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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Usability of navigation tools in software for browsing genetic sequences

Rutherford, Paul January 2008 (has links)
Software to display and analyse DNA sequences is a crucial tool for bioinformatics research. The data of a DNA sequence has a relatively simple format but the length and sheer volume of data can create difficulties in navigation while maintaining overall context. This is one reason that current bioinformatics applications can be difficult to use. This research examines techniques for navigating through large single DNA sequences and their annotations. Navigation in DNA sequences is considered here in terms of the navigational activities: exploration, wayfinding and identifying objects. A process incorporating user-centred design was used to create prototypes involving panning and zooming of DNA sequences. This approach included a questionnaire to define the target users and their goals, an examination of existing bioinformatics applications to identify navigation designs, a heuristic evaluation of those designs, and a usability study of prototypes. Three designs for panning and five designs for zooming were selected for development. During usability testing, users were asked to perform common navigational activities using each of the designs. The “Connected View” design was found to be the most usable for panning while the “Zoom Slider” design was best for zooming and most useful zooming tool for tasks involving browsing. For some tasks the ability to zoom was unnecessary. The research provides important insights into the expectations that researchers have of bioinformatics applications and suitable methods for designing for that audience. The outcomes of this type of research can be used to help improve bioinformatics applications so that they will be truly usable by researchers.

Zoneamento ambiental de um setor do parque estadual da Cantareira e entorno seccionado pela rodovia Fernão Dias (BR381) / Environmental zoning of a segment of Parque Estadual da Cantareira (Cantareira State Park) and its borders crossed by Fernão Dias Highway (BR 381)

Dimas Antonio da Silva 18 April 2006 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta o zoneamento ambiental de um setor do Parque Estadual da Cantareira e entorno seccionado pela Rodovia Fernão Dias (BR 381). Foi realizado com base em uma abordagem sistêmica, considerando-se a integração das informações referentes ao meio físico-biótico, uso da terra e aspectos legais, obtidas por meio de levantamentos bibliográfico e cartográfico, interpretação de produtos de sensores remotos e trabalhos de campo. A área de estudo apresenta três setores bem distintos: na face norte observa-se uma ocupação esparsa entremeada por remanescentes florestais expressivos; na face sul ocorre uma maior diversidade de classes de uso da terra, caracterizada por áreas urbanas consolidadas e em processo de urbanização, atividades hortifrutigranjeiras, pedreiras, aterros sanitários, reflorestamentos e cobertura florestal mais fragmentada; separando estas duas faces, destaca-se o Parque Estadual da Cantareira coberto, em quase sua totalidade, pela floresta nativa. Verificou-se que os instrumentos de planejamento urbano e a legislação ambiental incidentes na área não foram eficientes no controle da expansão da mancha urbana em direção ao Parque, ocasionando a ocupação de setores frágeis do ponto de vista geomorfológico e a degradação ambiental. A proposta de zoneamento ambiental e as recomendações apresentadas procuram subsidiar a revisão do plano de manejo do Parque, colaborar para definição de sua zona de amortecimento, de modo a reverter a tendência crescente de isolamento desta unidade de conservação no contexto urbano, e contribuir para sua preservação, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade ambiental da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. / This study presents the zoning considering a segment of Cantareira State Park (Parque Estadual da Cantareira). This segment is crossed by Fernão Dias Highway (BR 381). This research was conducted based on a systematic approach, considering the integration of information related to the physical and biotic environment, land use, and law aspects, gathered via literature review, cartographic materials, interpretation of the remote sensing outcomes and fieldwork. The studied area presents three well defined segments: the north-facing segment allows observation of sparse occupation with expression of forest remainders, the south-facing segment presents a higher diversity of categories of land use, characterized by urban areas and areas in process of urbanization, horticultural activities, stone extraction areas, sanitary waste dump area, reforestation and a fragmented forest. The Cantareira State Park (Parque Estadual da Cantareira) separates these two areas, and it is almost entirely covered by the native forest. I could verify that urban planning instruments and environmental legislation in the studied area were not efficient in controlling the urban expansion directed to the park, allowing the urbanization of fragile segments from a geomorphologic standpoint and, also, environmental degradation. The purpose of environmental zoning and the recommendations presented here aim at subsidizing the park management plan review, supporting the definition of its buffer zone, as a way of reverting the increasing trend of isolation of this urban conservation unit, and contributing to its conservation, providing for the improvement of the environmental quality within the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo.

