of recent years and that skills are not related to the age of the professional, direct observations rather indicate a close relationship between these two elements, and which is illustrated through rich interpersonal relationship. The quantitative data shows, in turn, that an overwhelming majority of respondents believe that the skills associated with their functions are recognized by the organization (89.3%), probably in terms of compliance with the job description, and that they enjoy a degree of autonomy in their work (83%). Second, results are also opposed in regards to the influence of the bureaucratic framework under the "capacities" or "interest" of experienced nurses to maintain a link to the employment at the date of eligibility retirement: the majority of respondents consider themselves "unable" to maintain such a link while a minority express an interest in facing the new expectation. Quantitatively, taking retirement at an early age is oustanding, especially for those who hold high position and pay (ex. managers). Third, contrasts also appear regarding the forms taken by the rivalries between experienced nurses, other professional groups and in intergenerational relationships. Even if three quarters (76.2%) of respondents believe that the division of labor should be the result of a discussion between themselves and younger staff, and not an imposition of the direction, almost all (92.6%) want to keep their social benefits even if they know that the next generation of workers will not have the same benefits. Their relationship with professionals working for private nursing agencies is also paradoxical: eight in ten respondents (78.6%) perceive that using their services contributes to increase their work, while continuing professional activities at the date of eligibility for retirement is planned through these same agencies. Finally, this heterogeneous picture underlines confrontational changes in the bureaucratic framework concerning professional activity that will manifest itself differently depending on the paradigmatic vision of the nursing staff of their practice. The quantitative and qualitative results emphasize that this paradigm is influenced by three dimensions: the territory of practice, the type of service establishments and the specific unit of work. Management style (traditional or integrator) will also influence the impact of these changes. The analysis and interpretation of the differentiated influence of bureaucratic changes on professional activity are illustrated by more conflicting reports with administrative and professional authorities, as well as with inter-professional’s relationships. These conflicts have emerged during the transition from a historically bureaucratic framework built on a medical model (cure), which considers the individual as a "chronically ill", and associated with a traditional management style, even authoritarian, especially in some nursing homes, to an approach that emphasizes living environment, a model of support (care) that favors related services to the specific needs of the individual in loss of autonomy, as an "active partner". The integrator’s management style of this latter model will bring the administrative and health care closer, that we find more, but not exclusively, through home care. A major conclusion of this thesis is the ability to "enrich the basic skills" (Le Boterf, 2005) of professionals when the bureaucratic framework and management style tend to set up a care/integrator’s model, which is a form of "social compromise" (Oiry, 2004). However, the "overuse" of the workforce (O'Brien-Pallas et al., 2005) that may result can explain, partially, the inescapable pull of retirement, from the date of eligibility of nursing staff, even if they then continues then their professional activities, according to their personal requirements, through private agencies. The "cracks" (Laville, 2005) in the border between public services and private market can then only increase, especially as the fifth of the workforce, 14 000 nurses aged 55 and over, are potentially eligible to retired now (OIIQ, 2008a).

"The hand is the cutting edge of the mind" : the role of the service partner in service learning.

Bruzas, Clive Anthony. January 2004 (has links)
This study explores the role of the service partner in service learning. The reason for choosing this topic is its relevance to one emerging model of service learning in South Africa (that of a three-fold partnership approach), as well as its relevance to my own life and work in the "service sector". Given my own passionate engagement with service learning since 1999, and my participation in the CHESP programme as a service partner, I chose to use a process of modified heuristic inquiry for my research. This approach acknowledges the experience of the researcher as an integral (if not central) part of the research, and allows the voice of the researcher to be heard clearly throughout the unfolding research process. It also allows the voices of others who have an intimate involvement with the research topic to be heard, hence my engagement with others through both individual and focus group interviews. Heuristic inquiry also encourages the presentation of findings in the form of a "creative synthesis", which may take different (usually artistic) forms. For the synthesis of my findings, I created a palimpsest, a painting in mixed media which incorporates the dimensions of both space and time, thus allowing me to express visually my emerging understandings of the role of the service partner over the course of my engagement in the CHESP programme. The creation of the palimpsest also allowed me to engage with an aesthetic way of knowing. Central to the presentation of my findings (in both visual and narrative form), has been the idea of "new ways of knowing", initially brought to my attention by Richard Bawden during the CHESP Leadership Capacity Building Programme (LCBP). I have drawn extensively on the four types of knowing presented during the LCBP: propositional; practical; experiential; and inspirational, and have related these to my deepening understanding of the role of the service partner and associated questions. In the final chapter I suggest ways in which service partners may better prepare themselves to play a more meaningful role in both service learning and in the facilitation of services, and briefly consider my own future role in service learning. / Thesis (M.Com.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2004.

