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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paauglių santykių su tėvais ypatumai ir tapatumo raida / Parents - adolescences relationship and identity relations

Šarkiūnienė, Daiva 23 May 2005 (has links)
Adolescence is a transitional period from childhood to adulthood. It is important now to acquire asn indenpedance, to find identity.

Paauglių, gyvenančių globos namuose psichosocialinės problemos, jų sprendimo kryptys ir vadovų vaidmuo šiame procese / Personal and psychosocial problems of the teenagers living in the house of wardship

Paškevičienė, Tatjana 17 June 2005 (has links)
Personal and psychosocial problems of the teenagers living in the house of wardship, the opportunities oh their prevention and correction are discussed in this paper. A lot of scientific literature analysis is presented in it. You can also get acquainted with the formation of inner harmony in childhood and adolescence too. The peculiarities of teenagers` communication with contemporaries and adults as well as teenagers` psychological peculiarities and problems of social development are discussed there. The fields of activities of heads, teachers and nurses of training institutions, having connection with teenagers living in the houses of wardship, are analysed in the writing. There are also revealed qualitatively new and important spheres of activities, in which you can improve training work, while working with teenagers from the home of wardship in the gymnasium, basic school and home of wardship itself, solving their psychosocial problems. The research was done in 2004. The experimental group was organized from 30 teenagers from the house of wardship as well as similar control groups contemporaries of which live in their parent’s houses. Two methods were used, for questioning. The first method was devoted to reveal the personality of a teenager and psychosocial problems. The second method was devoted to the heads of the training institution and teachers. The research analysis proved to show that the teenagers of the houses of wardship are characteristic of specific problems... [to full text]

Isteroidinių paauglių elgesio/ elgsenos koregavimo galimybės / Demonstratyve type of character

Martinaitis, Ainas 09 June 2004 (has links)
SUMMARY This work examines behaviour/manner correction options of hysteroidal type of character. Analyzing behaviour of adolescents possessing hysteroidal (demonstrative) type of character has been observed that this subject has been much examined neither in scientific pedagogical literature nor in pedagogical practice. This phenomenon has been the subject of investigation psychological and psychiatric researches. However, considering both scientific literature and pedagogical practice we have noticed that educators oftentimes have to cope with children possessing different types of character accentuations and thus they are to refer to psychologists and social educators for help. Object of research: adolescents possessing hysteroidal (demonstrative) type of character aged from 13 to 18 Aim of research: behaviour/manner correction options of hysteroidal type of character Methods of research: Theoretical Exploration and summarizing of the scientific resources concerned the work theme. Empirical Schoolchildren Questionnaire to determine the hysteroidal character type of accentuation Observation Statistical Mathematical statistical summary of collected data, study analysis Hypothesis Adolescents possessing hysteroidal type of character undergo behaviour problems which can not be eliminated; however, these problems can be adjusted to facilitate individual socialization. The aim of the research has been to ascertain how hysteroidal adolescents are regarded in peer group, how... [to full text]

Socialinės paramos bendraamžių grupių atstumtiems paaugliams įvertinimas / Social support contemporaries groups offcast teenagers estimation

Jaškulis, Aurelijus 08 June 2005 (has links)
There are many influential social factors which influence teenagers personality formation, but today the most important personality socialization factors is a group of contemporaries. Repudiation is connected with undesirable behavior consequences. One of the most important personality socialization factors is a group of contemporaries. Repudiation is connected with undesirable behaviour consequences. Most often repudiation from contemporaries groups reveals in teens and becomes apparent in disability to accommodate with contemporaries behavior’ culture. The index of dependence difficulties in contemporaries groups are getting into conflicts, aggressive behavior, unnature behavior forms and low self esteem. The review of scientific literature and researches in Lithuania has showed that peculiarities of contemporary groups and repudiation factors has been rarely analysed in the sociological studies. The social workers lack experience and complex model to help teenagers in this problem. The aim of this work was set to reveal the specific features of contemporary groups, the factors of repudiation from these groups and foresees the intensity of social assistance.

Paauglių laisvalaikio užimtumo organizavimas bendruomenėje: veikla ir lūkesčiai / Organization of adolescent pastime in a community: activity and expectations