Etude des déterminants du paludisme chez les militaires français déployés en Guyane dans le cadre de la lutte contre l’orpaillage illégal / Determinants of malaria among French armed forces involved in military operation to control and reduce illegal gold mining in French Guiana

Pommier de Santi, Vincent 27 June 2017 (has links)
Les militaires français sont engagés depuis 2002 dans des opérations de lutte contre l’orpaillage illégal en Guyane. Malgré un programme de prévention du paludisme dimensionné et organisé, ces opérations se sont accompagnées d’une augmentation de l’incidence du paludisme. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’identifier les déterminants humains, vectoriels et parasitaires du paludisme en Guyane. La première partie de cette thèse permet de mieux décrire le faciès épidémiologique du paludisme en forêt guyanaise. Nous avons clairement établi le lien entre paludisme et orpaillage illégal. Une étude, menée en milieu orpailleur a démontré l’existence de foyers de paludisme hyperendémiques, avec une prédominance de P. falciparum et un risque d’émergence de résistance aux traitements combinés à base d’artémisinine. Les investigations entomologiques ont permis de confirmer le rôle d’Anopheles darlingi comme vecteur majeur du paludisme en forêt mais aussi l’existence d’une activité de piqûre diurne sous la canopée. Elles ont permis en outre de mieux identifier les autres vecteurs secondaires en forêt : An. nuneztovari et An. triannulatus, mais surtout An. ininii et An. marajoara. En seconde partie, une étude de cohorte en population militaire a permis d’estimer l’exposition au paludisme par l’utilisation d’outils sérologiques. La distribution des preuves sérologiques d’une infection palustre était en faveur d’une exposition plus fréquente à P. falciparum. Les taux d’incidence des infections étaient de 40 pour 100 personnes années que ce soit pour P. falciparum ou P. vivax. Le seul facteur protecteur était l’observance parfaite de la chimioprophylaxie par doxycycline. / Since 2002, French armed forces are involved in operations against illegal gold mining in French Guiana. Despite a properly dimensioned prevention program against malaria conducted, a drastic increase of malaria incidence has been observed among military personnel. The first part of this thesis aimed to describe the determinants of malaria in French Guiana forest, including human, vector and parasite features. We have established the link between malaria among military personnel and illegal gold mining sites. A study conducted among gold miners’ population has shown hyperendemic malaria foci in the rain forest, mainly due to P. falciparum, and highlighted a real risk for emergence of artemisinin resistance. Entomologic investigations supported that Anopheles darlingi is the main vector for malaria in rain forest. In addition, we have demonstrated the existence of daytime biting activity by An. darlingi in the forest, which might play a key role in malaria epidemic outbreaks among military personnel. Other sylvatic vectors were identified, as An. nuneztovari and An. triannulatus, but especially An. ininii and An. marajoara. The second part of the thesis, focused on a prospective cohort study conducted among French military population, highlighted real malaria exposure using serological tools. Serological evidences of Plasmodium infection (SEI) were more frequent for P. falciparum than P. vivax, in agreement with our findings in illegal gold miners’ population. SEI incidence rates were high, around 40 per 100 person-years for P. falciparum and P. vivax. Only complete compliance to malaria chemoprophylaxis using daily 100 mg doxycycline protected against malaria infection.

Regionalização e federalismo sanitário no Brasil / Regionalization and health federalism in Brazil