Gut versorgt im ländlichen Raum

Karmann, Alexander, Werblow, Andreas, Marquardt, Gesine, Müller, Sven, Jurack, Andrea, Weinhold, Ines, Fiala, Oliver 07 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Der demografische Wandel vollzieht sich insbesondere in den ländlichen Gebieten Sachsens bereits in großen Schritten. Junge und hoch qualifizierte Menschen wandern weiterhin ab und die älteren bleiben zurück. Daraus resultiert ein Bevölkerungsrückgang, der zu einer Ausdünnung der Infrastruktur in diesen Gebieten führt. Insbesondere der reduzierte öffentliche Personennahverkehr schränkt die Mobilität der älteren Bevölkerung immer stärker ein. Gleichzeitig wird mit dem sich erhöhenden Altersdurchschnitt die Nachfrage nach medizinischer und pflegerischer Versorgung ansteigen. Ältere Menschen werden somit abhängig von der Unterstützung durch Familienangehörige, Freunde und Nachbarn. Stehen diese nicht zur Verfügung, sind das Verlassen des gewohnten Umfelds und der Umzug in eine stationäre Altenpflegeeinrichtung oftmals die einzige verbleibende Alternative. Dies entspricht jedoch weder den individuellen Wünschen der Betroffenen noch ist es aus volkswirtschaftlicher Perspektive sinnvoll. Die vorliegende Projektstudie wurde aus Mitteln der Demografierichtlinie durch die Sächsische Staatsregierung gefördert und hat zum Ziel, die Lebensbedingungen älterer Menschen in dünn besiedelten Regionen so sicherzustellen, dass sie in ihrem vertrauten Lebensumfeld so lange wie möglich verbleiben können. Dazu ist es notwendig, dass Elemente der Daseinsvorsorge, wie insbesondere medizinische und pflegerische Leistungen, Waren des täglichen Bedarfs etc., in ihrem unmittelbaren Umfeld vorhanden und für sie selbstständig erreichbar sind. Um diese kleinräumige Versorgung bedarfsgerecht und kosteneffizient gestalten zu können, ist die Entwicklung, Erprobung und Evaluierung entsprechender neuer Konzeptionen notwendig. Die Innovation des vorliegenden Projektes besteht darin, dass eine Lösung entwickelt wurde, deren Elemente nach raumplanerischen und gesundheitsökonomischen Gesichtspunkten aufeinander abgestimmt sind und den Bedürfnissen der Bevölkerung im Altersbereich 70+ entspricht.

Viešojo ir privataus sektorių bendradarbiavimo galimybių vertinimas / Public-Private sector cooperation: evaluation of opportunities