Slavėnienė, Rasa 28 December 2007 (has links)
Paauglystė – tai vienas iš svarbiausių gyvenimo tarpsnių, kai individas iš vaiko palaipsniui tampa suaugusiuoju, bando atsiskirti nuo tėvų, šeimos, tapti savarankišku ir nepriklausomu. Todėl šiuo laikotarpiu labai svarbūs yra santykiai bendruomenėje tarp paauglių ir suaugusiųjų, kurie turėtų būti pagrįsti pasitikėjimu, tolerancija, abipuse pagalba. Tad labai svarbu, kad būdamas bendruomenėje ir socializacijos procese, priimdamas vertybes, tradicijas, papročius, paauglys formuotų savo gyvenimo vertybių pagrindą. Tyrimo tikslas: Atskleisti paauglių užimtumo realybės gyvenvietės bendruomenėje ir paauglių lūkesčių sąsajas. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Apibūdinti paauglystės amžiaus tarpsnio specifiškumą ir gebėjimą socializuotis bendruomenėje. 2. Aprašyti gyvenvietės bendruomenės veiklą, organizuojant paauglių laisvalaikį. 3. Atskleisti gyvenvietės paauglių laisvalaikio užimtumo lūkesčių ir bendruomenės organizuojamos veiklos sąsajas. / Adolescence is one of the most important periods of life, when an individual from a child gradually develops into an adult, he/ she tries to separate himself / herself from parents, family, to become self-determined and independent. That is why relations in the community among adolescents and adults are very important during this period. They should be based on trust, tolerance, and mutual help. Thus, it is very important for an adolescent to form the fundamentals of his/ her life values in the community and during the process of socialization through the acceptance of its values, traditions and customs. Aim of the research: To reveal the correlation between the reality of adolescent pastime activities in a village community and adolescent expectations. Research objectives: 1. To describe the specificity of adolescence and ability to socialize in a community. 2. To describe the activities of a village community while organizing adolescent pastime. 3. To reveal the correlation between village adolescent pastime expectations and the activities organized by the village community.

Prevencija žalingų įpročių darbe su paaugliais / Prevention is defined as risk control science

Diržinauskienė, Vaidutė 15 June 2006 (has links)
The subject of the prevention of bad habits (smoking, drinking and using drugs) in the work with teenagers was settled by the situation in Lithuania – the problem is rapidly spreading usage of narcotics. Prevention is defined as risk control science, where achievements of modern management should be aimed. Complicated and contradictory process of personality’s development in adolescence is reviewed wichly in this work. The authoress presents the pedagogical – psychological characteristic of teenager, also factors influencing the teenager’s psychosocial development. The reasons of the formation of bad habits in adolescence and the tasks of the initial prevention are specified on the ground of the modern motion of dependences. Seeking the efficiency of the prevention, the special competence of parents and teachers and the strategy of their common efforts should be reached. The authoress specifies the role of parents (family) and teachers (school) fighting against unhealthy habits among teenagers (11 – 16 year olds) The prevention education of the usage o drugs is considered to be the process of the formation of pupils’ psychological – social competence. All stages of the initial prevention at the school are discussed in consecutive order in this work: forming of healthy way of living and training of resistance for negative occurrences; giving of skilled information about harm of drugs usage; organizing of free - time after lessons. In order to clear up, do school communities... [to full text]

Sociokultūrinės aplinkos įtaka paauglių gyvenimo būdui / Effect of socio-cultural environment to the life of adolescents

Drevinskienė, Ilona 08 June 2004 (has links)
Effect of socio-cultural environment to the life stile of adolescents The purpose of this survey is to reveal the relation between the socio-cultural environment of adolescents and their life stile. In the process of writing this paper the following targets were announced: 1. To analyse and summarize scientific literature which analyses the issues of life stile. 2. In the form of questionnaire survey to study the peculiarities of life stile of the adolescents, who live in town and in the country and who belong to different social classes. The survey was carried out in the town of Šiauliai and its region in 2004. 166 respondents of grades 9-10 from secondary and basic schools of Šiauliai and its region took part in the survey. The data of the survey revealed that the main factors affecting the life stile of adolescents are the place of residence and social stratification of the family. The influence of the above-mentioned factors was revealed in accordance to four components: values, relations with parents, relations with adolescents of the same age and free time. Moreover, the survey showed the contrast among the town and countryside adolescents from economically strong and weak families. The adolescents who live in town value friends (x = 3,62) and health (x = 4,13) more, whereas the adolescents who live in the country value their parents (x = 3,49). These values are also preferred by the adolescents from economically strong families. The adolescents, who live in the... [to full text]

Blogai besimokančių mokinių asmenybės ir elgesio ypatumai / Peculiarities of miserable student‘ s individual and behavior

Neniškienė, Ina 15 June 2005 (has links)
Neniškienė I. Peculiarities of miserable student‘ s individual and behavior. A supervisor -Barkauskaitė M. There were implemented reforms of education during ten years. These reforms determined progress of education in Lithuania. However, the youth which is studying does not get qualified primary and secondary education, they cannot compete with our society. A school like an institution is not perfect. There are lots of influences ( surroundings’ conditions which form children’ s disfavour for school, reluctance to attend school and diminish wish to study and schoolgirl’ s and schoolboy’ s attitudes, viewpoints and values which are formed in these conditions ) , which determine a reluctance to study directly or indirectly. There are statements which are located. Firstly, the features of miserable students influence miserable school work. Secondly, an incapability to study good postulates negative attitude to studies, estimation of themselves, conflicts between teachers and classmates. Finally, some special social pedagogical reasons govern miserable school work. These reasons lie in family, in individual, at school and in society. There were participate students ( which do not get good marks ) from 5- 10 forms in the investigation. The main purpose of the investigation- to display individual’s and behavior’ s peculiarity of miserable students. The goals of the investigation: to find pedagogical and psychological literature and discuss theoretical aspects of the... [to full text]