Dourado, Daniel de Araujo 27 April 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o propósito de examinar as implicações da estrutura federativa brasileira no processo de regionalização das ações e serviços de saúde do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). A ideia nuclear é que, por sua natureza federativa, a regionalização da saúde no Brasil deve realizar-se no contexto das relações intergovernamentais fundadas na configuração institucional do federalismo cooperativo do país e em sua expressão na área da saúde. O método empregado inclui a utilização de material bibliográfico e a incorporação de componentes de investigação empírica. A análise desenvolvida baseia-se numa abordagem diacrônica do federalismo, tomando-o como princípio organizador do Estado que se manifesta em suas diversas dimensões. Desse modo, o fenômeno do federalismo é estudado em função de sua evolução no tempo e, de forma concatenada, partindo de seus aspectos gerais em direção aos específicos que se exprimem no Estado brasileiro e particularmente no âmbito da saúde. O federalismo sanitário brasileiro é abordado a partir de seu ingresso no ordenamento constitucional, identificando dois períodos bem delimitados de formação: a descentralização e a regionalização. Agregam-se elementos empíricos de pesquisa em que a regionalização da saúde é caracterizada a partir de concepções expressas por atores políticos que representam as perspectivas das três esferas de governo. Os condicionantes do processo de regionalização do SUS são então explorados à luz do referencial teórico do federalismo em três dimensões de análise: base normativa, estrutura de financiamento e dinâmica política. Assim, identificam-se pontos facilitadores e entraves para a regionalização e apontam-se possibilidades para a efetivação dessa diretriz organizativa no SUS. Conclui-se que a regionalização da saúde no Brasil está apoiada em arcabouço normativo bem definido, proveniente da assimilação dos princípios do federalismo cooperativo no direito sanitário brasileiro, e que encontra obstáculos derivados do modelo federativo de financiamento e relacionados ao funcionamento das relações intergovernamentais instituídas no SUS. / This study aims to examine the implications of Brazilian federal structure in the regionalization process of healthcare services of the national health system (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS). The core idea is that, by its federal nature, the regional health planning in Brazil must take place in context of intergovernmental relations founded on the institutional configuration of cooperative federalism in the country and on its expression in health. The method includes the use of bibliographic material and incorporation of empirical research components. The analysis is based on a diachronic approach, taking federalism as an organizing principle of State which is manifested in its various dimensions. Therefore, the phenomenon of federalism is studied in terms of its evolution in time and, so concatenated, starting with its general aspects towards specific ones which are expressed in the Brazilian State and particularly in health. The Brazilian health federalism is approached from its entry into the constitutional order, with two clearly defined development periods: decentralization and regionalization. Empirical elements are added from a study in which health regionalization is characterized from ideas expressed by political actors representing the perspectives of three levels of government. The conditioning factors of SUS regional health planning are then explored in light of the federalism theoretical framework taking three dimensions of analysis: normative basis, funding structure and political dynamics. Thus, facilitators and barriers to regional health planning are identified and opportunities for actualizing this organizational guideline in SUS are indicated. It is concluded that health regionalization in Brazil is supported by well-defined regulatory framework, proceeding from assimilation of cooperative federalism principles in Brazilian health law, and that it has obstacles derived from the federal model of financing and related to the operation of intergovernmental relations established in SUS

Audio content processing for automatic music genre classification : descriptors, databases, and classifiers