Gecevičiūtė, Vaida 26 June 2014 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu daugelyje šalių privatus sektorius yra vis intensyviau įtraukiamas finansuojant ir įgyvendinant valstybės ir savivaldybių investicijų projektus, susijusius su viešosios infrastruktūros plėtra ir viešųjų paslaugų teikimu. Vis dėlto Lietuvoje viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystė yra naujovė, bendrų projektų įgyvendinimui trukdo netobula įstatymų bazė, neigiamas visuomenės nuomonė, praktikos ir žinių šioje srityje trūkumas. Todėl tikslinga šiame darbe išanalizuoti ir įvertinti visas aplinkybes, kurios trukdo viešajam sektoriui bendradarbiauti su privataus sektoriaus atstovais, supažindinti su VPSP būkle ir perspektyvomis Lietuvoje. Darbe keliamas tikslas yra išanalizuoti viešojo ir privataus sektorių bendradarbiavimo Lietuvoje alternatyvas, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant pagal partnerystės principą įgyvendinamiems projektams. Šio tikslo siekiama pirmiausia supažindinant su viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės samprata, svarbiausiais principais ir esme. Pateikiama pagal partnerystės schemas Lietuvoje įgyvendinamų projektų apžvalga ir vykdymo tendencijos, atlikta detalesnė VPSP reglamentuojančių teisės aktų analizė ir vertinimas. Taip pat pasitelkus anketinę apklausą siekiama įvertinti tarpsektorinio bendradarbiavimo savivaldose galimybes. Savivaldybėse atliktas tyrimas patvirtino iškeltą hipotezę, kad Lietuvoje nėra sudarytos pakankamos prielaidos viešojo sektoriaus institucijoms bendradarbiauti su privačiu verslu. Pastebėta tendencija, kad įtraukiant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Recently in many countries private sector are increasingly involved in financing and implementation of state and municipal investment projects related to public infrastructure and public service development and improvement. However, in Lithuania, public-private sector partnership implementation remains a novelty, as joint projects implementation are hampered by imperfect legislation, negative public attitudes, practices and lack of knowledge in this field. It is therefore appropriate in this work to examine all the circumstances that prevent public sector to cooperate with the private sector. Accordingly, PPP condition and prospects in Lithuania are analyzed. The aim of this work is to analyze alternatives of public and private sector cooperation, focusing on projects that are implementing under partnership principle. This objective is reached presenting concept of public-private sector partnership, the main principles and point. Also in this work are presented a review of projects implementing under partnership schemes, a more detailed PPP legislation analysis and evaluation. There is also given a questionnaire survey to assess cooperation opportunities in municipality of Lithuania. Results of survey presented that raised hypothesis was approved. There are not enough good conditions for public and private sector cooperation in Lithuania. Observed trend that in a joint project with private partner are applied other more often used forms, like lease or public procurement... [to full text]

La transformation des organisations publiques au Liban et son impact sur leurs performances, en lien avec la satisfaction des usagers. / The transformation of public organizations in Lebanon and its impact on their performance in relation to the users satisfaction

Damaj, Kamar 02 July 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objet l’étude de la problématique de la transformation organisationnelle dans le contexte des organisations publiques au Liban. Elle porte plus particulièrement sur l’amélioration de la qualité des services publics dans les organisations publiques. La qualité est le fer de lance de la stratégie de développement de la satisfaction des usagers. La question de la qualité dans la gestion publique est particulièrement aiguë aujourd'hui. Nous pouvons souligner que les organisations publiques s'orientent davantage vers la satisfaction des usagers qui devient l'un des plus importants objectifs au sein de ces organisations. Cette recherche montre que le cadre théorique et méthodologique de l’analyse socio-économique contribue à améliorer le fonctionnement des organisations. Les prescriptions que nous formulons se déclinent à partir des concepts de la « qualité des services », de la « transformation organisationnelle », et de la « satisfaction des usagers ». Le modèle d’intervention proposée par cette approche consiste, non plus à saisir la qualité à partir des buts à atteindre et à obtenir les transformations requises, mais à définir les conditions d’une possibilité du changement, et à conduire les transformations du management et du fonctionnement de l’organisation, dans ses infrastructures, qui permettront d’atteindre les objectifs ou la mise en œuvre d’une politique d’une plus grande satisfaction de l’usager. Notre contribution, principalement exploratoire, permet de prescrire les adaptations à réaliser sur le plan du management et du fonctionnement des organisations publiques. Notre objectif sera de faire des propositions pour la mise en place d'un système de management socio-économique visant à réduire les dysfonctionnement, à maîtriser la qualité, et à adapter sans cesse les structures d'une organisation publique. / This research has as objective to study the problematic of the organizational transformation in the context of the public organizations in Lebanon. It is more particularly about the improvement of the quality of public services in the public organizations. The quality is the spearhead of the strategy of the development of users’ satisfaction. Nowadays, the topic of the quality in the public management is particularly severe. We can emphasize that the public organizations are moving towards to satisfy more the users, which becomes one of the most important objectives within these organizations.This research shows that the theoretical and methodological scope of the socioeconomic analysis has contributed to improve the functioning of the organizations. The instructions that we formulate are stated on the basis of the notions of the “services quality”, of the “organizational transformation” and of the “users’ satisfaction”. The model of the suggested intervention by this approach does not consist anymore of seizing the quality on the basis of the goals to reach and to obtain from the required transformations, but to define the conditions of change possibility, and to lead the transformations of the management and of the functioning of the organization, in its infrastructures, which will permit to reach the goals or to perform a policy of a bigger satisfaction of the user.Our contribution, which is mostly exploratory, permits to prescribe the adaptations to be realized as regards to the management and functioning of public organizations. Our objective will be to formulate suggestions for the setting of a socioeconomic management system aiming at reducing the malfunctioning, controlling the quality, and at the permanent adaptation of the structures of a public organization.