Socialinė pagalba probleminio elgesio paaugliams / Social help to teenagers with problematic behaviour

Keršienė, Zita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Sunkiai auklėjami, rizikos grupės, asocialaus, deviantinio ar delinkventinio elgesio, nusižengę ar nusikaltę vaikai – terminai, kuriuos naudoja teoretikai ir praktikai kalbėdami apie vaikus dėl savo elgesio tampančiais problema tiek sau patiems, tiek valstybei bei visuomenei. Dėl šios priežasties terminas „probleminio elgesio vaikai“ yra pakankamai aiškus ir platus. Jame „ telpa“ ir vaikai, kurių elgesys neatitinka visuomenėje nusistovėjusių elgesio normų ir yra vertinamas, kaip baustina veika, nusikaltimas, ir vaikai, linkę pažeisti priimtas teisės , moralės, elgesio normas, egzistuojančias tradicijas ir papročius, tačiau neįvykdantys rimtų teisės pažeidimų, nusikaltimų. / Sustaining scientific and methodical literature I discussed teenagers psychological issues. I looked at the documents which are regulating social help presentation. I discussed social help’s problematic issues for teenagers in the schools. I explored how social help is organized for problematic behaviour teenagers. Ten respondents was participating in the assay and giving social help to the teenagers. I did the assay in interview method. After I summarised the assay I found that. Giving social help to the problematic behaviour students you also have to communicate with their parents. To give the best social help to the problematic behaviour students specialists has to work in the team.

Laisvalaikis ir paauglių vertybinės orientacijos / Leisure and teenages values orientations

Dzervan, Alina 01 August 2012 (has links)
Svarbią paauglio gyvenimo dalį sudaro laisvalaikis, kurio metu vyksta aktyvus socialinės komunikacijos procesas. Todėl kalbant apie veiksnius, darančius įtaką paauglio psichosocialinei raidai, svarbus tampa laisvalaikio pasirinkimas. Labai svarbu pažinti paauglių laisvalaikio praleidimo būdus ir jų moralines vertybes. Vienas didžiausių bendro nusikalstamumo variklių šiandien yra vaikų ir paauglių neužimtumas. Sėkmingai išsprendus paauglių užimtumo problemą bei tikslingai organizuojant jų laisvalaikį, galima tikėtis teigiamų pokyčių šiose abiejose srityse. Magistro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro teorinė, metodinė ir praktinė dalys, darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados. Pirmoje darbo dalyje analizuojama lietuvių ir užsienio autorių literatūra paauglių laisvalaikio organizavimo ir vertybinių orientacijų formavimosi tematika. Pateikiama laisvalaikio sampratų istorinė kaita, analizuojama šiuolaikinė laisvalaikio samprata, formos, funkcijos. Taip pat apžvelgiama laisvalaikio reikšmė paauglių vertybinių orientacijų ugdyme. Analizuojami veiksniai, įtakojantys paauglių vertybinių orientacijų formavimąsi: šeima, mokykla, žiniasklaida. Pateikiami laisvalaikio organizavimo edukologiniu aspektu pagrindai: apžvelgiama papildomo ugdymo reikšmė, funkcijos, formos, principai bei neformalaus ugdymo organizavimo principai. Antroje darbo dalyje pateikiama tyrimo metodika ir organizavimas. Trečioje darbo dalyje atliekamas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - ištirti 7–10 klasių moksleivių popamokinę veiklą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Leisure takes quite important place in teenages life, when the process of active social communication is going on. So when we are talking about the factors which affect psychological development of the teenages, the choice of leisure types becomes very important. It is very important to find out the types of teenages leisure activities also their moral values. The most powerfull engine of nowadays criminality - is vacancy of the kids and teenages. We could expect positive changes in both these areas if we would solve the problem of teenages employment and organize the leisure time specifically. This Master‘s final work consists of theoretical, methodical and practical parts, the findings are presented in the end of this work A literature of Lithuanian and foreign authors which describes the organization of teenages leisure and formation of teenages values orientations is analyzed in the first part of the work. There are presented historical change of leisure conceptions, the analysis of the contemporary conception of leisure, forms and fuctions of the leisure. We also take a look at the meaning of leisure time in education of formation of teenages values orientations. There is made analysis of the factors which affects the formation of teenages values orientations: family, school, mass media. There are given the basics for organization of the leisure in educology aspect: there are presented the meaning of additional education, functions, forms, principles and the principles... [to full text]

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