Guaus, Enric 21 September 2009 (has links)
Aquesta tesi versa sobre la classificació automàtica de gèneres musicals, basada en l'anàlisi del contingut del senyal d'àudio, plantejant-ne els problemes i proposant solucions. Es proposa un estudi de la classificació de gèneres musicals des del punt de vista computacional però inspirat en teories dels camps de la musicologia i de la percepció. D'aquesta manera, els experiments presentats combinen diferents elements que influeixen en l'encert o fracàs de la classificació, com ara els descriptors d'àudio, les tècniques d'aprenentatge, etc. L'objectiu és avaluar i comparar els resultats obtinguts d'aquests experiments per tal d'explicar els límits d'encert dels algorismes actuals, i proposar noves estratègies per tal de superar-los. A més a més, partint del processat de la informació d'àudio, s'inclouen aspectes musicals i culturals referents al gènere que tradicionalment no han estat tinguts en compte en els estudis existents. En aquest context, es proposa l'estudi de diferents famílies de descriptors d'àudio referents al timbre, ritme, tonalitat o altres aspectes de la música. Alguns d'aquests descriptors són proposats pel propi autor mentre que d'altres ja són perfectament coneguts. D'altra banda, també es comparen les tècniques d'aprenentatge artificial que s'usen tradicionalment en aquest camp i s'analitza el seu comportament davant el nostre problema de classificació. També es presenta una discussió sobre la seva capacitat per representar els diferents models de classificació proposats en el camp de la percepció. Els resultats de la classificació es comparen amb un seguit de tests i enquestes realitzades sobre un conjunt d'individus. Com a resultat d'aquesta comparativa es proposa una arquitectura específica de classificadors que també està raonada i explicada en detall. Finalment, es fa un especial èmfasi en comparar resultats dels classificadors automàtics en diferents escenaris que pressuposen la barreja de bases de dades, la comparació entre bases de dades grans i petites, etc. A títol de conclusió, es mostra com l'arquitectura de classificació proposada, justificada pels resultats dels diferents anàlisis, pot trencar el límit actual en tasques de classificació automàtica de gèneres musicals. De manera condensada, es pot dir que aquesta tesi contribueix al camp de la classificació de gèneres musicals en els següents aspectes: a) Proporciona una revisió multidisciplinar delsgèneres musicals i la seva classificació; b)Presenta una avaluació qualitativa i quantitativa de les famílies de descriptors d'àudio davant el problema de la classificació de gèneres; c) Avalua els pros i contres de les diferents tècniques d'aprenentatge artificial davant el gènere; d) Proposa una arquitectura nova de classificador d'acord amb una visió interdisciplinar dels gèneres musicals; e) Analitza el comportament de l'arquitecturaproposada davant d'entorns molt diversos en el que es podria implementar el classificador. / Esta tesis estudia la clasificación automática degéneros musicales, basada en el análisis delcontenido de la señal de audio, planteando sus problemas y proponiendo soluciones. Sepropone un estudio de la clasificación de los géneros musicales desde el punto de vista computacional, pero inspirado en teorías de los campos de la musicología y la percepción. De este modo, los experimentos persentados combinan distintos elementos que influyen en el acierto o fracaso de la clasificación, como por ejemplo los descriptores de audio, las técnicas de aprondiza je, etc. El objetivo es comparar y evaluar los resultados obtenidos de estos experimentos para explicar los límites de las tasas de acierto de los algorismos actuales, y proponer nuevas estrategias para superarlos. Además, partiendo del procesado de la información de Audio, se han incluido aspectos musicales y culturales al género que tradicionalmente no han sido tomados en cuenta en los estudios existentes. En este contexto, se propone el estudio de distintas famílias de descriptores de audio referentes al timbre, al ritmo, a la tonalidad o a otros aspectos de la música. Algunos de los descriptores son propuestos por el mismo autor, mientras que otros son perfectamente conocidos. Por otra parte, también se comparan las técnicas de aprendiza je artificial que se usan tradicionalmente, y analizamos su comportamiento en frente de nuestro problema de clasificación. Tambien planteamos una discusión sobre su capacidad para representar los diferentes modelos de clasificación propuestos en el campo de la percepción. Estos resultados de la clasificación se comparan con los resultados de unos tests y encuestas realizados sobre un conjunto de individuos. Como resultado de esta comparativa se propone una arquitectura específica de clasificadores que tambien está razonada y detallada en el cuerpo de la tesis. Finalmente, se hace un émfasis especial en comparar los resultados de los clasificadores automáticos en distintos escenarios que assumen la mezcla de bases de datos, algunas muy grandes y otras muy pequeñas, etc. Como conclusión, mostraremos como la arquitectura de clasificación propuesta permite romper el límite actual en el ámbito de la classificación automática de géneros musicales.De forma condensada, se puede decir que esta tesis contribuye en el campo de la clasificación de los géneros musicales el los siguientes aspectos: a) Proporciona una revisión multidisciplinar de los géneros musicales y su clasificación; b) Presenta una evaluación cualitativa y cuantitativa de las famílias de descriptores de audio para la clasificación de géneros musicales; c) Evalua los pros y contras de las distintas técnicas de aprendiza je artificial delante del género; d) Propone una arquitectura nueva del clasificador de acuerdo con una visión interdisciplinar de los géneros musicales; e) Analiza el comportamiento de la arquitectura propuesta delante de entornos muy diversos en los que se podria implementar el clasificador. / This dissertation presents, discusses, and sheds some light on the problems that appear when computers try to automatically classify musical genres from audio signals. In particular, a method is proposed for the automatic music genre classification by using a computational approach that is inspired in music cognition and musicology in addition to Music Information Retrieval techniques. In this context, we design a set of experiments by combining the different elements that may affect the accuracy in the classification (audio descriptors, machine learning algorithms, etc.). We evaluate, compare and analyze the obtained results in order to explain the existing glass-ceiling in genre classification, and propose new strategies to overcome it. Moreover, starting from the polyphonic audio content processing we include musical and cultural aspects of musical genre that have usually been neglected in the current state of the art approaches. This work studies different families of audio descriptors related to timbre, rhythm, tonality and other facets of music, which have not been frequently addressed in the literature. Some of these descriptors are proposed by the author and others come from previous existing studies. We also compare machine learning techniques commonly used for classification and analyze how they can deal with the genre classification problem. We also present a discussion on their ability to represent the different classification models proposed in cognitive science. Moreover, the classification results using the machine learning techniques are contrasted with the results of some listening experiments proposed. This comparison drive us to think of a specific architecture of classifiers that will be justified and described in detail. It is also one of the objectives of this dissertation to compare results under different data configurations, that is, using different datasets, mixing them and reproducing some real scenarios in which genre classifiers could be used (huge datasets). As a conclusion, we discuss how the classification architecture here proposed can break the existing glass-ceiling effect in automatic genre classification. To sum up, this dissertation contributes to the field of automatic genre classification: a) It provides a multidisciplinary review of musical genres and its classification; b) It provides a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of families of audio descriptors used for automatic classification; c) It evaluates different machine learning techniques and their pros and cons in the context of genre classification; d) It proposes a new architecture of classifiers after analyzing music genre classification from different disciplines; e) It analyzes the behavior of this proposed architecture in different environments consisting of huge or mixed datasets.