O conceito dogmático-jurídico de serviço público brasileiro : análise acerca da estrutura conceitual disposta na Constituição de 1988

Dias, Cassiano Aristimunha January 2017 (has links)
A noção pátria de serviço público é concebida a partir dos conceitos de serviço público e de serviço de utilidade pública oriundos, respectivamente, da França e dos Estados Unidos da América. Esses conceitos foram introduzidos no Brasil por ação doutrinária à luz da Constituição de 1891. Parte do resultado dessas discussões foi positivada no texto constitucional de 1934. A partir daí o tema figurou em todas as Constituições subsequentes. A Constituição de 1988, assim como as que a precederam, não veicula um conceito material de serviço público expresso em uma fórmula. A estrutura constitucional do conceito de serviço público é bastante complexa. O atual texto constitucional trata de serviço público em variados sentidos, os quais são dimensionados de formas diversas de acordo com as atividades abarcadas. Esses sentidos e dimensionamentos foram construídos ao longo da história constitucional, razão pela qual sua compreensão exige a análise dos textos das Constituições precedentes. Em linhas gerais, serviço público aparece no texto constitucional em três sentidos, quais sejam: o material, o orgânico e o formal. O sentido material é dimensionado nas acepções ampla e restrita. É no interior desse sentido, no qual a expressão serviço público significa atividade, que estão situados os critérios orgânico, formal e material, oriundos da tradição francesa. No âmbito do sentido material situam-se as maiores dificuldades e divergências sobre o tema. No sentido orgânico, serviço público se refere aos órgãos e entidades do Estado. No sentido formal, serviço público é um regime jurídico atribuível às competências materiais de cunho prestacional e natureza econômica do Estado. É no âmbito desse sentido que se encontra a função do conceito de serviço público. Alternativamente ao regime jurídico dos serviços públicos, a Constituição de 1988 prevê o regime jurídico de direito privado. Nesse regime jurídico a potencialização da concorrência é o elemento central, o que exige o desenvolvimento de mecanismos que facilitem o acesso pelos particulares ao setor. Tal acesso é facilitado pelo uso da autorização. A competência pública exercida pelos particulares por meio de autorização configura-se como serviço de utilidade pública à brasileira. A partir dessa estrutura conceitual é possível melhor compreender a noção de serviço público no âmbito dos Estados-membros e municípios e os modos de ação desses entes federados no domínio econômico. / The Brazilian concept of public service is created from the French notion of public service and the American notion of public utility. These ideas were introduced into Brazilian Law by doctrine following the Constitution of 1891. Part of the results of the debates stirred by the use of the diverging concepts got incorporated to the text of the Constitution of 1934. From then on, every subsequent Constitution addressed the issue. The Constitution of 1988, like the ones that preceded it, does not present a substantive concept of public service. The constitutional structure of the concept of public service is thoroughly complex. The current constitutional text treats public services in different senses, which are managed according to the activities comprehended by it. These senses have been constructed throughout our constitutional history, and for that reason, their comprehension requires an analysis of the preceding Constitutions’ texts. In broad lines, public services appear in the Constitution in three senses, which are: the substantive, the organic and the formal. The substantive sense is measured in broad and strict meanings. It is in the core of the substantive sense, in which public service means activity, that the French-born organic, formal and substantive senses are situated. It is regarding the substantive sense that the greatest difficulties and divergences concerning the theme arise. In the organic sense, public service refers to the public organs and entities. In the formal sense, public service is a legal regime attributable to the positive substantive competencies and the economic nature of the State. It is in regards to the substantive sense that the function of the concept of public service takes place. Alternative to the public services’ legal regime, the Constitution of 1988 also includes a private law legal regime. In this alternative regime, the increase of competition figures as central element, which demands mechanisms to enable private access to the area. Such access is facilitated by use of authorization. The public competency exerted by private initiative through authorization is known as Brazilian public utility service. From that conceptual structure, it is possible to better understand the notion of public service in the scope of member-states and counties, as well as the courses of action adopted by these federate entities on economy.

Notes to the Tax System of Public Works of Infrastructure and Public Services Concessions / Apuntes en Torno al Régimen Fiscal de las Concesiones de Obras Públicas de Infraestructura y de Servicios Públicos

Tuesta Madueño, Arturo, Polo Chiroque, Roberto 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this report, the main Income Tax aspects related to the concessions of public infrastructure and of public services regulated by Supreme Decrete N° 059-96-PCM are analyzed. Hence, the applicable rules for investments made by the concessionaires and the treatment of self- sustained and co-financed concessions will be examined. To conclude this report, legislative changes that, in opinion of the authors would help provide greater security to the current regime on benefit of the Peruvian State and the investors, are suggested. / En este artículo se analiza el tratamiento para fines del Impuesto a la Renta de las concesiones de obras públicas de infraestructura y de servicios públicos regulados por el Decreto Supremo N° 059-96-PCM, que rige la entrega de las referidas concesiones. Así, se examina el régimen aplicable a las inversiones realizadas por los concesionarios, el tratamiento de las concesiones auto-sostenibles y las concesiones cofinanciadas. Para culminar este artículo, se proponen cambios legislativos que, en opinión de los autores, ayudarían a dotar de mayor seguridad al régimen actual en beneficio del Estado peruano y de los inversionistas.

The constitutional principle of french laicism post Charlie Hebdo / El principio constitucional de laicidad en Francia: a un año del atentado contra Charlie Hebdo

Revilla Izquierdo, Milagros Aurora 10 April 2018 (has links)
The attack on Charlie Hebdo in January 2015 caused political statements and academic reflections principally on the danger to constitutional principle of french laicism and republican values, without detriment to the references to freedom of expression and other rights as to the relationship with terrorist attacks in november 13 in Paris in the same year. The purpose of this work is the understanding and application of this constitutional principle in the present circumstances in France. The point of reference is the legal basis, the recent national jurisprudence and consideration of this in the international legal community. / El atentado contra Charlie Hebdo en enero de 2015 provocó declaraciones políticas y reflexiones académicas sobre, principalmente, la amenaza que significó para el principio constitucional de laicidad francés y los valores de la República, sin perjuicio de la mención a la libertad de expresión y otros derechos, así como a la relación con los ataques terroristas cometidos el 13 de noviembre en París en el mismo año. El objeto de este trabajo es la comprensión y aplicación de este principio constitucional en las circunstancias actuales en Francia, tomando en cuenta sus fundamentos jurídicos, la reciente jurisprudencia nacional y la consideración sobre este principio en la comunidad jurídica internacional.

A cidade de Porto Alegre entre 1820 e 1980 : as transformações físicas da capital a partir das impressões dos viajantes estrangeiros