Regionalização e federalismo sanitário no Brasil / Regionalization and health federalism in Brazil

Daniel de Araujo Dourado 27 April 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o propósito de examinar as implicações da estrutura federativa brasileira no processo de regionalização das ações e serviços de saúde do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). A ideia nuclear é que, por sua natureza federativa, a regionalização da saúde no Brasil deve realizar-se no contexto das relações intergovernamentais fundadas na configuração institucional do federalismo cooperativo do país e em sua expressão na área da saúde. O método empregado inclui a utilização de material bibliográfico e a incorporação de componentes de investigação empírica. A análise desenvolvida baseia-se numa abordagem diacrônica do federalismo, tomando-o como princípio organizador do Estado que se manifesta em suas diversas dimensões. Desse modo, o fenômeno do federalismo é estudado em função de sua evolução no tempo e, de forma concatenada, partindo de seus aspectos gerais em direção aos específicos que se exprimem no Estado brasileiro e particularmente no âmbito da saúde. O federalismo sanitário brasileiro é abordado a partir de seu ingresso no ordenamento constitucional, identificando dois períodos bem delimitados de formação: a descentralização e a regionalização. Agregam-se elementos empíricos de pesquisa em que a regionalização da saúde é caracterizada a partir de concepções expressas por atores políticos que representam as perspectivas das três esferas de governo. Os condicionantes do processo de regionalização do SUS são então explorados à luz do referencial teórico do federalismo em três dimensões de análise: base normativa, estrutura de financiamento e dinâmica política. Assim, identificam-se pontos facilitadores e entraves para a regionalização e apontam-se possibilidades para a efetivação dessa diretriz organizativa no SUS. Conclui-se que a regionalização da saúde no Brasil está apoiada em arcabouço normativo bem definido, proveniente da assimilação dos princípios do federalismo cooperativo no direito sanitário brasileiro, e que encontra obstáculos derivados do modelo federativo de financiamento e relacionados ao funcionamento das relações intergovernamentais instituídas no SUS. / This study aims to examine the implications of Brazilian federal structure in the regionalization process of healthcare services of the national health system (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS). The core idea is that, by its federal nature, the regional health planning in Brazil must take place in context of intergovernmental relations founded on the institutional configuration of cooperative federalism in the country and on its expression in health. The method includes the use of bibliographic material and incorporation of empirical research components. The analysis is based on a diachronic approach, taking federalism as an organizing principle of State which is manifested in its various dimensions. Therefore, the phenomenon of federalism is studied in terms of its evolution in time and, so concatenated, starting with its general aspects towards specific ones which are expressed in the Brazilian State and particularly in health. The Brazilian health federalism is approached from its entry into the constitutional order, with two clearly defined development periods: decentralization and regionalization. Empirical elements are added from a study in which health regionalization is characterized from ideas expressed by political actors representing the perspectives of three levels of government. The conditioning factors of SUS regional health planning are then explored in light of the federalism theoretical framework taking three dimensions of analysis: normative basis, funding structure and political dynamics. Thus, facilitators and barriers to regional health planning are identified and opportunities for actualizing this organizational guideline in SUS are indicated. It is concluded that health regionalization in Brazil is supported by well-defined regulatory framework, proceeding from assimilation of cooperative federalism principles in Brazilian health law, and that it has obstacles derived from the federal model of financing and related to the operation of intergovernmental relations established in SUS