Mello, Bruno César Euphrasio de January 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata de Porto Alegre durante os anos de 1820 – 1890. Tem como objetivo realizar uma análise das transformações e características de seu espaço urbano a partir da leitura e do cruzamento das descrições da cidade contidas nos relatos dos viajantes estrangeiros. É um estudo que se apóia nos diários destes informantes, fontes não oficiais e pouco utilizadas nas pesquisas empreendidas por arquitetos e urbanistas sobre a capital, para valorizá-los como possibilidades de contribuição para o estudo da cidade. Nesse sentido a pesquisa busca alternativa às fontes utilizadas com mais freqüência como a cartografia histórica e os documentos oficiais e procura avaliar que estas outras fontes são importantes e devem ser mais exploradas pelos estudos urbanos. Seu uso permitiria, assim, uma aproximação mais íntima com o cotidiano da cidade, com seus espaços, com as sensações que eles transmitem. São buscados nos textos dos viajantes informações sobre Porto Alegre relativas aos seus aspectos locacionais (implantação, arrabaldes, malha urbana/arruamento e aparência geral do conjunto), seus serviços públicos e de infra-estrutura urbana (estradas, abastecimento de água, esgotamento sanitário e pluvial, limpeza urbana, transporte, calçamento, iluminação, policiamento, aterros), seus equipamentos e espaços públicos (hospitais, instituições de ensino, templos religiosos, cais e alfândega, quartéis e edificações de cunho militar, teatros, cemitério, presídio, mercado, edifícios administrativos, esporte e lazer, praças e parques) e outras características não enquadradas nas categorias anteriores (conjunto da arquitetura residencial, população, etc). Foram selecionados seis viajantes como fontes para subsidiar a pesquisa, dispersos em saltos de tempo mais ou menos regulares ao longo dos setenta anos do recorte temporal adotado. São eles: Auguste Saint-Hilaire, Arsène Isabelle, Robert Ave-Lallemant, Oscar Canstatt, Wilhelm Breitenbach e Moritz Schanz. / This thesis is about Porto Alegre during the years of 1820 – 1890. Its objective is to analize the transformations and characteristics of its urban space from the reading and crossing of the descriptions of the city contained in the reports of foreing travelers. It is a study that relies on diaries, unofficial sources little used in the researches from architects and planners about the capital, to value them as a possible contribution to the study of the city. In this sense the research seeks alternative sources to the used most often as the historical cartography and the official documents, and also to present that these other sources are important and should be more explored by urban studies. Its use would enable a more intimate approach to the daily life of the city, with its spaces and the feelings they convey. Are sought in the writings of travelers information about Porto Alegre regarding locational aspects (implantation, suburbs, urban network/streets and general appearance of the whole), its public services and urban infrastructure (roads, water supply, sewerage, urban sanitation, transportation, sidewalks, lighting, policing, landfill), its equipment and public places (hospitals, educational institutions, religious temples, wharf and customhouse, quarters and buildings of military nature, theaters, cemeteries, prisons, markets, administrative buildings, sports and recreation, squares and parks) and other characteristics not covered into the above categories (cluster of residential architecture, population, etc.). Were selected six travelers as sources to support the research, dispersed with certain regularity throughout the seventy years studied. They are: Auguste Saint-Hilaire, Arsène Isabelle, Robert Avé-Lallemant, Oscar Canstatt, Wilhelm Breitenbach and Moritz Schanz.

Three essays on local demand for public services

Menezes, Rafael Terra de 03 May 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Rafael Terra (rflterra@yahoo.com.br) on 2012-05-07T03:21:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertation Final Rafael Terra de Menezes May 2012.pdf: 9750545 bytes, checksum: aa5ad52c395ae0a69a42c64b246ce7bf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel (gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2012-05-07T13:37:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertation Final Rafael Terra de Menezes May 2012.pdf: 9750545 bytes, checksum: aa5ad52c395ae0a69a42c64b246ce7bf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-05-07T14:06:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertation Final Rafael Terra de Menezes May 2012.pdf: 9750545 bytes, checksum: aa5ad52c395ae0a69a42c64b246ce7bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-03 / Local provision of public services has the positive effect of increasing the efficiency because each locality has its idiosyncrasies that determine a particular demand for public services. This dissertation addresses different aspects of the local demand for public goods and services and their relationship with political incentives. The text is divided in three essays. The first essay aims to test the existence of yardstick competition in education spending using panel data from Brazilian municipalities. The essay estimates two-regime spatial Durbin models with time and spatial fixed effects using maximum likelihood, where the regimes represent different electoral and educational accountability institutional settings. First, it is investigated whether the lame duck incumbents tend to engage in less strategic interaction as a result of the impossibility of reelection, which lowers the incentives for them to signal their type (good or bad) to the voters by mimicking their neighbors’ expenditures. Additionally, it is evaluated whether the lack of electorate support faced by the minority governments causes the incumbents to mimic the neighbors’ spending to a greater extent to increase their odds of reelection. Next, the essay estimates the effects of the institutional change introduced by the disclosure on April 2007 of the Basic Education Development Index (known as IDEB) and its goals on the strategic interaction at the municipality level. This institutional change potentially increased the incentives for incumbents to follow the national best practices in an attempt to signal their type to voters, thus reducing the importance of local information spillover. The same model is also tested using school inputs that are believed to improve students’ performance in place of education spending. The results show evidence for yardstick competition in education spending. Spatial auto-correlation is lower among the lame ducks and higher among the incumbents with minority support (a smaller vote margin). In addition, the institutional change introduced by the IDEB reduced the spatial interaction in education spending and input-setting, thus diminishing the importance of local information spillover. The second essay investigates the role played by the geographic distance between the poor and non-poor in the local demand for income redistribution. In particular, the study provides an empirical test of the geographically limited altruism model proposed in Pauly (1973), incorporating the possibility of participation costs associated with the provision of transfers (Van de Wale, 1998). First, the discussion is motivated by allowing for an “iceberg cost” of participation in the programs for the poor individuals in Pauly’s original model. Next, using data from the 2000 Brazilian Census and a panel of municipalities based on the viii National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) from 2001 to 2007, all the distance-related explanatory variables indicate that an increased proximity between poor and non-poor is associated with better targeting of the programs (demand for redistribution). For instance, a 1- hour increase in the time spent commuting by the poor reduces the targeting by 3.158 percentage points. This result is similar to that of Ashworth, Heyndels and Smolders (2002) but is definitely not due to the program leakages. To empirically disentangle participation costs and spatially restricted altruism effects, an additional test is conducted using unique panel data based on the 2004 and 2006 PNAD, which assess the number of benefits and the average benefit value received by beneficiaries. The estimates suggest that both cost and altruism play important roles in targeting determination in Brazil, and thus, in the determination of the demand for redistribution. Lastly, the results indicate that ‘size matters’; i.e., the budget for redistribution has a positive impact on targeting. The third essay aims to empirically test the validity of the median voter model for the Brazilian case. Information on municipalities are obtained from the Population Census and the Brazilian Supreme Electoral Court for the year 2000. First, the median voter demand for local public services is estimated. The bundles of services offered by reelection candidates are identified as the expenditures realized during incumbents’ first term in office. The assumption of perfect information of candidates concerning the median demand is relaxed and a weaker hypothesis, of rational expectation, is imposed. Thus, incumbents make mistakes about the median demand that are referred to as misperception errors. Thus, at a given point in time, incumbents can provide a bundle (given by the amount of expenditures per capita) that differs from median voter’s demand for public services by a multiplicative error term, which is included in the residuals of