Les fondements de REDD+ à l’épreuve des modèles de déforestation : cas d’étude sur le Plateau des Guyanes / The principles of REDD+ facing deforestation models : study case in the Guiana Shield

Dezécache, Camille 17 May 2017 (has links)
Depuis ses balbutiements au début des années 2000, la Réduction des Emissions liées à la Déforestation et la Dégradation forestière, plus connue sous le sigle REDD+, a peu à peu été admise comme un moyen indispensable des politiques globales de lutte contre le changement climatique. Reposant sur le concept de « déforestation évitée », elle nécessite la formulation d’un scénario de référence servant à évaluer les efforts des pays dans la maîtrise de leur niveau de déforestation. Ces scénarios sont au cœur de nombreux débats politiques et scientifiques. Cette thèse constitue une mise en perspective des principes de REDD+ avec, comme cas d’étude, le Plateau des Guyanes. Dans un premier temps, on présentera l’établissement d’un modèle spatialisé de déforestation pour la Guyane française, insistant sur la nécessité de se focaliser sur les moteurs socio-économiques de la déforestation. Ce constat sera renforcé, dans un second temps, par l’étude de la déforestation liée à l’orpaillage à l’échelle de l’ensemble du Plateau des Guyanes, montrant un impact très fort du cours de l’or et des contextes politiques sur le niveau déforestation. Ces résultats alimenteront une discussion critique du mécanisme REDD+, basé sur la formulation de scénarios de référence potentiellement très variables et fondés sur des déterminants davantage politiques que scientifiques, ouvrant ainsi la porte à un potentiel chantage environnemental. / Since its appearance at the beginning of the 2000’s, the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation, known as REDD+, has gradually been admitted as an indispensable option for global policies aiming at tackling climate change. Relying on the concept of « avoided deforestation », it requires the formulation of a reference scenario aiming at evaluating efforts made by the countries involved in controlling their level of deforestation. Those scenarios are facing numerous political and scientific debates. This thesis aims at putting into perspective the principles of REDD+, based on a study site covering the Guiana Shield. In a first step, the formulation of a spatialiazed deforestation model over French Guiana will be presented, insisting on the necessity to focus on socio-economic drivers of deforestation. This statement will be reinforced, in a second step, by the the study of deforestation due to gold mining in the Guiana Shield, showing a very strong effect of gold prices and national political contexts on deforestation. These results finally contribute to a critical discussion on REDD+ mechanism, based on the formulation of very variable reference scenarios, relying more on political than on scientific determinants, and potentially enabling the emergence of environmental blackmailing.

Epidémiologie du paludisme chez les personnes travaillant sur des sites d’orpaillage illégal en Guyane : Quels enjeux pour la santé publique ? / Epidemiology of malaria in persons working on illegal gold mining sites in French Guiana : challenges for public health