the demand equation. Next, it is estimated the impact of the module of this misperception error on the electoral performance of incumbents using a selection models. The result suggests that the median voter model is valid for the case of Brazilian municipalities. / A provisão local de serviços públicos tem o efeito positivo de aumentar a eficiência, pois cada localidade tem as suas idiossincrasias que determinam uma demanda distinta por serviços públicos. Esta dissertação aborda diferentes aspectos da demanda local por bens e serviços públicos e sua relação com incentivos políticos O texto está dividido em três ensaios. O primeiro ensaio visa testar a existência de yardstick competition nos gastos em educação utilizando um painel de municípios brasileiros. O ensaio estima modelos espaciais de Durbin com dois regimes e efeitos fixos espaciais e temporais por meio de máxima verossimilhança, onde os regimes representam diferentes cenários institucionais de accountability eleitoral e educacional. Primeiro, é investigado se os prefeitos de segundo mandato tendem a interagir menos com os vizinhos como resultado da impossibilidade de reeleição, que reduz os incentivos para sinalizarem seus tipos (bons ou ruins) para os eleitores por meio da reprodução dos gastos de seus vizinhos. Além disso, é avaliado se prefeitos sem apoio político da maioria da câmara dos vereadores (que pode indicar uma falta de apoio dos eleitores) buscam reproduzir os gastos dos vizinhos em maior medida, a fim de aumentarem suas chances de reeleição. Em seguida, o ensaio calcula os efeitos da mudança institucional introduzida pela divulgação do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB) e de suas metas em abril de 2007 sobre a interação estratégica entre governos locais. Esta mudança institucional possivelmente aumentou os incentivos para os prefeitos seguirem as melhores práticas nacionais, na tentativa de sinalizarem aos eleitores que são competentes, reduzindo assim a importância de transbordamentos de informação local. O mesmo modelo é também testado usando insumos escolares que se acreditam aumentarem o desempenho dos alunos no lugar de gastos com educação. Os resultados mostram evidências de yardstick competition nos gastos em educação. A autocorrelação espacial é menor entre os prefeitos em segundo mandato e maior entre os prefeitos com o apoio da minoria (i.e., com uma margem menor de votos). Além disso, a mudança institucional introduzida pelo IDEB reduziu a interação espacial nos gastos educação e na definição dos insumos escolares, diminuindo assim a importância de transbordamentos de informação local. O segundo ensaio investiga o papel desempenhado pela distância geográfica entre os pobres e não pobres na determinação da demanda local por redistribuição de renda. Em particular, o estudo fornece um teste empírico do modelo de altruísmo delimitado geograficamente proposto em Pauly (1973), incorporando ainda a possibilidade de custos de x participação associados à provisão de transferências (Van de Wale, 1998). Primeiramente, a discussão é motivada permitindo que o modelo original Pauly incorpore um "custo iceberg" de participação nos programas para as pessoas pobres. Foram utilizados dados seccionais do Censo Demográfico de 2000 e um painel de municípios com base na Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) de 2001 a 2007. Todas as variáveis explicativas que constituem medidas de distância indicam que uma maior proximidade entre pobres e não pobres está associada a uma melhor cobertura dos programas (demanda por redistribuição). Por exemplo, um aumento de 1 hora no tempo gasto em deslocamento casa-trabalho pelos pobres reduz a cobertura em 3,158 pontos percentuais. Este resultado é semelhante ao de Ashworth, Heyndels e Smolders (2002), mas definitivamente não se deve à existência de vazamentos nos programas. Para diferenciar empiricamente os efeitos resultantes de custos de participação daqueles devido ao altruísmo geograficamente delimitado, um teste adicional é realizado com dados em painel obtidos junto as PNAD de 2004 e de 2006, que avaliam o número de benefícios e o valor do benefício médio recebido pelos beneficiários. As estimativas sugerem que tanto o custo quanto o altruísmo desempenham papéis importantes na determinação da cobertura/focalização de programas sociais no Brasil e, portanto, na determinação da demanda por transferências. Os resultados indicam também que o tamanho do orçamento para a redistribuição tem um impacto positivo na cobertura dos programas. O terceiro ensaio tem como objetivo testar empiricamente a validade do modelo do eleitor mediano para o caso brasileiro. As informações municipais são provenientes do Censo Demográfico e do Tribunal Supremo Eleitoral para o ano de 2000. Primeiramente, a demanda do eleitor mediano para os serviços públicos locais é estimada. As cestas ofertadas pelos candidatos à reeleição são identificadas como os gastos realizados durante o primeiro mandato. A suposição de informação perfeita dos candidatos sobre a demanda mediana é relaxada e uma hipótese mais fraca, de expectativas racionais, é imposta. Assim, os representantes podem se enganar quanto à demanda mediana ao que se denominou “erros de percepção”. Assim, em um determinado ponto no tempo, os representantes podem fornecer uma cesta (dada pelas despesas per capita), que difere por um termo de erro multiplicativo da demanda do eleitor mediano por serviços públicos, o qual está incluído nos resíduos da equação de demanda. Em seguida, calcula-se o impacto do módulo deste “erro de percepção” sobre o desempenho eleitoral dos prefeitos utilizando modelos de seleção. O resultado sugere que o modelo do eleitor mediano é válido para o caso dos municípios brasileiros.

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