Douine, Maylis 09 June 2017 (has links)
Introduction : Bien que les données officielles fassent état d’une diminution globale du nombre de cas de paludisme en Guyane, les orpailleurs travaillant sur les sites illégaux au cœur de la forêt amazonienne semblent très touchés par cette pathologie. L’objectif principal de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence du paludisme dans cette population. Les objectifs secondaires évaluaient la proportion des différentes espèces plasmodiales et leur distribution géographique, le niveau de résistance des parasites aux dérivés de l’artémisinine, les connaissances attitudes et pratiques vis à vis de cette pathologie, et des données de santé de cette population. Matériel et méthodes : Les inclusions ont eu lieu sur les sites de repli des orpailleurs le long du fleuve Maroni. Après recueil du consentement éclairé, un test de diagnostic rapide du paludisme était effectué, ainsi qu’un questionnaire, un examen clinique, et un prélèvement de sang pour microscopie, PCR et tests de résistance (RSA et génotypage du gène pfK13 pour les PCR positives à Plasmodium falciparum). Résultats : De janvier à juin 2015, 421 orpailleurs ont été inclus, majoritairement des hommes (70,6%) brésiliens (93,8%), de médiane d’âge de 37 ans. La prévalence du portage de plasmodies déterminée par PCR était de 22,3% (IC95% : 18,3-26,3) à 84% asymptomatiques. Les espèces identifiées étaient principalement P. falciparum (47,9%) puis P. vivax (37,2%) avec 10,6% de coinfections. Lors du dernier accès palustre, 52,4% des orpailleurs avaient eu recours à l’automédication, majoritairement avec des dérivés de l’artémisinine (93,8%) avec une mauvaise observance (37,8%). Le fait d’être en Guyane était fortement associé à l’automédication (AOR=22,1). Le test RSA montrait un taux de survie supérieur à 1% pour un échantillon mais l’analyse du gène pfK13 ne mettait pas en évidence de mutations associées à la résistance à P. falciparum Discussion: La prévalence élevée de porteurs asymptomatiques de paludisme constitue un réservoir important pourla transmission du paludisme dans la région. L’utilisation massive de dérivés de l’artémisinine associée à une mauvaise observance sont des facteurs de risque d’émergence de résistance, ce qui entraînerait des conséquences sanitaires et économiques importantes. Avec une volonté politique, des actions sont possibles pour limiter ce risque, comme la distribution de kits d’autodiagnostic et d’auto-traitement avec une formation au niveau des sites de repli. / Introduction: Although official data show a global decrease of malaria in French Guiana, this disease often affects illegal gold miners working in the deep Amazonian forest. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the malaria prevalence in this population. The secondary objectives were to evaluate and map the proportion of Plasmodium species, to assess behavior, attitudes and practices regarding malaria in this population, to measure the artemisinin resistance level in parasites and to evaluate their general health. Material and methods: Inclusions took place at the gold miners’ resting sites, spread along the Maroni river. After recording their informed consent, a malaria rapid test was performed, as well as a questionnaire, a clinical exam and a blood sample for microscopy, PCR and resistance test (RSA and PfK13 genotyping for P. falciparum positive samples). Results: From January to June 2015, 421 gold miners were included, mainly men (sex ratio 2.4), Brazilian nationals (93.8%), with a median age of 37 years. Plasmodium prevalence using PCR was 22.3% (CI95%: 18.3 - 26.3), of whom 84% were asymptomatic. During the last malaria attack, 52.4% selfmedicated with artemisinin derivatives (93.8%) and a poor treatment adherence (37.8%). Being in French Guiana when the malaria attack occurred was strongly associated with selfmedication (AOR=22.1). One sample showed a survival rate higher than 1% in RSA test but PfK13 genotyping did not reveal any mutation in P. falciparum. Discussion: This high prevalence of asymptomatic carriers constitutes a huge reservoir for malaria transmission in the region. Massive use of artemisinin derivatives associated with poor treatment adherence are factors that may contribute to the emergence of artemisinin resistance. That would have huge sanitary and economical consequences. With political will, actions are possible to limit this risk, as the distribution of kits for self diagnosis and self-treatment with training on resting sites.

Simulace pohybu zdroje zvuku pro vícekanálovou reproduktorovou topologii / Simulation of sound source motion for multichannel speaker topology

Dvořák, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This paper describes the simulation of the motion of a sound source in space with several speakers. It deals mainly with the study and subsequent implementation of events necessary for simulating the motion of the virtual sound source. The theoretical part is therefore concerned with finding these phenomena and with their description. Mainly that means description of panning of the sound and of the Doppler effect. In the following practical part of the work, the previously described phenomena are applied into Matlab. In the created interface , it is then possible to select the parameters of the simulation, such as the trajectory of the motion of the virtual sound source, the number of the points of the trajectory, etc. Analyses of the generated signal are then made of the selected referential parameters of the simulation.

Localization and panning of musical sources within the context of a musical mix

Backlund, Alice January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, the research on the localization of audio objects within a stereo context has started to include musical audio objects. This study seeks to explore a research gap: localization ability whilst hearing multiple sounds. This study aims to investigate listeners’ ability to localize panned musical audio objects within a musical context. Subjects listened to two different versions of the same mix and were asked to simultaneously pan musical audio objects with different characteristics. When comparing the results from the different mixes, both mixes gave similar results. Therefore, the differences between the mixes had no impact on localization accuracy. Additionally, this study was able to reconstruct previous findings indicating that localization blur affects localization accuracy of wide-panned audio objects.

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